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Nombre: Gonzalo Cañete

Materia: Ingles tecnico

Curso: 1ro Avícola

1. Leé las oraciones y elegí la opción correcta.

a. Sally opened the door ……SLOWLY……… and she saw the thief. (slow/slowly)
b. Steve is my .……CLOSE……friend. We always go out together. (close/closely)
c. Mike is a really ……KIND………… person. (kind/kindly)
d. That teacher treats his students ………BADLY…………. (bad/badly)
e. My father looked out of the window ……ANXIOUSLY………… as he heard a strange sound.
f. He waited for her friend ………PATIENTLY…… for two hours in a café. (patient/patiently)
g. My mother listened to my problems ……………SYMPATHETICALLY………… last night.
h. A crocodile lives near rivers and it is really a ……WILD……… animal. (wild/wildly)
i. Joseph sang ……BEAUTIFULLY…… at the party last night. (beautiful/beautifully)
j. The children ran in the school hall ……NOISILY………. (noisy/noisily)
k. I have …………RECENT……… news from town. (recent/recently)
l. These activities are really……………EASY………… (easy/easily)
m. I answered all the questions ……CORRECTLY………… (correct/correctly)
2. Leé el siguiente párrafo. Subrayá los adverbios y encerrá los adjetivos.

My hobbies and interests

I love sports, especially cycling. On Saturday, I sometimes go to the market to buy new sports clothes –
it’s cheaper than the shops in town – those (fashionable) shops are too (expensive) for me. On Saturday,
I go cycling with my friends. I think it’s a (brilliant) hobby. It’s a (good) way to get heatly and it isn’t
as (expensive) as going to a gym. There’s some (beautiful) countryside outside my town and we usually

go there. There are a lot of hills and it’s really (exiting) when you cycle down them! My friend Zack is
(younger) than me, but he cycles well. In fact, he’s the (fastet) cyclist in our group.

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