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I am Hikmah Sri Ayu lestari. for S28 News.

A video parody of Aiya Susanti's song in the Upin Ipin animated series went viral on TikTok
social media after being uploaded by @dalzmusic. This parody has been watched millions of
times, inviting positive comments from netizens. The behavior of the two actors in the parody
video is considered funny.
Both of them parody the Upin Ipin soundtrack while spinning in a classroom. One of the actors
is blindfolded. While another sings, holding a tool and pulling his friend.
After being traced, this viral parody video was apparently played by two 12th grade students of
SMA Negeri 2 Singaparna, Tasikmalaya Regency, West Java. The two actors were named Rizki
Moralles and Yopi Febrian.
Met by detikjabar Friday morning, Rizki and Yopi admitted that they were only on a whim to
make a parody of the Upin Ipin sondtrack song. Both of them intend to make a memento video
because in three months they will graduate from SMA Negeri 2 Singaparna. Worried that the
video would be lost, both of them uploaded it to their TikTok account.
The teachers also appreciate student activities that have a positive impact on the school. The
school provides support for student creativity and provides guidance to stay within the corridor.
This video “Aiya Susanti” only one of millions others videos which are becoming viral.
now lets talk about Viral Videos.

What makes a video go viral on social media? When it is called viral?

Generally, posts with 100,000+ likes or views and 1,000+ comments are considered to be viral.
A video goes viral by quickly amassing millions of views due to social media users sharing it
with their friends and/or followers. And the more people share, the higher the number of

Video “Aiya Susanti” by Rizki and Yopi only one examples of videos that becoming viral
indeliberately it was for sheer purposes only, like in 2010 where Norman Kamaru and Shinta
Jojo went viral through their lip sync song in youtube, then they immediately went viral after
their videos were watched by many people.
However, nowadays, Alif Cepmek and Fajar Sadboy can become viral because they apply
personal branding on social media. The virality of these people is inseparable from us as
netizens who often talk about them.
We often share Alif's posts, or talk about Fajar on Social Media, this is what makes them
successful on social media.
If no one is talking about, or sharing their content, will they be able to go viral quickly? Certainly
This fast viral phenomenon will also usually make them fade quickly too. Like the example of
Jeje and Bonge, which started to fade after Citayam Fashion Week was disbanded.
So, the key to maintaining that popularity is to create consistent content.
If someone goes viral because of their talent and work, they have to make more work to keep
them viral, but, if someone goes viral because of a sensation, then they will continue to create
other sensations to stay viral.
We as netizens have an important role to make these people viral. Want to make achievers
viral, or people with sensations? also a decision to make or upload a video, think first whether it
is useful or not.
Thank you for watching S28 News. I am Hikmah Sri Ayu lestari. See you.

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