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Computer Dot Com

A complete computer education

Under W.B. Gov registerd
Name __________________________ Date _________ A/c ________
Unit – I [ State True / False ] any 5 5x3=15
1. Computer Virus is Program
2. The first computer virus was “EKL CLONER”
3. Firewall can be implemented in both Hardware and software
4. Norton is a Dangerous Virus of Computer
5. You can use antivirus to remove virus from computer
6. E-mail virus spade through email
7. Quick Heal is an example of Antivirus

Unit – II [ Fill the blanks ] 5x4=20

1. Example of virus is ______________________
2. Example of antivirus is ____________________
3. Example of polymorphic virus is ______________
4. Example of Program virus is __________________
5. Example of micro virus is ____________________

Unit – III [ Write the answer ] any 2 2x7.5=15

1. What is Trojan horse
2. What is the process to spread virus
3. What is the working of boot sector virus
4. What is antivirus ?

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