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Activity Sheet 12 Lesson 12 Birthday Fun

A. What did they do? Choose and write.

a cut b watched c baked d opened

e ate f made g invited h blew out

1 2 3 4

1 She _____________ a birthday cake. 2 He ____________ a birthday banner.

3 He ____________________ his friends. 4 He __________________ the candles.

5 6 7 8

5 He _____________________ the cake. 6 He __________________ the presents.

7 They ___________________ the cake. 8 They _______________ a magic show.

B. What did you do on your last birthday? Draw and write.

(Draw your picture here.)



Instructions A. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.

B. Draw and write what you did on your last birthday.

ⓒ 2013 Photocopiable 129

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