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(Assignment) Quiz 2

1.I would recommend starting work on upgrading cinemas to enhance the theater viewing experience,
including improving the quality of seating and sound systems. Second, seek partnerships with local
content creators and filmmakers to promote exclusive events and releases at Filmhouse theaters. At the
same time, focus on large cities where the middle class is growing, especially locations near shopping
malls, universities or transportation hubs. Start with a small number of flagship theaters to provide proof
of concept before expanding to a larger scale. Because the age group 0-14 years old here accounts for
43%, most of them will be students and cannot work yet, so discounts for students, 30-50% off for
students to attract students. For the majority of the population, sell tickets in groups, buy 3 tickets and get
1 free or 20% discount when buying 4 or more tickets. Sell front and back seats at a cheaper price than
the middle, launch discount code above. Social networks to attract customers online.

2.Positive aspects for Filmhouse in Nigeria include its large population, indicating a significant number of
potential customers. Additionally, Nigeria's emerging middle class, while still growing, offers the
opportunity to increase discretionary spending on entertainment. The strong presence of the film industry
(Nollywood) is another positive as it provides a source of local content for cinemas. However, challenges
include a significant wealth gap, which may limit the affordability of theater experiences for a significant
portion of the population. Additionally, competition from other entertainment options and home viewing
habits may influence theater attendance.

3.To address the wealth gap in Nigeria, Filmhouse could consider implementing pricing strategies that
cater to different income groups. This may involve offering tiered pricing, special promotions, or
discounts for specific demographic groups. Additionally, Filmhouse may explore partnerships with local
organizations and NGOs to sponsor film screenings or events for disadvantaged communities. These
initiatives aim to make the cinema experience more accessible to a wider population. Priority is given to
recruiting local people, training them to operate theaters, creating jobs. By creating jobs for the local
community, Filmhouse contributes to reducing unemployment and raising local living standards.
Partnering with local film studios produces affordable films. By partnering with local studios, Filmhouse
is able to provide diverse and affordable content to audiences.

4. Given the context of Nigeria's film industry, commonly known as "Nollywood", Filmhouse should
focus on Nollywood productions because
 Understanding the local market: Nollywood is an important part of Nigeria's cultural and
economic landscape, contributing about 1.5% of the country's GDP. By focusing on Nollywood
productions, Filmhouse is able to tap into a market that already has high popularity and demand.
 Cost-effective: Nollywood films are often produced on smaller budgets than Hollywood films.
This allows for lower acquisition costs and higher profit margins for Filmhouse.
 Cultural Relevance: Nollywood films are created by and for Nigerians, reflecting local stories,
cultures and experiences. This resonated strongly w
 ith local audiences, potentially leading to higher attendance rates.
 Market differentiation: While Hollywood movies are popular worldwide, Nollywood movies
have a special appeal to Nigerian audiences. By exclusively showcasing Nollywood productions,
Filmhouse can become a leading destination for local cinema.
 Collaboration opportunities: By focusing on Nollywood, Filmhouse is able to collaborate closely
with local filmmakers, actors and producers. This can lead to exclusive content, launches and
special events that further engage audiences.
 Supporting the local industry: By prioritizing Nollywood, Filmhouse contributes to the growth
and development of the local film industry, which has shown significant economic impact.
 While Hollywood films may have international appeal, local market dynamics and the success of
Nollywood suggest that prioritizing local production is a strategically sound approach to
Filmhouse expansion. in Nigeria. This strategy fits well with Nigeria's cultural diversity and
audience preferences.

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