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1. Write a program to compute simple interest and compound interest.

2. Write a program to input a number and print its first five multiples.
3. Write a program to calculate net salary after inputting basic salary, hra%, da% and tax %.
Net=basic + hra + da -tax
4. Write python code to add the odd numbers up to (and including) a given value N and print the
5. Write a program to calculate the sum of odd numbers divisible by 5 from the range 1-100.
6. Program to find the minimum element from a list of elements along with its index in the list.
7. Program to calculate the mean of a given list of numbers.
8. Program to search for an element in a given list of numbers.
9. WAP to print a list consists of the integers 5 through 100.
10. Input a list and create a new list of its cubes. Print both the lists.
11. Write a program to create a dictionary containing names of competition winner students as
keys and number of their wins as values.
12. Create a list using for loop [‘1’,’22’,’333’,…,’999999999’]

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