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A brief introduction to the Bachelor of Chemical and Process Engineering;

Chemical engineering is a multi-disciplinary branch of engineering that combines natural and

experimental sciences such as chemistry and physics along with life sciences such as biology,
microbiology and biochemistry plus mathematics and economics to design, develop, produce,
transform, transport, operate and manage the industrial processes that turn raw materials into valuable
products. It is the analysis or design of chemical processes to effectively convert materials into more
useful materials or into energy.

Bachelor of science in Chemical and Process engineering is offered at Kyambogo university at

undergraduate under the faculty of engineering and department of mining, chemical and petroleum
engineering taking a duration of four years and with the program code CHD for day students and CHE for
evening students. Cut off points are 34.2 for day students and 28.7 for evening students.

While at Kyambogo University pursuing a bachelor’s degree in chemical and process engineering, it will
automatically qualify you to be part of the Association of Chemical Engineering Students (ACES) which
brings all the chemical engineering students together and organizes various activities to better equip the
students such as seminars, workshops, career guidance talks, galas, trips and so much more.

Entry Requirements.

Direct entry

 A candidate shall be deemed eligible for consideration if he/she has two principle passes at
A’level obtained at the same sitting in Chemistry, Physics or mathematics.

Diploma entry

 Ordinary diploma in science technology Chemistry.

 Diploma education secondary in Chemistry.

Training Methodology.

Lecture sessions are conducted by top of the class lecturers through online sessions and face to face
sessions all planned and communicated earlier per the semester timetable.

Students are assigned individual or group assignments, practicals and projects which contribute to your
final grade which gives an all-round assessment of a student’s performance.


Chemical engineers are responsible for the design and maintenance of production plants and equipment
that perform this work. Chemical engineer’s jobs can also include manufacturing and operation of
machinery and plants as well as related processes in the chemical industry.
In addition, a chemical engineer’s tasks can include research and analysis of new products from trial and
testing stage to commercialization. Chemical engineers typically manage the manufacturing processes
and recommend modifications to existing plants or design new ones. They ensure that the process plant
runs smoothly and efficiently, and they adapt the machinery to the product line when necessary. They
analyze processes in plants, identify opportunities for optimization, recommend and implement the

Fields in which a chemical engineer can work are;

 Oil and gas

 Energy
 Consumer goods
 Pharmaceuticals
 Health and safety.

In these various fields a chemical engineer can work as a process in charge, health and safety officer,
project development manager, quality manager among many other roles.

I therefore take this opportunity to welcome you to the limitless world of opportunities that is chemical
engineering and wish you a fruitful stay at Kyambogo University.

Yours faithfully,

Nalumu Jenipher Mbatidde.

President ACES, 2023

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