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Selected Readings

From Twelve Weeks of Chapters

By Joel S. Goldsmith

Acropolis Books, Inc.

Ye are the light of the world.
A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.
Matthew 5:14

We at Acropolis Books want to share our gratitude

for you, our readers; your loyalty, dedication,
and commitment to the living way of Truth
is a light to all whose lives you touch.
Thank you!

For 12 weeks we have shared chapters from the books of Joel Goldsmith—each a
treasure of wisdom and instruction. Please enjoy this compilation of excerpts
from each of those weekly chapters. These are passages that stand out to us; but
as you review each chapter, you will find your own excerpts, ones that speak to you
in your own unfolding path. We are glad to share in this infinite journey with you.
See you in the Fall.

Published by Acropolis Books.

All rights reserved.

The Thunder of Silence


If necessary, let us sit in a chair all day and all night,
until the Spirit of the Lord is upon us and dwells in us.

When we have been touched by the Spirit, it is evident in the light shining forth from our eyes and
the glow on our face. Outwardly our life changes: Our human relationships change; our nature changes;
our health changes; and sometimes even our physical form changes—but only because such changes are
the outer manifestation of an inner glory, an inner light, which has been attained by contact with the
Father within and which has once again established us in Eden.
Our purpose is to be the transparency through which the Light—not we, but the Light—performs Its
mighty works, to be the instrument through which the Divine can manifest and express Itself on earth
as It does in heaven. We are never the doer; we are never the actor: We are always the vacuum through
which Spirit flows. Let us never for a moment believe that by our spiritual endowments we will ever
attain personal or spiritual power. There is no room in spiritual living for egotism or for the exercise of
personal power. God does not give His power to another. God does not give His glory to another. The
power, the glory, and the dominion always remain in God; and we are but instruments, humble servants
or transparencies, through which that Light may shine.
God can find entrance to the world only through consciousness. There was just as much God in the
world before the time of Moses, but it had no effect upon the Hebrew people until Moses opened his
consciousness, received the Light, and then was led by God, after which the liberation of the Hebrews
was achieved.
Pp 190

… If there is a disaster about us, it will go on and on until it exhausts itself unless one among us
knows this truth. If it is to be stopped dead in its tracks, there must be one who can stand still and realize
that the grace of God, besides which there is no power, is in operation; there must be one to be completely
silent and bear witness to the Spirit which stills the waves.
It is true that a thousand may fall at our left hand and ten thousand at our right. There is not much that
we can do about that at this present moment except to prove in our individual experience that because of
our conscious oneness with God none of these things can come nigh our dwelling place.
The spiritual word cannot penetrate the human mind; but we can and will help the world rise above war
and disease by being the light in our own family, not preaching to them or trying to force them into our
way of thinking, but by holding our peace within ourselves and retiring from the battle between good and
evil, by going within and realizing that only in the degree that we resist not evil can the peace that passes
understanding descend upon us.
Pp 192

Our Spiritual Resources


Each of us is a tiny little thread in the world’s scheme,
a strand in this great spiritual rope.

We are facing world conditions that are insurmountable humanly. They are not really insurmount-
able, however, because there are no problems that ever can arise that cannot be settled; and when I say
settled, I do not mean settled on the basis of expediency or compromise, but settled advantageously for
all concerned. An analogy can be drawn between periods in world history and periods in our individual
experience. For example, sometimes there are physical disorders that can be healed easily and inexpen-
sively through medical aid, and as long as our physical ills are on that level, there is nothing much for us to
worry about. A few cents’ worth of aspirin here or a few cents’ worth of bicarbonate of soda there or a few
dollars’ worth of surgery, and we are all right. It is only when the doctor tells us that we have an incurable
disease that we feel we are up against a humanly insurmountable problem, and then it is that many people
are driven to find a spiritual solution.
So it is in world affairs. As long as the world was going along in what may be called “the good old days,”
there were very few problems for which a solution could not be found because they were usually localized
in some particular area. But the solution to these problems was only a superficial one, and the basic issues
were never completely resolved. When, however, these tensions and conflicts became world-wide in scope
and a spark in one part of the globe kindled a fire whose devastating flames swept almost instantaneously
around the entire world, we were then faced with a really deadly and incurable disease from the human
Whether it is another world war or economic disaster which could plunge the globe into chaos, so far
as the human picture is concerned, the world situation is critical. The greatest danger, however, does not
lie in losing our life or our possessions, but in losing our soul. In fact, the loss of our physical sense of life
is the least thing we have to fear. What we have to concern ourselves with is the danger to the soul, for
when man is enslaved, he has lost his soul temporarily—he no longer dare call it his own. Therefore, a
danger to freedom is a far greater danger than the loss of physical life. That is why I repeat that these are
critical days for the world.
Pp 147-148

… The Christ has to function through your consciousness or my consciousness if our family,
community, or nation is to be benefited. Each of us is a tiny little thread in the world’s scheme, a strand
in this great spiritual rope. Most of us begin equally as nonentities, and whatever measure of success we
have is due to the measure in which we open ourselves to the activity of the Christ. We cannot wait for
somebody else to do it. We have to accept our responsibility because if the Christ is to be loosed into the
world to bring healing and regeneration, each one of us has to be an instrument for that Christ-activity.
Pp 151-152

Living by Grace

As an individual I must expect sin, disease, lack, death, war, danger, accident,
infection, and contagion—the same as everyone else in the world must expect it!
If there is any way to be free from such conditions, it must be found through
bringing God into my experience. How is that done?

…For many years I did not know how to bring God into individual experience—how to bring the
comfort and the healing that the Master promised, the raising of the dead that the Master promised, the
forgiveness of sin that the Master promised, the life eternal that the Master promised. These were only
words in a book!
Then there came to me the experience that brought with it the actual realization that the presence of
God was within, with many signs following. Of course, this was only a first step leading to the final re-
alization that whatever of God you experience must be experienced within your own consciousness. You
will not find God in a holy mountain or a holy city or a holy temple or a holy book or a holy teacher. You
will find the Kingdom of God within yourself, or you will not find it in this lifetime!
Pp 45-46

… Since I had already experienced the presence of God, it was only a matter of listening, being at-
tentive, until more and more revelations came. This led to the discovery of meditation.
Pp 47

…The science or art of active meditation is a fruitful experience with signs following.
Pp 47

…If you view the world, as I have, as a world cut off from God and without a God to stop sin, dis-
ease, death, wars, accidents, and man’s inhumanity to man, then you will be able to follow this experience
individually and see how, ultimately, God-realization will be the salvation of man on earth. Eventually,
it will restore complete peace to this earth. Those students who have been with us in many parts of the
world have actually witnessed the love, the joy, the sharing, and the freedom that exist among students
of The Infinite Way. They can testify that we individually, and to some extent collectively, are proving the
fruitage of meditation, the fruitage of God-realization. Without the spiritual bond that is between us—
that is, the realization of God’s presence—the relationship that has existed for so many years among the
students of The Infinite Way in all parts of the world could not have been maintained for so long. It is the
Spirit of God that is the cement of our relationship.
Pp 48

… So meditation is not merely closing the eyes and stilling the mind. Meditation is that actual
contact in consciousness that enables us to hear the still, small Voice that is within us and enables us to be
fed by It. Just think! “The Christ is the bread, the meat, the wine, the water,” and the Christ is within you.
Pp 51

Leave Your Nets


“Well, what is it? Where is it? Let me see it. Let me touch it.”
“No, it is a glint in the eye.”

We, today, who have touched even the hem of the Master’s robe require nothing that the world
can see, hear, taste, touch, or smell. In a world threatened with atomic bombs, those of us who have tasted
one drop of spiritual life, love, and truth are not out looking for bomb shelters or for cabins in some re-
mote place. And why? Because we feel an invisible security, an invisible safety, which is that impregnable
safety and security that can be found only in God.
Self-complete in God, we walk the earth enveloped in an eternal bomb-proof shelter. We dwell “in the
secret place of the most High.” Is there such a place? Is it a place at all? Or is it the consciousness of God’s
presence? Is it not true that none of the evils of this world shall come nigh the dwelling place of those
who live in the awareness of God’s presence? That awareness is more powerful than lions and adders, than
all the ills of human experience. That awareness is greater than all the evils of the world.
Pp 122-123

… So you turn, not because somebody tells you to have faith but because of an inner conviction.
Nobody can give you faith. That is something that springs up within you, and when it does, you know
that your faith is not in the visible realm, not in the I of your teacher or the I of your leader, but in the I
of your own being.
You begin to understand the meaning of a reliance on a completely invisible thing, so invisible that if
the rest of the world knew what you were relying on, it would think you had lost your mind. It would! It
would! It does! It does! Yes, show the world the tangibles: the dollar bills, the stocks and bonds, the real
estate—that is where its faith lies, and that is common sense to most persons.
Pp 125-126

…Leave your “nets!” Stop fishing for material fish and mate- rial remedies, and material ways of
earning a livelihood, and follow Me. In the Master’s teaching, one statement stands out above all others.
If you wish, you can leave the others alone, but remember this: “I am come that they might have life, and
that they might have it more abundantly.” Trust that I at the center of your being. Cling to that one thing
or the equivalent of it: God’s grace. The grace of God in you is sufficient for you. Cling steadfastly and
whole-heartedly to the truth that his grace is sufficient for you: His grace, nothing out here, just his grace.
It will come. It cannot fail. It will come, and it will be in time.
Pp 127

… When the Master said, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men,” he was appealing,
not to common sense, but to the inner vision of the disciples. Only those who have that inner vision can
Pp 128

The Heart of Mysticism: Vol VI


Above all others, the spiritually illumined person understands
the real meaning of freedom, and because he himself has experienced it,
he longs to share that same freedom with the whole world.

…The human race is not and never has been free. It is enslaved—physically, politically, and eco-
nomically—first of all, by itself, within itself, and within its own body. Moreover, it is chained by the
physical habits and by the political and economic theories and beliefs of generations. For example, witness
the extent to which the entire race is in slavery to money. It is only the mystic who is free of the limiting
belief that dollar bills, pounds sterling, or some other form of currency controls one’s destiny.
Pp 105

… The further you go and the higher you progress in spiritual unfoldment, the more clearly will
the picture of how men are mentally and physically enslaved stretch out before you as a vast panorama of
tragedy; but, at the same time, because the remedy is also known to you, there is born in you the desire
to help them achieve and maintain their freedom. Ultimately, wisdom will reveal ways in which to awak-
en men and women from their lethargy and inertia and arouse them to their responsibilities as citizens,
thereby giving them at least some measure of freedom.
Pp 106

… Your individual freedom—and by freedom I do not mean a freedom from anything, but a
freedom in Grace—will come to you in proportion as you have a developed consciousness of truth which
enables you to face any specific error and not fight it, but rather turn from it in the realization that the
healing, redeeming, and freeing agency is the Christ realized, or God realized.

…You can bring to your thought any of the specific truths that you know, always reminding your-
self that you are not attempting to heal or to enrich anybody, nor to solve their human problems, but to
receive God’s grace. You are sitting in meditation only to let God speak, for when He utters His voice,
the earth melts. Therefore—and this is difficult—stop struggling against the problem; stop using physical
might; stop using mental might; and learn to relax.
This is somewhat like becoming a vacuum, except that inwardly you are more awake and alert than ever
before. In that stillness and quietness, that absence of everything that you have acknowledged as power,
the Christ can come to you. Sometimes It comes very gently and peacefully, and sometimes It thunders,
startling you. But when It speaks, the problems—personal, community, national, or international—are
resolved; and physical, mental, moral, or financial freedom is attained—not by might, not by power, but
by the grace of God.
Pp 108-109

… It is useless to wait for God to come to the collective consciousness of the world or to wait for
the power of the Christ to descend upon the world. It does not come in that way. It never comes separate
and apart from consciousness: It always comes through individual consciousness.
Pp 111

The Art of Meditation


Stop fearing; stop doubting.
Rest in My bosom; rest in My arms; rest in My love and be at peace.

…Receive the gift of God without labor, struggle, or strain. In quietness and confidence, in a
resting from anxiety and fear, let God reveal Itself.
Pp 113

… In conscious union with God, the mind rests. The human mind is no longer concerned with
the problems of today or tomorrow, because the Soul’s union with God—the conscious realization of
God—reveals God as the fulfillment of every need even before the need is apparent. Concern, fear, and
doubt vanish in the midst of fulfillment; the true meaning of the words, “Fear not,” is revealed. In con-
scious union with God, the mind of God functions as our mind, as our experience, and as our life. Then
the human mind rests and performs its proper function as an avenue of awareness.
Pp 113
… God is the consciousness of individual being; therefore, infinity is the measure of that being.
Nothing can be added to you; nothing can be taken from you. No good can come to you; no evil can touch
you: you embrace within your own being the infinity of good. “Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I
have is thine.”
Pp 114
… In quietness and in confidence, fear not. Fear not:
I am with you, and I will be with you even unto the end of the world. Drop your burdens
at My feet; drop your burdens in the assurance that all good is embodied and embraced
within your being. I will never leave you nor forsake you. If you make your bed in hell,
I will be there with you. If you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will be
with you—only walk in quietness, in confidence, and in assurance; walk without seeking.
There is no peace; there is no rest for those who are seeking outside their own being. The
kingdom of God is within. Accept My kingdom and be at peace. Accept My promise: Now
are you the sons of God. Now are you My heirs, joint heirs with Christ, and all the heav-
enly riches are yours now—now, not tomorrow; now, not yesterday. There is nothing to be
achieved tomorrow; there are no regrets for yesterday: there is only this living now, this
moment of rest in Me, of confidence in Me.
Pp 114-115

… To live the spiritual life means to live in an atmosphere of absolute fearlessness, regardless
of the circumstances. “Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy
God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee ... it is I; be not afraid.” This is
the greatest healing truth ever revealed to human consciousness.
Pp 118

… The circumstances confronting you may appear terrifying and disaster imminent, but the
Christ says, “It is I; be not afraid.” God has strange ways of bringing you to Himself. Sometimes that
which appears as disaster and the dissolution of that which you hold most precious is the very means of
awakening you to the spiritual life.
Pp 118

The Mystical I

Be still! Do not pray with words; do not pray with thoughts; be still!

…“Know ye not that ye are the temple of God?”7 Know ye not that the name of God is I, or
I Am, and that you are the temple of God only when you have admitted I into your consciousness and
held It there secretly, sacredly, gently, peaceably, so that at any moment you can close your eyes and just
remember I?
Pp 2

…It makes no difference what your past life has been, or what your present life is, up to the
moment of admitting the Christ. Do not be concerned or worried about your past mistakes, errors, or
sins; they are not being counted against you. For each person, as the Christ enters, the past no longer
exists: past sins are forgiven and wiped out, along with the penalty for them, and a new day begins.
“Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.” Therefore do not burden yourself with
guilt complexes. Make whatever form of restitution or expression of regret is possible for any past offense,
but then drop it. Drop it! Pp 6

…There cannot be the presence of God in you and the capacity for error. That cannot be! You ei-
ther exclude Me, the spirit of God, the Christ of God, or you admit Me: “I stand at the door, and knock.”
Pp 7

…“My peace I give unto you” is spoken from within you to you, from the center of your being out
to the circumference: My wholeness I give unto thee; My immortality I give unto thee; My infinity I give
unto thee. Never do I withhold: all this is thine.
Pp 8

…Receptivity is the key to spiritual attainment, and receptivity is attained through givingness.
Pp 9

…You, too, can face any situation that arises in your life— anything from a family situation to
a national or international situation—if you can learn to sit quietly and lift up the I. Lift up the I, and
realize that as long as you are abiding in that I, as long as you are abiding in that Presence, no evil can
come nigh your world. Pp 14

…We do not have to wait for three billion people to learn this truth in order to save the world.
A little handful of us can uphold this I, can live with this I within us, and face the world with It. Watch
the evils of this world dissolve, the evils in personal enemies, national and international enemies. But to
witness this, somebody must hold up the banner of I; somebody must admit the I that is knocking at the
door of the consciousness of this whole world seeking entrance.
Pp 14

…Open the door of your consciousness; open the door of the consciousness of this world and let
the Father in. Then watch this silent, sacred, secret influence as It permeates all human consciousness and
eventually reveals peace.
Pp 15

The Heart of Mysticism: Vol V


Spiritual healing is an acknowledgment of God as the infinity of being,
as the infinity of your being and mine.

…To be successful in spiritual healing, it is necessary to come out and be separate—to adopt a
clear principle from which there is no deviation. In order to be free and to free others, you yourself must
know the nature of spiritual healing. The correct premise for healing is that God constitutes individual
being, individual you and me; God constitutes your being and mine; and there is nothing which can defile
that pure spiritual being. There is no cause save one: “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord.”
Pp 39

…Spiritual healing has nothing to do with bodies; it has nothing to do with unemployed people,
poor people, home- less people, or friendless people. Spiritual healing has to do with prayer, with the
recognition and acknowledgment of our infinite and perfect nature.
Pp 40

…In Infinite Way practice, we are not dealing with sick or sinful people or with poor people,
nor are we trying to improve them. Our task is realizing the nature of all these discords and waking out of
them. The best way to do this is to understand, once and for all, that we are not dealing with a condition
or a person: We are dealing with a state of mesmerism. Then, if we drop the problem right there, we shall
find that sixty percent of the ills will disappear with no further treatment. Another twenty percent will
disappear when we go within and ponder the nature of God, gaining a clear realization of what God actu-
ally is and of the whole nature of error as but a dream—universal hypnotism—not a condition or a person.
Pp 41- 42

…When someone asks you for help, sit down and have your God-realization even if, at the
moment, he seems humanly unworthy. It is not for you to judge and it is not for me to judge. There is
only one thing that matters: Somebody has asked for help, and you are obligated to do your best to give
it to him.
Pp 45-46

…Above the realm of the conscious, thinking mind, is the universal Spirit where Consciousness
Itself, without the benefit of words or thoughts, governs individual life, including the body, harmoniously,
joyously, prosperously.
Pp 49

…Spiritual healing and spiritual living are inseparable; they go hand in hand.
Pp 49

…As you study The Infinite Way writings, try to understand what the message is: It is not the heal-
ing of minds, bodies, or pocketbooks; it is not physical healing or mental healing; it is awakening out of a
dream and finding that now are we the sons of God. That is the essence of this message.
Pp 55

Spiritual Discernment

What happens to you in the moment when a person turns to you for help is
the secret of healing work. Are you going to try to improve him, or are you going
to sit there in the realization of Christhood? That is the crux of the matter.

…The work of Infinite Way students is the realization of Christhood, the revelation of God in-
dividualized no matter who or what a person may be. The Master could take the thief on the cross into
paradise immediately. He had no period of punishment, reformation, or regeneration to go through; he
had no karma to work out.
“Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.” When? When you turn to the recog-
nition of your Christhood. But you say that you may sin again tomorrow. That has nothing to do with it.
You may sin tomorrow and the day after and next week, too. What counts is that you have turned to the
realization of your Christhood.
Pp 96-97

…I call this way the Middle Path. When you set forth on it, you begin to attain the inner faculty
that enables you, when a call comes, to disregard the human being with all his ails and ills, and remember,
“Wait a minute. What am I doing? What is my mission? There is only one Son of God and that is the
Christ. I have nothing to do with the infinite forms and varieties as which It appears. There is but one
Son of God, the Christ, and It was never born and It will never die. It was immaculately conceived. It is
God unfolding, disclosing, and revealing Itself in infinite form and variety without any human accompa-
niment, without any human mode or means, and always perfect, spiritual, and harmonious.”
Pp 97

…You must come to a place in the Middle Path of a kind of indifference to humanhood. You lose
all desire to heal; you lose all desire to reform. But a wonderful thing happens. You lose all criticism of
people who are living up to your human standards of what is right or wrong. You no longer differentiate
between saint and sinner; you no longer differentiate between the good human being and the bad human
being because into your vision comes the realization of true identity.
Pp 99

…Everyone will awaken to his Christhood—some instantaneously, some quickly, some slowly,
and some interminably slowly.
Pp 99

…Some day you will work with the idea of is, and then you will put no labels on anything. …It is.
What is it? As you meditate from the stand- point of is, the Spirit within begins to define what is.
Pp 102

The word of God is an impulse that you receive in your ear within your own being. It may come
as a quotation, an assurance, a feeling, or it may come just as a sense of release, but it is the word of God,
the presence of God made flesh in you. When that word of God comes, be assured it does not return void.
Whenever you have had an experience of that kind and then have heard later that there was an instanta-
neous healing, you were not surprised. You knew it must have happened because you could feel when it
really was the word of God, not some word repeated out of a book.
Pp 106-107

Realization of Oneness

God has no battles. God has no enemies. God has no opponents.

…error did not have its rise in you or in me; it did not have its rise in wrong thinking; it did not
have its rise in hate, envy, or jealousy. It had its rise in the acceptance of the belief that there are two pow-
ers. No man invented it or discovered it. This universal belief, which comes to us every minute of the day
and night for acceptance or rejection, this belief in good and evil, this belief in two powers, is all there is
to the carnal mind.
Pp 42

…In understanding God as being the only and all-power, having nothing with which to con-
tend—no one and no condition—abiding in the supreme infinite nature of God’s being, and then recog-
nizing all these appearances as the “arm of flesh,” or a temptation to believe in two powers, evil conditions
will disappear and evaporate.
Pp 43

…Devil, carnal mind, or mortal mind has no existence. In all this world, it would be impossible
to find a carnal mind, a mortal mind, or a devil. Then what is this devil, carnal mind, or mortal mind that
we are talking about? It is the very thing that cast Adam and Eve out of the Garden: a belief in two pow-
ers. When we believe in two powers, we have a mortal mind or a carnal mind, and it can tear us to pieces;
but we are free of it in proportion as we understand that God never made a power to destroy God or
God’s creation. God is the only creative principle of this universe, for God is omnipotence, omniscience,
omnipresence, and therefore, there is no power of evil.
Pp 44

…I understand, of course, how difficult it is to look at the sins, diseases, and horrors of the world
and not believe that there is power in them. It is possible to do this only after you feel within you a cer-
tain rightness about these principles and then are willing to put them into practice until such time as you
witness the first healing as a result of the application of them.
Pp 46

…There is a God maintaining and sustaining the integrity of this universe, and it is perfect except
when we see it “through a glass, darkly,” except when we see it through a sense that has been to some
extent mesmerized by the belief in good and evil.
Pp 48

In actual practice, you will come up against specific conditions such as infection and contagion
which you will have to learn to handle in this impersonal way. Always, there are epidemics of one kind
or another, and you will have to learn that these are not conditions of matter, nor are they conditions of
weather: these are projections of the carnal mind, having no power.
Pp 53

There is nothing impossible once you understand the nature of God and truly know the nature
of error as an impersonal nothingness. But you have to be willing to stand with that principle until you
can demonstrate it.
pp 54-55

Beyond Words and Thoughts


Where is God? What is God?

…The heart and soul of the mystical life is an inner experience, and no matter what mode or
method is used, that experience is possible if the basic motive is to discover truth.
Pp 1

…The Infinite Way came into being when I realized that there is no God in the human world. If
there were a God in the human world, rape, arson, murder, wars, dens of iniquity, drug addiction, and all
the other afflictions of mankind would be impossible. Not one of these evidences of man’s inhumanity to
man could occur in the presence of God. Everything that is taking place in this world of ours is taking
place only because there is no God in the human scene.
Pp 1

…The essence of living and healing through The Infinite Way is this experience. Those who have
done healing work through the light given them in this message know that there is nothing in the teach-
ing that heals. No matter what there is in The Infinite Way writings that you know and repeat, it will not
heal you or anybody else of anything. You are not going to be able to heal until you have an experience,
and with every healing there must be an experience until the time comes when you are so living in it that
it may be necessary to renew it only once, twice, or three times a day, and then throughout the day all the
other healings take place because you are living in that experience.
Pp 2-3

…Whatever your nature is, that is what you are going to remain until something enters your
consciousness that brings about a change.
Pp 7

…You must bring your mind to a place of stillness where the mind is transcended and your Soul-
faculty receives the Experience.
Pp 7

…“Nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.” It is foolish to have a will of your own, even
a will to see your friends healed, even a will to see peace on earth. Do not have any will at all, but retire
within as many times a day as you can find a minute to remember, “Nevertheless, Father, not my will, but
Thine be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Relax and rest, and be a beholder of what God’s will is.
Pp 10

…When, in your healing work, you can sit down with the mind at rest and not battle the ap-
pearance, not fight it, not try to remove germs from someone’s body, not try to dissolve lumps and reduce
fevers, not try to heal insanity, but rest in that inner peace and quiet and assurance that there is only one
law, spiritual law, and that all else is an image in the mind, the experience of God can take over, and then
the healing takes place.
Pp 12

…Prayer has nothing to do with getting God to do something; prayer has nothing to do with getting
God’s power to destroy something; prayer has nothing to do with influencing God.
Pp 14

The Art of Spiritual Healing


The only door there is, is the door of consciousness, and the only door for which you are
responsible is that door. What do you allow to get past your door, your consciousness?

…Your world and mine is an outpicturing of our consciousness: When that consciousness is
imbued with truth, our universe expresses harmony, orderliness, prosperity, joy, peace, power, and domin-
ion; when there is an absence of truth in our consciousness—an acceptance of world values and world
beliefs—then our world takes on the complexion of the chance, change, and luck characteristic of world
belief. All conditions reflect the activity of the consciousness of the individuals concerned.
Pp 125

…Everything that comes within range of your consciousness will take on the nature and char-
acter of that consciousness. Your own life is not only affected by what gets past the door of your con-
sciousness, but the life of everyone who has brought himself to your consciousness is affected, and that
includes the members of your family and sometimes the members of your community and church.
Pp 129

…Deep within every person is a hunger for the bread of life.

Pp 129

…It is unwise to attempt to protect loved ones from discords and inharmonies which, knowingly
or unknowingly, they have brought and are bringing upon themselves. It is better to give up anxious con-
cern, loose them, and let them live with some of their discords, because the overprotection which would
keep them from the results of their own conduct is often the stumbling block which prevents them from
awakening to the truth of being.
Pp 132

…“I and my Father are one”: That is my relationship to God, and that is God’s relationship to
me. It has nothing to do with any person: It has nothing to do with relatives, friends, or associates. My
good is in no way dependent on them, nor is their good dependent on me. My good is God’s allness made
manifest as my individual being.
When this oneness is glimpsed, every relationship becomes one of friendship, joy, and co-operation. If
our dependence is not on others, then no lack or loss would be suffered if our relationships with others
were wiped away because good is inherent in our relationship to God, and it does not lie within anyone’s
power to lose the relationship of joint-heir with Christ in God. The human picture does not testify to that
because, in order to benefit by the relationship of Father and son, an activity of truth must take place in
individual consciousness.
Pp 134-135

…There is a bond, a spiritual tie, which binds together all the children of God.
Pp 135

…All who can meet together on a spiritual level of love are bound together from now until eternity,
sharing forever with each other.
Pp 136

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