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Self Introductory Presentation

Sometimes, on some occasions such as during job interviews or being new to a community, you may
be asked to deliver a self-introductory presentation to introduce yourself and/or convince people of
your competence in an area. Self- introductory presentation also shows your presentation skills for
the intended audience.

While introducing yourself, based on where you are delivering that presentation and why, you give
specific details about yourself. In other words, depending on to whom you are presenting and your
purpose, you can include different details in your presentation. These can include general personal
background, education, career background, achievements skills/languages, personal details like
hobbies and interests, plans, strengths and weaknesses, and so on.

This is your first task for this lesson and is designed to provide you with an opportunity to (1) gain
confidence while speaking in front of an audience (2) practice some fundamentals of public speaking
such as structuring and delivering your speech as well as preparing and using visuals(3) establish
yourself as a credible source of ideas in this class which affects how others react to you during later
speeches and in class in general. Work to create a sense of unity between you and your audience.

1. What to do?
Prepare a 3-5-minute self-introductory presentation and add visuals (e.g.: you can use Microsoft
PowerPoint) so that you will have a chance to use visuals in a presentation and get feedback. In a
self-introductory presentation, you try to give information about yourself as much as possible
following a plan. Please upload your presentation to Ninova. If your visual presentation is not in a
format that can be uploaded to Ninova (maybe you use Canva or Prezi), you can convert it to a PDF
format and then upload it.

Content: You can use some of the details (not all!) below to help you develop ideas for what to
mention in a self-introductory speech.

Depending on the occasion you will deliver the presentation (e.g. classroom, business interview,

First, prepare a collage of you, choosing to include some of the following in your speech:

 Your name
 Where are you from? Do your roots reveal something about yourself that is new to the
audience? Have you been shaped by where you grew up or by your culture? (That always
works in a small nice text for introducing your biggest personal features.)
 Your role models (Who has made a great impact on you?)
 Your interests/hobbies/activities/skills (Highlight the qualities, skills, and experience you
have that are most relevant for the audience and occasion.)
 What do you dislike or hate?
 Are there any values that are important in your life?
 Can you come up with a turning point or milestone in your life?
 What activity has played or played an important part in your life? Tell the story.
 What is your passion in life?
 What is your main personal goal?
 What are your career goals?
 What is your lifestyle?

 Fun facts that demonstrate your unique personality

 What are your strengths?
 Your relevance or role in the situation (if for a job interview)
 What distinguishes you from other individuals in class?
 What is your educational background?
 Talk about your Professional background. (better for job applications)

Second, plan a speech about yourself. Include the following:

In the opening:
 An attention-getting opening sentence or story (attention-getter) (audio and video materials
can also be used to get the attention of the listeners)
 A one-sentence message about you (thesis statement)
 A preview of the main points that are coming up (“Today I’ll talk about…”)

In the body:
 Two or three main points (they may come from your answers to the above questions)

In the conclusion:
 A restatement of your thesis (identical to the thesis statement)
 A memorable, fun, or powerful closing sentence (clincher).

Third, develop an outline for your talk. You can put it on ONE index card/a piece of paper (called a
Speaking Outline) if you need to remember the main points you will talk about.
 Do NOT write out everything you will say
 Put a few words to remind you of the ideas you want to get across to your audience
 No written speeches are allowed. No reading or heavy note use is allowed. The speaking style
should be extemporaneous.
 No sources are needed for this speech.
 Have an effective introduction, body, and conclusion.

Structure: The speech will be expected to include an introduction that (1) gains the attention of the
audience, (2) introduces the topic clearly, and (3) previews the body of your speech.

The body of your speech should include two or three distinct main points. Preview each point at the
end of the introduction part. Each point needs to be supported with examples/details.

The conclusion of your speech should reinforce your topic. The end of the speech is as important as
the beginning. The conclusion should not be abrupt but should be definite. DO NOT feel the need to
use a qualifying ending such as “OK, I’m done”, “That is it”, or “And that is about it.”

Delivery: Delivery should be made with signs of confidence such as strong eye contact with the
audience, clearly articulated words, and vocal variety, as well as a lack of distracting mannerisms.
Body movements should be natural rather than “wild” or “stiff.” DO NOT MEMORIZE OR READ YOUR
SPEECH. Present it extemporaneously (i.e., prepared but conversational.)

Questions: If time permits, there will be an opportunity for questions. When answering, be polite but
succinct. If you don’t know the answer, simply say “I don’t know but I will find out.” Simple as that!

Visuals: In your Visuals (e.g. PowerPoint), consider adding personal photos of yourself. When in
doubt, mention your pets; animals are always a crowd-pleaser! If you use some visuals, not from

your own camera or photo album, do not forget to show the source: You can write it under the
visual. Check examples in the “course resources” folder “week 3”, if you need help.

If your visual presentation is not in a format that can be uploaded to Ninova, you can convert it to a
PDF format and then upload it. You are required to upload your visuals to Ninova before the lesson.

If you have any questions concerning this speech, feel free to contact me before the speech. Relax.
This is your first speech—not the State of the Union address. If you prepare and organize, you should
do fine!

Please also check the following links to the website and examples to guide you and give ideas while
preparing your speech:

Self-Introduction Speech Example

Self-Introduction Speech - Visuals example

How to write a speech introducing yourself

How to Introduce Yourself in English | Tell Me Something About Yourself - Interview Tips

How to Answer: Tell me about yourself

Tell me about yourself! Introduce yourself in English with EASE!

2. Assessment task 1 (10 pts)

- During preparation and presentation, try to use the skills and strategies you have learned so
- Pay attention to transitions from one topic to another.
- Check PowerPoint preparation tips under “ders kaynakları” (course resources) and use
technology appropriately.
- While delivering your speech, talk to your audience. They are delighted to learn more about
- Focus on your body language while getting prepared and presenting.
- Try to control your voice for an effective presentation.

3. Scoring
You will be evaluated on the points we have talked about in our lessons so far.

- Plan & content

- Use of visuals
- Delivery (body language, vocal variety)
- Timing

You will receive full credit as long as you

 Create a plan and use it when you deliver your speech
 Put all the elements mentioned in “Second” (see above) on your speaking outline
 Speak to the audience and do not write out complete sentences or read from your note

This is an opportunity to practice giving a speech using the skills that will be required in later
speeches. If you have any questions, e-mail me via

Source: Gunner, J., (n.d.), About me speech examples.


A short speech example for a class

A great speech about yourself for school should make your classmates feel like they know
you better after you finish speaking. Here is an example of a class speech in case you need to
introduce yourself in 100 words.

My name is Joshua Rowland, and you may not know that I can break four concrete blocks
with one punch. Last month, I received my third-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do. In my 16
years of life, it’s my greatest accomplishment. I’ve been involved in martial arts since I was
three. My younger brother, Marcus, is also a martial artist, as are our parents. Our passions as
a family are physical fitness and spending time together, which martial arts allows us to do.
After graduation, I hope to become a martial arts instructor by majoring in kinesiology. Thank

By focusing on his accomplishment, Joshua was able to naturally bring his passion into the
speech. He was also able to continue the thought with a goal for the future.

A short speech example for a business presentation

Your slideshow is ready, the video is queued up – but you’re not ready without an
introduction. Business presentations show your colleagues that you are knowledgeable,
experienced, and relatable. Check out an example of an introduction to a business

Hello everyone, and thank you for coming out this morning. My name is Ruhi Mallaya.
Before I begin the presentation, let me tell you about myself. I graduated from Yale and I
have been working at Commerce Farm for six years. Let me tell you, Commerce Farm has
taught me a lot about finance, but a lot more about fantasy football. If you don’t have your
team picked yet, I suggest you spend the break trying to beat my picks. Good luck with that!
Besides winning the office league every year, I spend my non-work time with my dogs and
new baby rabbit. They have been a great audience for my rants about cash flow and liabilities,
but somehow I think today is going to go better…

Ruhi has established herself as professional yet funny. Her expertise in the office’s hobby lets
people know that she is good at what she does, yet entertaining to be around.

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