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Atlassian interview experience Jan 2020

Online coding round ( Hackerrank)

Duration: 90 mins

No. of questions: 3

Difficulty level: Easy to medium


Round 1

For me, the first round was based on programming (It could vary for people)

• A detailed explanation of the approach used to solve the three coding problems in the online
round was asked. I was asked to improvise the complexity of the question for which I
couldn’t clear all the test cases.
• Given two lists of source and destination for flight travel, construct the itinerary
• Given an array, construct the heap and write the algorithm for it.
• Given a dictionary, with employees as the key, and the manager as the value, give the
number of people working under a manager.



Therefore, number of people working under B-0, C-0, F:4 (F+E+employees under E)

• I was asked to explain about of my projects [based on machine learning : final year project]
• Give a real-life example where heap will be used
• A question related to Google’s page ranking.
• Once I search for a keyword, how is the data retrieved? Extension: If the page isn’t available,
what is the data that I get?

Tip: Whatever programming language you use to solve a problem, be sure of why you used a
particular function to do a piece of code. Learn how it performs such operations [basic level
understanding is enough]

Round 2

Since I had mentioned my debating and elocution skills, I was asked how I began to participate in
such events, what topics I like to talk about. Also, I was asked regarding my contributions as a
volunteer. Since I had a few certifications done, they asked me to elaborate on that too.


• Which IDEs for Python have you used and why?

• What all libraries have you used in Python?
• Are you comfortable in using Java?
• Do you know what are APIs and have you used any APIs in your project?
• How have you implemented security in your project?
• Can the application that you have made be viewed currently?

Since one of my areas of interest was machine learning, I was asked questions about the
• How do you deal with null data? [ Any approach that you mention, please be sure to justify
it]. Extension: is a particular pre-processing method useful for all the data types? How will you
find it?
• List of machine learning algorithms you know
• Give an example of a real-life problem that you have solved using machine learning.

It was a mix of both technical as well as personality understanding where situations in the workplace
would be given and I would have to explain my approach towards it.

Round 3

• Puzzle
• Multi-threading program (using either Python or Java)
• N-th highest salary
• Questions on virtual memory, page fault, etc
• What is overfitting? Give an example through visualization. How can we reduce overfitting?

Round 4

Values round

The company places a huge importance on the values too.


• Be sure of what you put in your resume.The interview depends on what is mentioned in your
resume as well as core CS questions. So please do not ignore those subjects.
• No restriction was put on coding a question in a particular language. If you aren’t
comfortable in one language, request if you could code in another language of your choice.
• Always explain your approach to the interviewer before beginning to write code.
• Feel free to ask your doubts to the interviewer, and mention your assumptions.
• Be sure of the time complexity of the in-built functions you use as well as your code.

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