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‘TERMS PERTAINING TO THE BODY AS A WHOLE 59 QUI Remember to check your answers carefully with the Answers to Exercises, page 64. © Tre listed terms are parts of a cell. Match each term with its correct meaning. cell membrane DNA mitochondria chromosomes endoplasmic reticulum nucleus cytoplasm genes 1. material of the cell located outside the nucleus and yet enclosed by the cell membrane .. regions of DNA within each chromosome Nes small sausage-shaped structures that are the principal source of energy for the cell nastocuond rea) 4, network of canals within the cytoplasm; the site of protein synthesis CALOPIAS W lorenwluw 5, structure that surrounds and protects the cell C2LL_ em bya 6. control center ofthe cell, containing chromosomes _1ALC.LE.VS 7. 8 er '. chemical found within each chromosome . rod-shaped structures in the nucleus that contain regions called genes C hromaosowmes —. © Use medical terms or numbers to complete the following sentences. [Apicture of chromosomes in the nucleus ofa cell is aan _K curry oty pl. : ‘The number of chromosomes in a normal male's muscle cell is €/ (2 {23 0 airs). ‘The number of chromosomes in a female's egg cellis _23 : ‘The process of building up proteins in a cell is (2. atolooym Complex nutrients are broken down to similar substances and energy is released cataknlien ‘The total ofthe chemical processes inacellis WACt@boUsra scientist who studies tissues isafan 140s tL gist : ‘The medical term for internal organs is AAS : Sr ener ener 60 TERMS PERTAINING TO THE BODY AS A WHOLE @© Match each of the listed body parts or tissues with its correct description below. adipose tissue pharynx trachea cartilage pituitary gland ureter epithelial tissue pleura urethra larynx thyroid gland uterus 1. voice box lawy nx membrane surrounding the lungs 224A 3. throat __Pharuny 4. tube from the kidney to the urinary bladder __AAI-& tr 5. collection of fat cells pis SS 6, endocrine ongan located at the base of the brain /2/ TLL EQ A 7. windpipe TVA CLG. 8, flexible connective tissue attached to bones at joints CO lage 9. a glanc. 10. endocrine gland surrounding the windpipe in the neck Li skin cells that cover the outside ofthe body and line internal organs 22/10 (wal tassve 11. womb 12, tube leading from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body A retaree © Name the five cavities of the body. . cavity surrounded by the skal _CMLAL ree —C 3. cavity below the chest containing the stomach, liver, and gallbladder (4 haw nal ke : 5 cavity surrounded by the hip bones [AMC cavity surrounded by the bones of the back __SPiMAL @ Sclect from the following to define the terms listed on the next page. space surrounding each lung @ space between the lungs “2- muscle separating the abdominal and thoracic cavities / membrane surrounding the abdominal organs area below the umbilicus (as well as below the stomach) 2 area above the stomach // area of the navel / O. areas near the groin nervous tissue within the spinal cavity 3 bony tissue surrounding the spinal cavity pad of cartilage between two adjoining vertebrae S” ‘TERMS PERTAINING TO THE BODY ASA WHOLE — 61 hypogastric region AULA belo W, the yrbt UUs i. 2. mediastinum SPACE beeen te (AMOS 3. spinaleord HOCUS Kssue Wittin Me spinal cee 4. diaphragm HVNG Me vayal ang 5. intervertebral disk pad-De Lactilige Webi iain adjoinedg i 6. pleural cavity S02CE surrnding tach Uwsng 7. spinal column ve n wViat i 8. inguinal regions in 9 peritoneum Mebane wurdvnding Me abdominal organ 10. umbilical region ALLA OF ME Wave 11. epigastric region ce hove Me stomach, @ Name the five divisions of the back. . region of the neck word . region of the chest {VIQIAML region ofthe waist _ dhe a ere————C—“‘“‘_ oy 5. region ofthe tailbone COCLYGLL t. © Give the meanings of the following abbreviations. 1a LEFF (awel gucdenyrt/ OF Hae ation! wopelvic ca4 uty) 2. 1s-si bet Ti ue bt ' VS SL a.c3-cs between He Hird and Fourth (ovr cal vertebrae, “hh sna cight Lower quadrant oF Hie abolowiinop Llc couct © Give the opposites of the following terms. 1. deep eupeciupl a. media LOLOL 2. proximal asta. 5. dora Ae itral [ontenor) 3. supine _PYDVIE. 6. superior inkervor (caudal). Penne 62 TERMS PERTAINING TO THE BODY AS A WHOLE @ Select from the following medical terms to complete the sentences below. distal midsagittal transverse (axial) frontal (coronal) proximal vertebra inferior (caudal) superior (cephalic) vertebrae lateral The kidney ties ZICLYTAL- to the spinal cord. (Hint to the side of tre LUQ, LLQ) of the abdominopelvic cavity and the spleen is in the (RUQ,(LUQ) RLQ). i 3. When a gynecologist performs a pelvic examination, the patient lies on her back in the (ventral, medial) lithotomy position (Figure 2-19). ra -d of pain in the area surrounding her navel. The doctor described the pain as 4. Si Geumbliesenznoue hypogastric). 5. After sampling the fluid surrounding her 16-week-old fetus and reviewing the chromosomal picture, the doctor explained to Mrs. Jones that the fetu somy 21. The diagnosis was made by analysis of an abnormal (urine sample, x-ray film, a > 6. The (spinal, sagittal, @bdominal) cavity contains digestive organs. 7. The emergency department physician suspected appendicitis when Brandon was admitted with sharp (LLQ(RLQ) RUQ) pain. FIGURE 2-19 Dorsal lithotomy position. Lithotomy means incision to remove a stone (littvo « stone). This Position is ured for gynecologic examinations and for removal of stones from the urinary tract, 64 TERMS PERTAINING TO THE BODY AS A WHOLE 8. Susan had hiccups after rapidly eating spicy Indian food. Her physician explained that the hiccups were involuntary contractions or spasms of the (umbilicus/diaphragm) mediastinum) resulting in uncontrolled breathing in of air. 9. Everyone in the society pages was noticeably slimmer this year. Could the popularity of liposuction surgery to remove unwanted (cartilage, epithelial tissue, have something to do with this phenomenon? 10. Maria's coughing and sneezing were a result of an allergy to animal dander that affected her cardiovascular, urinary) system. 11. While ice skating, Natalie fell and landed on her buttocks. She had persistent (cervical, thoracic, coccygeal)\pain for a few weeks but no broken bones on x-ray examination.

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