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In-Class 1 Materials

Simple Past & Past Continuous

*B2.1 Unit 1A-B*

Activity 02.01: Time Stands Still
Directions: With your classmate(s) answer the following questions:

· What was happening before time stopped? When time sped up? Recall as many specific details as
· What do you think the man was feeling as he walked towards the girl? What about when time sped

Activity 02.02: Past Tense Review

Simple versus Continuous

Simple Past Past Continuous

Completed events that began and ended in the past, An event that occurred over a period
generally at a known or implied time. of time in the past
Can also refer to a state of being in the past Usually interrupted or stopped by
(with stative verbs).* another event
Action verbs only (no stative verbs!)*

Examples: Examples:
I was at work when they announced the merger. Jan was giving a presentation when**
her mother called.
While** I was driving, I almost hit a

*Useful trick: If a verb happens in your head or your heart, it might not be a true action and
therefore cannot be used in a continuous tense. Ex: Remember, love, etc.
**Note: In a sentence with both tenses where one action interrupts another, we can use when with
the simple past and while with the continuous.

Activity 02.03: Act It Out
Directions: Screenshare the information below with your partner.
Use the simple past or the past continuous to complete the sentences with your partner.

A Golden Find: While divers ________ (work) off the coast of Florida, they ________ (discover) a
shipwreck containing gold worth $2 million. The divers ________ (film) a show about the coral reef
when they ________ (find) the gold.
Four-Legged Customers: One windy day, a woman ________ (walk) her poodle down the street. A
hairstylist ________ (see) the dog through a window and ________ (notice) its crazy hair! Later, while
the stylist _______ (create) a new line of hair care products for cats and dogs, he ________ (come up
with) a new slogan: “Even animals have bad hair days!”
Rescue...The Ambulance!: An ambulance driver ________ (have) breakfast in a coffee shop when a
woman ________ (hop) into his ambulance and ________ (drive) away. The driver ________ (grab) his
cell phone and ________ (alert) the police. The carjacker ________ (go) over 90 miles an hour when
the highway patrol finally ________ (catch up with) her.

(Extension Activity) What Were You Doing?

Directions: Choose a question below and answer the question telling a 2-minute story about what
you were doing during the event. When you and partner finish answering the first question, continue
to answer the others
1. What were you doing when Costa Rica lost to Netherlands in the World Cup of 2014?
2. What were you doing when the earthquake of Cinchona happened?
3. Tell about what you remember about the social networking boom of the 2010s. What
changed, what didn’t? How was the world changing?
4. What were you doing when you heard Michael Jackson died?
5. What were you doing on September 11?
6. Tell us what you did for your 18 birthday.

Activity 03:01: Influential Experiences
(Part 1) You have 4 minutes to discuss the following questions for each person in your group:

What made you who you are? What experiences have shaped you to be the person
you are today.

(Share specific stories about specific events from your life!)

(Part 2) You have 6 minutes to discuss the following questions for EACH picture below.

• What made the person who they are?

• What experiences have shaped him/ her to be the person he/ she is today.
(Work together as a group to create the person’s experiences and history)

Activity 03.02: Vocab Gab
Directions: Read the sentences out loud and try to guess the meaning of the word in BOLD based on
the context of the sentences.

1. There are a lot of people that I have conversations with at the office, but it’s usually
just small talk.

2. Hey! How was your weekend? It was ok. Same old, same old.

3. I saw an accident on the road that really threw me for a loop the other day.

4. Back in the day, we used to play soccer in the street.

5. That was a really good movie! By the way, I hear they are asking for extras for the

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