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Java & Advance Java

An Internship-III Report
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement
for the degree of
Bachelor of Technology
Computer Science & Engineering
July-December 2023

Submitted by
Pratyaksh Verma
Manoj Solanki

Department of Information Technology

Mahakal Institute of Technology and Management, Ujjain
Affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal

The Internship work entitled “Java & Advance Java” submitted by Pratyaksh
Verma ,Manoj Solanki is recommended towards partial fulfillment for the
award of the Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science Engineering
from Mahakal Institute of Technology and Management, Ujjain by Rajiv Gandhi
Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal.

Internship Coordinator Head

Prof. Imran Uddin Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Date: Mahakal Institute of Technology & Management, Ujjain


I Pratyaksh Verma ,Manoj Solanki hereby declare that we have undertaken 4 weeks
internship work at “Jobsence” during a period from 29 May to 1 July in partial
fulfillment for the award of the Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science
Engineering from Mahakal Institute of Technology and Management,
Ujjain by Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal. The
work which is being presented in the internship report submitted to Department
of Computer Science & Engineering from Mahakal Institute of Technology and
Management, Ujjain, is an authentic record of training work.

Submitted by
Pratyaksh Verma
Manoj Solanki


The internship opportunity we had with Jobsense was a great chance for learning
and professional development. The successful completion of this internship would
not have been possible without the support and assistance of many individuals and
organizations. Therefore, we feel immensely blessed to have this internship training.
We would like to take this opportunity to offer our earnest admiration to each and
every one of them.

We like to sincerely thank our instructor Prof. Anand Sir who helped us throughout
the internship with his constant support and guidance.

We express our sentiment of gratitude to Prof. Imran Uddin without him constant
guidance and suggestion, this report would not be completed. Our gratitude for him
trusts and generosity goes beyond words.

Finally, our thanks and appreciation go to each and every one who irrespective of
the situation, always encouraged and supported us to prepare this report.

Submitted by
Pratyaksh Verma
Manoj Solanki

About Jobsense
Jobsense Institute is a recognized leader in Training and Software
Development industry. With a vision of creating a competitive advantage with
Software and becoming the most valued partner of clients.

It delivers high quality Business Management Solutions. Jobsense Institute is

a pioneer in Workflow & ERP Solutions, Custom Software Development,
Application Development, Project Manage.
Jobsense provides many programs for technology engineers.
Python and Django framework.
Core Java & Advance Java
HTML/CSS/Java script.
C /C++.
Head Office of company is situated at Ujjain Freeganj, Shanku Marg.
Mob: - 9109914110. Tel: -0734-490317

Page No.
Internship Certificate provided by the Jobsense Institute I
Recommendation II
Declaration III
Acknowledgement IV
About Jobsense Institute V
Table of Contents VI
Abstract VII
Chapter 1 Introduction (01-05)

1.1 Introduction 02
1.2 Objective 03
1.3 Tools and Technology used 04

Chapter 2 Training Work Undertaken (06-08)

2.1 Topic and its Description 07
Chapter 3 Results and Discussion (09-16)
3.1 Project Description 10
3.2 Screenshots 11
Chapter 4 Conclusion and Future Scope (17-19)
4.1 Conclusion 18
4.2 Future Scope 19
References (20)
Appendix A Screenshots (21)
Appendix B Daily Diary (22-42)


This report contains the work done during the internship period which has held in
Mahakal Institute of Technology and Management in Datana (M.P.), Under unit of
Jobsense. This Report shows an overview of the task done during the period
of internship in details.

The purpose of this report is to explain what we did and learnt during our internship
period in Mahakal Institute of Technology and Management from 29 May to 1 July.
This report shows how the application of Core Java & Advance Java in accurate
This Internship has taught us how to use CORE JAVA & ADVANCE JAVA
to create our own web application, apps and software.


1.1 Introduction

The summer training experience which has been provided by JOBSENSE

company has been a remarkable journey through the dynamic world of advanced
Java programming. During the four weeks of our training program, we had the
privilege to immerse ourselves in a myriad of Java technologies, enhancing our
practical skills and gaining valuable insights that transcend traditional classroom
learning. This opportunity not only ignited our passion for software development
but also equipped us with the tools necessary to address real-world challenges in
the field. This report aims to provide an authentic account of our training,
shedding light on the objectives, methodologies, and outcomes of the projects we
undertook, as well as the array of tools and technologies that played a pivotal
role in shaping our learning experience.

This training provided us with an unparalleled opportunity to immerse ourselves

in the intricate and dynamic world of advanced Java development. During this
period, we engaged in a wide-ranging exploration of advanced Java concepts,
technologies, and practices, further fueling our passion for
software development.

The motivation behind undertaking this training extended beyond the fulfillment
of academic requirements. In this comprehensive report, we aim to provide
a detailed account of our journey, emphasizing the objectives, methodologies,
and outcomes of the projects we had the privilege to work on.

The topics covered during this training spanned a wide spectrum, including but
not limited to file handling, JDBC (Java Database Connectivity), the
OTVC (Object to Virtual Connection) bridge for seamless database interactions,
HTML controls for static web design, application development with a focus on
the MVC (Model-View-Controller) design pattern, and dynamic web forms.
These topics collectively formed the foundation upon which our advanced
Java skills were
built. Additionally, we delved into servlet technology, a vital component of Java-

based web development, and Java Server Pages (JSP) for dynamic web content
generation. The exploration culminated in the implementation of Hibernate, a
powerful Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework that
significantly enhanced our proficiency in database interaction.

1.2 Objective

The primary objectives of our summer internship in advanced Java were

multifaceted and aimed at both personal and professional growth. The objectives
of our summer training program in advanced Java were thoughtfully crafted to
foster holistic growth in both our technical prowess and professional acumen.
These objectives, shaped by the guidance of mentors at JOBSENSE,
encompassed a wide range of critical areas, including:

Skill Enhancement
To enhance our proficiency in advanced Java concepts, including but not limited
to multithreading, data structures, design patterns, and Java frameworks.

Real-World Application
To apply the knowledge gained during coursework to practical, real-world
projects, gaining insight into the challenges and nuances of software

To develop problem-solving skills by working on complex programming
challenges and troubleshooting issues in Java applications.

Team Collaboration
To gain experience in collaborative software development by working closely
with a team of experienced developers, learning best practices, and adapting to
the team's development processes.

Project Delivery
To contribute meaningfully to the completion of assigned projects and
meet project deadlines while ensuring code quality and performance.


To improve our documentation skills by maintaining clear and concise records of
project progress, code changes, and technical specifications.

1.3 Tools and Technology

Our internship journey was significantly enriched by a versatile array of tools

and technologies, each playing a pivotal role in the successful
implementation of various Java projects. These tools and technologies were
carefully selected to provide a well-rounded understanding of advanced Java
development. They included:

Integrated Development Environment (IDE)

Netbeans IDE served as the central hub for our development activities. Its robust
support for Java application development, integrated debugging capabilities, and
seamless version control integration streamlined the development process and
enhanced productivity.

Version Control
Collaborative version control was achieved through Git and GitHub, enabling
efficient code collaboration and tracking. These tools ensured that the entire team
could seamlessly contribute to projects while maintaining code integrity.

Database Management
Effective database management was a critical aspect of our internship, and
MySQL was our go-tochoice for managing databases. Additionally, we
harnessed the power of Hibernate, a widely-used ORM framework, to simplify
database interactions and streamline data manipulation tasks.

Servlet and JSP Mastery

The internship deepened our understanding of servlet technology, emphasizing
the servlet life cycle and the MVC design pattern for developing efficient and
modular web applications. Java Server Pages (JSP) were employed for dynamic
web content creation, allowing for the seamless generation of dynamic web
that responded effectively to user input.

Java Frameworks:
 Spring Framework: A comprehensive framework for building Java-based
enterprise applications.
 Hibernate: An Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework for database
 Struts: A web application framework used for building Java EE web applications.

These tools and technologies collectively formed the backbone of our internship
experience, fostering an immersive learning environment that prepared us
to tackle real-world challenges in advanced Java programming. Through hands-
on experience and guided mentorship, we not only acquired technical skills but
also learned the significance of effective collaboration, adaptability, and
learning in the ever-evolving landscape of advanced Java development.


Topic Description
Loops in Java Looping in Java is defined as performing some lines of code in
an ordered fashion until a condition is false. The condition is
important because we do not want the loop to be
running forever. As soon as this condition is false, the loop
Java Arrays Java array is an object which contains elements of a similar
data type. There are two types of arrays.
i) Single-Dimensional Array
ii) Multidimensional Array
Method If a class has multiple methods having the same name
Overloading but different parameters, it is known as Method Overloading.
Java supports method overloading through two
mechanisms: By changing the number of parameters. It
means having two or more methods (or functions) in a class
with the same name and different arguments (or parameters).

Inheritence Inheritance in Java is a mechanism in which one object

acquires all the properties and behaviours of a parent object. It
is an important pillar of OOP (Object-Oriented
Programming). It is the mechanism in Java by which one class
is allowed to inherit the features (fields and methods) of
another class. In Java, Inheritance means creating new
classes based on existing ones. A class that inherits from
another class can reuse the methods and fields of that class. In
addition, you can add new fields and methods to your current
class as well.

Constructor In Java, a constructor is a block of codes similar to the method.

It is called when an instance of the class is created. At the time
of calling constructor, memory for the object is allocated in the
memory. It is a special type of method which is used to
initialize the object.
Abstract Class A class which is declared with the abstract keyword is known
as an abstract class in Java. It can have abstract and
nonabstract methods (method with the body).An abstract
class must be declared with an abstract keyword.
Interface The interface in Java is a mechanism to achieve abstraction.
There can be only abstract methods in the Java interface, not

method body. It is used to achieve abstraction and
multiple inheritance in Java.
Multithreading Multithreading in Java is a process of executing multiple
threads simultaneously. A thread is a lightweight sub-process,
the smallest unit of processing. Multiprocessing
and multithreading, both are used to achieve multitasking.
AWT Java AWT (Abstract Window Toolkit) is an API to develop
Graphical User Interface (GUI) or windows-
based applications in Java. It is part of the Java Foundation
Classes (JFC) that provides a way to build platform-
independent graphical applications.

Swing Java Swing is a lightweight Java graphical user interface (GUI)

widget toolkit that includes a rich set of widgets. It is part of
the Java Foundation Classes (JFC)

JDBC JDBC stands for Java Database Connectivity. It is a Java

API that enables Java programs to interact with databases. It
is the JavaSoft specification of a standard application
programming interface (API) that allows Java programs to
access database management systems.
Servlet A servlet is a Java technology component that executes on
the server. It performs tasks similar to those performed by
CGI programs, but servlets execute in a different
• Servlets perform the following:
• Process the HTTP request
• Generate the HTTP response dynamically
• A web container is a special Java™ Virtual Machine (JVM™)
that is responsible for maintaining the life cycle of the
servlets, as well as issuing threads for each request.

My SQL MySQL is a relational database management system. It is a

popular open-source relational database management
system (RDBMS) that is used for storing and managing data.
MySQL is ideal for both small and large applications. It is very
fast, reliable, scalable, and easy to use. It is used to store
data in the form of tables



3.1 Project Description

This Hotel Management System is built using Java programming language and various Java
technologies like Swing, SQL and Java Server Pages. The system aims to automate all the
operations of a hotel and provide a convenient system for the hotel staff and customers.
The key features of the system are:
Customer management: Store and manage customer information like name, address, phone
number and type of customer.
Room management: Store information about rooms like room number, beds,
amenities and room class. Manage room availability and bookings.
Order management: Take food and other item orders from customers. Calculate totals and store
order details.
Booking management: Manage room bookings from customers. Track booking details like
customer name, check-in/out dates, room number etc.
The system uses a SQLite database to store all the data. The UI is built using Java Swing which
provides a simple yet functional GUI for hotel staff to use.
The main modules of the system are:
1) Customer information module: Stores customer details and provides functionality to add, edit
and delete customers.
2) Room information module: Stores room details and provides functionality to add, edit and
delete rooms as well as room types.
3) Order module: Allows hotel staff to take food and other item orders from customers.
Calculates order totals and stores order details.
4) Booking module: Manages room bookings from customers. Provides functionality to view,
update and delete bookings.

The system aims to provide a centralized and organized way for the hotel staff to manage
customers, rooms, orders and bookings. It helps reduce paperwork, improve efficiency and
provide a better experience for customers. The modular design and use of Java technologies make
the system scalable and easy to maintain.
A hotel management website built using Java technologies can help streamline operations and
provide a better experience for customers. Here is a good introduction:

3.2 Screenshots:
Discover the ultimate Hotel Management system in our captivating title screenshot.
With a user-friendly Login Page, Sign Up, and Forget Password options, guests and
staff can effortlessly access their accounts. The User Dashboard and Admin
Dashboard provide intuitive interfaces for managing reservations, check-ins, check-
outs, and payments. Experience streamlined operations with Admin Room
Management, ensuring optimal room allocation and maintenance. Prepare for a new
era of efficiency and exceptional guest experiences with our Hotel Management










[Admin CheckIn page]




In conclusion, our summer training program in advanced Java has been

a transformative journey, replete with learning, growth, and hands-on
experiences. It has equipped us with a robust skill set that spans core
Java concepts, web development, and database management. From
mastering Java's file handling capabilities to navigating the intricacies of
JDBC and the MVC design pattern, this training has been a comprehensive
exploration of the Java ecosystem.

The tools and technologies we've had the privilege to work with, from
the Netbeans IDE to MySQL, JDBC, and Hibernate, have enriched
our understanding of software development and have given us the
confidence to tackle complex projects. Understanding the servlet lifecycle
and the importance of session management has broadened our horizons.

This training program has not only imparted technical knowledge but has
also instilled in us a deep appreciation for the art of problem-solving, logical
thinking, and the ability to work effectively in a team. It has reaffirmed our
passion for Java programming and has inspired us to continue exploring the
ever-evolvingworld of technology.


An internship in Java can provide you with valuable skills and experiences that
can open up various career opportunities in the future. Java is a versatile and
widely-used programming language with a strong presence in the software
development industry. Here are some future career prospects and scopes after
completing a Java internship:

Java Developer: The most straightforward path is to become a Java developer.
You can work on a wide range of applications, from web and mobile apps to
backend services and enterprise software.
Full-Stack Developer: By adding front-end development skills to your Java
expertise, you can become a full-stack developer capable of building complete
web applications.
Android Developer: If you have an interest in mobile app development, Java is
primary language for Android app development. You can work on creating
Android apps for smartphones, tablets, and other devices.

Contributing to Open Source:

Engaging in open-source projects and contributing to the Java community is a
long-term goal. We aspire to give back to the community that has nurtured our

Java Enterprise Developer: Specialize in developing large-scale, enterprise-level
applications using Java EE (Enterprise Edition) and related technologies.
Spring Framework Developer: Spring is a popular Java framework used for
building scalable and high-performance applications. Becoming an expert in
Spring can lead to specialized roles.



Serial Description of Screenshots PageNo


1. Login page 11

2. Sign page 11

3. Home page 12

4. Profile page 12

5. User check out page 13

6. Payment check out page 13

7. Confirm your payment 14

8. Admin dsahboard 15

9 Admin panel 15

10. Admin check in page 16


Name of the Trainee:Pratyaksh Verma,Manoj Solanki
College: Mahakal Institute of Technology and Management
Industry / Work Place: Mahakal Institute of Technology Day No.: 1 Week No. 1
Department / Section: Computer Science & Engineering Date: 29/05/2023
Brief of observations made, work done, problem/project undertaken, discussion held, literature-
consulted, places visit etc.

Topic: - Java & Advance Java

Description: -
Introduction to Java language, programming syntax and keyword, implement
datatypes and variables in programs.

Name of the Trainee::Pratyaksh Verma,Manoj Solanki
College: Mahakal Institute of Technology and Management
Industry / Work Place: Mahakal Institute of Technology Day No.: 2 Week No. 1
Department / Section: Computer Science & Engineering Date: 30/05/2023

Brief of observations made, work done, problem/project undertaken, discussion held, literature-consulted,
places visit etc.

Topic: - Java & Advance Java

Description: -
Implement implicit & explicit typecasting, array, how to use operators in program, If
statements, Nested If, Else if, Elif, Looping statements, Break and continue were discussed
today. Explain concepts of OOPS.

Name of the Trainee::Pratyaksh Verma,Manoj Solanki
College: Mahakal Institute of Technology and Management
Industry / Work Place: Mahakal Institute of Technology Day No.: 3 Week No. 1
Department / Section: Computer Science & Engineering Date: 31/05/2023
Brief of observations made, work done, problem/project undertaken, discussion held, literature-consulted,
places visit etc.

Topic: - Java & Advance Java

Description: -
Today we learn about Encapsulation, Inheritance, method overloading, function overloading,
constructor, static & dynamic polymorphism and also learn about Abstract Class, interface and Static and
Default method

Name of the Trainee: :Pratyaksh Verma,Manoj Solanki
College: Mahakal Institute of Technology and Management
Industry / Work Place: Mahakal Institute of Technology Day No.: 4 Week No. 1
Department / Section: Computer Science & Engineering Date: 01/06/2023

Brief of observations made, work done, problem/project undertaken, discussion held, literature-
consulted, places visit etc.

Topic: - Java & Advance Java

Description: -
Today we learn about String and their methods, implementing inheritance and super keyword
and use of exception handling and Try-catch-Throw in Java applications.

Name of the Trainee: :Pratyaksh Verma,Manoj Solanki
College: Mahakal Institute of Technology and Management
Industry / Work Place: Mahakal Institute of Technology Day No.: 5 Week No. 1
Department / Section: Computer Science & Engineering Date: 02/06/2023

Brief of observations made, work done, problem/project undertaken, discussion held, literature-consulted, places
visit etc.

Topic: - Java & Advance Java

Description: -
Today we understand to implement String Handling, implement StringBuffer and
StringBuilder classes and also learn Vector, ArrayList, HaspMap, HashTable, TreeMap classes.

Name of the Trainee::Pratyaksh Verma,Manoj Solanki
College: Mahakal Institute of Technology and Management
Industry / Work Place: Mahakal Institute of Technology Day No.: 6 Week No. 1
Department / Section: Computer Science & Engineering Date: 03/06/2023

Brief of observations made, work done, problem/project undertaken, discussion held, literature-consulted,
places visit etc.

Topic: - Java & Advance Java

Description: -
Explain introduction to AWT, swing components and understand how to design GUI components
with the Java Swing API. Like Panel, Frame, TabPane.

Name of the Trainee::Pratyaksh Verma,Manoj Solanki
College: Mahakal Institute of Technology and Management
Industry / Work Place: Mahakal Institute of Technology Day No.: 7 Week No. 2
Department / Section: Computer Science & Engineering Date: 05/06/2023

Brief of observations made, work done, problem/project undertaken, discussion held, literature-
consulted, places visit etc.

Topic: - Java & Advance Java

Description: -
Explain Implementing event handling- ActionListener, MouseListener,
WindowListener and file handling and give overview of JDBC-ODBC bridge using

Name of the Trainee::Pratyaksh Verma,Manoj Solanki
College: Mahakal Institute of Technology and Management
Industry / Work Place: Mahakal Institute of Technology Day No.: 8 Week No. 2
Department / Section: Computer Science & Engineering Date: 06/06/2023
Brief of observations made, work done, problem/project undertaken, discussion held, literature-consulted,
places visit etc.

Topic: - Java & Advance Java

Description: -
Today we implement Connection, Statement interface, PreparedStatement and ResultSet
for DML operations and introduce with J2EE.

Name of the Trainee::Pratyaksh Verma,Manoj Solanki
College: Mahakal Institute of Technology and Management
Industry / Work Place: Mahakal Institute of Technology Day No.: 9 Week No. 2
Department / Section: Computer Science & Engineering Date: 07/06/2023
Brief of observations made, work done, problem/project undertaken, discussion held, literature-consulted,
places visit etc.

Topic: - Java & Advance Java

Description: -
Today we understand and implement HTML controls to Design static Website and
introduce with Web Application Technologies.

Name of the Trainee: :Pratyaksh Verma,Manoj Solanki
College: Mahakal Institute of Technology and Management
Industry / Work Place: Mahakal Institute of Technology Day No.: 10 Week No. 2
Department / Section: Computer Science & Engineering Date: 08/06/2023
Brief of observations made, work done, problem/project undertaken, discussion held, literature-consulted,
places visit etc.

Topic: - Java & Advance Java

Description: -
Today we understand View Component, Controller Component in Servlet and developing
Dynamic Forms in Java language.


Name of the Trainee:Pratyaksh Verma,Manoj Solanki
College: Mahakal Institute of Technology and Management
Industry / Work Place: Mahakal Institute of Technology Day No.: 11 Week No. 2
Department / Section: Computer Science & Engineering Date: 10/06/2023
Brief of observations made, work done, problem/project undertaken, discussion held, literature-consulted,
places visit etc.

Topic: - Java & Advance Java

Description: -
Today we understand how to implement Servlet life cycle, sharing application resources
using the Servlet context and also understanding Model Component to Designing Business Tier.

Name of the Trainee::Pratyaksh Verma,Manoj Solanki
College: Mahakal Institute of Technology and Management
Industry / Work Place: Mahakal Institute of Technology Day No.: 12 Week No. 3
Department / Section: Computer Science & Engineering Date: 12/06/2023
Brief of observations made, work done, problem/project undertaken, discussion held, literature-
consulted, places visit etc.

Topic: - Java & Advance Java

Description: -
Today we developing Web application using Session Management by using
Cookies, URL rewriting and Session Attribute.

Name of the Trainee::Pratyaksh Verma,Manoj Solanki
College: Mahakal Institute of Technology and Management
Industry / Work Place: Mahakal Institute of Technology Day No.: 13 Week No. 3
Department / Section: Computer Science & Engineering Date: 13/06/2023
Brief of observations made, work done, problem/project undertaken, discussion held, literature-
consulted, places visit etc.

Topic: - Java & Advance Java

Description: -
Today we integrating Web applications with Databases and developing Java Server

Name of the Trainee::Pratyaksh Verma,Manoj Solanki
College: Mahakal Institute of Technology and Management
Industry / Work Place: Mahakal Institute of Technology Day No.: 14 Week No. 3
Department / Section: Computer Science & Engineering Date: 14/06/2023
Brief of observations made, work done, problem/project undertaken, discussion held, literature-
consulted, places visit etc.

Topic: - Java & Advance Java

Description: -
Implement implicit and explicit objects in Java Server Pages and developing Java Server
Pages using bean component and Custom Tags.

Name of the Trainee::Pratyaksh Verma,Manoj Solanki
College: Mahakal Institute of Technology and Management
Industry / Work Place: Mahakal Institute of Technology Day No.: 15 Week No. 3
Department / Section: Computer Science & Engineering Date: 15/06/2023
Brief of observations made, work done, problem/project undertaken, discussion held, literature-consulted,
places visit etc.

Topic: - Java & Advance Java

Description: -
Today we understanding and developing web applications using Struts Action Forms.

Name of the Trainee::Pratyaksh Verma,Manoj Solanki
College: Mahakal Institute of Technology and Management
Industry / Work Place: Mahakal Institute of Technology Day No.: 16 Week No. 3
Department / Section: Computer Science & Engineering Date: 16/06/2023
Brief of observations made, work done, problem/project undertaken, discussion held, literature-consulted,
places visit etc.

Topic: - Java & Advance Java

Description: -
Today we introduce with Hybernate and also implementing Hybernate.

Name of the Trainee: :Pratyaksh Verma,Manoj Solanki
College: Mahakal Institute of Technology and Management
Industry / Work Place: Mahakal Institute of Technology Day No.: 17 Week No. 3
Department / Section: Computer Science & Engineering Date: 17/06/2023
Brief of observations made, work done, problem/project undertaken, discussion held, literature-consulted,
places visit etc.

Topic: - Java & Advance Java

Description: -
Today creating groups for project in which number of students is not more than 5.

Name of the Trainee:Pratyaksh Verma,Manoj Solanki
College: Mahakal Institute of Technology and Management
Industry / Work Place: Mahakal Institute of Technology Day No.: 18 Week No. 4
Department / Section: Computer Science & Engineering Date: 19/06/2023
Brief of observations made, work done, problem/project undertaken, discussion held, literature-consulted,
places visit etc.

Topic: - Java & Advance Java

Description: -
Today we discussed on project implementation and its phases and also solve queries
related projects.

Name of the Trainee: :Pratyaksh Verma,Manoj Solanki
College: Mahakal Institute of Technology and Management
Industry / Work Place: Mahakal Institute of Technology Day No.: 19 Week No. 4
Department / Section: Computer Science & Engineering Date: 20/06/2023
Brief of observations made, work done, problem/project undertaken, discussion held, literature-consulted,
places visit etc.

Topic: - Java & Advance Java

Description: -
Today we discussed on project implementation and its phases and also solve queries
related projects.

Name of the Trainee::Pratyaksh Verma,Manoj Solanki
College: Mahakal Institute of Technology and Management
Industry / Work Place: Mahakal Institute of Technology Day No.: 20 Week No. 4
Department / Section: Computer Science & Engineering Date: 21/06/2023
Brief of observations made, work done, problem/project undertaken, discussion held, literature-consulted,
places visit etc.

Topic: - Java & Advance Java

Description: -
Today we discussed on project implementation and its phases and also solve queries
related projects.

Name of the Trainee: :Pratyaksh Verma,Manoj Solanki
College: Mahakal Institute of Technology and Management
Industry / Work Place: Mahakal Institute of Technology Day No.: 21 Week No. 4
Department / Section: Computer Science & Engineering Date: 22/06/2023
Brief of observations made, work done, problem/project undertaken, discussion held, literature-consulted,
places visit etc.

Topic: - Java & Advance Java

Description: -
Today we discussed on project implementation and its phases and also solve queries
related projects.


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