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This test case to validate card insertion Insert valid card in the Atm should display language page with
Money withdrawal_ verify card insertion with Step1 Valid atm card
functionality with valid card insertion point of atm following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI
valid cards
Insert invalid card of other Invalid card
TC02_Bank_ This test case to validate card insertion Atm should not accept the card and display a
Step1 bank card in the insertion like other bank
functionality with invalid card message ”please insert valid atm card”
point of atm card
Money withdrawal_ verify
card insertion with invalid cards Step2 Insert invalid card of Invalid card Atm should not accept the card and display a
TC03_Bank_ Insert invalid card of
This test case to validate card insertion Atm should not accept the card and display a
Money withdrawal_ verify expired atm card in the
functionality with valid card in wrong Step1 Valid atm card message ” Sorry unable to process your
insertion point of atm in
card insertion with valid cards in wrong angle angle request code 1222”
wrong angle

Insert valid card in the Atm should display language page with
TC04_Bank_ Step1 Valid atm card
insertion point of atm following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI
This test case to verify the language
selection functionality
Money withdrawal_ verify language selection Click on corresponding Atm should display the pin number page in
language to be used corresponding language selected

Insert valid card in the Atm should display language page with
TC04_Bank_ Step1 Valid atm card
insertion point of atm following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI
This test case is to verify the
Money withdrawal_ verify pin number entry with functionality of pin number
Click on corresponding Atm should display the pin number page in
valid pin number functionality with valid pin number Step2
language to be used corresponding languge selected

Valid pin Atm should display the account type selction

Step3 Enter the valid pin number
number page

Insert valid card in the Atm should display language page with
TC05_Bank_ Step1 Valid atm card
insertion point of atm following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI
This test case is to verify the
Money withdrawal_ verify pin number entry with Click on corresponding Atm should display the pin number page in
functionality of pin number Step2
invalid pin number language to be used corresponding languge selected
functionality with invalid pin number
Atm should display meaning full message”
Enter the invalid pin InValid
Step3 Sorry unable to process your request code
number pinnumber
Insert valid card in the Atm should display language page with
TC06_Bank_ Step1 Valid atm card
insertion point of atm following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI

Money withdrawal_ verify pin number entry with Click on corresponding Atm should display the pin number page in
invalid pin number upto 3 times This test case is to verify the language to be used corresponding languge selected
functionality of pin number
functionality with invalid pin number Enter the invalid pin Invalid Atm should display meaning full
upto 3 times number pinnumber message”enter valid pinnumber”
Enter the invalid pin Invalid Atm should display meaning full
number pinnumber message”enter valid pinnumber”
Atm should display meaning full message”
Enter the invalid pin Invalid
Step5 Sorry unable to process your request code
number pinnumber
Insert valid card in the Atm should display language page with
TC07_Bank_ Step1 Valid atm card
insertion point of atm following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI

Money withdrawal_ verify account type selection

Click on corresponding Atm should display the pin number page in
with correct account type Step2
language to be used corresponding language selected
This test is to verify the functionality of
the account selection type with correct
account type Valid pin Atm should display the account type
Step3 Enter the valid pin number
number selection page

Atm should display service page with the

Click on the correct
Step4 following object money withdrawal, pin
account type of a/c holder
change,mini transaction,quick cash.

Insert valid card in the Atm should display language page with
TC08_Bank_ Step1 Valid atm card
insertion point of atm following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI
Money withdrawal_ verify account type selection
Click on corresponding Atm should display the pin number page in
with wrong account type Step2
This test is to verify the functionality of language to be used corresponding language selected
the account selection type with wrong
account type

Valid pin Atm should display the account type

Step3 Enter the valid pin number
number selection page

Atm should display meaningful message”

Click on the wrongt
Step4 Sorry unable to process your request code
account type of a/c holder

Insert valid card in the Atm should display language page with
TC09_Bank_ Step1 Valid atm card
insertion point of atm following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI

Money withdrawal_ verify money withdrawal Click on corresponding Atm should display the pin number page in
option language to be used corresponding language selected
This test is to verify the functionality of
Valid pin Atm should display the account type
the money withdrawal option Step3 Enter the valid pin number
number selection page
Atm should display service page with the
Click on the correct
Step4 following object money withdrawal, pin
account type of a/c holder
change,mini transaction,quick cash.
Click on money
Step5 Atm should display amount entry page.

Insert valid card in the Atm should display language page with
TC10_Bank_ Step1 Valid atm card
insertion point of atm following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI

Money withdrawal_ verify amount entry with Click on corresponding Atm should display the pin number page in
valid amount language to be used corresponding language selected

This test is to verify the functionality of Step3 Valid pin Atm should display the account type
Enter the valid pin number
amount entry with valid amount number selection page

Atm should display service page with the

Click on the correct
Step4 following object money withdrawal, pin
account type of a/c holder
change,mini transaction,quick cash.

Click on money
Step5 Atm should display amount entry page.

Enter the valid amount Atm need to give money and display the
Step6 Valid amount
and click on OK objects want to continue, OK, NO

Insert valid card in the Atm should display language page with
TC11_Bank_ Step1 Valid atm card
insertion point of atm following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI
Money withdrawal_ verify money withdrawal Click on corresponding Atm should display the pin number page in
operation with valid amount language to be used corresponding language selected
Valid pin Atm should display the account type
Step3 Enter the valid pin number
number selection page

Atm should display service page with the

Click on the correct
This test is to verify the functionality of Step4 following object money withdrawal, pin
account type of a/c holder
money withdrawal operation with valid change, mini transaction, quick cash.

Click on money
Step5 Atm should display amount entry page.
Enter the valid amount Atm need to give money and display the
Step6 Valid amount
and click on OK objects want to continue, OK, NO
Atm should give receipt for the transaction,
Step7 Click on NO return the card back, correct amount should
deduct from account

Insert valid card in the Atm should display language page with
TC12_Bank_ Step1 Valid atm card
insertion point of atm following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI

Money withdrawal_ verify money withdrawal

operation with amount greater than balance Click on corresponding Atm should display the pin number page in
amount language to be used corresponding language selected

Valid pin Atm should display the account type

Step3 Enter the valid pin number
number selection page
This test is to verify the functionality of
money withdrawal operation with
amount greater than balance amount
Atm should display service page with the
Click on the correct
Step4 following object money withdrawal, pin
account type of a/c holder
change, mini transaction, quick cash.

Click on money
Step5 Atm should display amount entry page.
Enter the amount greater Amount Atm should display meaningful error
Step6 than balance and click on greater than message” Sorry unable to process your
OK balan request code 1230”

Insert valid card in the Atm should display language page with
TC13_Bank_ Step1 Valid atm card
insertion point of atm following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI

Money withdrawal_ verify money withdrawal

operation with amount greater than day limit Click on corresponding Atm should display the pin number page in
amount language to be used corresponding language selected
This test is to verify the functionality of
money withdrawal operation with Valid pin Atm should display the account type
amount greater than day limit amount Step3 Enter the valid pin number
number selection page

Atm should display service page with the

Click on the correct
Step4 following object money withdrawal, pin
account type of a/c holder
change, mini transaction, quick cash.

Click on money
Step5 Atm should display amount entry page.

Enter the amount greater Amount Atm should display meaningful error
Step6 than day limit amount greater than message” Sorry unable to process your
day limit amt request code 1220”
Click on OK

Insert valid card in the Atm should display language page with
TC14_Bank_ Step1 Valid atm card
insertion point of atm following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI

Money withdrawal_ verify money withdrawal

operation with amount greater than amount in Click on corresponding Atm should display the pin number page in
atm language to be used corresponding language selected

Valid pin Atm should display the account type

Step3 Enter the valid pin number
number selection page

This test is to verify the functionality of

amount entry with valid amount Atm should display service page with the
Click on the correct
greater than amount in atm Step4 following object money withdrawal, pin
account type of a/c holder
change,mini transaction,quick cash.
Click on money
Step5 Atm should display amount entry page.

Atm should display meaningful error

Enter the valid amount
Step6 Valid amount message” Sorry unable to process your
and click on OK
request code 1234”

Insert valid card in the Atm should display language page with
TC15_Bank_ Step1 Valid atm card
insertion point of atm following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI

Money withdrawal_ verify money withdrawal

Click on corresponding Atm should display the pin number page in
operation with amount not in multiples of 100’s Step2
language to be used corresponding language selected

Valid pin Atm should display the account type

Step3 Enter the valid pin number
number selection page
This test is to verify the functionality of
money withdrawal with amount not in
multiples of 100’s
Atm should display service page with the
Click on the correct
Step4 following object money withdrawal, pin
account type of a/c holder
change, mini transaction, quick cash.

Click on money
Step5 Atm should display amount entry page.
Enter the valid amount not Atm should display meaningful error
Step6 in multiples of 100’s click Valid amount message ” Sorry unable to process your
on OK request code 1111”

Insert valid card in the Atm should display language page with
TC16_Bank_ Step1 Valid atm card
insertion point of atm following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI

Money withdrawal_ verify money withdrawal

operation with valid amount but during Click on corresponding Atm should display the pin number page in
operation network problem occurred This test is to verify the functionality of Step2 language to be used corresponding language selected
money withdrawal operation with valid
amount but during operation network
Valid pin Atm should display the account type
problem occurred Step3 Enter the valid pin number
number selection page

Atm should display service page with the

Click on the correct
Step4 following object money withdrawal, pin
account type of a/c holder
change, mini ….

Click on money
Step5 Atm should display amount entry page.

Valid amtt Atm should display meaningful error

Enter the valid amount
Step6 message ” Sorry unable to process your
and click on OK
And make request code 1010”
network down
Insert valid card in the Atm should display language page with
TC17_Bank_ Step1 Valid atm card
insertion point of atm following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI

Money withdrawal_ verify amount entry with

Click on corresponding Atm should display the pin number page in
valid amount Step2
language to be used corresponding language selected

Valid pin Atm should display the account type

Step3 Enter the valid pin number
number selection page

Atm should display service page with the

This test is to verify the functionality of Step4 Click on the correct
following object money withdrawal, pin
amount entry with valid amount account type of a/c holder
change,mini transaction,quick cash.
Click on money
Step5 Atm should display amount entry page.
Enter the valid amount Get the amount from atm and display the
Step6 Valid amount
and click on OK objects want to continue, OK, NO

Step7 Click on OK Atm should display amount entry page.

Enter the valid amount Get the amount from atm and display the
Step8 Valid amount
and click on OK objects want to continue, OK, NO

Step9 Click on OK Atm should display amount entry page.

Enter the valid amount Get the amount from atm and display the
Step10 Valid amount
and click on OK objects want to continue, OK, NO

Step11 Click on OK Atm should display amount entry page.

Atm should display meaningful error
Enter the valid amount
Step12 Valid amount message ” Sorry unable to process your
and click on OK
request code 1211”
TC18_Bank_ Insert valid card in the Atm should display language page with
Step1 Valid atm card
insertion point of atm following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI
Money withdrawal_ verify
This test is to verify the functionality of
cancel with after card insert i.e, in
Atm should display meaningful error
language selection page
Cancel with after insert card message ” Sorry unable to process your
Step2 Click on cancel button
request code 1111”” and return the card by

Insert valid card in the Atm should display language page with
TC19_Bank_ Step1 Valid atm card
insertion point of atm following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI

Money withdrawal_ verify Click on corresponding Atm should display the pin number page in
language to be used corresponding language selected
Cancel with pin number entry
This test is to verify the functionality of
cancel with pin number entry
Atm should display meaningful error
When the language
message ” Sorry unable to process your
Step3 selection page uploaded
request code 1111”” and return the card by
click on cancel

Insert valid card in the Atm should display language page with
TC19_Bank_ Step1 Valid atm card
insertion point of atm following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI

Money withdrawal_ verify Click on corresponding Atm should display the pin number page in
language to be used corresponding language selected
Cancel with account type This test is to verify the functionality of
cancel with account type Valid pin Atm should display the account type
Step3 Enter the valid pin number
number selection page
Atm should display meaningful error
message ” Sorry unable to process your
Step4 Click on cancel button
request code 1234”” and return the card by
Insert valid card in the Atm should display language page with
TC20_Bank_ Step1 Valid atm card
insertion point of atm following objects ENLISH,TELUGU,HINDI

Money withdrawal_ verify Click on corresponding Atm should display the pin number page in
language to be used corresponding language selected
Cancel with service provider
Valid pin Atm should display the account type
This test is to verify the functionality of Step3 Enter the valid pin number
number selection page
cancel with service provider
Atm should display service page with the
Click on the correct
Step4 following object money withdrawal, pin
account type of a/c holder
change,mini transaction,quick cash.

Atm should display meaningful error

Step5 Click on cancel button message ” Sorry unable to process your
request code 1111”” and return the card by
Atm should display language page with
Insert valid card in the Valid atm
TC21_Bank_ Step1 following objects
insertion point of atm card
Money withdrawal_ verify Click on corresponding Atm should display the pin number page
language to be used in corresponding language selected
Cancel with amount entity
Enter the valid pin Valid pin Atm should display the account type
number number selection page
This test is to verify the functionality
Click on the correct Atm should display service page with the
of cancel with amount entity
Step4 account type of a/c following object money withdrawal, pin
holder change,mini transaction,quick cash.
Click on money
Step5 Atm should display amount entry page.
Atm should display meaningful error
Step6 Click on cancel button message ” Sorry unable to process your
request code 1111”” and return the card

Atm should display language page with

Insert valid card in the Valid atm
TC22_Bank_ Step1 following objects
insertion point of atm card
This test is to verify the functionality
of cancel with continue entity i.e,
Money withdrawal_ verify after amount entity Click on corresponding Atm should display the pin number page
language to be used in corresponding language selected
Cancel with continue entity
Enter the valid pin Valid pin Atm should display the account type
number number selection page

Click on the correct Atm should display service page with the
Step4 account type of a/c following object money withdrawal, pin
holder change,mini transaction,quick cash.

Click on money
Step5 Atm should display amount entry page.
Enter the valid amount Get the amount from atm and display the
Step6 Valid amount
and click on OK objects want to continue, OK, NO

Atm should display meaningful error

message ” Sorry unable to process your
Step7 Click on cancel button
request code 1111”” and return the card
by atm.

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