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Spectra Lab

Kai Zhang

The purpose of this lab is to explore principles of spectroscopy by observing/analyzing the spectrums of
various light sources. This includes fluorescent and incandescent lightbulbs, gas tubes, and sunlight.
Additionally, we observe and measure a spectrograph on a computer to gain experience with
tools/methods used in spectroscopic analysis, Overall, this lab aims to deepen our understanding of the
different types of spectra; continuous, emission, and absorption.

Spectroscopy is an important part of our world and has applications in many subjects. This can include
chemistry, physics, medicine, and more. The first study of spectra was made by Isaac Newton, who split
white light using a prism (7). In modern times there are many more ways to this approach, expanding past
just visible light with different types of electromagnetic radiation. The importance of spectroscopy
shouldn’t be understated; it allows astronomers to find the compositions of distant stars and allows
chemists to analyze substances at an atomic level. It is a tool that extends our sense of sight, allowing us
to see past what we can normally view with the naked eye. The big picture is that spectroscopy allows us
to observe and study past our normal views of the world, like allowing us to recognize the composition of
objects millions of light years away from us. It allows us new knowledge for research that progresses
astronomy and science for everyone.
In this lab, we learn various concepts that are important in spectroscopy. The key term is "Spectrum",
which is the various wavelengths that electromagnetic radiation can be found in. Different spectra can be
seen depending on how the light interacts with things around it.
The first is a continuous spectrum. This spectrum includes all wavelengths of light in one, like an
incandescent light bulb or the sun. The second spectrum is an emission spectrum, showing only certain
wavelengths. These wavelengths correlate to the energy transitions in specific atoms/molecules. We can
produce these with gas tubes, which discharge certain gases like Helium or Sodium. The last spectrum is
the absorption spectrum which is almost like the opposite of an emission spectrum. It contains a full
spectrum of visible colors except for dark bands where the wavelengths have been absorbed. This can
occur when light passes through a cool gas.
Another concept in spectroscopy is wavelength calibration which allows us to identify elements based on
observed position in a spectrum which we can relate to the actual size of wavelengths. Understanding
these concepts will help us understand what the data we are getting actually means.
Throughout these processes, we're assuming that the light sources work as they're supposed to, and that
the lighting and temperature in the room won't affect our results.

Handheld Diffraction Grating: Used to view the light spectrum of various sources.
Incandescent Lightbulb: One of the light sources observed.
Fluorescent Lightbulb: Another light source observed.
Gas Discharge Tubes: Containing different gases like Air, Argon, CO2, Helium, Hydrogen, Neon,
Nitrogen, and Water Vapor.
Spectrograph: To capture digital images of spectra.
Computer: Used for “Cheese” and “Kruler” software to read/measure spectra.

In the lab, we explored the spectra of different light sources.
Firstly, we used a diffraction grating, which we held close to our eyes to separate the light into its
components. We aimed the arrow on the diffraction grating in the same direction as each light source. We
looked at an incandescent light bulb, a fluorescent one, sunlight, and then all these different gas discharge
tubes like helium, hydrogen, and so on. And once we had it in focus, we could see this array of colors,
sometimes with bright lines or dark gaps. We took a picture of each spectrum including an unknown one
and moved on.
For the second part of the lab, we used a piece of equipment called a spectrograph. It is like a camera
combined with a grating, which captures the spectrum in a digital format. To do this, we used a software
on the computer called “Cheese.” The room had to be dark, and the spectrograph was placed about a foot
away from the discharge tube. After adjusting/rotating the spectrograph slightly, we got a clear picture of
the helium and hydrogen spectra. We then used the “Kruler” application and recorded the distance in
pixels from the 0th order to each of the eight principal spectrum lines.

Incandescent light bulb bright(left) and dimmer(right)

Observation: The spectrum appeared as a continuous band of colors ranging from red to violet,
resembling a rainbow. The dinner light bulb was the same but with less bright colors.
Type: Continuous Spectrum
Explanation: This is because the light bulb emits light due to the heating of a filament. The heat excites
atoms, which then emits light across all wavelengths, making it a continuous spectrum.

Fluorescent light bulb

Observation: It showed a bright spectrum with all colors apparent.
Type: Emission Spectrum
Explanation: The bulb contains gas and a phosphor coating. When the gas is excited by electricity, it
emits ultraviolet light. That light strikes the phosphor coating, making it glow at specific wavelengths. (8)
Observation: It displayed a translucent continuous spectrum like a rainbow.
Type: Continuous Spectrum
Explanation: The sun emits light at all wavelengths.

Observation: Displayed emission lines of all colors.
Type: Emission Lines
Explanation: As light passes through the air in the gas discharge tube, certain wavelengths are absorbed
by the molecules in the air, mainly nitrogen and oxygen. These absorbed wavelengths are what the
absorption lines are.
Observation: It showed a mainly green, red and blue spectrum with many absorption lines.
Type: Absorption Lines
Explanation: Argon atoms absorb photons at specific wavelengths corresponding to transitions between
different energy states. These specific wavelengths then appear as dark lines on continuous spectrum.

Carbon Dioxide
Observation: It showed a continuous spectrum with many absorption lines.
Type: Absorption Spectrum
Explanation: Carbon dioxide molecules absorb photons at specific wavelengths corresponding to
transitions between different energy states. These specific wavelengths then appear as dark lines on
continuous spectrum.
Observation: Showed series of distinct bright emission lines. All colors prominent.
Type: Emission Lines
Helium atoms are excited by the electric current. Electrons move from their ground state to higher energy
state. When these excited electrons return to lower energy states, they release photons. The photons
released show up as lines.

Observation: Showed series of bright emissions lines, prominently red and blue.
Type: Emission Lines
Hydrogen atoms in an excited by an electric current, When the electrons in these atoms return from an
excited state to a lower energy state, they emit photons. The emitted photons create bright lines on a dark
Observation: Displayed multiple bright emission lines of all colors.
Type: Absorption Lines
Neon’s electrons will absorb photons of specific wavelengths and jump to higher energy states. The
absorbed wavelengths show up as absorption lines on the spectrum.

Observation: Lots of absorption lines on bright continuous spectrum.
Type: Absorption Spectrum
Nitrogen is cooler so its electrons will absorb photons of specific wavelengths and jump to higher energy
states. This will create dark lines in the continuous spectrum, corresponding to the absorbed wavelengths.
Water Vapor
Observations: Average brightness emission lines, prominently in blue and red
Type: Emission Lines
Water vapor molecules are excited to higher energy. When these excited states return to lower energy
states, they emit photons of specific energies.

Unknown Gas
Observation: Bright and thick emission lines. All colors prominent.
Type: Emission Spectrum
Molecules of unknown gas are excited and move to excited state. When they move back, they emit
photons which show up as lines.
Helium Spectrum wavelengths and line positions
Line Number Wavelength (A) Line Position (px) Description
- - - Zero Order
8 3889±10 290±10 Deep Violet
7 4471±10 308±10 Bright Blue Violet
6 4713±10 335±10 Faint Blue Violet
5 4922±10 358±10 Bright blue-green (left)
4 5016±10 380±10 Bright blue-green(right)
3 5875±10 460±10 Yellow
2 6678±10 530±10 Pale Red
1 7065±10 565±10 Dark Red

Hydrogen emission line measurements

Balmer Line Line Position (px) Wavelength (A) Description
Ha 540 6800±10 Bright Red
Hb 380 5016±10 Blue
Hg 340 4680±10 Faint Blue

In data section

I believe the unknown gas is helium. I believe this because they show very similar spectrums in terms of
color, brightness, and line thickness. One other gas that it could be is nitrogen. It displays the same colors
and is the same brightness too. However, the thickness of the lines is less consistent from my
observations. Some are thicker, and some are thinner. The unknown gas has a consistent thickness of
lines. And the colors have less space in between them as compared to helium and the unknown gas.

(Left to right) Unknown, Nitrogen, Helium

The wavelengths we calculated don’t completely agree with the given values. Our calculated values are
about ±300px higher or lower than the real values. Although it is not completely accurate, our
calculations weren’t completely off and may have been skewed due to some discrepancies.
Improper calibration of the spectrograph or not getting the grating to the right angle of tilt towards the
camera could be the cause. The angle at which the grating is tilted can affect the accuracy of the
measurement so if it is not at the correct angle, the wavelengths you measure can be off.
The inability of the spectrograph to distinguish closely spaced wavelengths because of the low resolution
can cause inaccurate measurement. It may cause some of the lines on the spectrum to blend together,
making it difficult to accurately determine the wavelengths of individual lines.
I did not observe any additional lines. However, based on some research online, it's common to see dark
lines appearing on the spectrum called Fraunhofer lines. These lines are caused by the sun’s outer layer
(photosphere) absorbing specific wavelengths. Each different element absorbs light at different specific
wavelengths, so the pattern of Fraunhofer lines can be used to determine the elements present in the Sun's
photosphere. The fact that these lines exist shows the layered structure in the Sun, with a cooler outer
layer absorbing specific wavelengths emitted by the hotter inner layers. (1,2)
When an exoplanet passes in front of a star (called a transit), the starlight filters through the planet's
atmosphere. Instruments on telescopes analyze this starlight to produce a spectrum. Certain gases in the
planet's atmosphere absorb specific wavelengths of light. These appear as absorption lines in the
spectrum. By identifying these absorption lines, we can determine which elements/compounds are present
in the atmosphere. This strategy is called transit photometry. Absorption lines are the most common type
of spectrum observed in exoplanets. Studying exoplanets with spectroscopy is hard for a few reasons. The
light of the planet can be obscured by the light from its host star. It is difficult to study this obstructed
light. The instruments needed to study exoplanets need to be very precise in detecting elements in the
atmosphere, which can be hard to come by. Our current technology may not always be up to the task of
detecting these signatures. Also, the atmosphere of the exoplanet itself can change over time. This adds
more layers of complexity to the study.
The primary objectives of this lab were to explore the principles of spectroscopy by observing and
analyzing the spectra of various light sources and to gain experience with spectroscopic analysis tools.
These objectives were successfully met. We were able to observe continuous, emission, and absorption
spectra from different light sources, including incandescent and fluorescent light bulbs, gas discharge
tubes, and sunlight. The use of a spectrograph and the “Cheese” and “Kruler” software provided valuable
experience in capturing and analyzing spectral data. The expectation was that different light sources
would produce different types of spectra based on their composition and the way they emit light. The
results were consistent with this hypothesis. For example, the incandescent light bulb produced a
continuous spectrum, while gas discharge tubes showed emission lines. These observations agree with
established scientific understanding. Understanding the behavior of different light sources has far-
reaching implications. For example, for the identification of elements in distant celestial bodies or
applications in other fields like medical diagnostics (6).
One assumption made was that the room's lighting would not significantly affect the spectra captured.
This assumption could have introduced some noise into the data, especially for faint emission or
absorption lines. Another assumption was that the gas in the discharge tubes was pure. Any impurities
could add additional lines to the spectra. This can cause inaccurate spectrums of the elements. There were
some uncertainties like calibration issues and the resolution limitations of the spectrograph that could
have made errors in the wavelength measurements. These uncertainties could affect the accuracy of
measurements. For instance, our calculated wavelengths were off by about ±300px compared to known
values. These discrepancies introduce a level of uncertainty that has to be acknowledged when looking at
Overall, our results were mainly consistent with expectations and with the principles of spectroscopy. The
observed spectra for different light sources and elements matched well with what would be expected
(based on prior knowledge and similar experiments). However, the fact that we did not see Fraunhofer
lines in the solar spectrum could be considered an inconsistency. Though this could be due to the
limitations of the experimental setup. The main inconsistency was the difference in calculated and known
wavelengths of spectral lines. This could be due to calibration errors, resolution limitations, or human
error (in measurement). Even though the results were not completely off, it does show us the importance
of attention to detail in lab settings. Small errors can have a large effect on data.

In conclusion, this lab exercise met the learning objectives we set. Through direct experience with
different spectroscopic tools, we gained an understanding of all 3 types of spectra. Our observations were
usually consistent with theories. While our calculated wavelengths showed some discrepancies, likely due
to miscalibration/human error, the exercise highlights the importance of precision in scientific research.
Overall, the lab was like a small version of the wider scientific landscape. It highlighted the importance of
spectroscopy in adding to our understanding of space.

1. What are Fraunhofer lines?: Importance, sun, colors & light. The Nine Planets. (2019,
November 5).

2. Wikimedia Foundation. (2022, August 18). Fraunhofer lines. Wikipedia.

3. Burrows, A. (2014). The future of Spectroscopic Life Detection on Exoplanets | PNAS.

4. How to find them?. Trottier Institute for Research on Exoplanets. (2022, November 16).

5. Spectroscopy of exoplanets. (n.d.).

6. Meštrović, T. (2019, February 26). Spectroscopy applications. News.

7. Wikimedia Foundation. (2023, September 6). Spectroscopy. Wikipedia.

8. Wikimedia Foundation. (2023b, September 8). Fluorescent lamp. Wikipedia.

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