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Are you tired of losing winnable games in valorant?

Do you want to learn how to properly play Neon?

If your answer is yes to either question then this video may be able to help you

Hello, My name is Darrell and for my procedure video I’m going to be showing you how to entry with
Neon on Fracture

First things first, it’s important to understand what entrying is and how Neon is used to entry on her best
map Fracture. Entrying is the act of getting in to a “site” and creating space for your team on the map.
Agents with the duelist role like Neon are provided with various abilities to help the player entry while
facing enemy opposition. Neon isn’t a very beginner friendly duelist like Jett or Raze. Her kit includes a
FastLane which allows her to create 2 parallel walls, 2 Relay Bolts which can stun enemies caught in it’s
radius, and her signature ability High Gear that allows her to run at high speeds and slide to dodge
enemy gunfire. The High Gear is what makes Neon powerful on the attacking side as a good Neon player
can utilize it to catch enemies off guard.

Let’s start with the A site. First you want to position yourself before the barriers drop so you are able to
move efficiently, then you want to activate your high gear to be able to run swiftly into A Hall. As you
peek, make sure to throw one of your relay bolts into A Main to make sure that you won’t be picked off
the second you peek the corner. Thirdly, you want to run into A Main while holding your gun to clear the
area. After you cleared it you can go ahead and use your high gear to run into the A site, but as you
emerge you will want to throw up your Fast Lane and throw your second relay bolt a little bit to the side
to stun. Finally, slide under the site to clear it.

Now let’s move on to the other site, the B site. On B, you will start by throwing a relay bolt into B Main
to ensure enemies don’t peek you in the open area. Second, you want to use your high gear to run into
B Main quickly. Once you reach there the next thing to do is to throw up the Fast Lane. This
accomplishes a similar goal to the A site Fast Lane and blocks enemy vision. If by chance anybody is
hiding in the site you can throw your second relay bolt and bounce it into the corner the enemy is
tucked in to stun them. As you reach the site you want to slide through your wall and catch any enemies
caught in the stun.

These entry methods require precise timing and movement but are extremely powerful to get your
team into the site. For your entry executes to be fluid you will need practice. So go ahead and hop into a
custom game and try out these entry methods to help you win more games.

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