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Yoga task list at Mahata (monthly)

1. Accrued PB1, SC, LB, SW at the end of month

2. Accrued PPh Final 4(2) PP 55 = 0.5% at the end of month

3. Accrued PPh 21, PPh 23, VAT (if any), PPh 4(2) non Omzet (if any)

4. Jurnal balik/paid Accrued Pajak

5. Jurnal Payroll, BPJS + Paid dkk

6. Jurnal Depresiasi FA + OE, Amortisasi Prepaid Sewa lahan + Insurance

7. Acknowledge + update asset list (jurnal posting di Ayu)

8. Penambahan/update status + gaji tenaga kerja utk payroll

9. Accrued overhead (listrik)

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