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What is a Preposition?

You need to remember that the definition of a preposition is one or a group of

words that are used to show the relationship between words in a sentence.
Apa itu Preposition?
Perlu kamu ingat kembali bahwa pengertian preposition adalah satu atau
sekelompok kata yang dipakai untuk menunjukkan hubungan antar kata dalam
sebuah kalimat.

Preposition of Time
1. IN, Dalam preposition of time, kata “in” bisa dipakai untuk menambah
keterangan yang berkaitan dengan:
 Month (bulan), contohnya in March.
 Year (tahun), seperti in 1996.
 Season (musim), misalnya in summer.
 Part of the day (bagian dari hari), seperti in the morning.
 Centurie (abad), contoh in the 20th century.
 Decade (dekade), misal in the 1990s.
 Mengekspresikan periode waktu. Contohnya in two weeks.
 Long periods (waktu yang lama) seperti in the past/future.

Example :
1. I’m going on vacation in March.
2. The company was founded in 1996.
3. Alfi usually goes swimming in summer.

2. ON, Karena bersifat lebih spesifi, maka kamu dapat mengaplikasikan “on”
 Days (hari), contohnya on Monday, on the weekend, on the weekday.
 Dates (tanggal), seperti on 6 March.
 Days with part of the day, misalnya on Tuesday morning. Ingat, kalau hanya
“Tuesday”, maka gunakan “on”, lalu apabila hanya “morning”, gunakanlah
“in”. Ketika menyebutkan hari ditambah keterangannya, pakailah “on”.
 Feast day (hari perayaan), contohnya on Independence Day, on my
birthday, on Christmas day, on New Year’s Eve.
 Action that is in progress at a specific time (tindakan yang berlangsung pada
waktu tertentu), seperti on my way.

Example ;
1. After the long trip, Chris will finally see Poetry on Monday.
2. Netflix actually can be my best friend on the weekend.
3. AT, Ini beberapa preposition of time yang bisa kamu aplikasikan dengan
kata depan “at”:
 Time of the day seperti at 9 o’clock, at 10 p.m.
 Particular time (waktu tertentu), contohnya at noon, at night, at midnight, at
dinnertime, at bedtime, at sunrise, at sunset, at the moment, at present, at the
same time.
Example ;
1. We’re going to watch Avatar ”The Way of The Water” at 10 p.m.
2. The store closes at midnight.

Pada preposition of place,

1.IN, kamu bisa gunakan “in” sebagai kata depan saat berbicara tentang:
 Cities (kota), contohnya in Bandung.
 Countries (negara), seperti in Indonesia.
 Position in a larger area/container (sesuatu yang berada di dalam ruang
dengan area luas), misalnya in the fridge, in the backpack, etc.
Examples :
1. I’m going to visit my grandparents in Malang next month.
2. I’ve always wanted to go skiing in Switzerland.

ON mengekspresika sebuah kalimat dengan keterangan sebagai berikut:
Surfaces (permukaan), contohnya on the table.
Large transportation (kendaraan besar), misalnya on the bus.
Specific location (lokasi spesifik) seperti on top of the table.
Location in relation to a larger geographic area (lokasi yang terkait dengan
area geografi lebih luas), contohnya on Main Street.
Example :
1. Oh my god! He didn’t give it back to me, he just put the book on the
2. My wallet was stolen on the bus.

3. AT fungsi “at” dalam preposition of place:

 Addresses (alamat), contoh at 20 Sudirman Street.
 Events (acara), misal at the party.
 Location where the event takes places (lokasi berlangsungnya sebuah acara),
contohnya at the stadium.
 Specific point (titik spesifik), misal at the entrance.
 Location in relation to something else (lokasi yang ada kaitannya dengan hal
lain), seperti at the top of the stairs.
Example :
1. Our office is located at 20 Sudirman Street.
2. I saw Nanda’s boyfriend at the party last night.

Exercise 3.
1. My mom likes to get up early and exercise …… the morning.
2. Many major advancements in technology occurred ….. the 20th century.
3. ….. the 1990s, the internet started becoming widely available.
4. …… the past, people relied on horse-drawn carriages as their primary mode
of transportation.
5. Mr. Jeffry will be able to start working on the project again …. two weeks.
6. Dating …. the weekdays is really nice.
7. I still remember, I graduated ….. 6 March last year.
8. Rara can’t wait to meet her parents ….. Tuesday morning.
9. I’m going to propose to my girlfriend …. Christmas day.
10. My bestie and I are going to a Coldplay concert ….. New Year’s Eve.
11. My sister put the leftovers ….. the fridge so they don’t spoil.
12. She always keeps her phone ….. my backpack when I go out.
13. The dog plays ball …. the garden.
14. I’m ….. a good mood today, let’s go out and have some fun!
15. I believe …. the power of hard work and determination.
16. My Mom put a cup of coffee ….. top of the table.
17. Rasya told my crush that I live ….. main street.
18. The big concert is happening ….. the stadium this weekend.
19. Let’s meet …. the entrance of the building.
20. I left my keys ….. the top of the stairs.

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