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Sweetness in beer comes from barley malt, and occasionally adjuncts such as
molasses, Belgian candi sugars, and other sweet fermentables. Fried foods, baked
goods, warming spices, deep fruit glazes, browned vegetables, funky cheeses, and
rich sauces are all complemented by sweetness in beer.

Their flavorful tang is the result of wild yeasts and bacteria (akin to those found in
good Greek yogurt and other probiotic-rich foods). Lighter sour beers can serve as
perfect aperitifs, while heavier versions are best enjoyed with food.

The melanoidins in dark sour beers mirror the melanoidins produced from searing
meat, making them a reliable choice with a steak. Even briny seafoods can set up
intriguing contrasts. In some sour beers with aromas akin to earth and leather
imparted by Brettanomyces yeast, umami (see right) comes to the fore.

Salty foods love beers, as evidenced by the salt-laden menus of pubs and beer
halls throughout the world. Think about how the crunchy salt crystals on the
outside of a soft pretzel are delightfully cleansed on the palate by a swig of cool

Can be quite a trick to match with food. But good, balanced hoppy beers turn out to
be great with foods that feature one of the other four tastes in an equally big way.

Bitterness is brought into check by highly acidic foods and umami especially well,
and a little sweetness and saltiness in a dish will alleviate some of the sting. In
spicy dishes, hoppy, bitter beers first cool the palate, but can sometimes finish in a
five-alarm fire and other times highlight the heat in a desirable way.

Umami is a taste perception that is difficult to describe. Salt in particular is the
crutch of umami, but that’s a rarity in beer (just season your food well). So, we
have sour, bitter, and sweet to work with—pretty much the big three of flavor
foundations that you do find in beer, making foods high in umami the easiest beer
pairings of all.

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