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Reasons behind core issues

The Family
 Family plays a great role in development of one’s personality. Family conflicts were the main
cause of Bashar’s core issues.
 The main reason for Bashar’s dysfunctional behavior is his mother, who left his father and her
four children in love with her old college mate Zafar.
 Bashar loves Rudaba for her beauty and innocence but he thinks of her as his mother. He fears
that she will also do so in love with Buland. This is reflected when he uses words “Tum jesi
aurten” for Rudaba again and again in many scenes. This led him to the fear of intimacy.
 When doctors tell that she's pregnant. Bashar fears that Rudaba will leave his child as his
mother had done, and convinces her to drink juice which contains drugs that cause abortion.
 Bashar’s fear of abandonment is because he thinks that his mother left his father and married
Zafar because his father was a poor man while Zafar was a rich arrogant person. He tries to
retain his personality like Zafar so that no one can leave him.
 His father, being hurt by his mother, advised him never to marry a woman who had been in love
with someone else before. This advice also became reason for his trust issues.

Repression and Unconscious

 The repetition of disturbing dreams or self destructive behavior is a clue to the existence of
repressed or unconscious emotional problems. Bashar’s past experiences became the part of his
unconscious and led to his aggression and hatred towards his wife.
 The repressed feelings of hurt and broken by his faithless mother’s childhood abandonment,
followed by his father’s suicide and death of his youngest sister, led Bashar to become
emotionally unstable and violent.

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