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USE OF ENGLISH (30 questions)

TASK 1: Select a word or phrase to complete the conversation shown below.

Read the dialogue. Then, select the correct answer from the options below.

Customer: But I was told I could exchange this shirt within one week of the purchase date.

Sales clerk: We have a strict policy. Sales items are not returnable.

11. What does the customer mean?

A. She is able to pick up the shirt next week.

B. She should be allowed to return the shirt.

C. She is trying to buy another shirt.

Read the dialogue. Then, select the correct answer from the options below.

Woman: Is it tough making ends meet as an actor? Do you have a backup plan?

Man: Well, I can always teach at the community college, but it hasn’t gotten to that point yet.

12. What does the man mean?

A. He is trying to become a professor.

B. He wants to change his career.

C. He is still working as an actor.

Read the dialogue. Then, select the correct answer from the options below.

Man: What do you think about Greenest Grocer Company? Is it such a promising investment?

Woman: They’ve grown rather quickly. Still, I’m not convinced the management knows what they’re doing.

Man: But don’t you think that they might improve with time?

13. What does the woman mean?

A. She wants to wait to invest in the company.

B. She thinks the company is growing too slowly.

C. She thinks the company has improved recently.

Read the dialogue. Then, select the correct answer from the options below.

Man: What do you think about Greenest Grocer Company? Is it such a promising investment?

Woman: They’ve grown rather quickly. Still, I’m not convinced the management knows what they’re doing.

Man: But don’t you think that they might improve with time?

14. What does the man mean by his SECOND statement?

A. The managers will get enough experience.

B. He wants to teach the woman more about the company.

C. The company is trying to solve its problem too quickly.

Read the dialogue. Then, select the correct answer from the options below.

Girl: Did you get your approval for that paper topic? I know you were up in the air about approaching the professor.

Boy: Actually, she already gave me the go-ahead next week, but I’m having trouble wrapping it up.

15. What does the boy mean?

A. He is almost finished with his paper.

B. He needs to change his paper topic.

C. He asked his professor for more time.

Read the dialogue. Then, select the correct answer from the options below.

Man: I hear Judge Brown actually beat his opponent, rather than what the polls are saying.

Woman: Judge Brown should really challenge the result in court.

16. What does the woman mean?

A. Few people voted for Judge Brown in the election.

B. She agrees Judge Brown really won.

C. Judge Brown should admit he lost.

Read the dialogue. Then, select the correct answer from the options below.

Man: I’m getting really nervous about the trial.

Woman: I imagine you would be. It might be best to keep a low profile for a while.

17. What does the woman mean?

A. The man should avoid calling attention to himself.

B. The man has to think of a new way to try to relax.

C. The man needs to prepare himself carefully for the trial.

Read the dialogue. Then, select the correct answer from the options below.

Boy: I have a feeling I’ll regret enrolling in the World History class.

Girl: Yeah, it’s supposed to be impossible. Plus, you’re already very busy.

18. What does the woman mean?

A. The man shouldn’t bother taking the class.

B. She would take the class if it weren’t so difficult.

C. There are already too many students in the class.

Read the dialogue. Then, select the correct answer from the options below.

Husband: Is your brother still planning on joining us for summer vacation?

Wife: It sounds like money is tight for him now, so I’m not sure he’ll be able to spend it with us.

19. What does the wife mean?

A. She needs to cancel her trip to visit her brother.

B. Her brother agreed to pay for the family vacation.

C. Her brother might stay home during the vacation.

Read the dialogue. Then, select the correct answer from the options below.

Man: The committee has released its annual report to the media. Most analysts think that it overlooks some important

Woman: I’m afraid I’ll have to agree with them on that one.

20. What does the woman mean?

A. She is worried about the policy’s negative impact.

B. The committee has failed to consider important issues.

C. The media needs to pay closer attention to some issues.

Task: Complete the text below. Write ONE word only into each space. There is an example (0) at the beginning.

One man’s trash is 0 another man’s treasure: that’s 21______ Professor Elizabeth Phillips believes. Phillips is a
professor at Torrance University’s Rural Studio and runs the architecture and design program which teaches students
sustainable design technique 22______ as building real, livable homes out 23______ recycled garbage. 24______ than
letting the materials go to waste, students learn to make them into something beautiful and functional. The program
began only 17 years ago, but 25______ then, students have already built more than 100 spaces. Mary Smith is a second-
year student 26______ used to study fashion. She changed her major after hearing about the program. “I love doing
something nice for someone else. People have told me that this has changed their lives”, she said. “You can’t put a price
on that”. But in fact, you can: not 27______ of the houses cost more than $10,000. Every year, some of the money is
raised through donations and grants. The school helps with funding, too.

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