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// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License

2.0 at
// © RozaniGhani-RG
// Credits to Scott M Carney, author of Harmonic Trading Volume 3:
Reaction vs. Reversal
// Alt Bat - Page 101
// Bat - Page 98
// Crab - Page 104
// Gartley - Page 92
// Butterfly - Page 113
// Deep Crab - Page 107
// Shark - Page 119 - 220
// Point D and Stop Loss - Page 174

indicator('Harmonic Pattern Table (Source Code)', shorttitle = 'HPT_SC',

// 0. Input
// 1. array
// 2. Switch
// 3. Custom function
// 4. array.push arr_table
// 5. if barstate.islast

// 0. Input
// Tooltip and group
T0 = 'Small font size recommended for mobile app or multiple layout'
T1 = 'Untick to hide'
T2 = 'Tick to hide'
G0 = 'Remove Unnecessary Row / Columns'
G1 = 'Harmonic Animals'

i_s_font = input.string('normal', 'Font size', tooltip = T0,

options = ['tiny', 'small', 'normal', 'large', 'huge'])
i_s_Y = input.string('top', 'Table Position', inline = '0',
options = ['top', 'middle', 'bottom'])
i_s_X = input.string('right', '', inline = '0', options
= ['left', 'center', 'right'])
i_s_unit = input.string('Tolerance', 'Tolerance / Range',
options = ['Tolerance', 'Range'])

// G0
// 1
i_b_title = input.bool(true, 'Title', inline = '1', group = G0, tooltip
= T1)
// 2
i_b_no = input.bool(false, 'No ', inline = '2', group = G0)
i_b_xab = input.bool(false, 'Point B', inline = '2', group = G0)
i_b_abc = input.bool(false, 'Point C ', inline = '2', group = G0,
tooltip = T2)
// 3
i_b_dbc = input.bool(false, 'Layering', inline = '3', group = G0)
i_b_prz = input.bool(false, 'PRZ ', inline = '3', group = G0)
i_b_sl = input.bool(false, 'Stop Loss', inline = '3', group = G0)

// G1
// 4
i_b_abat = input.bool(true, 'Alt Bat ', inline = '4', group = G1)
i_b_bat = input.bool(true, 'Bat ', inline = '4', group = G1)
i_b_crab = input.bool(true, 'Crab ', inline = '4', group = G1,
tooltip = T2)
i_b_gart = input.bool(true, 'Gartley ', inline = '5', group = G1)
i_b_bfly = input.bool(true, 'Butterfly ', inline = '5', group = G1)
i_b_dcrab = input.bool(true, 'Deep Crab', inline = '5', group = G1)
// 7
i_b_shark = input.bool(true, 'Shark', inline = '6', group = G1)

// 1. array
table[] arr_table = array.new_table()

// 2. Switch
[n, BC, b_abat, b_gart, b_bfly, b_dcrab] = switch i_s_unit
// n, BC, b_abat,
b_gart, b_bfly, b_dcrab
'Tolerance' => [ ' ; ', '0.382 ; 0.886', '0.382 (- 3%)', '0.618 (+ - 3%)',
'0.786 (+ - 3%)', '0.886 (+ 5%)']
=> [' to ', '0.382 to 0.886', '0.371 to 0.382', '0.599 to
0.637', '0.762 to 0.810', '0.886 to 0.930']

// cell values
col_bg = array.from(color.yellow, color.yellow,,,,,
str_title = array.from('NO', 'HARMONIC PATTERN',
'B = XA', 'C = AB\n(POINT C)', 'D = BC\n(LAYERING)', 'D = XA\
n(PRZ)', 'SL = XA\n(STOP LOSS)')
str_abat = array.from('1', 'ALT BAT',
b_abat, BC, '2.000' + n + '3.618', '1.130',
str_bat = array.from('2', 'BAT', '0.382' + n +
'0.500', BC, '1.618' + n + '2.618', '0.886',
str_crab = array.from('3', 'CRAB', '0.382' + n +
'0.618', BC, '2.618' + n + '3.618', '1.618',
str_gart = array.from('4', 'GARTLEY',
b_gart, BC, '1.130' + n + '1.618', '0.786',
str_bfly = array.from('5', 'BUTTERFLY',
b_bfly, BC, '1.618' + n + '2.240', '1.270',
str_dcrab = array.from('6', 'DEEP CRAB',
b_dcrab, BC, '2.000' + n + '3.618', '1.618',
str_shark = array.from('7', 'SHARK', '0.382' + n +
'0.618', '1.130' + n + '1.618', '1.618' + n + '2.240', '0.886 or 1.130',

// 3. Custom function
// Dependencies : arr_table, col_bg and i_s_font
f_cell(_input, int _row, _id) =>
if _input
for index = 0 to 6
table.cell(array.get(arr_table, 0), index, _row,
bgcolor = array.get(col_bg, index),
text_size = i_s_font,
text_color =,
text = array.get(_id, index))
// Dependency : i_b_bat
if _input == i_b_bat and _input
if i_b_prz == false
table.cell_set_bgcolor(array.get(arr_table, 0), 5, 2,
// Dependency : i_b_gart
if _input == i_b_gart and _input
if i_b_prz == false
table.cell_set_bgcolor(array.get(arr_table, 0), 5, 4,
// Dependency : i_b_shark
if _input == i_b_shark and _input
table.cell_set_bgcolor(array.get(arr_table, 0), 1, 7,
if i_b_no == false and _input
table.cell_set_bgcolor(array.get(arr_table, 0), 0, 7,
if i_b_abc == false
table.cell_set_bgcolor(array.get(arr_table, 0), 3, 7,
if i_b_prz == false
table.cell_set_bgcolor(array.get(arr_table, 0), 5, 7,

// Dependency : arr_table
f_clear(_input, int _column) =>
if _input
table.clear(array.get(arr_table, 0), _column, 0, _column, 8)

f_table_top() => = i_s_Y + '_' + i_s_X, rows = 9,

columns = 7, border_color = na, border_width = 1)

// 4. array.push arr_table
array.push(arr_table, f_table_top())

// 5. if barstate.islast
if barstate.islast
// Table cell based on input
// Input dependencies : i_b_title, i_b_abat, i_b_bat, i_b_crab,
i_b_gart, i_b_bfly, i_b_dcrab and i_b_shark
// Int dependencies : 0, 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6 and 7
// String dependencies : str_title, str_abat, str_bat, str_crab,
str_gart, str_bfly, str_dcrab and str_shark
f_cell(i_b_title, 0, str_title)
f_cell(i_b_abat, 1, str_abat)
f_cell(i_b_bat, 2, str_bat)
f_cell(i_b_crab, 3, str_crab)
f_cell(i_b_gart, 4, str_gart)
f_cell(i_b_bfly, 5, str_bfly)
f_cell(i_b_dcrab, 6, str_dcrab)
f_cell(i_b_shark, 7, str_shark)

// Clear cell based on input

// Input dependencies : i_b_no, i_b_xab, i_b_abc, i_b_dbc, i_b_prz and
// Int dependencies : 0, 2, 3, 4, 5 and
f_clear(i_b_no, 0)
f_clear(i_b_xab, 2)
f_clear(i_b_abc, 3)
f_clear(i_b_dbc, 4)
f_clear(i_b_prz, 5)
f_clear(i_b_sl, 6) p

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