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"How can you make a difference in the education system using technology?


Nowadays, you will see the difference in how technology has changed teaching. In older
days, students read from their books, and if they faced any problems, they would ask their
teachers the next day at school or for tuition.

But now, students clear their doubts by using apps and websites. Due to technology, they can
also ask a question or have live interaction with their teachers personally. Education has
progressed a lot.

But there is one issue that is undervalued in the education system: "The Strategy of Teaching
Scheme". Even in the present day, with the leveraging of technology and the teaching style,
we use the same algorithm and strategy for teaching, which many of the students are not able
to understand during the learning process. Because of this issue, many students are behind,
and their growth speed is not up to their marked age. Every student has a different
perspective on how to see things and learn them, which they can grasp easily and implement
or use in their learning stage so that they can cope with all other students equally.

For this issue, I came up with a relevant solution with the help of technology and an
innovative study pattern. This integration of technology will change the way students and
teachers learn.

With the help of artificial intelligence and many innovative tools of technology, we can train
models with different strategies of teaching for the same subject to different students by
monitoring the students' interests, patterns, ways of learning, and capacities. By giving
(generated by a train model using AI) the same questions using different strategies and
patterns and collecting data.

With the help of a neural network, pattern recognition, and deep learning, we can analyze the
student data (way of learning). So, we can use that data set to train the model with the same
strategy of teaching for the particular student so that they can learn and understand the
subject, ensuring that no one is left behind and copes with all other students equally.

An adaptive teaching strategy uses data analytics to track a student's progress and adapt the
content accordingly. This ensures that students receive the support they need to excel while
also challenging them appropriately, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter
based on their particular understanding capability.

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