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Jurassic Park 4.

Chapter 1: Introduction
One day, There was a boy called Hani. He was 17 years old. He was
living in Spencer’s house. For the first time, he opened a book named
A World Of Sixteen. He Opened This Book And He Saw Issac Newton
and Sarah after he closed the book. He Found Issac Newton and
Sarah behind him. And he opened another book named The
Seventeen's World and he saw Alan and Spencer after he closed the
book. He found Alan and Spencer behind him. They found a new book
named The World Of Eighteen they saw in this book a man named
Yasser and after they closed this book. They saw Yasser behind them.
And they found a big fridge and it was filled with food and drinks.
They sat together and had tea and chocolate cake. They found a new
book named The Animals, after they opened this book the animals
came out. They saw big elephants, small dinosaurs, naughty monkeys,
fast rabbits, huge cows, strong lions, and ferocious

Chapter 2:Yasser’s house.

While they all sat in Yasser’s house, they saw in front of them Adel
walking his dogs, Alex, Depika,3 little black and white dogs and 7
golden dogs, and his wife Lucie. Lucie is the best dog trainer in the
world. When we were walking in the streets. We saw Mr. Tamer, Mr.
Ashraf, and Dr. Maro. Mr. Tamer is 44 years old and his wife name
Saeida. He has 4 children.
The first is Adel, Maya, Nancy, and Ruby. They decided to go on an
expedition in the jungle.
Chapter 3: The Jungle
While they were walking in the jungle. They saw
Mr. Mohammed. Ms. Nariman, Mr. Mahmoud. Mr. Mohammed is 38
years old. Ms. Nariman is 37 years old. Mr. Mahmoud is 28 years old.
While they were walking in the jungle. They saw some of the lions and
the tigers, also they saw some strange people and Robinson. After they
returned to the house. They sat on the couch and drank tea. After
that, they went to sleep. They insisted on going to the desert.

Chapter4:the desert.
While they all sat in the house. They had their breakfast. After that,
they went out to travel to the desert. They arrived at the desert and
they ate their lunch. After that, they found an old brownish box. They
opened that box. They found a new board game named Jumanji. They
played this game till they found a word that tells us that in the jungle
they must wait until the dice read five or eight. They entered the
game. At 26 years old. There was someone named Mr. Ahmed. He
came to take this board game to Spencer's house. He played the game
until he got five and they all got outside the game and they thanked
Mr. Ahmed very much. They ate all the food that Mr. Ahmed made.

When they are traveling to Germany. They get the passports, the
money, and the food that Mr. Ahmed made. Then they went to the
airport. They bought the plane tickets and rode the plane to start the
flight to Germany. When they finally arrived in Germany. They ate
the food that Mr. Ahmed made for them. They went to Louis Park.
They go to the gardens. They finally say goodbye to Germany. They
begin to fly from Germany to the house. When they arrived home,
they ate the dinner that Mr. Ahmed made for them, then they went to

Chapter 6: nature is our Factory.

When they were walking on a mint farm. They found it in front of the
tea factory. After that they found a strange man was working there
since 1983. This strange man is called Moustafa. He took them into the
empty factory. They found about 20,000 tea packs inside boxes. He
told them that these tea packs were made in 1983. They were shocked.
He told them that this tea factory was opened in 1983. They took the
20,000 tea packs and they gave Moustafa 50,000 pounds. After that,
they returned home. They drank tea with mint. Then they went to

Chapter 7: The Hole.

One day. When they were walking in the garden in front of their house.
They found a big hole inside the garden. They entered inside it. When they
entered it, they found an ice cream van and shoe factory, big rabbits, Ben
Whittaker, and Jules Ostin. Ben Whittaker and Jules Olin take them to the
shoe factory. When they entered the shoe factory. They found Sam and
Carol inside the factory, Carl, and some workers inside this factory. When
they saw them, they kissed his son. They saw this scene of their beloved
son inside this factory. They loved this scene. They took Sam and Carol,
Carl, and some workers and escaped from this hole into the house. They
ate the sandwiches that Mr. Ahmed made for us. After that, they sat on the
chairs and the Couch and drank coffee and mint tea while watching T.V. at
8:00 pm. They took dinner and after that, they went to sleep.
Chapter 8: The Forest.
They went to Monteverde Cloud Forest, Costa Rica. They sat in the
gardens and they saw beautiful birds. They ate healthy food from their big
bag. They saw frogs. When they were walking in the forest, they saw a
coffee factory. They went inside it. They found anyone in this factory. But
they found boxes contains inside it coffee cans. They took these coffee
cans to their forest. They drank the coffee while watching foxes running
after each other. After that, they walked again. When they were walking in
the forest again, they found Akhnaton Egyptian Language Schools. They
saw Mr. Sayed. He was the best English and phonetics in the world. He
was teaching the best class for him class 2/A secondary. He was teaching
Pygmalion Act II Scene II. They took Mr. Sayed and they said goodbye to
the forest. They started to travel from the forest to their house. After they
arrived at the house, they drank coffee and went to sleep.

Chapter 9: The Cookies Party.

When they were sitting in the house. Carol went inside the kitchen
and she baked cookies. After she finished baking cookies. they ate the
cookies and the coffee. After that, they went to make shopping. They
bought Nescafe gold, mango ice cream, milk full cream, mini pizza,
cookies, apples, carrots, Minced meat, bananas, meat, and tea. After
that, they returned to the house. They opened the things. They ate
mango ice cream and cookies and the Nescafe. After that, the door
knocked. They opened the door. They found the singer Hamza
Namira. they sang with him and they loved him a lot. After that, they
drank tea. After that, they went to sleep.

Chapter HAMZA Namira in DALLAS TX USA

Saturday 22/4/2023 from 19:30 to 22:30. They would go with him on this
day. He would sing Ala Bab Allah. h and Sout. H, Tazkarti. H. they would
see him on this day. After the party, they would go with him to take a tour
of the city. After that, they went shopping in the Whole Foods Market.
They would buy Nescafe gold 200 gm, chocolate with vanilla ice cream
200 gm, mango juice 200 gm, Xbox One and Mr. Puff chips 200 gm and
black shoes, green bags, blue T-shirts, and Borio ice cream 200 gm and
Borio Biscuits 100 gm and boxes from 1969 and beige bags from 1969
and customs from 1960. After that, they would return to the house. After
that, they would have dinner. After that, they will sleep.

Chapter 11: The Club.

One day. They intended to go to the WADI DEGLA club. They started to
drive with the cars from the house to the WADI DEGLA club. After they
arrived at the club they ate from PAPRIKA restaurant mix cheese pizza
and chocolate milkshake. After that, they went swimming in a basin full of
water. After that, they went to take a shower in the toilets. After that, they
went to Ping Pong place. After that, they went to Hesham and Karim
Barber's shop. After that, they went to the volleyball stadium. After that,
they went to the basketball stadium. After that, they returned to the house
After that they had dinner. After that, they slept.
Chapter 12: The Independence Day.
One day, while they were sitting in the house. They heard demonstrations
in the streets. They found police dogs with the police in the streets. The
police dogs were biting the people in the streets. Hamza Namira sang
ALLA BAB ALLAH .h in front of the demonstrations. Until 3 PM, the
demonstrations still. At the end of the demonstrations, they felt
independent from everything. The police and the police dogs escaped to
the police stations. The people felt the independence day. They felt happy.

Chapter 13: The Friends.

when they were walking in the New Town gardening. They found Mr.
Amr and Mr. Mohammed. They are friends. They went to the house.
They had breakfast. The breakfast consists of waffles and honey and
Halawa Spread. After that, they went to make shopping. They bought
mango juice 200gm and chocolate juice 200gm, Tchibo coffee, and pet
dog food 300gm. After that, they went to the house. After that, they
prepared the food for the lunch. The lunch consists of white rice and
peas with carrots and Greek salad. After that, they ate lunch. After
that, they played Football. At 8:00 pm. They took the dinner. The
dinner consists of full cream cheese with bread full cream yogurt, and
green salad. Then they went to sleep.
Chapter 14: living aboard in New England.
Brothers. After that, they went to walk in the gardens. After that, they
went to the New England Coffee Cafe and Store. After that, they went to
begin to return home. After they returned home. They took the dinner. The
dinner consists of white cheese olives and yogurt. After that, they slept.

Chapter 15: The Pool Day.

They woke up at 8 a.m. While they were having their breakfast. They
intended to go to the pool inside the Wadi Degla Club. So they drove to
Wadi Degla Club in their car. After they arrived at the club. They go to a
big pool. They put sunblock cream on their face and their body. After that,
they jumped into the pool. They dived a lot. After that, they ate burger
sandwiches fries, and onion rings that Mr. Ahmed made for them. After
that, they went shopping at Cairo Festival City Mall. After that, they
returned home. After that, they had their dinner. After that, they went to
Chapter 16: Alice in Wonderland.
One day. They found a big hole. They walked inside it till they found
themselves in a new world. They walked till Alice saw them. When Alice
saw them, she was happy. She walked with them into her big and beautiful
castle. When they entered her castle. They saw a big and beautiful statue
of her in the castle. After that, they ate lunch. After that, they drank tea.
After that, she took them to take a tour of her wonderland world. After
that, they saw by coincidence Rudolph selling new products in his shop.
They took him to her castle. After that, they went to the supermarket. After
that, they returned to the house. After that, they had their dinner. After
that, they went to sleep.

Chapter 17: playing bowling in the club.

One day, they intended to go to play bowling at Smouha Sporting Club.
They began to drive from the house to Smouha Sporting Club. When they
arrived at Smouha Sporting Club. They went upstairs to the bowling part
of the Club. They played two Rounds in bowling. Issac Newton won in the
first Round. Alan won in the second Round. After that, they went to the
Fresh Mart supermarket. They bought Nescafe gold 200gm Apples 299gm
watermelon and Nestle KitKat Bars 196gm.
After that, they returned home. They had dinner. After that, they
went to sleep.

Chapter 18: The Garden Exhibition Day.

One day night. While they were walking in the streets. They found an
advertisement in front of them saying that the garden exhibition will
be held on next Friday. When the next Friday came. They had their
breakfast. The breakfast consists of eggs, peanut butter, and Nescafe
Gold. After breakfast. They went to the garden exhibition place where
they found an old treasure box from 1996 containing a large map that
took them to MONTAZA garden. When they arrived at MONTAZA
garden. They found a person named Amr who was the owner of the
garden exhibition in MONTAZA garden. After that, he took them to
the flower shop named HESSEN FAHMY. After that, they bought ten
pink flowers, ten red flowers, and twenty white flowers. After that,
they returned home. When they arrived home they took their dinner.
After that, they went to sleep.

Chapter 19: The Adventure Day.

One day, they intended to name this day Adventure Day because they
would make this day more adventure. After that, they had their breakfast.
The breakfast consists of waffles with honey with peanut butter with
blueberry jam or empty, Bean
And lemon mint juice. After that, they went to the jungles. They found
foxes, wolves, lions, tigers, and elephants. After that, they went to
BAZAAR. When they arrived the BAZZAR. They found an old map from
1897 that took them to the end of the novel. They bought it for 12000
pounds. After that, they went to the Star Bucks Cafe. They took
cappuccino and latte and they ate with it chocolate Cinnabon. After that,
they went to Louis Park. They played there with the football. After that,
they returned home. When they arrived home. They had their dinner. After
dinner. They went to sleep.

Chapter 20: saying goodbye to Jurassic Park 4 novel.

One day. They intended to say goodbye to the Jurassic Park 4 novel. They
were very sad that they would leave Jurassic Park 4 novel with all of the
memories and the adventures the friends that they made for us from the
first chapter of this novel. After that, they had their breakfast. After that,
they went to the all places that they had gone to from the first chapter in
this novel to say goodbye to all these places. After that, they went to the
EL-BORG seafood restaurant. They ate Ramadan Sea Mix Meal (Denis -
Moussa - Shrimp) with Seafood Soup, Ramadan Meal, Fish Roll, Soup,
Grilled Shrimp, lobster, and desserts. After that, they went to Hamilton
Park. They played basketball in the park. After that, they said goodbye to
the Jurassic Park 4 novel. All of them returned to their houses. this is the
end of this novel. Bye. I will see you in other stories, novels, poems, and
dramas. Goodbye Bye everyone who sees and reads this novel and who
reads this novel. This novel is amazing. Everyone has to read all of the
three Stories and this novel. Bye, everyone. This quote is from me about
life, the memories, and the adventures."Life is about the adventures you
take and the memories you make. So travel often, live life with open eyes,
an open heart.". Bye, everyone. Have a great day.

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