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THE USBORNE BEGINNER'S SPANISH DICTIONARY BEGINNER'S | SPANISH — DICTIONARY Helen Davies Illustrated by John Shackell | Designed by Brian Robertson Edited by Nicole Irving Language consultants: Jane Straker and Gloria Brass Handlettering by Jack Potter Additional designs by Kim Blundell Editorial help from Anita Ganeri -Contents Using this book Meeting people Families Appearance and personality Your body Houses and homes Dining room and living room In the kitchen In the garden Pets Getting up Clothes Going to bed Eating and drinking Buying food Pastimes Going out At the zoo and in the park In the city Shopping At the post office and bank Phonecalls and letters Out and about Driving Travelling by train Travelling by plane and boat Vacations In the countryside On the farm At work Illness and health School and education Shapes and sizes Numbers Sport Celebrations Days and dates Time Weather and seasons World and universe Politics Describing things Colors In, on, under ... Action words Grammar hints Phrase explainer English-Spanish word list Using this book This book contains over 2,000 useful Spanish words, with pictures to help you remember them. To help you identify words, nouns (naming words) are printed in roman lettering (el libro , book) and verbs (doing words), adjectives (describing words) and phrases in italics ( grande , big). Nouns Spanish nouns are either masculine or feminine (this is called their gender). The Spanish word for “the” shows which gender a noun is. “The” is el when the word is masculine and la when it is feminine. In the plural el becomes los and la becomes las. Sometimes the following abbreviations are also used: (f) feminine, (m) masculine, (s) singular and (pl) plural. In Spanish, nouns that describe what people do or what they are (e.g. dancer) often have a masculine and a feminine form. When they appear in the illustrated section of the book only the form which matches the picture is given, but both masculine and feminine forms are given in the alphabetical word list at the back. Spanish words often have a mark over one of the vowels (e.g. el balcén). This is called a stress mark and shows that you should emphasize that part of the word. You can find out more about pronouncing Spanish words at the beginning of the word list on page 109. Adjectives Adjectives in Spanish change their ending depending on whether the noun they are describing is masculine or feminine. Most adjectives end ino in the masculine and the ochanges toa in the feminine. In the pictures the adjective matches the noun illustrated. However it is useful to learn both masculine and feminine forms, so both are given in the word box. When you see only one form, it means the masculine and feminine are the same. Verbs Throughout the book verbs appear in the infinitive (“to hide, to look for’’ in English). In Spanish, infinitives end in either ar, er or ir, You can find out how to use verbs on page 98 and there is a list of irregular verbs on page 103. buscar LY Meeting people iHola! iAdiés! Goodbye jHasta pronto! * See you later. dar la mano to shake hands dar un beso to kiss fb eho [ ta.cmiga | to introduce friend (f) friend (m) to meet presentar la amiga el amigo encontrarse con a I a mujer el hombre la mujer el bebé el nino la nina Muy bien, Igracias! Qué tal? Muy bien, jgracias! How are you? Very well, thank you *You can find the literal meaning of phrases and expressions in the Phrase explainer section on pages 106-9. charlar Si No De acuerdo. decir echarse a reir Pilar RUIZ ® el apellido p te llamas? 7 el nombre el nombre de pila el apellido =| sComo te llamas? | Me lame diecinueve atios. = 3Cuantos Tengo diecinueve afios. pequefio(a) \a age How old are you? mayor que I'm nineteen. més pequefio(a) que young la misma edad first name surname What's your name? My name is... His name i older than younger than the same age Families la familia el padre la madre el hermano la hermana el abuelo r fa, #4 _!a abuela family grandmother father la tia aunt mother el tio uncle brother la prima cousin (f) sister el primo cousin (m) grandfather | zh 2 - {i 2! sobrino |\<¥ = 5 tenerle carifio a to be related la nieta son tenerle carifio a daughter to bring up grandson la sobrina granddaughter to be fond of el sobrino nephew la sobrina niece el nacimiento nacer la nifiez el casamiento casarse Ses birth to be born childhood marriage to get married el marido querer a to love la ninez la mujer wife el marido husband los padres parents los hijos children los gemelos twin brothers el hijo unico only son = a) FA el casamiento Lh el entierro wedding trabajar to work la vejez old age la muerte death morirse to die el entierro funeral Appearance and personality H\ bonito(a) pretty guapo(a) handsome fuerte strong débil weak flaco(a) delgado(a) do(a) triste bien educado(a) polite mal educado(a) rude generoso(a) generous tonto(a) silly retraido(a) shy amistoso(a) friendly gracioso(a) funny alegre cheerful triste miserable ia fruncir la tez complexion tener barba to have a beard tener el pelo rubio to have blond hair _ el pelo rizado curly hair | moreno(a) dark llevar gafas to wear glasses el pelo castaiio brown hair flequillo bangs blanco(a) fair fruncir el cefio. to frown el pelo rojo red hair trenzas braids las pecas freckles to smile el pelo laso straight hair ser calvo to be bald tener bigote to have a to laugh moustache to cry Your body la cabeza el pelo hair la cara face la piel skin el ojo eye la mejilla cheek la nariz nose la oreja ear la boca mouth el diente tooth la lengua tongue el labio lip el cuello neck la barbilla tA Py _ a el pecho a ; el pulgar aw K el brazo el estémago| | el cuerpo body el hombro. shoulder el pecho chest el brazo arm el codo elbow la mano hand el dedo finger el pulgar thumb la munieca wrist la espalda back el estémago stomach la pierna leg la rodilla knee eldedodelos pies toe el pie foot el tobillo ankle el talén heel el codo 10 ser alto(a) to be tall ser bajo(a) to be short pesarse to weigh yourself ser ligero(a) to be light ser pesado(a) to be heavy el lado |) el lado izquierdo derecho elladoizquierdo left side el lado derecho right side turmbarse andar descalzo(a) ponerse de pie to stand up estar de pie to be standing arrodillarse to kneel down estar de rodillas to be kneeling tumbarse to lie down estar echado(a) to be lying down Ps sentarse to sit down [estar sentada | estar sentado(a) to be sitting down estar sentada to walk barefoot Houses and homes ii | = ~| la casa de pisos h la casa de pisos <3S | el piso | | Re eh, Es mi casa. segundo piso(m) block of apartments apartment This is where | live. second floor la puerta de entrada front door el timbre Us J tocar el timbre aes aT F el buzén el felpudo el balcon primer piso el portero venirse a vivir piso bajo see e/ timbre | el buz6n [oe cin > ADE la casa vivir en una casa la vecina la patrona mudarse el huésped el sétano doorbell to ring the bell letter box doormat balcony first floor caretaker (m) to move in MY o Lampe y dos house to live in a house neighbor (f) landlady to move out tenant (m/f) basement el humo. el tejado la chimenea el desvan la ventana la pared la puerta el retrete el dormitorio el cuarto de baiio la cocina el comedor el garaje arriba subir bajar la escalera abajo la sala de estar el s6tano smoke roof chimney attic window wall door toilet bedroom bathroom kitchen dining room garage upstairs to go upstairs to go downstairs staircase, stairs downstairs living room basement Dining room and living room In the kitchen domenn aig ane | ; la luz light i el radiador radiator la alacena la mesa table B la silla chair el suelo floor la alfombra carpet, rug la sala de estar 8), lacortina f la sala de estar living room ver la television to watch television elhorno el reloj clock el sofa sofa guisar to cook la cortina curtain la moqueta wall-to-wall carpet la cacerola saucepan el fuego fire la television television el gas gas la chimenea fireplace el video VCR (video cassette lalatadelabasura —_ waste basket el sillén armchair recorder) planchar toiron sentarse al fuego tositbythe fire la radio radio el enchufe plug leer un libro to read a book la electricidad electricity la cocina la alacena la lavadora lavar la ropa la nevera pasar la aspiradora fregar sucio(a) el fregadero secar el pafio de cocina limpio(a) kitchen cupboard washing machine to do the washing fridge to vacuum to do the dishes dirty sink to dry tea towel clean In the garden culdar el jardin cuidar el jardin to do the — gardening 4 ; el césped lawn & el sendero path el macizo flowerbed el jardinero gardener (m) el cortacésped lawnmower cortar el césped to mow the lawn la parcela de verduras vegetable patch | la tierra soil la hierba grass ie g je verduras| ‘2 : ee es las semillas el cortacés why ——— : Ls 5 TS ee om la tierra f° Es res am ie Fe tS os am Plantar el bulbo guitar los hierbajos la hierba a a] la abeja bee el tulipan tulip la mariposa butterfly la nomeolvides forget-nie-not la avispa wasp el clavel carnation picar to sting las semillas seeds Re ms 5 = oom Wanral rat s la rosa rose plantar to plant ae oe oler bien tosmell sweet el bulbo bulb NO aelt oe bonito(a) pretty, lovely quitar los hierbajos_ to weed rpes_f Leal ates — = 1 crisantemo chrysanthemum el hierbajo weed 5 el crisan el invernadero ee Pi. ey, ys el geraneo geranium CEOS ee La 5 I el arbusto oe Aa > be la carretilla el invernadero greenhouse set a la cuerda dela ropa _ clothes line leoaiata ; poe la caseta de jardin garden shed la pinza clothes pin a el desplantador| la carretilla wheelbarrow el péjaro bird ot ea ‘i. el rastrillo rake | el nido nest ; la pala spade el arbusto bush | rastrill la horquilla fork la sombra shade el rastriliO Wil la regadera watering can ez Pets me 4 “| el perro dog el canario canary el conejo rabbit | t h la tort turth a aot ae Ta perrera waa wing tajaula cage. J el pelo fur Pie el pico beak dar de comer to feed la pata paw el. cach orro =E Ja pluma feather el pez de colores goldfish juguetén playful = | el hamster hamster el raton mouse ladrar to bark { el erizo hedgehog el cuenco de cristal bow! jATENCION AL BEWARE OF THE el congjillo de Indias guinea pig PERRO! DOG perseguir to chase traer to fetch el rabo tail mover el rabo to wag its tail a grufir to growl es sacar a paseo to take for a walk — 1 — el canario posarse Se el conejillo de Indias (we Bc eA " sacar a paseo el cesto basket ronronear to purr el gatito kitten maullar to mew estirar to stretch fas la garra claw ; suave soft encantador(a) sweet maullar encantador el cuenco de cristal V4 zs = * 19 Getting up % despertarse | ee / 4 despertarse to wake up L — jBuenos dias! Good-morning frotarse los ojos to rub your eyes Sy bostezar to yawn el despertador alarm clock frotarse los ojos ss bostezar Fe be 3 e| despertador | ! =a y wo ll levantarse to get up. descorrer las cortinas to open the curtains Ja bata robe la ducha shower ducharse to have a shower lavarse el pelo to wash your hair el champu shampoo lavarse to wash, to have a wash el jabon soap el panto delacara washcloth secarse to dry yourself la toalla towel desnudo(a) naked ry cA y] la toalla to shave cl espejo mirror la afeitadora eléctrica electric shaver Ja maquinilla de afeitar razor la espuma de afeitar shaving foam — : | el agua caliente |. fria_| [el grifo | el grifo tap el agua(f)* caliente hot water el agua fria cold water ie J la pasta de dientes toothpaste el cepillo de dientes toothbrush limpiarse los dientes to clean your teeth secarse el pelo la secadora eléct f limiarse Ie Tos “dientes | 5 secarse el pelo to dry your hair la secadora eléctrica hairdrier el cepillo brush el peine comb peinarse to comb your hair cepillarse el pelo to brush your hair maguillarse cepillarse e/ ale 71h a to = on make-up el rimel mascara AZ la crema base foundation cream el perfume labarra de labios lipstick | el perfume perfume | ig because elis sometimes used 21 ormha”. Clothes el leotardo tights el sostén bra las bragas panties las enaguas half slip - los calcetines socks la camiseta undershirt la combinacién petticoat, slip los calzoncillos underpants las joyas jewelry los pendientes earrings i el prendedor brooch 4 la pulsera bracelet Z| j el reloj de pulsera watch Let la sortija ring Ce los pendientes el anillo wedding ring a : ax el collar necklace la camiseta la gorra Ger [12 butanda Pm los vaqueros vestirse to get dressed la corbata la blusa blouse el jersey sweater la falda skirt de lana woollen el vestido dress los pantalones trousers llevar to wear la camiseta T-shirt la chaqueta de punto cardigan de algodén cotton, made of los vaqueros jeans cotton la camisa shirt el mono dungarees el abrigo la gorra el sombrero el impermeable raincoat el bolsillo la bufanda scarf los guantes fa chaqueta jacket el cinturon la cremallera zipper el botén los zapatos shoes las botas las sandalias sandals Going to bed Dee 4 la hora de acostarse bedtime : acostarse to go to bed encender la luz to switch the light el pijama pajamas on 4 : el camisén nightgown estar cansado(a) to be sleepy < las zapatillas slippers poner orden to tidy up \ quitarse la ropa to get undressed leer un cuento = | |P, 5 ; poner orden \) la cancién de cuna lullaby = y A Fal TF 3 1 leer un cuento to read a story | je fa cuna crib dormirse to fall asleep 4 en iQué duermas bien! , : — Py, ne f q . , or a. la mesilla g = —— de noche a. poner el bano. to run the bath bafarse to have a bath el bano bathtub el tapén de baiio plug el albornoz bathrobe salpicar to splash laesterita de bafio —— bathmat la bascula scales iHasta manana! Good-night. lamesillade noche bedside table iQué duermasbien! Sleep well. el duvé quilt sonar to dream la cama bed dormir to sleep roncar to snore apagar to switch the light la almohada pillow off la sabana sheet la lampara lamp la colcha bedspread 26 Eating and drinking poner la mesa to set the table poner la mesa Ya esta. It's ready la cafetera coffee-pot la tetera teapot la servilleta napkin el vaso glass el taz6n bowl el plato plate la taza cup el platillo saucer el mantel tablecloth , el jaro itcher la cuchara Spoon a = el cuchillo knife el tenedor la servilleta z lates a | BY " \ iSirvete! “Ulqué aproveche! ( beter |} la acomodadora . a —_ Lee el ballet ballet la 6pera opera la butaca ; el bailarin ballet dancer(m) _el cantante singer (m) l actuar to perform famoso(a) famous [el cantancelfe 3 cantante fe Bad Aisi fameso El servicio 1 esta incluido. ir a.una sala de togotoa fiestas nightclub el dise jockey disc jockey bailar to dance la pista de baile dance floor el teatro_ _ fest a pista de baile la obra de teatro : = a = | CEL el actor theatre la obra de teatro play _ el decorado de escena scenery el restorén restaurant el postre dessert, pudding el foco spotlight q el camarero waiter la cuenta bill fa actriz actress el ment menu tEsta incluido el Is service el actor actor iQué van a tomar? = What would you servicio? included? ( la escena stage like? El ser no esté Service is not el piiblico audience pedir to order included. S i " | aplaudir to clap servir to serve la propi tip gustarle gustarle a uno to enjoy, to like Para empezar* starter la bandeja tray ;Bravo! Bravo! Splendid! el primer plato main course *Para empezar literally means “to start with”.

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