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Nama : Audhea Yolandha Kania

NPM : 1955041001

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris

Question : How do you live in this life ?

Topic : Many thing that i do in this life

Answer : To explain from brainstorming


1. Know yourself
2. Behave according to virtue values
3. Socialize and pay attention to others

Life goes on and various things happen, but many people do not yet know the best way to
live life, We are free to determine the activities that you want to do to live your daily life.
However, the best way to enjoy a meaningful and pleasant life is to make decisions that are in
harmony with your heart. for that I have three ways how I live my life.

Firstly, know yourself that is, determine the virtues that you have such as helping others,
sharing willingness and having an open mind. Then determine the life goals that we want to
achieve, what things spur us to realize the goals we achieve, imagine what you dreamed of 5,
10, 15, and 20 years to come and write things that should have been realized at that time. and
consider what we need to do and how to make the best use of the skills so we can contribute
to others. Then know the advantages and disadvantages that we have, this is very important
for us to know so that when we do activities fun and makes us able to do it. Then do the
things that we really enjoy doing, and write down the activities and things that interest us,
then determine how to enjoy them while going through our daily life. And knowing the
schedule of activities that can increase our productivity, it is important for us to know in
addition to making us productive can make us organized and structured. Then knowing
personality, it is very important to know our personality and make us know our weaknesses
and strengths in socialization

Secondly, Behave according to virtue values that is Live daily according to religious beliefs if
you adhere to a particular religion. such as joining a religious or spiritual community
according to your beliefs to strengthen faith. Then form good habits in accordance with the
virtues that we have and believe such as Get used to walking or cycling to reduce pollution
and fossil use, using recycled products to support environmental conservation programs, etc.

Thridlly, Socialize and pay attention to others that is build relationships by joining courses,
volunteering, joining communities and organizations. by increasing relations will make it
easier for us to socialize and gain new experiences and insights. then taking time to
communicate with family and close friends, it is very important to spend time with family
and close friends in addition to maintaining the relationship to know the conditions and
conditions. then choose friends, it is very important to choose friends so we can make us
better than before. then look at the good side of others. Our perspective about others will be
more positive if we assume that everyone is good. like prejudicing others, and focusing on
their talents instead of their mistakes.

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