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Comparative statement of proposed distribution of asset

STAKEHOLDERS Land AMOUNT Asset VALUE Loan AMOUNT Loan/asset ratio BOOK VALUE BOOK VALUE/ASSET loss in 2020 loss/liability ratio
Noman 222 1800 3351 1.862 1,362 75.67% 57.86 0.017
Zaber 264 2031 3205 1.578 653 32.15% 148.33 0.046
zubair 219 1377 2610 1.895 408 29.63% 50.19 0.019
Talha 243 1884 1218 0.646 828 43.95% -273 -0.224

Noman vai is given two profit making concern NFPL and NWML.

Zaber is given three profit making concern like (TTPL, STML, NFFL), from the 148loss 99 is from fashion.
BUT SSTML and TTPL was initially given to me,why it is taken back.

Talha is given 5 profit making concern.

Whereas i am given only one profit making concern which is dependent on others and where the price is
set by you but in case of competition this price might not be accepted by my buyer.

2. The amount of land is also the lowest for me, and the loan asset ratio is the highest for me.

3. If you check the book value, my asset value is at least 250 crore lesser than any of my brothers , u can
argue that my asset value is lower, but if u check out the book value/asset ratio my value is the lowest

4. If u check out the loss/liability ratio I am in the second position which means my companies are
having more risk than my other two brothers.

5. Regarding product mix I am given only one processing factory (which is loss incurring till date),
whereas all of my brothers are given at least two( two for noman bhai, three for each of other two).

So I can conclude that this is a discriminative distribution of asset, in other words its zulm on me.
Please redistribute them otherwise I will not accept it.

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