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Quiz 1-CS3001
Q1 Please choose the correct answer and fill up in the below table (5 points)
Q# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer b b b a/e b e a b d c

1- A harmful program that resides in the active memory of a computer and duplicates itself.
a) virus
b) worms
c) RootKit
d) None of the above

2- The main difference between hackers and crackers is:

a) a hacker is form of cracker
b) A hacker tests limitation of a system while cracker breaks-in for criminal activity
c) A cracker does not perform break-in activity
d) A Hacker executes Crackers

3- The abuse of email systems to send unsolicited emails to a large number of groups is called:
c) Smishing
d) Phishing

4- Viruses can spread by

a) User Actions
b) itself through the network
c) A logic of a specific event
d) By not cleaning the computer
e) A and B

5- Computer Forensics is a combination of computer science and …………………

a) Criminology
b) Laws
c) Ethics
d) All of the above

6- Perpetrators include:
a) Thrill seekers wanting a challenge
b) Common criminal looking for financial gain
c) Industrial spies trying to gain an advantage
d) None of the above
e) All of the above

7- The use of illegal means to obtain business information, which is not available to the public.
a) Industrial espionage
b) Hacktivism
c) Neither A nor B
d) Both A and B

8- It can be executed when it is triggered by a specific event.

a) Rootkit
b) Trojan Horse
c) Virus
d) All of the above

9- Trustworthy computing that is introduced by Microsoft to ensure the delivery of:

a) Reliable Computing
b) Secure Computing
c) Fast Computing
d) Both A and B

10- Eradication effort as a response to an attack includes:

a) Collect and Log all possible criminal evidence
b) create a new system backups
c) Both A and B
d) Prevent it from happening again
e) All of the above

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