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Final Grant Proposal

Students Name

University of Minnesota



Healthcare is a fundamental human right, and access to eminent healthcare amenities is

vital for the well-being of people, families, and communities. Unfortunately, the healthcare

system in the United States faces several challenges that hinder access to quality care for many

Americans. One urgent issue that requires national, state, or local attention is the lack of access

to mental health services for underserved populations.

Studies indicate that one in seven adults in America suffers from mental illness in any

given year, and half of all lifetime cases begin by age 14 (Ayoola & Camacho, 2020). Despite

the increased occurrence of mental health illnesses, access to mental health services is limited,

particularly for underserved populations such as racial and ethnic subgroups, marginalized

families, and rural populations. This lack of access to care leads to adverse outcomes, including

untreated mental health disorders, increased healthcare costs, and reduced quality of life.

This grant proposal aims to develop a plan to increase access to mental health services for

underserved populations in our community to address this issue. The primary target audience for

this proposal is individuals and families in underserved communities who experience mental

health disorders and lack access to quality care. We aim to ensure these individuals receive the

care and support they need to achieve better mental health outcomes and quality of life.

The grant application for this proposal is our community mental health center, which has

a proven track record of giving quality mental health amenities to the community. We plan to use

the grant funds to expand our psychological health services to underserved populations and

implement community-based mental health programs to offer inclusive psychological health care

to individuals and families in need.

Our general plan to address this issue is to cultivate a community-based mental health

platform offering inclusive mental health amenities to underserved populations. This program

will include screening and assessment, personal and group therapy, case controlling, medication

supervision, and peer sustenance services. We will also partner with community organizations

and other healthcare providers to provide a continuum of care and ensure that individuals receive

comprehensive, coordinated care.

This proposal aims to improve mental health outcomes and reduce healthcare costs for

underserved populations by increasing access to quality mental health services. By expanding

our psychological health services and implementing a community-based mental health platform,

we expect to improve the mental health outcomes of underserved populations, reduce healthcare

costs associated with untreated mental illness, and progress the overall life quality for individuals

and families in our community.

Budget Overview.

To implement our plan, we are requesting a grant of $100,000. The funds will be used to

cover the following expenses:

1. Staffing: We plan to hire additional rational health experts, including psychoanalysts,

psychologists, qualified clinical social personnel, and case managers, to expand our

mental health services and implement the community-based mental health program.

2. Equipment and supplies: We must purchase additional gear, including computers,

furniture, and office supplies, to support the expanded mental health services and the

social-based mental health platform.

3. Training and development: We will offer continuous training and development openings

to our employees to certify they are fortified with the required skills and knowledge to

deliver quality mental health services to underserved populations.


4. Program development and implementation: We must develop and implement the

community-based psychological health platform, including screening and valuation,

personal and collective therapy, case management, medication management, and peer

sustenance services. We believe this grant will enable us to expand our mental health

amenities and implement a community-based mental health program to provide

comprehensive mental health care to underserved populations. By providing access to

quality mental health services, we expect to progress mental health results, lessen

healthcare expenditures, and advance the general life quality for persons and families in

our community.


Addressing Mental Health Disparities among Underserved Populations in the United

States: A Social Determinants of Health Framework. International Journal of

Environmental Research and Public Health.

The article presents a strategy for addressing the inequities in mental health that exist

among underprivileged communities in the United States. The authors point out that the social

variables of health, such as healthcare coverage, social and communal context, economic

security, and educational attainment, all affect the outcomes of mental health. Also, the article

suggests policies that focus on the socioeconomic determinants of health and community-based

initiatives to alleviate these discrepancies. Overall, this site offers insightful information about

the factors that influence social well-being and offers workable strategies to reduce gaps in

underprivileged communities.

The impact of mental illness stigma on seeking and participating in mental health care.

Psychology, Health & Medicine.

This peer-reviewed study investigates how stigma affects receiving and taking part in

mental health treatment. The author looks at how the stigma around mental illness can result in

prejudice, social alienation, as well as self-stigma, all of which can keep people from getting the

care they require. The essay also looks at methods for eliminating stigma, like raising public

knowledge and encouraging interaction with those who are suffering from mental illness. This

publication offers crucial insights into the obstacles that stand in the way of people getting the

mental health care they need and emphasizes the significance of combating stigma in programs

for mental health.

National trends in mental health care visits and treatment among adults in the United

States from 2008 to 2018. JAMA psychiatry.

This peer-reviewed article analyzes patterns in adult treatment for psychological

disorders and visitation among Americans from 2008 to 2018. The percentage of people who are

mentally ill who received therapy increased over the research period, while the number who only

received minimally sufficient treatment remained low, according to the authors' analysis of data

from national surveys. The research highlights the need to overcome obstacles to care in

marginalized groups by identifying discrepancies in care by racial group and poverty. This site

presents significant information on developments in the use of mental health services and

emphasizes the requirement for raising the standard and affordability of mental health services

for all people.

Patient-centered medical home membership and mental health service use among persons

with severe mental illness.


The effect of PCMH participation on the utilization of mental health services by people

with serious psychiatric illnesses is investigated in this peer-reviewed article. Greater use of

mental health services, such as medication compliance and psychotherapy, is found to be

illnesses connected with PCMH membership, according to the authors' analysis of data from a

controlled, randomly selected trial. The paper also examines the ways in which PCMHs, such as

better care collaboration as well as patient participation, may enhance mental health outcomes.

This source offers insightful information on how primary care may increase the availability of

psychological treatment.

Prevalence of depression and anxiety among bisexual people compared to gay, lesbian, and

heterosexual individuals: A systematic review and meta-analysis. General hospital


In comparison with gay, lesbian, as well as heterosexual people, the incidence of anxiety

and depressive disorders among bisexual people was evaluated in this comprehensive study and

meta-analysis. (Evans, 2019) According to the study, bisexual people experienced similar levels

of sadness and anxiety as gay and lesbian people, but at higher rates than their straight

counterparts. This study, which emphasizes the disparities in mental health that prevail among

the LGBTQ+ population, especially among bisexual people, is pertinent to the funding request.

The study offers crucial data for modifying mental health treatments to meet the particular

requirements of bisexual people.

Cultural humility: An evolving concept in medical education. Current Problems in

Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care.

The necessity of cultural humility in medical training is discussed in this article. Cultural

humility entails a readiness to reflect on oneself and pursue lifelong education about various

cultures as well as how they affect health and healthcare. The authors make the case that cultural

tolerance is crucial for delivering high-quality healthcare to a variety of groups, especially those

who have been marginalized and oppressed. As it highlights the value of cultural fluency in

delivering mental health care to underprivileged communities, this essay is pertinent to the grant

request. The essay offers suggestions for incorporating cultural humility into the provision of

mental health services.

Prevalence and risk of violence against adults with disabilities: A systematic review and

meta-analysis of observational studies.

Aggression towards individuals with disabilities was evaluated in this literature review

and conceptual, along with its frequency and risk factors. According to the study, persons with

disabilities are more likely to experience violence than adults without impairments. The research

additionally found that those who resided in institutional contexts and those who had mental

health disorders were particularly exposed to violence. In light of the elevated danger of assault

that people with mental health disorders may encounter, particularly those who belong to

marginalized populations, this study is pertinent to the funding request. This knowledge is

crucial for creating extensive mental health programs that cater to the special requirements and

difficulties faced by marginalized groups.

Racial/ethnic differences in the use of mental health services among young adults.

In this research, racial and ethnic disparities in young adults' usage of behavioral health

services were investigated. Even after adjusting for psychological health needs, the study

indicated that young individuals of Black and Hispanic descent have been less likely to seek

treatment for their mental health than teenagers of White descent. The study also discovered that

these discrepancies' causes were complicated.


Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Key substance use and

mental health indicators in the United States: Results from the 2017 National Survey on

Drug Use and Health. Retrieved from.

Vital information on the use of drugs and mental disorders in the U. S. is included in this

publication from the Substances Abuse as well as the Mental Health Department Of health. It

draws attention to the incidence of psychological disorders across a range of demographic groups

and stresses the need for marginalized individuals to have better chances of receiving

psychological treatments. The need for early detection and treatment of mental health concerns is

also emphasized in the paper.

National Alliance on Mental Illness. (2021). Multicultural mental health facts. Retrieved


This National Coalition on Mental Disorders page offers a selection of data and facts

about mental health and marginalized groups. It contains statistics regarding the incidence of

mental disease across different racial as well as geographic groups as well as insights into the

difficulties in obtaining psychological care. The resource also stresses the value of providing care

that is culturally sensitive and the demand for services related to mental health that are

specifically adapted to the requirements of various groups.


Discussion of the Problem.

The context of our project is the community's underserved populations' lack of access to

mental health services. According to recent studies, one in every seven adults in America suffers

from mental illness each year, with half of all lifetime cases beginning before the age of 14.

(Ayoola & Camacho, 2020). Despite the rising prevalence of mental illnesses, access to mental

health services remains limited, particularly for underserved populations such as racial and

ethnic subgroups, marginalized families, and rural populations. This lack of access to care has

negative consequences, such as untreated mental health disorders, increased healthcare costs, and

a lower quality of life.

This project is significant because it has the potential to significantly improve the mental

health outcomes of underserved populations, lower healthcare costs associated with untreated

mental illness, and improve the overall quality of life for individuals and families in our

community. Access to mental health services has been shown in studies to reduce the risk of

negative outcomes such as suicidal ideation, homelessness, and substance abuse (Evans, 2019).

This project's implementation will also provide an opportunity to reduce mental illness stigma

and begin to bridge the gap between underserved communities and quality mental health care.

Besides that, research has demonstrated the importance of culturally competent and

patient-centered approaches to mental health care, especially for marginalized communities

(Cultural Humility, 2021). It is critical that we address the mental health disparities that exist in

underserved communities and provide accessible, affordable, and high-quality care. This project

will help to achieve these objectives while also improving the lives of underserved populations.

Proposal Goals and Benchmarks

The goal of this project is to improve mental health outcomes and reduce healthcare costs by

increasing access to mental health services for underserved populations in our community. This

will be accomplished by expanding our mental health services and establishing a community-

based mental health platform to provide comprehensive mental health care to individuals and

families in need.

Our benchmarks for measuring progress toward this goal will include the following:

1. Increasing by at least 10% the number of mental health services provided by our center to

underserved populations in the first year.

2. Increasing by at least 15% the number of mental health screenings provided by our center

to underserved populations in the first year.

3. Increasing by at least 20% the number of mental health assessments and evaluations

provided by our center to underserved populations in the first year.

4. Increasing the number of underserved individuals and families receiving mental health

services from our center by at least 25% in the first year.

5. Reducing untreated mental illness-related healthcare costs by at least 20% in the first


6. Improving the mental health outcomes and quality of life of our community's

underserved individuals and families by at least 10% in the first year.


Our strategy for addressing this issue includes developing a community-based mental

health platform that provides inclusive mental health services to underserved populations. This

program will include screening and assessment, individual and group therapy, case management,

medication supervision, and peer support. In addition, we will collaborate with community

organizations and other healthcare providers to provide a continuum of care and to ensure that

individuals receive comprehensive, coordinated care.


We intend to hire additional mental health experts, such as psychoanalysts, psychologists,

qualified clinical social personnel, and case managers, to expand our mental health services and

implement the community-based mental health program in order to carry out this plan. We also

need to buy more equipment, such as computers, furniture, and office supplies. Furthermore, we

will provide our employees with ongoing training and development opportunities to ensure they

have the skills and knowledge needed to provide quality mental health services to underserved

populations. We will develop and implement a community-based mental health platform, which

will include screening and assessment, personal and group therapy, case management,

medication management, and peer support services, as part of our strategy.

This plan will be carried out over a two-year period. We will focus on increasing access to

mental health services in the first year by hiring additional staff, purchasing equipment, and

training and developing our current staff. We will spend the second year developing and

implementing the community-based mental health platform, as well as collaborating with

community organizations and other healthcare providers.

We believe that by implementing a community-based mental health program and

expanding our mental health amenities, we will be able to provide comprehensive mental health

care to underserved populations. We expect to improve mental health outcomes, reduce

healthcare costs associated with untreated mental illness, and improve the overall quality of life

for individuals and families in our community by providing access to quality mental health



To assess the success of our proposal, we plan to collect and analyze data on the

benchmarks we have established, such as increasing the number of mental health services

provided by our center to underserved populations, increasing the number of mental health

screenings and assessments provided, increasing the number of individuals and families in

underserved populations receiving mental health services, and decreasing healthcare costs

associated with untreated mental illness.

This information will be gathered through surveys and interviews with our staff, patients,

and their families, as well as administrative data collection. This information will be analyzed on

an ongoing basis to track progress and determine our success in meeting our goals. If we are not

meeting our benchmarks, we will adjust our strategy and focus on the areas where we are not

meeting our objectives. We will also adjust our timeline to ensure that we meet our objectives

within the two-year time frame. Finally, we believe that using this program to assess the success

of our proposal will allow us to accurately assess our progress and modify our plan as needed to

ensure we are meeting our objectives.


We are requesting a $100,000 grant to carry out our plan. The funds will be used to pay

for the following items:

1. Staffing: To expand our mental health services and implement the community-based

mental health program, we intend to hire additional mental health experts, such as

psychoanalysts, psychologists, qualified clinical social personnel, and case managers. We

anticipate that this will require approximately $50,000.

2. Equipment and supplies: To support the expanded mental health services and the

community-based mental health platform, we will need to purchase additional equipment


such as computers, furniture, and office supplies. We estimate that this will cost around

$25,000 to complete.

3. Training and development: We will provide our employees with ongoing training and

development opportunities to ensure they have the skills and knowledge needed to

provide quality mental health services to underserved populations. We anticipate that this

will require approximately $15,000.

4. Program development and implementation: We must create and implement a community-

based mental health platform that includes screening and assessment, individual and

group therapy, case management, medication management, and peer counseling support

services. We anticipate that this will cost around $10,000.

This budget, we believe, will allow us to expand our mental health amenities and

implement a community-based mental health program in order to provide comprehensive mental

health care to underserved populations. We expect to improve mental health outcomes by

increasing access to high-quality mental health services.


Ayoola, A., & Camacho, M. (2020). Addressing Mental Health Disparities among Underserved

Populations in the United States:

Evans, K. (2019). Psychology, Health & Medicine, 22(6), 635


JAMA psychiatry, 78(2), 123-133. National trends in mental health care visits and treatment

among adults in the United States from 2008 to 2018. JAMA psychiatry.

Jones, L., Bellis, M. A., Wood, S., Hughes, K., McCoy, E., Eckley, L., & Bates, G. (2013).

Journal of Sex Research, 55(4-5), 435-456.

Mathew, C. T., & Kposowa, A. J. (2019). Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research,

46(2), 168-183.

Mojtabai, R., & Olfson, M. (2021). Psychology, Health & Medicine, 22(6), 635-

648. Alliance on Mental Illness.



Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2018).


Vaughn, L. M., & Jacquez, F. (2019). (2018).


Yarborough, B. J., Stumbo, S. P., Yarborough, M. T., Janoff, S. L., Stevens, V. J., Kohler,

L.N.,... & Green, C. A. (2018) General hospital psychiatry, 53, 83-89. Mental Health Grant Proposal 12

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