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The graphic design concepts are almost like building blocks. Each layer is on top of each other
before you have the base to create something unbelievable — whether you're creating a logo, a
website, or a unique picture. The basic principles of graphic design comes with different
fundamentals to consider. In this module, we will explore some of it for us to be able to create a good

Graphic Design Fundamentals

What is Graphic Design?

Graphic Design is a process in which we use typography, images, colors, icons and other illustrations
to communicate visually. This term was first coined by William Addison Dwiggins on 1992 as he
called himself a “graphic designer”. However, graphic design is a thousand-year-old craft which dates
back to ancient cave drawings. In today’s era, we use graphic design not just to communicate
visually but also to having good user experience (for software developers) and also to boost/improve
one’s emotions (with the use of colors). The fundamentals of graphic design varies from PowerPoint
presentations, web/mobile applications, posters, logos, and even paintings.

The basic elements of graphic design are the following:

• Lines

• Shapes

• Form

• Texture

• Balance


A line is a kind of shape which connects two or more points. It is also considered as one of the
essential element of graphic design. Lines can be thick, thin, curved, or jagged.

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