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NextGen ePay Core Deployment Process

Date Version Author Notes

05-11-2023 1.0 Narender Ramadheni First draft

1. Overview.............................................................................................................................................2
2. Docker Deployment Process................................................................................................................2
2.1.1. Prerequisites........................................................................................................................2
2.1.2. Installing Docker software...................................................................................................2
2.1.3. Building Docker Image from project code base...................................................................2
2.1.4. Upload the Docker image to NextGen system via FTP.........................................................2
2.1.5. Install the Docker Image on NextGen system......................................................................3
2.1.6. Test the NextGen ePay Site..................................................................................................3
1. Overview
This document will be describing the process of deploying the ePay core builds to Docker on
Linux machine.

2. Docker Deployment Process

2.1.1. Prerequisites
Need to have access to Linux machine with proper access role.

2.1.2. Installing Docker software.

Need to execute the following command to install the docker onto Linux machine and run
as service so that it will resume even if the system restarts.

1. sudo yum update

2. sudo yum search docker
3. sudo yum info docker
4. sudo yum install docker
5. sudo usermod -a -G docker <UserName>(ex: ec2-user)
6. newgrp docker
7. sudo systemctl enable docker.service
8. sudo systemctl start docker.service
9. sudo systemctl status docker.service

2.1.3. Building Docker Image from project code base.

1. Navigate to project base folder “epaycore”

2. Run below command build the epaycore project based on the docker file. Here 1.0.0 is
a build number which needs to be different for each deployment.
docker build -t nextgenepaycore:1.0.0 .

3. Save the generated docker image file to local store as below.

docker save -o D:\CNBS\NextGen\nextgenepaycore.1.0.0.tar nextgenepaycore:1.0.0

2.1.4. Upload the Docker image to NextGen system via FTP.

1. Open FileZilla and connect to NextGen server.
2. Upload the newly created docker build image file to Nextgen system.
2.1.5. Install the Docker Image on NextGen system.
1. Open FileZilla and connect to NextGen server.
2. Navigate to the local folder where we have Nextgen docker image file and upload to
the Nextgen system home folder.
3. Login to Nextgen folder via SSH
4. Load the new docker image file.
docker load -i nextgenepaycore.1.0.0.tar

5. Stop the running docker Container.

docker stop ae040780e853(container ID)

6. Delete the container if not needed.

docker rm ae040780e853(container ID)

7. Run the container with new Image.

docker container run -d -p 80:80 epaycore:1.0.0

2.1.6. Test the NextGen ePay Site.

1. Browse the site via
2. Login with a user credential and do smote test.

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