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I love you, Tiberius.

I wish you were here with us, but I know you are doing great
work in the Scholomance. I am proud to be your brother. - Mark

I lived with my most recent boyfriend for more than a year before we realized we
wanted two separate things out of life. He wanted me home. I wanted a career. -
**Ugly love

This guy may deserve every single bit of remorse he´s feeling for whatever he did
to Rachel, but at least he´s feeling it. I have to give him that much. Whatever he
did to Rachel, at least he loves her enough to regret it. - Tate
**Ugly love

Love isnt always pretty, Tate. sometimes you spend all your time hoping it'll
eventually be something different. Something better. Then, before you know it,
you're back to square one, and you lost your heart somewhere along the way. - Cap
**Ugly love

If that boy can't see what a good thing he could have with you, then he ain't worth
your time. - Cap
** Ugly love

When life gives you lemons, make sure you know whose eyes you need to squeeze them
in. - Cap
**Ugly love

I know the thought of confronting your past terrifies you. It terrifies every man.
But sometimes we dont do it for ourselves. we do it for the people we love more
than ouselves. - Cap
**Ugly love

The sadness that was my life became the moments, and the happiness with Brad became
my life. - Rachel
**Ugly love

The pain will never go away, Miles. Ever. But if you let yourself love her, you'll
only feel it sometimes, instead of allowing it to consume your entire life. -
**Ugly love

night circus
queen of air and darkness
children of blood and bone
the lost hero
the hobbit
call me by your name
king of scars
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