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Cyber Security and Digital Forensic

Mini Project


“Design and develop a tool for digital

forensic of Audio”






Nasima Mallick 4101041

Under the Guidance

Ms. G. N. Rukare


Sinhgad Institute of Technology & Science Narhe, Pune - 411041

Department of Computer Engineering, Sinhgad Institute of Technology

and Science, Narhe


This is to certify that the report entitled

“Design and develop a tool for digital forensic of


Submitted by

Nasima Mallick 4101041

It is a bonafide work carried out by them under the supervision of Ms. G. N. Rukare and is
approved for the partial fulfillment of the requirement of the Laboratory Practices IV course in
Fourth Year Computer Engineering, in the academic year 2023-2024 prescribed by Savitribai
Phule Pune University, Pune.

Ms. G. N. Rukare Dr. G. S. Navale Dr. S. D. Markande

Guide Head of Department Principal


Place: Pune


I take this opportunity to acknowledge each and every one who contributed towards my
work. I express my sincere gratitude towards guide Ms. G. N. Rukare, Assistant
Professor at Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Science, Narhe, Pune, for her valuable
inputs, guidance and support throughout the course.
I wish to express my thanks to Dr. G. S. Navale, Head of Computer Engineering
Department, Sinhgad Institute of Technology and Science, Narhe for giving me all the
help and important suggestions all over the Work.
I thank all the teaching staff members, for their indispensable support and priceless
I also thank my friends and family for their help in collecting data without which their
help Database Management Laboratory report have not been completed. At the end my
special thanks to Dr. S. D. Markande, Principal Sinhgad Institute of Technology and
Science, Narhe for providing ambience in the college, which motivate us to work.


SR Page
Topic Name
No. No.

1 Introduction 5
2 Problem Statement 7
3 Methodology 8
4 Working 10
5 Algorithm 11
6 Output 14
7 Conclusion 15
8 References 16

1. Introduction

In today's digital age, the analysis and investigation of digital audio content play a crucial
role in various fields, including law enforcement, cybersecurity, and multimedia content
management. As the volume of audio data continues to grow exponentially, the need for
efficient and effective digital forensic tools for audio becomes increasingly evident. The
task of preserving, analyzing, and extracting meaningful information from digital audio
recordings is not only complex but also essential for legal proceedings, security
assessments, and content verification.

Designing and developing a specialized tool for digital forensic analysis of audio data is
a pressing need, as it enables forensic experts, investigators, and analysts to uncover vital
evidence, detect tampering or manipulation, and ensure the integrity and authenticity of
audio recordings. This tool will provide the means to streamline and enhance the
investigative process, making it more efficient, accurate, and comprehensive.

This project aims to create a cutting-edge software solution that combines advanced audio
analysis techniques, data visualization, and user-friendly interfaces to empower forensic
experts and law enforcement agencies in their pursuit of truth and justice. By leveraging
state-of-the-art technologies, this tool will help in identifying audio forgeries, recovering
deleted content, verifying timestamps, and ensuring that audio evidence complies with
legal standards.

This endeavor represents a significant contribution to the evolving field of digital

forensics, addressing the unique challenges associated with audio data in a digital context.
Through the development of this tool, we intend to provide investigators with a powerful
resource to unravel the mysteries concealed within digital audio recordings, ultimately
serving the cause of justice, security, and the preservation of digital truth. In the following
sections, we will delve into the key features, design principles, and technical aspects of
this innovative digital audio forensic tool.

The objectives of this project include:

● To design a user-friendly tool for digital forensic audio analysis.

● To implement algorithms for audio analysis, such as cost-benefit analysis, ethical
analysis, and test and validation.
● To create a reporting system to present findings effectively.
● To ensure the tool is versatile and can handle various audio.

2. Problem Statement

The challenge at hand is to create an advanced digital forensic tool specifically designed for audio
analysis. This project addresses the growing demand for a specialized digital audio forensic tool. With
the rise of audio evidence in legal and cybersecurity contexts, current tools fall short. The goal is to
create an advanced, user-friendly tool tailored for precise audio analysis, ensuring data integrity and
improving the accuracy of examinations.

3. Methodology

The methodology section outlines the step-by-step approach used in designing and developing the Digital
Forensic Audio Analysis Tool. Each sub-section describes a crucial aspect of the project's workflow:

Data Collection

In this stage, a diverse range of data was gathered to facilitate the development and testing of the tool. Data
sources included both publicly available audio content and proprietary datasets. This data encompassed
various audio formats, resolutions, and sources to ensure that the tool would be versatile and capable of
handling different types of audio evidence. The purpose of collecting this data was to provide the tool with a
wide spectrum of audio scenarios for comprehensive testing and analysis.

Data Processing

Designing and developing a tool for digital audio forensic data processing is a multifaceted endeavor focused on
creating a sophisticated software application capable of analyzing, preserving, and extracting valuable insights
from digital audio recordings. This tool encompasses a range of functionalities, from audio format conversion to
advanced voice analysis and tamper detection. It serves as a vital resource for forensic experts and investigators
in various fields, helping them ensure the authenticity and integrity of audio evidence, identify manipulation or
tampering, and uncover hidden information. In essence, it aims to streamline the complex process of audio data
analysis by incorporating advanced algorithms, user-friendly interfaces, and adherence to legal standards, thereby
enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of investigations related to digital audio recordings.

Data Analysis

The core of the tool's functionality revolved around the application of audio analysis algorithms to the
preprocessed data. This involved the following key tasks:

Tampering Detection: Algorithms were implemented to identify signs of tampering, such as cut-and-paste
operations, inconsistencies in the audio timeline, or alterations in visual elements. The goal was to detect any
potential audio manipulation accurately.

Metadata Analysis: The extracted metadata was analyzed to gather information about the video's history, origin,
and editing. This step helped in establishing the context and authenticity of the audio content.

Evidence Identification: The tool was designed to identify potential evidence within the audio. This could
include objects, faces, or other elements of interest. The ability to automatically identify evidence could
significantly expedite investigations.


Designing and developing a tool for digital audio forensic reporting involves creating a software solution
capable of systematically organizing, summarizing, and presenting the findings of audio forensic analyses. This
tool streamlines the process of creating comprehensive reports, making it essential for forensic experts and
investigators. It ensures that crucial audio evidence is meticulously documented and presented in a clear and
legally admissible manner, thereby enhancing the credibility and effectiveness of the investigative process.

4. Working

1. Audio Input:
• The code specifies the path to an audio file, which is passed as the audio_file parameter
when calling the vad function.

2. Audio Capture:
• The code uses the wave library to open and read the audio file.
• It retrieves the frame rate and sample width of the audio.

3. VAD Function:
• The code defines a function named vad that takes an audio_file as input.

4. Buffer Size:
• buffer_size is set to 1024, which is used to read frames in chunks.

5. Speech Segments:
• An empty list speech_segments is created to store the detected segments of speech.

6. Start and End Time Initialization:

• start_time and end_time are initialized as None.

7. VAD Loop:
• A while loop iterates over the frames of the audio file.

8. Reading Frames:
• Frames are read in chunks of size buffer_size.

9. Calculating Energy:
• The code calculates the energy of the frame using audioop.rms().

10. Energy Thresholding:

• If the energy is greater than 500 (adjustable threshold), it indicates potential speech.
• If start_time is None, it sets start_time to the current time in seconds.

11. Segment Detection:

• If energy falls below the threshold and start_time is not None, it sets end_time to the
current time in seconds and appends the segment (start, end) to speech_segments. It
then resets start_time and end_time to None.

12. Closing Audio File:

• After processing all frames, the audio file is closed using audio.close().

13. Return:
• The function returns a list of detected speech segments.

5. Algorithm

import wave

import audioop

def vad(audio_file):

# Read the audio file

audio =, 'rb')

frame_rate = audio.getframerate()

sample_width = audio.getsampwidth()

# Initialize variables

buffer_size = 1024

speech_segments = []

start_time = None

end_time = None

while True:

frames = audio.readframes(buffer_size)

if not frames:


# Calculate energy of the frame

energy = audioop.rms(frames, sample_width)

if energy > 500: # Adjust threshold as needed

if start_time is None:

start_time = audio.tell() / frame_rate


if start_time is not None:

end_time = audio.tell() / frame_rate

speech_segments.append((start_time, end_time))

start_time = end_time = None

# Close audio file


return speech_segments

# Example usage

if __name__ == "__main__":

audio_file = 'sample.wav'

detected_segments = vad(audio_file)

if detected_segments:

print("Detected Speech Segments:")

for i, (start, end) in enumerate(detected_segments, start=1):

print(f"Segment {i}: {start:.1f}s - {end:.1f}s")


print("No speech detected.")

6. Output

Fig.1 Speech Segments Detected

Fig.2 No Speech Detected


In this project, we successfully developed a Python-based solution for detecting duplicate frames in
audiocontent. Leveraging the power of OpenCV for audioprocessing and NumPy for numerical
operations, we first collected and processed audioframes. The key innovation was the creation of
binary hash values for each frame, simplifying the frames for efficient comparison.

In conclusion, the design and development of a specialized tool for digital audio forensic analysis
represents a significant advancement in the field of digital forensics. Such a tool addresses the increasing
demand for efficient, accurate, and comprehensive audio evidence examination, crucial in legal
proceedings, cybersecurity investigations, and content verification. By incorporating advanced
algorithms, user-friendly interfaces, and adherence to legal standards, this tool empowers forensic
experts and investigators to ensure the authenticity and integrity of audio recordings, detect tampering,
and extract hidden information. It not only streamlines the investigative process but also enhances the
accuracy and efficiency of audio data analysis. The development of this tool exemplifies the synergy
between cutting-edge technology and the pursuit of truth, justice, and security in the digital age, marking
a significant contribution to the evolving landscape of digital forensic practices.




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