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Name:S i m e o u n J e s s S i a Section: B S H M 4 1 0 1 Date:9/10/23 Score:

Directions: Draw a concept map about globalization then define it in your own words.

The political, economic,

social, and cultural
spheres are all
significantly impacted Transportation
by the process of Culture and
and Technology
national integration Society
known as globalization.
International trade
platforms are bringing
countries together.
It has had a significant
impact on all aspects
from various angles.
Ships and airplanes enabled
the trade of products. As a
result, trading is faster and
more effective. Business
Politics Economy traders also use modern
technology to communicate
with foreign investors. Using
phones and computers,
negotiations and business
transactions can be
conducted more simply
Environment without flying..

01 Worksheet 1
*Property of STI
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