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Weekly Journal

Intern Name: Maruf Al Mahmud

Organization: GREY Advertising Bangladesh Limited
Department attached to: Planning & Strategy (BTL)
Week No: 01
Total Hours worked in this week: 40
Total Hours worked to date: 40
Date of Journal preparation: 18th August, 2023

Tasks Performed This Week

Client: Democracy International
For the upcoming national election, international organization Democracy want to run a campaign, to
encourage people to vote, and one of their key goals is to raise awareness among the youth who deprive
themselves from politics and participation in election.
 Did comprehensive research on some of the reasons why youths deprive themselves of participation.
 Conducted meetings with the client and the creative team to come up with campaign ideas.
 Took meeting minutes of the meetings.
 Made a creative deck for this campaign.
Learning & Achievement from last week
 Developed critical thinking skills.
 Acquired the skill of doing research on nonprofit organizations.
 Acquired ability to work under pressure

Any important observations

This was my first week in the agency, what I understood that communication plays a great role here, as
everyone needs to remain updated on what’s happening. Moreover, the workplace is very fast paced.

Notable Incidents

One of my campaign ideas, was highly appreciated by the members presented in the meeting room, which I
did not expect, the people here seemed friendly and appreciable.

BUS 498 Internship Weekly journal MAO

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