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Report on: Space Traffic By: 1)Gauri Hade 2)Chandrakant Pimpale Sub: Architectural Communication Skill Sem: 1 College: Sipna School Of Planning & Architecture Abstract: The value of a space traffic management system must weigh the historical and legally entrenched concept of the freedom of operation in near-Earth orbit against the potential benefits of a new regulatory regime. Most spacefaring nations do not yet exert control over the selection of orbital parameters for new space systems within their own countries, much less in an international context. The need for and potential effectiveness of such intrusive space traffic management in the foreseeable future have not yet been clearly established. > Introduction: Space traffic refers to the growing number of objects and activities in Earth's orbit. This report aims to give a clear picture of the current state of space traffic, comparing it to previous trends, and making projections for the future, It is important to note that accurate and up-to-date data and imagery should be obtained from reliable sources to ensure the information provided is the most recent. >Current Status: Satellite Constellations: The proliferation of satellite constellations, which include Starlink, OneWeb, and others, has significantly improved the number of energetic satellites in Low Earth Orbit (LEO). This has contributed to space congestion and heightened the hazard of collisions. Space Debris: Space debris, comprising defunct satellites and fragments from preceding space missions, poses an enormous threat. There are over three,000 tons of area particles in orbit, in addition crowding Earth's environment. © International Space Station (ISS): The ISS remains a key participant in area traffic management. It orbits Earth in LEO, web hosting international astronauts and clinical experiments. * Emerging Players: New space faring countries, in addition to non-public businesses, are launching more items into orbit. This diversification of actors adds complexity to space site visitors control >Past Trends: © Space Debris Growth: Over the past few decades, the amount of area particles has regularly accelerated, making it a developing subject for space corporations and satellite tv for pc operators. © Commercialization: The industrial space quarter has extended, mainly to multiplied satellite tv for pc launches and human spaceflight activities. © International Cooperation: International collaboration, like the International Space Station application, has been instrumental in handling space visitors and promoting responsible space sports. > Future Projections: * Rapid Growth: The wide variety of satellites in orbit is anticipated to develop appreciably within the coming years as extra nations and companies release their personal constellations. * Space Traffic Management: international agreements and pointers turns into greater essential to make sure safe and sustainable area sports. Technologies like computerized collision avoidance structures may be vital. * Clean-up initiatives: Various projects are being developed to remove area debris, contributing to a cleanser space environment. Number of Objects [-] >Increase in the number of satellites in LEO over the years. Payload Launch Traffic into 200 =hp= 1750km am Amateur am Civil lm Defense a Commercial 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 Launch Year >Space Debris, Dust and Matter Titanium 2% Copper, 5% Steel, 12% Aluminum alloys, 44% Paint chips 37% >All of the World's Spaceports on One Map Orbital and Suborbital Launch Sites of the World >Visual Interpretation Conclusion As aerospace continues to evolve, itis critical that we prioritize safety, sustainability and responsible practices. International cooperation and treaties play an important role in the safe and controlled space activities. Additionally, there is a need for advanced tracking, communication and damage mitigation technologies, The ever-expanding space environment is a testament to human intelligence and ambition However, it is also about challenges that must be met with caution and cooperation. By acknowledging these challenges and working together, we can ensure that space travel remains the frontier of research, innovation and international cooperation, while protecting our orbit for generations to come.

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