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GRAMMAR -Conditionals | Gmionatcause [Rees Basis) ‘ZERO CONDITIONAL If / When two people have got alot in common, if/ Present Simple they normally get along. when / + Present Simple: 4 tess thodal base form You can’t participate in the course unless you apply fort FIRST CONDITIONAL If you take my advice, you will do better in the Future Simple ban if/ lines * Present Simple iiiparative If she takes you for granted, ignore her. modal + base form You can join us if you are free tonight. SECOND CONDITIONAL If Sarah and | had the money, we would buy ity woud a house, Ness + Past Simple + base form |= wal could / might If you got to know each other, you could / might be friends. THIRD CONDITIONAL If you had apologised, | would have forgiven you. if + Past Perfect Simple Seaeiae ‘ cto If we hadn't grown apart, we could / might have could / might have been close friends. - What would have happened if you'd got up an hour later this morning? 2. Last exam - what would have happened if you'd failed/passed it? wo . If you could study anywhere in the world, where would you go? » If you studied in a different country, what would be your biggest problem? a 9. How will you celebrate if you pass all your exams this year? a If yau could change one thing in your life, what would it be? a If, one day, you became famous, what would you be famous for? 8. If you were a colour, what colour would you be? Why? 9. What would you do if you could fly? 10. If you could eat only one thing for the rest of your life, what would that be? 11. If you had been born in a different country, what country would you wish to have been bor in? 12. How would your life have changed if you had done something different that one time? GRAMMAR -Time Clauses Future: (first conditional -> future + present) . Youll feel better, by the time you get home. General facts: (zero conditional -> present + present) e When! falk with my friends, | feel better. if/uniess = as soon as; by the time; the moment, when... Guided Activity: Card Game Call on students to choose two yellow cards and one pink card to create a sentence with the future time clauses. Drink coffee Leave the house Pray for you Be at war Graduate Look for a job ‘Arrive home Make a salad |Get backhome —| Sleep Feel ill Eat all the chocolate Wash the dishes Watch the movie Wait at the bus stop Come Quit his job ‘Win the lottery wish / if only Refers to a present situation that | / wish | had the power to put an end to violence. + Past Simple the speaker is unhappy about —_| if only that band performed in London. wish / if only Expresses regret about a past I wish he hadn’t got into trouble. + Past Perfect Simple _action or situation Af only we had thought this through. Wshiaifonly: Expresses a desire for something | She wishes she could participate in the race, Eon ve would ++ tg happen in the future If only they would find a cure for Alzheimer's. Las oraciones desiderativas expresan un deseo y se pueden formar con el verbo wish o con la expresion if only. El verbo wish suele llevar como complemento directo una oracién subordinada. Equivale a los verbos “desear” o “gustar” en condicional, excepto en persona del singular, que se traduce por “Ojala”. La expresi6n if only tiene el mismo significado: “Oiala...”, “Si al menos. I wish / If only it weren't so cold. (Ojala / Si al menos no hiciera tanto frio.) ‘Tanto wish como if only pueden usarse con varios tiempos verbales, como se ve en el cuadro. * Con could 0 would + un verbo en la forma base expresamos nuestros deseos sobre situaciones futuras, indicando que es poco probable que ocurran. I wish I could make him change his mind. (Ojala pudiera hacer que cambie de opinion.) * Con el Past Simple nos referimos a situaciones, presentes que quisiéramos cambiar 0 mejorar. I wish I knew how to help her. (fala supiera como ayudarla.) Si el verbo que va en Past Simple es to be, hay que usar were en todas las personas, incluidas la primera y la tercera del singular. J wish Matt were here (Ojala Matt estuviera aqui.) * Con el Past Perfect Simple nos referimos a hechos pasados, lamentando lo que ha ocurrido. I wish I hadn’t declined the offer. (Ojala no hubiera rechazado la oferta.) Siel sujeto de wish y el del verbo en la forma base son diferentes, usamos would. I wish you would listen to Joe. (Ojala escuchases a Joe.)

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