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Mann-Whitney U Test 4.

The chairperson of the Learning University psychology department is interested in determining whether the length of professors teaching experience affects student rankings of the professors teaching effectiveness. Based on student evaluations, the department chair assigns ranks to the 20 professors in the department and then divides the faculty into two categories: those with fewer than 5 years of teaching experience and those with 5 or more years. Use the appropriate nonparametric test and the data in the table to tell whether there is a difference between the rankings of the two groups of professors. Rankings of professors < 5 years experience 20 2 19 18 9 16 14 15 5 or more years experience 17 13 1 4 10 6 8 12 7 11 5 3

Descriptive Statistics N rank group 20 20 Mean 10.5000 1.6000 Std. Deviation 5.91608 .50262 Minimum 1.00 1.00 Maximum 20.00 2.00

Mann-Whitney Test
Ranks group rank less than 5 years 5 years or more Total N 8 12 20 Mean Rank 14.12 8.08 Sum of Ranks 113.00 97.00

Test Statisticsb Rank Mann-Whitney U Wilcoxon W Z Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) Exact Sig. [2*(1-tailed Sig.)] a. Not corrected for ties. b. Grouping Variable: group 19.000 97.000 -2.237 .025 .025a

5. Use the Mann-Whitney U test to see whether there is a difference between the visual acuity of a randomly chosen group of seven children and that of a randomly chosen group of nine adults. The vision test scores are listed in the table. Children 22 23 13 16 21 14 24 Adults 19 16 22 19 17 25 20 18 15 Solutions:
Descriptive Statistics N rank group 16 16 Mean 19.0000 1.5625 Std. Deviation 3.65148 .51235 Minimum 13.00 1.00 Maximum 25.00 2.00

Mann-Whitney Test
Ranks group 22rank children adults Total N 7 9 16 Mean Rank 8.57 8.44 Sum of Ranks 60.00 76.00

Test Statisticsb Rank Mann-Whitney U Wilcoxon W Z Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) Exact Sig. [2*(1-tailed Sig.)] 31.000 76.000 -.053 .958 1.000a

6. Use the Mann-Whitney U to see whether there is a difference between the numbers of positive social responses per hour that are given by children who have autism and are undergoing two different types of therapy. One is a sensory deprivation approach known as restricted environmental stimulation therapy (REST), and the other is a traditional behavior modification approach. The data are given in the table. Number of positive social responses REST technique 6 0 4 5 7 3 2 7 Solution:
Descriptive Statistics N rank group 16 16 Mean 7.4375 1.5000 Std. Deviation 5.56140 .51640 Minimum .00 1.00 Maximum 21.00 2.00

Behavior modification 9 1 12 8 21 6 13 15

Mann-Whitney Test
Ranks group rank REST technique Behavior modification Total N 8 8 16 Mean Rank 5.69 11.31 Sum of Ranks 45.50 90.50

Test Statisticsb rank Mann-Whitney U Wilcoxon W Z Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) Exact Sig. [2*(1-tailed Sig.)] a. Not corrected for ties. b. Grouping Variable: group 9.500 45.500 -2.366 .018 .015a

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