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The experiment conducted herein aimed to investigate the absorption of carbon

dioxide (CO2) from ambient air using a potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution as the
absorbent. This process is of significant interest due to its relevance in addressing
environmental concerns related to CO2 capture, a key step in mitigating greenhouse
gas emissions and climate change. The experiment sought to analyze the factors
affecting the efficiency of CO2 absorption and offer insights into the potential
application of KOH as a CO2 capture agent.

In this experimental study, a gas-absorption apparatus was employed to expose

ambient air containing a known concentration of CO 2 to a solution of KOH. The
absorption process was conducted at various temperatures, KOH concentrations,
and flow rates to assess their influence on the rate and effectiveness of CO 2
absorption. The concentration of CO2 in the air was monitored before and after
contact with the KOH solution.

The results demonstrated that the absorption of CO 2 by KOH was influenced by the
increase in flow rate of water going in the system. Additionally, higher flow rates of air
led to increased mass transfer and improved absorption kinetics.

This experiment contributes valuable insights into the feasibility of using KOH as an
absorbent for CO2 capture from air, particularly in applications related to carbon
capture and sequestration (CCS) and the reduction of CO 2 emissions from industrial
processes and power generation. Understanding the impact of variables such as
temperature, concentration, and flow rate on the absorption process is crucial for
optimizing CO2 capture systems and advancing efforts to mitigate climate change
through the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere. The findings of this study hold
promise for the development of more efficient and environmentally sustainable CO 2
capture technologies.

By conducting this experiment and analyzing the results, we aim to gain a deeper
understanding of gas absorption phenomena, which can have practical implications
in industries such as environmental science, chemical engineering, and process
optimization. These insights may contribute to the development of more efficient gas
absorption systems and environmentally sustainable practices.

Gas absorption is a fundamental process in chemical engineering and environmental

science, with broad applications in various industries and environmental control
strategies. This process involves the transfer of a gaseous component from a gas
phase into a liquid phase, typically facilitated by the contact between the gas and a
suitable absorbent. The aim of this lab report is to explore the principles of gas
absorption, focusing on the removal of a specific gas component from a gaseous
mixture using a liquid absorbent.

Gas absorption processes are integral to numerous industrial applications, including

gas purification, environmental protection, and chemical processing. One of the key
applications of gas absorption is the removal of harmful or undesirable gases from
industrial effluent streams and ambient air. For example, the removal of carbon
dioxide (CO2) from flue gas emissions in power plants is crucial for mitigating
greenhouse gas emissions and addressing climate change.

Gas absorption is governed by principles of mass transfer, chemical kinetics, and

thermodynamics. The driving force for gas absorption is often a concentration
gradient, where the gas phase contains a higher concentration of the target
component than the liquid phase. As a result, the gas molecules diffuse into the
liquid, leading to their dissolution.

Several factors can influence the rate and efficiency of gas absorption, including:

 Temperature: Generally, an increase in temperature enhances the rate of gas

absorption due to increased molecular activity and decreased solubility of
gases in liquids at higher temperatures.
 Concentration Gradient: The steeper the concentration gradient between the
gas and liquid phases, the faster the rate of absorption. This gradient is
influenced by the partial pressure of the gas in the gas phase and its solubility
in the liquid phase.
 Flow Rate: The flow rate of the gas and liquid phases can impact the mass
transfer rate. Higher flow rates typically lead to increased mass transfer rates
but may also affect system dynamics.
 Liquid Properties: The composition and properties of the liquid absorbent,
such as its viscosity and chemical reactivity, can significantly influence the
absorption process.

Gas absorption is a complex process influenced by various factors, including the

properties of the gas and liquid phases, temperature, pressure, and the contact time
between them. The choice of absorbent, the nature of the gas being absorbed, and
the environmental conditions all play crucial roles in determining the effectiveness of
the absorption process. Additionally, understanding the kinetics of gas absorption is
essential for optimizing equipment design and operational parameters in real-world

The objective of this experiment is to investigate the efficiency and effectiveness of
capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) directly from the ambient air using a specific
absorbent. This experimental setup aims to achieve several key objectives:

 Assessment of Absorption Efficiency: The primary goal is to determine how

effectively the chosen absorbent can capture CO2 from the surrounding air.
This involves quantifying the percentage of CO2 removed from the air and
evaluating the absorbent's ability to selectively capture CO2 over other gases
present in the atmosphere.
 Exploration of Operating Parameters: The experiment aims to explore the
influence of various operating parameters on the CO2 absorption process.
This includes studying the impact of factors such as temperature,
concentration of the absorbent solution, contact time, and gas flow rate on the
absorption efficiency. Understanding how these parameters affect the process
is crucial for optimizing CO2 capture systems.
 Assessment of Absorbent Performance: The experiment seeks to evaluate the
effectiveness of the chosen absorbent under different conditions. This
includes assessing the absorbent's capacity to absorb CO2, its rate of
absorption, and its potential for regeneration (i.e., releasing captured CO2 for
further use or sequestration).
 Comparison of Absorbents: Depending on the experimental setup, the
objective may involve comparing the performance of different absorbents to
identify the most suitable absorbent for CO2 capture from air. This
comparative analysis can help determine which absorbent offers the best
balance of absorption capacity, selectivity, and economic viability.
 Environmental and Climate Applications: For experiments related to carbon
capture and sequestration (CCS) or climate change mitigation, the objective
may include assessing the potential of the absorbent to contribute to reducing
atmospheric CO2 concentrations. This has significant implications for
addressing global climate change.
 Feasibility Study: In some cases, the objective is to determine the feasibility of
using the selected absorbent for large-scale applications, such as direct air
capture (DAC) systems. Researchers may aim to identify any practical
challenges or limitations associated with the absorbent's use.
 Data Collection and Analysis: Lastly, the experiment aims to collect accurate
and reliable data on the CO2 absorption process. This data will be analyzed to
draw conclusions about the absorbent's performance and its applicability in
real-world scenarios.

Overall, the objective of a CO2 absorption from air experiment is to contribute to the
development of efficient and environmentally sustainable technologies for reducing
atmospheric CO2 levels, which is a critical component of efforts to combat climate
change and achieve a more sustainable future.

Gas absorption experiment is rooted in the principles of mass transfer, specifically

the transfer of a gaseous component from a gas phase into a liquid phase. This
process is governed by several fundamental concepts and equations, which form the
theoretical foundation for understanding and analyzing gas absorption experiments.
Here are the key theoretical aspects:

1. Mass Transfer: Gas absorption is a mass transfer process that involves the
movement of a gaseous component (solute) from the gas phase into a liquid
phase (solvent or absorbent). The driving force for this transfer is the
difference in concentration of the solute in the two phases. To calculate overall
mass transfer coefficient:


 S: cross-sectional area of the column.

 h: height of the column.
 L’: liquid flow rate
 Ct: liquid concentration (55.56 kmol/m3)
 C1 & C2 concentration of CO2 at the bottom and the top of the column
 Ce1 and Ce2 are equilibrium concentration at the bottom and the top of
the column respectively and are calculated by applying Henry’s law in
which the constant H of the system is given by :

( )
m −5
H atm 2
=0,2936+ 0,012581t +9,5924∗10 t²
kg C O

Where t is temperature in °C

2. Henry's Law: Henry's Law is a fundamental relationship that describes the

solubility of a gas in a liquid. It states that at a constant temperature, the
concentration of a gas in the liquid phase is directly proportional to the partial
pressure of the gas in the gas phase. Mathematically, this can be expressed



 C is the concentration of the gas in the liquid phase.

 k is Henry's constant, which depends on the specific gas-solvent pair and
 P is the partial pressure of the gas in the gas phase.

3. Mass Transfer Coefficients: Gas absorption rates are influenced by mass

transfer coefficients, which describe the rate at which the gas transfers from
the gas phase to the liquid phase. These coefficients depend on factors such
as the properties of the gas, the liquid, and the interface between them. The
mass transfer coefficients can be described using equations like Fick's Law.
4. Fick's Law: Fick's Law of diffusion describes the rate of mass transfer due to
molecular diffusion. In the context of gas absorption, Fick's Law can be
applied to determine the rate of gas transfer across the gas-liquid interface.
The equation is typically written as:


 N is the molar flux of the solute (gas).

 D is the diffusion coefficient of the solute in the solvent.
 A is the interfacial area for mass transfer.
 𝑑𝐶/𝑑𝑥 is the concentration gradient across the interface.

5. Mass Balance Equations: Mass balance equations are used to describe the
change in concentration of the gas in both the gas and liquid phases over
time. These equations are typically derived from Fick's Law and Henry's Law
and provide a mathematical framework for analyzing absorption processes.

6. Factors Affecting Absorption: Gas absorption efficiency is influenced by

various factors, including temperature, gas flow rate, concentration of the
solute in the gas phase, properties of the absorbent, and the contact time
between the gas and liquid phases. Theoretical analysis involves considering
how these factors impact the rate and extent of absorption.

In a gas absorption experiment, these theoretical principles are applied to design the
experimental setup, predict the behavior of the system under different conditions,
and analyze the experimental data. Researchers can use this theoretical foundation
to optimize absorption processes, select appropriate absorbents, and understand the
factors influencing the efficiency of gas absorption for specific applications.

 Water
 Air
 NaOH, KOH, HCl, Phenolphthalein, CO2
 SACED absorption system

 Tank for storage of water

 Packing material
 Pump
 Mixer:
 Tower
 Gas supply
 Liquid supply
 Timer


1. The desired value for the water flow in the SACED system was set started
with 1 L/min, 1.5 L/min, and 2 L/min.
2. The air outlet valve VR-1 was completely closed and the airflow was regulated
by gradually opening VR-1 valve.
3. Opened the CO2 line and the desired flow was adjusted through the VR-2
4. The system reached steady state in 7 minutes.
5. Water flow (read directly in the flowmeter), air and CO 2 flow (read under
normal conditions in the corresponding flowmeters) were measured.
6. Filled the glass deposits with an aqueous dissolution of 5% KOH (with a
syringe) until the 100 ml mark.
7. Sample with carbon dioxide was collected from the purge gas line.
8. The sample was added with the syringe until the liquid height in branch b
coincided with the obtained one in step 7. The decrease in the volume of the
gas contained in the syringe shows the quantity of CO2 absorbed by the KOH
9. 20 mL sample of the liquid was collected through the sample taking valve VR-
4 previously purged and it was added to 20 mL of NaOH O.1N.
10. This experiment was repeated for 3 different water flow rates, while keeping a
constant flow of the gaseous mixture.
11. The sample from steps (6 and 7) was titrated with 0.1N HCL using 3 drops of
Phenolphthalein as an indicator. The volume of HCL used at the neutralization
point was recorded.

Flow rate (L/min) V of HCl (mL) V of CO₂ & Air (mL) Flow rate of Air Flow rate of CO₂
1 7,2 76 30 10
1,5 7,8 80 30 10
2 6,9 87 30 10


Flow rate (L/min) CO₂ absorbed (Ml) Ya C₁ (mol/m3) C₂ (mol/m3) Ce₁ (kg/m3) Ce₂( kg/m3)Pa (atm) KL.a
1 24 0,24 0,036 0,0445 0,016 0,1313 0,24 -0,25
1,5 20 0,2 0,039 0,0445 0,1336 0,109 0,2 -0,327
2 13 0,13 0,0345 0,0445 0,8684 0,0711 0,13 -0,266


Figure 1: Carbon dioxide vs flow rate

Figure 2: Mass transfer coefficient vs flow rate


1. Ya =Vo/100

= 24/100 = 0,24

2. Pa=Ya*PT

= 0,24* 1 atm = 0,24 atm

3. Henry’s constant at 25⁰C is 0,668 (atm.m3/kg)

(The formula for Henrys constant is on page under theory)
4. Ce1 = H*Pa

= 0,668* 0,24 atm = 0,16

5. Henry’s constant at 20⁰C is 0,5471 atm.m3/kg

6. Ce2 = H*Pa

= 0,5471* 0,24 atm = 0,1313

7. Surface area= п*r2

= п*(0.08/2)2
= 0.00502 m2
∗( C −C ₁ )
S∗h∗C t
8. K L. a=
(C ¿ ¿ e 2−C2 )
(C ¿ ¿ 2−C 1)+(C ¿ ¿ e 1−C e2 )∗ln ¿¿¿¿
(C ¿ ¿ e 1−C1 )

= -0,25 (Using the first flow rate which is 1 L/min)


To calculate Henry’s constant for Ce2 ,the temperature of 20⁰C was used which is
less than 25⁰C that was used initially because there was pressure drop and knowing
Gay Lussac’s law pressure is directly proportional to the temperature.


On this experiment, the flow rate for air and carbon dioxide were kept constant at 30 L/min and 10
L/min respectively. The flow rate for water was increasing and from the results above we can see that
the carbon dioxide absorption is decreasing. Figure 1 shows the relationship between the absorption
of carbon dioxide by KOH in water and the water flow rates when the flow rate of air and CO2 are
kept constant. From the results, the water flow rates increase but the volume of carbon dioxide
absorbed is decreasing. The KOH that was used as the absorbent

In conclusion, this experiment confirmed that CO2 is effectively absorbed by a KOH

solution in water. The results supported our hypothesis that CO 2 would readily
dissolve in the KOH solution. The experiment also demonstrated that a higher gas
flow rate enhanced the absorption rate, confirming the importance of mass transfer
in the absorption process.

The practical implications of these findings are significant, especially in fields such as
environmental science and industrial applications. Understanding the behavior of
CO2 absorption by KOH in water is crucial for modeling carbon capture and storage
(CCS) processes and assessing the impact of elevated atmospheric CO 2 levels on
water bodies.

The use of KOH for CO2 absorption in water is a well-established method in carbon
capture and other applications where the removal of CO 2 from gas streams is
required. The specific design and operation of the system can vary depending on the
application, and engineers may optimize various parameters to achieve the desired
absorption efficiency. Additionally, alternative absorbents and processes are also
used in carbon capture, each with its advantages and disadvantages, depending on
the specific circumstances and goals.

 Several suggestions might be made to enhance the experiment and provide

better results. The students should steer clear of mistakes they make on
purpose, such parallax errors. It is recommended to switch to a fresh packing
for the packed column. As a result, results will be more accurate because the
impact of channeling or sobbing from earlier experiments can be lessened.
The vapor-liquid contact area can be increased by using alternative types of
packings that have a higher surface area.
 To reduce any risk associated with the experiment, the students must also
wear the appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) while conducting it.
And finally, to make sure the experiment goes successfully, the students
should read the lab instructions before performing it.
 Lastly, the students should study the lab manual before conducting the
experiment to ensure the experiment run smoothly.

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