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Read the article about Humpback Whales, and then answer the questions.

Humpback Whales: The Marvels of the Ocean

Humpback whales, scientifically known as Megaptera novaeangliae, are
among the most captivating and majestic creatures in the world's oceans.
These gentle giants have captured the fascination of scientists,
conservationists, and nature enthusiasts alike.

The Magnificent Humpback Whales

Humpback whales are known for their impressive size. Adult humpbacks can reach lengths of up to 52
feet and weigh as much as 30 tons. They feature a distinctive hump on their backs, which becomes
particularly noticeable when they arch their bodies before a deep dive. This unique physical
characteristic is what gives them their name. Humpback whales are famous for their spectacular
behaviours. They are often seen breaching, which involves leaping out of the water and crashing back
down with an enormous splash. This breath-taking display is one of the most iconic behaviours
associated with humpback whales. Additionally, they engage in tail-slapping, where they repeatedly
smack their massive tails against the water's surface, creating thunderous sounds that resonate
through the ocean. Humpbacks are also known for flipper waving, during which they wave their long
pectoral fins in the air. These behaviours are not only awe-inspiring but also serve various purposes.
Breaching is believed to be a form of communication, a means of dislodging parasites, and possibly
even a way to stun prey. Tail-slapping and flipper waving may also have communication and social
functions within the humpback whale community.

The Epic Migrations

One of the most remarkable aspects of humpback whales is their extensive migrations. These marine
giants undertake journeys that cover thousands of miles between their feeding and breeding grounds.
During the summer months, humpbacks travel to polar waters, where they feed voraciously to build up
fat reserves. This sustenance is crucial, as it provides the energy needed for their long, arduous
journey. As winter approaches, humpback whales embark on their epic migration to warmer tropical
waters. It's in these balmy breeding grounds that they mate and give birth to their calves. This migration
is one of the longest of any mammal, showcasing the endurance and navigational abilities of these
magnificent creatures. Some individuals may travel from polar regions near Antarctica to the tropical
waters of the equator. The purpose of these long migrations is twofold: to ensure access to ample food
in polar regions and to provide a safe environment for calving in tropical waters. It's during this migration
that humpback whales exhibit some of their most captivating behaviours, making it an ideal time for
whale watchers to witness their awe-inspiring displays.

The Remarkable Feeding Habits

Despite their enormous size, humpback whales are filter feeders. Their primary diet consists of small
fish and krill, tiny shrimp-like creatures that abound in nutrient-rich ocean waters. Humpbacks employ
a unique feeding technique called "lunge feeding." They begin by swimming rapidly toward schools of
prey, then open their massive mouths and engulf large quantities of water along with their prey. Using
baleen plates—comb-like structures in their mouths—humpbacks filter out the water, trapping the prey
inside. They then swallow the captured food, ensuring their energy needs are met. This feeding method
allows humpback whales to consume astonishing amounts of food. In fact, they can ingest up to 3,000
pounds (1,360 kilograms) of food in a single day. This voracious appetite is essential for sustaining
their massive bodies and supporting their long migrations.
Question 1

What physical characteristic gives humpbacks their name?

A Their unique appearance.

B Their humpbacked appearance.

C Their long pectoral fins.

Question 2

Which behaviour is particularly famous and involves leaping out of the water?

A Flipper waving.

B Tail-slapping.

C Breaching.

Question 3

What is the primary purpose of breaching among humpback whales?

A Stun prey.

B Communicate with other species.

C Rest and relax.

Question 4

Why do humpback whales embark on extensive migrations?

A To escape from predators

B To find new feeding grounds.

C To mate and give birth.

Question 5

How do humpback whales primarily feed?

A They swallow their prey whole.

B They use their flippers to scoop up prey.

C They filter small fish and krill using baleen plates.

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