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// while (condition)

// {
// System.Console.Write("====== Dice Game ======\ntype 'Start' or 'S' to roll
the dice: ");
// string startRoll = Console.ReadLine()!;

// if (!(startRoll.Equals("Start", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ||
startRoll.Equals("S", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)))
// {
// System.Console.WriteLine("Invalid Key provided");
// condition = true;
// }
// else
// {
// Random random = new();
// int dice0ne = random.Next(1, 7);
// int diceTwo = random.Next(1, 7);
// int diceThree = random.Next(1, 7);
// totalPoint = dice0ne + diceTwo + diceThree;

// Console.WriteLine($"Dice one {dice0ne} \t Dice Two {diceTwo}\tDice Three


// // check to see if three faces of a die is equal

// if (dice0ne == diceTwo && diceTwo == diceThree)
// {
// Console.WriteLine("You scored a bonus point of 6");
// totalPoint += TRIPLEPOINT;
// System.Console.WriteLine($"Total score: {totalPoint}");
// }
// // Check to see if two die is equal
// else if (dice0ne == diceTwo || diceTwo == diceThree || dice0ne == diceThree)
// {
// System.Console.WriteLine("You scored a bonus point of 2");
// totalPoint += DOUBLEPOINT;
// System.Console.WriteLine($"Total score: {totalPoint}");
// }
// else
// {
// System.Console.WriteLine($"Total score: {totalPoint}");

// }
// // ======= PRIZES =======
// if (totalPoint >= 10 && totalPoint <= 13)
// {
// System.Console.WriteLine("Congratulations!!! :)\nYou get a balloon");
// // System.Console.WriteLine($"Total score: {totalPoint}");
// }
// else if (totalPoint >= 14 && totalPoint <= 16)
// {
// System.Console.WriteLine("Congratulations!!! (:)(\nYou get an
// }
// else if (totalPoint == 17)
// {
// System.Console.WriteLine("Congratulations!!! (:)(\nYou get a 5000mah
power bank");
// }
// else if (totalPoint == LUCKYNUMBER)
// {
// System.Console.WriteLine("Congratulations!!!\nYou rolled the lucky
// System.Console.WriteLine("You win a Samsung A24");
// }
// else if (totalPoint >= 18 && totalPoint <= 20)
// {
// System.Console.WriteLine("Congratulations!!! :)\nYou win a Sliver bird
Cinema Ticket");
// }

// else if (totalPoint >= 22 && totalPoint <= 24)

// {
// System.Console.WriteLine("Congratulations!!! :)\nYou win all gifts");
// }
// // ====== You did not recieve any prize
// else
// {
// System.Console.WriteLine("Sorry try again");
// }
// System.Console.Write("Do you want to play again type 1 to continue or 2 to
end: ");

// int userChoice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine()!);

// if (userChoice == 1)
// {
// condition = true;
// }
// else
// {
// System.Console.WriteLine("Exited Successfully");
// condition = false;
// }

// }

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