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lesslessons from 'The Alchemistons from 'The Alchemist'essons from 'The Alchemist'

The Alchemist is a novel by Paulo Coelho that tells the story of Santiago, a young
shepherd who embarks on a journey to find his treasure and fulfill his destiny.
Along the way, he meets various characters and learns valuable lessons that can be
applied to anyone’s life. Here are some of the lessons from The Alchemist that you
might find useful: Follow your dreams. Santiago decides to pursue his personal
legend, which is the thing that he always wanted to accomplish. He does not let
fear, doubt, or comfort stop him from chasing his dream. He believes that the
universe will conspire to help him if he follows his heart. This lesson teaches us
to be brave and passionate about our goals, and to trust that we will find the way
to achieve them. Learn from your experiences. Santiago encounters many challenges
and obstacles on his journey, but he also gains wisdom and knowledge from them. He
learns from the people he meets, the places he visits, and the situations he faces.
He does not regret or resent his difficulties, but rather sees them as
opportunities to grow and improve. This lesson teaches us to be open-minded and
adaptable, and to appreciate the lessons that life offers us. Listen to your
intuition. Santiago often relies on his intuition, or his inner voice, to guide him
on his path. He pays attention to the signs and omens that the universe sends him,
and he follows his hunches and feelings. He does not ignore or dismiss his
intuition, but rather trusts it as a source of wisdom and direction. This lesson
teaches us to be in tune with ourselves and our surroundings, and to listen to our
inner voice when making decisions. Enjoy the journey. Santiago does not focus only
on his destination, but also on his journey. He enjoys the simple things in life,
such as the beauty of nature, the friendship of others, and the joy of living. He
does not take anything for granted, but rather expresses gratitude for everything
he has. He does not rush or hurry, but rather savors every moment of his adventure.
This lesson teaches us to be present and mindful, and to enjoy the journey as much
as the destination. These are some of the lessons from The Alchemist that I found
interesting and inspiring. You can read more about them in these articles: 10
Powerful Life Lessons from The Alchemist, The Alchemist Book: 5 Lessons That
Changed My Life, 3 Life Lessons from The Alchemist You Should Implement in Your
Life, Lessons from The Alchemist. I hope you find them helpful too. 😊 10 Powerful
Life Lessons from The Alchemist Graham Wynn Graham Wynn Building The BEST, not
biggest recruitment agency, Flat fee recruitment, 5% of base salary, 6 month
guarantee periods. Heard regularly on National radio and TV. Published Feb 3, 2020
+ Follow 10 Powerful Life Lessons from The Alchemist December 15, 2015 by Paulo
Coelho by Thai Nguyen Huffington Post This is an old article, but one that I feel
is still worth sharing The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is one of the best-selling
books in history. The story of Santiago, the shepherd boy on a journey to realize
his “Personal Legend” has inspired people all over the world to live their dreams.
Here are ten of the most popular passages and lessons to apply to your life: 1.
Fear is a bigger obstacle than the obstacle itself “Tell your heart that the fear
of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And that no heart has ever
suffered when it goes in search of its dreams, because every second of the search
is a second’s encounter with God and with eternity.” Any new pursuit requires
entering uncharted territory — that’s scary. But with any great risk comes great
reward. The experiences you gain in pursuing your dream will make it all
worthwhile. 2. What is “true” will always endure “If what one finds is made of pure
matter, it will never spoil. And one can always come back. If what you had found
was only a moment of light, like the explosion of a star, you would find nothing on
your return.” Truth cannot be veiled by smoke and mirrors — it will always stand
firm. When you’re searching for the “right” decision, it will be the one that
withstands the tests of time and the weight of scrutiny. 3. Break the monotony
“When each day is the same as the next, it’s because people fail to recognize the
good things that happen in their lives every day that the sun rises.” Gratitude is
the practice of finding the good in each day. Life can easily become stagnant,
mundane, and monotonous, but that changes depending on what we choose to see.
There’s always a silver lining, if you look for it. 4. Embrace the present “Because
I don’t live in either my past or my future. I’m interested only in the present. If
you can concentrate always on the present, you’ll be a happy man.” There’s no point
dwelling in the past and letting it define you, nor getting lost and anxious about
the future. But in the present moment, you’re in the field of possibility — how you
engage with the present moment will direct your life. 5. Your success has a ripple-
effect “That’s what alchemists do. They show that, when we strive to become better
than we are, everything around us becomes better, too.” Growth, change, and
evolution are weaved into the fabric of reality. Becoming a better version of
yourself creates a ripple effect that benefits everything around you: your
lifestyle, your family, your friends, your community. 6. Make the decision “When
someone makes a decision, he is really diving into a strong current that will carry
him to places he has never dreamed of when he first made the decision.” It’s easy
to get overwhelmed by the unknowns and finer details of your dreams. Actions will
flow out of having confidence in your decision; sitting on the fence will get you
nowhere. 7. Be unrealistic “I see the world in terms of what I would like to see
happen, not what actually does.” Some of the greatest inventions would not have
happened if people chose to accept the world as it is. Great achievements and
innovations begin with a mindset that ignores the impossible. 8. Keep getting back
up “The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times.”
Because the eighth time could be your breakthrough. Some of the greatest novels in
history were published after receiving hundreds of rejections. Thankfully, those
authors never gave up. 9. Focus on your own journey “If someone isn’t what others
want them to be, the others become angry. Everyone seems to have a clear idea of
how other people should lead their lives, but none about his or her own.” It’s easy
to be influenced by others, but you’ll be miserable if you end up living someone
else’s life. There’s nothing wrong with taking advice and learning from others, but
make sure it aligns with your desires and passions. 10. Always take action “There
is only one way to learn. It’s through action.” You can study, read, and listen
until you turn blue in the face, but the full experience is when you take action,
and let the rubber meet the road. Once you’re done aiming, pull the trigger. ………………
The Centrality of Personal Legends According to The Alchemist, Personal Legends
serve as the only means by which an individual can live a satisfying life. In fact,
the universe can only achieve perfection if all natural things continuously undergo
a cycle of achieving their Personal Legend, evolving into a higher being with a new
Personal Legend, and then pursuing that new goal. This concept, that the
individualistic pursuit of a Personal Legend exists as life’s dominant—perhaps only
—spiritual demand, lies at the center of the unique theology of The Alchemist. As
we see when Santiago must give up his flock and leave Fatima, material success and
even love pose obstacles to Santiago achieving his Personal Legend and must be
delayed or ignored altogether. Those who put off their Personal Legends, such as
the crystal merchant, suffer regret and fail to experience the wealth and other
favors that the universe bestows upon those who follow their Personal Legends. In
the novel, even alchemy, the central symbol of the book, entails coaxing metal to
achieve its own Personal Legend to turn into gold. As a result, the idea that all
individuals should live in the singular pursuit of their individual dreams emerges
as the primary theme of The Alchemist. Read about the related theme of the value
and purpose of dreams in Lorraine Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun. The Unity of
Nature In The Alchemist, the spiritual unity represented by the Soul of the World
binds together all of nature, from human beings to desert sand. This idea underlies
the parallel we see in the novel between the alchemist purifying metal into gold
and Santiago purifying himself into someone capable of achieving his Personal
Legend. According to the novel, the Soul of the World has created an ultimate
desire, or Personal Legend, for everything, whether Santiago or a piece of iron. To
accomplish its Personal Legend, each thing must learn to tap into the Soul of the
World, which purifies it. That continual purification ultimately leads to
perfection. This notion of humans, metals, and all other things sharing the same
goal demonstrates that all elements in nature are essentially different forms of a
single spirit. Furthermore, over and over again we see that Santiago must
communicate with nature in what the novel calls the common language of the world.
Santiago’s horse, for instance, communicates with him by showing him evidence of
life in an apparently barren expanse of desert, and Santiago must employ the help
of the desert, the wind, and the sun in order to turn into the wind. As the
alchemist says when he leaves Santiago, everything from a grain of sand to God
himself shares the same spiritual essence. This pantheistic view dominates The
Alchemist, and along
with the individual, evolutionary theology expressed in the theme of alchemy, it
forms the book’s core spiritual message. The Danger of Fear Fear persistently comes
up throughout Santiago’s journey as the primary obstacle to Santiago’s successfully
achieving his Personal Legend. Santiago experiences several forms of fear: a
childhood fear of having the gypsy woman interpret his dream; a material fear of
losing his wealth by departing to Tangier or by joining the desert caravan; the
physical fear of dying in the battle at Al-Fayoum; and the spiritual fear that he
will fail to turn himself into the wind when the alchemist forces him to try.
Santiago’s mentors, from Melchizedek to the alchemist, condemn fear by comparing it
to materialism, and they describe it as a product of misunderstanding how the
universe treats those pursuing their Personal Legends. Fear, they suggest, should
become irrelevant, even in the face of death, if you faithfully pursue your dreams.
Just as those who disregard fear appear as enlightened figures, fear dominates The
Alchemist’s weakest characters. The crystal merchant in particular represents
someone who has allowed fear to rule his life. Although he wants to make the
pilgrimage to Mecca required of every Muslim, he fears that once he’s made the trip
he will have nothing else to live for. As a result, he remains deeply unhappy,
reinforcing the notion that fear acts as an obstacle to a happy and fulfilled life.
/////////////// Searching for: Life Lessons from The Alchemist Generating answers
for you… You have asked about the life lessons from the book “The Alchemist” by
Paulo Coelho. This is a famous and beloved book that conveys profound and
meaningful messages about life, dreams and destiny. Here are some of the life
lessons that I can share with you: Dare to live with your own dreams. This is how
you can discover your “personal legend”, which is your purpose and meaning of life.
Like the main character Santiago, you have to have courage to leave behind the
familiar and safe things, and follow the call of your heart and explore the vast
world12. Listen to your heart. Your heart is the voice of your soul, the source of
inspiration and guidance for you in life. If you know how to listen to your heart,
you will recognize the signs and omens from the universe, which will help you
achieve your dreams12. Learn from others. On the path of pursuing your dreams, you
will meet different people, who can be companions, teachers, or enemies. Be open to
listen and learn from them, as they all bring valuable lessons for you, which will
help you grow and progress12. Never give up on your dreams. This is the main
message of the book. You have to trust in your destiny, and not let any
difficulties stop you. You have to be persistent and overcome the challenges, as
they are only ways to test your determination and faith12. Enjoy happiness in every
moment of life. Finally, you have to appreciate what you have, and not let your
dreams become obsession or burden. Live in the present, and find joy in the
simplest things. You will realize that happiness is not a destination, but a way of
living12. These are the life lessons that I learned from the book “The Alchemist”.
I hope that they will be useful for you, and help you have a meaningful and happy
life. Thank you for using Bing! 😊 /////////////////// 11 Lessons From The Alchemist
To Help You Escape Mediocrity The Bookshelf Why don’t more of us lead a life of
adventure—pursuing our passions and building a meaningful life? Paulo Coelho
tackles this question in The Alchemist. His conclusion? We don’t have the “courage
to confront our own dream.” Sounds harsh. But it makes sense. He claims four
obstacles stand in our way of a better life. Obstacle #1: As we get older, we’re
told it’s impossible for us to have what we truly want. So we bury our dreams deep
down until we forget about them. Obstacle #2: Love. How often do you hear people
claim they’d travel or take more risks if they weren’t “tied down” with a family?
Obstacle #3: Fear of failure. Most people would rather never try than risk failure
because once you try and fail, it’s hard to rationalize why you failed. If you
never try, it’s easier to claim you never cared about it or that, if you really
wanted it, you could do it. So what’s worse than the fear of failure? Obstacle #4:
Fear of success. Sometimes we fear success because so many others have failed. We
feel guilty and selfish for achieving success. It’s like survivor’s guilt: we
survived—we succeeded—when so many others haven’t. Why us? Why not them? We feel
like we don’t deserve to be happy, to have such a meaningful, purpose-driven life.
••• Coelho helps us navigate these obstacles through the story of a humble Spanish
shepherd boy who dreams of visiting the Great Pyramids of Egypt. We follow him on
his journey to achieve his Personal Legend as he travels through a treacherous
desert, struggles with self-doubt and real-world dangers like thieves and warring
desert tribes, and meets interesting people—including an alchemist who’s over 200
years old and who can turn lead into gold. If you decide to read this book—and you
should—keep this in mind: This book is written as a parable for children. Either
for actual children or to your inner younger self—the person you were when the
world was full of wonder and potential—before cynicism and burnout set in. So if
you’re not willing to revisit your long-buried dreams or embrace the fact you can
still pursue a meaningful life—regardless of how old you are—reading this book will
only remind you of how much you’ve given up and make you more bitter about it. Just
look at some of the Goodreads reviews—they’re full of miserable people complaining
about how the book tells you it’s possible to become self-actualized, but because
they haven’t done it—it’s delusional. Don’t be like those people. Don’t be a
miserable sad-sack. But if you’re willing to try “Round 2” to escape mediocrity and
pursue a more meaningful life—or you need motivation to keep going—I’ve put
together 11 lessons from The Alchemist to help you achieve your own Personal Legend
—so you can escape mediocrity, pursue your passions, and build a more meaningful
life. Let’s go. ••• Lesson #1: Complacency Kills In an early scene, the shepherd
boy is watching his flock of sheep and observes how complacent the sheep have
become: They were content with just food and water, and, in exchange, they
generously gave of their wool, their company, and—once in a while—their meat. If I
became a monster today, and decided to kill them, one by one, they would become
aware only after most of the flock had been slaughtered…They trust me, and they’ve
forgotten how to rely on their own instincts, because I lead them to nourishment.
How have your instincts been dulled by complacency and security? I have friends who
intentionally go out into the wilderness with minimal equipment to test their
survival skills. They say doing hard things keeps them sharp. One friend’s mantra
is, “Stay ready so you don’t have to get ready.” After observing his sheep, the boy
realizes he’s torn between pursuing his dream and staying in his comfort zone: Here
I am, between my flock and my treasure, the boy thought. He had to choose between
something he had become accustomed to and something he wanted to have. Complacency
kills creativity and innovation. It lulls us into disengaging from our lives—we go
on autopilot and coast through our day-to-day existence–slowly accepting a mediocre
existence. There’s nothing wrong with a salaried job. But that reliable paycheck
can scare you away from jumping ship when the job becomes soul-sucking. By all
means, work the job and save money so you have a safety net. But if you don’t want
to work that job for 40+ years of your life—the healthiest years you’ll have—beware
of being lulled into passivity by a steady paycheck. I’m not saying abandon your
responsibilities to join a traveling circus (although that’s a viable option). Look
for ways to uphold your responsibilities and pursue a meaningful life. At some
point, we all stand on the same precipice as the boy: step back into our small
lives and dream about bigger things, or step forward into the unknown to pursue a
purpose-driven life at the expense of our comfort zone. Which will you choose? •••
Lesson #2: Everything, and Everyone, Has a Purpose It’s easy to complain about our
lives. It’s easy to feel worthless when life doesn’t turn out how we expected. We
all struggle with insecurities. As he sets out on his journey, the boy starts to
complain about having to carry his jacket in the sweltering afternoon heat, but
then he reminds himself the jacket kept him warm during the frigid morning earlier
that day. We have to be prepared for change, he thought, and he was grateful for
the jacket’s weight and warmth. The jacket had a purpose, and so did the boy. But
what was his purpose? His parents wanted him to become a priest, but he wanted to
travel the land, not preach. If someone isn’t what others want them to be, the
others become angry. Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should
lead their lives, but none about his or her own. It’s easy to give in to parental
and societal expectations—to “fall in line”—instead of pursuing our own desires.
But trying to live up to other people’s expectations is a surefire way to misery.
No one ever became self-actualized following the path someone else laid out for
them. Each of us has a purpose, but it’s up to us to give ourselves permission to
pursue it. Want a simple, effective, free tool to help you start clarifying your
purpose? Check out the Values Audit Card Sort… This free tool will help you gain
clarity on where you want to take your life and business. ••• Lesson #3: Everyone
Has A Personal Legend, But Most Give Up On It The boy meets a man who
claims to be the King of Salem, who offers to help him because the boy has
discovered his “Personal Legend.” What is a Personal Legend? The king explains:
“It’s what you have always wanted to accomplish. Everyone, when they are young,
knows what their Personal Legend is. At that point in their lives, everything is
clear and everything is possible. They are not afraid to dream, and to yearn for
everything they would like to see happen to them in their lives. But, as time
passes, a mysterious force begins to convince them that it will be impossible for
them to realize their Personal Legend.” What is this “mysterious force?” “It’s a
force that appears to be negative, but actually shows you how to realize your
Personal Legend. It prepares your spirit and your will, because there is one great
truth on this planet: whoever you are, or whatever it is that you do, when you
really want something, it’s because that desire originated in the soul of the
universe. It’s your mission on earth.” In less spiritual terms, you can think of
this concept as fulfilling your potential. Talk to anyone who’s successful (not
just playing the part for social media) and they’ll tell you about the hardships
they overcame to become successful. Not only that, but they’ll tell you about how
those hardships prepared them for success. Part of reaching your potential is
learning to see obstacles as stepping-stones instead of stop signs. The only
difference between people who succeed and those who don’t is that successful people
just never quit. Homelessness, bankruptcy, abuse, mental health issues,
catastrophic life circumstances—you’ll find all these and more in most successful
people’s autobiographies. Oprah talks about how she was so poor growing up, her
family said they were “po’” because they couldn’t even afford the other letters.
But most of us delay our ideal lifestyle because we only see stop signs. The king
points to a baker standing in the shop window at a corner plaza and says: “When he
was a child, that man wanted to travel, too. But he decided first to buy his bakery
and put some money aside. When he’s an old man, he’s going to spend a month in
Africa. He never realized that people are capable, at any time in their lives, of
doing what they dream of.” This relates to the “Slave, Save, Retire” mindset Tim
Ferriss talks about in his book, The 4-Hour Workweek: Don’t put off your goals or
ideal lifestyle until you retire at 65. Take mini-vacations and dabble in your
ideal lifestyle throughout life so you can fully enjoy it while you can. You may
not live to see retirement, your loved ones may not be there to spend it with, your
health and other age-related issues may cause a drop in your quality of life, or
any of a hundred other unforeseen issues could prevent you from enjoying the carrot
on the stick you’ve chased your entire life. Too many people give up on their goals
because they think it’s “too late.” Just because you’re 25, 30, 50, 75, doesn’t
mean you can’t start on the path to building a better life. What else are you going
to do with the time you have left? If you want to go to college at 55, fucking go.
“But Corey, I’m too old to do that! I’ll be 60 before long.” So? You’re going to
hit 60 regardless. You might as well be pursuing something meaningful when you hit
that age. I have a Fraternity Brother who, due to narcolepsy and other health
issues, took over a decade to complete a 4-year degree. Guess what? His diploma
says the same thing as mine. It doesn’t say how long it took him to earn it—because
that doesn’t matter. ••• Lesson #4: You Control Your Identity The boy decides to
sell his flock—everything he owns—and use the money to fund his trip to Egypt.
Toward the beginning of his journey, he hires a guide to take him. But the guide
ends up swindling him of all his money. Understandably distraught, he realizes he
has to make a choice: think of himself as a poor victim of a thief or as an
adventurer on a quest for treasure. “I’m an adventurer looking for treasure,” he
said to himself. We can’t control what happens to us. But we can control how we
think about what happens to us. Our personal narrative—the story we tell ourselves
about ourselves and the world around us—is within our control. You get to choose
whether you’re a victim or a survivor—or in the boy’s case, an adventurer. •••
Lesson #5: Some People Would Rather Dream Than Do To earn money, the boy starts
working for a crystal merchant who tells him he’d love to go to Mecca, so the boy
asks him why he hasn’t yet. The merchant responds: “Because it’s the thought of
Mecca that keeps me alive. That’s what helps me face these days that are all the
same…I’m afraid that if my dream is realized, I’ll have no reason to go on living.”
The merchant would rather dream about a better life than actually pursue it. He
wants to live in a fantasy world—daydreaming about what could be—instead of
actualizing it. Most people do this. Either because they’re afraid reality won’t
live up to their expectations or because they’re afraid of failing. It’s easier to
say, “Yeah, I could’ve done XYZ if I wanted to. I’ve always had a ton of
potential,” than say, “Yeah, I tried to do XYZ and it didn’t work out.” But here’s
the thing: even if you don’t succeed on that goal, you’ll learn a lot along the
way. These lessons are the raw material you can alchemically transform into
something powerful: self-understanding and strategic planning moving forward. Most
people vacillate between rehashing the “good old days” with their high school
buddies and dreaming about a better life. They never take action to make it a
reality. You may fail in your pursuit of a better life. But you’re guaranteed to
fail if you never attempt it. Hell, I “failed” when I didn’t get into my top grad
program—after applying three years in a row. I thought it was what I wanted. But
along the way, I realized what I really wanted was to help people build a better
life for themselves—and there were tons of paths I could take to achieve that.
Looking back, had I gotten what I thought I wanted, my life would’ve been very
different—and I wouldn’t have enjoyed it. The detour I took lead me down a better
path—one where I can now fully pursue what’s meaningful to me. Other people fear
success more than they fear failure. They think success will rob them of something
to work toward. But once you reach the top of the mountain, you realize you’re at
the beginning of the mountain range. Stop dreaming. Start doing. ••• Lesson #6: You
Can Handle More Than You Give Yourself Credit For, If You’re Willing To Adapt As
the boy is crossing the desert on his way to Egypt, he talks to one of the camel
drivers about how he became one after a flood wiped out his farm: The land was
ruined, and I had to find some other way to earn a living. So now I’m a camel
driver. But the disaster taught me to understand the word of Allah: people need not
fear the unknown if they are capable of achieving what they need and want. Tim
Ferriss, a modern Stoic and best-selling author of The 4-Hour Workweek, loves the
Stoic exercise of practicing poverty described by Seneca: Set aside a certain
number of days, during which you shall be content with the scantiest and cheapest
fare, with coarse and rough dress, saying to yourself the while: “Is this the
condition that I feared?” If you know you can handle your worst-case scenario,
you’ll be able to make better decisions about your life and business without
letting fear influence you. You’ll know that even if you fail, you can make do—and
even thrive—with next to nothing. It helps you build tolerance for the unexpected
disruptions that inevitably pop up in life. Some people fast for multiple days
every month to feel real hunger. Some set a max food budget of $15 a week and live
off instant coffee and oatmeal. Others camp in their back yard without modern
amenities. Find exercises that work for you to build resilience. Another strategy
you can use is the Stoic practice of premeditatio malorum—premeditating on the
evils and troubles that may lie ahead. It’s the exercise of imagining how things
could go wrong and preparing a strategy to deal with them if they happen. For
example: “What if I lose my job?” Answer: “I’ll focus on saving up an emergency
fund so I can survive three to six months in case I suddenly stop getting a
paycheck.” With a strategy in place, you won’t be controlled by fear. If you have
the power to walk away, you won’t feel trapped to stay in a bad situation—whether
it’s a soul-sucking job, relationship, or business venture. ••• Lesson #7: Once You
Make A Decision, Commit To It During their journey, some of the other travelers
seem fearful of the dangers of the desert. One of the camel drivers, who appears
calm, says: “Once you get into the desert, there’s no going back. And when you
can’t go back, you have to worry only about the best way of moving forward.” Once
you commit to a goal, the hardest part—making a decision about which path to take—
is behind you. The rest of the work is just staying focused on moving forward
toward your goal. This echoes Michael Jordan’s philosophy about staying focused on
moving forward throughout his career: “Once I made a decision, I never thought
about it again.” Indecision & lack of follow-through kill more dreams than lack of
money or education ever will. ••• Lesson #8: If You Want Peace, Focus On The
Present The boy is talking to the camel driver about the threat of tribal wars in
the desert and the danger it could pose to the caravan. The driver doesn’t seem
worried, so the boy asks why he isn’t more concerned. “I’m alive. When I’m eating,
that’s all I think about. If I’m on the march, I just concentrate on marching. If I
have to fight, it will be just as good a day to die as any other. Because I don’t
live in either my past or my future. I’m interested only in the present.
If you can concentrate always on the present, you’ll be a happy man.” Too many
people live their lives in misery because their mind is everywhere but the present
moment. Depression lives in the past—all your past failures, “shoulda would coulda”
thinking, and every wrong turn you think you took. Anxiety lives in the future—
catastrophizing, what-if scenarios, and all manner of calamities that maybe one day
could happen. But the present moment is peaceful. Why do you think Buddhists focus
so much on practicing being in the present moment through mindfulness? Because it’s
the only refuge we have from the stormy chaos of life. Think of the last thing you
worried about. You worked yourself up to the point your heart started racing, you
started sweating, and your stomach became upset. In the end, did the thing you
worried about even happen? And if it did happen, was it as bad as you made it out
to be in your mind? The next time you start to worry ask yourself how far into the
potential future your thoughts have wandered. Then bring them back to the present
and focus on what is within your control now. The past and the future are both
outside your control—any energy you spend trying to control them is wasted and will
leave you feeling hopeless or powerless. To quote Seneca, “We suffer more in
imagination than in reality.” You have the power to stop suffering in imagination.
Bring your thoughts back to your present reality. ••• Lesson #9: If You Fail, At
Least Fail Daring Greatly As the boy gets closer to achieving his goal, doubt
creeps into his thoughts about whether he’ll succeed. So he reminds himself: “When
I have been truly searching for my treasure, every day has been luminous, because
I’ve known that every hour was a part of the dream that I would find it. When I
have been truly searching for my treasure, I’ve discovered things along the way
that I never would have seen had I not had the courage to try things that seemed
impossible for a shepherd to achieve.” Here’s the thing, stepping out of your
comfort zone is terrifying, and success is never guaranteed. You could 100% fail.
But do you know the number one regret people have on their deathbed? They don’t
regret the things they did. They regret the things they didn’t do. If you found out
that today was your last day alive, would you be satisfied with how you’ve spent
your last week on earth? This is different than the typical, “What would you do if
you had seven days left to live,” because if you have warning, you can party it up
and live life to the fullest. But if you’ve already lived your last week, would you
be satisfied? If you’ve spent your last week pursuing a meaningful, purpose-driven
life—what Coelho calls your Personal Legend—then your answer would be “yes.” But if
you’ve resigned yourself to a mediocre existence, coasting through life on auto-
pilot and given up on reaching your potential…probably not. The boy asks the
alchemist what if he dies trying to live out his Personal Legend. The alchemist
says: “Then you’ll die in the midst of trying to realize your Personal Legend.
That’s a lot better than dying like millions of other people, who never even knew
what their Personal Legends were.” Again, memento mori. You’re 100% going to die
one day. It’s not if, but when. So when you die, how do you want to have spent your
limited time here on earth? Pursuing a meaningful life, or having given up decades
before you finally check in to the graveyard? ••• Lesson #10: Truth Is Earned, Not
Given At one point, the boy and the alchemist run into some armed tribesmen who
search them to make sure they don’t have any weapons. One of the tribesmen finds
the alchemist’s Philosopher’s Stone and vial of the Elixir of Life and asks what
they are. The alchemist replies: “That’s the Philosopher’s Stone and the Elixir of
Life. It’s the Master Work of the alchemists. Whoever swallows that elixir will
never be sick again, and a fragment from that stone turns any metal into gold.” The
Arabs laughed at him, and the alchemist laughed along. They thought his answer was
amusing, and the allowed the boy and the alchemist to proceed with all of their
belongings. “Are you crazy?” the boy asked the alchemist, when they had moved on.
“What did you do that for?” “To show you one of life’s simple lessons,” the
alchemist answered. “When you possess great treasures within you, and try to tell
others of them, seldom are you believed.” This is one of the hardest concepts for
people to accept when they hire a therapist or coach. I’ve had dozens of people
come to me looking for answers on how to improve their lives. Many people expect to
be spoon-fed solutions to their problems. They get frustrated when I don’t give
them what they expect. They get impatient when I try to help them process the
problem and develop their own solutions. “Just tell me what to do!” they complain.
But here’s the thing, even if I did give them answers, it wouldn’t help—because
they’re my answers. Just because they work for me doesn’t mean they’ll work for
you. And if you don’t own your solution, you won’t be invested in it enough to
carry it out. Part of coaching is helping people develop their own solution—that
way they own it. We value what we’ve earned more than what we’re given. Your truth
isn’t someone else’s. And even if you’ve discovered a universal truth, sometimes
people just aren’t ready to accept it. Don’t be dismayed. Think of all the advice
people gave you when you were younger that you disregarded—only to rediscover for
yourself years later. ••• Lesson #11: If You Want To Grow, Embrace The Power Of Co-
Evolution “I have known true alchemists,” the alchemist continued. “They locked
themselves in their laboratories, and tried to evolve, as gold had. And they found
the Philosopher’s Stone, because they understood that when something evolves,
everything around that thing evolves as well.” Most people fall into one of two
camps: those with a scarcity mindset and those with an abundance mindset. A
scarcity mindset is when you see all resources as limited—life is a zero-sum game.
In order for one person to win, another must lose. The more you have, the less I
will have—so I must compete with you, so I have more and you have less. This is the
basis for every war, every argument, every conflict of any magnitude throughout
history: one person wants what someone else has or doesn’t want that person to have
something. An abundance mindset says a rising tide raises all ships. Meaning you
succeeding helps me succeed. Mutual interdependence and cooperation. It’s the cogs
in a Swiss watch intricately working in tandem to create a stunning functional work
of art. It’s also why it’s critical you cultivate your social circles. If you’re
the average of the five people you hang out with the most, what does that mean for
your future? If you regularly hang out with five millionaires, how long do you
think it’ll take you to become the sixth? Versus if you hang out with five people
who gamble and always wind up broke a few days after payday? Seek to evolve and
seek people to evolve with. ••• Key Takeaways The message echoed throughout the
book is this: “When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you
to achieve it.” Call it serendipity. Call it destiny. Call it whatever you want.
But understand this: your ideal life isn’t waiting to fall into your lap. Most
people become cynical and give up on a better life because they expected it to be
easy. They felt entitled to a great life, so they passively daydreamed about
hitting the lottery without taking action. Escaping mediocrity and pursuing a
better life is just that—a pursuit—it’s active. As you put yourself out there, face
obstacles, and learn from your setbacks—serendipity occurs. It’s difficult—and
success isn’t guaranteed. But how else do you want to spend your limited time
alive? When you’re on your deathbed, how do you want to look back on your life? The
world needs more people—more Rebels—willing to pursue their Personal Legend. You
deserve a better life, and the more authentically you live, the more those around
you will evolve and pursue their ideal life. The Alchemist reminds us that each of
us can make our own lives—and the world around us—better. But we have to put in the
work and be willing to have the courage to confront our dreams: “That’s what
alchemists do. They show that when we strive to become better than we are,
everything around us becomes better, too.” //////////// Lessons learnt from the
famous book "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho Mudassar Maqbool Mudassar Maqbool QHSE
| ISO | Risk | Compliance | BCM | Excellence | @TUV NORD Middle East (GCC)
Published Apr 25, 2023 + Follow "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho is a book that is
filled with many valuable lessons about life and the pursuit of personal dreams.
Here are some of the key lessons that readers can learn from the book: Follow your
dreams: The most important lesson in the book is that it is important to follow
your dreams and pursue your personal legend. Santiago's journey teaches us that we
should never give up on our dreams, no matter how difficult the journey may seem.
The universe conspires to help us: The book teaches us that the universe is always
working to help us achieve our dreams, and that we should trust in the journey and
have faith that everything will work out for the best. Learn to listen to your
heart: Santiago learns to listen to his heart and follow his intuition, which is a
powerful lesson about the importance of trusting your own inner voice and making
decisions based on your own values and desires. Embrace the journey, not just the
destination: The book teaches us that the journey itself is just as important as
the destination, and that we should enjoy every moment of the journey and learn
from our experiences along the way. Everything is interconnected: Santiago
learns about the concept of the Soul of the World, which teaches us that
everything in the universe is interconnected and that we should respect and honor
the natural world. Fear is a natural part of the journey: The book teaches us that
fear is a natural part of the journey and that we should learn to embrace it and
use it as a tool for personal growth. Personal growth requires risk-taking: The
book teaches us that personal growth and achieving our dreams often requires us to
take risks and step out of our comfort zones. The importance of perseverance:
Santiago's journey teaches us that perseverance and determination are essential
qualities that can help us overcome obstacles and achieve our goals. The value of
simplicity: The book emphasizes the importance of simplicity and encourages us to
appreciate the small things in life that bring us joy and fulfillment. The power of
love: Santiago's love for Fatima is a central theme in the book and teaches us that
love is a powerful force that can motivate us and give us strength on our journey.
There is no such thing as coincidence: The book teaches us that everything happens
for a reason and that there are no coincidences in life. We are all connected: The
book teaches us that we are all connected to each other and to the universe, and
that our actions have an impact on the world around us. Overall, "The Alchemist" is
a book that is full of wisdom and valuable lessons that can inspire us to live more
purposeful and meaningful lives. The book encourages us to follow our dreams, trust
in the journey, and embrace the challenges and opportunities that come our
way. /////////// 9 Golden Life Lessons From The Alchemist! Written by Rick
Melnyck 5 Comments 08 Jan 2019 It is a book I have read several times, and each
time I read it I take away new life lessons! The book of which I am speaking is The
Alchemist, which is one of the best-selling books in history. However, it was not
until I did some research on the author, Pablo Coelho, that it all fascinatingly
came together for me! I will get to that a little later, but first, let’s discuss
some of the lessons from The Alchemist. Before I get into the 9 lessons from The
Alchemist, let’s briefly discuss the premise of the book which is… Pursuing Your
Personal Legend The plot of The Alchemist revolves around chasing your dreams or
life’s purpose which Coelho refers to as your ‘Personal Legend’. “To realize one’s
Personal Legend is a person’s only real obligation.” 1 To make his point, Coelho
tells a tale about a young shepherd boy named Santiago who leaves his herd of sheep
in search of buried treasure in a faraway land. I will give you a high-level
telling of the story and will insert some lessons from The Alchemist that I learned
as we go along… The story begins… …with Santiago bringing his sheep to an abandoned
church in the countryside where he will sleep for the night. He is excited as in a
few days he will visit a merchant who will buy some of his wool. However, he is
even more excited to see the merchant’s daughter, whom he met a year earlier and
whom he has a crush on. Santiago fantasizes that the girl may possibly be ‘the
one’. However, his fantasy is quickly derailed by recurring dreams where he is told
by a child to visit the Great Pyramids in Egypt where he will find buried treasure.
It is when he decides to see if he can find out what the dreams mean that his life
totally changes. Upon the advice of a gypsy lady and an interesting old man who
claims to be the ‘King of Salem’, he decides to sell his herd of sheep and sails to
Morocco in pursuit of the hidden treasure from his dreams. During his conversation
with the old man he learns an important lesson which is… Lesson 1: Don’t Be
Concerned with What Others Think The old man says to Santiago: “In the long run,
what people think about shepherds and bakers becomes more important for them than
their own personal legends.” The lesson being not to worry about or let what others
think of your dreams or life’s purpose stop you! It is while Santiago is
contemplating whether or not to leave the girl and pursue his Personal Legend where
our next lesson appears… Lesson 2: Be Grateful for Every Day Santiago thinks to
himself, “When each day is the same as the next, it’s because people fail to
recognize the good things that happen in their lives every day that the sun rises.”
Meaning, take time to think about and be grateful for what you have every day and
try to find the good in each day. Shortly after arriving in Morocco, his money is
stolen by a man he meets in a bar whom the bartender had tried to warn him about.
Lesson 3: Take Off Your Rose-Colored Glasses! While reflecting on the incident and
his misfortune, the boy was able to come to terms with it, “I’m like everyone else
– I see the world in terms of what I would like to see happen, not what actually
does.” He didn’t heed the bartender’s advice as he wanted to believe what he wanted
to believe was in his best interest which was that the man was trying to help him.
The lesson here is that there are times we see things how we want them to be, not
as how they really are. Sometimes we need to step back and try to look at things in
an unbiased way. This sudden misfortune causes him to quickly find a job in a
crystal shop. He ends up working there for a year and makes enough money to buy
his sheep back. However, after some thought, he ultimately decides to continue in
pursuit of his Personal Legend by joining a caravan and crossing the desert. As the
caravan gets closer to the pyramids, he learns many lessons and meets many people
including a girl named Fatima whom he falls in love with. Two of the lessons he
learned while crossing the desert were… Lesson 4: Be Observant and Open to Learning
New Things As he is crossing the desert, he thinks to himself, “I’ve learned things
from the sheep, and I’ve learned things from crystal, he thought. I can learn
something from the desert, too. It seems old and wise.” Meaning that you can learn
life lessons anywhere from anything at any time. The key is to always be observant
and open-minded to learning new things. Lesson 5: Focus on the Present The next
lesson comes in a conversation he has with the camel driver who says to Santiago,
“Because I don’t live in either my past or my future. I’m interested only in the
present. If you can concentrate on the present, you’ll be a happy man.” The lesson
being, don’t worry about the past or the future, focus on the present. At one point
he contemplates abandoning his journey to stay with Fatima, but ultimately, he
decides to carry on his journey. This comes after speaking with a powerful
alchemist he had just met who would accompany and mentor him until he reached the
pyramids. Lesson 6: Don’t Let Anyone or Anything Derail Your Dreams While
contemplating whether to stay with Fatima or continue on his journey, the alchemist
says, “You must understand that love never keeps a man from pursuing his Personal
Legend. If he abandons that pursuit, it’s because it wasn’t true love…” The advice
being not to let anyone or anything stop you in the pursuit of your dreams. If they
really love you, they will support you and will be there for you. If not, maybe
they aren’t for you. As they are traveling, Santiago asks the alchemist why he
hasn’t taught him anything yet, which brings us to… Lesson 7: Take Action to Learn
The alchemist responds with, “There is only one way to learn…It’s through action.
Everything you need to know you have learned through your journey…” Meaning that it
is great to read and study and listen, but to really learn you need to put your
learnings into practice! Eventually, he makes it to the pyramids where he weeps for
joy realizing that his dream has come true. He then begins to dig for treasure
where his tears fall. At that point, he is confronted by some robbers who beat the
crap out of him. One of the robbers mocks him and says he once had a similar dream
looking for treasure in a crumbling church. It is after they leave that Santiago
puts two and two together and realize the abandoned church the robber is talking
about it is where he has his dream. That’s where the treasure is! The story comes
full circle as he arrives back at the same church where the story began. Once he is
there, he has a big revelation, which leads us to… Lesson 8: The Real Treasure!
The real treasure was not the riches he found buried beneath the church. Rather,
the real riches were the lessons learned, the personal growth and improvements he
made, and the experiences he had in the search for his Personal Legend. Which
Brings Us to Our Final Lesson from The Alchemist… And it comes from the author,
Pablo Coelho himself. You see, when The Alchemist was first published back in 1988
in Coelho’s native Brazil…no one noticed! In fact, it took 6 months to sell two
copies…and they were to the same person! The first publisher canceled the contract
with Coelho after the first year and cut him loose. According to Coelho, “But I
never lost faith in the book or ever wavered in my vision. Why? Because it was me
in there, all of me, heart and soul. I was living my own metaphor. A man sets out
on a journey, dreaming of a beautiful or magical place, in pursuit of some unknown
treasure. At the end of his journey, the man realizes the treasure was with him the
entire time. I was following my own Personal Legend, and my treasure was my
capacity to write. And I wanted to share this treasure with the world.” 1 Lesson 9:
Never Give Up Pursuing Your Personal Legend Just as Santiago never gave up on
pursuing his Personal Legend, neither did Coelho. Despite the poor initial
reception of the book, the book has gone on to sell over 65 million copies, been
translated into 80 different languages (a Guinness World Record) and been on the NY
Times bestseller list for 315 weeks!
That’s it for our 9 lessons from The Alchemist. And…on that note, it is time for
this writer to end this blog post, so I can go write another and keep pursuing my
own Personal Legend! Until next time, keep pursuing your personal legend and as
–Rick P.S. Wanna know more? Check out the entire book. Use It or Lose It – Lessons
from The Alchemist Some of the lessons from The Alchemist are: (1) Don’t be too
concerned with what others think.
(2) Be grateful for every day.
(3) Take off your rose-colored glasses!
(4) Be observant and open to learning new things.
(5) Focus on the present.
(6) Don’t let anyone or anything derail your dreams.
(7) Take action to learn.
(8) The real treasure is the journey.
(9) Never give up pursuing your personal legend. When to Use It: Use these lessons
from The Alchemist whenever applicable in your life! What Do You Think? Have you
read The Alchemist? What do you think of these lessons from The Alchemist? Did you
have any different lessons from The Alchemist than I did? Please share in the
comments below! If you enjoyed this post, it would mean the world to us if you
shared it with people you care about via any of the social media platforms below!
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How to Use the 10 10 10 Rule to Make Better Decisions /////////////// I need to start this
review by stating 1) I can't stand self-help books and 2) I'm a feminist (no, I
don't hate men- some men are quite awesome, but I am very conscious of women and
our place in the world.)

Short summary (mild spoilers): A boy named Santiago follows his 'Personal Legend'
in traveling from Spain to the Pyramids in Egypt searching for treasure. Along the
way, he learns 'the Language of the World' the 'Soul of the World' and discovers
that the 'Soul of God' is 'his own soul.'

If the statements in quotes above ('personal legend', etc) fascinate you, then
you'll enjoy this book. If you think they are hokey and silly, then you'll think
this is a terrible book. If you think statements such as "When you want something,
all the universe conspires you to achieve it" and "All things are one" are moving
and life-changing, you'll love this book. If such statements have you rolling your
eyes, then this isn't your cup of tea.

Its not that I find anything wrong with these messages. They are important, but
must be balanced with responsibility. In my experience, 'following your dreams' (or
personal legend) is not the only way toward wisdom and strength. Is the person who
struggles to put food on the table every day for his or her family, consciously
realizing that he or she may not be following his or her 'personal legend' any less
heroic than some traveler who leaves everything and everyone he or she is
responsible for to go on a spiritual quest? Coelho comes close to labeling such
people, as losers in life, which I find completely off the mark as some of these
people have the most to offer in terms of wisdom.

The issue of responsibility is also part of this book's sexism. The main male
characters in the novel have 'Personal Legends' - they are either seeking them, or
have achieved them, or have failed to achieve them. But Coelho never mentions
'Personal Legend' with regard to women, other than to say that Fatima, Santiago's
fiance, is 'a part of Santiago's Personal Legend." Thats fine, but what about her
own Personal Legend? Instead of traveling to find her dreams, she is content to sit
around, do chores, and stare everyday at the desert to wait for his return. This is
her 'fate' as a desert women. The fact that women don't have Personal Legends is
even more galling considering the fact that according to Coelho, even minerals such
as lead and copper have Personal Legends, allowing them to 'evolve' to something
better (ie, gold).

In the ideal world presented in THE ALCHEMIST, it seems that the job of men is to
seek out their personal legends, leaving aside thoughts of family and
responsibility, and its the job of women to let them, and pine for their return. Of
course, someone has to do the unheroic, inconvenient work of taking care of the
children, the animals, the elderly, the ill...If everyone simply goes off on
spiritual quests, deciding they have no responsibility other than to seek their
Personal Legends, no one would be taking responsibility for the unglamorous work
that simply has to take place for the world to run.

On the other hand, what if both men and women are allowed to struggle towards their
'Personal Legends,' and help each other as best as they can towards them, but
recognize that their responsibilities may force them to defer, compromise, or even
'sacrifice' their dreams? This may seem depressing, but it isn't necessarily.
Coelho seems to think that Personal Legends are fixed at childhood (or at birth, or
even before) and are not changeable: they have to be followed through to the end,
no matter how silly. But in my experience, many people have chosen to adjust,
compromise, and even 'give up' on their dreams, only to find that life grants them
something better, or they have a new, better dream to follow, a path providing
greater wisdom. For me, these people have a more realistic, more humble, more fair,
and less cliched vision of the world than Paulo Coelho's vision in THE ALCHEMIST.
Combining magic, mysticism, wisdom, and wonder into an inspiring tale of self-
discovery, The Alchemist has become a modern classic, selling millions of copies
around the world and transforming the lives of countless readers across

Paulo Coelho's masterpiece tells the mystical story of Santiago, an Andalusian

shepherd boy who yearns to travel in search of a worldly treasure. His quest will
lead him to riches far different—and far more satisfying—than he ever imagined.
Santiago's journey teaches us about the essential wisdom of listening to our
hearts, recognizing opportunity and learning to read the omens strewn along life's
path, and, most importantly, following our dreams. I need to start this review by
stating 1) I can't stand self-help books and 2) I'm a feminist (no, I don't hate
men- some men are quite awesome, but I am very conscious of women and our place in
the world.)

Short summary (mild spoilers): A boy named Santiago follows his 'Personal Legend'
in traveling from Spain to the Pyramids in Egypt searching for treasure. Along the
way, he learns 'the Language of the World' the 'Soul of the World' and discovers
that the 'Soul of God' is 'his own soul.'

If the statements in quotes above ('personal legend', etc) fascinate you, then
you'll enjoy this book. If you think they are hokey and silly, then you'll think
this is a terrible book. If you think statements such as "When you want something,
all the universe conspires you to achieve it" and "All things are one" are moving
and life-changing, you'll love this book. If such statements have you rolling your
eyes, then this isn't your cup of tea.

Its not that I find anything wrong with these messages. They are important, but
must be balanced with responsibility. In my experience, 'following your dreams' (or
personal legend) is not the only way toward wisdom and strength. Is the person who
struggles to put food on the table every day for his or her family, consciously
realizing that he or she may not be following his or her 'personal legend' any less
heroic than some traveler who leaves everything and everyone he or she is
responsible for to go on a spiritual quest? Coelho comes close to labeling such
people, as losers in life, which I find completely off the mark as some of these
people have the most to offer in terms of wisdom.

The issue of responsibility is also part of this book's sexism. The main male
characters in the novel have 'Personal Legends' - they are either seeking them, or
have achieved them, or have failed to achieve them. But Coelho never mentions
'Personal Legend' with regard to women, other than to say that Fatima, Santiago's
fiance, is 'a part of Santiago's Personal Legend." Thats fine, but what about her
own Personal Legend? Instead of traveling to find her dreams, she is content to sit
around, do chores, and stare everyday at the desert to wait for his return. This is
her 'fate' as a desert women. The fact that women don't have Personal Legends is
even more galling considering the fact that according to Coelho, even minerals such
as lead and copper have Personal Legends, allowing them to 'evolve' to something
better (ie, gold).

In the ideal world presented in THE ALCHEMIST, it seems that the job of men is to
seek out their personal legends, leaving aside thoughts of family and
responsibility, and its the job of women to let them, and pine for their return. Of
course, someone has to do the unheroic, inconvenient work of taking care of the
children, the animals, the elderly, the ill...If everyone simply goes off on
spiritual quests, deciding they have no responsibility other than to seek their
Personal Legends, no one would be taking responsibility for the unglamorous work
that simply has to take place for the world to run.

On the other hand, what if both men and women are allowed to struggle towards their
'Personal Legends,' and help each other as best as they can towards them, but
recognize that their responsibilities may force them to defer, compromise, or even
'sacrifice' their dreams? This may seem depressing, but it isn't necessarily.
Coelho seems to think that Personal Legends are fixed at childhood (or at birth, or
even before) and are not changeable: they have to be followed through to the end,
no matter how silly. But in my experience, many people have chosen to adjust,
compromise, and even 'give up' on their dreams, only to find that life grants them
something better, or they have a new, better dream to follow, a path providing
greater wisdom. For me, these people have a more realistic, more humble, more fair,
and less cliched vision of the world than Paulo Coelho's vision in THE ALCHEMIST.
The review I wrote of this book and posted on Jun 16, 2010 has, as of today earned
4,264 likes and has a comment thread of 50 pages. Based on this activity, it is the
first review shown of the more than 114,000+ reviews on this site.

I regularly get friend requests based solely on this review and likes and comments
are added almost daily.

I would like to take some pride in that, but I really don't. This review is (was)
an anomaly in terms of the kinds of books I generally read and the kinds of reviews
I generally write. For that reason, I don't accept friend requests from people
who've extended them based solely on reading this review.

Back in 2010, goodreads was in its infancy. It had not yet instituted some really
questionable content policies which we later learned were part of the lead-up to
the site's purchase by amazon in 2013. It had not yet leveraged our freely-given,
user-generated content – products of our passion for books and for talking about
them with others – for a higher valuation in the M&A game. The technology and user
experience was, if not smooth, idiosyncratically, almost charmingly, glitchy. Now,
it's beyond broken, beyond frustrating, and clearly beyond repair (or anyone caring
to invest in it).

Back then, in the pre-amazon days, the culture of reading, reviewing, and
interacting was freer, more generous, and wayyyyyyyyy less serious. Satirical
reviews were not just tolerated, they were encouraged. People recognized and
weren't threatened by irony (which, ironically, was one of my beefs with this book:
its zealous humourlessness combined with vapid, too-earnest, moralizing).

Some of my favourites of these types of reviews are "Jason's" single-line 2009

review of The Road and Paul Bryant's 2010 send-up of Murakami's The Wind-Up Bird
Chronicle. But there were so many, and apologies to all those still here and active
who have written them.

In the early days of goodreads there was plenty of room for fanciful, wildly
creative, hilarious reviews that were not reviews but instigations to playful and
joyous banter about books and engagement with playful and joyous readers.

I mourn the demise of the goodreads I once loved. This review, and the daily
notifications I get telling me that people have read it, are sad reminders of what
– and who – has been lost. I really disliked this book. I dislike it in the way
that I dislike a great deal of modern self help books. Their basic message is that
if you want something to happen, you need to want it as hard as you can, without
caring about anything else, not allowing yourself to doubt it, or let criticisms
will get in the way then it will happen.
I disagree with this notion, not only because it is false, but because it is bad.
Just because we desire something, does not make it good. This idea of 'following
your heart' is often wrong. Who are we to be the arbiters of truth? Why should our
hearts be sources of information that go beyond logic, doubt and reasoning? Haven't
we all desired things that have turned out to not be in our best interest, or to be
harmful to others? Andrew Jackson was a man known to have a lot of integrity. He
was always 'true' to himself and followed his heart. Andrew Jackson is the man who
initiated the 'Trail of Tears'. Moving Native Americans from their homes and into
Next, this idea of not letting ourselves doubt or consider doubts. This is a
terrible and dishonest way to live. If we don't consider doubts, and entertain them
often, then we are deliberately blinding ourselves. Deliberately making ourselves
ignorant. If someone doesn't give serious consideration to the idea that they may
be wrong. Give serious thought to why they believe what they do, and that perhaps
those who doubt them may be correct, then they are behaving in a dangerous and
dishonest way.
Not giving heed to the concerns doubts and criticisms of others is something I
believe is a major fault in modern society. Often, people fail to recognize the
needs of the group and the community. We place so much emphasis on the needs and
rights of the individual. This causes people to focus so much on themselves to the
detriment of others around them. At times, it can be beneficial to go against the
group, but one should first give serious consideration to the groups concerns.

According to Ideas like the Alchemist, groups like, the Westboro Baptist Church,
( should be seen as American heroes. These are people who take a
totally irrational stance, and stick to it as hard as they can in complete defiance
to the views of everyone around them. A good parable--like "The Prodigal Son"--
should comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. The problem with this
little book is that it does precisely the opposite.

Coelho's message--and, boy, is this a book with a message--is that each of us has
his own Personal Legend, and that if we recognize that legend and pursue it
sincerely, everything in the Universe (which is after all made up--wind, stone,
trees--of the same stuff we are) will conspire to help us achieve it. Corollaries:
1) people who don't recognize their legends are never happy, 2) people who fail to
realize their legends are afraid, and 3) people who refuse to pursue their legends,
even when they know what they are, are both unhappy and afraid. (I admit I've left
out a nuance or two here and there, but not many. There aren't more than three or
four nuances in the book.)

I fear that the result of taking such a message seriously will be to make the
successful even more self-satisfied, the narcissistic more self-absorbed, and the
affluent more self-congratulatory. At the same time, those who are unfortunate will
blame themselves for their bad fortune, those who lack self-esteem will lose what
little they have, and the poor will see--no, not God, as the beatitude says, but--
the poor will see they have only themselves to blame.

Perhaps I am being too harsh. I can see how a few individual young persons, hemmed
in by parental expectations and seeking their own paths, may find enough hope and
courage here to help them venture forth. But I am convinced the damage done by
books like this--like The Secret, The Celestine Prophecy, and anything ever written
by the late Dr. Wayne Dyer (or, for that matter, anything he may ever choose to
channel from beyond the grave)--is far greater than the little good they may

If you like parables, don't read this book. Go read a book of Hasidic tales
collected by Martin Buber, a book of Sufi stories collected by Idries Shah, or a
book of parables and sayings by Anthony de Mello instead.

Or then again, you could just try Jesus. Jesus is always good. I feel like everyone
LOVES this book, but I was kind of underwhelmed. I know that translation affects
the quality of writing, but I could not get into this writing style. At all. I felt
like it was totally affected and contrived. He was going for this "fable/parable"
style, but it seemed to fail miserably. The parable-like quality was totally
contrived, and I thought the "moral" was pretty stupid.

Moral: everything you want and need is close to home. Take chances. Follow your
"personal legacy."

Then....there was a supernatural element which was just plain dumb. Granted, I am
not religious. I think god-fearing people get more out of this bc they can take
that leap of faith, excuse the phrase. If this was supposed to be a story of magic,
I may have been into it. But it was supposed to be a simple story of knowing
yourself. And I think, philosophically speaking, when you truly know yourself that
is when you truly realize your destiny. Why do you need supernatural forces to
convey that message? This was about realizing your destiny, or "personal legacy."
It could have been done without the hocus pocus, and, yes, the cheese.
In short, the book attempted to be deep and failed. "Speaking with the wind and the
sun" and "being a shepherd" and getting over "personal hardship" all as part of a
transparent "higher plan" (read: personal legacy) doesn't make a plot deep. A
character simply called "boy" and short sentences doesn't make a story a fable.
Learning from your flocks and from nature doesn't make a character inexplicably
wise. I really got nothing out of this book.

It is short though. The book came very highly recommended. Read it to judge the
hype for yourself. After all, a whole nation, including Bill Clinton (who I'm
into), thought it was a touching account that personally changed them. Then again,
this is the same country who thought The Celestine Prophesy was worthwhile. Gag.
condescending, preachy, and worst of all, the ending was morally questionable. All
the fables and stories are stolen from elsewhere, religious ideas and spirituality
are badly mixed, and everything is so obvious.

The book harps on about tapping into the Soul of the World, the Language of the
World, about your one true path and other nonsense. The basic idea is that if you
really want something and "listen to your heart", the whole universe will help you
achieve it if you only look for omens. A questionable idea in a world where people
no longer want to work hard and achieve independently.

It reads like a really bad self-help book written for 8 year old children and
disguised as a symbolic parable. I read a lot of books and I can safely say this is
the worst book I have ever read. It's only saving grace was that it was mercifully
short. The problem with this book is not just that it's bad, which it certainly is,
but that there are so many people out there who want to corner you at parties and
tell you how it's totally changed their lives. In a way you might as well read it
just so you can see how feeble-minded they must be to get any kind of philosophical
nourishment out of this inexhaustible stream of clichés. The profound lessons
you'll learn from this book amount to nothing more than several variations on the
theme of "only the very ugly is truly beautiful, only the very stupid are really
intelligent, only black is white, only up is down" etc etc.

The writing is too simple to be really bad, but it's the content that gets you. By
the end of the book you'll want to track down the philosopher's stone yourself and
carefully beat Coelho to death with it. poilers and bitterness ahead--be

I'm not sure that I can capture my utter disdain for this book in words, but I'll
give it a shot. I read this book about three years ago and just had to re-read it
for book club. It was a steaming pile of crap then and, guess what?, it's a
steaming pile of crap now. The main reason I hate this book: it's trite
inspirational literature dressed up as an adventure quest. You go into it thinking
that it's going to be about a boy's quest for treasure. If you read the back, there
are words like "Pyramids," "Gypsy," "alchemist." Turns out, this is just The
Purpose Driven Life dressed up with a little fable. It's Hallmark Hall of Fame
territory set in an exotic locale. Which pisses me off to no end as I normally try
to dodge that sort of thing, but here it is masquerading as the type of book I
normally like. It's cliche, didactic, and poorly written.

Just as with Aesop's Fables, there's a moral to the story. And Coelho keeps backing
up and running over it just to make sure that we get it (and he capitalizes
important key words necessary to understanding it, lest we overlook their
significance). If there's one thing Paulo Coelho can do, it's flog a dead horse.

Essentially, boy thinks he's happy in life. He's a shepherd who gets to travel the
world, has all of his needs met, and owns a book which he can always trade for
another book when he goes to market. What more can a boy need? Boy is then told by
a mysterious stranger that he's not happy at all. Why not? He has failed to
recognize his Personal Legend. Everyone has a Personal Legend, which is life's plan
for you. However, most of us give up on our Personal Legend in childhood. If you
are fortunate enough to hang onto and pursue your Personal Legend, then The Soul of
the World will help you obtain it. All of nature conspires to bring you luck and
good fortune so that you can fulfill your destiny, whether it's to be a shepherd on
a quest for treasure at the pyramids, a butcher, a baker, a candlestick maker, or,
one would assume, a prostitute, drug dealer, or porn star. Hey, we're all fate's
bitch in The Alchemist. But I digress. Boy seeks out his Personal Legend and finds
it's a long, hard road to obtaining what you want in life. But with faith,
perseverance, and just a little goshdarnit good luck, the boy learns to speak the
Language of the World and tap into The Soul of the World and fulfills his Personal
Legend. And what does he learn? That what he sought was back home, the place he
started from. Oh, silly boy.

So, in summation, here is what you should learn from The Alchemist:

1) Dream. And, while you're at it, dream BIG

2) Follow your bliss
3) Don't be surprised if you find obstacles in your way, but you will overcome
4) It's good to travel and encounter people from other cultures
5) What we most often seek is right in front of us, but sometimes we have to leave
home to realize it

To all of these important life lessons, I can only say, "Well, no shit, Sherlock."
If Coelho knew anything about alchemy, he would have been able to transform this
crap into gold. Alas, it's still crap.

Cross posted at This Insignificant CinderCoelho’s finest?

Andalusia, Spain. Young poor shepherd Santiago has a very vivid dream in which he
finds some lost treasure in a remote unknown location. After consulting a fortune
teller, he learns that in order to find it he may need to travel as far as the
Egyptian pyramids. A practically impossible task, since he doesn’t have a map, any
rational reason, or even the means to fulfil it. This is the story of his fantastic
journey, and how he attempts to fulfill a wild quest, that could potentially change
his life.

Coelho’s most acclaimed masterpiece and famed work hands down; a very short
allegorical tale about listening to your heart, and following your dreams, no
matter what. I particularly enjoyed the exchanges with the mysterious old king, the
time spent with the crystal merchant, and meeting Fatima, the desert girl. The
oasis and the encounter with the Alchemist was good, but felt a bit farfetched, and
his teachings somewhat repetitive. Still, a considerable amount of quotes and
moments to remember by; with some very nice plot twists, a sublimely satisfying
ending, and a spiritually uplifting message. I remember enormously enjoying this
novella back in the day, the wowing feeling sadly gradually diminishing over the
years. Still, I don’t regret reading it; this was overall a worthy read, and
memorable, despite de glaring self-help vibes. I liked learning about the “Personal
Legend”, among other curious esoteric concepts. Recommendable, for the right

Personally I must admit I enjoyed Veronika Decides to Die a lot more; but if you
ever had in mind picking up Coelho someday, this is a good choice too. A highly
uplifting story with a very memorable message, for those willing to listen to it.

PERSONAL NOTE : The introduction also mentions this story is plagued with
symbolisms. I wouldn’t be able to point out a single one, but that’s because I
simply don’t register them. Yes, I’m that stupid; for certain things.
[1988] [182p] [Classics] [3.5] [Recommendable] ["When you want something, all the
universe conspires in helping you achieve it.”] O Alquimista = The Alchemist, Paulo

Paulo Coelho's masterpiece tells the mystical story of Santiago, an Andalusian

shepherd boy who yearns to travel in search of a worldly treasure.

His quest will lead him to riches far different—and far more satisfying—than he
ever imagined. Santiago's journey teaches us about the essential wisdom of
listening to our hearts, of recognizing opportunity and learning to read the omens
strewn along life's path, and, most importantly, to follow our dreams. Whenever I
felt lost, depressed, sad, numb, conflicted, frustrated, exhausted, I get this book
into my hands and follow the journey of young shepherd Santiago who is looking for
a worldly treasure. As like T.S. Eliot says: “ The journey not the arrival

This journey is about self discovery, fighting with your own demons, letting your
heart being your own eyes and leading you throughout the dark and threatening roads
of life. It’s epic, uplifting, motivational, inspirational,heartfelt, poignant!

Here are my favorite quotes of the book:

“When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to
become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”

“The simple things are also the most extraordinary things, and only the wise can
see them.”

“Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure.”

“Don't give in to your fears. If you do, you won’t be able to talk to your heart.”

“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of

“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve
it.” This is either a beautifully written and fable-like illustration of simple and
universal truths or a load of crap.

I have a bad feeling it’s the later, but then I consider that there could also be a
third option.

I read once that Sting, when he wrote the classic Police song Every Breath You
Take, mixed up a series of banal clichés about love and loss and just put them all
together, and so this cool tune has some satire about it. Similarly, the Credence
Clearwater Revival song Looking Out My Backdoor, a clunky but loveable country
western tune, was actually begun as a facetious parody of slide guitar yokel

I also think of the comedy / performance art of Andy Kaufman and the constant,
uncomfortable tension about what he was doing and why. Was it really so bad it was
funny? If it was so obviously corny and insincere, was that not funny? Or was it?
Was he really wrestling women and then getting beaten up by Jerry Lawler? That was
a joke right?

So ...

Was Paulo Coelho’s 1988 fantasy / magical realism parable of truths found in nature
and subtle messages from God told straight or was there a wink and a nod told with
some fun?

Now … think about it for a second. The whole “lost gold” theme and the discussions
with the alchemist about a supposed elixir of life and “follow your heart”
rhetoric. Was Coelho telling this straight or pulling our leg?

I have to say that I doubt it, but I did laugh a few times and the over the top
syrupy delivery made me wonder, and maybe I liked it better considering this
twinkle of a third possibility.

I will say that this could go either way. I can absolutely see where someone could
find hidden treasure and deeply meaningful messages in the short novel. And I can
see someone rolling their eyes and sticking their finger down their throat in a gag

I’ll cast a Cheshire cat smirk and like for another reason, There are too many
things one can learn from “The Alchemist”. Its all about following your dream and
about taking the risk of following your dreams, which is actually so difficult to
do and there are very few people in this world who actually do, I mean risk it all,
just to follow your heart and your dream. Beauty is, the author is so right in
saying that when u decide to follow your dreams the entire universe conspires in
your favour which he called as the “beginners luck” and we all have been witness to
this beginners luck at one or other point in our lives. Also, he talks about a
stage in our journey towards realizing our dreams, where everything just goes
haywire and there is everything working against us and it almost takes us to the
brink of abandoning everything and just getting back to what was so familiar and
comfortable (i.e. our usual daily life which we get used to) this is actually the
time when we are being tested for one last time and it means also that we are
really close to our objective. The example given was really great and yes nothing
new but we forget simple things in our life like "the darkest hour of the night is
just before the dawn". It is actually true that so many of us just leave the
struggle when it gets really tough and the chips are really low, whereas actually
we were so close to the objective, if only we would have had a little more patience
we would have been there. In one of the episodes he talks about death, yes the fact
we always forget, the only reality about our life, it is a constant which is not
going to change rest everything is uncertain. There are a lot of us who either
think that it happens to others and then there are others, who are so busy running
after the materials that they don’t have time to think about anything, leave alone
death. Yes, and those who do think about death, mostly fear it, some fear death
because of the physical pain attached to it (such people actually fear the pain
rather than the death, I am one of them) and there are some who think they do not
want to die because its not time yet for them to go. Ironically but true, this
decision about timings has thankfully not been left to us. So, how do we get over
the fear of death or make it our friend, a companion? And not waste our beautiful
life worrying about dying all the time. One of the possible solutions lies in this
book, it reads "if i have to fight, it will be just as good a day to die as any
other". Yes very much right, one would never know when he or she wakes up in the
morning that if it was the last day of his or her life and in fact, that day would
not be any different from all the other days already spent. So, why not take
everyday as the last day of our lives and live it up. Frankly speaking i really
know what i am talking about, because I am in a profession which involves a lot of
risk and death doesn’t have to look for reasons, it can just spring up from any
bush in form of a small little piece of metal called a bullet coming out of the
darkness of the night or just a deafening sound from under a culvert that I cross
everyday. Here, everyday can be the last day of my life, every meal can be my last,
every call to my wife can be the last time I would hear her sweet and loving voice
and the kids… Anyways, so what I personally follow is, everyday when I wake up or
every time when I move out on an operation, I say to myself "what a beautiful day
to die" and there on, I just do what I have to and what I have been taught in all
these years in the army and go through all the motions and concentrate on the job
at hand rather than worrying about my death and I am really at peace with the fear
of death. Another beautiful thought which I came across about death was in the
novel by the author called "Confessions of a pilgrim". I derived from it that death
can be visualized as a beautiful person who is always sitting besides us, so close
to us that it travels with us wherever we go and it also accompanies us to our bed.
Its a beautiful companion, a faithful companion, the only one who will never be
unfaithful to us, rest all the companions are just lesser mortals and have been
unfaithful at one point or other. Death always stays with us and actually speaking
that’s the only companion who would accompany us all through our lives right from
the moment we acquired some shape in our mother’s womb to the moment when we would
get the vision of that white light and that feeling of lightness when we would
finally leave this body also sometimes expressed as "VASTRA" (clothes) in the
Indian mythology. As per the Indian mythology, the soul never dies, it is
indestructible, it only changes a body just like we change clothes. Our soul is a
part of God and it goes back to him. We can find the mention of the mighty soul of
ours around the last portion of 'The Alchemist' where the shepherd realizes that
ultimately it his own soul which is the “hand that wrote all” and his own soul was
the part of soul of God. I firmly believe that there is no fiction involved in this
story of the shepherd, but this is a true expression of mysteries and realities of
our life, which we never pause to discover. There is message that this book wants
to convey to us!!! I have never been into writing anything ever in my life, yes not
even a personal dairy, but since the time I actually started writing which was just
a month back, I realized that if we just write our thoughts as they occur, the
resultant has a touch of mystery, because what we wrote with all our heart and
soul, sometimes tends to surprise us. We tend to learn from what we ourselves
wrote. We never realized that we had so much inside us and we don’t know from
where, it all came. “The hand that wrote all”, yes I think its our soul that speaks
out, the soul we never recognized, the one we never knew, the one which is part of
soul of God…. …All religions have over all the years have preached a man “Know
thyself, you will find God”, “look within yourself u will find all the answers”,
these words are so common but how many of us actually are ready to pause and give
it a try. It may sound crazy, may be the book has a effect that may appear really
crazy but I am sure there are some people who would identify with me. May be when
Paulo Coelho wrote this book his soul was revealing itself and that’s why some of
us can identify with it because our souls are the part of same soul of God, just
like his is. May be these lines of his novel were written by the “Hand that wrote
all……………”If books were pills, Alchemist would be a sugarcoated placebo with no real
effect. Let's call it a feel-good homily. I have never read a book as meretricious
as this one. Many reviewers have pointed out the problems with this 'celebrated'
novel so I'd rather not expend any more words. Suffice it so say that this is a
good example of portentous writing that is best avoided if your benchmark is
quality literature. Timing is everything. If I'd read 'The Alchemist' four years
ago, I'm sure I would have loved it. It deals in big, bold pronouncements of
'follow your dreams' et cetera et cetera, and it certainly makes you think about
your own life and the pursuit of your own "Personal Legend" if you will. But maybe
I'm older and more cynical now, or maybe it's not cynicism so much as just seeing a
reality that isn't so mystical and black and white as Paulo Coelho's, but in any
event, I just wasn't buying what 'The Alchemist' was selling.

It's a good, quick read, I'll give it that. I enjoyed myself, and I definitely
thought a little bit about my own life in the process, which I appreciate from my
literature. And while I was more or less with it for a while, I just couldn't stay
on board with an ending that left me saying, "that's it? Really?" Be forewarned,
there will be spoilers after this point . The whole book Santiago is in pursuit of
his "Personal Legend", which he is told is a great treasure found in the pyramids
of Egypt. Along the way he befriends many people and makes a great sum of money,
while also meeting a beautiful young woman who agrees to more or less be his life-
partner, Romeo and Juliet-style (which is stupid in and of itself, but more on that
later). It is at this point that he determines he has achieved a greater treasure
than any he had ever dreamed of, and would go no further. Beautiful. Cue the music
and themes of recognizing treasure in all its forms. Santiago has a wonderful,
fulfilling life laid out before him, and would most likely die a happy man by the
side of his lovely wife and adoring children, all while living comfortably as
village counselor of a beautiful desert oasis. Sounds pretty nice, no?

Well, that's where the book lost it's footing. Santiago is urged, coerced even,
into continuing to follow his "Personal Legend", leaving behind his "love" (who, it
should be mentioned is a "woman of the desert" and so is completely fine being
abandoned by her "love" and will simply wait and wait and wait for him, whether he
ever returns or not) traversing the desert and (bizarrely) evading a hostile army
along the way by turning himself into the wind (it makes about as much sense as it
sounds). In the end though, Coelho reveals to us that Santiago does, indeed, reach
his "Personal Legend" in a two and a half page epilogue, where it is shoddily
revealed that Santiago's long-sought after treasure is...treasure. Literally.
Buried treasure. A box in the sand filled with gold coins and diamonds and jewelry
and crowns, and all the other cliche treasure images you can think up. What the

So what message are we supposed to take from this book then? Money is the most
important thing in the world? Women are objects meant to be seen and valued for
their beauty, there to serve you and wait around forever while you go on wild goose
chases across continents in search of money?

Obviously I'm being facetious, and Coelho intended to say that one should follow
their dreams no matter what, even if it transcends a nice, content life, so long as
you are in pursuit of a life that would be even greater than you can ever imagine,
sacrificing what is good now for what can be great later. But he did so in an
extremely simplistic way, and the revelation of the Santiago's treasure being
literally treasure was a major disappointment.

The thing was, despite his simplicity, the book had a nice message going for a
while. If Fatima was Santiago's treasure, that I could have gotten behind, even if
it shows a good deal of contempt for the role of women in relationships (beauty
being the most important factor in deciding on a mate, as Santiago is struck by her
beauty and immediately professes his love; Fatima more or less acquiesces
immediately and pledges herself to Santiago no matter what, even if he must travel
the desert forever in selfish pursuit of his own dreams, with no regard for her),
because that is something intangible that is meaningful and fulfilling, regardless
of financial standing. But then Coelho basically goes on to say that that is just a
roadblock in the way of real achievement, and that one should selfishly pursue
their own dreams with no regard for those closest to them.

How a book can go on and on talking about seeing the everyday symbols and omens in
life and taking heed of them, presumably leaving metaphors for life all along the
way, and then have what was presumably the biggest metaphor of them all, Santiago's
treasure, turn out not to be a metaphor at all, but just money? To me, that summed
up everything. I suppose Coelho realizes this, as he begins the book with a brief
fable about Narcissus falling into the river because he loved staring at his
reflection, and the river's disappointment in this, as the river loved gazing into
Narcissus's eyes and seeing the reflection of itself. This is a horrible little
story implying that everyone is obsessed only with themselves, a sad, empty little
thought that Coelho spends 167 pages endorsing wholeheartedly, under the guise of
following your dreams.

I understand that other people love this book and find it inspiring, and I think I
would have felt the same way years ago, when I was just out of college and it
appeared I had my whole life ahead of me and a lifetime to live it. I'm older now,
and I've found someone who I consider to be a real treasure, and while I still have
dreams, I'm not willing to sacrifice the happiness that this life brings me every
day in a single-minded pursuit of something that I want for selfish reasons (fame,
fortune, etc.). If I was Santiago, I would have never left Fatima in the first
place if she truly made me happy, as Santiago claimed she did. Perhaps that makes
me a coward in Coelho's eyes, not unlike the Crystal merchant from the story. But
it'd also make me not the sad Englishman, whose single-minded pursuit of his
"personal legend" had cost him all his money, friends, and family and left him
alone in an oasis burning lead in a tent in the vain hopes it will turn to gold.

I guess what I'm trying to say in this long-winded review, is that this book is all
about being selfish and doing what you think will make you happy, regardless of
everything else. I can see why that appeals to people, especially those who want to
show the doubters and find their own treasure beneath a sycamore tree, but it's
sad, in a way. We live in a culture where everyone wants selfish things like fame
or money or power, just to satisfy some gaping hole in their own souls, ignoring
the real problems that lead to these compulsions in the first place. To me, this
book feeds and even encourages that misplaced ideal, and that's a shame. All those
negative reviews are baffling to me. Where does it say this is a self help book?
People are bashing the "lessons" as if this is some philosophical or religious
work. It's a fictional story that can be enjoyed by yourself or with your kids for
ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES. It's a fun story filled to the brim with quirks and
marvels. I was curious the entire time how following one's legend blindly would
turn out for the boy. Am I going to now follow my dreams without logic and reason
as in the story? No. Because I'm not a crazy person. Get over it. It's just a story
and a good one at that. for this to have been described as a story that changes
lives, im a little let down. whilst this certainly had the potential to be ‘life
changing,’ i felt there were many aspects which kept the story from delivering what
could have been a meaningful experience.

firstly, this is told like a parable. i would consider this story to fall more
along the lines of religious allegory than philosophical text. that, in itself, is
neither here nor there. however, i read somewhere that effective parables should
comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. unfortunately, this book does
neither of those things - it pampers to the egos of the self-righteous and
chastises those who dont adhere to certain values. which is a shame, because this
was supposed to be a story about following ones heart by chasing dreams and
passions. too bad that message got lost somewhere along the way.

secondly, i didnt connect with the any of characters, as i found them to be very
two-dimensional. for a story that was meant to be about personal growth, i did not
get any sense of emotion in the writing. a boy sells his entire livelihood, sets
sail for distant continent, and crosses an entire desert in search of something he
desperately desires - and yet, i couldnt care less about his journey. also, the
portrayal of women in this is frustratingly poor.

anyways, i liked the idea. i personally try to live my life by many of the lessons
and teachings in this book - i believe it is important for one to follow their
dreams, to always listen to their heart, and to never give up on something they are
passionate about (as much as realistically possible). but i think the effectiveness
of those messages was lost in this story. Homework for "Introductory Course For
Irony Disposal And Sarcasm Removal (ICFIDASR)", lesson one, re-submission number

I once read a book that inspired me to change my whole attitude towards reading. It
was a medicine of universal, cosmic impact. Before, I had thought that books
existed to enrich me, giving me knowledge, pleasure and understanding.

After reading the introductory pages of this "enchanting novel" however, I learned
that more wisdom can be gained from the companionship of sheep than from books, as
stated by the wise young protagonist, a shepherd who uses books for a pillow and
sheep for dialogue partners (it is a one-way road, with the sheep as teachers, for
the sheep don't learn anything from him). In simple, unsophisticated prose, which
seems to be carefully following the rubric of a Grade 6 descriptive writing
assignment, I read:

"The only things that concerned the sheep were food and water. As long as the boy
knew how to find the best pastures in Andalusia, they would be his friends. Yes,
their days were all the same, with the seemingly endless hours between sunrise and
dusk; and they had never read a book in their young lives, and didn't understand
when the boy told them about the sights of the cities. They were content with just
food and water, and, in exchange, they generously gave of their wool, their
company, and - once in a while - their meat."

Learning to take everything literally is part of my course, so I try not to see a

metaphor in the fact that the boy learns more from sheep than from books. But I do
have a question or two:

If the sheep are only his"friends" as long as he brings them food, do they really
count as friends? Are they not just following their needs?

Is it not quite self-evident that they have not read any books in their young lives
- they are sheep after all, and won't read in their old age either, I assume?

Do they really "generously offer their wool, their company, and -ONCE IN A WHILE -
their meat? At least as far as the meat is concerned, I am sure they offer it once,
and not again, and not by free choice, and generously?

As this book is to be taken seriously, I beg to accept my apology if my questions

sound like sarcasm. That is not my intention. I am really just asking "all universe
to conspire to help me achieve my goal" (another piece of wisdom the book offers) -
of understanding how anyone can take this seriously! I just wonder how all universe
deals with opposing wishes, which must occasionally occur, even in a small place
like our earth. If I for example wish to have my neighbour's garden chair, and my
neighbour wishes to keep it, who does "all universe" side with, and how does it
conspire to help me get it, and at the same time to help my neighbour to keep it?

Things that happen once can never happen again, I also learn. Before I can even ask
why, I get another piece of information: Things that happen twice will always
happen again. How does that go together? If things have happened once (which is a
prerequisite for happening twice in my world) they won't happen again?!? Whatever
is meant, things can NEVER happen twice, that is sure. I can't travel to Italy
twice. If I do it anyway (which is not possible) I will definitively do it again.
That is nice!

When I do travel to Italy (once, or three times), my life and my path will always
provide me with enough omens. That is interesting, and I do not know why I all of a
sudden associate this with the sheepish followers in Life Of Brian, who found omens
in sandals.

Call me literal-minded, but I do have some issues with the idea of omen provision.
Can I order them online nowadays? What do they cost?

To close my reflection on learning more from sheep than books, I have to say: In
some cases, that is very true! What a bitter medicine!

As with all medicines, there are some side effects, and it is very important to
read the warning before you take this drug:
Please do not read this book if you are in danger of thinking too rationally.

When you read this Grade 6 essay, be careful to check if you show behaviours that
you would define as out of character, as they might be symptoms of acute drivel
reading allergy.

Symptoms include: anger, frustration, ridicule, frowning, nausea, meaningless

giggling, dreams about book burning, urge to throw the book in the bin or out the
window. Symptoms may vary, but in all cases, it is recommended to suspend reading
until the brain is reset in adequate sheep mode again.

If symptoms do not diminish after enjoying a couple of good, real books, please see
your librarian for memory removal surgery or therapy. Superficially deep (ie deep
on the surface and shallow underneath), but actually rather pretentious new age
waffle - yet somehow manages to be beautiful despite that. I would have enjoyed it
in my late teens/early 20s (when I enjoyed Jonathan Livingston Seagull), but
reading this as an adult, I found it annoyingly unsubtle.

Reading, and disliking this, was something of a watershed: a few years earlier and
I'd probably have loved it, but as it was, I realised I'd turned into a cynical
adult (and I know where I get that from!). Welcome to the best game show on
Goodreads, the pre-review game Who Said That? [Insert audience applause] Guess if
the following quotes are from The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho OR from a
CEO/inspirational memoir:
1. The secret of life, though, is to fall seven times and to get up eight times.
2. The only thing worse than starting something and failing is not starting
3. Chase the vision, not the money, the money will end up following you.
4. Remember that wherever your heart is, there you will find your treasure.
5. Sometimes theres a sign that something really great is about to happen. You’re
about to grow and learn a lot more about yourself.
6. Life is fragile. We’re not guaranteed a tomorrow so give it everything you’ve
7. People are capable, at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream of.
8. A dream doesn't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and
hard work.
9. There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of
10. Pessimists may be right in the end, but an optimist has a much better time
getting there.
11. Without passion, you don’t have any energy, and without energy, you simply have
12. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes
better, too.

1. Alchemist
2. Seth Godin, Founder of Squidoo
3. Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos
4. Alchemist
5. Marissa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo
6. Tim Cooke, CEO of Apple
7. Alchemist
8. Colin Powell, former US Secretary of State
9. Alchemist
10. Samuel R Allen, CEO of Deere
11. Whoever the ghost writer is for Donald Trump books
12. Alchemist

Jokes aside, The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is an endlessly quotable book. It reads
like a fable, with very catchy and accessible writing that is meant to empower and
make you feel good. This really works for a lot of people—I mean this was a widely
successful novel—and I’m happy that so many people could be moved and inspired by a
book. Especially a book that unites people around the world by being an
international success. Unfortunately, for myself at least, it all comes across as a
pristine facade without much behind it, offering something that can be quickly
digested but isn’t actually filling. This is a book that I recall enjoying enough
when I read it as a teen but haven’t thought of since, so when someone picked it as
our next read for our book club I was excited to revisit it seeing as I remembered
literally nothing about it. I hate to say it, but being fun but forgettable is my
takeaway from it again.

‘There is only one way to learn... It's through action.’

Coelho said the book was written very quickly because ‘the book was already written
in my soul,’ and in the forward he discusses how this novel was his own Personal
Legend. ‘I was living my own metaphor,’ he said, being thrilled just to get it
picked up by a Brazilian publisher who, in 1988, only ran 900 copies assuming it
would not be a big success. The book ended up taking off, with the 1993 English
translation becoming a massive hit and lead to numerous further translations.
Coelho even holds a Guinness World Record for “most translations of a single title
signed by the author in 1 sitting”, signing his book in 53 different translated
editions at a book event in Germany. So I can really appreciate that aspect, and
his own personal journey into publishing and believing in himself is honestly
better than the book itself.

Fun fact: The Alchemist had a big boost in sales when then-President Bill Clinton
was photographed reading it.

For those who don’t know, the story follows a young boy, Santiago, as he journeys
across the desert and meets a lot of interesting people along the way. Literally
every person has a pearl of positive wisdom to share it seems, and it becomes a
rapid fire of empowerment quotes that could all go on one of those inspirational
posters made for office walls in the 90s. Actually, I’m fairly certain I’ve seen
one that quoted this book. The characters all feel like a mouthpiece for Coehlo to
pass along his positive message, or wisdom, and one can easily imagine this being a
self-help book had he not decided to attach a fictional narrative to it. It is a
nice message, that you have to believe in yourself and in your goals and, if you
truly do (“only those who are true of heart” vibes like in fairy tales) the
universe will conspire to help you achieve your goal. Which is a nice inspirational
message and sometimes that is what you need to hear to break free from self doubt.
Particularly as another primary message is that we must overcome fear to accomplish
what we need to do. ‘Don't give in to your fears,’ Coelho writes, ‘If you do, you
won't be able to talk to your heart.’ So great, yea, believe in yourself. I dig

‘To realize one's destiny is a person's only real obligation.’

I do, however, see it as a bit of a back-patting perspective. Like yes, if you are
successful it is nice to feel like it is because you are pure of heart. He tells us
that those who don’t follow their dreams end up in ruin and sadness. This is sort
of a success fallacy in a way, as it implies that if things are bad its because you
just didn’t try hard enough. Which…ehhhhh…I mean there are a lot of forces acting
in society that gatekeep and sometimes it’s more than just not overcoming
adversity. And I get it, keep trying, yea, but it feels a bit like shaming? Which
is honestly overthinking it though as this book is not that nuanced or deep
(something I kept saying during debates over minor details during book club: “I
don’t think he even considered that and its beside the point because it’s not
actually that deep”). It is meant to be a fun and empowering story that paints in
broad strokes and yea, I get why it means a lot to many people. For me it just
seemed a bit flat and like a snack when I wanted a meal.

‘Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives,
but none about his or her own.’
Okay, fine, I don’t know how to write a good book or how to live my life either,
but I just know this one wasn’t it for me.

I did appreciate how it was aimed at a general positive idea of spirituality that,
while using different religions, was not necessarily religious. Spiritual, or
mystic would seem the better term. I liked the idea of the universe, the sand, the
wind, etc as conscious entities that can collaborate with you. While I really
disliked the deus ex machina ending, the whole idea of the world as a spiritual
presence was well done. Coelho does sort of pull an orientalism in his depiction as
an outsider of the region as this wild and savage land full of wise sages and
cutthroat robbers, but it does seem with the aim of capturing the feel of One
Thousand and One Nights or other tales of adventure and ‘finding yourself’ in
exotic locale. Which I think is a topic that people have had a more nuanced
discussion on since this book was written.

‘It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting,’
Coelho writes, and this I can agree with. However, in The Alchemist, the general
tone of the book is that dreams seem a thing only for men. Fatima, Santiago’s love
interest, lacks much agency in the tale and is more or less written as a prize for
following his Personal Legend. She is an element of his journey, while I guess he
is all her journey gets to be. He tells her ‘I love you because the entire universe
conspired to help me find you,’ which…isn’t all that romantic or great? Hey, the
universe popped you into my life, guess you’ll do for a bride. C’mon, man, does she
have any personality or intelligence you enjoy and don’t just tell me how beautiful
she is. Didn’t vibe with any of that aspect of the book.

I also didn’t really like the ending. Sure it is riffing on the whole “it’s the
journey not the destination” aspect but it felt a bit flat for me with the deus ex
machina moment. It is a happy ending though, and one full of success and rewards.
As a bookclub member pointed out, it sort of resonates with a quote by T.S. Eliot:
‘We shall not cease from exploration And the end of all our exploring Will be to
arrive where we started And know the place for the first time.’

So in the end, I’m mostly ambivalent to this book. I see why people enjoy it and it
is admittedly pretty and sweet and uplifting. It’s a good vibe to be in. It didn’t
do much for me, but that’s alright too. A.D Nation 4 months ago Title: A Timeless
Quest for Meaning: The Alchemist Rating: ★★★★★ "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho is
a book that has captured the hearts and minds of readers around the world, becoming
a modern literary classic. With its beautifully woven narrative, profound insights,
and timeless wisdom, it is no wonder that this novel continues to inspire and
resonate with people from all walks of life. At its core, "The Alchemist" is a
story about following one's dreams and embarking on a personal journey of self-
discovery. The protagonist, Santiago, is a young shepherd who dreams of finding
hidden treasures but feels compelled to explore the world beyond his flock. Through
a series of encounters and adventures, Santiago's path leads him to an encounter
with an enigmatic alchemist, who becomes his mentor and guide. Coelho's writing
style is simple yet profound, allowing readers to effortlessly immerse themselves
in Santiago's quest. The narrative unfolds like a fable, filled with symbolism and
allegorical elements that invite readers to contemplate life's deeper meanings. The
story is infused with spirituality, urging us to listen to our hearts, follow our
intuition, and connect with the universe's grand design. One of the remarkable
aspects of "The Alchemist" is its ability to transcend cultural boundaries. The
themes explored in the novel—such as the pursuit of dreams, the importance of
perseverance, and the significance of personal legends—resonate universally.
Coelho's storytelling effortlessly bridges the gap between cultures, reminding us
of our shared humanity and the common aspirations we all have. The characters in
"The Alchemist" are well-drawn and relatable, each embodying different aspects of
the human experience. Santiago's journey is not only a physical one but also an
inner transformation, as he learns to trust in himself, confront his fears, and
embrace the unknown. The alchemist, with his profound wisdom and guidance, serves
as a source of inspiration, encouraging Santiago (and readers) to uncover the
secrets of the universe and unlock the true potential within. Beyond its
captivating plot, "The Alchemist" offers a wealth of philosophical and spiritual
insights. It invites readers to reflect on their own dreams and desires, urging
them to question societal expectations and embrace their true purpose. Coelho's
profound teachings on the interconnectedness of all things, the power of the
present moment, and the importance of pursuing one's personal legend have the
ability to ignite a spark of inspiration and instill a sense of hope in readers.
"The Alchemist" is not just a book; it is a transformative experience that leaves
an indelible mark on the reader's soul. It encourages us to embark on our own
quests, to listen to the whispers of our hearts, and to have the courage to pursue
our dreams, no matter how daunting they may seem. This timeless masterpiece reminds
us that the greatest treasures are often found within ourselves, and that the
journey itself is as significant as the destination. 135 people found this helpful.
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Жаргалмаа Бадамцэрэн 2
years ago Hello, Bookworms! We’re saying hello from Mongolia! We wrote a review of
a fairly popular book that is named “The Alchemist” and we would like to share it
with you all. And we would be blessed if you all support us by reacting to this
post and giving feedback on things that could be improved in the comment section.
Thank you! Have a great day! The Alchemist Book Review Famous Brazilian
writer Paulo Coelho was born on August 24, 1947, in Rio de Janeiro. From a young
age, he dreamed of becoming a writer. His parents tried to treat him with
medications when he was seventeen in a psychiatric hospital. At the age of 20, he
gave up his dream and went to a law school under his parents’ pressure, but he
dropped out a year later. In 1988, he published “The Alchemist”, which was
translated into 67 languages and sold 65 million copies. Santiago, the main
character, is a young shepherd who had a dream of a child leading him to some
buried treasure. On his way, he meets a gypsy woman who shows where the treasure
was buried. Later, he meets an old king who teaches the young shepherd about
reading omens and how the universe will use whatever it has to help those who
follow their dreams. With the new guidance, our main character later meets more
unique people. While traversing in a caravan to his treasure, Santiago meets an
Englishman who is searching for a person, an alchemist. During their travels, the
Englishman introduces what an alchemist is to Santiago. The young shepherd later
stumbles on a young woman whom he later falls in love with, but leaves her to
pursue his dream. As Santiago traverses, he meets an Alchemist who teaches him more
of the universe, explaining omens and how Santiago pursuing his dream will let him
have a good life. Each character in the book is unique, as each one has helped the
main character in their own unique way. The gypsy woman let Santiago see his dreams
and what were the possibilities. The old king taught him about omens and gave him a
pair of rocks, black and white, to read omens. The Englishman introduces the young
shepherd to what he was researching. The alchemist lets the young boy know more
about omens and the boy’s future. What we learned from this book is to pursue our
dreams and not to abandon them. The book talks about how the universe will help
those who chase after their dreams, as it helped Santiago. The encounters Santiago
had encountered helped him advance in his journey. This can be seen as the universe
helping Santiago. The book is telling us that the people we meet are people that
will help us achieve our dreams. In the book, Santiago talks to his heart about the
girl he fell in love with and staying by her side. Santiago confronts the alchemist
about his problem, whether to follow his dream or stay behind with his loved one.
The alchemist then tells the young boy that his heart is alive, talking to him, and
it's alright to have conflicts as long as you stay true to your goal and what you
left behind will be waiting for him. This tells us that we should listen to our
hearts and stay true to our goals as this will help us overcome any obstacle in our
path. The Alchemist is a literary book that tries to give us a general idea of
personal development. In the end, the Alchemist is a great book for anyone of all
ages who read books on literature and personal development, and it's perfect for
those who aspire to follow their dreams. 1142 people found this helpful. Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Tooba Sheikh 4 years ago "The
Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho is an inspirational story of Santiago, a youthful
Spanish shepherd in the rolling hills of Andalusia. The boy has deep attachment
with his flock but realizing that they are devoid of aesthetic sense and
appreciation for nature which he beholds, loves and admires, the course of his life
changes. His parents' life is associated with struggle in a country which people
from far away fantasize and romanticize but for them it's not a place of dream and
charm. Story starts with a dream followed by a series of adventures ultimately
leads to resolution. His time is consumed in herding, reading and dreaming of
travelling far-off places. He keeps getting same dream that there is treasure lying
underneath the Egyptian pyramids. His encounter with a gypsy woman for consulting
his dream gives story a new turn. He gets to know from her to follow omens. As the
story moves the events get connected impeccably. Santiago's quest for treasure,
soon his lucky encounter with old King who strengthens his beliefs about living his
destiny, coming across mishaps and encounter with Fatima, a desert girl; all this
leads him to personal legend that converges the idea of 'conspiring universe'.
Personal legend is the key to living a successful and satisfying life as it is the
destiny which one dreams of. He receives assistance from an alchemist who helps him
understand his quest for accomplishing his dream. By time his belief grows and
satisfaction nourishes as he is on right path. He comes to know "when you want
something all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it". Story deals
with an internal conflict between his love and personal dreams but this novel ends
up showing love as a supporting tool for achieving his dream. This is a beautiful
idea that true love can prove to be a great stimulus when time comes. According to
Coelho dreams have a price but not living your dreams has even a bigger price. The
idea of seeking dreams is marvelous. Pursuing your dream and commiting to it makes
the whole universe conspiring to give you what you want. One of the dangerous
hindrance described in the novel is fear. The fear of failure which stops us living
our destiny. Overcoming this is a great victory as Coelho quoted "tell your heart
that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And that no heart
has ever suffered when it goes in search of dreams because every second of the
search is a second encounter with God and with eternity". When Santiago is in
desert he comes to know that he can turn base metals into gold. (Although the idea
is not true in reality). It is also a bit overrated when alchemist turns lead into
gold. It is not necessary that you agree each and every thing which Coelho has put
into the novel. Instead your reason and rationale may oppose many things. But one
has to have the ability to read between the lines. In spite of being very unreal it
a beautiful fable which has delighted millions around the world because of its
thought provoking ideas of spirituality and destiny. Santiago while travelling
understands the relation between man and nature. His quest and how he overcomes the
obstacles of violence, confusion and despair is an encouraging pleasure for reader.
The setting of novel is real but events are magical. Some may find it a good piece
to escape reality and some to understand reality. I highly recommend it to young
readers as its conclusions directs it solves the purpose to make reader understand
having faith in destiny which ultimately leads to achieving it. 2508 people found
this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Maaz
Official 7 months ago “The Alchemist” by Paulo Coelho is a classic tale that tells
the story of a shepherd boy named Santiago who travel out on a journey to find out
treasure that he saw in his dream. On his way he face a lot of hardship, but he
never gave up. Along the way, he meet a number of people who guide him towards his
destiny and teaches him important lessons about life. While reading this book, the
reader experiences Santiago’s journey and learns up a lot of the ideas that
Santiago gains from it. When he has nothing in his pocket or on his mind, he learns
how to handle himself. He didn’t have any money, but he had trust and that trust he
finally reached to his destiny. After reading this book you will gain the most
important lessons about life, that is always listen to your heart. When you listen
to what your heart says , you learn to live with strength. The only thing that
restrains you from moving ahead is fear. The novel is beautifully written with a
lyrical style that transports the reader into Santiago’s world. Coelho’s prose is
simple yet profound, and he uses vivid imagery to create a sense of magic and
wonder. The book is full of symbolism and metaphor, which adds to its depth and
meaning. One of the most significant themes in the book is the importance of
following one’s dreams and finding one’s purpose in life. Santiago’s journey is a
metaphor for the journey we all take to discover our own Personal Legend. Through
his experiences, we learn that the universe conspires to help us achieve our goals
if we have the courage to pursue them. Another key theme is the power of the
present moment. Santiago learns that the past and future are illusions and that all
we have is the present moment. By focusing on the present, we can live a more
fulfilling life and avoid being distracted by regret or anxiety. Overall, “The
Alchemist” is a beautifully written and inspiring book that encourages readers to
pursue their dreams and live in the present moment. It is a must-read for anyone
who wants to live a more meaningful life. 119 people found this helpful. Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Art& Food world a year ago The
Alchemist Written by: Paulo Coelho Genre: Fantasy & Adventure fiction It is a
story of a shepherd , Santiago, who leaves his flock and his land to pursue his
dream. A boy who is on a journey of discovering his destiny and realising his dream
of finding a treasure. This story tells us that the happiness , contentment, peace
& joy of one’s life lies within his journey towards his dream of life. When a
person strives to live his dream , nature helps him out to seek his dream; as
written in The Alchemist; “When you want something, all the universe conspires in
helping you to achieve it.” While reading this novel , the reader enjoys the
journey of Santiago and learns a lot of things which Santiago learns from his
journey. He learns how to deal with yourself when you have nothing in your pocket
and nothing on your mind. “He had not a cent in his pocket, but he had faith.”
He learns from his journey that when you listen to what your heart says , you learn
to live with strength. The only thing that restrains you from moving ahead is fear;
as the boy said: “My heart is afraid that it will have to suffer.” His guide in the
desert, the Alchemist, replied him: “Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is
worse than the suffering itself.” He learns the beauty which resides in enjoying
simple yet deep things in life. “It’s the simple things in life that are the most
extraordinary;only wise men are able to understand them.” He learns that there is
a language of world without words; “If I can learn to understand this language
without words, I can learn to understand the world.” And most importantly , the
idea of living in present and investing all your strength and energy in your
present is really helpful for a better future. Two of my favourite paragraphs from
the book are; “Because I don’t live in either my past or my future. I’m interested
only in the present . If you can concentrate always on the present , you’ll be a
happy man. .... . Life will be a party for you, a grand festival, because life is
the moment we’re living right now.” “The secret is here in the present. If you pay
attention to the present , you can improve upon it . And, if you improve on present
, what comes later will also be better. Forget about the future, and live each day
according to the teachings...Each day , in itself , brings with it an eternity.”
He learns that life means constant change because; “Everything on Earth is being
continuously transformed, because the earth is alive ... and it has a soul.” All
the ideas and concepts which Santiago learns in his journey were perfectly
inspiring but to me, the most important one was the idea of love without
ownership , the concept of love as distinct from possession. He loves a girl of
dessert, Fatimah, who proves that true love is the one which encourages you to
pursue your dreams and destiny because true love does not demand possession or
ownership. It’s always there no matter where you are. Overall, the book tells us
that we must not run away from our destiny. This book is full of ideas about
spirituality, destiny & dreams. A highly recommended book for people aspiring for
high aims and chasing their dreams. 157 people found this helpful. Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Maan Safir 3 years ago The
Alchemist Written by: Paulo Coelho Genre: Fantasy & Adventure fiction It is a
story of a shepherd , Santiago, who leaves his flock and his land to pursue his
dream. A boy who is on a journey of discovering his destiny and realising his dream
of finding a treasure. This story tells us that the happiness , contentment, peace
& joy of one’s life lies within his journey towards his dream of life. When a
person strives to live his dream , nature helps him out to seek his dream; as
written in The Alchemist; “When you want something, all the universe conspires in
helping you to achieve it.” While reading this novel , the reader enjoys the
journey of Santiago and learns a lot of things which Santiago learns from his
journey. He learns how to deal with yourself when you have nothing in your pocket
and nothing on your mind. “He had not a cent in his pocket, but he had faith.”
He learns from his journey that when you listen to what your heart says , you learn
to live with strength. The only thing that restrains you from moving ahead is fear;
as the boy said: “My heart is afraid that it will have to suffer.” His guide in the
desert, the Alchemist, replied him: “Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is
worse than the suffering itself.” He learns the beauty which resides in enjoying
simple yet deep things in life. “It’s the simple things in life that are the most
extraordinary;only wise men are able to understand them.” He learns that there is
a language of world without words; “If I can learn to understand this language
without words, I can learn to understand the world.” And most importantly , the
idea of living in present and investing all your strength and energy in your
present is really helpful for a better future. Two of my favourite paragraphs from
the book are; “Because I don’t live in either my past or my future. I’m interested
only in the present . If you can concentrate always on the present , you’ll be a
happy man. .... . Life will be a party for you, a grand festival, because life is
the moment we’re living right now.” “The secret is here in the present. If you pay
attention to the present , you can improve upon it . And, if you improve on present
, what comes later will also be better. Forget about the future, and live each day
according to the teachings...Each day , in itself , brings with it an eternity.”
He learns that life means constant change because; “Everything on Earth is being
continuously transformed, because the earth is alive ... and it has a soul.” All
the ideas and concepts which Santiago learns in his journey were perfectly
inspiring but to me, the most important one was the idea of love without
ownership , the concept of love as distinct from possession. He loves a girl of
dessert, Fatimah, who proves that true love is the one which encourages you to
pursue your dreams and destiny because true love does not demand possession or
ownership. It’s always there no matter where you are. Overall, the book tells us
that we must not run away from our destiny. This book is full of ideas about
spirituality, destiny & dreams. A highly recommended book for people aspiring for
high aims and chasing their dreams. Reviewed by: Eeman Amjad 1018 people found
this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Shahab
Rajper 7 months ago My name is Muhammad Shahab uddin Rajper .l want to share my
review on the book the alchemist. "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho is a captivating
and inspiring novel that tells the story of a young shepherd boy named Santiago who
embarks on a journey of self-discovery and fulfilling his dreams. This book is a
that has touched the hearts of millions of readers worldwide. The story takes
place in Spain, where Santiago has a recurring dream that leads him to believe that
he is meant to discover a treasure. He decides to embark on a journey to fulfill
his destiny and meets a series of characters who guide him on his journey. Along
the way, he faces many challenges and learns important life lessons that help him
to find his true purpose. What sets this book apart is its universal message about
the importance of following one's dreams, taking risks, and never giving up.
Coelho's writing is simple yet powerful, and he masterfully weaves together a story
that is both entertaining and thought-provoking. The Alchemist is a book that can
be enjoyed by readers of all ages and backgrounds. The characters in the book are
well-developed, and the settings are vividly described, making it easy for the
reader to imagine themselves in Santiago's shoes. The book is also full of
inspiring quotes that have become famous and are often shared on social media and
quoted in motivational speeches. Overall, "The Alchemist" is a timeless
masterpiece that teaches us that our dreams are worth pursuing and that we should
never give up on them. It's a book that will leave you feeling inspired and
motivated to live your life to the fullest. I highly recommend this book to anyone
who is looking for a meaningful and uplifting read. 3 people found this helpful.
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Tré de Lange 2 years
ago This seemed like a fitting start to my book reviewing journey, owing to that
fact that this is easily one of my favorites books. I have read, and re-read this
piece of art several times. The writing style is gripping, and deeply profound when
read with an open mind. The metaphors and symbolisms of a young Spanish shepherd
boy who leaves his home and all that he knows, in the pursuit of a his deepest
desires, will never cease to inspire me. The book itself is set in an ancient
time in the countryside of Andalusia, Spain. The story focuses primarily on the
tale young boy longing for more. Like many of us, he has unexpressed dreams and
ambitions that he is afraid to act on; whether it be due to the familiarity of his
comfort zone, or out of the fear of the unknown. Either way, the feeling is
something to which we can all personally relate. The boy, Santiago, has vivid
visions of crossing the the country and desert (something considered utterly
dangerous and foolish at that time). He can no longer ignore his dreams, and
decides that he must see The Great Pyramids with his own eyes. This young
adventurous soul is willing to go through great lengths to manifest his dreams into
a reality, and meets an alchemist on his journey, an encounter that will change his
life forever. This is a magnificent piece of writing about dreams, magic and fate.
This books teaches us the importance of self-confidence, introspection, overcoming
hardships, pushing yourself beyond the limits of your comfort zone and the
unexplainable value in coming to realize your fullest potential. This book will
cause you to reflect on your own goals and aspirations, making you ask why it is
that you hold yourself in cages of comfort and familiarity when you have the
potential to accomplish such great things. The read is easy and quick, but the
message is one that will resonant for a lifetime. This is without a doubt a book
that everyone should read, and then pass on. 70 people found this helpful. Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Nikunj Gupta a year ago It is
a story of a shepherd , Santiago, who leaves his flock and his land to pursue his
dream. A boy who is on a journey of discovering his destiny and realising his dream
of finding a treasure. This story tells us that the happiness , contentment, peace
& joy of one’s life lies within his journey towards his dream of life. When a
person strives to live his dream , nature helps him out to seek his dream; as
written in The Alchemist; “When you want something, all the universe conspires in
helping you to achieve it.” While reading this novel , the reader enjoys the
journey of Santiago and learns a lot of things which Santiago learns from his
journey. He learns how to deal with yourself when you have nothing in your pocket
and nothing on your mind. “He had not a cent in his pocket, but he had faith.”
He learns from his journey that when you listen to what your heart says , you learn
to live with strength. The only thing that restrains you from moving ahead is fear;
as the boy said: “My heart is afraid that it will have to suffer.” His guide in the
desert, the Alchemist, replied him: “Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is
worse than the suffering itself.” He learns the beauty which resides in enjoying
simple yet deep things in life. “It’s the simple things in life that are the most
extraordinary;only wise men are able to understand them.” He learns that there is
a language of world without words; “If I can learn to understand this language
without words, I can learn to understand the world.” And most importantly , the
idea of living in present and investing all your strength and energy in your
present is really helpful for a better future. Two of my favourite paragraphs from
the book are; “Because I don’t live in either my past or my future. I’m interested
only in the present . If you can concentrate always on the present , you’ll be a
happy man. .... . Life will be a party for you, a grand festival, because life is
the moment we’re living right now.” “The secret is here in the present. If you pay
attention to the present , you can improve upon it . And, if you improve on present
, what comes later will also be better. Forget about the future, and live each day
according to the teachings...Each day , in itself , brings with it an eternity.”
He learns that life means constant change because; “Everything on Earth is being
continuously transformed, because the earth is alive ... and it has a soul.” All
the ideas and concepts which Santiago learns in his journey were perfectly
inspiring but to me, the most important one was the idea of love without
ownership , the concept of love as distinct from possession. He loves a girl of
dessert, Fatimah, who proves that true love is the one which encourages you to
pursue your dreams and destiny because true love does not demand possession or
ownership. It’s always there no matter where you are. Overall, the book tells us
that we must not run away from our destiny. This book is full of ideas about
spirituality, destiny & dreams. A highly recommended book for people aspiring for
high aims and chasing their dreams. 6 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ wardah abid a year ago Book Name:
Alchemist Author: Paulo Coelho Publisher: Harper Torch (English Translation)
Alchemist is an encouraging story of a shepherd named Santiago whose purpose in
life was traveling. One night, he saw a dream of a treasure, which he later found
exactly where he was sleeping, but the real treasure was the lessons he absorbed
during his journey. During his travel, he met several people with different
approaches, including Melchizedek, who motivates him to realize his legend, which
is one’s mission on earth, and told him about omens that helped him throughout his
journey. Alchemist, a person who turned less valuable elements into more valuable
ones, made Santiago understand the Soul of the World. He learned to talk to his
heart by overcoming his fears and learn the language of desert and wind. I liked
the way the author gives an important lesson of pursuing dreams in one’s life, as
everyone has an important role to play in the history of the world. I like
Santiago's spirit of learning not only from the people around him but also from the
happenings in his surroundings. I want to suggest you read this inspiring and
motivating novel, especially for young ones, to follow your dreams by seeing the
world through your own eyes. Wardah Abid 21-SE-06 Software Department University of
Engineering and Technology, Taxila. 18 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Rashique Uzzaman 3 years ago Book Review
: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho I really don’t like
reading books but due to this current situation I had to be in the house for 24
hours and due to this I had lots of free time so I did not know what to do.So,one
of my friend asked to read this book so I started reading it.The book is lovely and
an inspirational masterpiece.The theme is about finding one’s destiny or purpose in
life. Plot: The story is about a Shepherd boy from Spain whose name is
Santiago.He can read and wants to travel. He goes into town one day to sell some of
his flock and encounters a tramp-king and a gypsy woman. They urge him to ‘follow
his omens’ and leave the world he knows. The gypsy points him toward the pyramids
of Egypt, where she says he will find a treasure. Crazily, he believes her, sells
his flock and sets sail. A thief in Tangier robs him of his savings.But, strangely,
Santiago is not devastated, apprehending a greater feeling of knowing that he is on
the right path. He is now living a different life, in which every day is new and
satisfying. He keeps reminding himself of what he was told in the market before he
left: ‘When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to
achieve it.’ What I liked: This book left a big impression on me.It’s almost as
if, while you’re reading it, you can imagine your grandfather telling it to you as
if it’s a tale from his childhood. I always thought that novels were a waste of
time because you never learn any “real life” lessons from them, but this book
finally proved me wrong. The
story itself is special.There were a few times where I seriously couldn’t sleep,
reading impatiently in the middle of the night to find out what happened next it
was as if I am watching web series like The Family Man to know what will happen
next. Now you might ask, what is an alchemist? From what I understood, an alchemist
is like a magician chemist who can turn any metal into gold. But throughout the
story and the search for the alchemist, I felt like this was more a metaphor for
life in general. If we follow our own “Personal Legends” we can perform the same
magic – turn our ordinary lives into gold, as long as we believe in the journey and
don’t give up on what we believe is our destiny. If you’re looking for inspiration,
this story brings it in droves. 387 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Amir khan 5 months ago Amir Khan from
Pakistan Balochistan review "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho is a beautifully
written and inspiring novel that explores the themes of following your dreams,
finding your purpose in life, and the power of the universe to guide us towards our
destiny. The book is a fable that tells the story of Santiago, a shepherd boy from
Spain who dreams of discovering a treasure buried in the Egyptian pyramids. The
novel is divided into sections, each of which represents a stage of Santiago's
journey. Along the way, he encounters a series of obstacles and challenges, and
through these experiences, he learns valuable lessons about the importance of
listening to his heart, trusting in the universe, and pursuing his personal legend.
The writing style of the book is simple and straightforward, but it is also
powerful and poetic. Coelho uses vivid imagery and metaphor to convey his ideas and
themes, and the characters are well-developed and relatable. The story is full of
symbolism and hidden meanings that add depth and richness to the narrative. One of
the strengths of "The Alchemist" is its universal message that resonates with
readers of all ages and backgrounds. The novel inspires us to live a life of
purpose and meaning, to follow our hearts, and to never give up on our dreams. The
book encourages us to be open to new experiences, to embrace change, and to trust
in the journey, even when we do not know where it will lead us. "The Alchemist" is
a timeless classic that has touched the hearts of millions of readers around the
world. It is a book that can be read and re-read, each time revealing new insights
and meaning. The story is both uplifting and profound, and it is a reminder that we
are all on a journey towards our personal legends, and that we have the power to
make our dreams a reality. In conclusion, "The Alchemist" is a powerful and
inspiring novel that has the ability to change lives. It is a must-read for anyone
who is searching for meaning and purpose in their life, and who wants to be
inspired to follow their dreams. The book is a true masterpiece, and it will
continue to inspire and uplift readers for generations to come. Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Ravneet Singh 5 months ago "The Alchemist" is a charming story that will catch your
heart from the absolute first page. Paulo Coelho winds around a supernatural story
of a youthful shepherd kid named Santiago who sets out on an excursion of self-
revelation and profound edification. The book is a magnum opus that shows us the
force of following our fantasies, paying attention to our souls, and the
significance of being in line with the universe. The creator takes us on an
excursion with Santiago, who passes on his agreeable life as a shepherd to seek
after his own legend, his actual reason for living. En route, he meets different
characters who help him in his excursion and show him significant illustrations
life. The book is loaded up with imagery and allegories that make the story wake
up, and the composing style is straightforward yet significant. What makes "The
Alchemist" a genuinely uncommon book is all inclusive message resounds with
perusers of any age and foundations. It advises us that we as a whole have a reason
throughout everyday life, and that we ought to follow our fantasies and interests
with fortitude and persistence. The book moves us to seek after our objectives with
an open heart and an uplifting outlook, and to confide in the universe to direct us
towards our predetermination. Generally speaking, "The Alchemist" is an
enthralling and motivating book that will leave you feeling elevated and engaged.
An immortal exemplary has contacted the hearts of millions of perusers all over the
planet, and it keeps on moving individuals to seek after their fantasies and carry
on with their best lives. I strongly prescribe this book to anybody who is
searching for motivation, direction, and a more profound comprehension of the human
soul. 1 person found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Sumaiya Choudhury 2 years ago I just
completed the book 😊 It's was really a long awaited read, I was delaying it because
of studies but finally have put my hands on it. I read Paulo's The Archer before,
although it was inspiring but I realised that shouldn't be your first pick😅.
Talking of Alchemist, you automatically have a huge expectation right away with the
first sentence and that is according to me a major bad habit as a reader. Yeah you
should have an idea of the book before you start reading (like genre and little bit
of plot ) but looking too much into positive reviews will create a certain
mentality within you which will make you expect so much with each passing page ...I
honestly truly enjoyed the book only by the end , beginning didn't caught me much
but by the end with how the character transformation happened with all its
experiences just blew me away . So yes it definitely was a great read and I had so
much to take from it 💗 but lesson learnt I would have loved it more if i had no
expectations from the beginning (the thought of 'this is the best' would have not
Haunted me ) Having said that There were SOO many profound lines in the story but
one line I will cling tight to forever is 'The existence of this world is simply a
guarantee that there exists a world that is perfect'✨ 15 people found this helpful.
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ DEEP SHIKHA 3 years
ago The Alchemist is one of those books which deserves a space in everyone's
bookshelf. It is rich in fiction and clearly crafted by Paulo Coelho to make
more perfect. It is about following your dream and goal and achieving it; while
doing so the whole universe conspires for its happening. It's special feature is
that it talks a lot about the 'Soul of the World' which attracts people towards
their goals. The book has received the Niels Golden book award for its outstanding
sales in the retail markets of UK. It is a third person narration and it tells
about the story of a young shepherd boy, Santiago who wants to travel around the
world. His greatest incident in life was his meeting with an old man Melchizedek,
King of Salem who directs him towards his journey from the Andalusian plains to the
exotic markets of Tangier and through the mighty deserts Sahara to the Al Famous
oasis where his encounter with a an Alchemist aw au t-shirts him and finda twin
blessing besides his fiancee Fatima. This story is not about the alchemist with
whim Santiago meets but it is about the one who becomes an Alchemist and takes
over. 315 people found this helpful. 145 people found this helpful. Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Gracy Lucy 5 months ago This
is honestly one of the best stories that i've ever read. I'm grateful that my dad
suggested me to read this book😅. Even though I'm a beginner, I understood it in an
easy manner. I've gone through many new words as well. This book made me develop an
idea of reading more and more books. The boy goes through many challenges but
finally makes his dream come true. It can be applied on us that no matter how many
problems we face in our journey to reach our destination, we must not lose hope. If
we truly have it in our heart to achieve, nothing can stop us. Overcoming our fears
is the best thing. And, dream means something you want to do for the rest of your
life, but it also gives you happiness. 4 people found this helpful. Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Agnibho HOM CHOWDHURY 3 years
ago Written by Brazilian author Paulo Coelho in 1988.It was initially written and
published in Portuguese.It is an international bestseller and has been translated
to more than 70 languages.The book is relatively short having around 167 pages
only.The theme is about finding one’s destiny or purpose in life. The story is
about a Shepherd boy from Spain whose name is Santiago.He keeps getting the same
dream about treasures that are lying in the Pyramids of Egypt.He embarks on a
journey to follow his dream after meeting an old king who offers him magic stones
and advice.Santiago crosses the Mediterranean and Sahara to find his treasures in
Egypt and also accomplish his personal legend which is his purpose in life.The book
details his journey and the various encounters that he experiences when following
his dream.Throughout the journey, Santiago meets many new people and a lot of
difficulty which ultimately helps him to learn and grow the entire way.Does he find
the treasures in the Pyramids of Egypt? The Alchemist is a fantastic book and the
storytelling is beautiful.The choice of words are impeccable, full of wisdom and
philosophy .I totally loved it .The story is very enchanting and bursts with
optimism which I think is very important in our lives .The book shows that the
journey to your destiny is as important as the
destiny itself.I love how the book emphasizes on the importance of faith,hope and
spirituality through the story of an ordinary boy.I think this book appeals to
everyone because we all have dreams and sometimes we just want someone to tell us
that they may come true.Overall,”The Alchemist”is a very exciting fiction novel and
it deserves a space at everyone’s bookshelf. “One’s Personal Legend(destiny) is
what you have always wanted to accomplish. Everyone, when they are young, knows
what their Personal Legend is. “At that point in their lives, everything is clear
and everything is possible. They are not afraid to dream, and to yearn for
everything they would like to see happen to them in their lives. But, as time
passes, a mysterious force begins to convince them that it will be impossible for
them to realize their Personal Legend….whoever you are, or whatever it is that you
do, when you really want something, it’s because that desire originated in the soul
of the universe. It’s your mission on earth.”Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist “Tell your
heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And that no
heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of its dreams, because every second
of the search is a second’s encounter with God and with eternity.”Paulo Coelho, The
Alchemist “If someone isn’t what others want them to be, the others become angry.
Everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people should lead their lives,
but none about his or her own.”Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist “Love is not to be found
in someone else but in ourselves; we simply awaken it. But in order to do that, we
need the other person.”Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist “One is loved because one is
loved. No reason is needed for loving.” Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist “You can become
blind by seeing each day as a similar one. Each day is a different one, each day
brings a miracle of its own. It’s just a matter of paying attention to this
miracle.” Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist “It’s the possibility of having a dream come
true that makes life interesting.”Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist “There is only one
thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.”Paulo Coelho,
The Alchemist 40 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Faaiz Nabeel a year ago The Alchemist,
by Paulo Coelho. One of my friends once complained to me about life and the
creator, because of his 'strange' way of not revealing the path laid out for us.
His concern was why didn't he simply let us know our talents and destiny by birth
so that we could experience life to the fullest. We all pass through this
overwhelming and confused state of mind at least once in our lives. The Alchemist,
the International bestseller ( you know why 👆 ) written by Paulo Coelho helps us
figure out how to overcome this dilemma. Santiago, a teenager from the Spanish
province gathered up the courage to tell his father that he didn't want to be a
priest. Even though his parent taught him Latin, Spanish and theology with hard-
earned money to make him a priest, they were willing to give up their dream of
pride acquired in society upon fulfilling it. His father gives him money to buy a
flock and become a shepherd. He was able to travel and didn't sacrifice his passion
like his parents even though he was not flourishing. The direction for him to
become successful was shown to him through a dream of finding a hidden treasure at
the Egyptian pyramids. He was perplexed whether to follow his dream or settle in
his comfort zone of being a shepherd. On his way to follow his dream, he comes
across different people and moments of taking decisions that changed his life, made
him learn throughout his journey. In my opinion, the encounter with the Alchemist
is one of the most exhilarating moments in this fable which inspires you to follow
your dream and thus the name was given. We won't even have to put effort to read
this 161-page book in its entirety as it has an attractive field that pulls us
towards it. However, we cannot agree on all the ideas of the writer (we don't have
to either), it is all about allowing us to rethink and reframe our lives based on
the insights we get. This extraordinary work by Paulo Coelho is a perfect mix of
fiction and philosophy. It has a life-enhancing impact on millions of readers
across the globe. Over 65 million copies have been sold and have been translated to
more than 80 different languages. I would undoubtedly recommend this book to all
those who love reading and also as the first book for the ones who would like to
build a reading habit. 12 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Areeba Azam 2 years ago "The Alchemist",
the name of the book, when I first read, it suggested that it may not be the one
that I might like but tell you what it was the most beautiful, finest book I have
read so far. After reading this book I also want to understand the soul of world.
This book taught me many things and also made me realize how much we have indulged
ourselves in the materialistic world, when there is nature right in front of us
waiting for us to notice her, to appreciate her, to talk with her, to tell her
stories, to listen to what she wants to convey to us. This book showed me how we
should pursue our destiny regardless of the outcome we might have. That pursuing
your heart can make, even a shepherd a wise man. It also taught about looking for
omens something I didn't know about. Good omens, bad omens and how we should we
perceive them. The one thing I really liked was when our lost all his money in
Africa he didn't lose his hope and moved on it is something I wish I can also do it
n a moment of crisis. There are many things that I want to write but I think I
should stop here. 11 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Priya Mukherjee 2 years ago As per as a
understood the book tells every reader that we must not run away from our destiny
this book is full of ideas about life destiny, dreams ,goals. I would like to
highly recommend to the people those who want the dreams to be chased by them. This
book highly suggest that we should follow our heart and pursue our Dreams, aims and
goals rather them listening to others around us what they like to do . I would like
to to stick to the point that we should follow our heart and pursue their career
and desire. I would highly like to point out the fact that this is the first book
which I have read and I am completely happy with this book and I want to recommend
this book to all the beginners who wanted want to read just start reading and there
will be one time that you can't stop reading other books this book language is so
easy that beginners can thoroughly read this book the favourite LINE which I like
the most in this book is "everyone seems to have a clear idea of how other people
should lead their lives but none about his or her own....." Thankyou Priya
Mukherjee 11 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Ishleen Amrit Kour 2 years ago Well to
start from, this book is FRESH, and a pick when you feel oblivion. this book has
got so much to talk about. I had heard about this from, from all of my friends, and
they had been suggesting me this book, so I had decided to pick it up, and tbh, it
turned out to be a life changing novel. Its a literary fiction by Paulo Coelho, who
is well known for his works, this book features Santiago, the protagonist of this
book, who's a shepherd from andulasia, Spain. its about how his life takes a
twist, when he meets a king from Salem, who teaches him something, that he never
forgets. Santiago, dreams about, Finding his treasure near the pyramids, and often
does he gets this dreams, excites him to ask someone about this. he later decides
to leave it apart. The king of Salem, talks to him about the soul of the world, and
the omens, this takes the boy on a journey, to find his treasures, that awaits for
him in the pyramids, and how things, and the alchemist come across his path, that
teach him the life lesson, ADVENTUROUS, AND FUN TO READ. Was this review helpful to
you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ deepika balla a
year ago Hello Readers!!!… You might be a person who has already read and seeing
this or a person who want’s to know what kinda book is this and why everyone is
mentioning this everywhere… Well, for starters..this is that kinda book where it
introduces one to start reading without getting bored and dwell into the topic at
start. If you are a beginner then this book might be a good start for you to
proceed further in your journey… Now i will review the book in pros and cons.
Pros : 1) In the whole journey of reading this book you will go through a-lot
transitions in yourselves… its like a good movie you have watched and had a good
experience through out , didn’t felt bored anytime. 2) The narration of this book
is very good , kept simple to understand in a crisp way. 3) Some lines like ‘..If
you can concentrate always on the present, you'll be a happy man..’ , or ‘
beginner's luck..’ make the book more rememberable and remarkable which comes with
explanations. Cons : 1) In the second half the book completely deals with the
terms like ‘soul of the world.., language of world…understanding sea/dessert..’
connecting everything with this idealogy which kinda seems unrealistic . 2)
Transitions in the boy: His thoughts always change ( i know it is realistic
like any person) , believing and unbelieving , losing hope and releasing old man
worlds …. 3) Boy and fatima : when he sees fatima he will propose next day
( again kinda creepy )only , she also falls in love with him after knowing him
telling him that her dream is his dream..
bla bla 4) The book genre too changes from 1st half to second half!!
Conclusion: I personally like only first part of this book , the Shepard , old-
man and crystal shop part where he improves the merchant shop and his life.
Thanks for reading!! 15 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Ayesha Faryad a week ago Book name: The
Alchemist Writer: Paulo Coelho Genre: Fantasy and Adventure The most beautiful
thing I would like to share about this book this that I was not even 1% confused
while staring 5 for this book. It is such a beautiful book that I thank to my
teacher for suggesting me at right time. I am sure to give to give a second read as
well.And yes, it is recommended to all from my side. It's basically a story of a
young boy who is Shepherd and he reads books as well. He thinks so much about life
and tries to derive out the meaning of everything. The boy's name is Santiago and
he is the main character of this book. He, one day, dreams of having a treasure.
And so he went out for the search of his treasure actually. There were so many
people in his journey who helped him. The king, woman, English man and at last, THE
ALCHEMIST. Alchemist helped him in searching the right meaning of life. My
favourite quotes from this book include: When you want something, all the universe
conspires in helping you to achieve it. It's the simple things in life that are
extraordinary, only wise can understand them. And there are manyyyy more. I hope
you all will be inspired! Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Saagar R. a year ago I have already read
the book in pdf form but again i felt to read it and it was worth it and i am
surely going to read it again, perhaps may be after a year. The alchemist is a
beautiful inspiring story of a shepherd boy , Santiago who goes on to follow his
dream, literally his dream as he saw that in his dream and on his way, he faces a
lot of hurdles which rather than making him dismoralized , even pushes him more
near to his dream , testing him in every path to be the deserving one and he really
proves it after all. It gives us a lesson to follow our dreams and ambitions with
perseverance as things are mostly not going to be as you wished , testing you in
every shape and form so that the final person which shall be you purely deserves
it. Great book . Highly recommended to all people. 7 people found this helpful.
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Zahid Ejaj 4 months
ago The Alchemist is a novel written by Paulo Coelho, first published in 1988. The
story follows the journey of a shepherd boy named Santiago, who dreams of finding a
treasure hidden in the Egyptian pyramids. The novel is a tale of self-discovery,
spirituality, and the pursuit of one's dreams. The story begins with Santiago
living a simple life as a shepherd in Spain. He has a recurring dream of a treasure
hidden in the Egyptian pyramids, which he interprets as a sign from the universe.
He decides to leave his comfortable life and embark on a journey to find the
treasure. Along the way, Santiago meets a series of characters who help him on his
journey, including an alchemist who teaches him about the power of the universe and
the importance of following one's heart. The novel explores themes of destiny,
purpose, and the interconnectedness of all things. Coelho's writing style is
simple yet profound, with powerful messages conveyed through allegory and
symbolism. The novel is filled with memorable quotes that inspire and motivate the
reader to pursue their own dreams. One of the most powerful scenes in the novel is
when Santiago meets the alchemist. The alchemist teaches Santiago about the
importance of listening to his heart and following his dreams. He tells Santiago
that everyone has a personal legend, a unique purpose in life that they must
fulfill. The alchemist also teaches Santiago about the power of the universe and
how everything is connected. Throughout the novel, Santiago faces numerous
obstacles and setbacks on his journey. However, he never loses sight of his goal
and continues to pursue his dream with unwavering determination. His journey is a
testament to the power of perseverance and the importance of believing in oneself.
The novel's ending is both surprising and satisfying, with Santiago discovering
that the treasure he was searching for was within him all along. Coelho's message
is clear: the true treasure in life is not material wealth, but rather the
fulfillment of one's personal legend. In conclusion, The Alchemist is a timeless
classic that has inspired millions of readers around the world. Coelho's message of
following one's heart and pursuing one's dreams resonates with readers of all ages
and backgrounds. The novel's simple yet profound writing style, memorable
characters, and powerful themes make it a must-read for anyone seeking inspiration
and guidance on their own journey of self-discovery. 1 person found this helpful.
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Shraddha Lade a month
ago I have recently re-read this novel, just to get inspired again by Santiago's
Journey. This is one of the popular books and international bestsellers by Paulo
Coelho originally written in Portuguese. The novel tells the tale of Santiago, a
shepherd boy who dreams about hidden treasure in the deserts of Egypt and dares to
follow it. We all have dreams and pray for them to come true. The novel skillfully
combines words of wisdom, philosophy, makes it so enchanting, and teaches us "life
is a journey with an infinite series of decision points." The plot that I liked
the most in this book is - where the old king says that the greatest lie in the
world is that at some point we lose the ability to control our lives and become the
pawns of fate. So if you are struggling or facing temporary defeats in life, then
this book is a savior. Read it with a clear mind and you shall get your Treasure!
Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Anubhav Sharma 2 years ago THIS IS TRULY
A MASTERPIECE EHIC'LL BE REMEBERED TO A LONG TIME.... This book is really one of a
kind. Work by someone who is known for his novels so far is really unimaginable.
This is really a begginers book as the language is simple and easy to understand
thus producing a vibe about reading more of its kind. This book focusses on people
eho are lost in this materialistic world and deviated from there dreams which they
which they could persue when they were you. Due to financial and social pressure ,
they ought to take up some job and earn money for there life long, thus forgetting
about there ultimate goal which there heart wants them to persue. this book
provides about a way to work for whats written in our destiny and when we are
poutting 100% in persuing the path towards our destiny, then whole world come
together to realise our destiny. 14 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Sara Qureshi a year ago I'll try to keep
it short it and crisp. I've heard that few people are a bit sceptical of reading
philosophical fiction. But trust me, this novel will change your perspective about
this genre. The Alchemist is one of the best books I have read. Though it just
seems a typical adventours novel BUT THERE IS SO MUCH MORE TO IT. Such deep
meanings behind the words. It is about Santiago (who is the protagonist)
following his dreams, where he learns the language of the universe, gains
experiences, falls in love, meets people and there is so much more to it till he
finally found the treasure he has been looking for. Each page of this masterpiece
has words of wisdom. These are few of my favourite quotes :- "When you want
something, all the universe conspires to give it to you.'' "There is only one
thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve; the fear of failure. "You came so
that you could learn about your dreams, and the dreams are the langauge of God.''
Just get this book. It's a treasure. 8 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Samruddhi Naik a year ago Agar kisi
cheez ko dil se chaho toh puri kayanat tumhe usse milne ke koshis mein lag jati hai
Finally completed 'The Alchemist' and I must say it was a brilliant read. In our
life, everyone has a purpose to serve but for that, we need to realize it. Because
nothing comes in handy if we want something we need to strive for it. And also
always listen to your heart as it tells you the truth! Because it made me realize
why I chose certain things and I don't regret them, this book has made me a bit
more confident. The plot was really amazing, unique, and very well written kept me
engaged whenever I read it. The second part of the book is the hero because from
there the story gets intense and slowly everything starts to fall in place. I loved
how the author described different aspects of life in a beautiful way. Characters
are very well developed because they can make you feel their existence. Some events
were heartwarming, while some were filled with thrill some were sad. And some had
hit me hard. The ending was of next level, I was literally amazed by the twist. You
gotta read this book at least once in your life!! 4 people found this helpful.
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Veronica Johnson 6
months ago When I say this book is for everyone, I mean it. I first read this book
on high school and every year like clockwork I grab it from my bookshelf to read it
again. Every time I flip through the pages there is something different that I
needed to read that at the time is relevant to my life. This is a story of a boy
on a journey, a journey that although seems difficult
is outshined by his determination. With spiritual guides and words of wisdom from
strangers he makes is to his treasure, only to realize the treasure was right where
he started. It is such a wonderful book for those looking for a bit of guidance, a
happy ending and an overall abundance of philosophy. Everything I have read by
Paulo Coelho has changed my life and brought a new outlook on the simple things in
this world. 2 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Shubham Nath 3 years ago This book is
totally explained how to be motivated in the journey of following your own personal
legend or dreams. Great motivator with the help of adventurous story. "The
Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho is an inspirational story of Santiago, a youthful
Spanish shepherd in the rolling hills of Andalusia. The boy has deep attachment
with his flock but realizing that they are devoid of aesthetic sense and
appreciation for nature which he beholds, loves and admires, the course of his life
changes. His parents' life is associated with struggle in a country which people
from far away fantasize and romanticize but for them it's not a place of dream and
charm. Story starts with a dream followed by a series of adventures ultimately
leads to resolution. His time is consumed in herding, reading and dreaming of
travelling far-off places. He keeps getting same dream that there is treasure lying
underneath the Egyptian pyramids. His encounter with a gypsy woman for consulting
his dream gives story a new turn. He gets to know from her to follow omens. As the
story moves the events get connected impeccably. Santiago's quest for treasure,
soon his lucky encounter with old King who strengthens his beliefs about living his
destiny, coming across mishaps and encounter with Fatima, a desert girl; all this
leads him to personal legend that converges the idea of 'conspiring universe'.
Personal legend is the key to living a successful and satisfying life as it is the
destiny which one dreams of. He receives assistance from an alchemist who helps him
understand his quest for accomplishing his dream. By time his belief grows and
satisfaction nourishes as he is on right path. He comes to know "when you want
something all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it". Story deals
with an internal conflict between his love and personal dreams but this novel ends
up showing love as a supporting tool for achieving his dream. This is a beautiful
idea that true love can prove to be a great stimulus when time comes. According to
Coelho dreams have a price but not living your dreams has even a bigger price. The
idea of seeking dreams is marvelous. Pursuing your dream and commiting to it makes
the whole universe conspiring to give you what you want. One of the dangerous
hindrance described in the novel is fear. The fear of failure which stops us living
our destiny. Overcoming this is a great victory as Coelho quoted "tell your heart
that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And that no heart
has ever suffered when it goes in search of dreams because every second of the
search is a second encounter with God and with eternity". When Santiago is in
desert he comes to know that he can turn base metals into gold. (Although the idea
is not true in reality). It is also a bit overrated when alchemist turns lead into
gold. It is not necessary that you agree each and every thing which Coelho has put
into the novel. Instead your reason and rationale may oppose many things. But one
has to have the ability to read between the lines. In spite of being very unreal it
is a beautiful fable which has delighted millions around the world because of its
thought provoking ideas of spirituality and destiny. Santiago while travelling
understands the relation between man and nature. His quest and how he overcomes the
obstacles of violence, confusion and despair is an encouraging pleasure for reader.
The setting of novel is real but events are magical. Some may find it a good piece
to escape reality and some to understand reality. 15 people found this helpful.
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Meghna Sodha 3 years
ago "The Alchemist" is one of the most reviewed books. The book starts with the
beautiful prologue of Narcissus that certainly gives a deep feel to initiate the
book at earliest. It is a story of a young Spanish shepherd boy who has chosen his
profession due to his liking of wandering. He often dreams of a treasure lying
under the pyramids of Egypt but when he is about to reach the exact location of the
treasure, he wakes up. On the journey of achieving his dreams (treasure) he meets
some people who help direct him towards his destination. He learns to believe in
"omen" and to feel the "soul of the world" - a term frequently used by Coelho,
meaning to relate with the soul of nature. He starts his journey to Egypt from the
Tarifa through the deserts of Sahara to the oasis of Al Faiyum. There he meets 200
year old wise man, an alchemist. He mentors Santiago to learn through out his
journey of life and to achieve the actual treasure. This book is about following
and achieving your dreams, and in this process the whole universe conspires for its
happening. The beauty of Al Faiyum is described in the most alluring manner by
mentioning oasis, horizon, campfires, 50,000 date palms, colorful tents, dunes,
dark chilly nights and Arabic people. Nature is the supreme power but it has
limitations too. Santiago's conversation with desert, wind and sun is the
phenomenally written part of the book. This fantasy full episode to blend in with
nature is absolutely soulful. An alchemist converts lead into gold which is
something unrealistic yet the most relevant gesture to maintain the essence of the
book. This is purely a quest genre philosophical book: focusing on fight with
fears, being real and passionate. "The Alchemist" itself is a treasure, must be
included in everyone's book shelf. 86 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Akshata Jaiswal 2 years ago I had read
‘The Pilgrimage’ by Paulo Coelho before, so I quite knew what reading ‘The
Alchemist’ would be. It would include a journey and talk about spirituality. But
Paulo Coelho made sure to make this particular book not just a journey of his but
of every individual who dares to dream. It is an engaging fable about finding the
purpose in life and following your destiny. The book was initially written and
published in the Portuguese language. Soon it became an international hit and was
translated into more than 70 languages. The story starts in Spain with a shepherd
boy named Santiago, who always wanted to travel the world. He keeps getting a
recurring dream about a treasure lying in the pyramids of Eygpt and decides to
embark on the journey. Though Paulo meant a literal treasure in the book, it’s a
metaphor for finding the true happiness of life. The novel continues with a
beautiful narration about how the boy manages to cross the Mediterranean and Sahara
desert to follow his destiny. The book speaks about his encounters with other
characters and what he experiences throughout the journey. The book is a bundle
of optimism, motivating readers to follow what their heart desires. It gives a
message that no matter how challenging the path to follow your dream can be, the
result is a great sense of euphoria. The question is, will you dare to start? 3
people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Muhammad Zeeshan 3 years ago I am
neither a regular book reader nor i get sufficient time to grab some book and start
reading it. But recently one of my good friends suggested me to just try and start
this book. It proved just wonderful when i read and completed it. A very inspiring,
mind agitative and thoughtful script which compels one that *if u really have
desire for something to achieve then complete universe conspires you in achieving
it.* How a boy (named Santiago from Spain) gets leads in a continous manner to
follow his dream/ destiny, how he encounters different problems at different places
and how he takes different omens to reach his destiny, all this is full of
adventures and inspirations. 14 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Momina Ejaz 6 days ago Hi! This is
Momina Ejaz from Pakistan. After reading the book I must say that: This is a book
that helps you in realizing the value and importance of self-exploration, self-
discovery, and self-development. The story of a shepherd Santiago who is determined
to follow his dream over anything else. During the traveling, he finds a guide, an
Alchemist within his journey who helps him in keeping his spirit and zest alive
toward his destiny. The concepts of "Omens" and "two stones" refer to Signs from
God that help one in pursuing their dreams which are subjective and unique for
everyone according to their extraordinary stories. We must pay heed to them. The
novel suggests that there is nothing like already written doom; it's always by
choice and if one chooses to follow his dreams and passion the whole universe
conspires to help you in reaching your desired destiny. The turning "Lead into
Gold" is that in the whole story finding treasure was not important but the whole
journey and his traveling events in which he meets different characters who teach
him something in their way and by the end of the novel he becomes something from
nothing. It is always about the journey not reaching the destination. You learn a
lot within the process and by the end of your journey you turn yourself into the
gold; it's like from zero to hero. This book helps you to understand the world with
a spiritual reference and suggests to forget about its material existence for
a while. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Varsha Deodhe 2 months ago
Masterpiece.!!is what you can say if you want to describe in one word... It is
the story of young boy,Santiago who is a shephard...he loves his sheeps and content
with his life.and its about how he decides to leave everything for the sake of
travelling the whole world and believe his dream and reach his goal(treasure) and
how he found love of his life. MY FAVOURITE lines From ALCHEMIST.. People are
capable,at any time in their lives of doing what they dreamed of. If you start out
by promising what you don't even have yet,ypu loose your desire to work towadrs
getting it. When you want something,all the universeconspire in helping you to
achieve it. You will never be able to escape from your heart,so it is better to
listen to what it has to say.. If you can concentrate only on present you will be
a happy man ,you will see that there is life in desert,there are stars in the
heaven. The secret of happiness is to see all the marval of the world,and never
forget your roots. Dunes are changed by the wind but the desert never changes.
Whoever believes in dreams also knows how to interpret them. Remember
that ,wherever your heart is there you will find your treasure. SO,I LOVE
YOU ,because the entire universe conspire to help me find you. Don't think about
what you have left behind because, Everything is written in the soul of the
world ,and their it will stay forever!! Tell your heart that fear if suffering is
worse than suffering itself When we strive to become better than we
are,everything around us become better too. so to conclude its all about having
belief in your dreams and destiny .when you believe it how the entire universe
conspires in helping you achieve it.and whenever you go in search of your dreams,
destiny always gives you a second chance..and every second chance ids encounter
with god and eternity. and about love ...wrier says love never keeps a man away
from pursuing his destiny...and if he abondoned that pursuit, its because it was
not a true thats speaks the language og the world.. #must read#paul
coelho#thealchemist#lifechanging 62 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Senila Senal 2 years ago "When you want
something, all the universe conspires to help you achieve it" These are the words
that inspires me from the book " The Alchemist". To say about this book, it is
itself a hidden treasure. The book goes on with a journey of a young shepherd to
his dreams. He faced many obstacles, accepts challenges, face many failures but
atlast reach to his goal. But besides a random story, the indepth meaning hidden
between the lines makes this book a treasure. Each and everyone in this world has a
dream. But its all about how to reach out there and how many succeeded it. Never
rely on our past, live and enjoy every moment of our present. Always hear the words
from our heart and get connected to it. I will be keeping this book as my life
guide and i suggest this book for everyone who is out there in the journey for
their dreams. 1 person found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Astroguy 3 years ago The book takes you
on an Unexpected Journey which will left you mesmerizing about the beauty and the
destruction powers of the nature. It will provide you the basic instincts that has
been rendered from centuries which give some directions how to to implement those
Revolutionary ideas to to evolve our civilization as the most astonishing
civilization . Its a robustly interpreted a worldwide phenomena and you must read
I recommend you to read it two times because only then you can use those stories
and the ideas which you can then implement in your own life so that you can be a
better person on the other side there is a small story about love in the book
when the Shepherd saw Fatima for the first time .Paulo Coelho had interpreted this
scene with so much delicacy that you would fall in love with that girl without even
seeing her face and that's the beauty of this book you will see those roads ,those
Palm trees , oasis,the ports , the mighty SAHARA desert and the crystals ,the men
and the beautiful women of Arabs and you can then realise how it was back them. I
know its a fictional story but it leaves you clues that you will have to take and
follow and achieve your destiny which you are destined to do and this is the main
epilogue of the book go and read it . 21 people found this helpful. Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ ARV_ EDITZ a year ago "The
Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho is an inspirational story of Santiago, a youthful
Spanish shepherd in the rolling hills of Andalusia. The boy has deep attachment
with his flock but realizing that they are devoid of aesthetic sense and
appreciation for nature which he beholds, loves and admires, the course of his life
changes. His parents' life is associated with struggle in a country which people
from far away fantasize and romanticize but for them it's not a place of dream and
charm. Story starts with a dream followed by a series of adventures ultimately
leads to resolution. His time is consumed in herding, reading and dreaming of
travelling far-off places. He keeps getting same dream that there is treasure lying
underneath the Egyptian pyramids. His encounter with a gypsy woman for consulting
his dream gives story a new turn. He gets to know from her to follow omens. As the
story moves the events get connected impeccably. Santiago's quest for treasure,
soon his lucky encounter with old King who strengthens his beliefs about living his
destiny, coming across mishaps and encounter with Fatima, a desert girl; all this
leads him to personal legend that converges the idea of 'conspiring universe'.
Personal legend is the key to living a successful and satisfying life as it is the
destiny which one dreams of. He receives assistance from an alchemist who helps him
understand his quest for accomplishing his dream. By time his belief grows and
satisfaction nourishes as he is on right path. He comes to know "when you want
something all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it". Story deals
with an internal conflict between his love and personal dreams but this novel ends
up showing love as a supporting tool for achieving his dream. This is a beautiful
idea that true love can prove to be a great stimulus when time comes. According to
Coelho dreams have a price but not living your dreams has even a bigger price. The
idea of seeking dreams is marvelous. Pursuing your dream and commiting to it makes
the whole universe conspiring to give you what you want. One of the dangerous
hindrance described in the novel is fear. The fear of failure which stops us living
our destiny. Overcoming this is a great victory as Coelho quoted "tell your heart
that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself. And that no heart
has ever suffered when it goes in search of dreams because every second of the
search is a second encounter with God and with eternity". When Santiago is in
desert he comes to know that he can turn base metals into gold. (Although the idea
is not true in reality). It is also a bit overrated when alchemist turns lead into
gold. It is not necessary that you agree each and every thing which Coelho has put
into the novel. Instead your reason and rationale may oppose many things. But one
has to have the ability to read between the lines. In spite of being very unreal it
is a beautiful fable which has delighted millions around the world because of its
thought provoking ideas of spirituality and destiny. Santiago while travelling
understands the relation between man and nature. His quest and how he overcomes the
obstacles of violence, confusion and despair is an encouraging pleasure for reader.
The setting of novel is real but events are magical. Some may find it a good piece
to escape reality and some to understand reality. I highly recommend it to young
readers as its conclusions directs it solves the purpose to make reader understand
having faith in destiny which ultimately leads to achieving it. Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ AQ 3
years ago The Alchemist is one of the best books I have ever read. It's a beautiful
and charming book that touches your heart. "When you want something, all the
universe conspires to help you achieve it" (The Alchemist) When you want something
with all your heart and try to achieve it, no doubt obstacles will come in your way
but if you are still trying to achieve your goal then those obstacles will no
longer remain in your way, they will become milestones and they will lead you
towards your destination. Hold fast to dreams and try to make these dreams come
true. It's the author's message. "A remarkable tale about the most magical of all
journeys: the quest to fulfill one's destiny. I recommend The Alchemist to anyone
who is passionately committed to claiming the life of their dreams_today "(Anthony
Robbins) Awais Qarni 8 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Asif Gujjar a year ago This was my first
Fiction read & I wasn't much impressed. The reason why I gave it 3 stars instead of
1 is those insightful quotes that initially inspired me to pick this book. It's
the tale of a boy's journey; Santiago, an Andalusian shepherd who have a recurrent
dream of some treasure hiding near pyramids in Egypt. Every now & then some omens
guide him to his Personal Legend. This book is all about his journey to self
discovery & spiritual transformation. Recognizing & living his dreams. The central
theme of this book is to 𝘧 𝘰𝘭 𝘭 𝘰𝘸 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘥𝘳 𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘴 . Storyline
of this overrated book doesn't quite inspire me. While the theme is interesting
but doesn't relate with the questionable ending. One of the most famous quote that
you may have heard: "𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞 𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐢𝐧
𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐭" (This really made me question the ambitions of various
people around me; those, not living their dream life) This statement contradicts
with the idea of "A must-to-have strength mentioned in self-help books; if you
wanna live your dreams : ρ ꫀ𝕣ⅈ𝕥 ꫀꪀꫀડડ ꫀ = 𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘵 𝘪 𝘯𝘶𝘦 𝘵 𝘰 𝘮𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘪 𝘯 𝘵 𝘩𝘦 𝘳 𝘪 𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘥𝘪 𝘳 𝘦𝘤 𝘵 𝘪 𝘰𝘯 ,

𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘥𝘥𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘧𝘢𝘷𝘰𝘳. Like, if you set on a journey to your dreams,
not every time you recieve the required assistance. People keep waiting for the
right time & some magical event to pursue their dreams. Instead, if you can't find
a way, CREATE ONE. But this story presents the idea that there would be some force
leading you to achieve your goals. Dialogues in this book are quite inspiring.
They lift your spirits & encourages you to let your dreams define your direction &
destination. Occasionally, you may find yourself questioning your true purpose &
recognize your core desires. 5 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Eto is an Elite 8 months ago I remember
stumbling upon this book thinking the name of the book: "The Alchemist" was about
an alchemist, but nope, It was even better than that. It follows a boy named
"Santiago" who pursues his dream and he goes on an adventure that will lead him to
many great lesson in life. Personally for me I think this is a greatly recommended
book for those who need some special inspiration to follow and achieve their
dreams. I have learnt many great teachings that are about life, things physical and
spiritual. I thank Paulo Coelho for writing this book since it really is great
indeed. This was also a memorable book for me because It was the first Paulo Coelho
book I read. 1 person found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ leprous life 2 years ago AS SHALLOW AS
SILENCED TO DEATH, NO ONE WANTS TO KNOW ABOUT THIS... 41 people found this helpful.
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Victricia Beukman 5
months ago The book the Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is an amazing story of a young
shepherd boy Santiago from the Spanish region of Andalusia. Who goes on a spiritual
and physical journey of finding a treasure he dreamed of. His journey is fulled
with spiritual awakening. Lessons of the heart and life. He grows in character and
finds wisdom and an appreciation for life. The blessing in the smallest details of
God's creation. He travels and meets unique characters who helps him to get to
where he needs to be. He learns from each place and person he meets, while leaving
them with lessons and gifts of his own. He has life threatening encounters and has
to make decisions of honor and bravery. His quest is a solo journey of following
his dreams and self discovery, although he meets love and honorable companions like
the wise Alchemist along the way.The time period of the story is different from our
current times but the principle of discipline, endurance and continues self
development remains timeless. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Aaliya Awan 2 years ago The Alchemist by
Paulo Coelho is an inspirational story of a shepherd (Santiago) who once saw a
dream and left everything behind to chase it. He traveled far away from his land
and suffered a series of hardships and obstacles but never gave up until got the
treasure. No weapon, mere his will power helped him to face the various dangers.
Every single one of us suffers the hurdles like rejection, deception lake of money
and resources, love and family but this story shows nothing stays forever. If one
thing goes against you an other comes to help you. "When you want something, all
the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it." Apparently, it seems a
simple fairytale but actually full of wisdom and philosophy. It occupies your mind
completely. I suggest this book to all the youth. 9 people found this helpful.
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ SADHANADEVI S 2 years
ago Santiago, who leaves his flock and his land to pursue his dream. A boy who is
on a journey of discovering his destiny and realising his dream of finding a
treasure. This story tells us that the happiness , contentment, peace & joy of
one’s life lies within his journey towards his dream of life. When a person
strives to live his dream , nature helps him out to seek his dream; as written in
The Alchemist; “When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you
to achieve it.” the book tells us that we must not run away from our destiny. This
book is full of ideas about spirituality, destiny & dreams Really fantastic book ,
which made us more and more positive ...and story of Santiago travel to his
treasure make us to enjoy well and create some good feel and positivity on us...
Do read this book ,after completing this book you feel like the universe was doing
some thing specially for you... 4 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Youmna Khan 2 years ago The Alchemist is
one of my favourite books... and that's something that everyone who has read this
book has said about it. The book is about how we must strive to fulfill our dreams.
When we just want to give up and let our dreams go, destiny has a way of turning
things around and making your dreams come true. After I read this book, for the
first time, I saw magic as something beautiful... and it made a lot more sense than
petty wand-waving and spell chanting. I would totally recommend this book to
anyone looking for a good read... or someone who's just bored in quarantine. I'm
sure it won't disappoint. 5 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Madiha Shahid a month ago "The
Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho is a beloved novel that has captivated readers around
the world. It's a philosophical and allegorical story that follows Santiago, a
shepherd boy on a journey
to discover his personal legend and fulfill his dreams. The book is filled with
profound wisdom about following one's heart, pursuing dreams, and finding one's
purpose in life. Many readers find it inspiring and thought-provoking, while others
appreciate its simple yet profound storytelling. However, some critics argue that
it may be overly simplistic or lacking in depth. Ultimately, whether you enjoy it
or not may depend on your personal taste and what you're looking to gain from the
book. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Puja Kumari a year ago Alchemist is
surely a best motivating novel I ever read. This is about how universe helps us to
realise our destiny. Everything in this world has a destiny to fulfill. As story
says that 'the universe conspires to help us when we desire something'. All we have
to do is follow our hearts. This book talked about a language that everyone and
everything in this world speaks. Paulo Coelho explained it in this book. I'm a slow
learner but still I got the idea about this and I will surely practice and learn
it. I loved the 'alchemist' character more than the lead character. He resembles
'Krishna' from 'bhagavat geeta' ,a Hindu lord. alchemist guides shepherd just as
Krishna guides Arjuna. And each n every line that he said was a big statement for
me.. a line I highlighted to read for motivation. The last page was shocking and
it took me a whole day to overcome that and read the prologue,which was a relief.
The story was so meaningful. Simple yet too complex, which totally depends on the
pov. I will definitely read it again. 1 person found this helpful. Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Anjaly Maria 3 years ago The
Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is one of the best books I had's an amazing
story which inspires us, mainly the youth to achieve our dreams and work hard to
reach our destiny,doing so the whole universe conspires for its happening.The story
is very enchanting and bursts with optimism which I think is very important in our
lives .The book shows that the journey to your destiny is as important as the
destiny itself. An allegorical novel The Alchemist follows a
young shepherd boy,Santiago in his journey towards the pyramid in Egypt,after
having a recurring dream of finding a treasure there.He follows his dream until the
end even if he faced a lot of difficulties and sufferings.The story also tells
about true love,true love will not stop nor must one sacrifice to it ones personal
destiny,since to do so robs it of truth. At the end
Santiago found that the treasure he sought all along was in the ruined church where
he had his orginal dream.It also tells us about the soul of nature and introduces
the idea about true legand. 131 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Victoria Rucker a year ago This book has
so much deadwood (repeating details in a story that render them pointless
redundancies) with the way he repeats “Personal Legend - listen to your heart -
Language of the World - your treasure found” over and over for what seems like a
100 times you are very quickly saying in your head, ‘alright alright, we got those
messages in chapter one’. Honesty, you basically just read the whole book by
reading those 4 phrases above because all of his additional tales to attempt to
highlight those above repeated phrases into meaning/truths were done in a way that
was like he writing them for the mind of 3rd grader/8 yr old. Ultimately, I think
he was attempting/hoping to write on the level of the book Siddhartha by Hermann
Hesse (a truly impactful book of meanings on life). Which I think is the main
reason I pushed through since this book has so much chatter for having some grand
inspiring meaning in life too made me want to see if it could come through in the
end. It does not. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME. 13 people found this helpful. Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Chitransh K 2 years ago
Alchemist- a book about dreams and the zeal to achieve it . It's a story of a young
boy named Santiago who goes on an adventure to find his treasure.He met several
people who has shown the way to him. He himself was fed up and tried to give up on
finding the treasure but there is something that kept him going. And it beautifully
told us that our treasure remains there wherever our heart is. It's a beautiful
book you all should read it.i read this book last year but whenever I start reading
again it gives me intense pleasure. I hope this is helpful for you. 5 people found
this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Seyar
Zarif 2 years ago My name is seyar zarif i'm from Afghanistan/khurasan during this
period, I read more than a hundreds persian books, especially law , science ,
fiction and Books of poetry from movlana rumi.. And also the alchemist book is my
first novel that I started my reading from this amazing book so once again i wanna
say Hi from Afghanistan/khurasan. The Alchemist by Paulo coelho is an inspirational
story of Santiago. I learned alots of experience from it specialy when someone
begin a work, i understood h ...MORE 2 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Pragya Mishra a year ago I don't think I
will define "dreams" the same as I used to before reading "The Alchemist". My
perception about life is completely changed after reading this wonderful journey of
following our dreams. The more pages you cover, the more you will understand the
fact and it's destiny that decides what's going to happen. And if you are thinking
to read it, please don't take it from anyone. Instead buy one for yourself because
it can be a very positive piece of literature to be indulgent with, when you are
feeling low or even when you are in your struggle days. I simply had an amazing
experience reading this one😇. 1 person found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Pay It Forward 7 months ago A simple yet
unpredictable book. Easy to follow, well written in that you can picture your
surroundings. I'd recommend it to anyone. It would make readers reflect on their
own lives, if different places. Each reader would get a different takeaway. The big
ones being trusting your instincts, and trust that the universe or "the Gods" have
a bigger purpose for you. He slept, and therefore wasn't robbed and killed. I get
every single red light on the way to meeting like the universe is conspiring
against me; it is, so that everything lines up to find our own gold under a
Sycamore Tree in an abandon church. Everything happens for a reason, even if the
answer is not in plain sight or easily obtainable. It wears thin the older you get.
I'll keep hanging in there, taking every opportunity. Something has to lead me to
my Sycamore tree. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Muhammad Ishaq Khan 5 months ago The
Alchemist" is a beautifully written and inspiring novel that encourages readers to
pursue their dreams and listen to their hearts. The story takes us on a journey
with the protagonist, Santiago, as he sets out to fulfill his personal legend.
Through his travels, he learns important life lessons and meets a variety of
intriguing characters. The themes of self-discovery, personal growth, and following
one's dreams are conveyed in a simple yet profound way. The book is a quick and
easy read, but its impact is long-lasting. After finishing the book, readers may
find themselves reflecting on their own life journeys and contemplating the
messages conveyed in the novel. Overall, "The Alchemist" is a must-read for anyone
who needs a little encouragement to pursue their dreams and live their best life.
Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Shamanul Akhtar 3 years ago I read this
book The Alchemist, it's a story that keeps you connected right from the beginning
till the end, the story has a beautiful content including
trust,devotion,beliefs,love,worldly,value of life,friendship ,loyalty and yes
learning too. It's one of the best writing I ever have across reading. And yes I do
agree with the above mentioned comments that this is a book that deserves to be in
everyone's shelves. I do that Mr.Paulo Coelho for bringing out this beautiful
story among us. Thanks and Regards Shamanul Akhtar Reader/Writer 15 people found
this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ shalaka
Anil 3 years ago It's such an amazing book! I was really satisfied with the way the
story is written and how the author has explained that your life is made for
achieving what you dream and not to fear failure. Even though the incidents in the
story are very unreal, it helps one understand very clearly that life is yours and
you should live it the way you love and the type you prefer. It's totally
inspirational and beautiful. The way the suspense is created and the means the
author has used to make it interesting is completely amazing and attractive. It
also teaches one the true meaning of love. There are many things and values taught
in the book. I loved it a lot! By Anushka 5 people found this helpful. Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ abhijeet jadhav a year ago The
book- Alchemist It is written by Paulo Coelho, it's like adventures fiction book,a
story of shepherd boy name Santiago who leaves everything behind and start his
journey to pursue his dreams. In this book it is well describe like how the nature
help out if you are fully passionated to achieve something. Best line from the
book- "When you want something,all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve
The line is similar to om shanti om movie dialogue lik "kisi chij ko agar shidat
se chaho to sari kayanat use tumse milane me lag jati he". It's like overall the
book tell us that we must not run away from our destiny. I would highly recommend
this book to read for those who really passionate to achieve there dreams. Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Jamal Nasir 2 years ago A short review from my perspective; We live in a modern
era where complexity is more bitter than simple. A lot majority of people get
motivation from videos and it is just a temporary influential thing that gets off
with the rapid passage of time. Al-Chemist is not a novel having literary taste but
also has a mammoth amount of motivation which is even better than any other source.
It is best for the persons who are desperate and hopeless from a life that is not
going to end, soon. The novel was based on philosophical thinking. He negates the
philosophy of escapism and prevents his character from this dogma. It was amazing
and a great experience. Now, escapism is prevailing in society in a very bad manner
and it has to stop. The novel not only galvanizes but also reveals some axiom
secret of nature. The most gimmick thing in the novel is its naturalistic vision. I
have got it and also observed how nature beautiful. After reading the book I have
come to know that nature is too simple as well as complex. But notwithstanding all
things, it has given me a lens to see natural beauty and feel it. Good luck! 6
people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Sajid Ullah 5 months ago Paulo Coelho's
book "The Alchemist" is a thought-provoking and compelling read. The plot is on
Santiago, a teenage shepherd who longs to discover a treasure beyond his wildest
fantasies. He encounters a number of intriguing persons along the way who give him
helpful advice and enable him to comprehend the true meaning of his mission. The
writing of Coelho is straightforward but profound. He skillfully incorporates
aspects of spirituality, philosophy, and self-discovery into a lovely and
motivational tale. The book reminds readers that the journey is frequently more
significant than the destination and exhorts them to pursue their goals and have
confidence in their own skills. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Sankit sinha 3 years ago The Alchemist
is a fantastic book and the storytelling is beautiful.The choice of words are
impeccable, full of wisdom and philosophy .The story is about a young shepherd from
the south of Spain who has a recurring dream about a finding a treasure. Believing
that finding this treasure is his ‘destiny’ he leaves the comfort of home and
travels into the African desert to find it..The story is very enchanting and bursts
with optimism which I think is very important in our lives .The book shows that the
journey to your destiny is as important as the destiny itself.I love how the book
emphasizes on the importance of faith,hope and spirituality through the story of an
ordinary boy.I think this book appeals to everyone because we all have dreams and
sometimes we just want someone to tell us that they may come true.Overall,”The
Alchemist”is a very exciting fiction novel and it deserves a space at everyone’s
bookshelf. 7 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Sumera Azim Najaf 4 years ago I loved
the book Alchemist. It is a short book of a journey of a Shepard who is set off to
pursue his dreams and in doing so he finds himself. The book is full of invaluable
lessons of life and therefore I don't think of this book as a novel but a self
development book for sure. If you haven't read it, I urge you to read it. If you
have read it already, read it again. From all the invaluable life lessons Paulo
Coelho has mentioned is this book beautiful, the one I am definitely taking home is
that there is no use of one's knowledge unless applied- it is important to live
it, experience it and put into action, otherwise knowledge is useless. In the
journey of life where we live by what we know, is the only way we can become better
versions of ourselves and have a meaningful existence. Practical living is critical
to our learning as growth. So to all the dreamers out there, go realize your
dream. If your dream it, it's also your 'responsibility' to go get it ! 206 people
found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Pawan Kotharkar 2 years ago The Alchemist is a story about a young shepherd,
Santiago. The shepherd had always dreamt of travelling the world and chose to
become a shepherd so that he could travel. His purpose in life was to travel and
see the world. This story depicts how an ordinary shepherd listens to his heart and
decides to follow his destiny. This book has wonderful moments of fantasy and
sprinkle realism which makes every moment reading it feel special to the reader.
The young man meets the love of his life but decides to follow his destiny as they
both believed in their love which teaches the reader power of trust in one another.
The end of book has a really wonderful twist which makes the ending fit in the
story but also stand out as a special moment for the main character. 1 person found
this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ KAUSTAV
BHATTACHARJEE 3 years ago The story is about a young shepherd Santiago and his
journey following his dream and his quest. The story is linear and follows the
various travails of the shepherd in his quest for treasure. Though it is a simple
story, but what keeps this book apart is the narration and philosophical elements
included in it. Paulo Coelho uses a very lucid and clear language to emphasise on
some simple things which one should follow in life. In his quest for treasure,
Santiago encounters various things like love, deceit, hatred, happiness, dejections
and all. He learns various lessons which play the central plot.The various
illustrations and poetic annotations are something which make this book a
masterpiece and a must read. Some quotes from the book: "When you really desire
for something, the entire universe conspires in helping you achieve it." "Life
attracts life." "The darkest hour of the night just comes before the dawn." 2
people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ maiya niraula pokhrel (Iamsosorry) 8
months ago I am sad to read life story of Poulo Coelo that he suffered much because
of parents emposing desires on him. As I have seen many childrens are ruined due to
their unfulfilled dreams. At last he had pursuit his dream of being writer and had
achieved success by writing many books. He has been inspiration to youth who have
lost their aim in life. The Alchemist has been his masterpiece that many readers
all over the world can read it and can change their life with hope. Present century
is the difficult time for many youths who can't progress in right way, can be
guided by this book. So I recommend to read this book to all. Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Laxita
Rai 3 years ago “And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in
helping you to achieve it.” PLOT: THE ALCHEMIST is a journey of a shepherd boy
named Santiago. He believes in dream comes true. He asks about his dreams to a
woman (gypsy fortune teller). The woman interprets the dream as a prophecy, telling
Santiago that he will be the one who is going to discover the treasure which lies
under an Egyptian pyramid. The old man replies, ”It’s this: that at a certain
point in our lives, we lose control of what’s happening to us, and our lives become
controlled by fate. That’s the world’s greatest lie.” MUST READ? With “The
Alchemist”, Author conveys a simple message to it’s readers that is one of the most
profound consideration of life through Santiago’s journey to find treasure, love
and travel. Author tries to encourage it’s readers to discover their own dreams for
their lives and also to never give up. 2 people found this helpful. Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ aleem_ Ullah a year ago Book:
Alchemist Writer: Paulo Coelho Pages: 208 This book is about the story of a
young boy. The boy who was a shepherd and had a strong sense of observation. He was
fond of travelling and observing new people, places, pastures and buildings. He
also loved his animals but one thing that was disturbing for him was that his flock
was unable to admire the natural beauty. The animals could not even observe new
pastures and fields. As he expressed his feelings “The problem is that they don’t
even realize that they are walking a new road every day. They don’t see that the
fields are new and the seasons change. All they think about is food and water. May
be we are all that way.” (I found the last line very interesting and thoughtful.)
After having a dream of some hidden treasure one night, he decided to search the
treasure. In this journey of finding his treasure, he met some interesting people.
All of them came to help him find his treasure. After observing this interesting
progress, he said a beautiful line "when you want something all the universe
conspires in helping you to achieve it." In his journey of finding his treasure, he
learns that by working with love and enthusiasm one can achieve anything. He also
learns how to live happy even when you are surrounded with uncertainty and living a
miserable life. According to him, the only key to be happy is to live in the
present moment. As he says, “Because I don’t live in either my past or my future.
I’m interested only in the present. If you can concentrate always on the present,
you’ll be a happy man.” One of the characters in this book is alchemist who
taught the boy multiple things during his journey. Alchemist taught him not to be
afraid of suffering while pursuing your dream, because “Fear of suffering is worse
than the suffering itself.” For me the book was easy to read, interesting and
helpful. This book is perfect for those who are going through tough times and
struggling to reach their destiny. As it will take you out of the tense routine for
a while and will teach you some important lessons as well. Was this review helpful
to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ SRIJITA GHATAK
2 years ago "The Alchemist" is written by Paulo Coelho. The short 163-paged book is
a singularly inspirational masterpiece. The style reads simply yet contains
powerful emotions, interesting characters, plot twists, and inspiring wisdom. It’s
about a Spanish shepherd boy named Santiago following his dream or personal legend
as it is described in the book. The shepherd starts the journey with a dream about
finding treasure in the Pyramids of Egypt all the way from his homeland Spain. He
is both a simple sheepherder and an ambitious explorer. He follows his dream, which
he dreams quite often. He embarks on his journey to cross the Mediterranean and the
Sahara to find his treasure and accomplish his Personal Legend. 4 people found this
helpful. Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Davey Needs 3
years ago Personally the book means so much on multiple levels. From beginning to
end, the learning curve of the boy has been written in such a way to not stick at a
certain thing but to appreciate the journey in a whole. Life is much like this.
Memories turn into fuzzy details but the event remains, kind of like going to a
wedding and not getting hung up on the meals but more the emotions within room.
This book stood out to me for the message it brings to the table and the beautiful
light it shines in our soul, have we met our legend? are we tied down by the stuff
we want rather than the things we need? Questions for pondering. 5 people found
this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ aldo
gordani a year ago I stayed at the hotel with my wife this week while we were
visiting Plovdiv. We had the most amazing view from our balcony as we could see the
swimming pools and the whole city! One of the best parts of the hotel was the spa.
I have stayed at quite a few 5 star hotels all over Europe and this is definitely
worth 5 stars! The breakfast was also worth a mention because it was delicious. I
would definitely compre it to the Hilton. I would recommend this for a couple
getaway as it is quite secluded and romantic! Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Neha adukwalia 2 years
ago It gives a divine experience. All the characters are so brilliantand I loved
the character of fatima especially whether she was a lady of desert but she truly
proved that who really love are not the barriers in the way of our dreams.
Santiago, s character also emphasis on the importance of learning, having new
experience and more than everything patience. It is a must to read story... I don't
have words to say in dignity of the author and his divine writing. Very beautiful
and positive😇😇😇. 2 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Med Lariby 2 years ago I love this book!
Paulo made sure every single soul reading this book understands reality from his
perspective and he also made sure no one would get bored reading the book. what I
mainly loved about the whole thing is that it takes sudden turns and you don't know
how I might end. like the time when Santiago found Fatima I thought he was going to
give up on his quest / personal legend but he didn't. No critics it's so Amazing!
Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Ahmed Majid Ansari 3 years ago In a
nutshell: We too easily give up on our dreams, yet the universe is always ready to
help us fulfill them. The Alchemist is written by Paulo Coelho. It’s about a
shepherd named Santiago following his dream or personal legend as it is described
in the book. The story is about a ,Shepherd boy from Spain whose name is
Santiago. The shepherd starts the journey with a dream about finding treasure in
the Pyramids of Egypt. He keeps getting the same dream about treasures that are
lying in the Pyramids of Egypt.He embarks on a journey to follow his dream after
meeting an old king who offers him magic stones and advice.Santiago crosses the
Mediterranean and Sahara to find his treasures in Egypt and also accomplish his
personal legend which is his purpose in life.The book details his journey and the
various encounters that he experiences when following his dream.Throughout the
journey, Santiago meets many new people and a lot of difficulties which ultimately
helps him to learn and grow the entire way. This story is not about the alchemist
with whim Santiago meets but it is about the one who becomes an Alchemist and takes
over. 7 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Hamna Awan 3 years ago The Alchemist by
"Paulo coelho" is a highly recommended book for all the souls who are struggling to
achieve their goals. A quick but deep read!!! The word which I like the most is Al-
Maktub___Everything is written. But it doesn't really mean that you stop struggling
and waiting for the results as its all written, there might be witten that you will
get something if you try. You might heard...Karma has no menu, you get served what
you desrve. The concept of Principle of favorability and recognition of omens were
the best among all. Happy Reading :) 4 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Erinma June 3 years ago ‘The Alchemist’
blew me away. I have been chasing a dream that is miles apart from my university
major for a while. This dream requires me to start a business and I had been
following my heart and I always felt that everything will be okay. It has taken me
longer than I had planned but honestly not too long but fear began to creep in. I
decided to read books about business even though my plan was to go with the flow
and be cautious - it is an art business. I have always been more of a visual and an
adventurous imaginative person than a reader, so this wasn’t going to be easy. I
had downloaded the top books from my search in business. The first book seemed too
serious and quite academic. I felt it will put a damper on what should be an
adventurous career. I clicked back to my e-library, picked another book. This also
did not seem like it would help. So down in the library I spotted ‘The Alchemist’
which I had downloaded months ago from either my search for ‘Books about Life’ or
‘100 books to read’. Having always believed that answers could be found in the most
unlikely places, I decided to give it a read. It was exactly what I needed and
more. After reading this book, I realized that even though I have not reached my
dream, I have made great strides in the pursuit of it. Like Santiago, I will
continue to lead in the direction of my dream and follow my heart. I don’t have to
be a reader, being a hardworking dreamer is just fine. And just as I have always
felt, I will in fact be okay. Ignore any grammatical error. I hope this review
helps someone. Thanks Paulo. 6 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Aisha Jamal 2 months ago It is a very
good novel which explicates the importance of omens in our lives which we generally
ignores. It tells us that in a pursuit of your destiny you have follow omens and
there will going to be many ups and downs. But the one who decides not to give up
will succeed, eventually. Also, it illustrates that in the way to reach one's
destiny one will learn a lot of things about life or more precisely one knows what
life is. He lears the language of the world and be able to understand the soul of
the world. I will definitely recommend this to the one who is negative towards life
and have developed negative mindset about God. I will give this 4.9/5 rating. Was
this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Jonathan Walker a year ago Felt a bit
too philosophical and almost preachy. A large part of the narrative happens as
internal dialogue and thoughts that amount to generalized "life-epiphanies." Might
be a good book for an early twenty-year old who feels some struck chord on hearing
a resonant message about God and the way to be happy, but otherwise a pretty
straightforward and relatively uninspiring (simple) plot-line. I must admit,
however, I did very much enjoy the section with the protagonist confronting the
chain of actors on how to "turn himself into the wind." A creative expansion of
suspense and anticipation toward the rising action of (in tandem) the wind's
"rising." Very clever. 1 person found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Manisha Mangtani 3 years ago Okay so
'The Alchemist' is a must read book. Its really amazing how each paragraph is
literally phrased with beautifully inspiring phrases. This book is galvanizing in
nature. Every line in this book is something u would want to highlight and read
again. It apparently stimulates every nerve in your body to believe in yourself and
power of you. Each and every worldly aspect would want u to achieve what u truly
wish for and work for is what this book says. Striving and learning and eventually
facing the fatal blows that journey serves you with to make u stronger enough to
achieve what u are destined for is what this book teaches you in differently
beautiful way
2 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Kim Tangkook a year ago 24-01-2022 1:47
a.m. Just finished this masterpiece. My first review on any book,, I just can't
help myself from sharing with others cz it is THAT much good! Honestly I'm
spellbound.... This deserves all the hype and recognition it got, getting and will
obviously get in the future... I have read a lot of books and can guarantee you
from the bottom of my heart that if you ask me about recommendations, this is the
one ❤ Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Marissa Elizabeth 3 years ago The
Alchemist - Paulo Coelho is an extraordinary book.. It is an inspiring story about
a boy named Santiago who desires to travel around the world looking for his beloved
treasure. It is a memorable story bout the requisite sagacity of hearing our hearts
out and following our dreams. A beautiful book bout treasures, magic, and dreams
which had a life-enhancing impact on people. It is one of the most favorite books
of all time. It's my fav book as well😊😊 4 people found this helpful. Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Ashwitha Shetty 2 years ago
The Alchemist is a story about a boy named Santiago, whose dream was to travel.
This dream turned him to a shepherd. He didn’t know what his destiny was, but the
repetitive dream of hidden treasure under the Egyptian Pyramid made him to travel
to Egypt. Initially, he had many doubts whether to believe it or not, but finally
he will set out to follow it. This story revolves around his adventurous journey,
the people he meet and the obstacles he faces. Many incidents make him come back to
his place, yet again, he focuses on accomplishing his dreams. Good book for
beginners. Beautifully written. Good message to follow our dream and not to run
away from the obstacles. 2 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Keith Ayag a year ago Idk if this book
is a self-help book itself but it lifted by spirit in so many levels. Basically,
the story limelights the notion of following your dreams— and that you have your
personal legend, and the omens will inevitably direct you there. In these times
when I feel so low, the book really helped me to heighten my faith in reaching my
endeavors in life (no matter how difficult, and atm I feel extremely exhausted).
Thank you, Paulo Coelho, for this amazing book. It moved me in so many levels. Was
this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ blueberry 3 years ago I wish I could
meet an alchemist just once in my life!! What a piece of writing!Magical vibes
spread through my body like the levanter and after reading this masterpiece,I
couldn't stop dreaming of hunting a treasure in a faraway land that I'm not sure
really exists!! A beautiful book that tells about the soul of the
universe..heart..treasure..dreams..and most of all love!.!... It is a fine mixture
of everything that we require in our lives!!There is definitely an ionic bond
between humans and the universe!! 7 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Luice Brigarde a year ago Truly...I
never thought this book would be so good when I first brought it home from my
library. But my thoughts changed after reading it. I first read it when I issued
this book from my school library and then after two years I borrowed it from my
friend to read it again. I have already read this twice and I want to read it again
so I am buying it because I don't know for how many more times I will read it in
the future. I really love this book and I don't think I can ever get bored of this
book. Such a great story and such a great work of the author. Very inspiring. I
recommend this to all of you. If you ever come in contact with this book don't skip
it. You won't regret reading this. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Cameron Brown 4 years ago This
book may be over hyped as it is a very simple read and offers very easily
interpreted images and meanings. Despite this however, I recommend this book almost
due to its simplicity. The overall messages being portrayed by Coelho are always
great to be reminded of. Although many of us spend time searching for greatness, we
find the search is truly what is leading us away from such greatness. In trying to
be and do something amazing, we're truly traveling further and further away from
what we truly desire. 117 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Falguni Somani 3 years ago I read this
book years ago and still, I can visualize the journey it took me on very clearly.
It is a very gripping tale and as an avid reader, The Alchemist shall always remain
one of my favorites. The end of the book will make you experience a multitude of
unparalleled emotions! This is, by far, the most compelling book and I'd highly
recommend it to readers, no matter what genre you usually prefer. Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Parveen Dutta a year ago It was a recommendation to me by our facilitator. I,
honestly, loved this book! When I started reading, I took it slow, but by the time
I stayed up till dawn – to know what next. I felt like I'm also experiencing
alongside the boy, Santiago. The respective Author surely has a unique+amazing
view and storytelling skills. There are many lessons in each conversation you can
see. If you try to plot all this as per your situation, maybe you'll also get many
answer like me. You would be able to know more about "Personal Legend" & "Omen". I
should read more books. :)) Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Farheen Ishtiaq 2 years ago The
Alchemist by Paulo Choelo According to me, this astonishing book tells the reader
to live a ambitious life. "When you want something, all the universe
conspires in helping you to achieve it." The whole story revolves around this
quote. This novel is best for the ambitious person especially for students
because it motivates them to never give up. If one door closes then the other must
be open. The most admirable thing is that it relates to the person's life.
Everyone feels the story as their own story. I flourishly recommend it to the
reader who has dreams to spark in life. 3 people found this helpful. Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Trisha Manandhar 3 years ago
The Alchemist book inspires us to follow our dream and achieve. "When you really
want something, universe all comprises and help you to get that." It is the best
book I had read. It has amazing story. It also says to follow your heart.At start
of the novel Santiago does not know what he should do he is confronted by his
dreams but at end Santiago completely trusts his heart to guide him through life.
14 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Shipra Kalra a year ago After reading
this book I started to believe in omens and on my destiny more, that what is
happening is for good. It's a motivation to just follow your path and go with the
flow. Mainly I learnt that treasure is inside you . what you want is in your
beliefs .and in the end its a very interesting book I wanted to know more about him
I never wanted this story to end I was going with the flow too. first book that I
completed in 4 days because I couldn't stop myself to know what will happen next .
must read to get amazed Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Kishore 25 2 years ago Who doesn't like
the Alchemist? There are a few😅, but the book is really awesome trust me you really
won't regret reading it. The book is about a boy Santiago who is a shepherd, wants
to follows his dream blah blah blah. This book takes you on a great adventure.
Although there is a part which is kind off boring but it's just a small part and
you'll really love once you finish it. Don't expect this book to change ur life
it's just a novel with a subtle message on how to pursuit your dreams.Its just
like a kind of motivation. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Jennifer Lyn 4 months ago "The
Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho is one of the best sellers of all time. The whole book
is written on the plot that one should never think that our dreams would come as
our fate in the end of the day and instead work with the signal fate gives us. In
the story a boy named Santiago is the main character. Santiago is a shepherd. In
his course of chasing his dreams he had met people of various kind. In his journey
he was robbed and was unable to go back. He worked in the city for money and this
brought him to the conclusion that one's dreams does not come to ourself if we do
not have it's way ourselves. In the course of this journey towards the end he
finally meets the alchemist which he as only been heard of from this fellow journey
mate. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ sandiya sengamalai 2 years ago The book
(Alchemist) by Paulo Coelho is a fantasy and adventurous. The plot revolves around
Santiago, a shepherd boy. He has nothing in his hand except few of his sheep from
which he lived. The crux of the story is that: "When you really want something the
whole universe conspires in your favour". This book is for those who have dreams in
their life.The one who toils and suffer alot achieve what dey want. But what makes
one from encounering it is fear. "Fear of suffering is worse than fear itself"
Darkest hour of night came just before the dawn So this
book gives the reader a kind of positivity and motivation to strive for what they
want. 1 person found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Rakhi Roy 3 years ago Demerits: 1. The
narration could have been in much more detail. There are few passages that end all
of a sudden, like the scene of war between the tribes. Also the thread of the
merchant's girl whom he liked remained loose. 2. I know it's an allegorical story
but still it should maintain the extent of allegories that would have been
believable. Someone directly talking to the wind, to the sun and asking if they
know what is love; mentioning 'personal hardship', and 'personal legacy' in every
passage do not make the plot deep. You can't just write anything. 3. The most
important demerit is on the concept of spirituality vs materiality. This story is
clearly inspired by the 'Bhagavad Gita' that is against the instinct of 'greed'.
But in the story we can see that Santiago, though followed his destiny, gathered
alot of experiences, knew himself but left everything he loved. It is because deep
inside he had the greed for the material treasure. At a certain point of time even
though he wanted to go back, his appetite for the treasure hold him back. All the
time he claimed that he was gradually knowing the Soul of the World. But greed
itself is the thing that destroys one's soul. And he always had the greed for that
treasure. Gaining spirituality through materialistic pleasure! I'm a bit confused
here. 4. The way this book tells you to follow your heart so bad to reach your
destiny that you would have to leave everything behind, not even caring about your
loved ones. This is something i didn't like at all. The notion of 'following your
heart' is often bad. Merits: 1. As a mysterious, allegorical adventure story,
it's good. You can vividly imagine each and every scene. As if everything is
happening right in front of your eyes. 2. The language is lucid, simple and
easily understandable. 3. There are many ideologies taken from the 'Bhagavad
Gita'. The way Paulo Coelho presented the concept of 'Param Brahma' or the higher
consciousness through 'the soul of the world' is very good. Also the conversation
of the alchemist and Santiago seemed like the conversation of Krishna and Arjun
depicting the Karma Yoga. The concept of fear being the enemy in the path of
success was good enough as well. As an inspirational story it's good, delineating
one's Karma, destiny and God being always by the side. I would recommend this book
to whom who are facing existential crisis, finding the meaning of life within
themselves. Also if you want some unrealistic inspiration and some escape from the
reality, good for you. But people who are realistic like me, don't go for it. It's
just a self help book. Apart from that you can get nothing out of it. Feeling sorry
for those people who have given it 5 stars. They haven't read actual good books
yet. 🙂 21 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ SOTONYE JULIUS 3 years ago The Alchemist
is an amalgam of wisdom and everything you need to live your dreams. I love the
fact that the story takes a fine poetic pattern without being slushy. The journey
of life can be exhausting and sometimes, giving up looks like the only option but
this story tells us that understanding the language of the universe makes it a lot
easier. It stirs up percipience and is for everyone who believes that nothing is
impossible. 2 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Shivani Thakur 3 years ago It was a
spectacular plot written by paulo coelho. It is an inspirational fiction story
which is highly motivating. The story depicts about a journey of a shepherd boy who
becomes a sorcerer. The whole journey comes up with great twist and turns, in which
he learns mysterious secrets of destiny and life. The story might teach you how to
realize your destiny and follow the omen that is left for you and how the path is
difficult but the outcome is life-altering. There is so much more to know.
Discover it by reading. 3 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Ayyan Raghav 2 years ago A Great Novel
which makes the reader wander with curiosity as to whether the protagonist will
achieve his own Personal legend. The whole story metaphorically represents that
each individual has within himself/herself a reason to fulfill in this earth and
he/she can fin the reason if they listen closely to their heart and can fulfill it
if they believe in it without any negative thoughts. By Believing, The Universe
Conspires to make it happen for the individual. A Great Novel Overall. 2 people
found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
sunaina binth hamza 3 years ago I first read THE ALCHEMIST,almost 12 years back.
(Quite contrary to the popular culture,alchemist did not happen to be my first
paulo Coelho) .I remember I considered it as an overated book then(at the cost of
sounding unreasonable) but I dont think I was paying enough attention to its
philosophy .The book did not have any impact on the way of my being,may be my
conscientiousness was'nt ripe enough then .When I read the book again after 12
years and despite I remembered the characters and the story line,I felt I was
reading It for the first time.I even thought of writing down the lines that hit me
in to my journal but I couldn't do it because then I would be copying the whole
book .I felt transcended but in to my own reality . I now know whats the sheep and
what are the familiar fields in my life ..I realize what is the unknown treasure I
should be in pursuit for and what is the desert that spans between me and the
treasure.But i still cant figure out the omens and the language of the world...may
be my eyes are habituated to the desert scenes that i dont recognize them..May be
im not paying enough attention.. why didn't it have such profound impact 12 years
back when it should really have had??Why wasnt I conveyed of the recurring
message that was so explicit?? Am I growing wise or am i just growing old? May
be its just that some books grow old with us. Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Logan Blake a year ago
In all I love this book so much. I bought this book back in 2020, and it carried me
through that miserable year. The story sweeps you up and carries you throughout
this wonderful world. The story of someone with a dream and everything to
accomplish that. He rides staring at the sun wondering why. Bit weird there weren't
any TV's seeing as that's the point of them but I don't care. Seeing them talk to
everyone as he learns more and more about his life. Everything coming together like
a majestic orchestra as the sun laughs. I would give this book a ten out of 5 if I
could. Best Teletubbies book I have ever read. Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Don’t try this at home
2 years ago It took me 3 months to read this because of my bad adhd but with some
parts i just couldn't put down the book and that felt like the longest i have had
my eyes on a book and i was really into it. Beautiful and memorable after you read
lines to have it sink in. I cried for 10-15 minutes after finishing it, the
message, lessons, and narrative caressed my heart lovingly. Maybe another
underlying reason for it is because I saw myself in the main character's shoes. I
am a teenager afterall 1 person found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Janelyn Madjuki 3 years ago I like the
idea of having a dream and determination to make it happen and the universe will
make its way to help you and make it happen. A story of a boy that is content of
his life and his work as a Shepard. However he dreamt about a treasure in Egypt and
it became his dream in life. Looking at his surrounding he sees that everyone has a
dream but they don't have the courage to pursue it until time is up for them. Out
of curiosity he ask for a sign by visiting a gypsy that gave him hope to pursue and
follow his dream. Spoke with the King of Salem that gave him the courage to do it.
It was not easy for the boy since he needs to travel to a far place in search for
his treasure. Along the way there has been a lot of struggle and test. But he's
determined and by the help of those characters along his way it boosted his courage
and determination to make his dream happen. He found love in the midst of his quest
to a point the boy question his dream if it is worth pursuing or be settled on what
he has now but Fatima understands that it has been his calling to follow his dream.
The Alchemist is a great help since he made him discover things that already have
but he doesn't know. Until the universe help him to achieve his dream. Easy to
understand but too many unrealistic events. 10 people found this helpful. Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Maryam Khan 3 years ago Paulo
Coelho's masterpiece book ALCHEMIST tells the magical story of Santiago, an
Andalusian shepherd boy who yearns to travel in search of a worldly treasure as
extravagant as any ever found. The story of the treasures Santiago finds along the
way teaches us, as only a few stories can, about the essential wisdom of listening
to our hearts, learning to read the omens strewn along life's path, and, above all,
following our DREAMS. An inspirational and motivational story which will always be
your best companion in your spare time. 1 person found this helpful. Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Peter Henba a year ago The
Alchemst Unprecedented life changing inspiration for each of us to look into our
real source
of power and guidance , Our Father, Creator, author ,the actual definition of love
as God ISSSS in all of us living creations of our universe so God ISSSS Love ,
therefore as we struggle to accept that The Answer ISSSS LOVE . That Mr C’s book
The Alchemist has captured brilliantly . He is most definitely one of the Best
Channellers of Love you’ll Ever Read Thank for The Alchemist, with ALLL my Heart
Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Shweta Rawat 3 years ago THE ALCHEMIST
by Paulo Coelho . It's a beautifully written book, this book is all about
following your dreams . It's a story about a shepherd boy Santiago who travels from
Spain to Egypt in search of treasure .During his journey meets several people who
help him along the way ,throughout his journey he learns a lot, he learn to listen
to his heart , he learn to follow his dreams, he learn to learn form the universe.
I like the way the book is written and also there are beautiful quotes in this book
and i think it's the book that you should read 1 person found this helpful. Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Nihal Rx 3 years ago The
alchemist by poulo coelho is an extraordinary writer .poulo coelho is a Brazilian
novelist .his one of the best novel the alchemist. The story a youthful spainsh in
rolling hills of Andalusia.the story started with a dream followed by a series of
adventure his time is consumed in herding and reading a dream followed by travel
far off places . But the novel ends with up showing love as a support tool of
achievement his dream. The boy off the story deals with an internal confict between
his love and personal love to giving an improvement in his life the dream connected
with his success. To travel the world explore each moment in short life to achieve
the dream 🦋 @nihal_rx_ 7 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Prathap SM 2 years ago The prefer
watching movies over a book, but this book, this freaking book made me read it.
From the beginning to end, it keeps its charm. Usually I read non fiction, this is
my second fictional book and it made me bend towards fictional stuffs. It's a
beautiful story and a journey of a Shepherd. And somehow some of its contents,
after the half, are related to my life (I guess not only mine). It tells about how
to pull off your goal and how to confront the uncertainties to reach your Personal
Legend. 1 person found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Andrew Ajayi 3 years ago I came across
this book while serving my father’s land during my NYSC days in Nigeria and I would
tell you have never stayed glued to a book as this in a long while and have never
looked forward to seeing the next chapter and the plot twist in it and the lessons
that comes with it, I fell deeply in love to this novel and I want more this. I
would recommend this novel to anyone. The only pain I feel till date was that the
novel wasn’t mine, it was given to me to read and give back when done. Reading this
novel gave me light to some unanswered questions. 1 person found this helpful.
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Muhaiminul Yeamin 3
years ago The Alchemist is one of the best books I ever read. The story is so
inspiring. The old king's and alchemist's sayings and the realizations that
santiego was just amazing. It's written in a simple language that any type of
readers can understand. Everyone can relate to their real life through the story. I
was mainly surprised thinking how the writer would have thought of this. In one
sentence, this book is just great. 5 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Ashraff shaik a year ago 'The Alchemist'
is an inspirational book, which defines about the determination of the man to
achieve his dream in his life. This book refers to the Shepard who follows his
dream inspite many obstacles and succed in achieving it. Those who are having
tough and low time in their life, this book can cheer you up to a wholesome level.
If you want to read something interesting and inspiration then just go for it.
Overall it is a decent book. Happy reading. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Prabhashankar Mishra 3 years
ago Paulo Coelho is the people's writer. Paulo Coelho's books are generation
inspiring. About "The Alchemist", this book is classic and damn motivational. This
story teach us to follow our heart and listen to the omens. And choose the path
wisely to follow the omens. The mystical life changing story of a shepherd boy who
follow the omens and meet the greatest teachers of the life. From them he learns
about the universal language, listening to his heart and fulfill his dream while
encountering with the Alchemist who enlights his path. Everyone needs somebody to
show them the right path and meet his goal. 4 people found this helpful. Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Bridgette Neary a year ago I
havnt fully finished the book but I love the book so much. I have few pages left
of it and am excited to finish but I know I'll be sad when I finish it. I'm in
grade 7 and I've had it this book my desk and my teachers come over and say how
much they love that book an how great it is, my math teacher even had a poster tht
she made when she was in highschool when she had to read it for a project. I
doreally like to read but this book made me love reading even more.<3 Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Monu Kumar 3 years ago This is not a book. This is a tool which I use to motivate
myself towards my goal. this is finest book for the readers who wanna achieve their
dreams. I have never read such type of books before it. This contemporary novel
is all about a shepherd (Santiago) and his dreams. His incredible journeys and
thinkings encourage me to listen my personal legend. And I am very thankful to the
author Paulo Coelho. 1 person found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Tarun 4 years ago I am not a regular
reader but this book keeps my continuous intrest and motivation to read further.. i
can say its depiction is not complicated and complex but can easily interpretative
and keep you stick with the detailing.. furthermore it is a impactful story which
deals with universal singularity in terms of mythological aspects and the binding
force to all elements on earth that is "love". So it is a must read.. 7 people
found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Dilasha Kunwar 3 years ago It's an incredible book. If you just love reading books,
it will be one of the best book to read. A shepherd who doesn't really care about
others just loves to travel with his sheep meets several people and learns the
language of world. The quotes will actually motivate you. This book is really one
of the best book I have ever read. Don't miss it. 5 people found this helpful.
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ K. Lee a year ago
Paulo obliviously seen sound wisdom , power and inspiration from the Bible, he uses
8 different references from the Bible throughout the book; I perceive this is what
inspired him to write the alchemist, but rather creating his own philosophy of how
one views life, in purpose. Imposing great ideologies for those who don’t want to
identify with religion- but rather the creation of things. : it teaches one to
continue to pursue their purpose, and not to compromise the passions of your
purpose for other things that maybe of value- or even for comfort. Learning is
constant throughout life. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Durga Dass Goyal 3 years ago 'The
Alchemist' is an amazing story. It is about pursuing dreams despite having riches
without going to those dreams, despite fear of losing everything whatever one has
on a way. In the book, the elder Alchemist rightly said that if we stop pursuing
dreams, we lose interest in life. It stops responding to omens. Only pursuit of
dreams keep life going and refreshing. I feel very light and energetic after
finishing this book. Wonderful read by Paulo Coelho. Was this review helpful to
you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Annu Upasana a
year ago THE ALCHEMIST -by Paulo Coelho I would be glad to give it a review from
my perspective, I would use simple words to describe what I feel about this book.
So yeah..... The alchemist was the first book I've read... I was not a kind of
person who was interested in reading books until I read this. The book is about a
shepherd who starts his journey to fulfill his desires. If you'll read this you'll
find a lot of quotes. ND I always relate many of the lines with my own life. I'm
not a reviewer... Just so I'm not sure what to write what all things I should
mention. Excuse me for this.. Also I would suggest you a book by chetan bhagat -A
girl in room 105. The alchemist is one of the best books I would say. The people he
meet on his way ND all the things he learns. But there's a twist in the ending. Was
this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Yimale Kumwenda (Yimzy Motif) 2 years
ago On my first attempt to read this book, I struggled because I was expecting
clear answers to the problems I had in my life and I didn't get them so I shelved
it. My second was when I had my profound moment and was morw open to the story,
the links to biblical parables and stories that have changed my life since. I
highly recommend this book for some fantasy themed adventure with Santiago but also
some profound life lessons for
people of any age, faith or creed. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Ranjana Sarma 3 years ago Best
of all books. It has been a friend since class viii and has proved loyal to me in
every aspect. Tactfully written how a shepherd found his real treasure. This book
gives us confidence to follow dreams. It can have life inhancing impact, if
followed well. I really loved this book. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Abida Javed 3 years ago 'The
Alchemist' is the first book I read and I'm so contented after reading it. This
book is so inspiring and heart touching that almost at every moment you feel like
you're connected to the story. The character of 'Santiago' is so strong and
inspiring that it definitely hits you hard. I would highly recommend everyone to
read this book at least once. Thank you Paulo Coelho for such an inspiring book! 3
people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Seerat Farooq 2 years ago One of the
finest book I have ever read. Just completed this book within two days. Learned so
much from this book, dreams should be followed, life should be lived. Life is
really generous to those who purse their destiny. A beautiful book that teaches so
much. We seek the dreams of ours elsewhere and then find on our doorstep. A must
read for everyone. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Mr. Jolly Jellybeans999 a year ago I
read this novel way back in 2016 when I was 14, and it sure had an amazing impact
on my young mind. This novel is short, suspenseful and uplifting all at the same
time. Paulo Coelho is an amazing storyteller. It was almost like being in a
different world. All those who have read this know how amazing it is. Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Sananda Jones 3 years ago The story starts a bit slow so I did put the book down a
few times having to start over again and again. However, I knew the story was about
the journey of finding your life’s purpose... ones true personal legend if you, the desire to see Santiago‘s journey unfold kept bringing me back. The
revelation was both unpredictable and satisfying. Everyone should read this book. 1
person found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Muskan Jasuja a year ago The book "The
Alchemist" is nothing but a treasure in itself. As you read, you realise how the
universe helps you achieve the most unrealistic of your dreams. Even when you think
your dreams are far away from reality, the universe can still help you achieve
those by guiding you through certain omens. Here are some of the most beautiful
lines from the book. • "When you want something, all the universe conspires to give
it to you.'' • "There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve;
the fear of failure. • "You came so that you could learn about your dreams, and
the dreams are the langauge of God.'' 1 person found this helpful. Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Bhawandeep brar 3 months ago
This book is amazing.I have almost read it . There is a deep meaning of every line.
This book has really helped me to move on in my life. A line in the book says
that when we really want something,the whole universe conspires to help us get that
thing. This is also one of the favourite lines of mine from this book. I rate this
book 5 on 5 . I would definitely suggest you to read the book because some books
are really meant to be read. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ John Winton a year ago I really did
enjoy this book and have given it a deserved five stars. That said... after reading
all the gushing reviews of the book I expected perhaps a little more. Either that,
or maybe I missed something or it didn't hit that sweet spot with me. It is however
a great read and don't let my review put you off in any way. The good thing about
it is that it's not a lengthy tome. You will enjoy it. Was this review helpful to
you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Gabrielle Tilley
5 months ago This is the worst book I have ever read in my entire life. to anyone
considering reading this word-vomit, know that there is no plot, essentially no
characters, pretty much all you get is the cool cover and that's about it. The
closest thing I felt to genuine emotion while reading this is the tears of joy I
shed when it was over. It's pretty sad how anyone can be called a "great author"
these days. Paulo doesn't know how to write, and this entire book is bascially just
his opinions, which, by the way, are VASTLY uneducated. The main idea in this book
is that if you have a dream, the universe will automatically make it come true,
undermining the effort and work that ACTUALLY goes into achieving your dreams.
Paulo, if you're reading this; you suck 3 people found this helpful. Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Bushra Azhar official 2 years
ago I really don’t like reading books but due to this current situation I had to be
in the house for 24 hours and due to this I had lots of free time so I did not
know what to do.So,one of my English teacher gifted me this book so I started
reading it.The book is lovely and an inspirational masterpiece.The theme is about
finding one’s destiny or purpose in life. its such amazing book in this book there
is also written about Allah, Islam, five Obligations, Prophet, prophet's daughter,
and Quran..... really Enjoyed reading Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Punyo Milo 3 years ago General
Outline( No Spoilers): The story is about a shepherd who really wants to venture
and see more of the world. During this,he discovers about his Personal Legend and
then the rest of the story unfolds. What I learnt: The book is a real classical
take on how everyone should realize their importance in this world.The author goes
to several lengths to show that each person has his own Personal Legend (A special
role that The One has created only for you) and that most of them don't dare to
venture out for fear of losing what they already have or fear of not having any
more aim in their life. For these people,the ' dream' of reaching their goal
becomes the reason for their sustenance, they fear that they really don't deserve
it even if they achieve it.But time and time again, the author insists that the
fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself, that all one should do is to
follow one's heart to the very end of the journey. 4 people found this helpful.
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Ahshanul Khan a year
ago The Alchemist is a delightful fable in which a shepherd named Santiago travels
from his home in Spain to the Egyptian desert in search of a treasure. During his
travels, he meets a gypsy woman, a king, and an alchemist who help him along the
way. Nobody knows what the treasure is, but throughout Santiago’s journey he learns
to listen to his heart. I think The Alchemist is one of those books which deserves
a space in everyone's bookshelf. 1 person found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Muskaan Verma 3 years ago I started
reading it for so many times but idk why I always left it in between. I was
finding myself nowhere at some point so just to distract myself from the present I
started reading this and finished it in a day itself. It didn't interest me in the
starting but the end was remarkable. I was so happy and this book literally gave me
the peace and positivity I needed at that point of time. Loved it 1 person
found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Sarim Khan 3 years ago This wonderful book revolves around the story of a shepherd
boy named Santiago who wanted to follow his dream and ultimately approach to his
goal. The Alchemist should be there with every student's library as this book
inspires us to follow our dream and passion and how to eliminate it. The alchemist
is one of my favourite books till now and I recommend everyone to read it 3 people
found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Barb Melloch 3 years ago The book was interesting in how it uses phrases/stories
from the Bible and refers to God using different words used in different times and
in different religions. God created the world and we are his hands and feet. He
will guide us through life as long as we keep our hearts and minds open to Him and
listen and pray. After reading the book I read many reviews. I guess you can say
the same things in different ways but don’t forget God is the answer to all
questions, He is our light and hope for the world. 5 people found this helpful.
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Sheila Mclarty a year
ago I will admit i was SUPER nervous to read this book but it ended up being
amazing! in the end i was like this is it!! i need more of this book. overall it is
an amazing book and would recommend it to anyone of all ages. I would say to be a
little older like teenage years because little kids might not understand a lot. 5
stars!!! Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Jas Rajput 3 years ago I always wonder
what people get by reading a book . Everyone claim that the books are emotions and
love...I didn't believe in any of it..whenever I started reading any book, I got
tired and bored and just wanted to throw the book away....but when I started
reading the alchemist, it made me love the books more and more.. No wonder, it's
the first book
I've ever read completely in depth...I visualize what I just read and go on ..This
way, you won't get bored and started feeling the book...The alchemist is so
mesmerizing that it made me love the books.Now, instead of wasting my time on
social media, I want to read books as much as I can..if you are looking for a book
to read as your first book, then the alchemist would be great...💜💜💜 2 people found
this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Lakshmi
Joshi 2 years ago I have liked this book very much. It does not matter to me at
all whether the book is small or big, but I liked the way it was written. This book
will be very helpful for people who see their life with negative perspective. We
should never give up in our life, this is very well organized in this book. 1
person found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Arooj R 4 years ago I recently read this
book and it's Just an amazing piece of work. It teaches us the hidden meaning of
life for which are sent to this world. It gives u inspiration to follow your dreams
and never give up. Coelho did a great job and it's must read for all who Want to be
successful in life. 4 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ TheFireyFlareon 05 2 years ago This book
is essentially pointless. If you aren't religious, don't waste your time. I don't
enjoy reading about a boy going on a journey guided by a god and omens, especially
if I don't necessarily believe the same messages and faith. Spoilers ahead, but I
feel like this story is meaningless. The boy goes on so many journeys and ends up
where he began, just with a future wife now. We travels for years only to discover
that the treasure is where he began. I do like the whole personal legend to an
extent, because I do believe that as long as you try to achieve your goal, you've
succeeded more than someone who hasn't, even if you don't reach your goal. I was
forced to read this for English class, but that hasn't swayed my opinion any. I
regarded the book as if I were reading it for fun. Not worth your time. To any
student who also has to read this for school, I am truly sorry. 8 people found this
helpful. Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Umaima Noor 2
years ago Ever energetic and ambitious book . It will boost your spirit . No matter
what you want to achieve it will enhance your self confidence and hope. It is a
story of shepherd boy who want to achieve his dream and struggles for it , faces
much obstacles but nevertheless remain persistent throughout the journey. And in
the end he achieved. 1 person found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Vivaan Rathore a year ago This book is
about a boy who becomes a shephard in order to travel the world. But a dream makes
him to meet a philosopher king who inspires him to leave his job and go in search
of treasure. The journeys gets very hard, the boy is robbed thrice but in the end
he meets the alchemist who changes his life and his connection to the world and the
god.I find this bokk very philosophical and inspiring. It is a great story and i
recommend you to read it at once. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Immortal Descent a year ago Hiya, Im
just a regular guy out there in the world that wants to read a book that could
potentially change my viewpoints on life , my life thus far has been really boring
and filled with helplessness and stress, I know I’m blessed and that I’m to greed
despite what I already have but I just wish to change my life. Please recommend me
any books that you may think could help shape my view points on life and how to
deal with it. Than you very much!😁😊 Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Jayden Matute 2 months ago I
have never liked reading and I only do read when I have to. For my summer reading,
one of the books I had to read was The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. I read 10 pages
and hated it. A month later, I gave it another shot. The way I felt after reading
the novel was just wow. Ive never read such an absolute masterpiece. This book had
me feeling all emotions and the quotes were just incredible by making me relate to
real life. I will definitiely be rereading this book in the future. Thank you Paulo
Coelho for this masterpiece. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ MALLIKA CHANDRA 3 years ago It's the
best book I have ever ever read in my life... Which story of a boy Santiago and the
writer Paolo Coehelo have so well written this and he has also used a set of very
motivational and inspirational quotes in the storyline which makes this book even
more interesting.... All of you must try this book this will definitely be your
favourite book Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Raya 4 years ago A must read book for
all! It is the truth portrayed through the wonderful story. People dream, and they
do not pursue it. One forgets about one's dream, one's destiny. The book has a deep
meaning embedded in it. A person needs to seek out his destiny, realize his/ her
dream. This story highlights certain basic points, which causes them diversion
from following their destiny. It is greatly inspirational, and I recommend each one
to read this book! 35 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Vaibhav Rawat 2 years ago "When a person
really desires something, all the universe will conspires to help that person to
realize his dream" This quote has been revolving in my mind since I have read this
book. Though it was originally published in 1988 but i read it few weeks back. The
Alchemist is one of the best book I have read so far it will really inspire you to
achieve your dreams and this book must be in your list. Was this review helpful to
you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Kritika Kochhar 2
years ago Absolutely loved it! The author through a very swift and smooth moving
storyline, has conveyed deeper message of believing in one's ownself and accepting
what comes in life as what you deserve. My favorite part is when Makhtub gathers
the knowledge that Soul of World is Soul of God and his prayers become silent. Was
this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ S Ram Kumar 4 years ago No words can
describe the essence of this book; which when followed truly, could lead one to
understand life's purpose and to earnestly let the natural will of the divine to
express itself completely through one's physical costume in this earth. The
transitory and perishable nature of things is highlighted in sections across the
book where the boy is in search of the Soul of the World- The Language of the
Universe- his treasure through his dreams. A great work by sir Paulo Coelho. 6
people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Hrithi Prabhakar a year ago This books
is fantastic . It it shows us the that dream are said to come true . Like if
really want something the whole universe will help you. This books says the.
Story of a boy named santigo who is a shepherd , likes to travel . He whereas he
gets a same dreams very day of a treasure hidden in the pyramid and he sets to
find the treasuree . Then he encounters with a king who gives him advice . And he
encounters with many more thing . He countinue his journey ...... Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Jea
Piencenaves 2 years ago It is because Mark Lee recommended this book! You have to
read it y'all! This book will inspire to become a better version of your self! This
book will remind you that all your dreams come true, make yourself brand new, 널
믿어 dreams come true, life is beautiful, 귀를 기울여 네 안의 소릴 들어 All your dreams
come true (come true, life is beautiful <3 What are you waiting for? Read this now!
Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Astitva 3 years ago An absolutely
beautiful adventurous story. Totally worth while and money. I suggest to not binge
read this book rather read only about 15-20 pages at a time. Personally, I totally
loved this book. Easily one of the best books I have ever read. I am now looking
forward to read the MANUSCRIPT FOUND IN ACCRA. Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Mons Hamad 2 years ago
I bought the novel The Alchemist about two years ago, but I just started reading it
and finished it in one sitting. Despite my lack of reading, it is one of the most
beautiful novels that I have read. It suited my taste greatly and mentioned things
that I loved and touched me as an Arab and Muslim, and the writer's respect for
religions, his good words and respect for people's beliefs fascinated me. Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Nehal Bhardwaj 3 years ago one of my most priced possessions haha. but this book is
a great book. its written beautifully telling a story of this boy called santiago.
but whats special is its not JUST a story. its more deep. its simply not just a
novel of a guy but its also about you, your life and all that you have, are and
will experience, its about the omens you might not have paid attention to but now
might do, its about finding your inner sense because maktub. GIVE IT A READ Was
this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ amy bla 2 years ago Absolute religious
dribble. If you've been recommended this book by several people like I have and
arent religous. Save your time and dont read it. The story is about a boy who
follows "god" wrapped up in what the author calls "the language of the world" and
goes across the dessert and encounters typical things that one would encounter in
those areas. It's boring and monotonous. At the end where you think its gonna
finally come together they throw in some more religious connotations and you end up
feelings like there is no point to the story... then the epilogue throws in the
treasure bit for those of you that wanted to know about the treasure and arent
religious. It's boring. Would not reccomend. 33 people found this helpful. Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Amore Styles 3 years ago I
have had The Alchemist since December of 2018. I would read some of it and forget
about it for a while. Recently I decided that it was time I dedicated myself to
reading again. i am so glad that i did. i finally let myself really get into the
book. It was such a good and inspiring read. It makes the reader want to let go of
whatever it is holding thim back and to go after their personal greatness. Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Hetal Trivedi a year ago This is a great book for good inspiration. It tells you to
do what your heart says. I really loved this book so much and I am in love with it
It gets a bit emotional in between and it is a heart touching story. Everyone
should read this book at least once in their lives. Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ k.vinay kumar Vinay 2
years ago I think this universe United and inspired Panlo Coelho to write this book
1.One of the great investment I ever made 2. When you want something all the
universe conspires in helping you to achieve it i.e. water, fire, sand ,wind ,sky
everything will combine to help you 3. Follow your heart and love this God
creations you can talk with this universe with your heart Was this review helpful
to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Sujit Singh 3
years ago This book has crossed the boundaries of books, and has taken a life of
its own, creating a movement all around the globe. Santiago's journey and
spiritual quest, the people he meets, the dreams he has, the omens he encounters,
and the nature he speaks to, are all things that we can relate to..things that
we've either forgotten about or simply dismissed as childhood fantasies. It is all
about finding your Personal Legend and pursuing your dream regardless of any
hurdles, and about being spiritually connected to the universe, which is part of
us, and part of God. we are all one. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Sana Siddiqui 3 years ago
Alchemists The dream. It is a story of a shepherd , Santiago, who leaves his
flock and his land to pursue his dream. A boy who is on a journey of discovering
his destiny and realising his dream of finding a treasure He learns how to deal
with yourself when you have nothing in your pocket and nothing on your mind. “He
had not a cent in his pocket, but he had faith.” This novel is full of ideas
about spirituality, destiny & dreams. Sana Siddiqui. 1 person found this helpful.
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ GOURAV KUMAR GHOSH a
year ago Well, finally read the book "The Alchemist". The book is ,in a single
word, MARVELLOUS. I very strongly suggest everybody (of any age) to read this
treatise on life and its real meaning. The Novel also is a good thesis on the title
itself i.e., alchemy is not only of turning metal into gold but the symbolic
meaning of evolution. The book has thousands of lines that hit you hard more of talking....get up and read this book... PLEASE READ IT
COMPLETELY!!!!! Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ MKL 2 years ago I really love this book.
It's all about pursuing your dreams. It's up to you if you take the risks to
achieve it. Santiago often reflects himself to his surroundings and learn something
from it. Even he is just a Shepherd, he took a travel somewhere in this world that
no shepherd has ever done before. The ending gave me goosebumps. Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Gaurav
Bihola a year ago The alchemist The story in book is like watching a dream. The
story ends, from where it started. The book tells that we should chase our dream.
Put aside all your fears of failures. Your dreams are not going to hurt you or your
loved one. The fear of suffering or failure is worse than suffering or failure
itself. The biggest failure in your life is "not pursuing your dreams". Once you
start chasing your dream, the whole universe start conspiring in your favour. Life
is all about failing seven times and rise eight times. Chasing a dream starts with
beginner's luck and ends when you overcome all your fears. What I don't like about
book is the story. It starts with pace and gets very slow paced one. The book
consists nearly 160 pages only, but seems very lengthy to get to the end. Many
sentence and punchlines were repetitive, which makes reading little boring. There
are stories, which you start reading but you never want it to end, you want more
and more out of it, but for the Alchemist, I was feeling like I want to get to the
end. Inspiring but little boring. If you have read the forewords, you need not to
read whole book. અસ્તુ Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Ammit P Chawda 2 years ago 4.75 ⭐ Paulo
Coelho is an interesting Story teller and an incredibly versatile writer, in The
ALCHEMIST he has very smartly explained the importance of following your dreams
with the help of a story. The book is very well written as well equally well
translated in English language, the book keeps you intrigued and interested aswell
as manages to inspire you with its message. The book in the end also features an
interview of Author Paulo Coelho in brief. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Dhruvil M Bhalani 3 years ago
This book is the most inspiring book. Once you start reading you will get to know
how santiago tackled all the difficulties that came in his journey to find that
treasure. He had to leave the place where he was very happy to pursue his journey.
Though this is a novel it is a well defined self-inspiring book ever I have read
Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Mukesh Kumar Pathak a year ago The story
of Santiago is a complete package.. You name it and its there, adventure, romance,
fantasy, realism, suspense.. I keep revisiting this story whenever i am sad or
depressed and it works like magic.. Always filla me with positivity and hope.. Its
a must read for all. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Jennifer Tran 2 years ago The Alchemist
is a great book. This helps me understand more about life, and how we are grateful
for everything. Also, about this Spanish shepherd name, Santiago finds like
Personal Legend. This is changing my life. I can't believe how well written this
is. This inspired me, by Paulo Coelho. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Simone Imani Brown 2 years ago
This book is absolutely wonderful. The first book to ever make me cry. The plot is
great and it kept me on my toes. I loved the showing of other cultures and the love
story of Santiago and Fatima. It was so sweet and pure. I would definitely
recommend reading. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Jabulani Jack 4 years ago The Alcamist
is a fantastic MUST READ! Above all great life lessons embedded in the book, I have
learnt that "Everything you truly desire in life has already been given to you,
life is just a game we play to retrace steps back to our perfect self". Nothing is
new under the sun and we are all fractions that form an intertwined whole in some
sense. 14 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Olivia Hamilton 3 years ago The service
is fantastic in this place! The bar staff are so helpful! Compared to other places
in Manchester you definitely get what you pay for. Callum is such a credit to the
team, so friendly and helpful he really brightened up the whole bar. Massive
respect and credit to the entire staff. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Sneha Sharma 2 years ago The
Alchemist is one of the gucci books I have ever read It will inspire you to hang
in there and face all the problems which are going to come in your path. Because
after these problems there is destiny. You have everything around you but you have
to face a lot to know where are those hidden things. It's a must read book. ❤ Was
this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Mahtab Kalantarian a year ago It is a
great book, with an incredible story which is able to make u think of your own
life. If you try to read it a few times in different periods of your life, you
will notice that it changes your point of view about your life every time. I
totally recommend it! It is a book which has a suitable story for everyone! Was
this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Pushpinder Kaur 2 years ago If You are
lost in your life and confused to achieve your life’s path then you must read this
book. Always you will get relief from your stressful life to find peace as well.
This book will
take you to the right track of your life. I am Very very lucky that I could read
this book. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Zeeshan Malik 3 years ago The Alchemist
is a wonderful book telling an inspirational tale of a young boy who is driven by
the urge of achieving his dreams. The odds, at times, go against him but every
adversary comes in a silver lining, clearly giving us a motivated message to follow
our dreams at any length. Amazingly written. 1 person found this helpful. Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Kushagra Trivedi 48 102 a year
ago It's a story of an educated Spanish boy, who leaves his family and trades his
profession of priest to a shepherd so that he can travel here and there. One night
he dreams about a hidden treasure near the pyramid of the Egypt, a place that was
desert cross. And after the dreams that treasure becomes his destiny. I don't want
to expose everything so it is a journey of achieving the life's destiny along with
the love of life. Read the book you will definitely enjoy. Was this review helpful
to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Ellie Donnelly
3 years ago I went to the alchemist today in Portsmouth and the staff where very
friendly and the drinks where unreal! We especially liked yumi or something like
that He was so nice and had an amazing personality! Our food and drinks came very
fast as we booked! Would recommended Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Arpita Padhi 3 years ago 🇮🇳Jai
hind🇮🇳.I am a Indian, firstly I thank paulo coelho for his such type of
contribution for students to get success in student's life.i have not read this
book ,yet.but I just want to know what the story teaches us.i learned it by the
experiences of legends who read this book.the gist I learned is that"when we really
want a good thing from the core of our heart then the whole universe is with us
to achieving this &we just have to overcome our fear that whether I'll succeed or
fail. 1 person found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Seerat 3 years ago No doubt it was meant
to be a bestseller. Thank god many have already read it but if you haven't read
this you are really missing on a lot because this book helps you realize the
destiny that mostly just waits for you forever. Moving.This gem will help you
dream. Should be required reading for entire human race. 2 people found this
helpful. Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Gai Barbosa 4
months ago "The Alchemist" taught me not to give up on my dreams. A truly amazing
book. I gave my copy to a cousin whom I dearly miss, right now. She's in another
country trying to follow her dreams as well. To Ma'am She, may God fulfill all your
heart's desires. Love lots Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Brenda Najar 4 years ago I love this
book. Some people perceive it only as simple but there's a great deal of meaning
and connection to your personal dreams. Coelho does and incredible job with telling
the story of Santiago and having us feel his emotions throughout his journey to
fulfill his personal legend. 1 person found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ ZISHAN HASAN a year ago First of all
this is amazing. Talking from experience if you haven't read any novels before this
is a right choice if you wanna start. This was my first novel and it made me
realize how fun, exciting and interesting reading really is. 5 out 5 from me. Was
this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Tanishq 10 A 2 years ago This book is
amazing. I really dont read books but after one of my friends recommend me this I
just fell in love with this book and I read it two times the love story of Santiago
and Fatima is really cute and his adventures are fascinating. This book is really
worth your time and you should read it. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Shruti Sinha 3 years ago One
of the best inspiring books I have ever read . The choice of words are impeccable.
The thoughts that Paulo Coelho had put in the book is beyond appreciation. A
definite suggestion to all the book lovers , go through this amazing book . Was
this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ The Fine Print - Masino/Mitchell a year
ago Well written and easy to read. Follows the story of a very gullible young man
in search of his special purpose in life. Not for angry cynics or realists. A
caution to anyone who believes in magic, mysticism or anything not grounded in
reality or science - this book could become a how-to book for life instead of what
it is...a fictional story that feels is a bit too preachy. Was this review helpful
to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ priyanka
tiwari 3 years ago For me the book was good , if you are very practical person .
Who likes biographies or real stories inspired novel . Than This is not for you.
For me it took 3 days to read the book . Its was not mind blowing but i got the
message that the author was trying to give and it was very subtle . " Follow your
dream and their lies true happiness" 2 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ SRUTHI S DIXON 2 years ago I absolutely
love it. May be the feeling is very personal but I kind of felt like whatever the
boy had experienced was a lot similar to mine except the treasure 😂. I would
recommend this book to all those who not just believe in destiny but also who works
for their dreams. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Jasmine Collis 9 months ago Desperately
tiresome, trivial and pointless. There are so many reviews saying this book is
wonderful, full of meaning and inspiration. It is a pathetic attempt to excuse
religion, made up by men, for the benefit of men. The characters are one-
dimensional and do the most stupid things. The first few pages are quite
attractive, as a simplistic narrative about a shepherd boy, but it rapidly descends
into childishness. 8 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Kritipol Debbarma 2 years ago The
Alchemist is the best book I have ever read! This enchanting novel, dazzling in its
powerful simplicity and inspiring wisdom, is about an andalusian shepherd boy named
Santiago who started a journey to find worldly goods which finally turns into a
discovery of the treasure found within. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Kiran Mewada 2 years ago My
neice gifted me this book & I am thankful she did so. I was in search for this
particular book & I really enjoyed reading it. It helped me in my life when I was
passing through a tough time. Thanks to the author for writing it. Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ 207
Shruti Gupta 3 years ago This is a life changing book! I read it when I was in
school, one of my classmates gave me this book when I was least interested in
reading books but this book developed an immense love of mine for books and I
started discovering my inner self in the most beautiful manner I could ever had
done without reading Paulo Coelho. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Juhi Paul 2 years ago I think
we should read it every five years or so or less to see if we are on right track.
It makes sense each time I read it. And makes me beleive I am not a fool to have
faith hope in my dreams which might look impoosible but they are supposed to be
realized by me in whatever way written. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Cheryl Robertson 7 months ago
One of my favorite authors. Deeply symbolic, all of his books you can read at
different periods of your life and take away something profound. I taught the
Alchemist as a class text in high school, so much to talk about with teenagers! Was
this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Muhammad Faiyaz 2 years ago An
interesting storyline that keeps you at the edge of your chair with the perfect
departing message. The story of a young boy in arab land echoes with all of our
lives as he stumbles on the greatest adventure of his life. Nothing short of
magical. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Mr. Badar (Million DreamS) 4 years ago
If someone really don't have a dream OR want to achieve there Destiny.They have to
read The Al-chemist.This book has a-lot of interesting things that will be very
helpful to each and every single person on this plane. Paulo Coelho has also
written Other Books and in that i will also recommend A call from haven to be read.
1 person found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Lunga Vuyo Ncala Ndlovu 4 years ago This
book was introduced to me by a dear friend of mine at the perfect timing as I too
was starting what is now a spiritual journey into self Discovery. I read it on the
bus to Port Elizabeth, South Africa in the effort to start a new life away from a
failed marriage and dependency on drugs and alcohol which had me in a dark place.
It started a series of events that have lead me to believe in God and accept my
authentic self. There is power in word 2 people found this helpful. Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ SUSHANT KHOT (SUBRO) 2 years
ago The book is an inspiring
read, a simple, beautifully translated not many heavy words. You might feel a
little slow in the initial but as you get into the book it gets interesting as to
how you will omens are not just coincidence but "Maktub"- it is written, and not
stop following your dream, instead work towards it as nature around guides you. Was
this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Rana Yamak a month ago Simplist yet so
deep, the Alchemist has been the best novel I read to Coelho. What could one don
when he ran out of dreams?Then it changed my way of seeing things namely everyone'd
right to pursue his own dream and thus be happy and fulfilled. Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ AC
Slater 4 years ago A good read. A perspective on exploring life's opportunities as
they pass in front of you in their myriads of ways. Promoting courage in how to
connect logically and emotionally to them as they present, and in so doing,
pursuing and fulfilling your 'personal legend'. Easy and accessible to read in
many languages, featuring mysticism and adventure. 3 people found this helpful.
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Khadeeja Jasmin 3
years ago Most attracted book ever's change my thoughts and hope for
life.. ...every dreams will come true... The one ND only thing is we need wait for
it.this book made my thoughts positive . I suggest this book to all people who wish
to have a wonderful moments. 1 person found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Krishnapriya B 6 months ago Have no
words.... One must read this! The experience of reading this story was not merely
just physical but also mental. The way the story written was extremely superb. I
loved this book. Actually the story takes to that world of thinking. If you get a
chance to read this story, never miss it! Read to the fullest Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Prarthana Patil 3 years ago This book is a must, not just for those who are about
to take a decision about their life but everyone. It can be very suitable for those
as well who are about to choose the way in which they want to lead their own life;
knowing about circumstances and overcoming them. The only thing very crucial is
that one must have faith in his thoughts, dreams and himself Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ betsy
mae 3 years ago This book was so encouraging and inspiring. It made me open my mind
and understand that really if you want something, you can get it. It presents
challenges as a way to learn and grow and to never lose hope. Amazing book! Was
this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Nayab Zahra 3 years ago Alchemist is an
international widely translated bestseller with multiple themes about love and
faith, dreams and desire. Nonstop journey of ones towards endless treasures of
life. . To find something, to desire something there is a huge need to get off the
comfort zone and turn your faiths into believes and never neglect the uniqueness of
individuality by ever underestimating yourself coz this will never let down your
spirit. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Bree Hightower 2 years ago The book was
incredibly boring. There was not much going on at all, and it was hard to
understand. I had to read it for my 9th grade English class and I was miserable. It
is about a boy who goes on a journey to Egyptian pyramids to find treasure. On the
way, he meets many people and learns numerous lessons. While some people saw this
book to be inspirational, I couldn't even read a sentence without getting
distracted or blacking out. I caught myself reading the same exact sentences over
and over ...MORE 24 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Samantha McCandless a year ago This book
is so incredibly boring I don't understand what my English teacher sees in it? The
plot is entirely up to chance, he has a dream and spontaneously decides to travel
the world in search of riches disguised as a 'personal legend'. The main character
has absolutely no personality. None. Some simple 'bad things' happen to him, there
is no risk in this book. The religious symbolism is boring and predictable. I hope
my English teacher doesn't read this because it has my full name lol 2 people found
this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Dillip
Nayak 3 years ago It is very inspiring book which states that never got up with
your ideas. There are some path which can make you some great human. As I have been
a discoverer from a school child. I have discover a mathematics formula b6 which we
an find out 36 angles by our company I will post it in internet. Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Tahmina Jokhio a year ago The Alchemist is the unique piece of fiction which tells
the story of a shepherd boy named Santiago lives in Andulusia and desires to travel
around the world to know and meet different people.Santiago learns through the
interpretation of his recurring dream about the treasure which is burried in the
pyramids of Egypt knowing this he stes on a journey leaving everything behind to
pursue his dream in search of treasure. Apparently, this seems the simple tale of
having a dream and ultimately achiev ...MORE Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ SHREYOSI DEY 3 years
ago A beautifully written book. It tells about the importance of journey over
destination. With Santiago,I learnt to listen to the voice of my heart, to embark
on a journey to learn from everything that comes in way... A short, crisp and worth
reading novel. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Simran Ark 3 years ago Ok,it was good
enough to get 3 stars but I don’t know I just didn’t get that feel.I think his
real treasure was meeting fatima not gold. He came back where he actually begin.
Like life was joking with him! But anyways he found fatima love at first sight but
I am wondering what could have happened to his feelings about merchant’s daughter
whom he wanted to marry once before going in pursuit of his destiny 5 people found
this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Mallika
Patnaik 3 years ago The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is a reminder to every generation
that one must pursue his dreams to reach his real destiny. It enlightens in you a
burning desire to go after your heart and never stop giving, until you find your
treasure you're destined to find. To understand the language of the Earth and to
follow your heart everytime. Maktub. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Sharfina Sheikh a year ago
"The Alchemist" written by Brazilian writer Paulo Coelho is an inspiring yet
thought provoking book which says about the story of a shepherd Santiago who
believes in his dream and pursue to accomplish his dream through series of
struggles. He faced many triangulations in the journey of finding the truth of his
dream.. it's really an amazing story for everyone who read it 1 person found this
helpful. Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Asha Bhat 2
years ago The Alchemist is a fantastic book and the storytelling is beautiful. The
choice of words are impeccable, full of wisdom and philosophy . I totally loved it.
The story is very enchanting and bursts with optimism which I think is very
important in our lives. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Fizza Jafri 3 years ago I cannot even
describe this book in one work if you aks me to. INSPIRATIONAL, MOTIVATIVE, AMAZING
, PHENOMENAL and overall no book can compete with it! This is an absolute
masterpiece! I recommend you all to read it! Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Shikha_50 2 years ago
This is an amazing self help book and one of the best selling novels which is
written by Paulo Coelho. It teaches how to follow our dreams, our passion and also
how to chase them & also gives the message that the treasure for which we look
around here and there is within us and in our heart. Was this review helpful to
you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Amelia Chachi 2
years ago ivy was my esthetician and she is simply amazing! so kind and listens to
any concerns you may have. love the results and service!!!! would definitely
recommend ivy and the studio itself, very modern and charming! will definitely be
back again :) Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Amina Burhan 3 years ago I hate reading
novels. But after I read this book, it has changed my thoughts about novels. This
is the best book I've ever read. In this book Coelho has always mentioned about
following our heart. His books have had a life-enhancing impact on millions of
people. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ HARSH SHUKLA a year ago A must read
book. All time suspense keeps it alive and you shall find to look at the life In a
new and better way. A beautiful imagination of journey and the best portrayal of
hardwork patience and believing in oneself. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Arpan Shrivastava 5 months ago
The alchemist is a good read, which weaves dreams and aspirations of an individual
successfully with
the nature and the soul of the world. It pushes you to pursue your dream, and that
when you do so, entire universe conspires so that you could achieve it. It tells
us that our dream is the gold we find in ourself when we lead toward it. Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
kanchan kukreti a year ago It's a very awesome novel. This is the first Novel I
started reading with and I must say that it is very good novel for beginners. I"ll
highly recommend everyone to read this story atleast once Was this review helpful
to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ mamta tapadiya
3 years ago Best book ever read it is a Adventures story of a boy who went for an
extraordinary trip to reach his passions and met alchemist and discover the truth
of his life...... He learns the universal language of world with the best
omens!!!! Plzzzzzzz Must read...!!!!! Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Attiya 89 3 years ago a must
read book for every one.for those striving to reach their goals,fullfilling their
dreams and reaching their destiny.its acombo of fiction,inspiration &
motivation.paulo coelho in a very sophistictaed way conveys the idea that when you
really reach your destiny or have some goal the whole universe strives to help you
reaching it.its a must have book and deseves space in every readers book shelf..
Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Colm Holland 2 years ago The Secret
hidden within The Alchemist is revealed in my book The Secret of The Alchemist.
Paulo's original book and my meeting with him changed the course of my life and you
can read about it in my book. I discovered that we can perform magic to change the
world for the better when we commit to follow the ancient wisdom of the alchemists
as revealed by Carl Jung and turned into a fable by Paulo Coelho. Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Queen
Tanu a year ago A 10/10 !!! This book changed the way thag I look at my dreams
and goals with. Truly inspiring. PAULO COELHO was a great author!!! I'll go and
read the worriors of light ... Another masterpiece of his Was this review helpful
to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Karan Dabrai 3
years ago One word to describe ‘The Alchemist’ - a masterpiece! It teaches you how
to follow your goals and dreams in life; and when you do so the whole universe
comes together to make it come true!! A must read! Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ SATTWAMA BASU a year
ago The book is of philosophical value. Being Indian, and having read the Bhagavad
Gita .. much of the concepts of the book was already known to me, but it surprised
me how he wrote it from such a religion neutral point of view. The story takes one
on a journey towards persuing one's destiny and is brilliantly described through
the adventures of Santiago. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ shubham wayal 3 years ago perspective
about life defines the way of life. believing in destiny brings the magical opening
of opportunities for those who are willing to enjoy the journey with time.
appreciate your dreams before it dies. this book must be in everyone's bookshelf.
Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ GHOST Live 6 months ago Very Well
Written , It's a Amazing Story about a Shephard who Listens to his heart and Then
Embarks On a Noteworthy Journey to Follow his Dream, To Enact his Destiny, He Then
meets the ,Crystal Shop Owner,a Englishman and The Alchemist Who knows that he has
found his perfect disciple, 10/10 Worth reading, also it will barely take you 2
hours to read Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Spam Mamu a year ago I discovered how
this book has helped millions. It gave me a sense of warmth I never found in other
books because I read them and felt that The alchemist actually burns better in
fire. Use this book for the warmth it promised. 9 people found this helpful.
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ alok kushwaha 3 years
ago It is book which will make you travel through you spritual journey. It teaches
you to trust your heart and have full faith in god and all of your desity and its
destination are pre-written by the almighty. You just have to learn form your life
experiences and wisdom will come to you and you will lead to destined place in your
life. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Claire Dotson a year ago Our book club
picked this and I wasn’t overly thrilled. I didn’t think I’d like it at all. I
ended up loving this book. I think it has a great message, actually a few great
messages, about life. It was a quick and easy read for me. I highly recommend! Was
this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Anas Malik 8 months ago Really really
amazing. Paulo Coelho is not only entertaining the readers nit also giving them so
many lessons and inspiring life quotes. And the language is not that much tough. I
really enjoyed a lot. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Arun Shaji 2 months ago Alchemist is one
of the most interesting and heart warming book i have read. This book tell us about
finding our destiny and to follow our heart in every moment. It's a must read book
especially for teenagers. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ shreesha shetty 4 years ago It’s a very
beautiful book. Beautifully written by the author, which conveys never give
up ,always follow your dreams .The book is about a shepherd who is innocent ,who
reads a lot of books . He follows his dreams and faces every challenges which comes
on his way in order to fulfill his dream. 2 people found this helpful. Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Light Litha a year ago This
book is about a kid, you has a dream takes the necessary actions to fulfill it,
with many challenges he has to face, while learning from all these challenges. Even
though sometimes he feels like giving up and settling, but he pushes forward. Its a
great book Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ ETHAR K 3 years ago It‘s
weird...philosophically and fictionally done The begging of the story seemed more
like a Harry poter style, but then every sentence sounded like a self improving or
a philosophy lesson.... It took me to Spain, Morocco, Egypt and made me feel the
life quality in the dessert It is a valuable book and amazing But I still do not
know how to export a man to the wind😂 Good luck with your reading Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ preeti
mishra 4 years ago The alchemists book is really amazing. While reading its feel
like some magic is happening.. there are many sentences which make me to think and
learn many things..The thing is that we always spend our lot's of time searching
things outside and some point when we realized that's it's within us and it's very
close to us which we tend to ignore.......... 12 people found this helpful. Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Muhammad Irshad a year ago The
Alchemist is a marvellous book.To me if had to recommend a book someone close to me
,without any hesitation i will prefer this book. It is an amazing journey of a boy
full of mysteries and lessons which teaches and motivates an individual to achieve
his/her aim . Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Fardin Amiri 2 years ago Very well
written book and easy to follow, but the message is far from truth. Would have much
more preferred it if Santiago gets to the sycamore tree, and there he is reminded
of where he started from and where he ended up, what he got involved in, the people
he met and what he learnt. And finally remembering fatima and realising that the
treasure he was seeking was the journey itself and he is yet to make another
journey to reach Fatima, his heart brimming with the hope of what else will this
m ...MORE 5 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Jason Smith 3 years ago One of the best
books I have ever read. A great journey that makes you feel fulfilled and like you
can accomplish amazing things. In my top 10 of all time best. 1 person found this
helpful. Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Gina Sprouse
3 years ago Couldn’t put it down. A beautiful reminder that everything happens for
a reason. The most painful moments in our lives serve a purpose and point us to
where we need to be; exactly when we are supposed to be there. Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
abhishek gaur 2 years ago the book is a complete combination of adventure,
suspense, chills, and destiny. i would always suggest this if u r having a tough
time with ur future or r suppressed by the failure. but above all the story was
outstandingly portrayed with an amazing ending... Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Lini Muth a year ago
Such a great book.... This is the best book I have read in my whole, entire life U
must read it.... It teaches us to follow our destines without turning back.... Best
book ever 💐💐 Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
Indrawati Indrawati 2 months ago Have no words about the book coz of its
amazing. I read book . seriously I felt ,maid about it . No more words can't
explain anything about the book it's a very specific book ...I suggest to everyone
plzz purchase the book nd read it coz lt will change ure thoughts nd feelings so
many other things .... Thanku Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Mrs Franczak a year ago Can't say. Read
about Coehlo a while back and in the New Yorker. I feel he is probably harmless but
eccentric and could fool people. But I have no problem with those who believe his
various platitudes and feel the benefit. I am concerned more that he makes money
out of others' desperation. 3 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Keith & Marlene Gray 5 months ago A life
changing read, of a journey through life, following your dreams. The Pilgrimage was
written before the Alchemist so you could commence with that novel. Very highly
recommended read, captivating in its simplicity. Very highly recommended Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Nishant Mishra 3 years ago A boy from Andalusia, who has this feeling for his
sheep, desert, Englishman and desert girl which is pure. The craft is so good that
when u have started imagining it u won't get to know. Awesome book... Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Nav Jyoti 3 years ago This is one of my favourite books😀.The story in it features a
shepherd boy who travels to markets of North America to The desert of Egypt in the
search of treasure. It is a fable about following your dreams. This is a real
motivating story and a must read book.☺☺ Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Priyanshi Airen 3 years ago
The Alchemist is a very good read but in the starting only, the middle part is so
boring and clumsy. Oh, but the epilogue will make you fall in love with the book.
Give it a read, you may not regret it. MAKTUB.😊 Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Binu M . Kunnath 2
years ago I heard about this book on 5th std although I know about the author . Our
techer tought as a small portion of the book as part of our lesson . It was
written on Malayalam. I used to look the whole library for the book. But there was
not a book in there. I know that it was an inspiration story and i wish to read it
Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Nathnael Aberra 3 years ago "The
Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho is an inspirational story of Santiago, a youthful
Spanish shepherd in the rolling hills of Andalusia. The boy has deep attachment
with his flock but realizing that they are devoid of aesthetic sense and
appreciation for nature which he beholds, loves and admires, the course of his life
changes. His parents' life is associated with struggle in a country which people
from far away fantasize and romanticize but for them it's not a place of dream and
charm. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Sabiya Ismail 3 years ago It's one of
the amazing book I've ever read and it made me to realise the purpose for existence
of each soul and the purpose of the life. The author of the book is one of my
favourite author. Thank you Mr. Paulo for an amazing book.... 1 person found this
helpful. Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Bisma Batool
4 years ago If you are a deep thinking teenager believing in fate and destiny this
book is absolutely perfect for you as every page you turn there will be new
questions for u about life and out of curiosity u will read this book in one day
it's that good believe me.....highly recommended!! Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Kalpana Prajapati 5
months ago It is really inspiring and spiritual book. Which can alter you way of
thinking, it tells you about how really you can live your life and all that is
happening in your life is for some purpose. It also tells that if we look about the
things happening in our life in some or the other ways it can be a good omen. Was
this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Karthika Babu 3 years ago For the first
time in my life I couldn't stop reading finishing up a particular part. & I love
this way of getting attached to this book. Love it , the best. Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Moalosi Moyane 4 years ago One of my all time favourite books. Santiago had an
appetite for life and wanted to pursue his destiny and we all go through the same
things that Santiago has to go through. We want treasures and will sometimes go to
extreme lengths to be wealth only to find that the true treasure or happiness is
found through Jesus. 2 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Nilesh Jain 3 years ago A book how we
should never forget our personal legend(goals/dreams) its so beautifully written
how a small boy chases its dreams and how he learns to trust his intution amd kept
moving step by step towards his goal. A must read. Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Beyonder 3 years ago A
must read for everyone... At least read the alchemist once in ur life time..a
beautiful story about following ur dreams and fulfilling them.. This book is
surely gonna change your life. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Mara Pacon 3 years ago This allegorical
novel is truly a masterpiece. It's also a healthy book that can feeds your soul
with knowledge and wisdom making it incredible and worth reading. AMAZING! Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Kelvin Keshy a year ago I was quite doubtful about the title, but this has turned
out to be the best book I have read in a long time. I love it and highly
recommend it, especially to young people trying to find their way in life. Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Anmol Vijayvergiya 2 months ago One of the greatest books and an in point for a
wannabe bibliophile, a perfect blending of story and morals. This book will
surely inspire you to be more hardworking than before and it's a page turn to a
level you will crave it to read again and again. Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Rajvi Tiwari 4 years
ago The Alchemist--- one of the first book of Paulo which I read and got attracted
to his writings. A thirst to achieve something big even if you don't have anything.
A ride of adventure and knowledge. New lessons to learn from life and see what
universe has to offer you. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ uzma khan 3 years ago It is an
inspirational story of Santiago, a shepherd, who dreams of travelling the world in
search of treasure. Readers gets to learn to focus on present, to learn to listen
to our hearts and to follow our dreams. My favourite qoute is: "wherever your
heart is, that is where you'll find your treasure" Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Zoya Sayed 2 years ago
I'm absolutely amazed with this book. Everything was written so well and explained.
Huge respect to Paulo, and it has definitely made an impact in my life. Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Wasif Iqbal 3 months ago It is a short and captivating novel that holds immense
value, especially for those new to reading as a hobby. Coelho's simple storytelling
style it an ideal choice for beginners exploring the world of literature. Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Thendo Sumbana 7 months ago honestly an amazing book, with such an interesting
perspective on life. It has so many little lessons to be learnt and ways to look at
everything that I don't feel anyone can read this and say they didn't learn
something Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Rutuja More 3 years ago This book is
beautiful .In the beginning it is exciting .In the middle its just not so
overwhelming but still it keeps you reading and then there comes a point in book
from where the book becomes more great.....and at the end of the book after reading
you will be happy , satisfied and learn about your destiny for sure Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Tanishq Gupta 3 years ago Book so overrated, that might have some hidden meaning,
say people but I don't believe them , for me the book was moving at very slow pace
and a bit boring People can make hidden meaning out of anything and any novel .
Some events were interesting but in general not worth a read. For me the basic
review of the book was pretentious people reading the book , acting philosophical
and getting nothing out of it when asked what is the hype all about. 41 people
found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Shenaaz Hoosen 2 years ago My friend gave me this book to read! I have always
wanted to read it but I never got my hands on a copy. It was amazing as I feel like
I am a traveller in this world and I have always thought things have life and a
soul. #SouthAfrica Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Ramyajit Chowdhury 2 years
ago The book was a real eye opener for me, the way the story build up to the travel
and the way it led way for self discovery was very exhilarating. This was the one
of the first book I read of Coelho, and eventually I fell in love with his writing.
Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Shiza Khalil 3 years ago It was an
amazing novel and simple one in which paulo coelho explains about one's dreams and
how nature helps to achieve one's target . How the life give chances to achieve it
but choice was our own. Only listening to your heart hepls you to understand the
soul of the world . Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Comfort Shie a year ago It was one of
the most beautiful books I have ever read. A page turner, one that endears the
heart and most importantly, it is a book filled with hope. Hope that the pursuit of
one's destiny is very possible. 🧡 Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Janette Mary Bennett a year ago Drinks
were good .We had 20 percent off as food was so bad first time round . Sadly it
hadn’t improved ! Our food was very burnt , we won’t be going back to eat again .
Service charge is quite high and automatically added to bill , which is fine if
service is good , but to be honest it was far from good , and the place was half
empty . All in all not the best night out 1 person found this helpful. Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Bruna Miranda 3 years ago
Well, I understood the philosophical meaning and all the metaphors within this and
I also had to say that Paulo Coellho's writing in this book was really poetic,
hence the two stars. However, the story itself was not my cup of tea and I didn't
really connect with the main character Santiago. Perhaps to someone who is really
into this type of self-discovery stories this book will be more appealing. 6 people
found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
suchinta roy a year ago It's to me an divinity! It's an connection with the Divine
power, which evidently shows us that "I'm" is a tiny part of that Divine power,
that great soul! As he created The Sun, The earth, The wind, The Dessert...! The
way, the purpose, for he also created me...! And I have a purpose...! Like, the
sun, the desert, the earth, the wind, and the universe...! Was this review helpful
to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Sagar d 2
years ago Such nice book.... It teaches us to look within... Identify ourself
first... Sometimes our quest ends in nothing... N later on we realize dat things
were different n I took them wrong... Nice work... #nusta paulo Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Alfin
James 2 years ago I would say,that if you doesn't read this book. It would be the
worst thing in your life. Really awsome. It would take us for an adventures
journey. I would surely recommend everyone to read it. Thank you... Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Dexter
Godbolt a week ago It is my every quest upon my journey to learn what I don't know
and question the line. This book opened my mind and made me question the line of
reality, cultures and beliefs, and phantoms of personality. I've since then have
been promoting this book that imagination built and self discovery blue printed.
Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Harsh Chaudhar1 2 years ago If you are
reading it, Brace yourself and get ready for adventure of a dreamer boy. Beautiful
narration as if we are already in that moment! Must read if you are dreamer and
want to understand and learn what it takes to follow your dreams! Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Amanullah Aman 3 years ago Really I like this book. If anyone wants to pursue their
destiny, I'll suggest, Must read this book. You will be motivated. It will help you
find out your destiny. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Baba Giri 4 years ago One of the best
books someone wiill ever read in their lifetimethe book that teaches us the true
KNOW IT 5 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Jairo Medina 3 years ago Amazing book.
The characters ability to take life for what it is and find the positive in his
situations is great. Finished in 2 days and definitely recommend. Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Marisol Morales 2 years ago This book takes you on an insightful journey of
reflection of your own life and purpose. I read it more than once. Definitely will
have my children read it. I Loved it!! Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ rabail tariq 3 years ago One
of those books which will make u dream again about your desires to achieve your
destiny not only that but it will create a spark in your heart to follow your
dreams. Listen to your heart desire. Highly recommend to read it. Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
jeanine vu 3 years ago i have a very specific taste in books and i rarely find the
ones i really enjoy. this book however, was different in all the other ones i have
read. there were so many life lessons and i was stuck reading the book nonstop.
overall, i had a very good experience reading this book 1 person found this
helpful. Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Stevie Howe 3
years ago Claire is absolutely amazing! She made us so at home and made me get my
steak medium. Whereas I usually have it well done. She’s so good. Tip her!!! Was
this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Vanshika Bansal 2 years ago This book
has questioned and answered some of my life. I think you should read it. Its a bit
difficult to understand the deepness but it is really something you never read and
if you start reading it you never want to end it Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Murshida Parveen 2
years ago I’ve read this book on my school days. And it’s so inspiring to make a
man give it a try for the achievements he wish for.. reader could analyse the base
of fate and destiny after reading The Alchemist. Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Khushi Jain 2 years
ago Alchemist gives you a timetable for your homework on the Best Mock Platform so
that you practice your homework daily and don't miss anything. Its a different
technique to make you practice everyday without any hectic schedule. Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
KOIKI ABDULRASHEED 3 months ago It's an inspirational and inspiring piece of
literature which is replete with innumerable wisdom and life lessons. I've not
finished reading it yet, but I'm super excited I made the right choice! Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Lipsa Mohapatra a year ago Knowledge is nothing but realisation of ourselves with
respect to our present. The alchemist will definitely make you realise of your
inner potential and going above and beyond the worldly pleasures and procuring true
knowledge Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Kabita Gaire 6 months ago Amazing Street
dancer on America's got talent and skills to the same you have a great day and I
will be back in the midnight rain and wind and rain and wind and rain and wind and
solar powerful tool 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 system and notify us by telephone or email us back to
the following link for the delay in responding I am a bit of time in the system is
Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Salba Amjad 2 years ago An amazing book!
While reading there was not a single point where I lost interest in. A book that
can enhance your power of imagination. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ JusTN Austy a year ago I'm
glad I pursued this book, I have been seeing this book since I was in High School
and finally decided to read this now that Im 30+++ years old. and I regret not
reading this for the past decades. beautiful beautiful book Was this review helpful
to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ ashok kumar 3
years ago This is the very book that tempted me to read as much as i can and even
it rejuvenated my soul to not give up .I hope this will be proved stepping stone in
the journey of life. Moreover, can change one's mindset as well . Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Sandipan Das 3 years ago It's an over-rated book, personally I feel the emotions
poured through Rhonda Byrne are far better than the author of this book. You will
go through 90% of pages literally but without any meaning, things happening
randomly in a desert. Too much annoyed after completing the book, I have dozens of
book but it never pained me so much to complete a book and throw it into the dust
bin.😵😵 21 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
kahan x10 a year ago Two days ago, I had opened the book, just to have a look at
it's initial few pages, but here I am now, on having completed the entire book
since then. It engaged me more than anything after I began to read it, and I
honestly felt like I myself was present in the book's story as the protagonist
after I continued to read through it. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Jayashree HC 8 months ago The
Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is a Fable. It is about a Shepherd boy named Santiago.
Somehow the Book did not Fascinate me. The Author has restricted himself to one
Community and is biased and shows Poor and Narrow Insight in his Attitude. He has
failed miserably to understand the Universal Law of Love and Truth. 1 person found
this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Nivetha
Anu 3 years ago I am a book reader, many people in online suggested this book for
LOA. so just i read the book.after read i definitely say one of best book ..i learn
this book who really i am??overall its just a novel like story.but after i learn
many things about the universe give the people.Thanks to Paulo coelho Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Sidra Ahmed 3 years ago An excellent book with inspiring and beautiful messages on
every page.Simple yet deep, with the gravity of something possessed by the
ideal,geniusly crafted scenes, brilliant climax, this book is win on all grounds
and worth every second you spend reading it. Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ MOHAMMAD SHABAAN 3
years ago This is a very amazing book that can change your thoughts about the
world. What is success and what is required to get success. This book answers all
the questions you have on your mind about success. Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Sanketa Gaonkar Desai
8 months ago A must read book for those who like to chase dreams. Book is very
interesting and I don't feel any part where it is going out of line and boring. Was
this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Ramanand Prasad 4 years ago This is the
lovliest and favourite book , l ever read. Genuinely, it is fabulous....and this
book have had a life- ameliorate.... influence on millions of people.Actually,It
helps us to realise the "treasure within." 1 person found this helpful. Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Tom Elliott 2 years ago I've
read it multiple times and it really is a book I recommend to others. I find new
meanings throughout as I read it again and again. So satisfying and well worth a
quick read. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Oluwayemi Haruna 3 years ago I read this
books today and it has taught me more things than i could possibly say,to follow my
dreams,to know that the way my life is the way i want it to be and that i can
change it if i want and lastly to always,always listen to my heart. Reading it has
made me braver,even just a little bit. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Muyeba Abukari 8 months ago If
you're looking for a book to help you navigate this thing called life, read this
book. Not only once, but certainly not less than thrice. Aside the holy books,
this is your spiritual guide too. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ G Aishiya 3 years ago A feelgood
book...The story is about a shepherd named Santiago,finding his true destiny in
life!..The Omens help him to reach his destiny.....Really you will feel lyk u r in
a desert,while reading this(I gone too😂) will get through bunch of surprises.
Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Manjushree 3 years ago It's one of my
all time favourites.No wonder it leaves the reader in a mirage of self-analysis and
soul searching. The story revolves around -the purpose of life, what u reap out of
it and the role of destiny. The shepherd's journey leaves us with a promising hope
in this story ,that needs to push one forward ,out of all obstacles in life. Was
this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Sunankhem Kheperu a year ago The
Alchemist is well deserving of a place on not only every bookshelf, but every night
stand as well. A grounder, a reminder, an opportunity to place oneself back in the
middle. A lesson on how march to the beat of your own drum. Was this review helpful
to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Dennis Maganga
2 months ago Every young person should read this book. To this day I would say this
stands as one of the best books I have read in my life and one of very few books I
have read more than once. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Anushka Tiwari 3 years ago Must read ☺️ 🧐.
It's really a interesting book😘 . After reading this book i feel dreams are true 🤩.
Thanks google for suggesting such a wonderful book .😇 Was this review helpful to
you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ System Breaker 4
years ago I'm really eager to read this book. As I have heard too much about this
book. But‚ I think I need to wait until my graduation is done and I get a job to
buy such worth living book. I'm a confused person that s why I need it the most.
When I read this book in future I surely will give you a good explanation. 2 people
found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Nidhi Lasod 2 years ago The best book to read The alchemist .we learn lots from
this book . To believe in our dreams , our passion , self determination ,
confidence , hope and much more . Must read this book . Was this review helpful to
you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Jayashree U
Marachakkanavar 3 years ago It's an juzzz amazing novel..... Which says never to
lose hope, which is really good for youths which makes them to inspire....many ppl
will lose their hopes becoz of many other reasons it's really helpful for them to
come across new life,or help them to begin their new life.....😍😍😍😍😍I juzzz loved
reading it...... Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Riya Sharma 3 years ago It's a very
motivational and inspiring book . After reading it, I just become a huge of Paulo
Coehlo. It filled me with a positive energy . It just amazing👌👌 Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Nikita
Singh 3 years ago This book is a must have for those who really love reading. It's
a perfect example of beautiful storytelling, brilliant writing and morals for life
packed in a single package. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Maham Tahir 3 years ago It’s a very
positive motivational book on its own. The author has beautifully covered so much
in this one book. It’s a must read Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ 20SS605047 ba.sep.20 2 years
ago Its a fictional story written by paulo coelho... It's mesmerizing full of
inspiration... It taught us about life . Like life isn't that easy bt we mst not
loose our hopes Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ ASHOK GIRI 3 years ago It's a good book
to find our self confidence . And suggest that never forgive our actual dream . If
we try find then we succeed in future. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Tasfim Akter 6 months ago Just
mind-blowing! it's not like any other books that we usually read but if you read
the book with concentration then you will actually understand the meaning behind
this book. !!! Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Vinayak Badiger 3 years ago so Great
Book by paulo Coelho The book says When you got dream The whole Universe Will help
you achieve it. So Great Book That I did not Stop here and there. Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Shaun
Fernandes 3 years ago The Alchemist is a motivating and encouraging book by Paulo
Coelho. I appreciate the efforts made by the author to write this book. Well done
Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Saumya Verma 3 years ago Honestly I
enjoyed the story and I'll consider this novel as self help book . It strengthen
your heart ♥️
. A must read! Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Sumit sah 3 years ago "The Alchemist
" ,written by paulo coelho is the wonderful story.Its about the shepherd and the
king which shows him the true worth of his life.Likewise,if we too met with the
right mentor in our life we can know our worth too and achieve our treasure like
the shepherd in this book Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Lorand Tompa 2 years ago I was really
impressed by Coelho´s Zahir, so I tried to read this book. The plot is weak and
dragged, the delivery is nothing more than accaptable, and opposed with the Zahir,
it is uneasy to identify with the psyhological struggles of the main character. 11
people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Kavya Nagaralli 2 years ago Well it's
good... But not the best one I wld say...
It tells you importance of listening to heart,about destinies and about dreams,
importance of not giving up on our dreams... It's not as good as it was hyped 2
people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Ted Stevenson 3 months ago Best by Paulo
coelho. The example of dripping oil from the spoon was just what I needed in my
life. Truly life changing. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ sarowar alam 2 years ago Though It's a
metaphoric novel. But I love they way how It describes life and lives. Also good to
start with this book if you're a new reader. Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Fatima Jabeen a year
ago Theme of the book is about finding one's destiny or purpose in life. Alchemist
offered us not to just escape the reality but also understand it. The book shows
that the journey to your destiny is as important as the destiny itself. Alchemist
emphasizes on the importance of faith, hope and spirtuality through the story of an
ordinary boy. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ The Fire Brand (Manoj Kumar Patel) 4
years ago "The Alchemist" is a masterpiece. Language is simple, written in simple
words but the book somehow leaves an unreadable mark on whoever reads it. It is
magical. 1 person found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Jody Johnsen 3 years ago I hate this
book. I read 200 books a year and have all my adult life. This one is disconnected,
“representative”, has no purpose and takes Loads of words not to say it. Boring,
clumsy do not recommend. 22 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Stefani Charina 4 years ago this book
gave me another perspective to start a new journey in my life, to look out of the
circle, to start knowing myself better, and to start reaching my dreams. I highly
recommend this book! 17 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Farah Nafees 3 years ago The first novel
i ever read ! It was such an easy read and was totally interesting..... i totally
got myself into the characters Loved it ♥️♥️
♥️very much Was this review helpful to
you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Razor 597 3 years
ago This is an excellent book. Highly recommended. Not going to write anything from
the book because I don't want to spoil the book for you. Was this review helpful to
you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Sona Josh 2 years
ago This book takes you through a variety of imagination, makes you understand that
you can achieve anything if you have the heart for it. The book is just mind
blowing . Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Tanvi Chipkar 4 years ago Its a great
book to begin with,the way the philosophy of life explained in it is so wonderful
that one falls in love with the way the author plays with the words. Definitely a
must read! 1 person found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Nithin Das a year ago The Alchemist is
about a mans journey to pursuing his hearts desire...Obstacles disrupt his path,
but there is guiding light helping him through his path to success. Metaphorically
relates to following ones dream, crazy idea or endeavors to have purpose or meaning
in life....Beautiful, memorable fable... Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ BHUDEB BHATTACHARYA 3 years
ago Excellent Book. Thank you very much Paulo Sir. This is a very spiritual book. I
love this very much. The Alchemist provides peace. God bless you, Sir. Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Tracy Ginther 3 years ago This book reads like a lesson in God and religion written
by a 15 year old. I cannot understand what it is about this book that even
warranted publishing it in the first place. It is just ridiculous. I wish I could
pick 0 stars for this review 20 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ mahdi naji 3 years ago alchemist is a
book about the way that all of us should traverse in order to achieve our personal
goal in life. since i read this book my insight about faults and failures in life
got totally changed. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Carol Gochnour 2 years ago I was excited
to start the book because of all the positive reviews. To put it bluntly, it was
just a bunch of cliched new age slogans put in the form of a fairy tale. A boring,
dogmatic, badly-written fairy tale. 5 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Meran Paul 3 years ago A very insightful
book written in very simple language. Paulo coelho is an exceptionally talented
story teller and this book has every aspect from wealth to sprituality Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Salman Karim 2 years ago This is a real piece I can say. A very unique narration of
the struggles that we come across every day. Recommended! Was this review helpful
to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ STAY HOME STAY
SAFE 3 years ago i read it it is wonderful.i never read such book before I actually
suggest every child to watch this book.I loved it I think that u also get some
moral in this book .read it if u will read it u can tell that to your children as
bed time story. or if some one asks u to suggest one book u can suggest it Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
nïckysāyyêd 3 years ago Phew,what a legendary journey of the protagonist full of
mystical backgrounds, heavenly secrets,powerful Gods,enchanting women and their
beliefs. Truly a masterpiece for all time readers. Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Uzma Fatima 2 years
A PART AMAZED ME. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Mamta Rajbhar 3 years ago Alchemist
novel is a wonderful journey about a shepherd's life .he was a normal shepherd with
no dream n future day a women told him that ur destiny is in Egypt but he
didn't understand what she meant but after that many incidents he want to know
what's there for him in Egypt n he continued his journey to Egypt . Alchemist
novel is about the , choices ,problem n paths that come in one persons life n how
the person deal with it n continue his life journey . Was this review helpful to
you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Khushi Gosai 8
months ago This book written by one of the popular writer of this era 'Paulo
Coelho' was an novel type or story type book that teaches us about a young boy name
Santiago who make his dream come true.. this book also reflects on how to true your
dreams.. dreams are the language of God!! Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Dries Goosen 4 years ago I
think the book is so popular, because the reader seeks meaning and interprets the
story through its images and lessons. It resonates with me at this stage in life
and I believe it will do so again as my life develops. 1 person found this helpful.
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Anjali Patil 3 years
ago A life changing book....if ur are in path of your sucesss it will give you the
inspiration to achieve your sucesss... Not a book of realization but book that can
make self realization....A must read for teenagers hustling to achieve something.
Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Kaone Donald 2 years ago As I was
reading this book I tried as possible to make my life an analogy to it and it
started making even more perfect sense. Great read!!! Was this review helpful to
you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ courage ahorttor
7 months ago Just a fantastic book. I teaches important aspect of life including
patience, self believe, perseverance, apprenticeship and above all love. A must
read. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Shahnawaz Hussain a year ago Recently I
bought this book. Actually I heard from lot of people about that, so I planed to
buy this book, so finally I got that. And then I about to read. And after reading,
I will definitely share my views and experiences about learning journey . Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Afaroj Tadvi 2 years ago It is really fantastic book for all ages it tells about
the magic that can actually happen Take away moral and the relatable scene was
What happens twice will happen for third time. Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ still finding 2 years
ago Just started reading book and this was my second book and it blew my mind it
was like all the thoughts and feelings I used to get in the past were in this book
and it gave me more clarity and positivity this book is filled with emotions and
inspiration Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ KARTHIK RAO 3 years ago I read this book
before my start of the career, the concept that when you wish for something & the
universe process in working for your thought. It's just amazing. Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Shambhavi Shahdeo 3 years ago I felt it is overrated. Though i like it's simplicity
and didactic nature, which is fine for a light read. But as a whole i was hopeful
for more, compared to the praises I've heard of 3 people found this helpful.
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Peter Peter a year ago
This is possibly the worst book I have ever read. It frightens me that so many
people seem to like it. Utterly bogus drivel. Life is too short to waste time
reading it . Go for a walk instead. 3 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ vahid mohagheghi 3 years ago One of the
worst books I have ever read. I really do not see what the fuss is about. if
anybody wants the real thing, they can read the poems of RUMI. if you have read
Rumi, you have seen the 10 out of 10 and then you will find this book a big
nonsense. 8 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Hiral Panchal 3 years ago its an amazing
amazing book very very inspirable book and at the same time easy written i love
each and everything about this book. i would recommend this book to everyone out
there. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Eugene Uriel 3 years ago pushing threw
your own legend is why we are here not to be confined in a limited concept of
freedom. what a joy to read absolute eternal bliss Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Jungkook Bts 2 years
ago This book is amazing! Such a great author Easy and simple language Most
importantly it's very good for teenagers 🤗💕 Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Sangita Das a year ago A book
for every one. I love this line...When we love, we always strive to become better
than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us
becomes better too. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Ishika Singh 4 weeks ago For those who
are thinking that why Santiago didn't find treasure near pyramid but in ruined
Spain church , I want to answer by saying this that if he would find it near
pyramid then he will never be able to understand that the real treasure that he was
dreamt off was none of other than his experience and metting thoroughout the
journey and if he find it right there then he simply thought that treasure is gold
and jewelry for which he came from Spain to visit pyramid..... Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Hellen
Okinyi 2 months ago I am happy the Alchemist landed on my book shelf.... and what
is amazing is that the first time i had the book in my hand i had already three
people who booked it for a yet to find out... Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Kavya
Krishnan 3 years ago My favourite one...every time when i read it gives a new vibe
to me..such an inspirational book.This book got something within it.and i belive
that is our soul. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Shalu 3 years ago An inspirational tale
of young mind. Nicely written. A must read for all the motivation seekers and
travel enthusiasts. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ zoe. ex 3 years ago This book is so so teached me so many good things that we should never give up..i am 15 years
old and i also have a dream and i will surely try to complete it💜 Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Anju
Reji 3 years ago One of the books that must read... is a great
experience. One can get motivated yourself instead of listening a speech...great
experience Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Francis Shaju 4 years ago Alchemist is
one of the best books one can read...a boy's journey towards his dream and the
exciting people he meet make this book so memorable and dear to heart...not reading
this book will be a great loss and comeuppance to oneself ... Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Jose
Corsini 2 weeks ago Yasmine was a brilliant server as I dealt with a rude customer
and she made sure I had the best experience still! Highly recommend great food and
great service! Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Martin Simbeye 3 years ago If you want
something the all universe conspires in helping you achieve it!!!!!!!! The
Alchemist really encourages me to never give up on my dream and set goal. Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Raghav Patel 2 years ago This book is amazing. I really like the adventure story.
Today I just talk with a girl name Fatima and I remember this book. ❤ Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Usman Shahid 4 years ago A shepherd pursuing his dreams. For anyone it sounds
overrated but when I read it it was entirely magical. A perfect way to tell how to
follow your dreams 1 person found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ SHAHEEN HIJAZ 2 months ago If you know
you know .. This is just an outstanding book with a bunch of life lessons to learn
and adapt.. You may not understand me if you didn't understand the book. Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Bertha Baidoo 2 months ago The Alchemist is really educative, inspirational and
informative. It makes you realize that there's nothing you can not do and achieve
if you set your mind to. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Mishal Khan 2 months ago The best book I
have ever read in my live. While reading this book I felt like as if I was the main
character travelling though those deserts and everything. Was this review helpful
to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ kamal
bhattacharyyaVEVO 2 years ago The Alchemist by Coelho is an allegorical novel that
teaches Santiago (human beings) that the journey of life should be completed anyhow
and life will give you hurdles, but if you stick to your mission the whole nature
will support you to accomplish your journey. Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Sarah Ghare a year ago
The best book I have ever read. I was sad when it got finished, that was my
attachment with the book. Loved it. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Unknown Name 3 months ago
Inspiration story that tells that the struggle is the best thing which success will
be caught a proud moment when we go ahead but if anybody advises that go back but
how to cause he has gone ahead in the halfway if we go back in the success then he
will be never meet him success .he don't listen anyone his heart voices and go
ahead and at last he got success . Mehnat ke Bina kuchh bhi nahin Al Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Richard Ferguson 2 years ago Been here many times when the young lady who is the
general manager is working always seems to be a problem who has tattoos all over I
work for a high profile company in Leeds which brings a lot of business into Leeds
I will not recommend alchemist in trinity to any one comeing into Leeds and
staying over bad attitude when this lady working 2 people found this helpful.
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Maryann Phillips a
year ago Absolutely captivating. The Alchemist will change perspective and enhance
awareness. It combines language, the Old Testament, science, geography, and love
into one incredible story. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ pardis bi 3 years ago This book is just
perfect .. I enjoyed reading it. At some moments it gave me the peace that I was
looking for .. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Md. Mashfiqur Rahman 3 years ago In the
end "The Alchemist" could not live up to my expectation. Summery is: When you set
sail towards your destiny, life will let you experience so many things that you
never imagined, both in a good and bad way. Not bad but Not as good as its hyped. 3
people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ SchoolOkay 4 years ago Love the book
seems like it is the journey of everyone who decides to realize his or her dreams
, and the end of the book is too lovely. It's a must read for all students. Was
this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Apeksha Soni 2 years ago It was an such
a awesome book. It gives message that we should never give up. Reading beginners
and teenager should read this book. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Claudia Gilpin a year ago
Paulo Coelho is a superb writer of the mysterious. The Alchemist...about "the
transforming power of our dreams ". A story of full of adventure, and a search for
treasure, with a touch of the mystical. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Kymberli Clement
2 years ago I listened to this as a free library download on cloud library during
a 4 hour car ride. Jeremy Irons narrates the story. It was a good story, although I
thought maybe it skipped ahead a minute as the boy went from meeting the King to
all the sudden being enroute to Egypt. That was a shock, but hood story overall.
Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Gloria Cartwright 3 years ago I love
this book. Just started reading it today and can’t put it down. Well worth 5 stars
Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Sol Oculus Divinus 2 years ago Great
story, very entertaining with a bit of twist everytime the character is close to
achieve his whole purpose in the novel. I would read it or listen through audiobook
again. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Harsha Dundi 3 years ago It made me
really think and look deep into myself...this book just makes you deal with all
your problems and makes u feel pleasant even in very hard situations Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Rupesh kumar MISHRA 2 years ago I just finished this book and can't describe about
how impactful can it be on your precious heart . It's amazing. Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Stuart
Oliphant a year ago I love this book. It contains quite a few thought provoking
ideas concerning love, achieving your dreams, life and death. Good stuff! Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Jai MuruGAN 3 years ago This book read to very interested. Say the good message..
Follow your dreams and ask your heart. What I do this particular time..Really good
Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ M Athar Aziz 3 years ago This novel is
based on following your dream. It tells in an incredibly effective way of the
hindrances - hindrances that one's own self introduce and hindrances that the world
creates - in the way of following one's ambition.I love the use of appealing
quotations in this novel. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Peach Curley 2 years ago As a teenager I
picked this as a book to read for my english class and i would recommend, I am only
half way through but It is a really good read :) Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Michael Dehaney 3
years ago The alchemist was a really good book. I could identify myself with the
protagonist, 'Santiago'. The book has left me with some really great life lessons
to practice. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Paul Dominion 3 years ago Love the plots
and the whole idea behind the book! One thing is for sure Our Purpose or Destiny as
Human isn't always far away it something within or around us! Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Arashdeep Kaur a year ago This book becomes my best book ever ... Each and every
line is inspiring and relatable to the ones who want to make something big in
life ... Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Bushra VT 5 months ago Alchemist is a
superb novel. It converts our world and you would be curious about what next?! It
gives us precious valuable mesages. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Diksha Shukla 2 years ago
Awesome book! The story of Santiago reveals how a person can follow his dreams by
listening to his heart and believing in himself! Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Ravi Kant Rai 2 years
ago It's better to watch alif laila than to read this book.... I mean the boy can
talk to wind,sand and the sun... Is it realistic to you all? This books is just a
hype.. nothing helpful in life at all . 3 people found this helpful. Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Mario Da Costa 2 years ago The
Alchemist is a good book up until he decided that his novel needed to be longer
and decided to stretch it out with the endless nonsense about " the soul of the
world" and " talking to your heart". I just call it filler, it adds nothing to the
story except length, many writers do this when they run out of ideas. 1 person
found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Bridget Agbede 3 years ago It's a Five star for me because, it speaks the truth
about following one's dream in simpler terms. A must have for Dreamer!! Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Yogitha Murugadoss 3 years ago A must read by everyone !! It gives a new
perspective to life and makes you believe in your dreams n pursue it ... Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Marcelo jorame 5 months ago This book is so good I bought The Fifth Mountain as
soon as I finished it. I recommend this book for every single person on this
planet. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Lasya Kesapragada 2 years ago This book
opened my eyes to so many parts of the world it contains interesting philosophy and
tells you about how are you can understand life highly recommend. Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Sandeep Meena 3 years ago Alchemist is something which is pretty helpful for those
who are not clear with their thaughts towards life, towards the dream's . A must
read book. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ FARZIN MP 2 years ago This book is great
enjoyed reading it i finished it today and its totally worth of time its
motivational and the story is great especially with the last twist ,although a
awesome book i do recommend reading it Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Chimi Chozang 2 years ago
Quite nice story. Able to keep me abosrb the perpetual dream of a boy who had ups
and down every now and then Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Khursheed Dar 3 years ago good read, if
you try to compare the book with the subjective things, you may find it redundant.
its easy to read, i finished the book just in 2 days, that too during my work
hours. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Ami Pandey 3 years ago It's a truely
inspiring stoey... And also I love Paulo Coelho he is one of the best authors and
my favourite. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Akeesan Akeesan 2 years ago All chemist
I really love this book I suggested everyone read this book because this book give
big motivation to you and wonderful story .the person how achieve him dream that's
the story of this book All the best 👍🙂 Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Rebaone Charlie a year ago I
love this book. It was the first ever book that I read in my life and it truly
sparked my interest for novels. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Arwa Motor wala 3 years ago I love this
book . the alchemist is my adored book . The change my perspective in life and
this book is really a life changing book Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Raghuvardhan Chowdam 3 years
ago It is my all-time favorite book. I reading the book the story very interesting.
The way of author illustrates the story is very nice. Was this review helpful to
you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ ghazal salim 3
weeks ago It was the one book that draged me into habit of reading at the age of 30
, and in last 4 years I might have read at least 50-60 books. I was the kind who
never had the patience to read a book "The alchemist" changed me. Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Janhvi
Gursal 7 months ago Very nice book.... It gives you courage to follow your dreams
and face the difficulties.. must read 👏🏻👍🏻 Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Janaka Sandun Bandara a year
ago To be honest this book never booring to me. And one of the best ever book i
have read.Its gives a purpose for the life.when i read this book the boy in the
book like myself. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Afsana Ritu 2 years ago Possibly one of
the best books I have read.To some extend I saw my own thoughts. This books will
remain in my heart forever. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Sheetal Rao 3 years ago A must read
book. So inspiring and a real escape from the bitterness of the reality and feel
the tremendous joy given by life. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Soham 3 years ago Normally i dont read
often...but i tought of reading THE ALCHEMIST and i must say it is a incredible
book.A must read book for everyone , it is a book everyone should have in their
collection. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Rubina Khan 3 years ago This book is
must read. Gives tons of positive
vibes and inspiration. One of the best bks ever read♥️Was this review helpful to
you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Armando Martinez
2 years ago This book is something I am reading in my English class, and I really
enjoy it. It is something truly amazing, and something that I actually had fun
reading. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ zachary vaughn 3 months ago One of my
favorite newer fiction novels. This book was my introduction to the author and
I've since read 4 more of his novels. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Varun Gupta 3 years ago An
extraordinary magical novel about many abstract things in life. Makes anyone
thinking for a while and truly amazing ending Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Jyoti Rajora 3 years
ago It's a book which tell us to listen to our heart . It will definitely take us
to our destiny. One should really read this. 😁 Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Taleyha Mackey 3
months ago The book is a very cool and worth reading book. So I hope the future
readers to feel the way I feel exactly like I explained the book makes me feel! Was
this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Yusra Rehan 3 years ago Not that bad. I
mean there are some phrases and lesson in this book that makes it a worthwhile but,
at some point it gets to complicated with soul if the world talking to the wind and
sun. This is the first book I read in a long time but, I m sure there are better
ones out there.. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Diyaa Agrawal 2 years ago my love for
this book is extreme this is the first book which i loved and also read fully
actually hats off to paulo coelho's writing i simply love his writing. Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Ocean.R 4 years ago A must read book! It changed the way I look into life. One of
the best book to start off with if you want to start reading novels. Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
S.M. SHAZ 3 years ago A vehement surge of positive vibes experienced while leafing
through the pages of The Alchemist......... It's a must read novel once in a
lifetime for everyone....... Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ 3 ‫ ضحى عاصم‬years ago It's very
interesting book that talk about adventures . It's not only a story it changes the
person's life . it contain lessons that from it a human can be better. Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Nyambura Wakaba 4 years ago The alchemist is such an amazing book. We search the
world for life purpose( personal legend) and yet the answers are right within our
hearts. 4 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Yaseen Aamir 3 years ago This was my
first book and i'm glad it is .Nice read one who seeks his/her dreams will find
this book a good start and motivation . Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Bello Somabé a year ago The
Best Book Ever in my life.. I swear to God who made me I wish to meet with the
Author someday to share is thought Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Annalyssa Hicks 2 years ago
All I can say is I love this book with my entire heart and soul. It teaches you to
cherish life itself. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Shell “Shell” Shell 2 years ago I read
this book so many years ago. I remembered being intrigued by the first pages. But
my expectations were not met by the climax nor the rest of the text. 3 people found
this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Richard
ye 3 years ago The Alchemist taught me about the purpose of life, as everyone has a
larger responsibility than a simple living individual. Putting yourself under a
larger frame of social responsibility, you would find your life more meaningful to
yourself and to others. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ disha singh a year ago This adventurous
book is about a shepherd who is in search of his treasure; there will be many
obstacles and learnings in his journey to Egypt. This is one of my favourite books.
Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ P Subo a year ago Jason the waiter
amazing - you guys are very lucky to have him The other staff are questionable,
else at the embassy’s gardens. to ask for the billx3 Shame as the cocktails, food
and service with Jason were phenomenal Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Akshay Dev 2 years ago Good
book. But some concepts are not understandable. Need to read some pages atleast
twice. But yeah, it's a great novel🙂. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Dr. Shari P Panicker 3 years
ago The story of a shepherd who follow his dreams. This book teach us so many
things. Every one must read this Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Mohinabonu Ikromova 2 months ago Well
written book indeed! Highly recommend. People will truly learn to pursue their
goals and dreams. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Nandita Baruah 4 years ago This is book
is crafted delicately. I believe it should be in everybody's reading list. It made
me believe what having dreams really are.... Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Santino Keith 4 years
ago Many of his philosophical wonders get him to arrive at what he believes his
purpose is. He does believe that his purpose is to travel, however he also conveys
throughout these first pages that he wants to finish this journey one day. That is
how he embodies his personal legend, by traveling until finding the ending of his
story. 2 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Pradhan Is 3 years ago Beautiful story.
One of the best . Paulo did the best thing after eleven minutes. Story never had
bored me. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Imisiife Adebayo 3 years ago The blend
of Christianity and Islam together with philosophy is magical. And the message? How
accurately apt for every who feels like giving up. Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ ÄNÂM QÛËÉÑ 3 years ago
Alchemist..!! I just started reading this book.. I found the word Magic.. Everyone
say that this book is my now I'm really excited because the Word Magic is
my type.. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Hassan Farooq a year ago Brilliant book!
This has influenced me the most! This book urges us to see our destiny and listen
to our heart, Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Rajesh Gounder 3 weeks ago If do you
need to spent your times with good books mean you may take this book because author
handled way of narration is great from the beginning of the story to the end. Was
this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Pundalik Pastay 3 years ago One of best
book I've ever read. It's worth the time and will definitely change the course of
your life. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Rik Chakraborty 2 years ago Excellent of the best fairy tales ever
written......true meaning of the soul of the world....(readers) please don't go by
logic through this story.....if you do so, you won't get the feeling and depth the
story travels through.....You are great, Paulo Coelho ! Was this review helpful to
you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Shivani Dhiman 8
months ago Atleast we must read this at once. Not for a single second, I felt tired
while reading. Somewhere in someway it depicts the true phase of the life journey.
Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Manvi Roll no.1 2 years ago "THE
ALCHEMIST " is actually a nice , & Interesting book I read this many time . The
author make the better fable story . 1 person found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Anubhooti Jain 2 years ago Book that
insists you to work harder and get what your heart says. The most amazing book.
Must read. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Mrs. Christy Kent 3 months ago My
absolute favorite book. So spiritual yet entertaining. I love the audiobook. Please
read/listen to this book. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ khyati karandikar 2 years ago Most
fascinating books I ever read I would completely recommend new readers to give this
fabulous piece of art a try and it's really worth the read 💗💗💗💗 Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ faten
naseha2 2 years ago This book has resonated well with me and my life. I’ve learnt
to look life in a different
perspective now. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Riddhi Dey 2 years ago Haven't quite
read a book like this. If your soul is searching for answers and you heart wants
solace, this is the book you need to pick. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Home fusion tv 9 months ago It
is a little boring but omg it taught me so many things . What an end . Still amazes
me. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ da ab a year ago Beautiful, beautiful
masterpiece. This book is uplifting and carry’s a message that is so true and pure.
“To realize one’s destiny is a person’s only obligation.” Was this review helpful
to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Dishita
Mukherji 2 years ago It is a must read, trust me. If you are beginner to the world
of reading, best nook to start from. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Pakhee Dubey 2 years ago This
book is the best. Just read it and you will follow your passions and dream once
again.. it gives is hope and motivation 1 person found this helpful. Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Mohd Azam Saifi 3 years ago
Excellent book! It teaches a lot of things regarding life skills and encourage us
to pursue our dreams Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Swati Jaiswal 3 years ago This book is relates to everyone's teach us how we should keep going in
our work, never give up, we can do it, this book really motivate me .... Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
TIMES AND INTENTION ONGOING Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Harry Clarke 2 years ago A childish and
clichèd novel. The excessive use of the term 'Personal Legend' became completely
insufferable and I could not go on. That and the overly basic narrative made it
amongst one of the worst novels I have read/attempted to read to date 4 people
found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Soumik Poojari 3 years ago Worth reading book 100% it will make you satisfied with
the journey of the main character It teaches the spirituality in a very new way Was
this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Zaara Shaikh 2 years ago The Alchemist
is a very beautiful written novel by Paulo Coelho to all the bookworms I suggest
you to read this books it's fantabulous... Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Flavian Asuma 3 years ago A
real life philosophy. It has become my mantra. After the Bible and the
testimonials... I rank it of a high degree. A must read Was this review helpful to
you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ ZERO PLAYZ a
month ago One of my favourite books...I really enjoyed my time reading it, it
taught me alot about self motivation, self improvement and to follow ones own
destiny. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Mick-Eric Boettge 2 years ago My
favourite novel. Charming world and characters, full to the brim of wisdom and easy
to read in the best way possible. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Jayme Yount 4 months ago Just make a pan
of gluten free brownies with their butter..... AMAZING!!!. THIS PLACE HAS THE BEST
OF THE BEST.. EVEN HAVE CREAMER Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ jayanath jayan 2 years ago One of the
best And Greatest Novel in the world........ This is an epic novel it doesn't lose
it's value in any century.... Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Z7 Boy 2 years ago THIS NOVEL IS A
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Joy KX 4 years ago
This so inspired me and the book gives very wonderful thoughts. And gives a
strength to achieve my dream 1 person found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Akansha Rathore 3 years ago I just
completed this book in 3 damn days. You just feel like keep reading and when i
ended i felt like why...why not more. Recommended.🙌 Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Nolwazi Chili 3 years
ago If you are struggling with finding yourself or purpose on Earth, this book is
for you. Whatever you are looking for is right where you are, trust me. Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Adnan Aqeel 7 months ago Read this book about a decade ago, and have been in love
with it ever since. What a masterpiece. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Tyson Dance 4 days ago This
booked sparked a awakening in me, while reading it on a bikepacking trip, setting
me on my own journey. I quit my job and started my own business chasing a long held
dream. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Sneha Bansal 3 years ago It was a good
book with an amazing story line though some of my known people found it on a bit
boring side but overall I liked this book. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Rising Randhawa 3 years ago
Awesome Book,As many books I have read so far, no one can match it. It was a
Awesome experience. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Colin Wang a month ago Greatest book I
have ev sh read. It made me stop watching youtube shorts! 10/10 Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Samir
Satapathy 2 years ago Amazing book to chase your dream. So simple narrative, great
articulation, excellent grip. Must read. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Diana Rios 2 years ago Life
changing book. A must read for everyone in search of purpose and finding the true
value of life. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Aastha Shivhare 3 months ago "The
Alchemist " is a wonderful tail, if you start reading you should have a look in
this one I wander while reading that I'm that boy, overall interesting book Was
this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Nagma Khan 2 years ago Honestly, the
spiritual part of the book was a bit over the top. Some of the scenarios were quite
unrealistic. Otherwise a good story with very unique characters. 2 people found
this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Pallavee
Raj 5 months ago Definitely a book to be loved and passed on. Tbh I'll always love
it and recommend it to everyone who needs it. Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Sushmita Deb Roy 3
years ago The alchemist is one of the book which should be read by every one. It's
a very inspirational story. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Gourav Singh 3 years ago Great book. It
was so good i had to finish it in one day. Loved it. Was this review helpful to
you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ samra khan 3
THAT I AM DOING MY BS RESEARCH ON THIS NOVEL. Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Vigneshan V 2 years
ago It is the story of a shepherd boy who dreams of travelling the world in search
of treasure. From his home his journey to the exotic markets of north Africa and
then into egyptian desert, where a fateful encounter with the alchemist awaits him
Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ sonu singla 6 months ago TPA department
is very good. Mr Satvir and Mr Ashok are very helpful. God bless you people. Was
this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Mushtaq Ahmad a year ago I want to write
thousand of words for the alchemist book navole so shortly the book is very
inspiration for everyone it is the most important litraturey phenomena in the 20th
century . Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Mian Umer a year ago I actually finished
this book today , so I thought why not write a review. The book is awesome and I
have learned so many new things!!! Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Prathu Sola a year ago A must
read book..... Am actually speechless, just finished reading the book and having a
wide smile on my face..😃 Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Dilafruz Halimova 4 years ago It can be
seen that play is really important to find your way and yourself.After reading the
book you understand yourself what you are doing what you should and finally what is
wealth.To be honestly,I realized that I haven't
an aim till finishing this novel.It is my life is passing so rapidly.I have to do
a top plan for my future ,I decided Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Arun Gautam 3 years ago I
didn't like the book. After reading so much positive review I decided to read this
but this story is not my cup of Tea. Too much of fiction and imagination without
logic and science. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Elisa Loo 2 years ago It's a very
stimulating read and at the same time not too overwhelming with its ideas. It's an
oddly relaxing book. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ NoOne Special a year ago The Alchemist
by Paulo Coelho, is the most beautiful book I have ever read and in fact I own two
copies, in case I ever lose one. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Hurruy Asfaha 4 years ago One of the
best book, has good reflections about the ordinary herd boy experiences , destiny
and the earlier life the Sahara dessert clans. Interesting. 12 people found this
helpful. Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ EVAN ENNIS a
year ago It is amazing so i did a essay on Urim and Thummim and I was epic there is
so much detail behind those 2 stones Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Faheem Ahmed 2 years ago It is
great book for one to learn how destiny works.About the hymn of nature which
connects all the people through their souls........go enjoy the book🙃🙂 Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Biswakalpita sahoo 2 years ago The one sentence that sets the entire tone of this
book and also the punch line is: WHEN YOU REALLY want something to happen, the
whole universe conspires so that your wish comes true. Was this review helpful to
you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Ishika Toocaram 3
years ago This book should be read by everyone. Totally worth it ! I would read it
again and again! Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Azra Parveen Hashmi 3 years ago It's the
fabulous book to read. It is filled with optimism and it teaches very good lessons.
Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ pramod pandey 3 years ago This is very
nice book. For more information please buy the book and READ IT. *
☺️Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Rajivi Kamath 2 years ago All
time favourite novel...worth recommending to students so that they r inspired to go
ahead and make their life a great success Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ deepak deepak 4 years ago If
you are a humanbeing you should read this piece of fiction with your whole heart...
its a book of wonders and miracles.. believe my words 2 people found this helpful.
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Viviana Romo 3 years
ago Great story with lots of great lines we can apply to real life lessons pursuing
our own destiny and discovering our own personal legend. Was this review helpful to
you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Tejas Thacker 4
years ago A true inspiration to lead a happy life , will always remain one of my
favourite's to overcome tough situation which may arise 2 people found this
helpful. Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ egg man 5
months ago "This book was in our local library's new release section (Back in
1992). I wanted to read this book because I was curious. This book made my heart
wrench and I was immediately hooked." Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Chaitanya Rohra a year ago I
have read a whole lot of novels, but the best I have read is 'The Alchemist'. The
story is full of adventure and secrets of life. Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ John kishore 2 years
ago One of the fantastic novels that I read now. Chasing our dreams with steady
mind. Good narration... Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Bairac Mihai 3 years ago Amazing! The
author is a true alchimist! I will definately re-read the book! Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Ubaid
Ullah 3 years ago This is coming from not much of a fan of book reading.I consider
it as the best book and highly recommend to everyone. Was this review helpful to
you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ sonali panda 3
years ago A very good book indeed... Gives you loads of life lessons to take away
from the text. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Farhan Tahir Rheumatology a year ago
Great story, it highlights that the joy of life is truly achieved by following your
passion. 5/5 Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Prince Gabriel Matemba' a year ago
greatest book ever , a must read. This book opened my eyes to start believing in
intuition and God Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Morteza Pourhashem 3 years ago A very
beautiful alchemist's book presents the content of the authors of Motivational
Psychology Books with their rough pen in a literary masterpiece. Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Saima
Mehtab a year ago Its an unfogettable book which connects with our heart and soul
and taught us to never give up as our destiny always awaits us:) Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Tahasin “ADIB” Fardoush a year ago “Remember that wherever your heart is, there you
will find your treasure.” ... You will find this book 📖, if your heart really want
it ♥ Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ SnaY 4 years ago Very interesting, I
loved it. It was an amazing piece to read and not hard at all to understand. 4
people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Purevsuren Khashbat a year ago It’s
simply the best book I ever read ! I’m excited to read the other books from this
writer ! Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Katie Douglas 2 years ago Kenny was an
absolute dream his customer service skills were outstanding and definitely deserves
some recognition!! Thank you Kenny Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Manika Deb a year ago I 💙 the
book so much. Every thought of the book is so inspiring.It makes me believe on good
omens of life. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Swapnil Nagdive 3 years ago The
Alchemist is one of those books which deserves a space in everyone's bookshelf. It
is rich in fiction and clearly crafted ... Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Imna_Tu Atu 3 years ago If
you're looking for an inspiration to move ahead and make it big in life, this is
the right book Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Joseph Mutambo 4 months ago It's a great
book. This has become the first book I have finished reading in 2 days. Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Febins George 4 years ago The alchemist is a fantastic book and one of thea must
read books. This is a good book for beginners Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Usha Ganda 3 years ago
It is a very interesting novel. I read it in my winter holidays because I was
bored. I would suggest everyone who have not read this novel to read it. Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
M. Abubakr Riaz 3 years ago Amazing book. I would read this book every month, and
yet it always deems to have the same impact as the first time. Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Bingo
Little a year ago A must read. One of my favourites. Hope you love it too. Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Muneeb Writer a year ago Beautifully written about life and anybody that a mission
to complete can pick this up and find himself printed in text form. Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Macberth Kurima 3 years ago i always read it every other month and there is always
something interesting l learn again and again. it changed how l see life! Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Waleed Malik a year ago Highly recommended for youth especially who are lost in the
world and not know what to do next, what is their fate. Was this review helpful to
you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Swapnali Patil a
year ago Before reading this book I was having the fobia of reading books bt after
reading this book my aatitude toward novel had completely changed ...thnks a
lot ...... Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Tangela Seals
4 years ago The Alchemist is a great book that demonstrates the importance of
listening to your intuition and your heart and allowing them to guide you. 5 people
found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Shabeshvaran S 4 months ago Amazing book. Sometimes you need to wait and watch
what's destiny got for you. A Timeless classic. Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ MD. Al amin islam
Ashik 3 years ago One of the best book. great story. i learned many things from
this book. best best best👌 Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Rosana Mary Jain 2 years ago 'The
Alchemist' is an inspirational and motivating book written in simple language and
narrating simple stories. But is coveys a deep messages and the missions that the
universe entrusts us with. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ urvi ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ 3 years ago The book is like
a deep conversation with a wise old man. It made me feel like an innocent kid
chasing the dreams and enjoying the path all along. Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Kiran Khatpe 4 years
ago As a book I liked it but not sure why is the hype. First 90 pages are probably
great and I could see why people love it so much, however after that as book
reaches its destination, I stopped seeing why. 1 person found this helpful. Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Mufeena. F 2 years ago This is
a fantastic story I love the book author paulo and I am till waiting for read other
books of the author 4 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ 223 Suhana Thasneem 3 years ago Amazing
💫💫 Paulo Coelho taught me through his book: If you want to do things successfully,
you must have no fear of failure🌠 Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Davin Dyer 2 years ago It's really good
book ,definitely in my too 10 favorites . It has great lessons about life Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Tariq Taimour 2 years ago Amazing my very first book it is soo good idont know
double sawari pr pabandi hei. Aur pawri ho rahi hei Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Neha Jha 5 months ago
This book was amazing...people can relate all the struggle and journey of finding
there destiny by this book. This book literally one of bestone Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Praveen Kumar 2 years ago It was an adventure, supernatural, slice of life. It was
very interesting that I found myself felt like watched a good movie. Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Mindgains 4 years ago This is a book which connects to the heart and mind both. One
of my favorite books. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Bala Chander 3 years ago Fantastic novel
by a Brazilian, very poetic, more over it shows a way to many to achieve great
things which they aspire for. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Afsal asis 3 years ago the alchemist .
The one of the fav and best inspiration book and its very exciting to read . The
interesting story Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ joseph gil a year ago This was a very
good book however I think that it was a little too short and the ending seemed too
rushed in my opinion but nevertheless I enjoyed this book and it’s powerful
message. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Benedictus Ngobeni 3 years ago It’s a
good read, it helps one keep chasing dreams, even with discouragement and plenty
reason to quit and live ordinarily. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Sharda Godawat 6 months ago It
is a great book. It has inspired me very much go on and read it Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Pardeep Kumar 3 years ago The alchemist, is a story about our self-discovery,
following your heart, awakening your passion, embracing life, knowing that the real
peace and joys lies within one's journey towards his dream and finding the courage
to chase your dreams. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Pervaiz Malla 3 years ago Whenever i
feel low, depressed, lost i read this book. It gives me energy to live life. Was
this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ sachin borkar 3 years ago The alchemist
tells about evolution of a person from ordinary to execptional. It also makes you
believe in purpose of your existence. Read it; discover your personal legend. Was
this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Khoi Duong a year ago its good. the book
has a lot of meanings and lessons in life and people should read it Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Manoj
Kumar G 3 years ago First-ever novel book completed reading in the age of tech. it
was interesting as it sounds I never stopped reading. < maktub> Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Nathan
Makhombe 3 years ago My first brush with fantasy fiction and still one the most
interesting books I have ever read so far. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Gillian Lovegrove 2 years ago
This book is fascinating!! Loved it could not put down! 10/10 Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Divya
Thomas 4 years ago It's an inspiring book and it really influenced by many people,
which entirely change their life into a positive attitude. Was this review helpful
to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Donovan McKay
4 years ago Great book, I don't like reading but this book tickled my fancy and i
think it will tickle your fancy too. 1 person found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ shikha raj a year ago I'm thrilled by
this book. This was my first Novel and i loved it. Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ SOMASHEKHAR B a year
ago Nice book,which brings out a new goal or an achievement you should do in your
life to satisfy your self Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Nganaomi. Shatsang Nganaomi. Shatsang 3
years ago The Alchemist is a beautiful book that reminds every person in this
universe will find the soul of the world Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ keep it like this 3 years ago
A must read atleast once in a lifetime, it will surely change the way you think of
your life. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Inayat Khan 9 months ago It's one of the
Best books... While reading one can find a good motivation and and feeling of
(about me) factor.. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Manisha Mhatre 5 months ago It motivates
to follow our dream. So the book is a good inspiration for me . Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ star
girl 3 years ago Great book it shows us how to follow our dreams and listen to our
heart. It says never stop following your dreams.. a life changing book Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Sandra Sreekala Arul 2 years ago It's worth reading if you are searching for
something to enlighten your mind....the book contains a lot of positive quotes.....
it's a simple book Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Rehan Fakhir a year ago Good novel and
provide a interesting experience and it was also the best seller I am a big fan of
this novel Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ ROSHAN KUSHWAHA 11 months ago Alchemist
book is the best book I ever read. It help us to know our self . Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ soham
Mehta 5 months ago It's a decent read but don't really see the point of it ,the
message is clear but it's depth can be perceived by simply hearing the statement
itself and contemplating it for a few minutes, spending all the time reading the
book doesn't make much sense 1 person found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Mahera Bano 2 years ago This book is
enough to recognize and fulfill our dream.I have no words for describe it's value.
Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Hasmin Haniffa 2 years ago Powerful
words articulated powerfully in a manner that touches the heart and take us to a
different world of experience. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Reza Del 2 years ago This novel is
awesome! I recommend it to anyone with any taste of reading. Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ kate
scott 2 years ago inspiring. i feel like the
novel makes more sense as you go about life Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Capablanca a year ago
The best book ever! My favorite writer Paulo Coelho. 10/10 Was this review helpful
to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Maureen Gesiye
3 years ago It's just wonderful. It penetrates the soul. Anyone from any religion
would enjoy it Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Mahi Soni a year ago One of my favourite
book 📖 Full of suspense and a great one for those who are chasing their dreams 🙂
Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Mcmitten Mcmitten 2 years ago Its
goodAwesome Just that, although I didn't even read it. But u know, 5 stars for !
FUN! #boi!! Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Mlungisi Themba khumalo 3 years ago This
book is phenomenal and inspiring! I hope my children also get to read this book.
Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Adit Reddy Edavelli 3 months ago The
alchemist was a good book and i suggest everyone to read this book. This book is
most likely to relate to the movie alchemist. Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Abhishek Ranabhat 3
years ago One of theBest book ! The more you read, the more you would fall in love
and want to read more;) Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Abdul Malik a year ago One of my
favorite books, and his behavior and tolerance for other religions are all
extremely. Abdul Malik Kerala-india Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Arnold Sebastine 4 years ago
It's one of the best book that I have ever read. I love it's story. Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Rohit
Lad 4 years ago I think book is the most powerful weapon and shield. This
particular book "Alchemist" is the best I have ever read. Was this review helpful
to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Mehak Saeed 2
years ago A divine expression of what you seek, is seeking you. Beautifully
expressed with a lot to learn. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Hristo Krastev 2 years ago It took my
heart on a journey, with ups, downs and finally a relief. It's beautiful! Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Joseph Chinyoka 5 months ago I give it my 5 star. That was a very interesting novel
I ever rad Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ navneet anand 2 years ago Alchemist is
one of finest book I came across. Its truly a masterpiece Was this review helpful
to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Inderjeet Kaur
3 years ago I have read this book and it is amazing and also have many vocabulary
words which can sharp our knowledge Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Spragati Singh a year ago Very
happy to read this Book .. in this book I have learnt a lot of things. Lines are
very precious 💞💞 Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Issa Tavaziva 4 months ago It's as good
as they say it is. Probably better. I'm really enjoying this masterpiece. Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Sandhra Prathap 3 weeks ago It's a book which guides you through a fantastic
journey like we feel the curiosity to know the next Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Inchara N 3 years ago
One of the best book I referred "When you want something, all the universe
conspires in helping you to achieve it." Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Sonali Manwar 2 years ago A
must read for everyone... especially for aspirants... it teaches you manifestation
of your Dreams... makes you believe in your chase your dreams.. Was
this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Zarah Mae 2 years ago A beautiful book
about life, dream, and purpose. My favorite next to The Bible. Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
zeeshan farooq 3 years ago A fine art of story telling, keeping the balance between
fairytale culture drama wisdom but most importantly inspiration!🖤🖤 Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ omar
asif a year ago Amazing book! Will recommend this book to everyone who will be able
to read it Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Ardonat Blakçori 8 months ago It’s a
good book that helps you to strengthen the desire of reaching your good dreams in
life Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Kiran Sikha 2 years ago I am totally in
love with this book!.. It's very good and interesting book Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Lee
Hemmings 4 years ago They do not sell tia maria anymore but some weak fair-trade
alternative which tastes terrible its not about the price but the taste. Won't be
going back again 2 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Angel Claru 2 years ago Read all books
by paulo coehlo like alchemist its every book has magic of interest and lessons of
life . Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ MD Aminul Haque a year ago One of the
best novel i have ever read its realy written in the laguage of love and by the
soul of the world Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Swathi Murali 3 years ago It is a nice
book and a novel which everybody above the age of 14 can read and enjoy 💓💖 Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Bala Rani 2 years ago It is outstanding nothing else i don't know why people giving
bad rating to this book Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ GS Baloch a year ago This was the first
novel book I read before this I never read any novel it was my first novel. I
enjoyed this novel and love this Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Deepa Joshi 4 years ago A book that
changed my entire perspective and vision of life wonderful lots to imbibe learn
never give up 2 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Crystal Di'ana Karkera 2 years ago It's
just the best my first book that I have read twice and will still read again Was
this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Hitendera Dubey 2 years ago Good book,
you can connect the first 2 pages with the last 2 while thoroughly enjoying a deep
philosophical journey Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Joseph Akintola a year ago I'm on book
number 20 and I'll say the alchemist is still the best book ive read this year Was
this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Jyoti Patidar Jyoti Patidar a year ago
Perfect!!! fabulous!!!! excellent!!!!! even good for beginners most recommended Was
this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Sanjivani Manbhat a year ago Very nice
book. Was happy to have such a lovely book in hand to read. Was this review helpful
to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Short Scene 4
years ago One of those GREAT Books of the world.. Very Helpful to knowing the
world's true and false... Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Manya Singh 4 years ago Liked the
philosophical approach that author has tried to bring in. Over all it is simply and
sweetly written. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ vasudha bahety 3 years ago It's about
following your dreams and never giving up. Definitely a must read. Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Mony
Acharjee a year ago Very attractive & fantastic book. If you read it, you will be
highly motivated & proactive. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ RAHUL KUMAR SAW 2 years ago you are
lucky that you got to know about this book now ;;;;don't wait start reading and
you won't stop until you finished Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Mihir Patil 4 years ago This is one of
the best book that i have read ever....and its simple meaningful , fantastic 🖤 Was
this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ i hate GODDAM TITLES 4 years ago I loved
this book it was so incredibly entertaining and always kept me happy while reading
3 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Anchor Deepika Singhal a year ago It is
a best book which helps to realise to a dreamer that dream could be fulfilled and
complete. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Yuna Park 3 years ago Takes you to
places. Gives a lot of life lessons. You don't need to experience to learn. Was
this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Jordan Constable 2 years ago Sort of
enjoyed some good quotes amongst it would love to here some real life alchemist
expirences but this fiction story had no effect on me other then what I already
knew 1 person found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Musheer Khan a year ago Everybody should
read this book at-least once every year. Absolutely stunning! Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ rozmin
mansoor a year ago This book teaches you to see every failure or stoppage in a
positive way to fulfill your dream. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ amit kumar .singh 3 years ago
The alchemist is best novel written by paulo coelho It is my favourite its amazing
and inspirational 👍 Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ nandini kutty 2 years ago It's very
helpful for youth. I inspired with his story Fantastic Book📕 Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Sherin
Shaji 3 years ago a great book, it gives a sense of calm and a purpose to
appreciate the simple things we pass by. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Jagruti Joshi 2 years ago This
book is really awesome....after reading this book can say it's a life
changing book ....I enjoyed a lot ...must read this book Was this review helpful to
you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Swarnava Sengupta
a year ago One of the best reading experiences I've ever had in my life.
Unputdownable Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Ladislav Kovač a year ago the ending is
predictable and the story is just a bunch of blabbering like this is some
philosophy class, i hope that nobody wastes their time reading about a guy who goes
looking for treasure and finds out that the treasure is in the church he slept in
and that his treasure is fatima Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Kayinaat Mahajan a year ago Will
definitely bring positive spiritual change Really connects with all the positive
vibes..the book is great to read Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Anjali P 4 years ago Well, you read, you
learn and you sink in, the soul of the world! This book has everything you're
seeking to know. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ eugenia bolani 2 months ago This book
teaches us to look around us first to see what works for us in our surroundings
before going far to look for wealth. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Aadhya Prajeeth 2 years ago
The Alchemist is an amazing book about following your dreams and not limiting
yourself to anything. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Sulphuric Acid a year ago Lovely book!!
I loved it though I started late but happy that I read it Was this review helpful
to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Millicent
Kaguda 2 years ago This book has been an eyeopener for me. Changes my view of
events that occur in life. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ masum hamid12 3 years ago Excellent!
It’s a nice book of inspiration to fulfill someone’s dream! Was this review helpful
to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ BiKRAM JANA a
year ago I read this book in English. And this book is amazing. One of my favourite
book 📖 Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Shobha Yadav 4 months ago I would really
recommend this book to those who love to read and have inquisitive nature about
stories...✨ Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Opara Kate 3 years ago I love this book,
it is very engaging and relatable, I didn't want it to finish, I enjoyed every
page. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Shameera Rafi 3 years ago Wow this book
is so amazing.. I loved it a lot Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Nauman Yousaf a year ago This is a great
book to get inspired personaly and get to the point where one should actually be...
Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Troy A. Morris 3 years ago Love it! Was
a really good book, worth reading, very well written. Was this review helpful to
you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Elissa Hajje 9
months ago a book that will forever mark my heart because it spoke to my soul and
revived my imagination and dreams Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Lara Emily 2 years ago Hands down the
most awful book I have ever read. 'The Alchemist' by Paulo Coelho is a tale of
sexism and dangerous self-interest. 12 people found this helpful. Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Yenny Medina 2 years ago One of the best
books I’ve ever read. Love it Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Ayesha Umar 3 years ago It's a great
book. I recommend every one to read it. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Sonu Khobey 2 years ago I
recently read this amazing novel and I absolutely love it, everything about The
Alchemist is Special Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Emily Moody Mayorga a year ago It’s very
interesting, right now it's my favorite book. I love it Was this review helpful to
you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Yvonne Mwangi 10
months ago The book is so interesting can't stop reading is changing alot
if my perspectives about things Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Aryana nejati 2 years ago I loved the
book. Great story. Great litterateur Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Sabina Pandey 2 years ago best
novel i have ever read please read it it will be useful for rest of ur life Was
this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Shalini 4 years ago It's a must read
book nd also one of my favourite books.... A fable about following your dreams....
Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ kitty abraham 2 years ago Easy language
to understand. Even a child can read this Outstanding book. Was this review helpful
to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Samantha
Ebrahim 2 years ago The Alchemist :One of the best story I have ever read Thanku
sir😘 Paulo Coelho -"The legend" Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Minahil Latif 2 years ago the book is
perfect gift for the confused souls to learn how to pursue their dreams by
listening to their hearts. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ FEEDLINE CARE 3 years ago A good read
after a long time. Had a good time reading this adventure. Was this review helpful
to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Nicholas
Shulepov 2 years ago i enjoy this book very much. it is a very nice book Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
7967PAWANDEEP _ a year ago Its an overrated book ...I found it very boring and
there is a repitition of concepts and storyline is also not interesting....please
save your time and read something else 2 people found this helpful. Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ KAmal ALly a year ago I like
the book because the story was well interest ing and tke character dialogue was
also authentic.. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Sachin Verma 3 years ago Amazing book
that i read recently Written skills is very simple so everyone loves it Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Sudeshna Chakraborty 3 years ago It is truly an indpirational book . I am telling
you this book is worth your time. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Lohitha Molleti 3 years ago I think it
is a very good book Beginners will find its vocabulary difficult But very inspiring
Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Van-Hien Tran a year ago great book. I
love it and I hope you will read it. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ TAJRIN SULTANA 3 years ago I
am really very's a really interesting novel and i also learn many
things Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Hitesh Teck a year ago I personally
found this book very intresting & motivational.I suggest you to read this book when
your free Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Mandana Hosseini 3 years ago
This became my favorite book! I really love it. Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Divya Shukla a year
ago this book is really amazed me.....the dream, the passion,love everything was
shown as beautifully as heaven... really inspired.. Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ manish Kumar 2 years
ago I have read this novel 4/5 times and every time I read this , I feel as I
found something new in this story Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Samaneh Bakhshandeh 2 years ago Merely a
masterpiece with Coelho's special, distinctive literary style. Awesome! Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Apoorva Lohumi 3 years ago I had to gift a book to my Hyung, I gifted The
Alchemist! I was moved by the name itself...Will post the summary soon after asking
☺️Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Wolfgang Weidler 3 years ago this book
is really amazing I really loved it liked the part when his dad died Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Manish Shukla 2 years ago Really a story of dream, which came true is really a
possible if person believe on himself. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Somnath Mondal 2 years ago
Very well and i think everyone should read this book ....📖📕📘📗📓..... thanks for
this amazing book Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Fathima Nizar 3 years ago An amazing
book. A must-read. Truly does make you ponder about your existence. Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
ArchanaJN 3 years ago I many times got the feeling mentioned in this book. I didn't
say it to anyone. I couldn't communicate that feeling. Was this review helpful to
you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ 4 ‫ مبینا سعادتمند‬years
ago I think Alchemist was the best book l've ever read,l suggest you read the
alchemist in full Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ veli tembhurnikar a year ago Oh my gosh
it was the most meaningful book I every and the frist part was amazing Was this
review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________
Star Boi 2 years ago My first novel and honestly the most fascinating book i ever
read till date Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Abhishek Kumar 3 years ago one of the
best novel i ever read in my entire life it's best indeed Was this review helpful
to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Arham Sanghvi
a year ago Mu first book. Enjoyed it,never felt bored.more than leisure reading i
learned from it. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Pankaj Tiwari 3 years ago I have read
this book in pages but it has lost so i am listening to the adiuo its great Was
this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Akanksha Gaigole 3 years ago The story
that takes u in new world..really I love this story..the end of story makes u
happy.. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ faraz asif 3 years ago books contain
self attraction enjoying topic for every one develop your interest in reading
increase your's vocabulary Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Shannon Bre 3 years ago Simply the best
‘tool for life’s learning’ WISDOM 💕. Thank you Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Yonas Bekele a year
ago One of the books, that I have enjoyed them. Fantastic. Was this review helpful
to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Indu Yadav a
year ago Will recommend to everyone. Must read. A Page turner!!! Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Asha
Rajamani 4 years ago A must read as it offers valuable insights on how one must
work towards achieving one's dream. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ Meerab Rasool 2 years ago
Hello!!! This Book is Amazing. Such a Good Content. Was this review helpful to you?
Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Sadaf Mirza 3 years
ago The alchemist is an inspirational story to pursue your dreams with very wise
words of wisdom Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Maninder Singh 9 months ago If a single
book can make profound changes in life... then no doubt this is one of them. Was
this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Roland Mensah 11 months ago Worth
reading 1000 times for everyone who dares to achieve great dreams beyond all
doubts. Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Dexter Boy a year ago This book has no
boring parts at all.This is a type of inspiring fictional story Was this review
helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful ________________________________________ Askk
Sshj 3 months ago In The Alchemist,story of Santiago is related to muslims stories
as all prophets were shepherds and I consider it related to Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)
story who reach his destination by looking all these objects like moon, sun etc Was
this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ amega fathima kv 4 years ago Alchemist
is the best book of coelho.The story which has the power to change your thoughts.
Was this review helpful to you? Helpful Unhelpful
________________________________________ Arpana Mudgal a year ago Such a good
book . It's really inspiring Book 📚 Was this review helpful to you? Helpful
Unhelpful ________________________________________ ss impex 3 years ago A
favorite book for scientists and a guide to students who wants to become scientists
💋💋😍😘 💚💚💚 From the United States Tyesha Preston 5.0 out of 5 stars What you
spend years building may be destroyed overnight. Build Anyway. Reviewed in the
United States on April 25, 2014 Verified Purchase During my senior year of high
school, a group of students were instructed to read "The Alchemist", by Paul
Coelho. As I began reading this book, I realized its main purpose was about
following your dreams but never get off track by stopping at a destination that is
not your purpose.
The story begins with a teenage boy named Santiago whose dream was to travel the
world. As Santiago recalls the conversation he had with his father, he explained to
his father that he wanted to travel instead of becoming a priest, as his father
wanted him to be. Santiago’s father insisted that only shepherds travel so Santiago
demands that he will become a shepherd since he wanted to travel and see new
things. The next day, Santiago’s father gave him three gold coins to buy a flock of
sheep. His father desired for him to travel and wanted him to realize their country
side is better than any other land he wants to discover.
Later on during Santiago’s traveling, he had to rest. During that time, he had a
dream. In his dream, Santiago was in a field with his sheep when suddenly a child
walks up and starts to play with the sheep. Eventually, the child walks up to
Santiago and grabs his hand to guide him to the pyramids in Egypt. The child speaks
about finding a treasure near the pyramids but as soon as the little boy starts to
tell the location of this treasure, Santiago wakes up out of his dream confused.
Farther along in his journey, he visits a dream interpreter who implies that he
should go to the pyramids to find this lost treasure. As for the money to pay for
the dream interpretation, she resists the urge for Santiago to pay for his service,
but only wants ten percent of whatever treasure he finds. Santiago agrees, thinking
that the dream interpreter would never know about the treasure he finds.
Moving on to another city, Santiago bought a thicker book as he promised himself
before and waited for the sun to come down so he could finish his traveling to find
this treasure. While reading this book, Santiago was approached by an elder who
immediately began asking Santiago questions about the book he was reading but he
initially ignores the old Arabian man and begins to talk to him. The old man
introduced himself as Melchizedek, the king of Salem. Santiago guesses in
disbelief, that the old man must have been sent by the dream interpreter. In
addition, Melchizedek instantly told Santiago that he should give him one tenth of
his sheep for a hint of where the treasure was. As Melchizedek writes the names of
Santiago’s parents in the sand with a stick, he explains the concept of the
Personal Legend. “A personal legend represents what that personal most desires to
accomplish in his or her life”, he explains. Pointing to a baker in the city, he
explains that the baker wanted to travel but he became a baker because everyone
considered that job more important than a shepherd; having said that, Santiago
became offended and left the king of Salem immediately as quick as the wind in
anger. City he buys bread from the baker Melchizedek spoke about moments ago and
stops by another booth to buy a ticket to another country, Africa. Wandering
through the city the next day, Santiago finds Melchizedek and gives him six of his
sheep, in return, the location of the treasure which was in Egypt by the pyramids.
One of my favorite stories in The Alchemist has a message to offer for a lifetime.
Melchizedek explains to Santiago the story of a shopkeeper who sends his son to
learn the secret of happiness from the wisest man in the world. The boy finds the
wise man in his castle in the desert. The wise man tells the boy to spend time
looking through the castle with a spoon full of oil. Concentrating on the spoon
full of oil, the boy never realized the castles true beauty and was sent away again
with a spoon full of oil to explore. When he came back to the wise man, there was
no oil in the spoon, having forgotten about the oil but honoring the true beauty of
the wise man’s castle.
The Alchemist ends with Santiago leaving the alchemist as he is three hours away
from the pyramids and must finish the trip alone. As Santiago rides off alone
headed for the pyramids, he stopped in the distance due to a scarab in the sand and
starts to dig. Ultimately, two refugees hold Santiago hostage and force Santiago to
finish digging the hole because the refugees thought he found treasure. As the
morning arises, Santiago stops to gasp from the involuntary servitude from the
refugees and speaks again of seeing treasure. At that moment, Santiago realized
that his dream of treasure was the same as what the refugees spoke of. And he knew
that his treasure was not by the pyramids. Eventually reaching back to the church
he began his journey was the place his treasure was.
A few great things I loved about the Alchemist were how Coelho maintained suspense
from the beginning to the end. I was so eager to find out what Santiago, the main
character in the Alchemist, would eventually do next after being stuck in so many
situations and having to use omens to see if the right place he should be was the
right place he was in at that moment. One thing I did not like about the Alchemist
was how Santiago just stopped perusing his dreams of visiting other countries
because of love at first sight. Santiago met a beautiful girl and just spent half
of his life in this certain country without hesitating to remain true to his main
goal. I wondered what would have been different if Santiago did not stop in this
certain city but kept trying to reach for his dreams.
Although the Alchemist had a weak point, you have to realize the overall purpose of
this book. And that purpose includes finding your true destiny or Personal Legend
while searching for God to help you find the true meaning of life. 14 people found
this helpful Helpful Report Amazon Customer 5.0 out of 5 stars I Don't Read
Novels Reviewed in the United States on September 10, 2023 Verified Purchase As far
as stories go, I only read them in the Bible or some other allegory. Most books I
read are principle-driven essays like self-help books. The Alchemist is the best
Novel I have ever read!!! I get that from a lot of people who have read it.
However, I never get the same experience out of people. People always get something
different from The Alchemist. 2 people found this helpful Helpful Report Aziz
Dryden 5.0 out of 5 stars Perfect read Reviewed in the United States on July 30,
2020 Verified Purchase The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho is an inspirational story of
Santiago, a youthful Spanish shepherd in the rolling hills of Andalusia. The boy
has deep attachment with his flock but realizing that they are devoid of aesthetic
sense and appreciation for nature which he beholds, loves and admires, the course
of his life changes. His parents' life is associated with struggle in a country
which people from far away fantasize and romanticize but for them it's not a place
of dream and charm.
Story starts with a dream followed by a series of adventures ultimately leads to
resolution. His time is consumed in herding, reading and dreaming of travelling
far-off places. He keeps getting same dream that there is treasure lying underneath
the Egyptian pyramids. His encounter with a gypsy woman for consulting his dream
gives story a new turn. He gets to know from her to follow omens. As the story
moves the events get connected impeccably. Santiago's quest for treasure, soon his
lucky encounter with old King who strengthens his beliefs about living his destiny,
coming across mishaps and encounter with Fatima, a desert girl; all this leads him
to personal legend that converges the idea of 'conspiring universe'. Personal
legend is the key to living a successful and satisfying life as it is the destiny
which one dreams of. He receives assistance from an alchemist who helps him
understand his quest for accomplishing his dream. By time his belief grows and
satisfaction nourishes as he is on right path. He comes to know "when you want
something all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it".
Story deals with an internal conflict between his love and personal dreams but this
novel ends up showing love as a supporting tool for achieving his dream. This is a
beautiful idea that true love can prove to be a great stimulus when time comes.
According to Coelho dreams have a price but not living your dreams has even a
bigger price. The idea of seeking dreams is marvelous. Pursuing your dream and
commiting to it makes the whole universe conspiring to give you what you want.
One of the dangerous hindrance described in the novel is fear. The fear of failure
which stops us living our destiny. Overcoming this is a great victory as Coelho
quoted "tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering
itself. And that no heart has ever suffered when it goes in search of dreams
because every second of the search is a second encounter with God and with
When Santiago is in desert he comes to know that he can turn base metals into gold.
(Although the idea is not true in reality). It is also a bit overrated when
alchemist turns lead into gold. It is not necessary that you agree each and every
thing which Coelho has put into the novel. Instead your reason and rationale may
oppose many things. But one has to have the ability to read between the lines. In
spite of being very unreal it is a beautiful fable which has delighted millions
around the world because of its thought provoking ideas of spirituality and
destiny. Santiago while travelling understands the relation between man and nature.
His quest and how he overcomes the obstacles of violence, confusion and despair is
an encouraging pleasure for reader. The setting of novel is real but events are
Some may find it a good piece to escape reality and some to understand reality. I
highly recommend it to young readers as its conclusions directs it solves the
purpose to make reader understand having faith in destiny which ultimately leads to
achieving it. 18 people found this helpful Helpful Report Rich 5.0 out of 5
stars Could NOT stop! Reviewed in the United States on July 8, 2014 Verified
Purchase Okay, I've heard of this book and always wondered what lay behind the
cover. I was watching Tavis Smiley interview Will Smith about what drives him and
he said he hustles and a hustler is what will separate a person from the rest. He
also said a driving force is to know your purpose and to live it out and the
universe will conspire to help you achieve that. I was like, "Sure it will". Fast
forward to this year 2014. Oprah was interviewing Pharrell Williams on his success
with Daft Punk and his new album GIRL and the hit song Happy that is sweeping the
globe now in popularity. He told Oprah that he was trying to figure out his purpose
while making hits for different artist and someone close to him said you should
read the The Alchemist. He said for him it was a game changer because it clarified
that he was going in the right direction and that he should not quit and give up.
After that I felt like I should give this book a try.

Yesterday around 6:30, The Alchemist I had ordered from Amazon was sitting by my
bed for a couple of weeks and I had not picked it up. I was reading another book
when I decided to take a break and pick up The Alchemist and read it. 6 hours later
I was reading the Epilogue of the book starting on page 163. I had read the whole
book and I've never finished a book in one sitting. I love reading and that has
never happened to me before. I can be a little skeptical at times of certain things
and this book was one of them. For me the book clarified some things in my life
that I was about to give up on and things that I had temporarily put on pause to
pursue other ventures. After the read though my heart was telling me that I still
needed to pursue my dreams and not give up on them. The urge and desire was always
strong for me to see my dreams come true but after I finished the book I was even
more exhilarated and determined to see them come to fruition. I'm young guy and in
the book it talked about the Wise King that met the Andulusian boy that if we don't
pursue our dreams that one day they will be buried and that it will always haunt us
as what could have been if we pursued what our hearts love. I'm paraphrasing what
the King said to the boy but he pointed out how the baker wanted to travel but
ended up not doing it and that it haunts him still that he didn't travel and see
the world.

I'm here to tell you not to scoff at this piece of valuable literature and to give
it a try. Everyone dreams but not everyone means to see dreams come to a reality.
If you don't believe me I am a real person who buys various products off of amazon
and reviews almost everything that I buy. But this is the longest interview I have
written. So I am NOT someone that was paid to write a review. Lastly I came across
a Facebook post of Jim Carey. I don't know if he read the book or not but he was
giving a commencement speech at a University and said that his dad didn't follow
his dream and ended up brokenhearted when his secondary plan failed. Jim Carey
said, "You can fail at the things you don't want, so you might as well take a
chance on doing the thing you love".

Give yourself a chance and bet on you for a change, because I'm betting on me. 15
people found this helpful Helpful Report Mazhar 5.0 out of 5 stars nice book
Reviewed in the United States on September 4, 2023 Verified Purchase Awesome book
Helpful Report K. Smith 5.0 out of 5 stars It is written... Reviewed in the
United States on September 25, 2013 Verified Purchase We are told how people perish
for a lack of vision/ goal/ dream/Personal Legend, where the
magnitude of the dream is irrelevant. However, what's imperative is that a person
one. Why do I say this? Because dreams are the language of God. We're all placed
with a purpose and Personal Legend (what we've always wanted to accomplish), with
only real obligation being to realize our destiny. However, as with all things, to
whom much
is given, much is required. There is a process that one must endure before
attaining their
dream. The important thing to do is to start, which always entails choices. We must
decide, whether we're going to continue with what we've been accustomed to (stay in
comfort zone) or pursue what it is that we really want (expand our territory). The
way one
thinks always plays an integral part in the process as well. We can either view
ourselves as
a poor victim or an adventurer on a quest. There are other contingencies involved
well. However, the thing I do know is that when a person really desires something,
all the
universe conspires to help that person realize his/her dream. God has prepared a
path for
each to follow, and everyone on earth has a treasure that awaits them. In order to
find the
treasure we must realize that the only thing holding us back is ourselves , as
wells as read
and follow the signs/omens left for us.

If you're reading this review, I'm sure that you have a dream that's close to your
heart or one
that has been deferred, or buried. Well, now is the time to exhume that dream, dust
it off,
and remove it from the shelf. One of the signs that the Creator often gives us
embarking on a great task is a messenger. Well, in this case the messenger is Paulo
with his book entitled, The Alchemist, being the Magnus Opus. The book is simple,
brilliant as it tells the story of a young man in the quest of his dream. It
explains the
obstacles that inevitably obstruct one's path, and the requisite qualities to face
and pursue
our dreams, as well as the qualities developed when following our dream to the end.
time immemorial some of the most sublime truths have been communicated to man via
myth/ allegories, with The Alchemist being no different. It is chock full of
spiritual and
practical gems that can be applied to our everyday life. The journey in the book is
like an initiation, where one is constantly subjected to tests of patience and
courage. It will
remind you that in pursuing one's Personal Legend, it's not about the destination,
lessons accumulated throughout the journey, that we don't have yesterday or
only today, how life is generous to those who pursue their Personal Legend, the
of simplicity, listening to your heart because that's where your treasure is,
how the people who love you will never stand in the way of your dream, and that if
Creator brought you to it, He'll bring through it because everything under the sun
has been
written by One hand. When one is traveling to the promised land, it's inevitable to
take a
detour through the desert. However, on this particular trip we have Paulo Coehlo
conducting us each step of the way. So if you're ready to start on or resume the
towards your dream/ Personal Legend, I highly recommend picking up a copy of The
Alchemist. This book contains something for everyone from high school on up. The
thing left is to observe the signs, rise, follow your conductor, and fear no

Maktub 29 people found this helpful Helpful Report Kevin 5.0 out of 5 stars
One of the Most Powerful Books Ever Written Reviewed in the United States on
January 8, 2012 Verified Purchase Do not approach this story with the idea that
Paulo Coelho is a master of prose. His simple style may turn off those more
acquainted with bombastic, grandiose, or aggrandizing diction. Coelho's style can
best be described as biblical. I personally love the simplistic, bold, and terse
nature of the writing. If you cannot develop a taste for this style, at least
understand the audience he was writing for. This book is, after all, has been
translated into a huge number of languages worldwide. No doubt, a lot of Coelho's
idiosyncrasies are lost in translation. Still, even after multiple reads it still
manages to reach a level of near sublimity.

There has been a bit of criticism here on the comments. To me, none of them really
hold much water. The main one is above, but there are a few others. One of them is
the "male-centric storyline". If you have even begun reading Coelho's books, you
will see that half or more were written on and about a woman protagonist (Brida,
Veronica Decides to Die, etc). More to the point, a larger focus on men is
unavoidable - after all the main character is male. That does not make this book
any less applicable to women. This book does not distinguish between men and women
when it comes to its main messages and themes. The protagonist could have just as
easily been a woman. It would not make any difference.

The lack of character depth was also an obviously conscious decision on the part of
Coelho to encourage the projecting of the reader onto the protagonist. Again, if
you are familiar with Coelho's other work, you would know that he has at least some
skill in developing his characters. The reader would be best treating this story
less like the novel that it does not purport to be and more like a myth or fable.

The argument that it "advocates materialism" makes little sense to me. I suppose if
materialism means having a strong work ethic, being persistent, and pursuing one's
dreams - then yes it does. The book does not say money is the root of all evil.
Perhaps that is what the critics want it to say. If you are familiar with Coelho's
works you would again know that his philosophy is that of enjoying life and the
company of friends. Coelho's tone towards wealth is neutral and he even shows how
easily it can be taken away (three times). He does not advocate strong attachment
to money - and certainly not materialism.

This book is not for everyone, but I do know it is for most. It tells a universal
message in a universal style. This message can be applied to all genders, ages,
ethnicities, and creeds. Those looking for a book that can help them look smart
would be best served looking elsewhere. This book revels in minimalism. Those
looking for cynicism would best served looking elsewhere. You will only find an
uplifting story here. 2 people found this helpful Helpful Report April 5.0
out of 5 stars Large Reviewed in the United States on August 2, 2023 Verified
Purchase Needed the book and this was a perfect copy. Helpful Report Michael
Cunningham 5.0 out of 5 stars A Magical Little Tale Reviewed in the United States
on September 22, 2011 Verified Purchase The Alchemist is a rare book, it is a book
like no other, one that will stay with you for years after reading it, and will
bring you joy every time you think about it. All I can say about this book is that
I am very glad that I read it. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is like an oasis full
of hope and life energy situated at the very center of a burning desert. The
novella is short and written like an old fairy tale or mythic story, it details the
spiritual transformation of a young shepard named Santiago that occurs after he
meets an old mystic sage in the streets. In order to undergo the inner alchemy
Santiago has to give up everything, just as the Buddha did, as the novel teaches
the very simple truth that it is only when you give up everything can you have it
all. I will write the prologue to the book here, it is short and sweet and always
reminds me of the essence of the novel:

`The alchemist picked up a book that someone in the caravan had brought. Leafing
through the pages, he found a story about Narcissus. The alchemist knew the legend
of Narcissus, a youth who knelt daily beside a lake to contemplate his own beauty.
He was so fascinated by himself that, one morning, he fell into the lake and
drowned. At the spot where he fell, a flower was born, which was called the
narcissus. But this was not how the author of the book ended the story. He said
that when Narcissus died, the goddesses of the forest appeared and found the lake,
which had been fresh water, transformed into a lake of salty tears. "Why do you
weep?" the goddesses asked.
"I weep for Narcissus," the lake replied.
"Ah, it is no surprise that you weep for Narcissus" they said, "for though we
always pursued him in the forest, you alone could contemplate the beauty close at
"But... was Narcissus beautiful?" the lake asked.
"Who better than you to know that?" the goddesses said in wonder. "After all, it
was by your banks that he knelt each day to contemplate himself!". The lake was
silent for some time. Finally, it said: "I weep for Narcissus, but I never noticed
that Narcissus was beautiful. I weep because, each time he knelt beside my banks, I
could see, in the depths of his eyes, my own beauty reflected."
"What a lovely story", the alchemist thought. 2 people found this helpful Helpful
Report Lisa A. Romano 5.0 out of 5 stars Thumbs Up From A Self Help Junkie
Reviewed in the United States on January 26, 2013 Verified Purchase When I heard
Will Smith praising this book, I filed that info in the back of my mind somewhere
and knew that because he had endorsed it, I wanted to read it.

WIll Smith is not only a phenomenal actor, but he is also a great inspirational and
motivational speaker as well. I am happy to announce that I was not disappointed.

By the time I was seven, I knew that one day I wanted to be a writer. When I was
seventeen and my father asked, "So Lisa what do you want to do with your life?" and
I said, "I want to be a writer", it took great courage to admit to a secret truth I
feared my family would not appreciate.

Again, I was right. My father's response went something like, "A writer? You don't
want to be a writer. You'll never make any money as a writer. Become a nurse.
People always die."

In one swift instant I, like many of the characters spoken about in this book gave
up on my dream and tried hard to forget my Personal Legend.

In fear of disappointing my father, I entered nursing school only to be told by my

English professor that my talents would be waisted as a nurse and that I was born
to be a writer.

I did not realize it then, but my English professor was put in my path to help me
remember my Personal Legend. Because of my families issues with codependency--it
was all too easy for me to not see what was before my very eyes.

Three years later, I quit nursing school in my last semester...and never went back.

Fast forward about twenty five years later--and I am now a bestselling author.

This book represents much of my own personal trials and tribulations as I set out
to fulfill the truest desires of my heart. The author does an eloquent job at
weaving many spiritual, as well as scientific reasonings behind creation and
successfully delivers a story worth reading.

This story will inspire the desires of anyone's heart to remember that in us all is
the coding for our own Personal Legend.

I loved this story--and I know you will too...

Yes--buy this book...I read it in one afternoon curled up on my couch with a cup of

Namaste... rom the United States Darnell W. 5.0 out of 5 stars The Alchemist
Reviewed in the United States on July 11, 2023 Verified Purchase Love the book,
best purchase yet. Helpful Report Kathryn Norris 5.0 out of 5 stars The
Alchemist Reviewed in the United States on May 29, 2023 Verified Purchase One of
the best books I’ve ever read. I have read it 5 or 6 times; each time it’s just as
enjoyable as the first time I read it. 4 people found this helpful Helpful Report
Heather 5.0 out of 5 stars Great book! Reviewed in the United States on April 21,
2023 Verified Purchase I have read this book a few times and at different points in
life. It always sparks thought and brings encouragement when reflecting on life. It
had also been a go-to gift to many others over the years! 3 people found this
helpful Helpful Report The seat covers and steering wheel cover were easy to
put on. Bright and vibrant colors. Love them! 5.0 out of 5 stars In perfect, brand
new condition Reviewed in the United States on May 3, 2023 Verified Purchase My
favorite book. Gave it as a Christmas gift to my SIL. Came in pristine condition.
One person found this helpful Helpful Report doc peterson VINE VOICE 5.0 out
of 5 stars "life really is generous to those who puruse their Personal Legend"
Reviewed in the United States on January 28, 2011 Verified Purchase _The Alchemist_
is part allegory, part heroic epic. But it is moving, beautiful and almost
saccharine. I loved it. The story revolves around a young Spanish goatherd who
leaves all that is familiar in search of his "Personal Legend" - a legend which we
all have, but all too often fail to realize by not following our hearts. The Boy,
in following his heart, is led across the Maghrib finding love, facing danger and
oftentimes questioning whether his journey is worthwhile or merely a fools errand.
To tell how his journey ends would spoil the story, so I will refrain from doing

The story resonated with me for a number of reasons - working with young adults, I
see everyday the small decisions we make, often without much thought, that lead our
lives in one direction or another, soon taking us down a path from which there is
no turning back and in unexpected (and oftentimes wonderful) directions. Such is
the nature, I suspect, of one's "Personal Legend" - the Siren's Call of a course of
study, a career, a move. Sometimes we second guess these decisions or we don't
follow a hunch or gut feeling; Coelho encourages us to do so. There is something
romantic in that, and above all, I am a romantic.

In discussing this book with students and colleagues, people seem to be of two
minds of the book: either they love it or they hate it. (I have yet to find someone
who is indifferent to it.) I suspect this may have something to do with whether one
is as hopeless a romantic as I am, although this may not be the case. Following my
heart, I enthusiastically recommend this book. 4 people found this helpful Helpful
Report Dawn T 5.0 out of 5 stars What a masterpiece - the hype is well-deserved
Reviewed in the United States on April 7, 2015 Verified Purchase My new favorite
book! I've heard hype about this book from Super Soul Sunday and I was hesitant to
fall into the herd. However, the author weaves an incredible tapestry of non-
fictional concepts of spiritual growth into the fictional adventures of the
shepherd boy Santiago. I was fascinated by the era of the book and wildly curious
about the travels from Spain to Egypt. I like how the characters are nameless and
known by their roles: the shepherd, the Englishman, the crystal merchant, the old
king, the alchemist.... only his soul mate is called by name, Fatima. The
incredibly powerful concepts the author challenges the reader to consider:
1. "The universe is rigged in our favor - God/Divine is collaborating in our
success"... with an elegant sequence of events, the author demonstrates creative &
reasonable examples to encourage one's faith.
2. "Intuition is really a sudden immersion of the soul into the universal current
of life... where the histories of all people are connected and we are able to know
everything because it's all written there."

There was a moment towards the end of the book where I thought "oh here's where I
do that strange thing... where I lay the book down and with a heavy sigh, I smile
and think oh I don't want this story to end"....... what a masterpiece - the hype
is deserved. Helpful Report Joseph Dewey 5.0 out of 5 stars This is a really
positive book. Reviewed in the United States on June 17, 2007 Verified Purchase It
starts out with a really interesting tale about a Sheppard in Spain, in a year that
was probably a long time ago, but is still relevant to today.

I was worried when I first saw the Capitalized Words, because usually that's a
signal it's an Awful Book. But, the book ended up being cool--really cool. The
author talks about Personal Legends. They are the thing that you really wanted when
you were a kid, but the thing that's still relevant today. It's kind of like who
you really are, deep down in your soul, and what you should pursue. It's a cool
concept, and the book has quite a few cool concepts like that. They're all
presented in the form of a story about a Sheppard who decided to pursue what he
really wants in life.

So this book talks about embracing your dreams, letting go of your fears, and doing
what you are really meant to be doing. All in a very, very positive way.

And, as a side note, I think that everyone but me has read this book. Well, now me,
too. Tons of people came up to me when I was reading and said, "That's a really
cool book." I've only had that happen once before with one other book and five
different people came up to me to talk to me about their experiences with this
book. 9 people found this helpful Helpful Report Ronald Owenby 5.0 out of 5
stars To Dream the Impossible Dream Reviewed in the United States on January 12,
2016 Verified Purchase Every person on the planet needs to read this book. If not
for yourself for someone else. It is a great book for parents and teens. This is
the story of the Shepard with a dream and this is the story of a life like yours
and mine. A person with a dream, the obstacles that have to be overcome and the
most important life lesson of all,how to deal with the death of a dream. It is a
story about how to persevere and see the rebirth of the dream that died and yet is
reborn with greater clarity. Mr. Coelho is mystical in all the books I have read
and it is the mystery we need to follow a dream. We won't accomplish it by sheer
will or without the help of others. It is beyond our selves, our intellect, our
talents. As a former teenager and High School teacher, teens do not as a rule
understand how to handle a death of a dream. I would say that all of us need to be
reminded that dreaming is essential to the human spirit and to be encouraged to
never stop dreaming. One person found this helpful Helpful Report Vince
Guaglione 5.0 out of 5 stars Transformational Reviewed in the United States on
August 21, 2014 Verified Purchase This is a wonderful story for those who are on a
personal quest to find purpose in, and give meaning to, their lives. Coelho's
parable is both relevant and enlightening, and made me take pause throughout.

I've been on my own personal journey, attempting to find my Personal Legend, and
have attempted to clarify my thoughts and feelings through my own writings, and
although some of what I have discovered (and written) parallels what is presented
in this book, I had never been able to truly put my finger on it until after
reading The Alchemist. The depth of what lives on these simple pages is impressive.
I have a few friends in the New Age and body/mind/spirit community who have tried
to explain to me how to "listen to your heart," but this tale gave me a roadmap for
how to do so. It was as if a lightbulb went on in my head as I read.

The answers, as I am learning, really do come from within. This work has gone a
long way in assisting in my understanding in matters of the heart. It's a
transformational piece of literature. Helpful Report Ajay Singh 5.0 out of 5
stars Awesome book! Reviewed in the United States on January 13, 2009 Verified
Purchase I could relate to the story in this novel. It is an inspiring story about
a boy who follows his dream. Even though the story inspires us to abandon our
comfort zone and follow our dreams, it is realistic in the sense that it does not
promise us that the path to our dreams is easy.

Some cynics (and I consider myself to be a cynic) are going to hate it, because it
talks about fluffy stuff. However, remember that the author talks in terms of
metaphors. You do not need to take his words literally. You can use your own
interpretation of the metaphors. For example you can take the omens he describes in
the story to be literally signals from God or more realistically, clues or signals
based on actual reality. Also a warning to the atheists, don't read too much on the
mention of the word "God" or you will miss out on very valuable insight.

In any case it is not a huge investment in terms of time to read this novel. It is
a short, so go ahead and take the chance to read it; it may just prove to be a good
omen! One person found this helpful rom the United States Duc-tien C. Huynh 5.0
out of 5 stars Life Changing Reviewed in the United States on December 18, 2014
Verified Purchase I've been away from the wonderful world of reading for a couple
of years and wanted a book to get back into it. Funny enough I found this book from
a Reddit thread with Will Smith talking about motivation and one's path. He stated
that the univserse will get out of your way if you really want to achieve
something. He mentioned The Alchemist as one of the books that have helped him and
influenced some of his decisions in life. I just finished this book and can't say
how strongly I recommend this book to anyone. Personally I've been going through
some stuff and after reading this book my mindset and emotions have changed.
Without spoiling anything, all I have to say is buy it, read it, love it. It's a
short 170 pages and can take you 2 days or in my case, 1 week spread through
commuting on a bus, to finish it.

The Alchemist is one of the greatest books I've ever read. Helpful Report
rebecca 5.0 out of 5 stars Inspirational to read, reread, and reread again, and
again... Reviewed in the United States on October 1, 2015 Verified Purchase I could
read this book a thousand times and still learn something new or catch something
that I didn't during my initial read. This book helped me to remember to appreciate
life and to look at it with a positive and new perspective.

I first read it when I graduated college (very surprised after all those required
readings I had growing up that this book was never on the list!!) and it helped me
get through the initial post-grad phase feeling of not knowing what to do with your
life. I highly recommend it for any post-grad to read, however it would be good to
read at any age and is why I continue to reread it because different parts of it
have applied to different times in my life.

This book is now covered in pen marks and highlights, I may have to buy a new one!
One person found this helpful Helpful Report Kellene Okonkwo 5.0 out of 5
stars The Alchemist simple lessons may be to simple for some Reviewed in the United
States on December 29, 2011 Verified Purchase I read the reviews regarding the
Alchemist and I was shocked when I read the negative reviews..I myself read the
book for the third time yesterday and was once again lifted up. Yes it is a feel
good book but so what. Should I read something that depresses me and makes me
remember the evils of the world. Yes it is very simple so everyone at every age can
grasp the important lessons in life this book has to offer. Which lesson's you ask?

#1 What ever you want in life you can have it. You may be delayed but your never
#2 When you live in the moment and appreciate what is going on and focus at the
task at hand, life is less stressful.
3#Listen to your heart!
Many more were included but those are my top 3.

The Alchemist are for those on a different frequency. People just waiting to die at
an old age can never understand the pursuit of ones Personal Legend. This book is
encouragement for those on that journey. Helpful Report S. Crangle 5.0 out of
5 stars A great book Reviewed in the United States on December 29, 2013 Verified
Purchase I love this book. I love this book because it supports the exploration of
self, the idea of sticking with the journey and listening to your heart. It is an
easy read that meets you in your own personal space, reaching into your own nooks
and crannies about your feelings of self, life, spirits, destiny, etc. It does this
by touching upon topics that deepen with your own personal understanding and beg
one to understand more of what they don't yet have experience with.

I got this for my 12 year old daughter, because she is entering middle school and
realizing how, to be blunt, truly awful other girls can be. I wanted this for her
so she may (may!) realize the world is more than her social trials, it is about
adventure and spirit and imagination. It is about loving the journey, even when the
journey becomes difficult.

I love this book. 6 people found this helpful Helpful Report Brian M. 5.0 out
of 5 stars Wisdom explained through coming of age/adventure Reviewed in the United
States on March 14, 2017 Verified Purchase One of my favorite books I've read. I
rate it up there with Siddhartha, The Prophet, and some not-so directly similar
such as Man's Search for Meaning and the Buddha Walks into a bar. If you are
anything like me, you read a book with pen or highlighter in hand. This book is
full of age old wisdom, brought forth in a classy written story. This book was one
I could't put down and I even was so inclined to search the web for similar titles
(which is how I found the Prophet by Kahlil Gibran). I wish schools had books like
this on the curriculum. I would have taken to reading 15 years earlier. Helpful
Report Katelyn Mccauley 5.0 out of 5 stars Everyone needs to read this book
Reviewed in the United States on November 19, 2015 Verified Purchase I purchased
this book around 3PM today, and after page 12 I decided to take a nap, and work on
a creative project before delving back into it. I fell right into this book from
the moment I picked it back up. It's not super eloquently written, but it's
absolutely phenomenal. It reminds you that you're journey is the biggest part of
finding your treasure, and that we cannot get stuck in the difficult parts of life.
Anyone going through a transition in life, this is a must read. I intend on
purchasing a hard copy rather than electronic because I would like to come back to
it regularly. It's a timeless fable that should be recognized for everything
wonderful that it is and not shamed for lacking what others may define as literary
genius. 2 people found this helpful Helpful Report J of AT 5.0 out of 5 stars
Very special Reviewed in the United States on April 15, 2015 Verified Purchase A
very inspirational book for ANYONE! I long avoided reading this due to the fact
that so many people recommended it and I was expecting it to be an unrelateable,
spiritual fairy tale form of inspiration. When I get stuck, I reread this book. I
have bought over a dozen copies within the last few years to give to people. This
has served as the best reminder that we go through a lot along the way, that
doesn't mean we're not headed to where we belong. I admittedly struggled with the
first chapter or 2, the scene just wasn't "my style", I read the beginning during
breaks at work. I read 80% of the book overnight, because I was so sucked in. This
book has meant the world to me, and if you knew me, you wouldn't expect it. One
person found this helpful Helpful Report alyxsheerheart 5.0 out of 5 stars
Not to mention how easily a reader could heed the advice given to the ... Reviewed
in the United States on January 22, 2018 Verified Purchase Ahhh what a refreshing
read. What seemed as though to be a simple story about a young shepherd boy on a
journey to find treasure, transforms into a much more intricate search. I greatly
appreciate the religious influence and how it is related to character and his
story. Not to mention how easily a reader could heed the advice given to the boy
and use in their own lives.

This book will make you think. I recommend taking this book in and using it to help
yourself look inward. I believe this will be one of those books I choose to re-read
over and over. 5 people found this helpful Helpful Report Mason 5.0 out of 5
stars Listen to your heart Reviewed in the United States on June 24, 2021 Verified
Purchase An elegant, thought-provoking book that reinforces your trust in your
destiny and opens your mind to listen to your hearts desires. Instantly appealing
to the reader, it’s hard not to strive to become your best self and pursue your
personal destiny after reading Coelho’s work. Helpful Report Amira 5.0 out of
5 stars Inspiring & Uplifting! Recommend it to everyone!! Reviewed in the United
States on January 8, 2019 Verified Purchase This is a great book and I recommend it
to anyone! It’s about a boy who goes on a life journey and figured out what he
wants most.

Paulo Coelho truly outdid himself. Granted it was published in 1988, but it really
spoke to me.

It’s an inspirational & uplifting book that doesn’t use religion as the bases. His
other works are also inspiring.

This book, ‘The Alchemist’, lofted my spirits up when they were really low.

Thank you, Mr. Coelho, for such an inspiring book! From the United States Raven
Jade 5.0 out of 5 stars Everyone at some point needs to read this book Reviewed in
the United States on March 28, 2018 Verified Purchase As the main idea in the
story, things come to you at the right moment. This book came to me when I needed
it the most, and it has created an impact on my life. It changed the idea of how I
currently see my future. You might not know why you are going through the trails
that lay before you, but in time you will see that they were there to test you and
make you stronger. This book should be read in high school instead of the catcher
and the rye Helpful Report michelle green 5.0 out of 5 stars the alchemist a
true life story Reviewed in the United States on October 22, 2014 Verified Purchase
i read this book in one day actually a few hours. I read it almost like a text book
underlining information and thoughts. it reminded me of parts of the bible and
another but i so wish i could think of the name. although it was the story of one
boys goal for life there were so many people that helped him along the way. the it
takes a village the theory. many words of wisdom presented. i plan on buy a copy or
two to give away. it's not a book you loan out because i have a friend who read it
the same way i did with the underlining of things, in fact she bought it second
hand and the previous owner read it like a text also. Helpful Report Jen 5.0
out of 5 stars An EXCELLENT book for teens and adults Reviewed in the United States
on December 31, 2018 Verified Purchase I have had several copies of this book over
the years. Every time someone comes over they read it and take it home with them
because they love it so much. The book has many lessons and will leave the reader
thinking about life - which is a great thing. I am sure that this copy will also
disappear from my home as the current wave of visitors go back home. This book is a
classic. Get it. Helpful Report Darris Rufus 5.0 out of 5 stars Darris Rufus
Alchemist Book Review Reviewed in the United States on January 21, 2014 Verified
Purchase The Alchemist was a very interesting book giving the reader an insight on
a new way to look at life and a guide on to how to fulfill your dreams. It is about
a young shepherd boy named Santiago who has a dream of finding treasure in the
Egyptian Pyramids. This could be a simple task but this story is based in the 15th
century and Santiago is from Spain. The main theme of the book is pursing our
Personal Legends at all cost, despite loosing somethings along the way. The
question is will the things you give up on the way be worth what you gain in the
end. It is a very influential and inspirational book that I would recommend to
anyone who is trying to find their way in life or just plain book lovers. Helpful
Report brad 2 hearts 5.0 out of 5 stars COELHO'S FIRST TRIUMPH Reviewed in the
United States on June 1, 2014 Verified Purchase A short fable, easy to read. The
subtitle is gone; and he has changed or it's been re-translated to become Personal
Legend. I wish I had my first copies. Ah wistful ruminating. NO MATTER. Every time
I read this book [I've read it more than 10 times] I get some other lesson. And
every time I read it, I am moved to give my Apaperback copy to someone I know. It
universally touches people. It is moving. A simple fable, it has something for
everyone to learn. And as I write above, I get something different and important
from it. I can't recommend this book highly enough. It's a simple story and so
wonderful. READ THIS NOW! Helpful Report Roman J. 5.0 out of 5 stars It has
taught me how to see that life wants me to win if I just look for the good in
everything and every situation Reviewed in the United States on January 15, 2016
Verified Purchase This book is truly transformative and I am looking to read it
again for a second time. I defer back to it often in my negotiation of the world
and its valleys and lows. It has taught me how to see that life wants me to win if
I just look for the good in everything and every situation, no matter the nature of
the event. I also loved how the story engaged me in a way that I didn't feel like I
was being lectured to or beat over the head with the message. And as a romantic, I
loved the sort of fairy tale/parable nature of the writing. Helpful Report
Khadija 5.0 out of 5 stars Lovely, Enchanted, and Universally Deep Reviewed in the
United States on July 3, 2012 Verified Purchase The Alchemist is the first and only
book thus far I have read by Paula Coelho. It is a tale that captures the reality
of every human being's experience in this life and how we all make our own
conscious decisions whether it be to just survive, simply live, or going forth
whole heartedly with our Personal Legend. We all fall into different categories of
how we choose to live our lives and how every situations, encounter, place, and
experience takes us their based on our belief and faith in ourselves and the
universe. A must read for everyone no matter you personal legend and even if you
have simply decided to just survive, you must read The Alchemist.
My son will be going into the second grade next fall and I will purchase the audio
book for him.
Enjoy. One person found this helpful Helpful Report john Y 5.0 out of 5 stars
Life changer Reviewed in the United States on February 14, 2012 Verified Purchase
This book is literally a life changer. I decided to get it because my role model
Will Smith said it was one of his favorite books, and sure enough it's mines too.
It's not only because Will Smith likes it but because its an all around great book.
The message, story, and length are great... Oh I forgot to mention I don't usually
like reading books because instead of visualizing what's going on in the book, I
tend to see word on paper and that's boring but not in this case... This book took
me on the journey of the main character and I definitely related to him.

This book is worth getting, oh and I finished it in four days... I've never stuck
with a book for that long, and I am now on the journey to find my "personal
legend." One person found this helpful Helpful Report Kimberly Bishop 5.0 out
of 5 stars One of the best books I've read in years. Reviewed in the United States
on July 5, 2007 Verified Purchase I ordered this book on a whim because I liked the
name. I am generally a fantasy or crime novel reader. This book was neither of
these things. It was however, an artfully penned journey through a young man's
life. Coelho writes so vividly that you are enraptured by the simplest of events in
the book. It is as though you have crawled into the main character's heart and are
watching the story from within. As he learns, you learn. As he grows, you grow.

I highly recommend this to anyone who enjoys clear, beautiful literature. His story
is a simple tale written with a magnificent spark of wonder laced with hope that
allows the reader to revisit their own dreams and purpose. What a pleasure it was
to read. 2 people found this helpful Helpful Report P. Chiu 5.0 out of 5
stars I thoroughly enjoyed the book that I remembered to give it to ... Reviewed in
the United States on June 4, 2016 Verified Purchase This book is one of those books
that can be picked up and read through in one to a few sittings. It is written in a
way that is simple yet deep, and very clear. Take a journey of ambition and desire
that leads to present mindfulness and contentment. What is sought should be found.

This book was first gifted me by my lovely sister. I thoroughly enjoyed the book
that I remembered to give it to a professor of mine. Many years later I purchased a
few more copies for my students and for my friends. Every one receiving this book
enjoyed it. From the United States Jorge 5.0 out of 5 stars never stop printing
this book Reviewed in the United States on February 17, 2017 Verified Purchase I
try to read this book at least once a year. This will be my 4th copy because I'm
always giving it away to a friend or somebody I know that would benefit immensely
from its teachings.

It's always a pleasure to read. I'm not religious and I've tried reading the Bible,
but this book just has everything I look for when I get sidetracked or feel like
I've reached a roadblock. I will forever have it available for myself and when I
have children, I hope that they will love it too. 2 people found this helpful
Helpful Report YazzieP 5.0 out of 5 stars Don't Waste Time Reading This Review
Reviewed in the United States on January 22, 2010 Verified Purchase Just go get
this book.

The Alchemist isn't exactly transformational--it does not present a new, earth-
shattering philosophy. But it is profound in its ability to present your scattered
spiritual thoughts in a cohesive, structured, wonderful tale. Reading this book, I
felt as though Paulo Coelho gathered and organized all the philosophical and
spiritual ideas that I believed, or that occurred to me at some point in time, or
that I considered and put aside because I couldn't develop them further.

Coelho writes simply and beautifully. The story is inspirational and affirming. As
I wrote above, it may not present any new information. However, perhaps The
Alchemist's strength lies in its channeling of timeless, ancient, philosophical,
truth. Doesn't matter what your belief system is, this book will resonate with you.
Helpful Report David Mize 5.0 out of 5 stars Fantastic book! Reviewed in the
United States on July 11, 2020 Verified Purchase This is one of the best novels
I've read in a while. Its it written simply enough that kids can understand it, yet
the messages it conveys hit deep. After reading it myself I bought a second copy
for my best friend's baby shower, as a book to read to his kids. Helpful Report
Lori 5.0 out of 5 stars Never Stop Searching For What You Want Reviewed in the
United States on May 28, 2017 Verified Purchase This book was full of adventure for
me. It is not what I expected but I found it very intriguing. A good read with
twists to keep you guessing at what happens next. I could not put this one down. I
think I read it in about 2-3 days. Usually, it takes me a month or so to read a
book. I enjoyed reading this book. I felt ass if I were on a journey along with the
main character. Loved it! Helpful Report Sandra Cummins 5.0 out of 5 stars
Interesting book Reviewed in the United States on April 13, 2022 Verified Purchase
Personal Helpful Report BJ 5.0 out of 5 stars I am following my Personal
Legend... Reviewed in the United States on March 19, 2009 Verified Purchase I
really enjoyed this book!

Amazing story of a boy's journey from Spain to Africa to find his treasure! Along
the way he learns many valuable lessons and meets several very interesting

All the hype about this book is true, it is enchanting, a very vivid, fun fairy
I thought the ending was really smart & simple! A perfect ending to a great book!

Highly recommended reading for anyone~

** At the end of the book, in the interview with author Paulo Coelho, he says actor
Laurence Fishburne bought the rights to "The Alchemist" and is producing the movie
with Warner Bros. One person found this helpful Helpful Report mykelb27 5.0
out of 5 stars Truely inspirational story Reviewed in the United States on January
23, 2011 Verified Purchase This book is a story of a young man following his dream.
When I picked this book up, I just could not put it down. I finished reading it it
one day.
I took on reading again just recently when I decided it was time for me to confront
things in my life an see what kind of changes I had to make to be happy. This story
made me realize that I need to follow my dreams to achieve happiness, no matter
what obstacles come in my way.
I highly reccommend this book to anyone out there who is having trouble realizing
the great potential you have inside of you. 2 people found this helpful Helpful
Report ThePetiteRunner 5.0 out of 5 stars Wonderful parable for those afraid to
follow their Dreams. Reviewed in the United States on May 30, 2013 Verified
Purchase This is not a book for someone who thinks good literature involves using
the longest or most complicated words, nor is it for someone who defines the depth
of a book by the complicated psyche of its characters. It's an amazingly simple
story with simple characters but with great wisdom regarding following your dreams
and listening to your heart. It reminds you of the complacency of life and what it
takes - the sacrafices and perserverance - to follow your dreams. It's a book I
found best consumed little by little, though it's easily read in a day or two. It's
definitely one I'll be reading again and again. Helpful Report Carol Dunbar
5.0 out of 5 stars Read This Book If You Feel Stuck In Your Life Reviewed in the
United States on November 8, 2013 Verified Purchase For nearly ten years I was
stuck working in a restaurant. It wasn't what I wanted to do with my life, and I
knew I was stuck, but also, it felt like I was doing the only thing I could be
doing at the time. I told my manager about by hopes and dreams, and he recommended
I read The Alchemist. So I did. Then I read it again. And again. I highlighted
passages, I memorized lines. This is the kind of book that can change your life.
When you get to the part about the China Shop, you'll know why. I am no longer
working in a restaurant. One person found this helpful Helpful Report Zonly1
5.0 out of 5 stars Directions to Your Personal Legend Reviewed in the United States
on November 10, 2015 Verified Purchase Replete with spiritual lessons, affirmations
and "poster worthy" quotes that easily translate into actual life application. The
language is simple as is the story line, but still an entertaining and worthwhile
read. Coelho manages to teach spirituality through the adventures of a shepherd
boy, without being religious. (There is a difference.)

It's insightful but not preachy. Truth students and people familiar with
metaphysics will appreciate this work in large number. However, one needn't be
either to understand and glean several positive take-aways after reading The
Alchemist. One person found this helpful rom the United States jocelyncamille
5.0 out of 5 stars Great Read Reviewed in the United States on April 29, 2012
Verified Purchase I bought this book on a recommendation of a friend. After reading
it, I must say this is one of my favorites. While the story is simple in nature, it
provides many different lessons that one can take away and apply to their lives. It
is a short book, so i found it to be a quick read, however, I had to really think
about some of the concepts in order to get the meaning from the lesson. There are
few books that I feel everyone should read, but this is definitely one of them,
especially if you are looking for more in your life. Great Read! 2 people found
this helpful Helpful Report Christina M. 5.0 out of 5 stars The Alchemist! A
MUST READ! Reviewed in the United States on August 2, 2013 Verified Purchase This
book is a must read! The week before purchasing I had seen several references to
this book (perhaps this was a sign for me to read). Simply, the story is based
around a boy on a journey whom through out the process of his journey/self
discovery really discovers himself & his purpose. The text really resonated with me
as at this point in my life I have times when I feel stuck and unclear as to where
my life is heading. When I tell you this story is amazing wow. If you only read one
book this year, please read The Alchemist. One person found this helpful Helpful
Report Frances N. Chau 5.0 out of 5 stars The Alchemist Reviewed in the United
States on December 17, 2010 Verified Purchase It's the time of the year when I love
to buy many copies of the Alchemist books as presents to friends and love ones. I
was fortunate to find this book through a friend who told me "you need to read this need to read this book...." and I did, not only did I read it once but
many times. This book has changed my life. It gives me the courage & strength to
pursue my dream - my personal legend. Every time I have double in life, I go back
to it and read it some more. Helpful Report Doug Saylor 5.0 out of 5 stars
Great read Reviewed in the United States on December 17, 2015 Verified Purchase I
finally got this book and read it, now I am rereading it again.

Lots of people told me it is a great read and they were right. There are some very
good lessons to learn from this book. It might not be for everyone, but if you
believe that something happen for a reason and there is a higher power guiding our
lives this book is for you.

Paulo Coelho does a great job of weaving his message throughout a good story. One
person found this helpful Helpful Report Arwa N 5.0 out of 5 stars Touches
the soul. Reviewed in the United States on July 31, 2017 Verified Purchase The
Alchemist is a must read for anyone at any stage or phase in their life. It's a
story that resonates with everyone. It touches the soul and is beautifully written.
A must read for travelers, spiritual and philosophical minded readers.

I bought this copy from Amazon since as always prices are lowest on Amazon and
ships fast. The copy was in excellent condition and came quickly. One person found
this helpful Helpful Report JL Britten 5.0 out of 5 stars An easy read with a
tremendously profound message Reviewed in the United States on September 18, 2014
Verified Purchase Replete with references to metaphysical teachings, this was a
real gem of a book. At one point, the reader can not help but realize the craft
involved in an obvious Christian, telling a story about a Christian making a voyage
of discovery in a Muslim world. This book would be very useful for anyone who has
not lived long enough to understand that life takes many twists, and that we all
have a path to follow. It is a reminder of how instructive minor 'detours' can be
in one's life journey. One person found this helpful Helpful Report Regina
Mackiewicz 5.0 out of 5 stars Yhe Alchemist Reviewed in the United States on July
28, 2010 Verified Purchase I listened to the audio version first and found myself
enveloped in to the story, no longer an observer but a participant. I have a good
imagination but Jeremy Irons is a good story teller!

The message that resounded in my head was a quote repeated through the book, the
universe will conspire to help you achieve your dreams. This sentiment is found in
many other writings, leap and your angels will catch you, etc. Everyone has a
personal destiny to fulfill. After reading this book, I started on mine and I am
well on my way! Helpful Report Cece 5.0 out of 5 stars I have a brother who
never reads. For Christmas ... Reviewed in the United States on August 8, 2015
Verified Purchase I have a brother who never reads. For Christmas, I bought every
single person in my family a book that I thought they would find fitting for where
they currently are in life. I think I guessed right for my little brother. When he
first got it last year, he scoffed and said he doesn't read. He picked it up a
month ago after a life changing accident and I think he's found the value in it I
had hoped he would; he's been quoting it ever since. :) Helpful Report
CopperKettle VINE VOICE 5.0 out of 5 stars Purchased as a gift - an inspiring book
Reviewed in the United States on December 28, 2013 Verified Purchase I read The
Alchemist a long time ago. So long ago, in fact, that it's mostly forgotten. But I
do remember particular scenes, and one or two characters, and it's enough to put
Coelho in my mind as an author that I must read more of. But that's besides the
point, because I gave this as a gift to a friend for a Christmas. I can't gauge
exactly how much she liked it, but it's still a centerpiece on her bookshelf, and
something she recommends to friends looking for something a little more spiritually
satisfying than your average fantasy blockbuster. One person found this helpful
Helpful Report Mahler's Mutter 5.0 out of 5 stars You'll say Ahhh, Reviewed in
the United States on January 12, 2012 Verified Purchase You'll say Ahhh throughout
the reading of this precious gem of a book. As a regular fast page turner, I
restrained myself with this irresistible tale and savored a few pages at a time, so
the joy of reading this treasure lasted longer. The Alchemist takes you on a
magical adventure as you follow a shepherd boy traveling far from home searching
for a promised, buried treasure. The people he meets and the places his journey
takes him, teaches him the lesson of listening to the song of his heart and where
his true treasure really lies. One person found this helpful From the United States
geejae12 5.0 out of 5 stars A great read for anyone who might be a little lost in
life. Reviewed in the United States on November 17, 2017 Verified Purchase If you
are ever in a funk, not sure where life is going or where it'll take you, READ THIS
BOOK. I recommend this to all of my friends. It's an easy read and everyone will
get something different out of it. But I think the simplicity of it just makes you
really connect and reflect on your own situation and mentalities. One person found
this helpful Helpful Report Rodrigo Gonzalez 5.0 out of 5 stars Great read!
Reviewed in the United States on November 16, 2021 Verified Purchase Personal use.
Helpful Report Milton G 5.0 out of 5 stars Supremely Brilliant Reviewed in the
United States on March 23, 2011 Verified Purchase This was by far the most
brilliant piece of literary work I have ever gotten hands on. Paulo Coelho tells a
thought provoking tale of the inspiration story of the Sheppard boy. The way that
Coelho crafts details, imagery, and ideas is amazing. Though the book had a few
flaws in the story toward the end, the book was a captivating read. I read it in
one day because I was unable to put it down.

I would definitely read this book again and highly recommend to everyone. I look
forward to reading more of his works. One person found this helpful Helpful
Report D. Davidson 5.0 out of 5 stars Wonderful Reviewed in the United States
on May 5, 2009 Verified Purchase For the dreamers, the creatives, the brilliant,
the unrecognized. I lift my glass to the little voice inside of all of us. I lift
my glass higher to those who listen. This book is for them. Conformation that
accepted belief is not always for everyone. Beautifully and simply written from the
soul. If I am not mistaken, the author, as a young man, was committed to an
institution by his father. One day, perhaps, we will not lock up what we don't
understand. This book is meant to free our hearts and souls. It does... just
listen. Bravo! One person found this helpful Helpful Report Mono 5.0 out of 5
stars As good as a daily devotional Reviewed in the United States on December 5,
2016 Verified Purchase My favorite book. Read it slowly, take breaks, reflect on
what you've read, and analyze it to your life. Lots of hidden meanings and
comparisons made to life. A book about following your dreams, and working hard for
what you want. It's a shorter book, and a pretty easy read. Quite a few references
to religion and alchemy, but if you don't know them you won't be missing out.
Helpful Report GolfPro 5.0 out of 5 stars Inspirational Reviewed in the United
States on April 18, 2012 Verified Purchase This is one of the most enlightening and
inspiring books I have read. The Alchemist teaches the importance of following your
heart. All of us have dreams at some point in our lives. Unfortunately, as we
become older, we get into a routine and dismiss those dreams as childish or
impractical. It doesn't have to be that way. We all have a personal legend that can
be realized, no matter how big or small. The Alchemist is a reminder that when we
desire something with all our heart, the universe will conspire to help us achieve
it. One person found this helpful Helpful Report Mallory L. 5.0 out of 5
stars ONE OF MY FAVORITE BOOKS OF ALL TIME Reviewed in the United States on January
7, 2016 Verified Purchase LOVE LOVE LOVE this book! This is the only book I have
ever read front to cover without stopping.. seriously, I could not put it down. The
writing style and story are so incredibly captivating. It is a very fun and
adventurous read. This is one of my all time favorite books. I love anything about
spirituality and while this is not a typical book I would go for the lessons
uncovered throughout and true gems. READ IT! One person found this helpful Helpful
Report B. Calo 5.0 out of 5 stars A Life-Changing Fable Reviewed in the United
States on March 25, 2013 Verified Purchase This story is an easy read, but very
layered and profound. If you take the time to fully understand and analyze it, this
book will change how you view your life and how close you are to realizing your
full potential. If you think your life takes some unnecessary setbacks, if you feel
like you are searching your Life's purpose (or as they call it, "Personal Legend"),
or if you just need some reassurance that the world does want to you to succeed,
READ THIS BOOK. It honestly changed my life and my outlook. One person found this
helpful Helpful Report Angelz26 5.0 out of 5 stars greatness. Reviewed in the
United States on February 1, 2011 Verified Purchase I recieved the book in the same
way it was written and the book is changing my life in so many ways. i find myself
thinking of countless situations i could fix and countless ways to look at a new
opportunity. I have to say this book is just something that i feel most people in
this world should read because of intricateness. I love the book and it's done so
much for me and i received the book yesterday and i've only read 45 pages. SMH
ILOVEIT!lol A MUST READ BOOK! 2 people found this helpful Helpful Report
L.L.O. 5.0 out of 5 stars AMAZING!!!!! Reviewed in the United States on May 22,
2013 Verified Purchase The Alchemist was a fast moving novel and an inspiring and
interesting one at that. It was about a little boy named Santiago who wanted to be
a shepherd and left his family to pursue his dream with a herd of sheep. He
traveled the desert and met many people along the way. During his journey he finds
out what a personal legend is. He then begins to feel like he can pursue his dreams
without feeling uncomfortable. Santiago's story was really inspiring and I hope to
find my personal legend some day, too. 2 people found this helpful Helpful Report
From the United States Madi 5.0 out of 5 stars Thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful
vision of the author Reviewed in the United States on September 27, 2016 Verified
Purchase Inspiring book! Thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful vision of the author. He
did a phenomenal job making me connect so deeply in such a relatively short read.
It's a book I plan to buy several times- this beauty is meant to be shared. Also,
it came in great condition. I'm a sucker for buying used paperback books and I was
more than happy with its presentation. Helpful Report B. Kilkus 5.0 out of 5
stars Teaches You Common but Important Lessons Reviewed in the United States on
December 30, 2010 Verified Purchase While it may sound cliche, I really enjoyed
this novel due to the fact that it really enlightened me on the subject of dreams
and goals. You hear all the time from people to pursue your ultimate ambitions, but
I honestly can say I've always never had that much persuasive encouragement, let
alone enough self-motivation. However, after reading The Alchemist, it really has
encouraged me at least to take a step towards pursuing what I really want to do,
and I have and will continue to do this. One person found this helpful Helpful
Report Benny 5.0 out of 5 stars Book with wisdom Reviewed in the United States
on November 1, 2010 Verified Purchase I am not a guy who reads a lot but for the
first time in my life I finished reading an entire book in less than 12 hours and
that book was "The Alchemist".
This book is not only a novel but contains some serious truths about life and
morals. It helps you to see your dreams in a different perspective and motivates
you to fulfill them.

If you want to know more about personal legends, dreams, wisdom, life, love, goals,
God, a Shepard have to read this book! 3 people found this helpful
Helpful Report Michelle 5.0 out of 5 stars It's brilliant. It hands yourself
to you Reviewed in the United States on November 28, 2016 Verified Purchase It's
difficult to use the words developed for the characters because they develop, and
they cause the reader to develop along with them. The pace is slow because Coelho
kept it purposefully that way, along with keeping the language simplistic. This
does not make the book leaves thought open. It provides moments of
sustained pensiveness. It's brilliant. It hands yourself to you. Helpful Report
Sunshine 5.0 out of 5 stars An awaking of your spirit a motivating of your mind!
Reviewed in the United States on June 27, 2015 Verified Purchase This book changed
the way I look at life, I was so motivated with The Alchemist that I shared it with
my tween daughter who was finding her place in life, she read it on the plane and
after 5 months I can truly see a turn around! She said at first it was a slow read
but I could not put it down, I read the whole book on my flight and felt a true
awaking! Helpful Report Daniella Veras 5.0 out of 5 stars One of my favorite
books ever Reviewed in the United States on January 6, 2014 Verified Purchase This
book has the power to change lives and it deserves its recognition as a true
classic. So many lessons to be learned from this masterpiece. One that I took away
and cherish is that everything is for the best. All the s*** one goes through will
lead one to a better place and path. Just always understand life is a constant
journey with ups and downs, but both are necessary to get you to where you are
meant to be and it is the best place one can possibly be. Helpful Report
Amanecer 5.0 out of 5 stars Change Reviewed in the United States on August 14,
2013 Verified Purchase Starting with a prologue that by itself makes getting the
book worth it Paulo Coelho never lets up. The symbolism throughout the book echoes
great literature. From desperation for food and water to the mindful wisdom on
thoughts of change we are reminded how our humanness rocks with the rhythm of
nature. Aside from the soul bearing ideas of Personal Legends and the Elixir of
Life the story's primary character's sojourn of experiences makes for a fun read.
Yes, home is where the heart is. Dare we ask for more. 2 people found this helpful
Helpful Report Interested Buyer 5.0 out of 5 stars Story of a young man who is
learning the Universal Language & Soul of the World by traveling the world and the
people he meets. Reviewed in the United States on January 4, 2014 Verified Purchase
I have just started this book today and I am about 1/2 way through it. To me this
is one of those books that you pick up and immediately you start turning the pages
excited to read the next page, anxious to read the book, but hesitant for it to end
because you enjoyed reading it so much. I am sure that I will enjoy reading it
again and again. The people he meets and the lessons he learns are just as real
today as 20 years ago. Helpful Report Wency 5.0 out of 5 stars First book I
ever read from Paulo... since then I'm hooked. Reviewed in the United States on
November 27, 2013 Verified Purchase The Alchemist is what brought me back from
getting laid off from two jobs in 6 months. It re-energized my soul and spirit to
continue in my pursuit of my own personal legend. This is definitely a must read
for all.

Since this book I have read; The Zahir, The Aleph, The Warrior of the Light, Accra,
and now on The Winner Stands Alone.

His books are easy to read and feel so personal. I have cried through some but felt
so good afterward. Thank you Paulo! Helpful Report TyMacTav 5.0 out of 5
stars Changed my view on everything Reviewed in the United States on December 27,
2013 Verified Purchase This is one of the best books ever written, in my humble
opinion. Even though it is based in fiction the story comes to life and teaches a
great lesson that is difficult to find elsewhere. I was an atheist before I read
this book. Truth. And now I feel differently and see the things which this book
describes happening everyday in my own life. If you have been searching for
something, outside of the dogma of religion, this book is it. I think it's his best
writing. One person found this helpful From the United States Andrew Duncan 5.0
out of 5 stars Great reading Reviewed in the United States on December 13, 2012
Verified Purchase I had heard about the book on a TV show and I thought it was
worth buying.I am not a great reader and I have never finished reading a book
completely but this book I could not put down untill Ihad completely read it from
cover to cover..It has changed my way of thinking altogether Paulo is a great
writer. It really had me mesmerized and I would say it is the best book I have ever
picked up and read. Thanks Paulo. Love and Light. Andy. One person found this
helpful Helpful Report P Nicole 5.0 out of 5 stars I really enjoyed reading
this book Reviewed in the United States on December 17, 2014 Verified Purchase I
really enjoyed reading this book, I've heard so much about it within the past few
years from Will Smith to Oprah, I had to get it. On my quest for finding myself,
being authentic, and finding true happiness I enjoyed the wisdom this book gave
from a different cultural perspective. I felt like the "Omens" were the most
important to pay attention to in life. A must read for anyone on a spiritual
journey of finding truth and happiness. Helpful Report doug fresh 5.0 out of
5 stars great wisom in between these pages great purchase Reviewed in the United
States on August 23, 2014 Verified Purchase Was brought to this book after a few
inspiration videos on youtube and will of the very few books that i
read and became attached to instantly....after a few pages it is impossible to not
have read at least one line that speaks to you and at least one situation in your
life past or present where you could have been a better person and done better
things for your life....i love this book and recommend it to any and everyone
Helpful Report V-TEC4LIFE 5.0 out of 5 stars a smooth Adventure Reviewed in
the United States on August 9, 2014 Verified Purchase Great Book I have read. Its
about a person finding his personal legend. It is a great read and takes you across
a journey with the main character as he faced his adventure. He met alot of people
along the way. Its like you move with the character. After reading this i have
learned alot of things. This book is great and i would encourage others to read it.
This is a very good read pick up one and start reading it. Helpful Report
Stolly 5.0 out of 5 stars Wonderfully yet simply written, it made my heart
happy :) Reviewed in the United States on September 12, 2013 Verified Purchase I
decided to read The Alchemist after seeing Will Smith talk about it so passionately
in an interview, I wasn't dissapointed. A very simply story line about a boy
following his personal legend, discovering along the way many things about life,
love and the meaning of life. Wonderfully yet simply written with many beautiful
messages peppered throughout the reading experience. Left me with a warm fuzzy
feeling in my heart by the end and I truly hope it gives you the same experience.
Helpful Report cglinton 5.0 out of 5 stars I love it Reviewed in the United
States on June 21, 2013 Verified Purchase Felt so inspired by this book - Yes, it
is a simple story - but isn't that how life is... we just make it complicated. I'm
reading this book for the second time - The book is so hopeful that you put
yourself in the characters shoes and you think to yourself - what am I doing... I
love this book - it's one of my favorite... If you gave this a negative review you
need to re read this book - it's awesome... One person found this helpful Helpful
Report jonathan galindo cortes 5.0 out of 5 stars Highly recommend Reviewed in
the United States on November 5, 2020 Verified Purchase Fast shipping and well
packed. The book was like new, big surprise :)
I highly recommend! One person found this helpful Helpful Report Editor 5.0
out of 5 stars A Sleeping Beauty Reviewed in the United States on January 25, 2014
Verified Purchase I did not purposefully buy this book, it was an afterthought in
an order to get free shipping, to be honest. But when I read it, it imparted the
most beautiful message, I highly recommend this to people who are on a journey to
find themselves - read this book. It is wonderfully written and leaves you thinking
about what you really are seeking and the means that you go to to find it. Fast
shipping on this as well. Helpful Report Rese Carter 5.0 out of 5 stars
Captivating and Action oriented Reviewed in the United States on March 23, 2014
Verified Purchase When you read the alchemist you begin to take stock of your own
It forces you to see yourself and where you are and acknowledge the
steps you need to take. It's done in such a clever manner that you don't even
realize that's what it is doing. I am blessed to have read this book multiple
times. It's one
of those books that when you need to remember the divinity of the universe, you
pull on it.
Well done Sir Coehlo! Helpful Report Sandi E 5.0 out of 5 stars Great Wisdom
in a simple story Reviewed in the United States on August 10, 2016 Verified
Purchase It's funny how a book can impart wisdom and change your life. This one did
that for me and a few other people that have read it. The story is pretty simple
but the underlying wisdom is what was life changing. Anyone that is going through
change or contemplating big change would really benefit from reading this. From the
United States Jodi A. Mcdonald 5.0 out of 5 stars A MUST READ! Reviewed in the
United States on April 2, 2014 Verified Purchase What an elegant author! The words
in the book carry the reader away to distant lands and faraway times, but the
understanding gleaned in the moment is timeless and easily applicable to modern
times. If you are a person wondering about your purpose in life--this one is for
you! This is simply one of those books you can't put down until the end. I have
read it again and again and will continue to do so. Bravo!! Helpful Report
Linda Phillips 5.0 out of 5 stars The Alchemist Reviewed in the United States on
June 4, 2012 Verified Purchase This is a must read book. I read it twice within two
weeks and now reading again. The insite to one's self is unbelievable and the
spirit into the heart and soul is awakening. It opens your heart, mind and soul and
even if one does not believe in love and destiny. It is one that will not be given
away but very highly recommended. I plan on reading more of his writings. Thank
you. One person found this helpful Helpful Report Michael 5.0 out of 5 stars
Timeless Classic Reviewed in the United States on May 12, 2016 Verified Purchase I
read this book years ago and loved it. Over the years I have given the book as
gifts to friends and family. Now my oldest son is going off to college next fall so
I just order the book for him as he goes on his life's journey. This is a timeless
classic, thank you Paulo! Helpful Report Rudy Ramirez 5.0 out of 5 stars
Story about following your dreams Reviewed in the United States on March 5, 2017
Verified Purchase I bought this book because I'm a big fan of the author Paulo
Coelho It's a wonderful story about following your dreams. I think anyone would
love this book. I have always bought this book on separate occasions for friends
and family. This one is the illustrated version by the wonderful works of the
artist Mobeus. 4 people found this helpful Helpful Report Luffy 5.0 out of 5
stars "used-very good", more like new, never been read before Reviewed in the
United States on August 14, 2014 Verified Purchase Described as "Condition: Used -
Very Good. Paperback book in very good condition. Minimal signs of wear."
This book was not only in very good condition, it was passable for a new copy, have
not found ONE flaw in the book, the spine hadnt even been cracked from a first
I will look into this seller the next time I am searching for a "used" book in
hopefulness that I will recieve another such fantastic copy Helpful Report
pedal roy 5.0 out of 5 stars One of the best Reviewed in the United States on
November 29, 2014 Verified Purchase Best advice. Just read this book. It is a story
of a humble shepherd in search of treasure. He is an educated lad but chooses to be
a shepherd in order to see the world. Te story also aims to have readers sort their
own dreams and purpose in life.

As I advise, Just read it. It is a gem of a story. I am keen to read other Paulo
Coelho books. Helpful Report B. Dunnagan 5.0 out of 5 stars Better all the
time Reviewed in the United States on December 31, 2007 Verified Purchase I've read
this book twice already, sensing after the first time that I may have missed some
things. And indeed I had missed some of the points. I plan to read it again, just
in case I didn't get it all the second time.

It is a precious book to me, and I'm beginning to see connections in my daily life
that I learned to recognize and understand as I made my way through "The Alchemist

I vow to read it at least one more time.....and probably more!!! One person found
this helpful Helpful Report John Galt 5.0 out of 5 stars Thought Provoking
Reviewed in the United States on September 21, 2011 Verified Purchase A must read
for teenagers trying to find their way through life. It read it in my thirties and
was moved by the simplicity of the message. It is easy to get caught up in the
distractions of life. This simple but thoughtful book helps to put things into
perspective and look beyond your own tunnel vision. I gave a copy to each of my
nieces and nephews. Great meaning in the story and the words. Helpful Report
Katy 5.0 out of 5 stars One of my favorite books! Reviewed in the United States on
January 10, 2013 Verified Purchase I received the book very quickly and the packet
kept the book clean and new. I love this book because it has a very good message. I
think that it would help people who are confused about love or are having difficult
times in their lives. I read it in a very sad moment of my life and it help me
realized many things. I truly liked it and recommend it any time I can. Helpful
Report paint&paint 5.0 out of 5 stars A new classic Reviewed in the United
States on June 29, 2013 Verified Purchase There are a few books that I won't get on
Kindle because they are such treasures that I want to physically own them. I took a
chance that this would be one of them, and I was right. I bought a second for a
friend's daughter who will be graduating high school. It is the perfect story for a
graduate about to go on a journey to find herself. I'll read this again and again.

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