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The number of female attendants in the delivery room would be equal to the number of
planets posited between Ascendant and Moon.
The number of female attendants outside the delivery room would be equal to the number of
planets on the left side of Ascendant (visible half)

and the number of such persons inside the delivery room would be equal to planets posited on
the right side of Ascendant (invisible half).
If these planets be benefits, the lady attendants would be of superior class. They would belong
to low class if such planets be malefics.
The left or the visible half begins from the portion of the 7th house still to set and extends to
the rising portion of first house;
the other half of the Zodiac is called “invisible”.

11. In this Sloka some more clues have been given to find out the number of female
If in the visible half referred to in the previous Sloka there be any retrograde planet or planets
in their signs of exaltation, the number of

attendants would be thrice the number of such planets.

If planets be in their own sign, Navamsa Drekkana etc. the number of attendants would be
twice the number of such planets.
If there be planets which are combust, or m their sign of debilitation or in inimical signs or trik
houses (6th, 8th or 12th), the number of

attendants would be half of the number of such planets.

If Ascendant is Aries or Pisces the number of attendants would be two.
In the case of Capricorn, Libra, Scorpio, Leo, Virgo or Gemini Ascendants the number of
attendants would be three.
In Taurus or Aquarius, Ascendants the number of attendants would be four.
In case of Cancer or Sagittarius Ascendant, the number of attendants would be five.

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