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Writing Task 2: Discursive Essay What are the advantages and disadvantages of getting married to a foreigner? Model Essay Cross-border marriages are becoming more common in some countries now. Some may envy those who are married to foreigners. In my opinion, marrying someone from another ‘country have both pros and cons. There are several advantages to getting married to a foreigner, Normally, foreigners are often thought to be more romantic, The French, for instance, are known for the knack to maintain romance after marriage, while people in many Asian countries take a more practical approach to married life. Besides, cross-border marriages offer people unique insight into another culture. They allow people to understand each other and help reduce prejudice among people from different races. Those marriages also offer good prospects to their children, who will grow up enjoying the best of both worlds. They usually become bilingual, which give them an advantage over other people, and it is also said that mixed-blood people often enjoy intellectual gifts. However, there is the downside as well. Unless one of them is fluent in the other's language, the couple are going to encounter communication barriers, which is often an easier obstacle for them to surmount. What is more insurmountable is their differences of opinions. Raised in different backgrounds and cultures, their beliefs, ideas and attitudes are apt to differ. For example, a Vietnamese mother may think her western husband callous when he cuts off financial supports when their kids enter college. It is often hard to understand, let alone to reach a compromise with each other. Also, their kids may be torn between these conflicting ideas. They may have a hard time finding their own identity and seem unable to fit in either culture. In sum, marrying someone from another culture has both advantages and disadvantages. One should weigh the benefits against the drawbacks before making a decision. Scanned with CamScanner Writing Task 2: Discursive Essay In many countries, foreign labor is an important part of the economy. Using migrant labor can contribute to the development of a country, but it can also cause economic problems. What are some of the advantages and drawbacks of expatriate labor for a country's economy? Model Essay The development of countries such as Singapore, Brunei, the Gulf countries, and even the US has been helped greatly by millions of foreign workers. While foreign workers are cheap and quick, they can also cause problems for the economy of the country. In this essay | will look at ‘some of the problems caused by an expatriate workforce and suggest that we need a balanced approach to employing foreign workers. There are many obvious advantages to using foreign labor. First of all, they are usually cheap. Workers from Bangladesh, India or the Philippines are happy to work for salaries which are high in comparison to their home countries but low in the host country. Foreign workers are also ready to work in remote places or at times when local workers would not. A second point is that foreign workers are usually job-ready. They do not need expensive college education or training. They may have skills not available in the new country. A third point is that many migrant workers are ready to work in jobs that are too dirty or dangerous for nationals such as construction or cleaning. All these advantages mean that the economy is boosted by cheap labor and low production costs. However, there are hidden costs to the economy of the country. One major drawback is that the workers are sending a lot of money home, instead of spending it. This results in a loss of foreign ‘exchange for the country. Another point is that they may take jobs from locals. More importantly, they reduce the salaries for some jobs. For example, employers will pay very low salaries for some jobs which some locals might like to do but could not survive on, Security is another issue. Foreign workers can leave at any time if there is a political or other problem, and this can mean a sudden loss of skills and experience. An additional point is that the influx of foreign workers can put pressure on services such as hospitals or housing, and these costs have to be paid by the state, not the employers who are getting rich. All these factors can result in economic problems for the government. In conclusion it's important to have some control over the use of foreign workers, and to make sure that using them does not disrupt the labor market for local workers. One way is to pay them higher salaries and give them full protection. Countries should seek to employ their own citizens first before turning outside and depending on foreign labor. (424 words) Scanned with CamScanner

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