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Management and

Digital Innovation
Start: November
Get ahead in your digital career and learn how
to make the best use of innovation and social
media in real-world professional settings Learn
cutting-edge techniques and understand
how to deploy them across any industry
Whether you decide to work in information
systems management, in a software house
or in ICT management consultancy, the
analytical and communication skills you
learn will prepare you for career success
Start: November
Developed by academics at LSE, this diploma
provides a strong grounding in the principles
of advanced mathematics and helps you
to develop critical skills for a wide range
of real-world professional situations
It is designed for graduates looking for either a
stand-alone qualification in mathematics or a
foundation for postgraduate study in fields that
require strong mathematical competencies
Mathematics and Economics
Start: November
If you have a strong ability in mathematics
and are interested in pursuing a career or
further postgraduate study in economics, this
degree will provide an excellent springboard
for you Discover how to combine and relate
mathematics with statistics and economics,
and understand how mathematical theories
can be used in an economics context
You will be ready to pursue a career as an
economist in industry, finance or government,
or you can use the solid grounding that this
degree provides in a range of other roles
where your skills will be highly valued
BA / DipHE / CertHE
Start: November
For thousands of years, people have asked
fundamental questions about the world, their
place in it and their relation to each other From
the nature of existence and reality to logic and
reasoning and the question of ethics and moral
value, the study of philosophy will challenge
you to improve your powers of reasoning and
argument You will learn about major thinkers,
including Plato, Aristotle, Descartes and Kant, and
learn to make connections between the ideas and
arguments that inform philosophical debates
The skills you gain in analysing complex ideas,
understanding people and forming logical
arguments will prepare you for numerous careers,
including public service, media, law and teaching

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