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While Loop Questions

1. Write a program to print the following using while loop

a. First 10 Even numbers
b. First 10 Odd numbers
c. First 10 whole numbers
2. Write a program to print first 10 integers and the squares using while loop.
3. Write a loop statement to print the following series --> 10,20,30..... 300
4. Write a while loop statement to print the following series --> 105,98,91....7
5. Write a program to print first 10 integers in reverse order using while loop.
6. Write a program to print sum of first 10 integers
7. Write a program to find the product of the digits of a number accepted from the
8. Write a program to enter the numbers till the user wants and at the end it should
display the sum of all the numbers entered.
9. Write a program to convert Decimal to Binary
10. Write a program to convert Binary to Decimal
11. Write a program to accept 10 numbers from the user and display the average.
12. Write a program to accept 10 numbers from the user and display the largest and
smallest number.
13. Write a program to display all the numbers which are divisible by 13 but not by 3
between 100 and 500. (Exclusive both numbers)
14. Write a program to print the following series till the n terms --> 2, 22, 222, 2222,
22222......... n
15. Write a program to print all the characters in the string 'PYTHON' using while loop.

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