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Name: Swarup Patil Course: B.

Tech CE

SAP ID: 70022300450 ROLL NO:B-312

ASSIGNMENT GIVEN BY: Dr. Rajnish Katarane Sir

Topic :- select any one character from movie 12 angry man

and comment on it.
I have chosen the character henry fonda from the movie 12 angry man , In
the movie "12 Angry Men," Henry Fonda plays the role of Juror #8, also
known as Davis. His role is central to the film, and he serves as the
protagonist (HERO) and the moral compass of the story. I have chosen him
Doubt and Open-mindedness: Juror #8 is the first juror to express doubt
about the guilt of the young defendant accused of murder. His role is to
introduce skepticism into the jury room and challenge the initial rush to
judgment. He believes that they should thoroughly discuss the evidence
and consider the possibility of reasonable doubt before delivering a verdict.

Critical Thinking: Fonda's character plays the role of a critical thinker. He

carefully examines the evidence presented during the trial and raises
questions about its reliability and credibility. He encourages his fellow
jurors to think critically and analyze the facts objectively, rather than
relying on their preconceived notions and biases.

Leadership: Throughout the film, Juror #8 emerges as a leader among the

jurors. His role is to facilitate discussions, encourage deliberation, and
guide the group toward a more just and fair verdict. He remains calm and
composed, even in the face of opposition and hostility from some of the
other jurors.

Advocacy for Justice: Juror #8's primary role is to advocate for justice. He
believes in the importance of a fair trial and ensuring that the defendant's
fate is determined based on solid evidence and a thoughtful deliberation
process. His determination to seek the truth and achieve a just outcome
drives the narrative of the film.

Overall, Henry Fonda's role as Juror #8 in "12 Angry Men" is pivotal to the
film's exploration of themes such as prejudice, justice, and the power of
individual conscience. His character's role is to inspire the other jurors to
question their assumptions and biases and to underscore the importance of a
fair and impartial legal system. Fonda's performance in this role is celebrated
for its authenticity and its portrayal of a character who stands up for what is
right, even when facing intense pressure and opposition.

Henry Fonda's character, Juror #8, in the classic film "12 Angry Men" is a
remarkable embodiment of justice, open-mindedness, and moral courage.
Directed by Sidney Lumet and released in 1957, the film is a gripping
examination of a diverse group of jurors tasked with deciding the fate of a
young defendant accused of murder. Fonda's portrayal of Juror #8 is at the
heart of this timeless masterpiece, and his character serves as a beacon of
hope and integrity in a room filled with prejudice, haste, and narrow-
Justice and Open-mindedness
Juror #8 is the first juror to cast a "not guilty" vote when the jury initially
convenes. His decision is based on a profound sense of justice and a belief in
the importance of thoroughly discussing the evidence before making a life-
altering decision. Fonda's character displays unwavering open-mindedness,
refusing to succumb to the group's initial rush to judgment. He insists on
taking the time to carefully examine the evidence, prompting a deep
exploration of the case that forms the crux of the film's narrative.
Critical Thinking and Empathy
Henry Fonda's character is a critical thinker who challenges the assumptions
and prejudices of his fellow jurors. His thoughtfulness and analytical
approach are evident as he questions the reliability of key witnesses and the
validity of crucial pieces of evidence. He encourages the jurors to reflect on
their biases and consider alternative viewpoints, fostering meaningful
discussions that lead to a more just verdict.
Moreover, Juror #8 exhibits a profound sense of empathy and compassion
throughout the film. He reminds his fellow jurors that they hold the life of a
young man in their hands and that this responsibility should not be taken
lightly. Fonda's portrayal allows the audience to connect with the character
on an emotional level, making Juror #8 a relatable and sympathetic figure.
Leadership and Determination
Juror #8 emerges as a natural leader among the jurors. Fonda's calm and
composed demeanor, even in the face of resistance and hostility from some
jurors, sets him apart as a guiding force in the room. His ability to facilitate
meaningful discussions and steer the group toward a more just verdict is a
testament to his leadership qualities.
Perhaps the most compelling aspect of Juror #8's character is his unwavering
determination. He faces intense pressure and skepticism from some jurors,
yet he persists in his efforts to convince them to reconsider their initial
judgment. Fonda's portrayal captures the character's relentless commitment
to seeking the truth and ensuring a fair trial.
Henry Fonda's portrayal of Juror #8 in "12 Angry Men" is a masterclass in
acting, effectively conveying justice, open-mindedness, and moral courage.
Fonda's character stands as a symbol of hope and integrity in a story that
challenges the flaws and biases within the justice system. Juror #8's critical
thinking, empathy, leadership, and determination make him an unforgettable
character, leaving a lasting impact on audiences and inspiring discussions
about bias, fairness, and the power of one individual's conviction to change
the course of justice.
"12 Angry Men" remains a timeless classic, largely due to Henry Fonda's
exceptional performance, which continues to resonate with viewers,
reminding us of the importance of upholding the principles of justice, even in
the face of adversity and conformity. Fonda's portrayal of Juror #8 will forever
be celebrated as a testament to the enduring power of cinematic storytelling
and the enduring message of fairness and humanity.

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