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PREVIEW ACTIVITY Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2023. For use only with license.

How To Make Better Decisions | 3 Quick Tips (B2)


PART 1 Describe what the people are deciding on below. Then discuss the questions.

1 2 3

1 Which decisions above would you say are small or big decisions? Why?
2 What are some other examples of small/big decisions?
3 What kinds of big or hard decisions...
...have you made in the past year?
...have you made in your life?

What did you decide in each case and why?

Do you agree (A), disagree (D), or partially (P) agree / disagree with each statement
below about decisions? Explain why.

1 A /D /P Big or small decisions consume the same amount of energy.

2 A /D /P Life is just one decision after another.
3 A /D /P Making good decisions in life is easy.

How could each of the following things affect our ability to make good decisions?
Can you think of any tips for making good decisions connected with these things?

1 Your brain 2 The food you eat 3 Your fears 4 A friend

Can you think of any other tips for making good decisions? When you need to
make an important decision, what do you do and what helps you?
HOW TO MAKE BETTER Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2023. For use only with license.
DECISIONS | 3 QUICK TIPS How To Make Better Decisions | 3 Quick Tips (B2)


What do you think your brain’s bandwidth

refers to? How do you think it might be related
to decision-making?


PART 1 Complete the missing information for each decision-making tip below. (0:22 - 0:28)

TIP 1: Free up my brain’s bandwidth for more important decisions.

TIP 2: Give it the fuel it needs.
TIP 3: Get honest advice from a friend.

Discuss/Write short answers according to the information in the video. Then watch
the video again to check your answers if necessary.

0:36 1 What did Barack Obama do when he was in office? Why?

Barack Obama removed one decision from his daily life- what to wear. It was always a grey or blue

1:25 2 How can hunger affect our decision-making?

If you are very hungry neurotransmitters can’t be produced which results in communication between

2:00 3 What kind of food should we eat to help us make better decisions?
Food can affect your ability to make decisions. Research shows that drinking plenty of water and

2:25 4 What kind of fear affects our decision-making? How can a friend help with this?
Daniel Kahneman found that in big decisions we are generally more afraid of loss than we are

PART 3 Choose true (T), false (F), or not given (N) according to the information in the video.

1 T /F /N Life is just one decision after another.

2 T /F /N Big or small decisions consume the same amount of energy.
3 T /F /N Making good decisions in life is easy.
VIEWING FOLLOW-UP Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2022. For use only with license.
How To Make Better Decisions | 3 Quick Tips (B2)

PART 1 Read the following quotes from the video out loud. Then write the words/phrases
in each quote that match the definitions below.

1 “ Be vigilant about not wasting energy on decisions that aren’t going to make
a massive difference to your life.”

2 “ Ask the advice of a friend who’s not afraid to drop some truth bombs, even
if it means your feelings get a bit roughed up.”

3 “ An objective friend can help you identify the best decision because they’re
not weighed down by the fear of what could be lost.”

1 to drop some truth bombs = to be direct and honest

2 objective = uninfluenced by personal feelings

3 vigilant = careful, attentive, or alert

4 = strongly influenced or pressured

5 roughed up = hurt or negatively affected

Do you agree (A), disagree (D), or partially (P) agree / disagree with each statement
below. Explain why.

1 A /D /P I feel that I am vigilant about not wasting energy on small


2 A /D /P I am not afraid of dropping truth bombs on others when they

come to me for advice, even if their feelings get roughed up.

3 A /D /P I have people in my life who give me objective advice when I

need to make a big decision.

Imagine the man below is calling a friend to ask for objective advice on a decision.
Try to define what each phrase in bold means in your own words.

I’m in a bit of a tricky situation with a decision I’m facing. I’m torn between
keeping my current job or finding a new one. Although I have an attractive
salary, the job conditions are very demanding and exhausting. The decision
is taking a toll on me and I’m having trouble sleeping. My gut tells me to leave
and find a new job, but I still don’t know if that’s the right decision. Do you think
you could talk about it and help me gain some clarity?
DECISION-MAKING ADVICE Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2023. For use only with license.
How To Make Better Decisions | 3 Quick Tips (B2)


• Think of a difficult or big decision you’re facing. It can be real or imaginary.

• Finish writing the prompt below about what you’re trying to decide.
• Choose the activity option (A or B) you wish to do below, or both.

I’m trying to decide...

OPTION A: Discuss the questions below about the decision you described in Step 1.

1 How tricky is the decision you’re facing? How torn are you? Explain why.
2 Is the decision taking a toll on you? If so, how?
3 What do you think an objective friend or relative would advise you? Why?
4 Other than talking to an objective friend, what could help you gain clarity?
5 What does your gut tell you in this case, and do you trust your gut?

OPTION B: Take one of the roles below and do the role play. Then switch roles and repeat.


Tell a friend about the decision you’re A friend comes to you seeking advice
facing. Give them background information on a decision. Give them objective
and context. Seek out advice, and try to advice, and don’t be afraid to drop some
come to a final decision. Use a few of the truth bombs. Ask them some questions
words/phrases below: and use a few of the phrases below:

gain clarity tricky If I were you... What if you...

I’m torn weighed down vigilant drop a truth bomb
my gut take a toll your gut rough up your feelings
QUIZ & REVIEW ACTIVITY Fluentize, LLC. Copyright 2022. For use only with license.
How To Make Better Decisions | 3 Quick Tips (B2)

PART 1 Answer the questions below about the video.

1 What were the three tips from the video on how to make better decisions?
2 What was mentioned about Barack Obama?
3 How can hunger affect our decision-making?
4 What kind of food should we eat to help us make better decisions?
5 What kind of fear affects our decision-making? How can a friend help with

PART 2 Write one word that fits each sentence/tip from the video below.

1 Ask the advice of a friend who’s not afraid to over some truth
bombs, even if it means your feelings get a bit up.

2 Be about not wasting energy on decisions that aren’t going to

make a massive difference to your life.

3 Asking the advice of a friend can help you over your fear of
loss when it comes to decision-making.

4 An objective friend can help you identify the best decision because they’re
not down by the fear of what could be lost.”

PART 3 What does each phrase below mean? Write a definition or say one out loud.

1. a tricky situation

2. My gut tells me...

3. to take a toll on

4. to be/feel torn


Discuss the topics below about the lesson.

1 Did you learn or use any new vocabulary or grammar in this lesson? If so, what?
2 Did you learn anything new about decisions/decision-making? If so, explain.
3 What did you enjoy about the lesson?
4 Is there anything you found difficult about the lesson?

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