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1 Physical Quantities
Physical Quantities
Those quantities which can describe the laws of physics and possible to measure are called physical quantities.
The physical quantities which do not depend upon other physical quantities are called fundamental quantities.
The physical quantities which depend on fundamental quantities are called derived quantities e.g. speed,
acceleration, force, etc.

The unit of a physical quantity is the reference standard used to measure it.
Types of Units
1. Fundamental Units-The units defined for the fundamental quantities are called fundamental or base units.

Fundamental Mass Length Time Temperature Electric Luminous Amount

Physical (M) (L) (T) (K) Current Intensity of
Quantities (I) Substance
Fundamental Kilogram Metre Second Kelvin Ampere Candela Mole
Units (Kg) (m) (s) (K) (a) (Cd) (mol)

2. Derived Units
The units defined for the derived quantities are called derived units. e.g. unit of speed or velocity (metre
per second), acceleration (metre per second2) etc.

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2 Rest and Motion
Rest and Motion
An object is said to be at rest if it does not change its position which respect to its surroundings with time and
said to be in motion if it changes its position with respect to its surrounding with time.
▪ Rectilinear motion moving car on horizontal road, motion under gravity etc.
▪ Angular motion such as particle going on a circle, projectile motion, rotation of machine shaft etc.
▪ Rotational motion such as motion of a fan.
▪ It an object travels equal distances in equal intervals of time, then it is said to be in uniform motion.
▪ It an object travels unequal distances in equal intervals of time, then it is said to be in non-uniform motion.

▪ The distance covered by a moving body in a unit time interval is called its speed
Distance travelled
peed = Time taken
▪ When a body travels equal distances with speed 𝑣1 and 𝑣2, then average speed is the harmonic mean of
the two speeds.
2 1 1 2𝑣1 𝑣2
= + ⇒𝑣=
𝑣 𝑣1 𝑣2 𝑣1 + 𝑣2
▪ When a body travels for equal times with speeds 𝑣1 and 𝑣2, then average speed is the arithmetic mean of
the two speeds.
v1 + v2

▪ The time rate of change of displacement of a body is called its velocity.
▪ Velocity = Time
▪ An object is said to be moving with uniform velocity if it undergoes equal displacements in equal intervals
of time.
▪ An object is said to be moving with non-uniform or variable velocity if it undergoes unequal displacement
in equal intervals of time.
Time displacement
▪ Average velocity = Total time taken

▪ The time rate of change of velocity of a body is called its acceleration.
Change in velocity
▪ Acceleration =
Time taken
▪ It is a vector quantity and its SI unit is 𝑚𝑠 −2 .
▪ Acceleration at an instant of time is known as instantaneous acceleration.
▪ When the velocity of a body increases with time, then its acceleration is positive and if velocity decreases
with time, then its acceleration is negative called deceleration or retardation.
▪ If acceleration does not change with time, it is said to be constant acceleration.

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Equations of Uniformly Accelerated Motion (Along straight line)
If a body started its motion with initial velocity u and attains final velocity v in the interval t. The acceleration
assumed to be uniform in motion is a and the distance travelled is s, then equations of motion:
v = u + at
s = ut + at 2
v 2 = u2 + 2as
▪ If any body is falling freely under gravity, then a is replaced by g in above equations.
▪ If an object is thrown vertically upward, then in above equations of motion a is replaced by (–g).
▪ Velocity–Time Graph For accelerating or decelerating body the graph will be a straight line inclined to time
axis and velocity axis.
▪ Graph between position (distance)-time for an accelerating or decelerating body is always a parabola.
▪ Acceleration-time graph for uniformly accelerating body is a line parallel to time axis.
▪ In case of uniform accelerated, the graph between position and velocity is always parabola.
▪ In case of uniformly accelerated motion, the graph between velocity and time is always a straight line.
▪ Slope of displacement-time graph gives velocity and slope of velocity-time graph gives acceleration.

Projectile Motion
When a body is thrown from horizontal making an angle (θ) except 90°, then its motion under gravity is a
curved parabolic path, called trajectory and its motion is called projectile motion.

▪ The motion of a bullet shot from the gun
▪ The motion of a rocket after burn-out
▪ The motion of a bomb dropped from a aeroplane etc.

Properties of Projectile Motion

If we drop a ball from a height and at the same time thrown another ball in a horizontal direction, then both
the balls would strike the earth simultaneously at different places.

Circular Motion
▪ The motion of an object along a circular path is called circular motion.
▪ Circular motion with a constant speed is called uniform circular motion.
▪ The direction of motion at any point in circular motion is given by the tangent to the circle at that point.
▪ In uniform circular motion, the velocity and acceleration both changes.
▪ In case of non-uniform circular motion, the speed changes from point to point on the circular track.

Centripetal Acceleration
During circular motion an acceleration acts on the body towards the centre, called centripetal acceleration. The
direction of centripetal acceleration is always towards the centre of the circular path.

It is an external push or pull with can change or tries to change the state of rest or of uniform motion. SI unit is
newton (N) and CGS unit is dyne. 1 N = 105 dyne. If sum of all the forces acting on a body is zero, then body
is said to be in equilibrium.

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Centripetal Force
During circular motion a force always acts on the body towards the centre of the circular path, called centripetal

Centrifugal Force
In circular motion we experience that a force is acting on us in opposite to the direction of centripetal force
called centrifugal force. This is an apparent force or imaginary force and also called a pseudo force.

Applications of centripetal and centrifugal forces

▪ Cyclist inclined itself from vertical to obtain required centripetal force. To take a safe turn cyclist slower
down his speed and moves on a path of larger radius.
▪ Roads are banked at turns to provide required centripetal force for taking a turn.
▪ For taking turn on a curved road, the frictional force is acting between the tyres of the vehicle and the road
acts as centripetal force.
▪ If a bucket containing water is revolved fast in a vertical plane, the water may not fall even when bucket is
completely inverted because a centrifugal force equal or greater than the weight of water pushes the water
to the bottom of the bucket.
▪ For orbital motion of electrons around the nucleus electrostatic force of attraction is acting between the
electrons and the nucleus as centripetal force.
▪ Cream is separated from milk when it is rotated in a vessel about the same axis. During rotation lighter
particles of cream experience a lesser force than the heavier particles of milk.
▪ For revolution of the earth around the sun, gravitational force of attraction between the earth and the sun
acts as centripetal force.

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3 Force and Newton’s law of Motion
Newton’s First Law of Motion
A body continues in its state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line unless an external force acts on it. It
is based on law of inertia. Inertia is the property of a body by virtue of which is opposes any change in its state
of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line.

Inertia of Rest
When a bus or train at rest starts, to move suddenly, the passengers sitting in it jerk in backward direction due
to their inertia of rest.
The dust particles come out from a carpet when it is beaten with a stick due to their inertia of rest.
A passenger jumping out from a rapidly moving bus or train is advised to jump in forward direction and run
forward for a short mile due to inertia of rest.

Inertia of Motion
When a running bus or train stops suddenly, the passengers sitting in it jerk in forward direction due to inertia
of motion.

The momentum of a moving body is equal to the product of its mass and its velocity.

Conservation of Linear Momentum

The linear momentum of a system of particles remains conserved if the external force acting on the system is
Rocket propulsion and engine of jet aeroplane works on principle of conservation of linear momentum. In
rocket, ejecting gas exerts a forward force which helps in accelerating the rocket upward.

Newton’s Second Law

The rate of change of momentum of a body is directly proportional to the force applied on it and change in
momentum takes place in the direction of applied force.
∆p m∆v
F= = = ma
∆t ∆t
Newton’s Third Law
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction and both act on two interacting objects. Rocket is
propelled by the principle of Newton’s third law of motion.

▪ A large force which acts on a body for a very short interval of time and produces a large change in its
momentum is called an impulsive force.
▪ Its unit is newton-second.
▪ A fielder lowers its hand when catching a cricket ball because by lowering his hands, he increases the time
of contact for stopping the ball and therefore fielder has to apply lesser force to stop the ball. The ball will
also exert lesser force on the hands of the fielder and the fielder will not get hurt.

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▪ Wagons of a train are provided with the buffers to increase the time of impact during jerks and therefore,
decreases the damage. The vehicles like scooter, car, bus, truck etc. are provided with shockers.

Friction is a force which opposes the relative motion of the two bodies when one body actually moves or tries
to move over the surface of another body.
The cause of friction is the strong atomic or molecular forces of attraction acting on the two surfaces at the point
of actual contact.

Uses of Friction
▪ A ball bearing is a type of rolling-element that uses balls to maintain the separation between the bearing
races. The purpose of a ball bearing is to reduce rotational friction and to support loads (weight).
▪ Friction is necessary for walking, to apply brakes in vehicles, for holding nuts and bolts in a machinery etc.
▪ Friction can be decreases by polishing the surfaces by using lubricants or by using ball bearings.
▪ Tyres are made of synthetic rubber because its coefficient or friction with road is larger and therefore, large
force of friction acts on it, which stops sliding at turns.
▪ The tyres are threading which also increases the friction between the tyres and the road.
▪ When pedal is applied to a bicycle, the force of friction on rear wheel is in forward direction and on front
wheel is in the backward direction.

Loses due to Friction

Too much Loss of Energy in machines and then ultimately the machines are damaged.

Laws of Limiting Friction

(i) It depends on the nature of the surfaces in contact and their state of polish.
(ii) It acts tangential to the two surfaces in contact and in a direction opposite to the direction of motion of the
(iii) The value of limiting friction is independent of the area of the surface in contact so long as the normal
reaction remains the same.
(iv) The limiting friction (fs max ) is directly proportional to the normal reaction R between the two surfaces.

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4 Oscillations and Waves
Periodic Motion
A motion which repeats itself identically after a fixed interval of time, is called a periodic motion.

For example
- Motion of arms of a clock, orbital motion of the earth around the sun, motion of a simple pendulum etc.

Oscillatory Motion
• A periodic motion taking place to and fro or back and forth about a fixed point, is called oscillatory motion.
For example
- Motion of a simple pendulum.
- Motion of a loaded spring etc.
• If a particle oscillates with its own natural frequency without help of any external periodic force. The
oscillation is then called damped oscillation.
• When a body oscillates with the help of an external periodic force with a frequency different from natural
frequency of the body, then oscillation is called forced oscillation.

Simple Harmonic Motion (SHM)

• An oscillatory motion of constant amplitude and of single frequency under a restoring force whose
magnitude is proportional to the displacement and always acts towards mean position, is called Simple
Harmonic Motion.

Characteristics of SHM
When a particle executing SHM passes through the mean position:
1. No force acts on the particle.
2. Acceleration of the particle is zero.
3. Velocity is maximum.
4. Kinetic energy is maximum.
5. Potential energy is zero.

When a particle executing SHM is at the extreme end, then:

1. Acceleration of the particle is maximum.
2. Restoring force acting on particle is maximum.
3. Velocity of particle is zero.
4. Kinetic energy of particle is zero.
5. Potential energy is maximum.

Simple Pendulum
A heavy point mass suspended from a rigid support by means of an elastic inextensible string, is called a
simple pendulum.
Time period of a simple pendulum is given by 𝑇 = 2𝜋√𝑔
The time period of a simple pendulum of infinite length is 84.6 min. The time period of a second’s
pendulum is 2 s. Its length on the earth is nearly 100 cm.

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Acceleration due to gravity decreases with altitude (height) and therefore time period of a pendulum clock
will increase and clock becomes slow.
If the bob of a simple pendulum is suspended from a metallic wire, then the length of the pendulum
increases with increase in temperature and therefore its time period also increases.
A girl is swinging over a swing. If she stands up over the swing, then the effective length of the swing
decreases and therefore, the time period of oscillations decreases.
A pendulum clock cannot be used in a space-ship.

Damped Harmonic Motion

When there is friction or any other force acting within an oscillating system, the amplitudes of the oscillation
decreases over time to this damping force. This is called damped harmonic motion.

Resonant Oscillations
When a body oscillates with its own natural frequency (V0) with the help of an external periodic force also
called forced harmonic motion. And if the frequency (v) provided by the external agent is equal to the natural
frequency of the body, the oscillations of the body are called resonant oscillations.

A wave is a disturbance which propagates energy from one place to the other without the transport of matter.
Waves are broadly of two types:
1. Mechanical Wave
2. Non-mechanical wave

Mechanical Wave: The waves which required material medium (solid, liquid or gas) for their propagation
are called mechanical wave or elastic wave. Mechanical waves are of two types.
1. Longitudinal wave: If the particles of the medium vibrate in the direction of propagation of wave, the wave
is called longitudinal wave.

2. Transverse Wave: If the particles of the medium vibrate perpendicular to the direction of propagation of
wave, the wave is called transverse wave.
Waves on strings under tension, waves on the surface of water are examples of transverse waves.

Non-mechanical waves or electromagnetic waves: The waves which do not require medium for their
propagation i.e. which can propagate even through the vacuum are called non mechanical wave.
Light, heat are the examples of non-mechanical wave. In fact all the electromagnetic waves are non-mechanical.
All the electromagnetic wave consists of photon.
The wavelength range of electromagnetic wave is 10−14m to 104 m.

Properties of electromagnetic waves

1. They are neutral (uncharged).
2. They propagate as transverse wave.
3. They propagate with the velocity of light.
4. They contains energy and momentum.
5. Their concept was introduced by Maxwell.

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Following waves are not electromagnetic
1. Cathode rays
2. Canal rays
3. α rays
4. β rays
5. Sound wave
6. Ultrasonic wave

Some Important Electromagnetic Waves & their discoverer

1. γ-Rays- Henry Becqueral
2. X-Rays - W. Rontgen
3. Ultra-violet rays - Johann Ritter
4. Visible radiation - Newton
5. Infra-red rays - Hershel
6. Short radio waves or Hertzian Waves - Heinrich Hertz
7. Long Radio Waves - Marconi

Note: Electromagnetic waves of wavelength range 10−3m to 10−2 m are called microwaves.

Amplitude: Amplitude is defined as the maximum displacement of the vibrating particle on either side from
the equilibrium position.

Wavelength: Wavelength is the distance between any two nearest particle of the medium, vibrating in the same
phase. It is denoted by the Greek letter lambda(λ).
In transverse wave distance between two consecutive crests or troughs and in longitudinal wave, distance
between two consecutive compressions or rarefactions is equal to wavelength.
Velocity of wave = frequency × wavelength.

Sound waves are mechanical longitudinal waves and require medium for their propagation. It cannot
propagate through vacuum. When propagated speed and wavelength changes but frequency remains constant.
It is of three types:
Infrasonic waves – 0 to 20,000 Hz
Audible waves – 20 to 20,000 Hz
Ultrasonic waves – >20,000 Hz

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5 Sound
• The bouncing back of sound when it strikes a hard surface, is called reflection of sound.
• The laws of reflection of light are also obeyed during reflection of sound.
• The working of megaphone, sound boards and ear trumpet is based on reflection of sound.
• The repetition of sound due to reflection of sound waves, is called an echo.
• The persistence of hearing on human ear is 10
th of a second.
• The minimum distance from a sound reflecting surface to hear an echo is nearly is nearly 17 m.
• Sound proof rooms are made of two layers of walls having vacuum between them.
• Reverberation arises due to multiple reflection of sound.
• While designing an auditorium for speech or musical concerts, one has to take proper care for the
absorption and reflection of sound.
• Time taken by reverberant sound to decrease its intensity by a factor of 10 6 is called reverberation time.

• When a sound wave move from one mechanical medium to another mechanical medium, it shows
deviation from the original path of the incident wave. The phenomenon is called refraction. It is due to
difference is speed of sound in media.

• When sound waves originated by a vibrating source, they spread in the medium and if the medium is
homogeneous, this leads to bending of sound waves around the edges. Which is known as diffraction.
• The sound waves diffracted broadly and one can easily hears the voice of the another person.

Musical Scale
• In theory of music, a musical scale is a set of musical notes by the frequencies of which are in simple ratios
to one another. Sa, re, ga, ma, pa, dha, ni is one such scale called the diatonic scale. The interval sa-sa is
called an octave (8).

Noise Reduction in Recording Media

• Five types of noise reduction system exists in recording media as discussed below
- Dolby A noise reduction system, intended for use in professional recording studios. It provided about
10 dB of broadband noise reduction.
- Dolby B was developed to achieve about 9 dB noise reduction primarily for cassettes. It was much
simpler than Dolby A and therefore less expensive to implement in consumer products.
- Dolby C provides about 15 dB noise reduction.
- Dolby SR (Spectral Recording) system is much more aggressive noise reduction approach than Dolby
A. Dolby SR is much more expensive to implement than Dolby B or C, but it is capable of providing
upto 25 dB noise reduction in the high frequency range.
- Dolby S is found on some Hi-Fi and semi-professional recording equipment. It is capable of 10 dB of
noise reduction at low frequencies and upto 24 dB of noise reduction at high frequencies.

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Doppler’s Effect
The apparent change in the frequency of source due to relative motion between the source and observer
is called Doppler’s effect.
Applications of Doppler’s Effect
The measurement of Doppler shift (based on Doppler’s effect) has been used -
• By police to check over speeding of vehicles.
• At airports to guide the aircraft.
• To study heart and blood flow in different parts of the body.
• By astrophysicist to measure the velocities of planets and stars.

SONAR stands for Sound Navigation and Ranging. It is used to measure the depth of a sea, to locate the
enemy submarines and shipwrecks.
The transmitter of a sonar produces pulses of ultrasonic sound waves of frequency of about 50000 Hz. The
reflected sound waves are received by the receiver.

Human Ear
• We are able to hear with the help of an extremely sensitive organ of our body called the ear. There are three
parts of human ear.
• The outer ear is called pinna. It collects the sound from the surroundings. The middle ear transmits the
amplified pressure variations received from the sound wave to the inner ear.
• In the inner ear, the pressure variations are turned into electrical signals by the cochlea. These electrical
signals are sent to the brain via the auditory nerve and the brain interpret them as sound.

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6 Heat
• Heat is the form of energy which produces the sensation of warmth. Its SI unit is joule and other unit is
calorie (1 cal = 4.2 Joule).
• The transfer of heat is always from hotter to colder body.

• Temperature is measure of hotness or coldness of a body.
• The heat flows from one body to another due to the difference in their body temperature.

Scale of Temperature
• To measure the temperature of a body following temperature scales are used.
— Celsius scale of temperature freezing point is 0°C Boiling point of water is 100°C
— Fahrenheit scale of temperature ice point or freezing of water = 32° F
Boiling point of water = 212° F
— Kelvin or absolute scale of temperature ice point of water = 273° K
Boiling point of water = 373° K
— Reaumur scale of temperature ice point of water is 0° R,
Boiling point of water = 80°R

Relation between Different Scales of Temperature

Different scales of temperature are related as follows:
C F − 32 R K − 273
= = = ⇒ K = 273 + °C
100 180 80 100
• At temperature – 40°C = – 40°F, Celsius scale is equal to Fahrenheit.
• The temperature at which the three phases of water remains at equilibrium is called triple point of water
(273.16 K)

• The instruments used to measure temperature of a body is called thermometer.
Thermometers are of following three types -
1. Clinical thermometer - It is used to measure human body temperatures and ranges from 96° F to 110°F or
35°C to 43°C.
2. Electronic thermometer - Basic components of an electronic thermometer are thermistors or
thermoresistors. Range of electronic thermometer is –40° to 450°F.
3. Other thermometers - These include constant volume gas thermometer, platinum resistance thermometer
Clinical thermometer measures temperature in degree fahrenheit (°F).
In thermometer, mercury is commonly used through a wide range from –30°C to 300°C.
Thermometer was developed by Galileo who found that the gases expand on heating.

Thermal Expansion
The expansion of a body caused by heat is known as thermal expansion.

Thermal Expansion of Solids

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Thermal expansion of solids is of three types
1. Expansion in length on heating, is called linear expansion. The increase in length of a rod of unit length of
a substance due to increase in its temperature by 1°C is called the coefficient of linear expansion of the
substance of that rod. It is represented by α.
Increase in length ∆L
α= =
Initial length × Rise in temperature L × ∆t
— Its unit is °C–1.

2. Expansion in area on heating, is called superficial expansion. Coefficient of superficial expansion is given
Increase in area ∆A
β= =
Initial area × Rise in temperature A × ∆t
— Its unit is °C–1.

3. Expansion in volume on heating, is called volume expansion or cubical expansion.

Coefficient of volume or cubical expansion is given as
Increase in volume ∆V
γ= =
Original volume × Rise in temperature V × ∆t
— Its unit is °C-1

Relation between Coefficients of Expansions

• Coefficients of thermal expansions are related as
β = 2α and γ = 3α
and α : β : γ = 1 : 2 : 3
• In laying a railway line, a small gap is left in between two iron rails otherwise railway line will become
curved on heating in summer.
• Telephone wires are not tighten on poles because in winter, wires get contract and can break.

Thermal Expansion of Liquids

• In liquids, only expansion in volume takes place on heating.
Expansion of liquid is of two types:
• When expansion of the container, containing liquid, on heating, is not taken into account, then observed
expansion is called apparent expansion of liquids.
• When expansion of the container, containing liquid, on heating, is also taken into account, then observed
expansion is called real expansion of liquids.
γr = γa + γg
where, γr and γa , are coefficients of real and apparent expansion of liquids and γg = coefficient of cubical
expansion of the container.

Anomalous Expansion of Water

When temperature of water is increased from 0°C, then its volume decreases up to 4°C, becomes minimum at
4° C and then increases. This behavior of water expansion around 4°C is called, anomalous expansion of water.

Thermal Expansion of Gases

There are two types of coefficient of expansion in gases.
— At constant pressure, the change in volume per unit volume per degree celsius, is called volume coefficient
(γv ).

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— At constant volume, the change in pressure per unit, pressure per degree celsius, is called pressure
coefficient (yp ).

• Amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 g of water by 1°C is called 1 calorie.
• Calorimetry states that heat lost by hotter body equals the heat gained by colder body.

Specific Heat
• The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of unit mass (m) of a substance through 1°C, is called
its specific heat (s).
• It is denoted by s and its unit is ‘cal/g°C or Joule/g°/C.
• The specific heat of water is 4200 J/kg1/°C or 1000 cal/ g1/° C–, which is high compared with most other
substances. Therefore, water is used as coolant in radiator in vehicle and hot water is used for the
• Heat energy given or taken to change the temperature of a body is given by
Q = ms∆θ
where, m = mass of the body
and ∆θ = change in temperature.
• The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 mole of a gas by 1°C is called molar specific heat.

Latent Heat
• The heat energy absorbed or released at constant temperature per unit mass for change of state, is called
latent heat.
• It is denoted by L and its SI unit is cal/g or kcal/kg.
• Heat energy absorbed or released during change of state is given by
Q = mL
where, m = mass of the substance.
• Latent heat of fusion of ice is 80 cal/g.
• Latent heat of vaporisation of steam is 536 cal/g.

• The branch of physics which deals with the study of relation of heat energy with different types of energy
is called thermodynamics.

Zeroth Law
• Zeroth law of thermodynamics tells about thermal equilibrium.

First Law
• As per first law about energy, heat given to a substance is equal to sum of change in internal energy and
work done.

Second Law
• In second law work can be converted into heat and vice-versa but conversion is not possible with 100%
• It is impossible for a machine operating in a cyclic process to convert heat completely into work, it is
kelvin’s statement.

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• Heat by itself can not transfer from a colder to a hotter body. It is clausius statement. Refrigerator is based
on this statement.
• Heat engine is a device which converts heat into mechanical work. Internal combustion and external
combustion heat engine are two types of heat engine.
• Car engine uses coolant added with water to reduce harmful effects like corrosion, rusting etc. Such as
ethylene glycol, potassium dichromate etc,
• Carnot’s theorem tells about maximum efficiency of heat engine. It refers to carnot cycle.
• Entropy measures the molecular disorder of a system and is a thermodynamic function depending only on
the temperature of the system.
• Evaporation is a process in which molecules escape slowly from the surface of a liquid.
• For a given liquid the rate of evaporation demands on the temperature and area of evaporating surface.
• Refrigerator is a device used for cooling things by the evaporation and compression of a volatile liquid
inside a copper coil.

• The presence of moisture in the atmosphere, is called humidity.
• The amount of water vapour present in the unit volume of atmosphere, is called absolute humidity.
• The relative humidity of air at a given temperature is the ratio of mass of water vapour present in a certain
volume of air to the mass of water vapour required to saturate the same volume of air at the same
temperature, multiplied by 100.
• Relative humidity is measured by hygrometer.
• Relative humidity of about 50% is considered comfortable at temperature 22°– 25° C.
• If the relative humidity is very low in air, then lips become dry and cracks appear in them.
• If relative humidity is very high in air then the sweat from our body does not evaporate readily and
therefore we feel uncomfortable.
• Air conditioning provides comfortable conditions by regulating temperature and humidity.

Transmission of Heat
• Heat can be transferred from one place to another by process of transmission.
• There are three methods of transmission of heat.

• The mode of transmission of heat in solids from higher temperature part to lower temperature part without
actual movement of the particles, is called conduction.
• Transmission of heat in solids takes place mainly through conduction.
• Metals are good conductors of heat.
• Wood, cotton, wool, glass are bad conductors of heat, dry air is also a bad conductor of heat.
• Woollen clothes do not allow the heat of our body to escape and therefore we feel warm.
• On a cold night two thin blankets give more warmth than a single thick blanket because the layer of air
between the two blankets works as a better insulator.
• Refrigerators and ice-boxes have double walls having thermocol between them which minimise heat gain
by conduction.


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• The mode of transmission of heat in fluids (liquids and gases) due to actual movement of the particles, is
called convection.
• In liquids and gases, heat is transmitted by convection.
• When a liquid in a vessel is heated at the bottom, the liquid at bottom gets heated and expands.
• Due to its lower density, hot liquid rises and its place is taken by cold liquid from above. Convection
currents are set up in the liquid until the temperature of the whole liquid becomes same.
• The cooling unit in a refrigerator is fitted near the top as cold air move downward and keeps cool the whole
• Radiator in a motor car works on the principle of convection.

Newton’s Law of Cooling

The rate of loss of heat from a body is directly proportional to the difference in temperatures of the body and
its surroundings.
If we take hot water and fresh water and put it in a refrigerator, then rate of cooling of hot water will be faster
than the fresh tap-water.
• Sea Breeze During day time, the seashore warms up much faster than sea water. Hot air over the seashore
rises and cooler air from sea water moves towards seashore to take its place resulting in a sea breeze.
• Land Breeze At night, land cools faster than sea water. Now hot air over sea water rises and cooler air from
land moves towards sea to take its place and resulting in a land breeze.
• Cloudy night are warmer than clear night because clouds reflect the radiations emitted by the earth at night
and keep it warm.

• The process of heat transmission in the form of electromagnetic waves, is called radiation.
• Radiation does not require any medium for propagation and it propagates without heating the intervening

Black Body
• A body that absorbs all the radiation incident on it is called perfectly black body.
• Ratio of heat absorbed (radiation) to total incident radiation for a body is called absorptive power (a) of
body. It has no unit.
• Amount of heat radiation per unit area of the surface at a given temperature is called emissive power of
the surface.
• Its unit is J/m2 – s.
• The ratio of emissive power and absorptive power of a body is always same. It is equal to emissive power
of a black body. This is known as Kirchhoff’s law.
• White colour is a bad absorbers and good reflectors of heat radiations while black colour is good absorbers
and bad reflectors of heat. Therefore, clothes of light colors give better feeling in summer and clothes of
dark colors give better feeling in winter.

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7 Matter
Matter is considered as any thing which has weight and occupy space. It exist in three states: Solid, liquid and

It is that, state of matter which has definite shape and definite volume. In this state molecules are very closely

Properties of Solids
The property of a body by virtue of which it regain its original configuration after the removal of deforming
force, is called elasticity. Quartz and phosphor bronze are almost perfectly elastic bodies.

The property of a body by virtue of which it does not regain its original configuration after the removal of
deforming force, is called plasticity.

The fraction I change in configuration i.e. length, volume and shape, is called strain. Strain has no unit.
On the basis of change in configuration, strain is of three types
- Longitudinal strain =
- Volume strain = 𝑉
- Shearing strain = Δθ/θ

The internal restoring force acting per unit area of cross-section of a deformed body, is called stress. Stress is of
two types
- Normal stress - Tangential stress
The maximum deforming force upto which a body retains its property of elasticity is called the limit of elasticity
of the material body. The minimum stress required to break a wire is called breaking stress.
The torque required to produce a given twist in a hollow cylinder is greater than that required to produce the
same twist in a solid cylinder. Therefore, hollow shaft is stronger than a solid shaft. Springs are made of steel,
not of copper as Young's modulus of elasticity of steel is more than that of copper.

Elastic Limit
It is the limit of stress and strain upto which a wire remains elastic.

Plastic Behaviour
If the wire is stretched beyond the elastic limit, the strain increases much more rapidly. If the stretching force
is removed, the wire does not comes back to its natural length.

Fracture Point
If the deformation is increased further the plastic behaviour, the wire breaks at a point known as fracture point.

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Ductile and Brittle Materials
If large deformation takes place between the elastic limit and the fracture point, the material is called ductile.
If the wire breaks soon after the elastic limit is crossed, it is called brittle.

Elastic Fatigue
It is the property of an elastic body by virtue of which its behaviour becomes less elastic under the action of
repeated alternating deforming force. Due to elastic fatigue, the bridges becomes less elastic after a use of long
time and therefore are declared unsafe.

A substance which begins to flow under an external force is called a fluid. Liquids and gases are fluids.

Fluid Density
The ratio of mass to the volume of a body is called its density. (i.e. mass present in its unit volume). It is a scalar
quantity having SI unit kg/𝑚3. The density of water is 1000 kg/𝑚3. The density of water is maximum at 4°C.

Hydrometer - It is an instrument used to measure density or relative density of liquid. Its working is based on
law of floatation.

Fluid Pressure
Thrust (the normal force) exerted by a liquid per unit area of the surface in contact at rest, is called fluid
Fluid pressure (p) = . Its unit is 𝑁𝑚−2 or Pascal (Pa).

Atmospheric Pressure
The pressure exerted by the atmosphere, is called atmospheric pressure.
Aneroid barometer is used to measure atmospheric pressure and height of a place.
Other units of atmospheric pressure are torr and bar.

Pascal’s Law
The pressure exerted anywhere at a point of confined fluid is transmitted equally and undiminished, in all
directions throughout the liquid.
Hydraulic lift, hydraulic press hydraulic brakes works on the basis of Pascal’s law.

When a body is partially or wholly immersed in a liquid, an upward force acts on it, which is called buoyant
force or upthrust and this property of fluids is called buoyancy.
Buoyant force is equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by the submerged part of the body.
The buoyant force acts at the centre of gravity of the liquid displaced by the submerged part of the body, which
is called ‘centre of buoyancy’.

Archimedes Principle
When a body is partially or completely immersed in a quid, it loses some of its weight. The loss in weight is
equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by the submerged part of the body.

Law of Floatation
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A body will float in a liquid if weight of the body is equal weight of the liquid displaced by the immersed part
of the body.

In floating condition, the centre of gravity (g) and the centre of buoyancy (B) of the floating body must lie on
the same straight line.
Ice and large icebergs float on water surface as its density (0.92 g/cm3) is lesser than the density of water.
When a piece of ice floats on water, its ( ) 𝑡ℎ part submerged in water and (1/12) th part is outside the water.

In sea water, (8/ 9) th part of icebergs is submerged and (1/9) th part is outside the water during floating.
It is easier to swim in sea water than in a river as density of sea water is greater than the density of river water.

In sea water, buoyant force is greater than that in river water.

The density of human body is less than the density of water but the density of human head is greater than the
density of water. Therefore, during swimming a person displaces the liquid with hands and legs and total
weight of displaced liquid becomes equal to the weight of the body.

Surface Tension
The property of a liquid by virtue of which it tries to minimise its free surface area is called surface tension. The
minimum surface area of a given amount of liquid is for spherical shape. Therefore, rain drops are spherical.

Factors Affecting Surface Tension

Temperature -The surface tension of a liquid decreases with increase in temperature
oluble Impurities - If the impurities are less soluble in liquid, then its surface tension decreases. If impurities
are highly soluble in liquid, then its surface tension increases. Surface tension of a liquid becomes zero at critical

Applications of Surface Tension

When soap, detergent, dettol, phenyl etc., are mixed in water then its surface tension decreases. When salt is
added in water, its surface tension increases.
When oil spreads over the surface of water, its surface tension decreases.
When kerosene oil is sprinkled on water, its surface tension decreases. As a result the larva of mosquitoes
floating on the surface of water die due to sinking.
Warm soup is tasty because at high temperature its surface tension is low and consequently the soup
spreads on all parts of the tongue.
Antiseptics like dettol have low surface tension and therefore it reaches in the tiny cracks of the wound and
cleans the germs and bacteria.
The surface tension of soap solution in water is less than the surface tension of pure water. Therefore, soap
solution cleans greasy strains of clothes better than pure water.

The phenomenon of rising or falling of liquid column in a capillary tube (glass tube of very fine bore) is called

Examples of Capillarity -
1. A piece of blotting paper soaks ink because the pores of the blotting paper serve as capillary tubes.
2. The oil in the wick of a lamp rises due to capillary action of threads in the wick.
3. The root hairs of plants draws water from the soil through capillary action.
4. To prevent loss of water due to capillary action, the soil is loosened and split into pieces by the farmers.

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5. If a capillary tube is dipped in water in an artificial satellite, water rises up to other end of tube because of
its zero apparent weight, how long the tube may be.
6. Action of towel in soaking up water from the body is due to capillary action of cotton in the towel.
7. Melted wax, in a candle rises up to wick by capillary action.

Cohesive and Adhesive Forces

The intermolecular force of attraction acting between the molecules of same substance is called cohesive force.
e.g., Intermolecular force of attraction acting between the molecules of water, mercury etc.
The intermolecular force of attraction acting between the molecules of different substance is called adhesive
force. For e.g., Intermolecular force of attraction acting between the molecules of paper and gum, paper and
ink, etc.

Viscous force: The force which opposes the relative motion between different layers of liquid or gases is called
viscous force.

Viscosity: Viscosity is the property of a liquid by virtue of which it opposes the relative motion between its
different layers. Viscosity is the property of liquids and gases both. The viscosity of a liquid is due to cohesive
force between its molecules.
The viscosity of a gas is due to diffusion of its molecules from one layer to other layer.
Viscosity of gases is much less than that of liquids. There is no viscosity in solids.
Viscosity of an ideal fluid is zero.
With rise in temperature, viscosity of liquids decreases and that for gases increases.
Viscosity of a fluid is measured by its coefficient of viscosity. Its SI unit is decapoise (kg/ms) or pascal second.
It is generally denoted by η.

Stoke’s Law
According to this law, the viscous force depends upon the coefficient of viscosity, velocity of the moving object
and its size.

Terminal Velocity
When a small spherical body falls through a long liquid column its velocity increases gradually but later on it
becomes constant, called terminal velocity.
The radius of spherical rain drops is very small therefore their terminal velocity is also small, with which they
strike the earth’s surface. When a liquid flow through a pipe, its speed i maximum near axis and minimum near
the walls of the pipe.

Bernoulli’s Theorem
If a non-viscous and incompressible liquid is flowing in stream-lined flow then total energy, i.e., sum of
pressure energy, kinetic energy and potential energy, per unit volume of the liquid remains constant. Venturi
tube and aspirator pump works on Bernoulli’s theorem.
According to Bernoulli's theorem, with increase in velocity of liquid its pressure decreases and vice-versa.
During storms or cyclones, the roofs of the huts or tinned roofs blown off because wind blows with very high
speed over the top of the roof and therefore pressure of air decreases. Due to the pressure difference of air
above and below the roof, a lifting force acts on the roof. If it is sufficient to balance the weight of the roof it
start to fly off.

Magnus Effect : Motion of a Spinning Ball. When swing bowlers deliver the ball, the ball changes its
plane of motion in air.

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8 Light
REFLECTION OF LIGHT (Law of Reflection)
(i) The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.
(ii) The incident ray, the normal, the point of incidence and the reflected ray, all lie in the same plane.

Spherical Mirrors & their Uses

Uses of concave mirrors

Concave mirrors are commonly used in torches, search-lights and vehicles headlights to get powerful
parallel beams of light.
They are often used as shaving mirrors to see a larger image of the face. The dentists use concave mirrors
to see large images of the teeth of patients.
Large concave mirrors are used to concentrate sunlight to produce heat in solar furnaces.

Uses of convex mirrors

Convex mirrors are commonly used as rear-view (wing) mirrors in vehicles, enabling the driver to see traffic
behind him/her to facilitate safe driving. They always give an erect, though diminished, image. Also, they have
a wider field of view as they are curved outwards. Thus, convex mirrors enable the driver to view much larger
area than would be possible with a plane mirror.

The refraction of light when it passes from a fast medium to a slow medium bends the light ray toward the
normal to the boundary between the two media. When a thick glass slab is placed over some printed matter,
the letters appear raised when viewed through the glass slab the bottom of a tank or a pond containing water
appears to be raised seen a pencil partly immersed in water in a glass tumbler. It appears to be displaced at the
interface of air and water.
A lemon kept in water in a glass tumbler appears to be bigger than its actual size, when viewed from the sides.

The following are the laws of refraction of light :

(i) The incident ray, the refracted ray and the normal to the interface of two transparent media at the point of
incidence, all lie in the same plane.
(ii) The ratio of sine of angle of incidence to the sine of angle of refraction is a constant, for the light of a given
colour and for the given pair of media. This law is also known as Snell’s law of refraction. If i is the angle
of incidence and r is the angle of refraction, then,
Sin i/Sin r = constant.
The one with the larger refractive index is optically denser medium than the other. The other medium of lower
refractive index is optically rarer. The speed of light is higher in a rarer medium than a denser medium.


The prism has probably split the incident white light into a band of colors. The sequence of colors VIBGYOR.
The splitting of light into its component colors is called dispersion.
Different colors of light bend through different angles with respect to the incident ray, as they pass through a
prism. The red light bends the least while the violet the most. Thus the rays of each colour emerge along
different paths and thus become distinct. It is the band of distinct colors that we see in a spectrum.

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A rainbow is a natural spectrum appearing in the sky after a rain shower. It is caused by dispersion of
sunlight by tiny water droplets, present in the atmosphere. A rainbow is always formed in a direction opposite
to that of the Sun. The water droplets act like small prisms. They refract and disperse the incident sunlight,
then reflect it internally, and finally refract it again when it comes out of the raindrop. Due to the dispersion of
light and internal reflection, different colors reach the observer’s eye.

The air just above the fire becomes hotter than the air further up. The hotter air is lighter (less dense) than the
cooler air above it, and has a refractive index slightly less than that of the cooler air. Since the physical
conditions of the refracting medium (air) are not stationary, the apparent position of the object, as seen through
the hot air, fluctuate. This wavering is thus an effect of atmospheric refraction (refraction of light by the earth’s
atmosphere) .

Twinkling of stars
The twinkling of a star is due to atmospheric refraction of starlight.

Advance sunrise and delayed sunset

The Sun is visible to us about 2 minutes before the actual sunrise, and about 2 minutes after the actual sunset
because of atmospheric refraction.

Scattering of light is the phenomenon by which a beam of light is redirected in many different directions when
it interacts with a particle of matter.
The blue colour of the sky, colour of water in deep sea, the reddening of the sun at sunrise and the sunset.

Total Internal Reflection

Total internal reflection is a phenomenon that occurs when light travels from a more optically dense medium
to a less optically dense one, such as glass to air or water to air.
Examples of Total Internal Reflection -
(a) Mirage – Hotter air is less dense, and has smaller refractive index than the cooler air. On hot summer days,
the air near the ground becomes hotter than the air at higher levels noticed that while moving in a bus or a
car during a hot summer day, a distant patch of road, especially on a highway, appears to be wet. This is
also due to mirage.
(b) Diamonds - Their brilliance is mainly due to the total internal reflection of light inside them.
(c) Optical fibres too make use of the phenomenon of total internal reflection.Light undergoes repeated total
internal reflections along the length of the fibre there is no appreciable loss in the intensity of the light

Tyndall Effect
The Tyndall effect is the scattering of light as a light beam passes through a colloid. The individual suspension
particles scatter and reflect light, making the beam visible.
The earth’s atmosphere is a heterogeneous mixture of minute particles like smoke, tiny water droplets,
suspended particles of dust and molecules of air.When a beam of light strikes such fine particles, the path of
the beam becomes visible.

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Tyndall effect is seen when a fine beam of sunlight enters a smoke-filled room through a small hole. Tyndall
effect can also be observed when sunlight passes through a canopy of a dense forest.

Power of Accomodation of Eye - The ability of the lens to change its shape to focus near and distant objects is
called accommodation. A normal human eye can see objects clearly that are between 25 cm and infinity.

Defects of Vision and Their Correction

Nearsightedness: If the eyeball is too long or the lens too spherical, the image of distant objects is brought to a
focus in front of the retina and is out of focus again before the light strikes the retina. Nearby objects can be
seen more easily. Eyeglasses with concave lenses correct this problem by diverging the light rays before they
enter the eye. Nearsightedness is called myopia.
Farsightedness: If the eyeball is too short or the lens too flat or inflexible, the light rays entering the eye —
particularly those from nearby objects— will not be brought to a focus by the time they strike the retina.
Eyeglasses with convex lenses can correct the problem. Farsightedness is called hypermetropia.
Astigmatism : Astigmatism is the most common refractive problem responsible for blurry vision. Most of the
eyeball’s focusing power occurs along the front surface of the eye, involving the tear film and cornea (the clear
‘window’ along the front of the eyeball). The ideal cornea has a perfectly round surface. Anything other than
perfectly round contributes to abnormal corneal curvature– this is astigmatism. Cylindrical lens is use to correct

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9 Magnetism and Electricity
Electricity — Flow of Electrons is called Electricity.
• The electricity produced by friction between two appropriate bodies, is called static electricity, it is also
called frictional electricity.
Coulomb’s law - The electrostatic force of interaction acting between two stationary point charges is
directly proportional to the product of magnitude of charges and inversely proportional to the square of
the distance between them.
F= K(qa-qb)/r2.

Electric Field
• The space in the surrounding of any charge in which its influence can be experience by other charge, is
called electric field.
• Electric field intensity (E) at any point is defined as the electrostatic force (F) acting per unit positive test
charge (q) at the point.
• 𝐄=q
• Its unit is newton/coulomb.
• Therefore, electric field intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance r from the point

Electric Field Lines

• An electric field line is an imaginary line, so that its tangent at any point is in the direction of the electric
field vector at that point.
• Two lines can never intersect. Electric field lines always begin on a positive charge and end on a negative
charge and do not start or stop in mid-space.

Electric Potential
• Electric potential at a point in an electric field is equal to the work done per unit charge in carrying a test
charge from infinity to that point. Its unit is joule/coulomb.
• Electric potential, V = 𝑞
• Potential difference is that physical quantity which decides the direction of flow of charge between two
points in electric field.
• Positive charge always tends to move from higher potential towards lower potential.

Electric Dipole and Capacitor

• An electric dipole consists of two equal and opposite point charges separated by a very small distance.
• Electric dipole moment of the dipole is product of charge and the separation between the charges.
• A capacitor or condenser is a device over which a large amount of charge can be stored without changing
its dimensions.
• The capacitance of a conductor is equal to the ratio of the charge (q) given to the conductor to change in its
potential (V) is given by C = 𝑉
• Its unit is coulomb/volt or farad. Farad (F) is a large unit of capacitance. Its practical unit is microfarad
• 1μF = 10−6 F

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Type of Materials
• Conductors are those type of materials which have number of free electrons to conduct the electricity. The
metals are good conductors of electricity.
• Insulators are that type of materials which do not have the free electrons in its volume and hence, it does
not conduct the electricity at all.
• Semiconductor is that type of materials which do not have free electrons at the normal temperature, but
has the free electrons at the increased temperature and hence, behaves like a conductor. The materials such
as silicon, germanium etc., are the semiconductor.

Electric Current
• An electric current whose magnitude and direction do not change with time is called direct current, and
whose magnitude changes continuously and direction changes periodically is called alternating current.
• Inverter is a device which converts DC to AC.
• In solid conductors, electric current flows due to flow of electrons, in liquids due to flow of ions as well as
electrons and in semiconductors due to flow of electrons and holes.
• Its S.I. unit is Ampere

Resistance is the opposition that a substance offers to the flow of electric current.
It is represented by R.
Its S.I. unit is ohm.

• Conductance and conductivity is the reciprocal of resistance and the resistivity of the material respectively.
The SI unit of conductance is Ω−1 i.e., mho and to that of conductivity is Ω−1 m−1 .

• Resistivity of a material depends on the temperature and nature of the material depends on temperature
and nature of the material. It is independent of dimensions of the conductor, i.e., length, area of cross-
section etc.
• Resistivity of metals increases with increase in temperature.

Combination of Resistances
• It resistance R1 , R 2 and R 3 are connected in series, then their equivalent resistance is given by R = R1 +
R2 + R3
• In series combination, equal current flows through each resistors but Voltage varies.
1 1 1
• If resistances R1 , R 2 , R 3 are connected in parallel, then their equivalent resistance is given by R
=R +R +
1 2
• In parallel combination, potential difference across each resistor remains same but current varies.

Ohm’s law
• It states that if physical conditions of any conductor such as temperature, pressure etc., remain unchanged,
then electric current (I) flowing through it, is directly proportional to the potential difference (V) applied
across its ends, i.e., I ∝ V or V = IR
where, R is the electrical resistance of the conductor.

Electric Cell
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• An electric cell is a device which converts chemical energy into electrical energy.
• Electric cell are of two types
— Primary cell cannot be charged. Voltaic, Daniel and Leclanche cells are primary cells.
— Secondary cell can be charged again and again. Acid and alkali accumulators are secondary cells.
• Working of electric cells is based on chemical effect of electric current.

Emf of a Cell
• The work done by the cell to bring a (+) ve charge from its own terminal to the other is known as its emf
(electromotive force). Electromotive force is work but not a force.

Joule’s Law of Heating

• Current can produce three effects: heating effect, magnetic effect and chemical effect.
• Heat is produced in conductor in time t is given by
H = I 2 Rt = t = VIt
• This is known as Joule’s law of heating.
• Electric bulb, electric kettle, heater etc., devices work on the basis of heating effect of electric current.
• To protect the domestic appliances from sudden change in electricity, fuses are used. It is made of tin, lead,
alloy (63% + 37%).
• It should have high resistance and low melting point always connected in series.

Electric power
• The electrical energy produced or consumed per unit time is called electric power.
• Electric power, P = VI = 𝐼2 𝑅 = 𝑅
• 1 kWh = 3.6 × 106 J

Chemical Effect of Electric Current

• When an electric current is passed through an acidic or basic solution, it decomposes into its positive and
negative ions. The positive ions collect at negative electrode (cathode) and the negative ions collect at
positive electrode (anode).
• This phenomenon is called electrolysis. It is chemical effect of current. The process of coating of a base
metal with a layer of more expensive metal, is called electroplating.

Domestic Electrification
• From the distribution, the two terminals are supplied to the houses named as live and neutral (neutral is
earthed at local substation). The third terminal is introduced as the earth for the safety in the building.

Lightning Appliance
• The electric discharge occurring between two charged clouds or between a charged cloud and earth can
damage the houses or buildings. To protect this lightning conductors are used.

• A magnet is a material which can attract iron objects.
• A natural magnet is an ore of iron (𝐹𝑒3 𝑂4) called magnetite or lodestone.
• A magnet which is prepared artificially, is called an artificial magnet.
• A freely suspended magnet always aligns itself into North-South direction. Like magnetic poles repel and
unlike magnetic poles attract each other.
• A current-carrying coil containing a soft iron core, is called an electromagnet.

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• An electromagnet is utilised in electric bell, telegraph receiver, telephone diaphragm, transformer, dynamo
• Permanent magnets are made of steel and temporary magnet or electromagnets are made of soft iron
because steel cannot magnetised easily but when it is magnetised one time, cannot be demagnetised easily.
The soft iron can be magnetised or demagnetised easily.

Properties of Magnet
• Attractive property: A magnet can attract small pieces of magnetic substances like iron, steel, cobalt, nickel
etc. The attraction is maximum at poles. Unlike poles attract and like poles repel.
• Directive property: A magnet, when suspended freely, aligns itself approximately along geographical N-
S line.
• Magnetic poles exist in pairs: If a magnet is cut into two equal parts transverse to its length, then N and S-
poles of the magnet do not get separated.

Magnetic Field
• The space in the surrounding of a magnet or a current carrying conductor in which its magnetic effect can
be experienced, is called magnetic field.
• Magnetic lines of force is an imaginary line drawn in magnetic field at which a magnetic North pole will
move, if it is free to do so.
• A tangent drawn at any point of an magnetic line of force represents the direction of magnetic field at that
• The magnetic flux linked with a surface is equal to the total number of magnetic lines of force passing
through that surface normally. Its unit is weber.

Earth’s Magnetism
• The earth has its own magnetic field. The pole near the geographic North of the earth is called the magnetic
North pole. Similarly, the pole near the geographic South pole is called the magnetic South pole.
• The Earth's magnetic field diverts charged particle coming from space towards its poles and saves living
beings from being severely harmed.
• Magnetic compass A magnetic needle which always direct in North-South (N-S) direction.

Magnetic storm
• Local disturbances in the earth’s magnetic field which can damage telecommunication which are probably
caused by lump of charged particles emanating from the sun is known as magnetic storm.
In the Arctic Circle, they are known as Aurora Borealis or the northern lights, while in the Antarctic Circle
they are called Aurora Australis or the southern lights.

Moving Coil Galvanometer

• A moving coil galvanometer is used to detect the presence of current and the direction of current in any

Ammeter and Voltmeter

• An ammeter is an instrument used to measure electric current. It is always connected in series. The
resistance of an ideal ammeter is zero.
• A galvanometer can be converted into an ammeter by connecting a low resistance in parallel.
• A voltmeter is a device used to measure potential difference between two points in an electric circuit.
• The resistance of an ideal voltmeter is infinity. It is always connected in parallel.
• A galvanometer can be converted into a voltmeter by connecting a high resistance in series.

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• A small resistance connected in parallel with the load resistance to reduce amount of electric current
through resistor is called shunt.

Magnetic Substances
• There are three types of magnetic substances Paramagnetic, Diamagnetic and Ferromagnetic.

Paramagnetic Substances
• Those substances which are feebly magnetised in the direction of magnetic field when placed in strong
magnetic field, are called paramagnetic substances.
• For examples—Aluminium, platinum, chromium, manganese, solutions of salts of iron, nickel, oxygen etc.
• These substances are attracted towards strong magnetic field in a non-uniform magnetic field.
• The magnetism of these substances decreases with increase in temperature.

Diamagnetic Substances
• Those substances which are feebly magnetised in the opposite direction of magnetic field when placed in
strong magnetic field are called diamagnetic substances.
• For examples— Gold, silver, zinc, copper, mercury, water, alcohol, air, hydrogen etc.
• These substances are attracted towards weak magnetic field in a non-uniform magnetic field.
• The magnetism produced in these substances does not change with increase or decrease in temperature.

Ferromagnetic Substances
• Those substances which are strongly magnetised in the direction of magnetic field when placed in it, are
called ferromagnetic substances.
• For examples —Iron, nickel, cobalt etc.
• The magnetism produced in these substances decreases with increase in temperature and at a particular
temperature, called Curie temperature.
• At the Curie temperature, a paramagnetic substance becomes diamagnetic.
• Curie temperature for iron is 770°C and for nickel is 358°C.

Electromagnetic Induction (EMI)

• Whenever the magnetic flux linked with an electric circuit changes, an emf is induced in the circuit. This
phenomenon is called electromagnetic induction.

Faraday’s Laws of EMI

• Whenever the magnetic flux linked with a circuit changes, an induced emf is produced in it. The induced
emf loses as long as the change in magnetic flux continues.

Lenz’s Law
• The direction of induced emf or induced current is always in such a way that it opposes the cause due to
which it is produced.

Eddy Current
• If a piece of metal is placed in a varying magnetic field or rotated with high speed in a uniform magnetic
field, then induced current set up in the piece is like whirlpool of air, called eddy current, also known as
foucault’s current.


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• Eddy currents are used in dead beat galvanometer, induction furnaces, induction motor, speedometers of
automobiles etc.
• Eddy currents are used in diathermy for deep heat treatment of the human body.

Self and Mutual Induction

• The phenomenon of production of induced emf in a circuit due to change in current flowing in its own, is
called self induction.
• The unit of self induction is Henry (H).
• The phenomenon of production of induced emf in a circuit due to change in magnetic flux in its
neighbouring circuit, is called mutual induction.
• Its unit is Henry (H).

Alternating Current
• An electric current whose magnitude and direction changes continuously is called alternating current. The
frequency of alternating current in India is 50 Hz.

Mean or average value of AC is zero for one complete cycle.

• Root mean square value of AC is given by
• 𝐼𝑟𝑚𝑠 =
• An AC ammeter and AC voltmeter read root mean square value of alternating current and alternating
voltage respectively.

AC Generator or Dynamo
• It is a device which Inverts mechanical energy into alternating current.
• Its working is based on electromagnetic induction.

DC Motor
• It is a device which converts electrical energy into mechanical energy.
• Its working is based on the fact that when a current carrying coil is placed in uniform magnetic field, a
torque acts on it.

• It is a device which can change a low voltage current into a high voltage current and vice-versa.
• Its working is based on mutual induction.

Step-up Transformer
• It converts a low voltage current into a high voltage current.

Step-down Transformer
• It converts a high voltage current into a low voltage current.

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10 Nuclear Reactor
A nuclear reactor is a device that contains and controls sustained nuclear chain reactions. In nuclear
reactors, the nuclear fission is controlled by controlling the number of neutrons released during the fission. The
energy liberated in a controlled manner is used to produce steam, which can run turbines and produce

Fuel (Uranium - 235, Plutonium-239)

The fissionable material is used in the reactor along with a small neutron source. The solid fuel is made into
rods and is called fuel rods.

Role of extra neutron -

These neutrons in turn can initiate fission processes, producing still more neutrons, and so on. This starts a
chain reaction. Slow neutrons (thermal neutrons) are much more likely to cause fission in 235U92 than fast
neutrons. Fast neutrons liberated in fission would escape instead of causing another fission reaction.
If the chain reaction is uncontrolled, it leads to explosive energy output, as in a nuclear bomb or Atom bomb.
Each time an atom splits, it releases large amounts of energy in the form of heat.

Moderators -(water, heavy water (D2O) and graphite)

Light nuclei called moderators are provided along with the fissionable nuclei for slowing down fast neutrons.

Core - The core of the reactor is the site of nuclear fission. It contains the fuel elements in suitably fabricated

Reflector-The core is surrounded by a reflector to reduce leakage. The energy (heat) released in fission is
continuously removed by a suitable coolant.

Coolant - (water, heavy-water, liquid sodium, helium, Liquid oxygen)

The coolant transfers heat produced during fission to a working fluid which in turn may produce steam. The
steam drives turbines and generates electricity.

Control rods- (cadmium, Boron)

The reactor can be shut down by means of rods (made of, for example, cadmium, Boron) that have high
absorption of capacity of neutrons.cadmium and boron can absorb neutrons to form the corresponding
isotopes, which are not radioactive.

Shield - The whole assembly is shielded with heavy steel or concrete to check harmful radiation from coming

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11 Work, Power and Energy
Work is a scalar quantity. Its SI unit is joule and CGS unit is erg. 1 joule = 107 erg.
Work done by a force is zero when

-Body is not displace actually, i.e. s = 0

-Body is displaced perpendicular to the direction of force i.e. θ = 90°.

Work done by a variable force

If we throw a ball upward, work done against gravity is given by, W = mgh
where, m = mass of the body,
g = acceleration due to gravity and
h = height through which the ball is raised.

The centripetal force acts on a body perpendicular to the direction of motion. Therefore, work done by or
against centripetal force in circular motion is zero.

If a coolie is carrying a load on his head and moving on a horizontal platform, then work done by force of
gravity is zero as displacement is perpendicular to the direction of force of gravity.

Energy of a body is its capacity of doing work. It is a scalar quantity and its SI unit is joule.
Energy can be transformed into work and vice-versa with the help of some mechanical device.
There are two types of Mechanical Energy, which are as follows

Kinetic Energy
The energy possessed by a body by virtue of its motion is called its kinetic energy.
Kinetic energy of the body of mass m moving with velocity v is given by K = 𝑚𝑣 2 .

Potential Energy
The energy possessed by any object by virtue of its position or configuration is called its potential-energy.
Gravitational potential energy, U = mgh.

Einstein’s Mass-Energy Relation

According to this relation, the mass can be transformed into energy and vice-versa.
When ∆m mass is disappeared, then produced energy
E= ∆𝑚𝑐 2
where, c = speed of light in vacuum.

Law of Conservation of Energy

Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, only one type of energy can be transformed into other form of
Only for conservative forces, (total mechanical energy)

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initially = (total mechanical energy) finally.

Some Equipment used to Transform Energy

S.N. Equipment Energy Transformed
1. Dynamo Mechanical energy into electrical energy
2. Candle Chemical energy into light and heat energy.
3. Microphone Sound energy into electrical energy.
4. Loud Speaker Electrical energy into sound energy.
5. Solar Cell Solar energy into electrical energy.
6. Tube light Electrical energy into light energy.
7. Electric Bulb Electrical energy into light and heat energy.
8. Battery Chemical energy into electrical energy.
9. Electric motor Electrical energy into mechanical energy.
10. Sitar Mechanical energy into sound energy.

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12 Gravitation
Each and every massive body attracts each other by virtue of their masses. This phenomenon is called

Newton’s Law of Gravitation

The gravitational force acting between two point objects is directly proportional to the product of their masses
and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
Gm1 m2
Gravitational force (F) = r2
where, G is universal gravitational constant.
Its value is 6.67 × 10−11 N – m2 kg −2.
Gravitational force is a central as well as conservative force.

Acceleration Due to Gravity of Earth

The uniform acceleration produced in a freely falling body due to the earth’s gravitational pull, is called
acceleration due to gravity, g =

where, M = mass of the earth, R = radius of the earth.

The value of g changes slightly from place to place but its value near the earth’s surface is 9.8 𝑚𝑠 −2 .
Gravitational force is the weakest force in nature. It is 1036 times smaller than electrostatic force and 1038
times smaller than nuclear force.

Factors Affecting Acceleration due to Gravity

Shape of Earth - Earth is not completely spherical its radius at equator is approximately 42 km greater than its
radius at poles. The value of g is maximum at poles and minimum at equator. There is no effect of rotation of
the earth at poles and maximum at equator.
Effect of Altitude - g decreases with altitude.
Effect of Depth - g decreases with depth and becomes zero at centre of the earth.

Mass and Weight

The mass of a body is the quantity of matter contained in it. It is a scalar quantity and its SI unit is kg.
Mass is measured by an ordinary equal arm balance.
Mass of a body does not change from place to place and remains constant.
The weight of a body is the force with which it is attracted towards the centre of the earth. Weight of a body
(w) = mg

The centre of gravity of a body is that point at which the whole weight of the body appears to act.
The centre of gravity of a body can be inside the material of the body or outside it.
It is a vector quantity and its SI unit is newton (N). It is measured by a spring balance.
Weight of a body is not constant, it changes from place to place.

Weight of a Body in a Lift

When lift is rest or in uniform motion – The weight recorded in spring balance (i.e. apparent weight) is equal
to the real weight of the body w = mg.
When lift is accelerating upward – The weight recorded in spring balance is greater than then real weight of
the body w’ = m(g + a)
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When lift is accelerating downward – The weight recorded in spring balance is smaller than the real weight
of the body w’ = m(g – a).
When lift is falling freely under gravity – The apparent weight of the body
w' = m (g – g) (∵ a = g)
w’ = 0
Therefore, body will experiences weightlessness.

Weight of a Body at the Moon

As mass and radius of moon is lesser than the earth, so the force of gravity at the moon is also less than that of
the earth. It’s value at the moon’s surface is 6 .

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13 Satellite
A heavenly body revolving around a planet in an orbit is called a satellite. Moon is a natural satellite of the
earth. The satellite may be artificial. Artificial satellites are of two types.

Geostationary Satellites
It revolves around the earth in equatorial orbits which is also called Geostationary or Geosynchronous orbit.
The time period of these satellites is 24 hour.

Polar Satellites
These satellites revolve around the earth in polar orbits at a height of approximately 800 km.
Weather monitoring which is predicted on the basis of information about moisture present in air, atmospheric
pressure etc, obtained through a polar satellite.
We are able to see a live telecast of cricket world cup match or other programme with the help of a
communication satellite which is a geostationary satellite.
Launching vehicles – PSLV & GSLV.

Time Period of a Satellite

It is the time taken by a satellite to complete one revolution.
If satellite is near the earth's surface, then T = 2π√𝑔 ≈ 84.6 min.

Escape Velocity
Escape velocity: Escape velocity is that minimum velocity with which a body should be projected from the
surface of earth so as it goes out of gravitational field of earth and never return to earth. Escape velocity is
independent of the mass, shape and size of the body and its direction of projection.
Escape velocity is also called second cosmic velocity. For earth, escape velocity = 11.2 km/s.
For moon, escape velocity = 2.4 km/s.

Orbital Velocity
Orbital velocity of a satellite V0 = √gR and escape velocity Ve = √2gR where R = Radius of earth. i.e. Ve =
√2V0 i.e. escape velocity is √2 times the orbital velocity.
There if the orbital velocity of a satellite is increased to √2 times (increased by 41%), the satellite will leave the
orbit and escape.

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1. What is the minimum distance (in metres) 13. Which of the following is not a vector quantity?
required to hear an echo? (a) Momentum (b) Displacement
(a) 10 (b) 13 (c) Torque (d) Speed
(c) 17 (d) 21 14. At what temperature (in Fahrenheit) pure water
2. Why does a Black board appears black in freezes?
colour? (a) 32 (b) 0
(a) It reflects black colour (c) 48 (d) 37
(b) It absorbs black colour 15. What is the other name of Galileo's law of falling
(c) It reflects all colours bodies?
(d) It absorbs all the colours (a) Law of motion (b) Newton's first law
3. Which of the following instrument is used to (c) Newton's second law(d) Newton's third law
measure Soil Water Tension? 16. Which of the following device is best suited for
measuring the temperature inside metallurgical
(a) Photometer (b) Pyrometer
(c) Psychrometer (d) Tensiometer
(a) Pyrometer (b) Thermocouple
4. What is the SI unit of Force?
(c) Thermometer (d) Thermistor
(a) Pascal (b) Boyle
17. In a qualitative way, the tendency of
(c) Newton (d) Watt undisturbed objects to stay at rest or to keep
5. Which one of the following is a bad Thermal moving with the same velocity is called
Conductor? _________.
(a) Aluminium (b) Copper (a) Force (b)Acceleration
(c) Glass (d) Silver (c) Friction (d) Inertia
6. Who invented first working laser? 18. The time taken by a pendulum to complete one
(a) A. H. Taylor (b) W. K. Roentgen oscillation is called its?
(c) T. H. Maiman (d) Fred Morrission (a) Maximum speed (b) Average speed
7. Meter in a vehicle that calculates distance (c) Time period (d) Time interval
covered by the vehicle is called __________. 19. If the mass of an object is 60 kgs, what will be its
(a) Speedometer (b) Odometer weight on the moon? (N=Newton)
(c) Thermometer (d) Kilometre (a) 60N (b) 600N
8. What is the SI unit of pressure? (c) 100N (d) 10N
(a) Newton (b) Weber 20. The side mirrors of vehicles are of which type of
(c) Pascal (d) Henry mirrors?
9. Reflection from a smooth surface like that of a (a) Convex (b) Concave
mirror is called ___________ reflection. (c) Plane (d) Inverted
(a) Regular (b) Irregular 21. If the speed of an object moving along a straight
line is constant, its motion is said to be
(c) Diffused (d) Fused
10. What is the unit of resistance?
(a) Uniform (b)Periodic
(a) Ohm (b) Farad (c) Circular (d) Non-uniform
(c) Henry (d) Weber 22. The strength of a force is usually expressed by
11. Gravitational force is maximum at which of the its __________.
following place? (a) Motion (b)Direction
(a) At equator (c)Interaction (d)Magnitude
(b) At tropic of cancer 23. If objects appear enlarged and inverted in a rear
(c) At tropic of Capricorn view mirror, then which type of mirror is used?
(d) At poles (a) Concave (b) Convex
(c) Cylindrical (d) Plane
12. Which of the following device is used to
24. Soap bubble attains spherical shape due to ___.
measure humidity?
(a) Inertia (b) Pressure
(a) Hydrometer (b) Hygrometer
(c) Surface tension (d) Viscosity
(c) Psycho Meter (d) Anemometer
25. Speed of light is maximum in _____.
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(a) Vacuum (b) Solids (a) Reflection
(c) Liquids (d) Gases (b) Refraction
26. What is the SI unit of electric current? (c) Diffraction
(a) Newton (b) Joule (d)Total internal reflection
(c) Ampere (d) Watt 38. What is the reason for formation of Mirage in
27. Which among the following determines the desert?
pitch of a sound? (a) Refraction of light
(a) Amplitude (b) Frequency (b) Reflection of light
(c) Loudness (d) Wavelength (c) Total internal reflection of light
28. Which phenomena shows the particle nature of (d) Both Refraction and Total internal reflection
light? of light
(a) Diffraction (b) Interference 39. It is difficult to fix a nail on a freely suspended
(c) Photoelectric effect (d) Polarisation wooden frame. Which law supports this
29. Electric Motor converts _____ energy to statement?
mechanical energy. (a) Law of inertia
(a) Sound (b) Mechanical (b) Newton's second law
(c) Chemical (d) Electrical (c) Newton's third law
30. Optical fibre works on which of the following (d) Pascal's law
principle of light? 40. Which one of the following is not a property of
(a) Reflection electromagnetic waves?
(b) Refraction (a) Electromagnetic waves do not show
(c) Diffraction interference and diffraction.
(d) Total internal reflection (b) Oscillating electric field and magnetic field
31. Why does water tank appear shallower when are perpendicular to each other
viewed from the top? (c) Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves
(a) Due to reflection (b) Due to refraction (d) Electromagnetic waves do not require a
(c) Due to diffraction (d) Due to total internal medium to propagate
reflection 41. What was invented by Zacharias Jansen?
32. Which colour is formed when Red and Green (a) Jet Engine (b) Radium
are mixed? (c) Microscope (d) Electric Lamp
(a) Light blue (b) Yellow 42. Supercooling is cooling of liquid _____.
(c) White (d) Grey (a) Below melting point
33. UV rays coming from Sun, majorly causes which (b) Below freezing point
cancer? (c) At melting point
(a) Lungs cancer (b) Liver cancer (d) Above melting point
(c) Mouth cancer (d) Skin cancer 43. When light passes from one medium to another,
34. Which of the following is not a vector quantity? this phenomenon of change in its direction is
(a) Acceleration (b) Electric current called _____.
(c) Force (d) Velocity (a) Refraction (b) Diffraction
35. The phenomena of raising the outer edge of the (c) Propagation (d) No option is correct
curved roads, above the inner edge to provide 44. Who invented world’s first true radar and
necessary centripetal force to the vehicles to take demonstrated its use?
a safe turn is called _____. (a) Fred Morrison
(a) Banking of roads (b) Cornering of roads (b) A. H. Taylor and Leo C. Young
(c) Elevation of roads (d) Tempering of roads (c) Van Tassel
36. Convex mirror is generally used in _____. (d) W. K. Roentgen
(a) Solar cookers 45. What is the SI unit of intensity of sound?
(b) Opthalmoscope (a) Decibel (b) Newton
(c) Reflector for head light (c) Hertz (d) Tesla
(d) Rear view mirror 46. Which colour is formed when Blue and Green
37. The bending of light when it passes around a are mixed?
corner or a slit is due to ______. (a) Cyan (b) Brown
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(c) Black (d) Violet (a) Willem Einthoven
47. What is the SI unit of Power? (b) Edward Jenner
(a) Boyle (b) Watt (c) Antonio de Ulloa and Charles Wood
(c) Newton (d) Pascal (d) Karl Benz
48. For which of the following game, players must 60. If the speed of an object moving along a straight
have the knowledge of Pascal's law? line keeps changing, its motion is said to be
(a) Climbing (b) Paragliding _________.
(a) Uniform (b) Periodic
(c) Rafting (d) Scuba diving
(c) Circular (d) Non-uniform
49. What is the value of the Least Distance of
61. The substances which reduce friction are called
Distinct vision (in cm) for a normal human
being? (a) Irregularities (b) Lubricants
(a) 2.5 (b) 25 (c) Adhesives (d) Viscous
(c) 58 (d) 60 62. Who invented Space Pen?
50. Who invented the Centigrade scale? (a) Paul C. Fisher (b) Rudolf Diesel
(a) Anders Celsius (c) Wright Brothers (d) Alexander Fleming
(b) Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit 63. In the formula average velocity = (u + v) /2, u is
(c) William Thomson the ___________.
(d) Wright Brothers (a) Final velocity (b) Initial displacement
51. On which principle does the hydraulic lift (c) Initial velocity (d) Final displacement
works? 64. If the force applied on the object is in the
(a) Newton's law (b) Pascal's law direction opposite to the direction of motion, the
(c) Archimedes's law (d) Joule's law speed of the object __________.
52. At what temperature (in degree celsius), the (a) Increases (b) Stops
numerical values on Celsius and Fahrenheit (c) Decreases (d) No effect
65. The SI unit of acceleration is _______________.
scales become equal?
(a) Meters per seconds squared
(a) –40 (b) 40
(b) Meters per second
(c) 273 (d)–273
(c) Seconds per meter
53. What is the process of conversion of solid state (d) Seconds per meter squared
directly to gaseous state called? 66. Contact force is another name for _________.
(a) Evaporation (b) Condensation (a) Friction (b) Magnetic force
(c) Sublimation (d) Distillation (c) Electrostatic force (d) Muscular force
54. When a ball is thrown vertically upwards, which 67. The force of friction between two surfaces will
of the following quantities remains constant increase if:
during its motion? (a) A layer of lubricant is kept between the two
(a) Energy (b) Displacement surfaces
(c) Velocity (d) Acceleration (b) The two surfaces are pressed harder
55. What is the SI unit of heat energy? (c) Air gap is created between the two surfaces
(a) Joule (b) Newton (d) Irregularities on both the surfaces are
(c) Calorie (d) Kelvin removed
56. If the orbit of a planet is an ellipse then what is 68. An image formed by a plane mirror, that cannot
the point at which the Sun is located called? be obtained on a screen is called _______.
(a) Centre (b) Circumcentre (a) Virtual image (b) Real image
(c) Inverted image (d) Erect image
(c) Incentre (d) Focus
69. The force exerted by a magnet is an example of
57. The sliding friction is _______________ than the
static friction.
(a) Non-contact force (b) Muscular force
(a) Double (b) Same (c) Contact force (d) Electrostatic force
(c) Greater (d) Smaller 70. During uniform motion of an object along a
58. Kelvin (K) is the unit of measurement of ___. straight line, the ________ remains constant with
(a) Density (b) Pressure time.
(c) Mass (d) Temperature (a) Time (b)Velocity
59. Who invented the electrocardiogram (ECG)?
(c) Acceleration (d) Distance
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71. The impression of an image persists on the 82. The angle between the __________and the
retina for about _________ of a second. incident ray is called the angle of incidence.
(a) 1/10th (b) 1/8th (a) Surface (b) Normal
(c) 1/16th (d) 1/5th (c) Tangent (d) Reflected ray
72. According to the Second Law of Motion, for a 83. Who invented the thermos flask?
given force, accelaration is inversely (a) Ray Tomlinson (b) Tim Berners-Lee
proportional to the ____ of an object. (c) William Cullen (d) James Dewar
(a) Density (b) Volume 84. Friction is caused by the ______________ on the
(c)Force (d)Mass two surfaces in contact.
73. The coil wire in the electric room heater or (a) Irregularities (b) Smoothness
electric cooking heater is called __________. (c) Densities (d) Gaps
85. The motion of a freely falling body is an example
(a) Circuit (b) Element
of ________________________ motion.
(c) Filament (d) Cells
(a) Uniformly accelerated
74. Energy in the form of heat is wasted when a
(b) Non-uniformly accelerated
machine is operated. This heat is generated due (c) Constant velocity
to ___________. (d) Constant speed
(a) Burning (b) Friction 86. The temperature at which a solid melts to
(c) Combustion (d) Lubrication become a liquid at the atmospheric pressure is
75. The incident ray, the _________ at the point of called its ___________.
incidence and the reflected ray all lie in the same (a) Crystallisation (b) Melting point
plane. (c) Evaporation (d) Galvanisation
(a) Surface (b) Tangent 87. For an object, the state of rest is considered to be
(c) Normal (d) Angle of reflection the state of ______ speed.
76. An image formed by a concave mirror on a (a) Increasing (b) Decreasing
screen is called __________? (c) Inverse (d) Zero
(a) Virtual image (b) Real image 88. The laws which govern the motion of planets are
(c) Inverted image (d) Erect image called ___________________.
77. The distance-time graph for the motion of an (a) Newton's Laws (b) Kepler's Laws
object moving with a constant speed is a (c) Avogadro's Laws (d) De Morgan's Laws
__________. 89. Convex and concave mirrors are examples of ?
(a) Dot (b)Circle (a) Plane mirrors (b) Spherical mirrors
(c) Straight Line (d) Curve (c) Inverted mirror (d) Erect mirror
78. If the force applied on the object is in the 90. The frictional force exerted by fluids is also
direction of its motion, the speed of the object called ________.
(a) Drag (b) Buoyancy
(c) Upthrust (d) Convection
(a) Increases (b) Stops
91. What is the SI unit of frequency?
(c) Decreases (d) No effect
(a) Newton (b) Watt
79. If an object moves in a circular path with
(c) Farad (d) Hertz
uniform ________, its motion is called uniform 92. Which one of the following is an insulator?
circular motion. (a) Copper (b) Wood
(a) Speed (b) Time (c) Mercury (d) Aluminium
(c) Velocity (d) Acceleration 93. Bubbles of air rise up through liquids due to:
80. The reflection formed by the plane mirror is (a) Surface tension and adherence
________________. (b) Viscosity and buoyancy
(a) Vertical inversion (b) A real image (c) Air current over the liquid and buoyancy
(c) Lateral inversion (d) An Enlarged image (d) Up thrust and surface tension
81. A ball rolling along the ground gradually slows 94. Which one of the following is an insulator?
down and finally comes to rest is due to (a) Copper (b) Wood
________. (c) Mercury (d) Aluminium
(a) Friction (b) Magnetic force 95. The remove the defect of long sightedness one
(c) Electrostatic force (d) Muscular force uses-
(a) Concave lens (b) Convex mirror
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(c) Convex lens (d) Concave mirror 106. If electric resistance is to be decreased, then the
96. Stars twinkle but planets do not twinkle because number of resistances should be connected in
_ ___________.
(a) They emit light of a constant intensity (a) Series (b) Parallel
(b) Their distance from the earth does not (c) Mixed arrangement (d) None of these
change with time 107. Which one among the following components is
(c) They are very far away from the earth used as an amplifying device?
resulting in decrease in intensity of light (a) Transformer (b) Diode
(d) They are nearer to the earth and hence we (c) Capacitor (d) Transistor
receive a greater amount of light and therefore 108. The unit of measurement of Noise is -
minor variations in intensity are not noticeable. (a) Decibel (b) Hertz
97. The 'Choke' used with a tube light is basically (c) Amplifier (d) Acoustics
____ 109. Which one of the following processes is
(a) An inductor (b) A capacitor responsible for the glittering of air bubble rising
(c) A transformer (d) A resistor through water?
98. What is the phenomenon which established the (a) Reflection of light
transverse nature of light? (b) Refraction of light
(a) Reflection (b) Interference (c) Total internal reflection of light
(c) Diffraction (d) Polarization (d) Scattering of light
110. In an optical fibre the signal is transmitted -
99. What is the name of the device used to convert
(a) in a straight line path
alternating current into direct current?
(b) In a curved path
(a) Ammeter (b) Galvanometer
(c) due to total internal reflection
(c) Rectifier (d) Transformer
(d) Due to refraction
100. Why does ice covered in sawdust not melt
111. When we see an object, the image formed on the
retina is ________
(a) Sawdust does not allow the air to touch the
(a) Real and inverted (b) Real and erect
ice (c) Virtual and erect (d) Virtual and inverted
(b) The water is absorbed by sawdust 112. Kinetic energy depends on
(c) Sawdust is a bad conductor of heat (a) the velocity or speed of the moving body.
(d) Sawdust is good conductor of heat (b) the mass of the moving body
101. The washing machine works on the principle of (c) the pressure of the moving body
____________ (d) both mass and velocity of the moving body
(a) Dialysis (b) Diffusion 113. In which form is the supplied heat energy stored
(c) Reverse osmosis (d) Centrifugation during change in temperature of substance?
102. In the absence of the earth's atmosphere, sky (a) Heat energy
would appear- (b) Kinetic energy
(a) Blue (b) Deep red (c) Potential energy
(c) White (d) Black (d) Both kinetic and potential energy
103. Temperature of distant luminous bodies can be 114. A galvanometer can be converted into a
determined by - voltmeter by connecting with it a -
(a) Mercury thermometers (a) high resistance in parallel
(b) Gas thermometers (b) low resistance in parallel
(c) Pyrometers (c) high resistance in series
(d) Colour thermometers (d) low resistance in series
104. Energy travels from Sun to Earth through - 115. Even after sunset, the air near the Earth's surface
(a) Conduction (b) Convection continue to receive heat due to:
(c) Radiation (d) Modulation (a) Insolation (b) Terrestrial Radiation
105. Heat is transmitted from higher temperature to (c) Conduction (d) Convection
lower temperature through the actual motion of 116. Sun appears red in colour at sunrise and sunset
the molecules in - due to -
(a) Conduction (b) Convection (a) the fact that sun emits only red colour at that
(c) Radiation (d) Both conduction and time
convection (b) red light having longer wave length scatters
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(c) that sun comes out of the mountains (c) Agriculture (d) Medical treatment
(d) that all other colours scatter away except red 130. During the motion of a projectile fired from the
117. At hill stations, the boiling point of water will be earth surface, _______
- (a) its kinetic energy remains constant
(a) same as at sea level (b) its momentum remains constant
(b) less than that at sea level (c) vertical component of its velocity remains
(c) more than that at sea level constant
(d) equal to the melting point of ice (d) horizontal component of its velocity remains
118. The component used for tuning a radio is constant
basically a variable ___________. 131. Which of the following waves cannot be
(a) Resistor (b) Capacitor polarised?
(c) Rectifier (d) Transformer (a) Radio (b) Ultra violet
119. 0°K is equivalent to - (c) Infrared (d) Ultrasonic
(a) 273°C (b) – 273°C 132. Which of the following is indicated by the colour
(c) 0°C (d) 100°C of a star?
120. An air bubble in water will act like a: (a) weight (b) distance
(a) Convex mirror (b) Convex lens (c) temperature (d) size
(c) Concave mirror (d) Concave lens 133. An anemometer measures which of the
121. The frequency of direct current is ____________ following
(a) Zero (b) 50 HZ (a) Speed of light
(c) 60 HZ (d) 100 HZ (b) Speed of wind
122. The term 'Higgs Boson' is associated with - (c) Speed of water current
(a) Nano Technology (b) Oncology (d) Speed of satellites
(c) God Particle (d) Stem Cell Research 134. Sphygmomanometer measures the blood
123. Which term is not associated with sound wave? pressure in the
(a) Hertz (b) Decibel (a) Veins (b) Arteries
(c) Candela (d) Mach (c) Eyes (d) Synovial
124. Which one among the following is not an 135. The reverse effect of X-ray emission is
electro-magnetic wave? (a) Raman effect (b) Compton effect
(a) X-Ray (b) Radio waves (c) Zeeman effect (d) Photo-electric effect
(c) Cathode Ray (d) Infrared Ray 136. The group of solar cells joined together in a
125. Which one of the following is a good electrical definite pattern is called a
conductor? (a) Battery (b) Solar Heater
(a) Graphite (b) Diamond (c) Solar cooker (d) Solar cell panel
(c) Peat (d) Charcoal 137. Which of the following has the lowest
126. Which of the following pairing is incorrect - frequency?
(a) Hygrometer - Water vapour content of the (a) Visible light (b) Gamma rays
atmosphere (c) X-rays (d) Ultra violet rays
(b) Lactometer - Specific gravity of liquids 138. Who discovered theory of relativity?
(c) Anemometer - Speed of the wind (a) Isaac Newton (b) Albert Einstein
(d) Seismograph – Earthquakes (c) Niel Bohr (d) Michael Faraday
127. Diamond does not conduct electricity, because - 139. Which device is used to measure the depth of
(a) It's structure is very compact ocean?
(b) It is of crystalline nature (a) Lexometer (b) Nanometer
(c)There are only carbon atoms present in it (c) Fathometer (d) Hydrometer
(d) No free electrons are present in it 140. Barograph was invented by -
128. Why is weightlessness experienced while (a) Lucien Vidi
orbiting the earth in space ships? (b) John Venn
(a) Inertia (b) Acceleration (c) Theophilus Van Kannel
(c) Zero gravity (d) Orbital motion (d) Lewis Urry
129. Sextant is an instrument used in which of the 141. Which of the following physical quantities is a
following? scalar quantity?
(a) Cloud cover (b) Navigation
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(a) Weight (b) Impulse (a) Simon Stevin (b) George Stephenson
(c) Power (d) Acceleration (c) Gary Starkweather (d) Percy Spencer
142. Seismometer was invented by - 152. Formula for distance is -
(a) Alexander Parkes (b) Luigi Palmieri (a) speed x time (b) time / speed
(c) Alexey Pajitnov (d) Ransom Eli Olds (c) speed x acceleration (d) velocity / speed
143. For every action, there is an equal and opposite 153. What is the fundamental unit of amount of a
reaction, is Newton's substance?
(a) First law (b) Second law (a) Mole (b) Candela
(c) Third law (d) Fourth law (c) Kelvin (d) Meter
154. Arithmometer was invented by -
144. Which among the following is false about
(a) Evangelista Torricelli
(b) Charles Xavier Thomas
(a) It can be positive, negative or zero
(c) Edward Teller
(b) Displacement is never greater than Distance (d) Charles Babbage
(c) Its SI unit is meter 155. If an object is thrown upwards, what will be its
(d) It is always positive velocity, when it reaches its maximum height?
145. The study of origin and evolution of universe is (a) 0 m/s (b) 4.9 m/s
known as ________. (c) 14.7 m/s (d) 20 m/s
(a) Cosmology (b) Astrology 156. If a force acts upon two objects at rest, and
(c) Seismology (d) Limnology having different masses for the same amount of
146. If a ball is thrown up, which of the following time, then which one of the following will be the
does not change? same for both the objects?
(a) Acceleration due to gravity (a) Acceleration (b) Kinetic Energy
(b) Speed (c) Velocity (d) Momentum
(c) Potential energy 157. Telephone exchange was invented by?
(d) Distance (a) Tivadar Puskas
147. If a body is moving on a circular path, what is its (b) Joseph Priestley
average velocity if it completes one cycle in one (c) Petrache Poenaru
second? (d) James Leonard Plimpton
(a) Average velocity depends upon time taken to 158. What will happen to the force between the two
positive charges which are released after being
complete one cycle
held near each other?
(b) One
(a) Force will increase
(c) Average velocity is same as average speed
(b) Force will decrease
(d) Zero (c) Force will stay the same
148. Barometer was invented by (d) Force first increases to reach maximum
(a) Evangelista Torricelli before starting to decrease
(b) Charles Xavier Thomas 159. Which device is used to measure earthquakes?
(c) Edward Teller (a) Endoscope (b) Thermometer
(d) Gustav Tauschek (c) Sonograph (d) Seismograph
149. An object at rest will remain at rest and an object 160. Sea seems blue due to-
in motion will remain in motion until and unless (a) Excess deepness
it is acted upon by an external force. This is (b) Reflection of sky and scattering of light by
Newton's the drops of water
(a) First law (b) Second law (c) Blue colour of water
(c) Third law (d) Fourth law (d) Upper layer of water
150. What will happen if an object is dropped from a 161. Who invented Television?
height and there is no air resistance? (a) J L Baird (b) Aristotle
(a) It will fall with a constant speed and (c) James Clerk Maxwell (d) Nikola Tesla
acceleration 162. Electroscope was invented by -
(b) Its acceleration will increase (a) William Gilbert
(c) Both speed and acceleration will increase (b) Alfred Nobel
(d) Its speed will increase (c) Joseph Nicephore Niepce
151. Steam locomotive was invented by? (d) Ted Nelson

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163. The light with the shortest wavelength is 177. ISRO built India's first satellite known as _____.
(a) Red (b) Yellow (a) Aryabhatta (b) Bhaskara
(c) Blue (d) Violet (c) Rohini (d) Insat 1A
164. Glass is also called ________. 178. The value of acceleration due to gravity (g) at a
(a) Supercooled liquid (b) Super liquid distance of 2R from the surface of earth, where
(c) Ideal liquid (d) Distilled liquid R is the radius of earth is ______.
165. If a body slides over a surface, the force resisting (a) g/3 (b) g/4
the motion between them is called ______. (c) g/9 (d) g/2
(a) Centripetal force (b) Friction 179. The unit of which physical quantity is not
(c) Centrifugal force (d) Inertia pascal?
166. In a streamline flow, ________ at every point in (a) Moment of inertia (b) Pressure
the fluid remains same.
(c) Stress (d) Young's modulus
(a) Force (b) Pressure
180. Atmospheric pressure is measured by
(c) Velocity (d) Speed
167. Postage Meter was invented by -
(a) Fyodor Pirotsky (b) Arthur Pitney (a) Barometer (b) Hexameter
(c) Fritz Pfleumer (d) Stephen Perry (c) Nanometer (d) Glaxometer
168. Who invented Helicopter? 181. Instrument for measuring rainfall is called -
(a) Copernicus (b) Sikorsky (a) Lucimeter (b) Galactometer
(c) Cockrell (d) Drinker (c) Hyetometer (d) Hygrometer
169. If ice floating on water in a vessel melts, the 182. Who established the foundations of the
water level in the vessel _______. quantum theory?
(a) increases (a) Max Planck (b) Mark Nicholas
(b) does not change (c) Albert Einstein (d) Alfred Hitchcock
(c) first increases before decreasing 183. If in a motion, the axis of the rotation passes
(d) decreases through an object, the motion is called
170. Physical quantities, which have _______ only _________.
and no _______ are called scalar quantities. (a) Orbital motion (b) Circulatory motion
(a) direction, magnitude (b) magnitude, (c) Spin motion (d) Oscillatory motion
direction 184. If an object, on a free fall from a certain height,
(c) speed, velocity (d) velocity, speed reaches the ground in 1 second, what is its
171. Which among the following is a vector quantity? velocity on the impact with the ground?
(a) Heat (b) Angular momentum (a) 4.9 m/s (b) 9.8 m/s
(c) Work (d) Time (c) 14.7 m/s (d) 19.6 m/s
172. Density of water is maximum at ______. 185. If in a motion, the axis of the rotation does not
(a) 12 degree Celsius (b) 8 degree Celsius
pass through the object, then the motion is called
(c) 4 degree Celsius (d) 0 degree Celsius
173. Which of the following is not a vector quantity?
(a) Spin motion (b) Oscillatory motion
(a) Work done (b) Force
(c) Translatory motion (d) Orbital motion
(c) Displacement (d) Velocity
174. Terminal velocity ___________. 186. What are the two kinds of Rotatory motion?
(a) first increases before decreasing (a) Spin and Vibrational motion
(b) is constant (b) Spin and Orbital motion
(c) first decreases before increasing (c) Spin and Translatory motion
(d) always keeps on increasing (d) Spin and Projectile motion
175. Sewing machine was first patented by - 187. ______ is the perpendicular distance between
(a) Alfred P. Southwick(b) Elias Howe point of application of force and axis of rotation.
(c) Murasaki Shikibu (d) Hanaoka Seishu (a) Moment arm (b) Moment of Inertia
176. What is impulse equal to? (c) Altitude (d) Base
188. Which among the following is not a unit of
(a) Change in momentum
(b) Change in force
(a) Light year (b) Longsec
(c) Change in velocity
(c) Astronomical unit (d) Parsec
(d) Change in acceleration

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189. The apparent weight of a person in a lift which 200. When net torque is zero, __________ will be
is moving down with uniform acceleration is constant.
_______. (a) force (b) angular momentum
(a) greater than the weight when the person is (c) linear momentum (d) acceleration
stationary 201. Newton's first law is also known as _______.
(b) twice the weight when the person is (a) Law of friction (b) Law of moments
stationary (c) Law of Inertia (d) Law of motion
(c) less than the weight when the person is 202. The cooling by a desert cooler is based on-
stationary (a) Hot air replacement (b) Air dehydration
(d) same as the weight when the person is
(c) Evaporative cooling (d) Air rehydration
203. Cooling is done by-
190. Who invented Rocket?
(a) Flow of water
(a) Rich K Goyle (b) E M Forster
(c) Robert Goddard (d) James Anderson (b) Release of compressed gas
191. Weight of a person at a height of 2R from the (c) Cooking gas
centre of the earth, where R is the radius of the (d) Melting the solid
earth _______. 204. On adding common salt to water, the boiling
(a) remains same (b) becomes half point and freezing point of water will:
(c) becomes twice (d) becomes one fourth (a) Increase
192. How can we measure specific gravity of milk? (b) Decrease
(a) Using a viscometer (b) Using an odometer (c) Decrease and increase respectively
(c) Using a hygrometer (d) Using a hydrometer (d) Increase and decrease respectively
193. Who invented the nuclear reactor? 205. Who invented Universal Standard Time?
(a) Enrico Fermi (a) Enrico Fermi
(b) Adolf Gaston Eugen Fick (b) Adolf Gaston Eugen Fick
(c) Sandford Fleming (c) Sandford Fleming
(d) Benoit Fourneyron (d) Benoit Fourneyron
194. What is the angle between centripetal 206. _____________________ states that the total
acceleration and tangential acceleration? current entering a junction is equal to the total
(a) 90° (b) 45° current leaving the junction.
(c) 0° (d) 180°
(a) Lenz's Law (b) Hooke's Law
195. Rectifiers convert _____.
(c) Ohm's Law (d) Kirchhoff's First Law
(a) high voltage to low voltage
207. Acceleration due to gravity on a planet
(b) low voltage to high voltage
(c) AC to DC decreases with ______.
(d) DC to AC (a) decrease in radius of the planet
196. Name the first Indian who got Nobel Prize in (b) increase in mass of the planet
physics. (c) decrease in mass of the body
(a) C K Naidu (b) Rangnath Mishra (d) increase in altitude from surface of the planet
(c) Amartya Sen (d) C V Raman 208. _____ is same on every point on a rotating body.
197. Which physical quantity is measured in (a) Linear velocity (b) Linear momentum
'siemens'? (c) Angular torque (d) Angular velocity
(a) Electric potential 209. The path of a projectile is called its ______.
(b) Electrical conductance (a) Altitude (b) Range
(c) Magnetic flux (c) Trajectory (d) Flight
(d) Refractive index 210. Who invented the Contact Lens?
198. Rate of change of momentum is - (a) Enrico Fermi
(a) Area (b) Pressure (b) Adolf Gaston Eugen Fick
(c) Force (d) Velocity (c) Sandford Fleming
199. What did J B Dunlop invent? (d) Benoit Fourneyron
(a) Pneumatic rubber tire 211. Electrons move around the nucleus in _______
(b) Car Music System motion.
(c) Steering Wheel (a) Translatory (b) Spin
(d) Diesel Engine (c) Orbital (d) Vibrational
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212. Blood pressure is measured by _______. (b) is always at rest
(a) Barometer (c) can move with constant velocity
(b) Sphygmomanometer (d) can move with variable acceleration
(c) Hydrometer 221. What is the viscosity of an ideal fluid?
(d) Thermometer (a) Equal to its mass (b) Equal to its weight
213. Isaac Newton invented ____________. (c) Zero (d) One
(a) Thermometer 222. The SI unit of intensity of sound is ______.
(b) Reflecting Telescope (a) watt per square meter
(c) Hydraulic Accumulator (b) joule per square meter
(d) Transistor (c) newton per square meter
214. Which among the following in false about work? (d) tesla per square meter
(a) If displacement is zero, work is zero 223. To keep drinks at the same temperature for quite
(b) Work done can be negative sometime, the walls of thermos bottle are coated
(c) It is a vector quantity with:
(d) Its unit is Joule (a) Aluminium paint (b) Lead Powder
215. What is Inertia? (c) Silver layer (d) Mercury Layer
(a) Tendency to resist change in the current state 224. The atmosphere exerts enormous pressure on
(b) Tendency to impart acceleration to a body us. But, we do not feel it because
(c) Tendency to bring a body to rest (a) Our blood exerts a pressure slightly more
than that of the atmosphere.
(d) Tendency to change its current state
(b) We are used to it.
216. Why does a fountain pen leak in aeroplane
(c) Our bones are very strong and can withstand
flying at a height?
the pressure.
(a) Because of reduced viscosity of the ink in the (d) The surface are of our head is very small.
pen 225. Assertion (A): With the increase of temperature,
(b) Because of increased viscosity of the ink in the viscosity of glycerin increases.
the pen Reason (R): Rise of temperature increases
(c) Because of higher atmospheric pressure kinetic energy of molecules.
outside the pen Code:
(d) Because of lower atmospheric pressure (a) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the
correct explanation of (A).
outside the pen
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the
217. Instrument for measuring wind velocity is
correct explanation of (A).
called - (c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(a) Coulombmeter (b) Anemometer (d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
(c) Cyanometer (d) Chronometer 226. Food gets cooked faster in a pressure cooker
218. Who was the first Indian astronaut to travel in because-
space? (a) Water starts boiling at a lower temperature
(a) Rakesh Sharma due to high pressure
(b) Ravish Malhotra (b) Water starts boiling at a higher temperature
(c) Kalpana Chawla due to high pressure
(d) Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor (c) Water boils only at 100° C but the heat
219. AV= constant, where A= area of cross-section content is higher at high pressure
and V= velocity of fluid. This equation is called (d) Convection currents are set inside the cooker
_____. 227. When a piece of ice floating in a glass of water
(a) Equation of discontinuity
melts, the level of water will:
(b) Equation of continuity
(a) Fall
(c) Equation of sustenance
(d) Equation of parallelism (b) Rise
220. A body in equilibrium _______. (c) Remain same
(a) can move with constant acceleration

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(d) Fall or rise depends on the temperature of (c) Joule (d) Ohm
water 239. The absorption of ink by blotting paper involves
228. If a gas is compressed to half of its original (a) Viscosity of ink
(b) Capillary action phenomenon
volume at 27°C, to what temperature should it
(c) Diffusion of ink through the blotting
be heated to make it occupy is original, volume? (d) Siphon action
(a) 327°C (b) 600°C 240. Who invented Neon Lamp?
(c) 54°C (d) 300°C (a) Vint Cerf (b) David Chaum
229. Who Invented water turbine? (c) Georges Claude (d) Josephine Cochrane
(a) Enrico Fermi 241. Instrument for measuring time is called _____ .
(b) Adolf Gaston Eugen Fick (a) Diagometer (b) Anemometer
(c) Sandford Fleming (c) Durometer (d) Chronometer
(d) Benoit Fourneyron 242. If the radius of the earth decreases and its mass
230. ______________ of a wave is the rate of transfer remains the same, then the value of "acceleration
of energy per unit area perpendicular to the due to gravity" will _____ .
direction of travel of the wave. (a) decrease (b) increase
(a) Interference (b) Rectification (c) remain the same (d) become zero
243. Earth revolves around Sun. Who was the 1st one
(c) Intensity (d) Diffraction
to present this theory?
231. Motion of a train is an example of ______. (a) Albert Einstein (b) Galileo
(a) Rotatory motion (b) Spin motion (c) Copernicus (d) Newton
(c) Projectile motion (d) Translatory motion 244. _____ is same on every point on a rotating body.
232. Who invented PlayStation? (a) Linear velocity (b) Linear momentum
(a) Wright brothers (b) Reynold B. Johnson (c) Angular torque (d) Angular velocity
245. The SI unit of electric charge is -
(c) Assen Jordanoff (d) Ken Kutaragi
(a) Ampere (b) Coulomb
233. Instrument for measuring light intensity is (c) Esu (d) Kelvin
called 246. When a running car stops suddenly, the
(a) Lucimeter (b) Cryometer passengers tends to lean forward because of -
(c) Cyanometer (d) Barometer (a) Centrifugal force (b) Inertia of rest
234.With reference to gravity, what is G called? (c) Inertia of motion (d) Gravitation force
(a) Gravitational constant 247. If a boy is sitting in a train, which is moving at a
(b) Gravitational attraction constant velocity throws a ball straight up into
(c) Gravitational force the air, the ball will -
(d) Acceleration due to gravity (a) fall in front of him (b) fall behind him
235.In a projectile motion, a large angle with the (c) fall into hand (d) None of the above
horizontal produces ______. 248. A person is hurt on kicking a stone due to -
(a) Flat trajectory (b) Curve trajectory (a) Inertia (b) Velocity
(c) Straight trajectory (d) High trajectory (c) Reaction (d) Momentum
236. A device which converts electrical energy into 249. For a body moving with non-uniform
acceleration -
mechanical energy is-
(a) Displacement-time graph is linear
(a) Dynamo (b) Transformer (b) Displacement-time graph is non-linear
(c) Electric motor (d) Inductor (c) Velocity-time graph is non-linear
237. Electric motors operating at low voltages tend to (d) Velocity-time graph is linear
burn out because- 250. A parachute descends slowly whereas a stone
(a) They draw more current which is inversely dropped from the same height falls rapidly,
proportional to the voltage. because -
(b) They draw more current which is inversely (a) Stone is heavier than parachute
proportional to the square root of the voltage. (b) Special mechanisms are present in parachute
(c) They draw heat proportional to V^2. (c) A parachute has a larger surface area and air
(d) Low voltage sets in electrical discharge. resistance is more
238. What is the SI unit of atmospheric pressure? (d) None of the above
(a) Pascal (b) Knot 251. Shaving mirror is -

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(a) Convex (b) Concave 261. In which of the following processes is energy
(c) Plane (d) Parabolic released?
252. The spoon dropped by an astronaut in a satellite (a) Respiration (b) Photosynthesis
will - (c) Ingestion (d) Absorption
(a) Fall to the floor 262. The technique of collecting information about
(b) Remain stationary an object from a distance without making
(c) Continue to follow the motion of the satellite physical contact with it is -
(d) Move tangentially away (a) Remote sensing (b) Remote control
253. The sensation of weightlessness in a spacecraft (c) Remote accessing (d) Space Shuttleg
in an orbit is due to the - 263. “Curie” is the unit of -
(a) Absence of gravity outside (a) Radioactivity (b) Temperature
(b) Acceleration in the orbit which is equal to the (c) Heat (d) Energy
acceleration due to gravity outside 264. The Source of the sun’s energy, is the process of-
(a) Photoelectric emission
(c) Presence of gravity outside but not inside the
(b) Nuclear fission
spacecraft (c) Nuclear fusion
(d) Fact that spacecraft in the orbit has no energy (d) Thermionic emission
254. It is easier to carry two buckets of water in one 265. The strongest force in nature is -
hand each, than to carry only one in one hand (a) Electrical force (b) Gravitational force
because - (c) Nuclear force (d) Magnetic force
(a) weight of buckets are balanced 266. In nuclear reactor, heavy water is used as -
(a) Coolant (b) Fuel
(b) centre of gravity falls within the body
(c) Moderator (d) Atomic smasher
(c) centre of gravity and centre of equilibrium 267. Electric current in a metal wire is due to the flow
fall within the feet (d) resultant weight of of -
buckets is zero (a) Electrons (b) Protons
255. In a nuclear reactor, one of the following is used (c) Ions (d) Holes
as a fuel? 268. The nature of fuse wire is -
(a) Coal (b) Uranium (a) Low melting point (b) High melting point
(c) Radium (d) Diesel (c) High conductivity (d) None of these
256. The device used for locating submerged objects 269. A transformer -
under sea is - (a) converts DC to AC
(a) Sonar (b) Radar (b) is used to decrease or increase AC voltage
(c) Laser (d) Maser (c) converts AC voltage to DC voltage
257. The hair of shaving brush clings together when (d) converts electrical energy into mechanical
removed from water due to - energy
(a) Surface tension (b) Viscosity 270. Good conductor of electricity is -
(c) Elasticity (d) Friction (a) dry air (b) paper
258. When pressure is increased, the melting point of (c) kerosene (d) graphite
ice - 271. Tungsten is used for the manufacture of the
(a) Increases filament of an electric bulb, because -
(b) Does not change (a) it is a good conductor
(c) Decreases (b) it is economical
(d) Depends on the impurities in the ice (c) it is malleable
259. Sprayer functions are based on - (d) it has a very high melting point
(a) Bernoulli’s principle 272. Moving Electric Charge produces -
(b) Archimedes’ principle (a) Magnetic field (b) Sound waves
(c) Pascal’s law (c) Light rays (d) Heat waves
(d) Floatation principle 273. Which of the following material is used in the
260. The material used in the fabrication of a solar panel ?
transistor is - (a) Silicon (b) Copper
(a) Aluminum (b) Copper (c) Nichrome (d) Platinum
(c) Silicon (d) Silver 274. Red is used an as emergency or danger signal
because -
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(a) it is a striking colour (c) Dynamite (d) Gramophone
(b) its wavelength is the longest 286. The half life of a radioactive substance is 10 day;
(c) its low wavelength it means there will be:
(d) it has very high energy (a) complete decay of substance in 20 days
275. Which one of the following SI unit is not (b) complete decay of substance of 40 days
correctly matched? (c) decay of ¾ part of substance in 20 days(d)
decay of ¼ part of substance in 5 days
(a) Work-Joule (b) Force-Newton
287. At absolute temperature, the electric resistance
(c) Mass-kg (d) Pressure-Dyne in semiconductor is-
276. Which one of the following is the unit of (a) Infinite (b) Small
measure of the thickness of the ozone layer of (c) High (d) Zero
the atmosphere? 288. Which elements is the best conductor of
(a) Knot (b) Dobson electricity?
(c) Poise (d) Maxwell (a) Silver (b) Copper
(c) Alminium (d) Iron
277. The density of milk can be obtained by the use
289. The velocity of sound is maximum in-
of: (a) Air (b) Liquid
(a) Hydrometer (b) Butyrometer (c) Metal (d) vacuum
(c) Lactometer (d) Thermometer 290. Which one of the following is not correctly
278. It is difficult to walk on the ice than on the road matched?
because: (a) Knot- Unit to Measure speed of ship
(a) Ice is harder than the road. (b) Nautical mile- Unit of distance used in
(b) Road is harder than the ice. navigation
(c) Ice does not offer any reaction when we push (c) Angstrom- Unit of length
it with our foot. (d) Light year- Unit of measuring time
(d) Ice has a lesser friction than the road. 291. Which one of the following is not the unit of
279. Satellite is kept moving in its orbit around the heat?
Earth; it is due to (a) Calorie (b) Kilocalorie
(a) Centrifugal force (c) Kilojoule (d) Watt
(b) Centripetal force 292. The name of the equipment used for measuring
blood pressure is :
(c) Gravitational force or lack of it
(a) Teachometer (b) Sphygmomanometer
(d) Some other forces
(c) Actiometer (d) Barometer
280. Earth’s escape velocity is-
293. Which one of the following is a vector quantity?
(a) 15.0km/sec. (b) 21.1km/sec.
(a) Momentum (b) Pressure
(c) 7.0km/sec (d) 11.2km/sec
(c) Energy (d) Work
281. Kerosene rises in the wick of the stove is due to-
294. If the gravitational force of the earth suddenly
(a) Osmosis (b) diffusion
(c) surface tension (d) biogen contraction disappears, which are of the following will be
282. The reason of mirage is the correct consequence?
(a) Interference of light (a) The weight of an object will become zero but
(b) Diffraction of light the mass will remain the same.
(c) Polarization of light (b) The mass of the object will become zero but
(d) Total internal reflection of light the weight will remain the same.
283. Red light is used in traffic signals because (c) Both the mass and the weight of the object
(a) It has the longest wavelength. will become zero.
(b) It is beautiful (d) The mass of the object will increase.
(c) It is visible to people even with bad eyesight. 295. Static science is associated with-
(d) None of the above reasons. (a) Dynamic situation (b) Situation of rest
284. ‘The National Science Day’ is observed on (c) Mental situation (d) Data analyzing
(a) January, 28 (b) February, 28 296. The colour of the star is an indication of its:
(c) March, 28 (d) April, 28 (a) Distance from the earth
285. Alfred Nobel invented- (b) Temperature
(a) Microphone (b) Typewriter (c) Luminosity

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(d) Distance from the sun (d) Liquid thermometers
297. Power of sunglass is- 306. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct
(a) 0 Dioptre (b) 1 Dioptre answer using codes given below:
(c) 2 Dioptre (d) 4 Dioptre List-I List-II
298. Which one of the following is used as an (Units) (Parametric quantities)
antifreeze for the automobile engines? A. Watt 1. Heat
(a) Ethanol (b) Ethylene glycol B. Knot 2. Navigation
(c) Methanol (d) Propyl alcohol C. Nautical mile 3. Speed of a ship
299. If Va, Vw and Vs respectively are the speed of D. Calorie 4. Power
sound in air, water and steel, then- Code :
(a) Va < Vw < Vs (b) Vs < Vw < Va A B C D
(c) Vw < Vs < Va (d) Vs < Va < Vw (a) 3 1 4 2
300. How much should minimum distance be (b) 1 2 3 4
between the source of sound and reflecting (c) 4 3 2 1
surface, so that an echo can be heard clearly? (d) 2 4 1 3
(a) 10 meter (b) 17 meter 307. Which one of the following instrument is used
(c) 24 meter (d) 30 meter for locating submerged objects in an ocean?
301. Consider the following statements about (a) Audiometer (b) Galvanometer
ultrasonic waves: (c) Sextant (d) SONAR
1. They can destroy insects. 308. Which of the following is not a vector quantity?
2. They can clean clothes by removing dust. (a) Displacement (b) Velocity
3. They can be used to treat diseases. (c) Force (d) Volume
4. They can control automatic doors. 309. Who gave the theory of gravity?
Of the above statements (a) Charles Newton (b) Charles Babbage
(a) 1 and 2 are correct (b) 3 and 4 are correct (c) Isaac Newton (d) John Adams
(c) 1, 2 and 3 are correct (d) All are correct 310. A pendulum clock can run faster in-
302. How many units of electricity will be consumed (a) Summer (b) Winter
if you use a 60-watt electric bulb for 5 hours (c) Spring season (d) Rainy season
everyday for 30 days? 311. Oil spreads on water surface because-
(a) 12 (b) 9 (a) Oil is denser than water
(c) 6 (d) 3 (b) Oil is less dense than water
303. The important nuclear fuel available in India in (c) Surface tension of oil is more than water
abundance is : (d) Surface tension of oil is less than water
(a) Uranium (b) Thorium 312. A sudden fall in barometer reading indicates
(c) Iridium (d) Plutonium
that the weather will be:
304. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct
(a) Stormy weather
answer by using the codes given below:
List-I List-II (b) Rainy weather
(Atomic Power Station) (State of Situation) (c) Cool dry weather
A. Kalpakkam 1. Uttar Pradesh (d) Hot and humid weather
B. Narora 2. Gujarat 313. Increasing the amount of a substance does not
C. Kakrapara 3. Tamilnadu change its-
D. Trombay 4. Maharashtra (a) Volume (b) Weight
Code : (c) Mass (d) Density
A B C D 314. The smallest unit of length is-
(a) 1 2 3 4 (a) Micron (b) Nanometre
(b) 3 1 2 4 (c) Angstrom (d) Fermimetre
(c) 3 1 4 2 315. The time taken to reach the Sunlight up to the
(d) 2 3 4 1 surface of earth is approximately-
305. Which one of the following thermometers is (a) 4.2 sec (b) 4.8 sec
known as pyrometer? (c) 8.5 minutes (d) 3.6 hrs.
(a) Thermo-electric thermometers 316. What was the fissionable material used in the
(b) Radiation thermometers bombs dropped at Nagasaki (Japan) in the year
(c) Gas thermometers 1945?

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(a) Sodium (b) Potassium 327. The concept of expanding universe is based on-
(c) Plutonium (d) Iron (a) Doppler effect (b) Stark effect
317. GPS stands for which one of the following? (c) Zeeman effect (d) Raman effect
(a) Greenwich Polar Satellite 328. The hand burns more by steam comparatively to
(b) Global Police Surveillance boiling water, because-
(c) Global Positioning System (a) The steam has latent heat
(d) General Pacific Survey (b) Steam sneaked into the body
318. Einstein was honoured with Nobel Prize for: (c) The steam has more power
(a) Photoelectric Effect (d) Steam is gig
(b) Theory of Specific Heat 329. The heat required in calories to convert one
(c) Special Theory of Relativity gram of ice at 0 °C to steam at 100°C is
(d) Bose-Einstein Statistics approximately
319. Who is the discoverer of Penicillin? (a) 80 (b) 336
(a) Alexander Graham Bell (c) 720 (d) 620
(b) Alexander Fleming 330. What is absolute zero temperature?
(c) Christopher Macdonald (a) The starting point of any temperature scale
(d) Albert Einstein (b) Theoretically the lowest possible
320. What is measured by manometer? temperature
(a) Air pressure (c) The temperature at which the vapour of any
(b) Pressure of gas liquid substance is condensed.
(c) Density of liquids (d) The temperature at which all material in
(d) Pressure of oil on the surface vapour form.
321. ‘Pyrheliometer’ is used for measuring: 331. When ice melts, then-
(a) Sun spots (a) Volume increases (b) Volume decreases
(b) Solar radiation (c) Mass increases (d) Mass decreases
(c) Air temperature 332. The remove the defect of long sightedness one
(d) Temperature of plants uses-
322. Spherical form of raindrop is due to- (a) Concave lens (b) Convex mirror
(a) Density of liquid (c) Convex lens (d) Concave mirror
(b) Surface tension 333. An air bubble in water will act like a:
(c) Atmospheric pressure (a) Convex mirror (b) Convex lens
(d) Gravitational force (c) Concave mirror (d) Concave lens
323. Pressure inside a soap bubble is- 334. Sea seems blue due to-
(a) More than atmospheric pressure (a) Excess deepness (b) Reflection of sky and
(b) Less than atmospheric pressure scattering of light by the drops of water
(c) Equal to atmospheric pressure (c) Blue colour of water (d) Upper layer of water
(d) Half of atmospheric pressure 335. The light with the shortest wavelength is
324. Fish can survive in a frozen lake because- (a) Red (b) Yellow
(a) Fish are warm blooded animals (c) Blue (d) Violet
(b) Fish hibernate in ice 336. The cooling by a desert cooler is based on-
(c) Water near the bottom does not freeze (a) Hot air replacement (b) Air dehydration
(d) Ice is a good conductor of heat (c) Evaporative cooling (d) Air rehydration
325. The colour of light is determined by its 337. Cooling is done by-
(a) Flow of water
(a) Amplitude (b) Wavelength
(b) Release of compressed gas
(c) Intensity (d) Velocity
(c) Cooking gas
326. The sun is visible to us a few minutes before the
(d) Melting the solid
act sunrise because of:
338. Match the following
(a) Scattering of light
A. John Guttenberg 1. Telephone
(b) Diffraction of light
B. W.K. Roentgen 2. Printing Press
(c) Total internal reflection of light
(d) Refraction of light C. Michael Faraday 3. X-Ray
D. Alexander 4. Dynamo
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Graham Bell (a) Compact Fluorescent Lamp
Code: (b) Centrally fixed Lamp
A B C D (c) Chemical Fluorescent Lamp
(a) 1 2 3 4 (d) Condensed Fluorescent Lamp
(b) 2 3 1 4
350. Sky is blue because-
(c) 3 4 1 2
(d) 2 3 4 1 (a) Blue colour in the sunlight is more than other
339. Which of the following is not used as rocket colours
propellant- (b) Short waves are scattered more than long
(a) Liquid hydrogen (b) Liquid oxygen waves by atmosphere
(c) Hydrazine (d) Kerosene oil (c) Blue colour is more absorbing to eyes
340. The ‘Black Box’ of an aeroplane is of (d) Atmosphere absorbs long wavelength more
(a) White colour (b) Red colour than short wavelength
(c) Black colour (d) Orange colour 351. The change of focal length of an eye lense is
341. On adding common salt to water, the boiling caused by action of the
point and freezing point of water will: (a) Pupil (b) Retina
(a) Increase (c) Ciliary muscles (d) Iris
(b) Decrease 352. Waves used for telecommunication are-
(c) Decrease and increase respectively (a) Visible light (b) Microwave
(d) Increase and decrease respectively (c) Radio waves (d) All the above
342. To keep drinks at the same temperature for quite 353. A dynamo which is said to generate electricity
sometime, the walls of thermos bottle are coated actually acts as a
with: (a) Source of ions
(a) Aluminium paint (b) Lead Powder (b) Source of electric charge
(c) Silver layer (d) Mercury Layer (c) Converter of energy
343. In microwave oven, the microwave tube used is- (d) Source of electrons
(a) A combination of klystron and magnetron 354. The technique used to transmit audio signals in
television broadcast is-
(a) Amplitude modulation
(b) Klystron tube
(b) Pulse code modulation
(c) Magnetron tube (c) Frequency modulation
(d) Travelling wave tube (d) Time dimension multiplication
344. Which one of the following is used as a 355. The Dynamo
moderator in the nuclear reactor? (a) Converts electric energy into mechanical
(a) Thorium (b) Graphite energy
(b) Converts chemical energy into electric
(c) Radium (d) Ordinary water
345. The Indira Gandhi Atomic Research Centre is (c) Converts mechanical energy into electrical
located in energy
(a) Maharashtra (b) Tamil Nadu (d) Converts electrical every into chemical
(c) Uttar Pradesh (d) Karnataka energy
346. Photovoltaic cells are: 356. Transformer is used for-
(a) Solar cells (b) Thermal cells (a) Converting AC into DC
(c) Sulphur cells (d) Chemical cells (b) Converting DC into AC
347. Which of the following is a semiconductor? (c) To step up DC voltages
(a) Plastic (b) Aluminum (d) To step up or step down AC voltages
(c) Wood (d) Germanium 357. Identify the mineral not associated with atomic
348. What gases are filled in fluorescent tube? power-
(a) Neon (b) Sodium (a) Monazite (b) Thorium
(c) Mercury (d) Mercury and neon (c) Beryllium (d) Chromium
349. Full form of C.F.L. is- 358. Which of the following is not a fuel element?

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(a) Uranium (b) Thorium (a) Wavelength, frequency and velocity
(c) Radium (d) Helium (b) Velocity and frequency
359.The Pokhran II test was conducted on- (c) Wavelength and frequency
(a) June 11th, 1998 (b) June 9th, 1998 (d) Wavelength and velocity
370. Total internal reflection can take place when
(c) May 11th, 1998 (d) May 29th , 1998
light travels from:
360. Which one of the following atomic plants of
(a) Diamond to glass (b) Water to glass
India is located in the IV Seismic Zone? (c) Air to water (d) Air to glass
(a) Kaiga (b) Kalpakkam 371. Which one of the following phenomenon is used
(c) Narora (d) Tarapur in optical fibres?
361. The fuel used in Fast Breeder Test Reactor at (a) Interference
Kalpakkam is (b) Refraction
(c) Total internal reflection
(a) Enriched Uranium (b) Thorium
(d) Polarisation
(c) Plutonium (d) Tungsten
372. An endoscope is a-
362 Radioactive substance emits- (a) Narrow telescope (b) Type of camera
(a) Alpha rays (b) Beta rays (c) Simple microscope (d) None of these
(c) Gamma rays (d) All the above 373. A cut diamond shines brilliantly due to-
363. What are the links between Dhruva, Purnima (a) Total internal reflection
and Cirus? (b) Absorption of light
(a) They are Indian research reactors (c) Some inherent property
(b) They are stars (d) Its molecular structure
(c) These are names of famous books 374. Which of the following is used to take 3-
(d) They are power plants dimentional pictures-
364. What happens if the control rods are not used in (a) Photography (b) Holography
a nuclear reactor? (c) Radiography (d) None of the above
(a) The reactor will stop working 375. An astronaut sees the colour of the sky as-
(b) Chain process would go out of bounds (a) Blue (b) White
(c) The reactor will be slow to act
(c) Black (d) Red
(d) The reactor will continue to work as it is
376. The red colour of the Sun at sunset and sunrise
365. Which of the following elements was first
is due to-
produced artificially?
(a) Neptunium (b) Plutonium (a) Scattering of light
(c) Francium (d) Technetium (b) Refraction of light
366. A body floats at 4°C water. If temperature (c) Total internal reflection of light
reaches 100°C then- (d) Dispersion of light
(a) The body will sink 377. Reading glasses are made from which type of
(b) No change lenses?
(c) More part of the body will submerge (a) Concave (b) Convex
(d) The body will float freely (c) Plain (d) None of these
367. Why it is easier to swim in the sea than in a 378. The focusing in the eye is done by
(a) Change in the convexity of the lens
(b) To and fro movement of the lens
(a) The sea water is salty
(c) To and fro movement of the retina
(b) The sea water is deep
(d) Change in the refractive index of the eye
(c) The sea water is heavier
(d) The sea water is lighter
379. The mirror, which is used in searchlights, is-
368. Light from the Sun reaches Earth in about:
(a) Concave mirror (b) Convex mirror
(a) 2 minutes (b) 4 minutes
(c) Simple mirror (d) None of these
(c) 8 minutes (d) 16 minutes 380. Which instrument is used for measuring
369. When light waves pass from air to glass the humidity in the air?
variable affected are- (a) Hydrometer (b) Hygrometer
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(c) Spectrometer (d) Eudiometer 392. Bats can fly during dark nights and also prey.
381.The force which opposes the relative motion This is because-
between different layers of liquid or gases is (a) The pupil of their eyes is large
(b) Their night vision is very good
(a) Critical Velocity (b) Streamline Flow
(c) Terminal Velocity (d) Viscous Force (c) Every birds can do this
382. Fathometer is used to measure: (d) They produce ultrasonic waves and are
(a) Earthquake (b) Rain guided by them.
(c) Depth of sea (d) Sound intensity 393. Which one of the following is the effect of the
383. The energy of wind is- flight of supersonic jet?
(a) Only potential
(a) Air pollution
(b) Only kinetic
(b) Eye disease
(c) Electrical
(d) Potential and kinetic both (c) Depletion in ozone layer
384.Which instrument is used to measure sound (d) None of these
394. Which of the following has the longest
under water ?
(a) Hygrometer (b) Hygroscope
(a) Infrared (b) X-rays
(c) Hypsometer (d) Hydrophone
(c) Visible light (d) Radio waves
385. Diffusion of light in the atmosphere takes place
due to: 395. The atmosphere exerts enormous pressure on
(a) Carbon dioxide (b) Dust particles us. But, we do not feel it because
(c) Helium (d) Water vapours (a) Our blood exerts a pressure slightly more
386. When a mirror is rotated by an angle θ, the than that of the atmosphere.
reflected ray will rotate by: (b) We are used to it.
(a) 0 (b) θ/2 (c) Our bones are very strong and can withstand
(c) θ (d) 2θ the pressure.
387. Force of attraction between the molecules of (d) The surface are of our head is very small.
different substances is called 396. Assertion (A): With the increase of temperature,
(a) Surface tension (b)Cohensive force the viscosity of glycerin increases.
(c) Adhesive force (d) None of above Reason (R): Rise of temperature increases
388. The safest temperature for keeping food fresh in kinetic energy of molecules.
a refrigerator is Code:
(a) 4°C (b) 8°C (a) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the
(c) 0°C (d) 10°C correct explanation of (A).
389. Which instrument is used in submarine to see (b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the
the objects above sea level ? correct explanation of (A).
(a) Pykometer (b) Polygraph
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(c) Photometer (d) Periscope
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
390. Why does food cook faster in a pressure cooker?
397. Food gets cooked faster in a pressure cooker
(a) The increased pressure increases the boiling
point. (a) Water starts boiling at a lower temperature
(b) Does not waste steam. due to high pressure
(c) The food is cooked quickly by steam. (b) Water starts boiling at a higher temperature
(d) The water boils at constant temperature. due to high pressure
391. A biotechnique in which ultrasonic sound is (c) Water boils only at 100° C but the heat
used- content is higher at high pressure
(a) Sonography (b) E.C.G (d) Convection currents are set inside the cooker
(c) E.E.G (d) X-ray 398. When a piece of ice floating in a glass of water
melts, the level of water will:

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(a) Fall (c) It gives a man a type of vision known as
(b) Rise mosaic vision
(d) It enhances distance and depth perception in
(c) Remain same
(d) Fall or rise depends on the temperature of 407. Direct viewing of sun during total solar eclipse
water causes irreversible damage to eyes. The retinal
399. Satellite is kept moving in its orbit around the burn is caused by which one of the following
Earth; it is due to components of the sun rays?
(a) Centrifugal force (a) Heat (b) Rainbow light
(b) Centripetal force (c) Ultra-violet light (d) Infra-red light
408. The sun and the moon appear elliptical near the
(c) Gravitational force or lack of it horizon because of :
(d) Some other forces (a) Refraction (b) Optical illusion
400. Earth’s escape velocity is- (c) Interference phenomenon
(a) 15.0km/sec. (b) 21.1km/sec. (d) Their actual shape
(c) 7.0km/sec (d) 11.2km/sec 409. Photosynthesis using the invisible part of the
sunlight is done by some-
401. If a gas is compressed to half of its original
(a) Trees (b) Algae
volume at 27°C, to what temperature should it
(c) Bacteria (d) Fungi
be heated to make it occupy is original, volume?
410. Red light signal is used as a danger signal
(a) 327°C (b) 600°C because-
(c) 54°C (d) 300°C (a) Red light is scattered least
402. A device which converts electrical energy into (b) This is comfortable for eyes
mechanical energy is- (c) It produces least chemical reaction
(a) Dynamo (b) Transformer (d) It is least absorbed in air
(c) Electric motor (d) Inductor 411. Which one of the following colours is seen in the
403. Electric motors operating at low voltages tend to middle of a Rainbow?
burn out because- (a) Blue (b) Green
(a) They draw more current which is inversely (c) Red (d) Yellow
proportional to the voltage. 412. In which direction the rainbow is seen at 12
(b) They draw more current which is inversely noon?
proportional to the square root of the voltage. (a) In the West (b) In the South
(c) They draw heat proportional to V^2. (c) In the East (d) It cannot be seen
(d) Low voltage sets in electrical discharge. 413. Colour in a colour television is produced by a
404. For reproducing sound, a CD (Compact Disc) combination of three basic colours, they are:-
audio player uses a: (a) Red, blue and orange
(a) Quartz
(b) Red, green and blue
(b) Titanium needle
(c) Laser beam (c) Red, yellow and green
(d) Barium titanic ceramic (d) Red, green and brown
405. Television signals cannot be received beyond a 414. In cold countries, alcohol is preferred to
certain distance because: mercury as a thermometric liquid because:
(a) Signals are weak (a) Alcohol has a lower freezing point
(b) Antenna is weak (b) Alcohol is a better conductor of heat
(c) Air absorbs signals (c) Alcohol is cheaper than mercury
(d) The surface of the earth is curved (d) The world production of alcohol is greater
406. The principle reason why it is better to have two than that of mercury
eyes than one is that: 415. Pure water freezes at what temperature?
(a) By having two eyes we can distinguish (a) 47 F (b) 32 F
colour easily (c) 0 F (d) 19 F
(b) By having two eyes we can easily see in the 416. CT Scan is done by using-
dark as well in dim light
(a) Infra-red Rays (b) Ultrasonic Waves
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(c) Visible Light (d) X-Rays (b) When the elevator going down
417. As per the WHO, the safe noise level for a city expeditiously.
is- (c) Going upward with constant velocity.
(a) 45 db (b) 50 db (d) Going downward with constant velocity.
(c) 55 db (d) 60 db 430. The separation of cream from milk by churning
418. Which one of the following does a TV remote is due to-
control unit use to operate a TV set? (a) Gravitational force (b) Cohesive force
(a) Light waves (b) Sound saves (c) Centrifugal force (d) None of the above
(c) Microwaves (d) Radio waves 431. The speed of light is–
(a) 9 × 102 m/sec (b) 3 × 1011 m/sec
419. The working principle of a washing machine is-
(c) 3 × 10 m/sec
(d) 2 × 104 m/sec
(a) Centrifugation (b) Dialysis 432. The Sky appears blue due to-
(c) Reverse Osmosis (d) Diffusion (a) Blue color is scattered most
420. Which physical quantity is represented by the (b) The red color is scattered most
ratio of momentum and velocity of the body? (c) Blue light is minimum absorbed by
(a) Velocity (b) Acceleration atmosphere
(c) Mass (d) Force (d) Red light is ultimately absorbed by
421. The energy of wind is- atmosphere
(a) Only potential 433. For shaving, one uses-
(b) Only kinetic (a) Concave mirror (b) Plain mirror
(c) Electrical (c) Convex mirror (d) None of these
(d) Potential and kinetic both 434. Which of the following lens is used to minimize
422. Photovoltaic cells are: Myopia?
(a) Solar cells (b) Thermal cells (a) Convex lens (b) Concave lens
(c) Sulphur cells (d) Molar cells (c) Cylindrical lens (d) None of these
423. What is the correct equation for finding the 435. When beams of red, blue and green lights fall on
acceleration? the same spot, the colour of the light becomes:
(a) a = (v-u)/t (b) a = u + vt (a) Violet (b) Red
(c) a = (v+u)/t (d) a=(v+u)/2
(c) Yellow (d) White
424. A drop of water is spherical in shape. This is due
436. What is the distance between two successive
crests or successive troughs called?
(a) Surface tension (b) Low temperature
(c) Air resistance (d) Viscosity of water (a) Amplitude (b) Wavelength
425. Velocity of light is maximum in- (c) Frequency (d) None of these
(a) Diamond (b) Water 437. A 100 watt electric bulb is used for 10 hours.
(c) Vacuum (d) Hydrogen What will be the cost of electricity consumed, if
426. One pikogram is equal to- the consumption cost is Rs. 5 per unit?
(a) 10−6 gram (b) 10−9 gram (a) Rs. 5 (b) Rs. 10
(c) Rs. 25 (d) Rs. 50
(c) 10−12 gram (d) 10−15 gram
438. Which of the following metals is used as
427. The apparatus used to measure the intensity of
filament in lighting bulbs?
light is known is-
(a) Anemometer (b) Colorimeter (a) Iron (b) Molybdenum
(c) Luxmeter (d) Altimeter (c) Silver (d) Tungsten
428. Energy conservation means- 439. The principle of atomic bomb is based on-
(a) Generation and destruction of energy (a) Nuclear fusion (b) Nuclear Fission
(b) Energy could be created (c) Above both (d) Above none
(c) Energy could not be created but destroyed 440. The unit of power is-
(d) Energy can neither be created nor destroyed (a) Hertz (b) Volts
429. If a person sitting in a lift then when will he feel (c) Watt (d) Neutrons
that his weight gets increased? 441. The velocity of wind is measured by:
(a) When the elevator going upward (a) Barometer (b) Anemometer
expeditiously (c) Hydrometer (d) Wind Vane

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442. Match the correct: (d) The colours cannot be separated
A. Fathometer 1. Atmospheric pressure 450. In which of the following conditions wet clothes
B. Barometer 2.Atmospheric will dry earliest?
humidity (a) 100% RH, 60°C temperature
C. Hygrometer 3. Height (b) 100% RH, 20°C temperature
D. Altimeter 4. Depth of sea (c) 20% RH, 20°C temperature
Code :
(d) 20% RH, 60°C temperature
451. In the night wind blows fast, dew is not formed
(a) 2 3 1 4
(b) 4 1 2 3 because
(c) 4 2 3 1 (a) Rate of evaporation is fast
(d) 3 1 2 4 (b) Moisture in air is low
443. Force is the product of- (c) Temperature is high
(a) Mass and velocity (d) Sky is not clear
(b) Mass and acceleration 452. In an earthen pitcher, the water remains cold
(c) Weight and velocity due to the process of
(d) Weight and acceleration (a) Condensation (b) Evaporation
444. Which of the following pairs is correctly (c) Sublimation (d) None of the above
matched? 453. The velocity of sound in air is approximately-
A. Radium 1. Alexander Fleming (a) 10 km/sec. (b) 10 mile/min.
B. Penicillin 2. Madan Curie (c) 330 m/sec. (d) 3 × 1010/sec.
C. X-ray 3. Edward Jenner
454. A wire with black insulation during electric
D. Smallpox 4. W.K. Roentgen
supply is-
A B C D (a) Live wire (b) Earth wire
(a) 2 1 4 3 (c) Neutral wire (d) Fuse wire
(b) 2 3 4 1 455. Parameters of electricity supply in India are
(c) 3 4 1 2 (a) Potential Difference of 220 V, Frequency of 50
(d) 4 1 2 3 hertz and Current Rating of 5A/15A
445. While travelling by plane, the ink of the fountain (b) Potential Difference of 150 V, Frequency of
pen starts to come out- 40 hertz and Current Rating of 10 A
(a) Due to decrease in air pressure (c) Potential Difference of 220 V, Frequency of 60
(b) Due to increase in air pressure hertz and Current Rating of 15A
(c) Due to increase in volume of ink (d) Potential Difference of 220 V, Frequency of
(d) Due to excessive load 40 hertz and Current Rating of 5 A
446. While floating in a sea what part of an iceberg is 456. Human eye is most sensitive to visible light of
above the surface of the sea? the wavelength
(a) 1/9 (b) 1/3 (a) 655 nm (b) 555 nm
(c) 1/6 (d) 1/4 (c) 455 nm (d) 755 nm
447.What is the order of magnitude of electric 457. The wave length extension of visible light is-
resistance of the human body (dry) ? (a) Between 200–900 nm
(a)102 ohm (b) 104 ohm (b) Between 250–850 nm
(c) 106 ohm (d) 108 ohm (c) Between 300–800 nm
448. Which one among the following has the highest (d) Between 390–780 nm
energy? 458. The speed of light will be minimum while
(a) Blue light (b) Green light passing through-
(c) Red light (d) Yellow light (a) Glass (b) Vacuum
449. Light is made of seven colours. What is the (c) Water (d) Air
method of separating the colours? 459. The radius of curvature of the plane mirror is:
(a) Zero (b) One
(a) The colours can be separated by a prism
(c) Infinity (d) Between one and
(b) The colours can be separated by a filter
(c) The colours can be separated by plants

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460. Which one of the following is the best conductor Choose the correct answer from the following
of electricity? alternatives:
(a) Mica (b) Copper (a) 1 and 2 (b) 1 and 3
(c) Gold (d) Silver (c) 1 and 4 (d) 3 and 4
461. Which is not used as Atomic fuel? 472. Cyclotrons are used to accelerate:
(a) Uranium (b) Thorium (a) Neutrons (b) Protons
(c) Plutonium (d) Lead (c) Atoms (d) Ions
462. The gas used in discharge tubes for optical 473. Which one of the following can be used to
confirm whether drinking water contains a
decoration and advertising is-
gamma emitting isotope or not?
(a) Carbon dioxide (b) Ammonia
(a) Microscope (b) Lead plate
(c) Sulphur dioxide (d) Neon
(c) Scintillation counter (d) Spectrophotometer
463. A radio station broadcast at 30 metre band. The
474. Which one of the following pairs is not correctly
frequency of the carrier wave transmitted by this matched:
station is:- (a) Discovery of Meson - Hideki Yukawa
(a) 10 KHz (b) 100 KHz (b) Discovery of Positron - C.D. Anderson and
(c) 10 MHz (d) 100 MHz U.F. Hess
464. Xeric condition refers to- (c) Theory of energy production in the sun and
(a) low temperature stars-H.A. Bethe
(b) low humidity (d) Synthesis of transuranic elements-Enrico
(c) high evaporation Fermi transuranic elements
(d) extreme temperature 475. The maximum density of water is at
465. The temperature of the filament of lighted (a) 373 Kelvin (b) 277 Kelvin
electric bulb is generally: (c) 273 Kelvin (d) 269 Kelvin
(a) 100°C to 500°C (b) 1000°C to 1500°C 476. The technique to integrate and mark the image
(c) 2000°C to 2500°C (d) 4000°C to 5000°C of a three- Dimensional object is-
466. In a three-pin electrical plug longest pin should (a) Audiography (b) Lexieography
be connected to (c) Photography (d) Holography
(a) Ground terminal (b) Live terminal 477. Which mirror is used as a rear view mirror in
(c) Neutral terminal (d) Any terminal vehicles?
467. The electric current does not flow between two (a) Plain (b) Convex
properly connected charged bodies if they are (c) Concave (d) Cylindrical
having 478. The minimum height of a plane mirror to see the
(a) Same charge (b) Same capacity full size image of a person is equal to-
(c) Same resistivity (d) Same potential (a) The height of the person
468. Small drops of the same size are charged to V (b) Half the height of the person
volts each. If n such drops coalesce to form a (c) One-fourth the height of the person
single large drop, its potential will be: (d) Double the height of the person
(a) n^(2/3) V (b) n^(1/3) V 479. Photovoltaic cells are :
(c) n V (d) N^- V (a) Solar cells (b) Thermal cells
469. Alternate current is not preferable- (c) Sulphur cells (d) Molar cells
(a) To charge storage battery 480. Hydrogen bomb was developed by
(b) To run/start a electric motor (a) Edward Teller
(c) To transmit electric power (b) Bernor Bon Bron
(d) To heat up electric toaster (c) J. Robert Opan Heemar
470. The conductivity of a semi-conductor at zero (d) Samual Cohen
degree Kelvin is-
481. Indian Institute of Remote Sensing is situated-
(a)〖10〗^5 ohm (b)〖10〗^(-1) ohm
(c)〖10〗^(-5) ohm (d) zero (a) In Ahmedabad (b) In Dehradun
471. Which of the following are semiconductors? (c) In Sriharikota (d) None of the above
1. Silicon 2. Quartz 482. The term MB is used for-
3. Ceramics 4. Germanium (a) Magnetic Bits (b) Mega Bytes
(c) Mega Bits (d) None of the above

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483. X-ray was invented by: 493.When a ship floats on water
(a) W.C.Rontgen (b) Gutenberg (a) it displaces no water
(c) Edison (d) Graham Bell (b) the mass of water displaced is equal to the
484. In a pressure cooker food is cooked in shorter mass of the ship
time because- (c) the mass of water displaced is lesser than the
(a) The boiling point of water increases mass of the ship
(b) The boiling point of water decreases (d) the mass of water displaced is greater than
(c) The food takes less heat the mass of the ship
(d) None of the above. 494. Which type of electromagnetic radiation is used
485. Light year is the unit of- in the remote control of a television receiver?
(a) Distance (b) time (a) Visible (b) Ultra-violet
(c) Speed of light (d) Intensity of light (c) Infra-red (d) None of the above
486. How many watts are there in a horsepower? 495. Which one of the following is not correct:
(a) 1000 (b) 750 (a) Theory of evolution was propounded by
(c) 746 (d) 748 Charles Darwin.
487. Pyrometer is used to measure- (b) The breaking apart of the nucleus of an atom
(a) Air pressure (b) Humidity is called fusion.
(c) High temperature (d) Density (c) ‘Dry ice’ is nothing but solid carbon dioxide.
488. The working principle of a washing machine is : (d) Telephone was invented by Graham Bell.
(a) Centrifugation (b) Dialysis 496. Among the following radiations, which has the
(c) Reverse osmosis (d) Diffusion highest energy?
489. The time period of a pendulum- (a) Visible (b) X-ray
(a) Depends on the mass (c) Ultra-violet (d) Infra-red
(b) Depends on the length 497. Source of Energy from the Sun is
(c) Depends on time (a) Nuclear fission (b) Nuclear fusion
(d) Depends on temperature (c) Photoelectric effect (d) Cherenkov effect
490. The rain drops are spherical because- 498. What is the source of electrical energy in an
(a) They fall from big height artificial satellite?
(b) The air has resistance (a) Solar cells (b) Mini nuclear reactor
(c) The water has surface tension (c) Dynamo (d) Thermopile
(d) None of the above 499. A vast collection of stars held together by
491. Optical fibre works on the principle of : mutual gravitation is called
(a) Total internal reflection (a) A galaxy (b) Universe
(b) Refraction (c) Constellations (d) Nebula
(c) Scattering 500. The stars which appear in the form of closed
(d) Interference groups and form recognizable shapes and
492. At what degree are the Centigrade and patterns are known as
Fahrenheit temperatures the same? (a) Supernova (b) Neutron stars
(a) 100° (b) 80° (c) Milky Way (d) Constellations
(c) –32° (d) –40°

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1. (c); Echo is a reflection of sound that arrives at Hence Gravitational Force is maximum on
the listener with a delay after the direct polls.
sound. The reflecting object must be more 12. (b); A hygrometer is an instrument used for
than 17m from the sound source for echo to measuring the water vapour (humidity) in
be perceived by a person located at the the atmosphere.
source. 13. (d); Speed is the distance travelled by object in a
2. (b); A black board appears black because it certain interval of time. Speed is not
absorbs all the colors of white light and dependent on direction hence it is a scalar
reflects none. quantity. While Displacement, Momentum
3. (d); A tensiometer in soil science is a measuring and Torque has both magnitude and
instrument used to determine the Soil water direction, so they are vector quantity.
tension. Such tensiometers are used in 14. (b); The temperature at which a liquid freezes is
irrigation scheduling to help farmers and called the Freezing Point. The freezing point
other irrigation managers to determine of water is 32°F.
when to water. It can also be used in the 15. (b); Newton’s first law is other name of Galileo’s
scientific study of soils and plants. law of Falling bodies. According to Law of
4. (c); The SI unit of Force is Newton. One Newton Fall “The distance travelled by falling body
is equal to 1 kilogram meter per second is directly proportional to the square of the
squared. time it takes to fall”. This latter claim states
5. (c); Glass is bad thermal conductor and is a that a body in motion will continue its
good insulator. It has tightly held electrons motion so long as no factor disturbs that
which did not allow heat to flow through it. motion. This principle is called the principle
6. (c); LASER (LIGHT AMPLIFICATION BY of inertia which is basis of Newton’s first
RADIATION) is a device that emits light 16. (a); A pyrometer is a type of remote-sensing
through a process of optical amplification thermometer used to measure the
based on the stimulated emission of temperature of a surface and inside
electromagnetic radiation. The first laser metallurgical furnaces.
was built in 1960 by Theodore H. Maiman. 17. (d); In a qualitative way, a property of matter by
7. (b); An odometer or odograph is an instrument which it remains at rest or in uniform
for measuring the distance travelled by a motion in the same straight line unless acted
vehicle, such as a bicycle or car. The device upon by some external force is called Inertia.
may be electronic, mechanical, or a In other words, the tendency of undisturbed
combination of the two. objects to stay at rest or to keep moving with
8. (c); The SI unit for pressure is the pascal (Pa), the same velocity is called Inertia.
equal to one newton per square metre 18. (c); The time taken by a pendulum to complete
(N/m2, or kg•m−1•s−2). This name for the one oscillation is called its Time Period.
unit was added in 1971. It is named after the 19. (c); If the mass of an object is 60 kgs, 100N will
French polymath Blaise Pascal. be its weight on the moon.
9. (a); When a beam pass of parallel light rays is 20. (a); The convex mirror produces an upright
incident on a smooth and plane surface, the image of any object and offers a wide
reflected rays will also be parallel. This type viewing area as compared to the plane
of reflection is called Regular Reflection. mirror. The usage of this type of mirror can
10. (a); The ohm (symbol: Ω) is the SI derived unit be perceived on the car rear-view mirror,
of electrical resistance, named after German side-view mirror and even the motorcycles.
physicist Georg Simon Ohm. 21. (a); If the speed of an object moving along a
11. (d); The value of Gravitational Force range from straight line is constant, its motion is said to
a minimum of 9.78 metre per second be uniform motion.
squared at the Equator to a maximum of 22. (d); The strength of a force is usually expressed
9.83 metre per second squared at the poles. by its Magnitude.

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23. (a); Concave mirrors are used to provide a obey it and it follows algebraic addition,
magnified and inverted image in rear view current is a scalar.
mirror. 35. (a); The phenomenon of raising outer edge of
24. (c); The Surface tension of water provides the the curved road above the inner edge is to
necessary wall tension for the formation of provide necessary centripetal force to the
bubbles with soap water. The tendency to vehicles to take a safer turn and the curved
minimize that wall tension pulls the bubbles road is called Banking of Roads.
into spherical shape. 36. (d); A convex mirror provides for a larger field
25. (a); In absolute vacuum, there are no particles, of view than a plane mirror. They are used
no material medium, nothing. So, there is no whenever a mirror with a large field of view
reflection, refraction, diffraction, etc. That is is needed. For example, the passenger-side
why it travels the fastest in vacuum. rear view mirror on a car is convex.
26. (c); The SI unit for measuring an electric current 37. (c); Diffraction is defined as the bending of light
is the ampere, which is the flow of electric around the corners of an obstacle or
charge across a surface at the rate of one aperture into the region of geometrical
coulomb per second. Electric current is shadow of the obstacle.
measured using a device called an ammeter. 38. (d); Mirage formation is a result of the refraction
27. (b); While frequency measures the cycle rate of and the total internal reflection of light in
the physical waveform, pitch is how high or the air.
low it sounds when you hear it. Pitch and 39. (c); It is difficult to fix a nail on a freely
Frequency are related to each other. A high suspended wooden frame because when the
pitch sound corresponds to a high wooden frame is not resting against a
frequency sound wave and a low pitch support, the frame and nails both move
sound corresponds to a low frequency forward on being hit with a hammer.
sound wave. However, when the frame is held firmly
28. (c); The photoelectric effect is an phenomenon against a support, and the nail is hit, an
in which the emission of electrons occurs equal reaction of the support drives the nail
when a beam of light strikes a metal or a into the frame. Thus based on Newton’s
cathode surface. For emissions of electrons Third Law of Motion.
frequency of incident light is required to be 40. (b); Electromagnetic waves are propagated by
greater than a minimum value called oscillating electric and magnetic fields
Threshold Frequency. Thus, show particle oscillating at right angles to each other. They
nature of light. are not deflected by electric or magnetic
29. (b); An electric motor is an electrical machine field. They can show interference or
that converts electrical energy into diffraction, are transverse waves, may be
mechanical energy. polarized and need no medium of
30. (a); Optical fibre work on the principle of Total propagation.
Internal Reflection of Light. In optical fibre, 41. (c); Zacharias Janssen was a Dutch spectacle-
when light traveling in an optically dense maker from Middelburg associated with the
medium hits a boundary at a steep angle invention of the first Optical telescope. He is
(larger than the critical angle for the
also credited for inventing the first truly
boundary), the light is completely reflected.
This is called total internal reflection. compound microscope.
31. (b); Water Tank appear shallower when viewed 42. (b); Supercooling is the process of chilling a
from the top due to refraction of light. This liquid below its freezing point, without it
virtual depth is known as Apparent depth. becoming solid.
32. (b); Yellow colour is formed when Red and 43. (a); Refraction is the bending of light as it passes
Green are mixed. from one medium to another. The bending
33. (d); Ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun or is caused by the differences in density
sunbeds is the main cause of skin cancer. between the two substances.
34. (b); It may seem that current is a vector because 44. (b); A H Taylor and Leo C Young are inventor
it have a magnitude and a direction. But the of first true radar.
thing is, a vector always obey the law of
addition of vectors. Since current doesn't
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45. (a); Decibel (dB) is the SI unit of intensity of If the orbit of a planet is an ellipse then the
sound. point at which the Sun is located called
46. (a); When blue and green colour combine, the Focus.
result is cyan. 57. (d); The sliding friction is smaller than the static
47. (b); SI unit of power is watts. A watt is the friction.
power that it takes to do one joule of work 58. (d); The Kelvin scale is an absolute
in one second. thermodynamic temperature scale using as
48. (d); Pascal's principle states that "a change in the its null point absolute zero, the temperature
pressure of an enclosed incompressible at which all thermal motion ceases in the
fluid is conveyed undiminished to every classical description of thermodynamics.
part of the fluid and to the surfaces of its The kelvin (symbol: K) is the base unit of
container." For every 10m depth the temperature in the International System of
pressure on the diver increases by 1 atm so Units (SI).
at a depth of 10 meters under water, 59. (a); Willem Einthoven invented the
pressure is twice the atmospheric pressure electrocardiogram (ECG).
at sea level. Thus, during Scuba diving 60. (d); If the speed of an object moving along a
players must have the knowledge of straight line keeps changing with time then
Pascal’s law. its motion is said to be non-uniform motion.
49. (b); Least distance of distinct vision is defined as 61. (b); A lubricant is a substance, usually organic,
the minimum distance between the eye lens introduced to reduce friction between
and the object to form a clear image. For a surfaces in mutual contact, which ultimately
healthy human eye, the least distance of
reduces the heat generated when the
distinct vision is 25 cm, however it varies
surfaces move.
with age.
50. (a); In 1742, Swedish astronomer, Anders 62. (a); Space pen is a ballpoint pen invented by
Celsius invented the Celsius(Centigrade) Paul C. Fisher and made to work in zero
temperature scale, which was named after gravity, underwater, and at any angle (even
the inventor. upside down). It is also known as Zero
51. (b); Pascal's Law states that pressure that is Gravity Pen and Fisher Space Pen.
applied to an enclosed fluid is transmitted
63. (c); In the formula of average velocity = (u
equally to all other points. A hydraulic
pump is a water pump that uses the kinetic +v)/2, u is the initial velocity.
energy of flowing water to force a small 64. (c); If the force applied on the object is in the
fraction of that water to a reservoir at a direction opposite to the direction of
higher level. The hydraulic lift works motion, the speed of the object decreases.
because of Pascal’s law. If force is put 65. (a); The SI unit of acceleration is the meter per
on(according to Pascal’s Law), that force second squared.
should be entirely felt on all points 66. (a); Contact force is another name for Friction.
throughout the liquid. 67. (b); The force of friction between two surfaces
52. (a); At -40 degrees, the numerical values on will increase if the two surfaces are pressed
Celsius and Fahrenheit scales become equal. harder.
53. (c); Sublimation is the phase transition of a 68. (a); An image formed by a plane mirror, that
substance directly from the solid to the cannot be obtained on a screen is called
without passing through the intermediate Virtual image.
liquid phase. 69. (a); The force exerted by a magnet is an example
54. (a); When a ball is thrown vertically upwards, of Non-contact force.
energy remains constant during its motion. 70. (b); Uniform motion is defined as the motion of
55. (a); Heat is the amount of energy that flows an object in which the object travels in a
spontaneously from a warmer object to a straight line and its velocity remains
cooler one. In SI system, heat energy is constant along that line as it covers equal
measured in joules (J). distances in equal intervals of time,
56. (d); The Sun and the planets move around each irrespective of the length of the time.
other with their center of mass lying at the
focus of the elliptical orbits. In other words,
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71. (c); An image stays on the retina for about 1/16 87. (d); For an object, the state of rest is considered
of a second. This feature is called persistence to be the state of zero speed.
of vision. 88. (b); The laws which govern the motion of
72. (c); Newton's second law of motion can be planets are called Kepler’s law of planetary
formally stated as follows: The acceleration motion.
of an object as produced by a net force is 89. (b); Concave and convex are two classes of
directly proportional to the magnitude of spherical mirrors. A concave mirror is a
the net force, in the same direction as the net spherical mirror in which the reflecting
force, and inversely proportional to the surface and the center of curvature fall on
mass of the object. the same side of the mirror. On the other
73. (b); The coil wire is heating element in electric hand, a convex mirror is a spherical mirror
room heater or electric cooking heater to in which the reflecting surface and the
converts electricity into heat through the center of curvature lie on the opposite sides
process of resistive or Joule heating. Electric of the mirror.
current passing through the element 90. (a); Drag is a kind of frictional force exerted by
encounters resistance, resulting in heating fluid which opposes the motion of an object
of the element. through that fluid. Drag force acts in
74. (b); Energy in the form of heat is wasted when a direction opposite to the direction of motion
machine is operated. This heat is generated of the object.
due to Friction between two parts. 91. (d); The SI unit of frequency is the hertz (Hz),
75. (c); The law of reflection states that the incident named after the German physicist Heinrich
ray, the reflected ray, and the normal at the Hertz; one hertz means that an event repeats
point of incidence all lie in the same plane. once per second.
76. (b); A concave mirror is capable of producing a 92. (b); Wood is a good insulator.
real image. 93. (b); Bubbles of air rise up through liquids due to
77. (c); The distance-time graph for the motion of viscosity and buoyancy.
an object moving with a constant speed is a 94. (b); Wood is an insulator.
Straight Line. 95. (c); Farsightedness (Hypermetropia) as it is
78. (a); If the force applied on the object is in the medically termed is a vision condition in
direction of its motion, the speed of the which distant object are usually seen clearly,
object increases. but close ones do not come into proper
79. (a); If an object moves in a circular path with focus. To remove this vision problem one
uniform speed, its motion is called uniform should use a convex lens.
circular motion. 96. (d); When light from stars passes through the
80. (c); The reflection formed by the plane mirror is atmosphere, it bent due to refraction, which
Lateral inversion. is why stars seem to twinkle. Due to the
81. (a); A ball rolling along the ground gradually planets’ closeness to Earth, the light coming
slows down and finally comes to rest is due from these celestial bodies does not bend
to friction. much due to Earth’s atmosphere. Therefore,
82. (b); The angle between the Normal and the the light coming from our solar system’s
incident ray is called the angle of incidence. planets does not appear to twinkle like stars.
83. (d); James Dewar was inventor of the thermos 97. (a); The 'Choke' used with a tube light is
flask. basically an inductor.
84. (a); Friction is caused by the irregularities on the 98. (d); The transverse nature of light can be
two surface in contact. demonstrated through polarization.
85. (a); In general, a uniformly accelerated motion 99. (c); Rectifier is an electrical device that converts
is the one in which the acceleration of the alternating current (AC), which periodically
particle throughout the motion is uniform. reverses direction, to direct current (DC),
The motion of a freely falling body is an which flows in only one direction. The
example of Uniformly accelerated motion. process is known as rectification, since it
86. (b); The Melting point of a solid is the "straightens" the direction of current.
temperature at which it changes state from 100. (c); Saw dust is used to cover ice because it is
solid to liquid at atmospheric pressure. poor conductor of heat. It did not let the ice

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melt quickly, as it does not transfer the heat 118. (b); The component used for tuning a radio is
of the surrounding to the ice. basically a variable capacitor.
101. (d); The washing machine works on the 119. (b); 0°K is equivalent to – 273°C.
principle of Centrifugation. 120. (d); Air is optically rarer than water, the ray of
102. (d); In absence of earth’s atmosphere, sky would light bends away from the normal at the
appear black due to absence of scattering point of incidence when moving from water
phenomena. to air while it bends towards the normal
103. (c); Temperature of distant luminous bodies can while moving from air to water. ... It is
be determined by Pyrometers. clearly visible that the air bubble acts as a
104. (c); Energy travels from Sun to Earth through DIVERGING LENS (concave lens) in water.
Radiation. 121. (a); DC implies no changes in value.
105. (b); Heat is transmitted from higher Frequencies of signals are defined by how
temperature to lower temperature through many changes per time, e.g. 60 cycles per
the actual motion of the molecules in both second. In case of DC with there are 0
conduction and convection. changes per second. Hence the frequency of
106. (b); If electric resistance is to be decreased, then DC is zero.
the number of resistances should be 122. (c); The term 'Higgs Boson' is associated with
connected in Parallel. God particle.
107. (d); A transistor is a semiconductor device used 123. (c); Candela is not related to sound. It is unit of
as an amplifying device. light intensity.
108. (a); The unit of measurement of Noise is 124. (c); electromagnetic radiation refers to the
Decibel. waves of the electromagnetic field,
109. (c); Total internal reflection is responsible for propagating through space-time, carrying
the glittering of air bubble rising through electromagnetic radiant energy. It includes
water. radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible
110. (c); In an optical fibre the signal is transmitted light, ultraviolet, X-rays, and gamma rays.
due to total internal reflection. 125. (a); Graphite is a very good conductor of
111. (a); When we see an object, the image formed on electricity due to the mobility of the
the retina is real and inverted. electrons in its outer valence shells.
112. (d); The amount of translational kinetic energy 126. (b); A lactometer is an instrument used to check
that an object has depends upon two purity of milk.
variables: the mass (m) of the object and the 127. (d); Diamond is a bad conductor of electricity
speed (v) of the object. but good conductor of heat. Electricity is
113. (b); Kinetic Energy is form of energy which is conducted in a crystal by electrons that are
the supplied heat energy stored during relatively free. But in diamond, each carbon
change in temperature of substance. atom is covalently bonded with four other
114. (c); In order to convert a Galvanometer into carbon atoms and there are no free
voltmeter, a very high resistance known as electrons.
"series resistance" is connected in series with 128. (c); Weightlessness experienced while orbiting
the galvanometer. the earth in space ships is due to Zero
115. (b); Even after sunset, the air near the Earth's gravity.
surface continue to receive heat due to 129. (b); The sextant is an instrument used to
Terrestrial Radiation. measure angles. Mainly used at sea, the tool
116. (d); During sunrise and sunset, the rays have to is so named because its arc is one sixth of a
travel a larger part of the atmosphere circle – 60 degrees.
because they are very close to the horizon. 130. (d); Since, the projectile is fired at an angle, its
Therefore, light other than red is mostly velocity can be split into two components -
scattered away. Most of the red light, which horizontal(Vx) and vertical(Vy).
is the least scattered, enters our eyes. Hence, Vx=v∗cosϕ
the sun and the sky appear red.
117. (b); At hill stations, the boiling point of water Vy=v∗sinϕ
will be less than that at sea level due to Gravity is the only force acting on it. And it
change in atmospheric pressure. is acting downwards, so only the vertical
component of the velocity is affected by this

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and the horizontal component remains the highest point of motion just before
constant. returning back to earth.
131. (d); Ultrasonic waves cannot be polarised, 147. (d); When a body is moving on a circular path
ultrasonic wave is an example of sound its average velocity when it complete one
wave and it cannot be polarised. cycle in one second is zero.
132. (c); The color of a star which varies from bluish 148. (a); Evangelista Torricelli is universally
white and yellow to orange and red is accepted as inventor of Barometer.Charles
primarily due to its composition and Xavier Thomas invented mechanical
effective temperature. calculator. Edward Teller is known as "the
133. (b); An anemometer is a device that is used to father of the hydrogen bomb". Gustav
measure wind speed. There are many Tauschek developed numerous
different types of anemometers suited for improvements for punched card-based
different environments. calculating machines.
134. (b); Blood pressure is measured by instrument 149. (a); Newton's First Law of Motion states that a
called sphygmomanometer also called body at rest will remain at rest unless an
asblood pressure meter, it is used to outside force acts on it, and a body in
measure the pressure of blood in Arteries. motion at a constant velocity will remain in
135. (d); The reverse effect of X-ray emission is motion in a straight line unless acted upon
Photo-electric effect. by an outside force.
136. (d); Solar panels are those devices which are 150. (d); When an Object is dropped from height and
used to absorb the sun's rays and convert when there is no air resistance the speed of
them into electricity or heat. A solar panel is object will increase.
actually a collection of solar (or 151. (b); George Stephenson built the first steam
photovoltaic) cells. locomotive to carry passengers on a public
137. (a); Visible light has the lowest frequency rail line, which is between Stockton and
among the following electromagnetic Darlington Railway in 1825.
radiations. 152. (a); Distance=Speed × Time
138. (b); The Theory of relativity is postulated by 153. (a); The mole is the unit of measurement for
Albert Einstein. amount of substance in the International
139. (c); Fathometer is a depth finder that uses sound System of Units (SI). The unit is defined as
waves to determine the depth of water. the amount or sample of a chemical
140. (a); Barograph was invented in 1844 by the substance that contains as many constitutive
Frenchman Lucien Vidi (1805–1866). particles.
141. (c); Power is the ratio of two scalar quatities, 154. (b); The Arithmometer was the first digital
and is thus scalar quatities. mechanical calculator strong enough and
142. (b); A Seismometer is an instrument that reliable enough to be used daily in an office
measures motion of the ground, caused by, environment. It was invented by Charles
for example, an earthquake, a volcanic Xavier Thomas.
eruption, or the use of explosives. It was 155. (a); If an object is thrown upwards its velocity
invented by Italian scientist Luigi Palmieri. will be 0m/s when it reaches at it maximum
143. (c); Newtons third law states that for every height.
action there is an equal and opposite 156. (d); Momentum will be same for object having
reaction. different masses for the force acting for
144. (d); A Displacement is a vector whose length is same amount of time.
the shortest distance from the initial to the 157. (a); Telephone exchange was invented by
final position of a point P. It quantifies both Tivadar Puskas.
the distance and direction of an imaginary 158. (b); Two Positive charge will repel to each other
motion along a straight line from the initial so the force will decrease between two
position to the final position of the point. positive charge.
145. (a); Cosmology is the study of the origin, 159. (d); A seismometer is an instrument that
evolution of the universe. measures motion of the ground, caused by,
146. (a); When a ball is thrown upwards the for example, an earthquake, a volcanic
acceleration due to gravity remains constant eruption, or the use of explosives.
throughout. It comes to rest for a moment at
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160. (b); "The ocean looks blue because red, orange 173. (a); Work done due to displacement caused by a
and yellow (long wavelength light) are force is a scalar quantity.
absorbed more strongly by water than is 174. (b); Terminal velocity is the constant speed that
blue (short wavelength light). So when a freely falling object eventually reaches
white light from the sun enters the ocean, it when the resistance of the medium through
is mostly the blue that gets returned. which it is falling prevents further
161. (a); John Logie Baird was a Scottish engineer, acceleration.
innovator, one of the inventors of the 175. (b); ON September 10, 1846, Elias Howe was
mechanical television, demonstrating the granted a US patent for his invention of the
first working television system on 26 sewing machine.
January 1926. 176. (a); The impulse-momentum theorem states
162. (a); An electroscope is an early scientific that the change in momentum of an object
instrument that is used to detect the equals the impulse applied to it.
presence and magnitude of electric charge 177. (a); ISRO built India's first satellite known as
on a body. It was the first electrical Aryabhata.
measuring instrument. The first 178. (c); Accelaration due to gravity, g = (G×M)/R2,
electroscope, a pivoted needle called the Thus, Accelaration due to gravity at a
versorium, was invented by British distance 2R,
physician William Gilbert around 1600. g’=(G×M)/(2R+R)2
163. (d); Wavelength of red colour is largest and =(G×M)/9R2
violet colour has the shortest wavelength.
=g/9 (Since g={G×M}/R2).
164. (a); Glass is sometimes called a super cooled
179. (a); Pascal is not unit of Moment of Inertia.
liquid because it does not form a crystalline
Moment of inertia may be expressed in units
structure, but instead forms an amorphous
of kilogram metre squared (kg. m2) in SI
solid that allows molecules in the material
to continue to move.
180. (a); Atmospheric pressure is measured by
165. (b); Friction is the force resisting the relative
motion of solid surfaces, fluid layers, and
181. (c); Hyetometer is the instrument used to
material elements sliding against each
other. measure rainfall.
166. (c); In a streamline flow, velocity at every point 182. (a); Max Planck was a German theoretical
in the fluid remains same. physicist, considered to be the initial
167. (b); Postage Meter was invented by Arthur founder of quantum theory, and one of the
Pitney. most important physicists of the 20th
168. (b); Igor Sikorsky, a Russian is recognized as Century.
father of modern helicopters. 183. (c); In physics, spin is the velocity of rotation of
169. (b); The water level remains the same when the something around a particular axis.
ice cube melts. A floating object displaces an 184. (b); If an object, on a free fall from a certain
amount of water equal to its own weight. height, reaches the ground in 1 second, its
Since water expands when it freezes, one velocity on the impact with the ground 9.8
ounce of frozen water has a larger volume m/s.
than one ounce of liquidwater. 185. (d); The Orbital Motion Interactive is simulates
170. (b); A scalar quantity is a one dimensional the elliptical motion of a satellite around a
measurement of a quantity, like central body. In this type of motion axis of
temperature, or weight, it has only the rotation does not pass through the
magnitude and no direction. object.
171. (b); Angular momentum is a vector quantity. 186. (b); Spin and Orbital motion are the two kinds
172. (c); When the ice melts to liquid water, the of Rotatory motion.
structure collapses and the density of the 187 (a); The moment arm or lever arm is the
liquid increases. At temperatures well perpendicular distance between the line of
above freezing, the molecules move faster action of the force and the center of
and get further apart. The density decreases moments. Moment Arm is the
as temperature increases thus, the density of perpendicular distance between point of
water is a maximum at 4 °C. application of force and axis of rotation.
Adda247 Publications For any detail, mail us at
188. (b); Longsec is not the unit of distance. motion unless it is acted upon by an external
189. (c); The apparent weight of a person in a lift force."
which is moving down with uniform 202. (c); The cooling by a desert cooler is based on
acceleration is less than the weight when the evaporative cooling. These coolers are also
person is stationary. known as swamp coolers.
190. (c); Robert Hutchings Goddard (October 5, 1882 203. (b); Most of the air conditioner uses compressed
– August 10, 1945) was an American gas, which can cool the room or other places.
engineer, professor, physicist, and inventor 204. (d); If salt is added to the water then the boiling
who is credited with creating and building point of water will increases. This happens
the world's first liquid-fueled rocket. as the boiling point is the temperature at
191. (d); Weight of a person at a height of 2R from the which the vapor pressure of solvent
centre of the earth, where R is the radius of becomes equal to the external atmospheric
the earth became one-fourth. pressure. Similarly it also decreases the
192. (d); A hydrometer is an instrument used to freezing point, which in turn will interfere
measure the specific gravity (or relative with the frozen solution’s crystal structure.
density) of liquids. It is also used to measure That means the temperature will have to be
colder to overcome it and freeze the mixture
specific gravity of milk.
193. (a); Enrico Fermi was an Italian-American
205. (c); Universal Standard time, as originally
physicist and the creator of the world's first
proposed by Scottish-Canadian Sir
nuclear reactor, the Chicago Pile-1. He has
Sandford Fleming in 1879, divided the
been called the "architect of the nuclear age"
world into twenty-four time zones, each one
and the "architect of the atomic bomb". covering 15 degrees of longitude.
194. (a); The angle between centripetal acceleration 206. (d); Kirchhoff's First Law. Kirchhoff's First Law
and tangential acceleration is 90°. states that the total current entering a
195. (c); A rectifier is an electrical device composed junction is equal to the total current leaving
of one or more diodes that converts the junction. In other words, the algebraic
alternating current (AC) to direct current sum of currents at a junction is zero.
(DC). 207. (d); Acceleration due to gravity on a planet
196. (d); The Nobel Prize in Physics 1930 was decreases with increase in altitude from
awarded to Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata surface of the planet.
Raman "for his work on the scattering of 208. (d); Angular Velocity is same on every point on
light and for the discovery of the effect a rotating body.
named after him. 209. (c); Trajectory is the path followed by a
197. (b); The Siemens (symbol S) is the derived unit projectile flying or an object moving under
of electric conductance. the action of given forces, a curve or surface
198. (c); The rate of change of momentum of an cutting a family.
object is directly proportional to the 210. (b); Adolf Gaston Eugen Fick was credited with
resultant force applied and is in the invention of the Contact Lens.
direction of the resultant force. The resultant 211. (c); Electrons move around the nucleus in
force is equal to the rate of change of orbital motion.
momentum. 212. (b); Sphygmomanometers is an instrument for
199. (a); Scottish inventor and veterinary surgeon measuring blood pressure, particularly in
John Boyd Dunlop developed the arteries. The two types of
pneumatic (air-filled) rubber tire. He was sphygmomanometers are a mercury
one of the founders of the rubber company column and a gauge with a dial face.
that bore his name, Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre 213. (b); The reflecting telescope invented by Sir
Company. In 1888, Dunlop patented his Isaac Newton in 1671.
pneumatic tyre. 214. (c); Whenever a force is applied to an object,
200. (b); When net torque is zero, angular causing the object to move, work is done by
the force. Work done due to displacement
momentum will be constant.
caused by a force is a scalar quantity. Work
201. (c); Newton's first law of motion is also known
can be either positive or negative. The unit
as the law of inertia. Newton's First Law of
of work is the unit of energy, the joule (J). 1
Motion states, "A body at rest will remain at
J = 1 N m.
rest, and a body in motion will remain in
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215. (a); Inertia is a property of matter that causes it 227. (c); We know that the mass of liquid displaced
to resist changes in velocity (speed and/or by the floating ice equals to the mass of the
direction). object. That’s why the ice caps float on
216. (d); The atmospheric pressure decreases with water. Similarly, when an ice cube melts in
altitude because gas molecules which make a glass of water, the water level does not
up the air concentrate near lower altitude in change as the melted water will occupy
response to Earth's gravity. Hence, air exactly the same amount of space as the ice
pressure is low at higher altitudes. Due to under the water level previously occupied.
this difference in air pressure, the air inside 228. (a); According to the law of gases
the pen forces the ink to come out. 𝑉 𝑇
From formula = 𝑉1 = 𝑇1
217. (b); An anemometer is a device used for 2 2
measuring the speed of wind. V1 = and V2 = V[given]
218. (a); Rakesh Sharma was the first Indian to travel T1 = 273 + 27 = 300K
in Space. He was born on 13th January 1949 T2 = ?
in Punjab, India. He flew to the Salyut 7 V/2
⇒ T2 = 600K
Space Station. V T2

219. (b); According to the equation of continuity Av ∴ T2 = 600 − 273 = 327°C .

= constant. Where A =cross-sectional area 229. (d); Benoit Fourneyron is the Inventor of Water
and v=velocity with which the fluid flows. Turbine.
It means that if any liquid is flowing in 230. (c); The Intensity of waves is defined as the
streamline flow in a pipe of non-uniform power delivered per unit area of a Wave.
cross-section area, then rate of flow of liquid 231. (d); The motion of an object is said to be
across any cross-section remains constant. translatory if the position of the object is
220. (c); A body which is in equilibrium is either changing with respect to a fixed point or
moving at constant velocity in a straight object. All the particles of a body excuting
line, or it is not moving. translatory motion move in the same
221. (c); The viscosity of an ideal fluid is Zero. direction traversing parallel paths. Train is
222. (a); The SI unit of intensity, which includes an example of Translatory motion.
sound intensity, is the watt per square meter 232. (d); PlayStation was the brainchild of Ken
(W/m2). Kutaragi, a Sony executive who had just
223. (c); The glass or steel which is used in thermos finished managing one of the company's
bottle is coated with a silver layer to keep hardware engineering divisions at that time
drinks at the same temperature for some and would later be dubbed as "The Father of
time. the PlayStation".
224. (a); The atmosphere exerts enormous pressure 233. (a); Lucimeter is an instrument used for
on us but we do not feel it, because our measuring light intensity.
blood exerts pressure slightly more than 234. (a); The gravitational constant, symbolized G , is
that of the atmosphere. We feel this pressure a physical constant that appears in the
in water because the pressure underwater is equation for Newton's law of
greater than our normal blood pressure. gravitation.This is different from ‘g’ which
225. (d); The temperature dependence of liquid
is denotes the acceleration due to gravity.
(Glycerin etc) viscosity is the phenomenon
235. (d); In a projectile motion, a large angle with the
by which liquid viscosity tends to decrease
horizontal produces high trajectory.
as its temperature increases. The increase in
236. (c); Electric motor is a device which converts
temperature causes the kinetic or thermal
electrical energy into mechanical energy.
energy to increase and the molecules
Electric motors involve rotating coils of wire
become more movable.
226. (b); Food can be cooked faster in a pressure which are driven by the magnetic force
cooker since the boiling point of water exerted by a magnetic field or an electric
increases with pressure. As the water boils, current.
the steam produced cannot evaporate so the 237. (a); Electric motors operating at low voltage
pressure inside the cooker increases. At tend to burn out because they draw more
higher elevations, atmospheric pressure is current which is inversely proportional to
lower and therefore water boils at lower the voltage.
temperature. 238. (a); The Pascal is SI unit of pressure.

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239. (b); The absorption of ink by blotting paper 254. (c); It is easier to carry two buckets of water in
involves Capillary action phenomenon. one hand each, than to carry only one in one
240. (c); Georges Claude invented Neon Lamp. hand because centre of gravity and centre of
241. (d); Chronometer is an instrument for equilibrium fall within the feet.
measuring time accurately in spite of 255. (b); Uranium is used as fuel in nuclear reactors.
motion or variations in temperature, 256. (a); Sonar is a technique that uses sound
humidity, and air pressure. propagation to navigate, communicate with
242. (b); If the radius of the earth decreases and its or detect objects on or under the surface of
mass remains the same, then the value of the water, such as other vessels.
"acceleration due to gravity" will increase. 257. (a); The forces inside the molecules of water also
243. (c); Nicolaus Copernicus was a Polish pulls in the hair on the shaving brush as
astronomer who put forth the theory that they have less mass, and due to this surface
the Sun is at rest near the center of the tension in the surface of the water the hair
Universe, and that the Earth, spinning on its sticks together.
axis once daily, revolves annually around 258. (c); When pressure is increased, the melting
the Sun. This is called the heliocentric, or point of ice decreases.
Sun-centered, system. Copernican 259. (a); Sprayer functions are based on Bernoulli’s
heliocentrism is the name given to the principle.
astronomical model developed by Nicolaus 260. (c); The fabrication of the transistor is the
Copernicus and published in 1543. process of creating the transistor that is used
244. (d); Angular Velocity is same on every point on in electrical and electronics circuit.
a rotating body. Transistors are made from very pure silicon
245. (b); The SI unit of electric charge is Coulomb. or germanium, but certain other
246. (c); When the bus is running, the whole body of semiconductor materials can also be used.
the passenger is in the state of motion. When 261. (a); Respiration is the process in which energy is
the bus stops suddenly, the lower part of the released.
passengers body which is in contact with 262. (a); The technique of collecting information
the bus, comes to rest. But the passengers about an object from a distance without
upper portion remains in the state of motion making physical contact with it, is Remote
due to the inertia of motion. This is the Sensing.
reason for the passenger to lean forward 263. (a); The Curie (symbol Ci) is a non-SI unit of
when the bus stops suddenly. radioactivity.
247. (c); If a boy is sitting in a train, which is moving 264. (c); Sun generates its energy by nuclear fusion
at a constant velocity throws a ball straight of hydrogen nuclei into helium.
up into the air, the ball will fall into his 265. (c); Strong nuclear force is the strongest force. It
hand. is present inside the atom responsible for
248. (c); A person is hurt on kicking a stone due to binding the protons and neutrons and also
reaction. Here Newton third law of motion inside the proton and neutron in binding up
is applied which states that every action has the quarks.
equal and opposite reaction. 266. (c); Heavy water is basically used as a
249. (c); For a body moving with non-uniform moderator in nuclear reactors to slow down
acceleration, the velocity -time graph is non the neutrons so that they are captured and
linear. become effective to bring about the fission
250. (c); A parachute descends slowly because it has reaction.
a larger surfaace area and air resistance is 267. (a); An electric current is a flow of electric
more. charge which is often carried by moving
251. (b); Concave mirror is used as Shaving mirror. electrons.
252. (c); The spoon dropped by an astronaut in a 268. (a); Electric fuse is a protective device which
satellite will continue to follow the motion protects electrical equipment in the circuit
of the satellite. by breaking the circuit when there is a short
253. (b); The sensation of weightlessness in a circuit. It has low melting point.
spacecraft in an orbit is due to the 269. (b); A transformer is used to bring voltage up or
acceleration in the orbit which is equal to the down in an AC electrical circuit.
acceleration due to gravity outside.
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270. (d); Graphite is soft and slippery because there 282. (d); The mirage is caused by the Total internal
are only weak inter molecular forces reflection of light at layers of air of different
between its layers. Graphite is a good densities.
conductor of heat and electricity. 283. (a); The wavelength of red colour is highest
271. (d); Tungsten is used for the manufacture of the while of violet colour is lowest. Dispersal is
filament of an electric bulb due to its high inverse to wavelength so it is seen more
melting point of 3422 °C. clear. That’s why the red colour is used in
272. (a); A charged particle moving without traffic.
acceleration produces an electric as well as a 284. (b); National Science Day is celebrated in India
magnetic field. on 28 February each year to mark the
273. (a); Silicon is a semiconductor material. When it discovery of Raman effect by Indian
is doped with the impurities gallium and physicist C.V.Raman on 28 February 1928.
arsenic its ability to capture the sun's energy 285. (c); Swedish scientist Alfred Nobel invented
and convert it into electricity. Hence it is dynamite. The famous Nobel Foundation
used in Solar cells. was established on the basis of his last will
274. (b); Red is used an as emergency or danger in 1900.
signal because it has longest wavelength. It 286. (c); The half life of a radioactive substance is 10
scattered the least by air molecules. The days; it means in next 10 days there will be
effect of scattering is inversely related to the half of the remaining radioactive substance.
fourth power of the wavelength of a color. Thus, total 20 days, there will be decay of
So red light is able to travel the longest 75% or ¾ part of substance.
distance. [1/2+1/4=3/4]
275. (d); Pascal is the unit of pressure in the 287. (a); The electrical conductivity of a
international system of units (SI). Dyne is semiconductor at absolute zero temperature
unit of force in CGS system. Clearly, option is zero and they behave like an insulator. At
(d) is not correctly paired. this temperature the electric resistivity
276. (b); Ozone layer thickness is expressed in terms becomes infinite.
of Dobson units, which measure, what its 288. (a); Electrical conductivity is a measure of the
physical thickness would be if compressed amount of electrical current under a
in the earth’s atmosphere. 1 Dobson unit is material can carry. The most electrically
defined to be 0.01 mm thickness STP conductive element is silver followed by
(Standard Temperature and Pressure). copper, aluminium and iron.
277. (c); Lactometer is used for the measurement of 289. (c); Velocity of sound is maximum in metal and
the density of milk. Butyrometer is used to minimum in gases.
measure fat content in milk or milk 290. (d); Light year is not a unit of measuring time,
products. but a unit of measuring distance. The
278. (d); It is very difficult to walk on the ice than on remaining pairs are correctly matched.
the road because ice has a lesser friction than 291. (d); The watt is a derived unit of power in the
the road. The roughness of road’s surface International System of Units (SI). Rest of all
gives you much frictional force which are the units of heat.
292. (b); Sphygmomanometer is used to measure
enables you to move forward on road.
blood pressure.
279. (b); Centripetal force is a real force that
293. (a); Momentum is a vector quantity while rest of
counteracts the centrifugal force and the options are scalar quantity.
prevents the object from “flying out,” 294. (a); If the gravitational force of the earth
keeping it moving instead with a uniform suddenly disappears, then the weight of an
speed along a circular path. object will become zero but the mass will
280. (d); The escape velocity of earth is 11.2 km/sec. remain the same.
281. (c); Kerosene oil rising in the wick of the stove 295. (b); Statics is a branch of mechanics associated
is due to the surface tension of oil. The wick with the situation or rest.
of the lamp has many holes which act as 296. (b); The colour of the stars reflects the age of
stars. Colour is reflected from the
capillaries. So kerosene keeps on rising in
temperature is high, then the star is young.
the capillaries.
The star will be blue during young stage
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which indicates high temperature. If star is from the spectrum of the thermal radiation
red the temperature is low. it emits, a process known as pyrometry.
297. (a); The power of the sunglass is 0 dioptre. 306. (c); The SI unit of power is the Watt (w), which
298. (b); Ethylene glycol is an organic molecule most is equal to one joule per second. Knot is the
widely used as antifreeze in automobile unit of measuring of speed of a ship.
engines and as an industrial solvent. Nautical mile is a unit of distance used by
299. (a); As we know that the speed of sound is navigators in sea. Calorie is a unit of
different for different types of medium. In measuring heat and energy.
general, sound travels faster in liquids than 307. (d); SONAR [Sound Navigation and Ranging is
gases and faster in solids than in liquids. used for locating submerged objects in an
300. (b); The repetition of sound produced due to the ocean.
reflection from a large surface like wall, hill 308. (d); A vector quantity is a quantity that is fully
or mountain is called echo. Minimum described by both magnitude and direction.
distance between source of sound and On the other hand, a scalar quantity is a
reflecting surface be 17 meter so that an echo
quantity that is fully described by its
can be heard.
301. (d); Sound waves are divided into three magnitude. Thus displacement, velocity
categories that cover different frequency and force are the example of vector quantity
range; Audible waves (20 Htz- 20,000 Htz), while volume is a scalar quantity.
Infrasonic waves (<20 Htz) and Ultrasonic 309. (c); In 1687, Isaac Newton published his Law of
waves (>20,000 Htz). Ultrasonic waves are Gravitation in “Mathematical Principles of
used to destroy insects, clean clothes by Natural Philosophy”. He gave the Theory of
removing dust, treat diseases, control Gravity.
automatic doors, detection of aircraft and 310. (b); A pendulum clock runs faster in winter
submarine, determination of depth of sea because in winter the length of the
etc. pendulum or the swing become smaller due
302. (b); We know that- to contraction and the clock begin to run
Number of unit = kilowatt hour = watt x fast.
hour /1000 311. (d); Oil spreads on water surface because the
=(60×30×5)/1000=9 unit. surface tension of oil is less than water.
312. (a); A sudden fall in barometer reading
303. (b); According to a report of Department of
indicates that the weather will be stormy.
Atomic Energy in India, there are
313. (d); Density of an object depends on its mass
approximately 10.70 million tons of and volume. Density can be found by using
monazite, which contains 9,63,000 tons of the equation:
Thorium Oxide (ThO2). India is one country Density = Mass/Volume
that has an abundance of thorium. Andhra 314. (d); 1 Micron = 10-6 metre
Pradesh has 35% of thorium reserve of 1 Nanometre = 10-9 metre
1 Angstrom = 10-10 metre
1 Fermimetre = 10-15 metre
304. (b); Kalpakkam is a small town in Tamilnadu. Thus, the smallest unit of length in the given
Narora is located on the bank of river Ganga options is fermi metre.
in district Bulandshahar, Uttar Pradesh. 315. (c); The sunlight takes about 500 second or 8.5
Kakrapara atomic power station is a nuclear minutes to reach to the earth.
power station in India, which lies in the state
316. (c); ‘Fat Man’ was the code name for the type of
of Gujarat. Trombay is a northeastern bomb which was dropped on the Japanese
suburb in Mumbai, India. It is famous for
city of Nagasaki by the United States of
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC).
America. Plutonium was used as fissionable
305. (b); A pyrometer is a type of remote sensing material in this bomb.
thermometer used to measure the 317. (c); GPS means Global Positioning System, is a
temperature of a surface. In the modern space-based navigation system. It was
usage, it is a device that from a distance
developed by the U.S. Department of
determines the temperature of a surface defence.

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318. (a); The Noble Prize in Physics in 1921 was 328. (a); Steam has more heat energy than boiling
awarded to Albert Einstein for his services water because it requires Latent Heat of
to Theoretical Physics and especially for his Vapourization for boiling water to change
discovery of the “Law of the Photoelectric phase from liquid to vapour. Therefore our
Effect”. body comes in contact with more heat when
319. (b); Penicillin was discovered by Scottish exposed to steam than boiling water
scientist Alexander Fleming. 329. (c); Latent heat of Melting = 80 calorie/gram
320. (b); Manometer is an instrument that uses a The heat required for ice at 0°C to convert in
column of liquid to measure pressure, water = 80 calorie
commonly referred as pressure measuring Required heat to enhance the temperature
instrument. of water from 0°C to 100°C = 100 calorie
321. (b); Mainly there are two types of devices that Latent heat of vaporization = 540
are used to measure solar radiations these calorie/gram
are: (i) Pyrheliometer (ii) Pyranometer. Hence the energy required to convert water
322. (b); The shape of a drop of rain is constrained by into vapour at
the surface tension, which tries to give it the 100°C = 540 calorie.
shape for which the surface area is Total heat required = 80 + 100 + 540
minimum for the given volume. The = 720 calorie.
spherical shape has the minimum surface 330. (b); Absolute zero is the lowest possible
area. That’s why rain drops acquire temperature at which point the atoms of a
spherical shape. substance transmit no thermal energy. They
323. (a); Soap bubbles are large because when soap are completely at rest. It is 0 degrees on the
dissolved in water its surface tension is Kelvin scale, which translates to-273.15
reduced. The pressure inside a soap bubble degree Celsius.
is more than atmospheric pressure. 331. (b); Elements such as cast iron, ice, antimony,
324. (c); This is because of a phenomenon is known bismuth, and brass when melts, their
as winter stratification in water bodies. In volume decreases. These type of solids
the winter season, the water at the top layer
floats in their own melted fluid.
of water bodies will be ice cold (0°C) and are
gradually frozen. But still, the bottom layers 332. (c); Farsightedness (Hypermetropia) as it is
will have liquid water and maintain a medically termed is a vision condition in
temperature (4°C) which supports the life which distant object are usually seen clearly,
there. Thus, fishes and other aquatic but close ones do not come into proper
animals are saved from the frozen top layer focus. To remove this vision problem one
of water. should use a convex lens.
325. (b); The color of light is determined by its
333. (d); Air is optically rarer than water, the ray of
wavelength. Different colors have different
light bends away from the normal at the
wavelengths. The wavelength of red colour
point of incidence when moving from water
is largest and violet colour has shortest
to air while it bends towards the normal
while moving from air to water. ... It is
326. (d); Due to the refraction of light, the sun is
clearly visible that the air bubble acts as a
visible to us a few minutes before sunrise
DIVERGING LENS (concave lens) in water.
and a few minutes after sunset.
334. (b); "The ocean looks blue because red, orange
327. (a); The concept of expanding universe is based
and yellow (long wavelength light) are
on Doppler effect. It was named after
absorbed more strongly by water than is
Christian Doppler, who first came up with
blue (short wavelength light). So when
the idea in 1942. Edwin Hubble used the
white light from the sun enters the ocean, it
Doppler Effect to determine that universe is
is mostly the blue that gets returned.
expanding. Hubble found that the light
335. (d); Wavelength of red colour is largest and
from distant galaxies was shifted towards
violet colour has the shortest wavelength.
lower frequencies, to the red end of the
336. (c); The cooling by a desert cooler is based on
spectrum. This is known as a red Doppler
evaporative cooling. These coolers are also
shift or a red-shift.
known as swamp coolers.

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337. (b); Most of the air conditioner uses compressed 347. (d); Germanium and silicon are semiconductor
gas, which can cool the room or other places. materials.
338. (d); The correctly matched options is given 348. (d); Fluorescent lamps are filled with the low
below: pressure gases specially Mercury and noble
John Guttenberg – Printing Press gases like Argon, Neon, Xenon and
John Roentgen – X-ray Krypton.
Michael Faraday – Dynamo 349. (a); C.F.L. is short for Compact Fluorescent
Alexander Graham Bell – telephone Lamp. CFL uses significantly less energy
339. (c); According to the options given in the than traditional light bulbs (75% less).
question, only liquid hydrazine is not used 350. (b); Blue light which has the least wavelength of
as a rocket propellant. Remaining options all the visible radiations is scattered most.
such as liquid hydrogen, liquid oxygen, and The blue appearance of the sky is due to
kerosene oil are used as rocket propellant. scattering of sunlight from the atmosphere.
340. (d); The black boxes are actually painted with a Light of shorter wavelength is scattered by
heat-resistant bright orange colour in order air molecules which because of their smaller
to make them easier to find in wreckage size follow Rayleigh’s scattering. Blue light
resulting from the crash. is strongly scattered by the air molecules
341. (d); If salt is added to the water then the boiling and reach the observer. This explains the
point of water will increases. This happens blue colour of the sky.
as the boiling point is the temperature at 351. (c); The eye lens is composed of a fibrous, jelly-
which the vapor pressure of solvent like material. Its curvature can be modified
becomes equal to the external atmospheric to some extent by the ciliary muscles. The
pressure. Similarly it also decreases the change in the curvature of the eye lens can
freezing point, which in turn will interfere thus change its focal length. When the
with the frozen solution’s crystal structure. muscles are relaxed, the lens becomes thin.
That means the temperature will have to be Thus its focal length increases. This enables
colder to overcome it and freeze the mixture us to see distant objects clearly. When you
anyway. are looking at objects closer to the eye, the
342. (c); The glass or steel which is used in thermos ciliary muscles contract. This increases the
bottle is coated with a silver layer to keep curvature of the eye lens. The eye lens then
drinks at the same temperature for some becomes thicker. Consequently, the focal
time. length of the eye lens decreases. This
343. (c); The Magnetron tube is a high-powered enables us to see nearby objects clearly.
vacuum tube which is used to produce high 352. (d); All the above
microwave energy. 353. (c); A dynamo, which is also known as an
344. (b); Many of the nuclear reactors use graphite as electrical generator produces direct current
a moderator. Graphite is not as effective as through a commutator. It is basically a
heavy water, but it is cheaper and it also has device which converts mechanical rotation
a low degree of neutron capture like heavy into electric current according to Faraday’s
water. law.
345. (b); Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research 354. (c); Television broadcasts emit two types of
(IGCAR) was established in the year 1971 at signals, audio and visual. These two signals
Kalpakkam (Tamilnadu), under the require modulation to transmit both signals
department of Atomic Energy, Government at the same time. Analog television requires
of India. transmission that uses specific modulation
346. (a); The conversion of light energy into electrical methods employing AM and FM signals in
energy is based on the phenomenon called its transmission. Frequency modulation or
photovoltaic effect. A photovoltaic cell is the FM is used for the audio part of the
basic unit of the system where the transmission. Amplitude modulation or
photovoltaic effect is utilized to produce AM is used in the video transmission.
electricity from light energy. Silicon is most 355. (c); A dynamo is an electrical generator that
widely used semiconductor material for produces direct current with the use of a
construction photovoltaic cell. commutator. It converts mechanical energy
into electrical energy.
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356. (d); The transformer is used to step up and step which increases the density of water and
down the alternating current. There are two also increases its upthrust so, the chances of
types of coils in transformers (i) Primary coil sinking get reduced and one can easily
(2) Secondary coil. Alternate current flows swim in such water.
through the primary coil which inflicts the 368. (c); The sunlight takes about 500 second or 8
potential in he secondary coil. minutes (apx) to reach to the earth.
357. (d); All options except chromium are being used 369. (d); When light passes from air to glass or one
as nuclear fuel of radioactive elements. medium to another, then the frequency of
358. (d); All the radioactive elements are used as the the light remains constant but wavelength
nuclear fuel except helium because it is inert and velocity are changed.
in nature. It does not form compounds or 370. (a); Total internal reflection takes place when a
react with any other element. ray of light is travelling from denser to
359. (c); Pokhran-II was the series of five nuclear thinner medium and angle of incidence is
bomb tests conducted by India under greater than the critical angle, the ray is
operation “Shakti” at the Indian Army’s completely reflected from surface and meet
Pokhran test range on May 11, 1998. It was each other as if the surface is a mirror. So
the second Indian nuclear test after according to options, the situation of option
Pokhran-I. (a) is correct where total internal reflection
360. (c); Narora power station is located in the IV takes place, it is because diamond is denser
Seismic Zone. Kalpakkam is located into the than glass.
II Seismic Zone. Kaiga and Tarapur are 371. (c); The optical fibre is a very thin strand of glass
located into the III Seismic Sone. or plastic cable for transmitting light from
361. (c); The reactor’s design is based on the French one point to another. They work on he
reactor Rhapsody, with several principle of total internal reflection. There is
modifications. Plutonium-uranium mono- no loss of signal through an optical fibre.
carbide developed indigenously as the 372. (d); An endoscope is a medical device consisting
driver fuel and went critical on 18th of a long, thin, flexible (or rigid) tube which
October, 1985. has a light source and a video camera.
362. (d); Radioactive elements are elements that have
Images of the inside of the patient’s body
an unstable nucleus. When the nuclei are
considered unstable, they radiate alpha, can be seen on a screen. It is not suitable to
beta and Gamma radiation and is converted categorize endoscope as a type of a camera.
into a stable element. This type of radiation 373. (a); The refractive index of diamond is very
is invisible for naked eye. high. Diamond achieves brilliance partially
363. (a); Dhruva, Purnima, and Cirus are Indian from total internal refraction. It has been cut
research reactors. or designed in such a way that if light enters
364. (b); Control rod constitutes a real-time control of
into it, incident light strikes many of the
fission Process which is crucial for both
keeping the fusion chain reaction active and internal surfaces.
preventing it from accelerating beyond 374. (b); Holography is a technique of producing a
control. These rods are composed of three-dimensional image of an object.
chemical elements such as boron, silver, Holography can work with sound, light or
indium and cadmium. any wavelength. It is also been used for
365. (d); Technetium is a chemical element with three-dimensional natural films.
atomic number 43. It was the first artificially 375. (c); The colour of the sky for an astronaut is
produced element. Technetium was isolated black. It is because of the fact that in the
by Carlo Perrier and Emilio segre in 1937. space there is no atmosphere. Hence light
366. (a); When the water is heated, its density doesn’t get scattered at all. In addition to
decreases. The density of the water at 100°C this, in space, there are no air particles
is at the lowest, so the body will sink. Water against which the sunlight can strike, get
density is maximum at 4°C, so the body will reflected or scattered. Hence, astronaut see
float. everything black.
367. (a); It is easier to swim in sea water than in a 376. (a); Red has the maximum wavelength. During
river because, the sea water contains salt sunrise and sunset, the rays have to travel a

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larger part of the atmosphere because they by an angle θ, the reflected ray will rotate by
are very close to the horizon. Therefore light 2θ.
other than red is mostly scattered away. 387. (c); Adhesive forces are the attractive forces
Most of the red light which is least scattered between unlike molecules.
enters our eyes. Hence, the sun and the sky 388. (a); Refrigerator temperatures do not destroy
appear red. pathogenic or spoilage microorganisms.
377. (b); A convex lens is thicker in the middle and The lower temperature slows the growth of
thinner at the edges. Rays of light that pass microorganisms already in the food.
through the lens are brought closer together. According to international standards, the
A convex lens is also called a converging recommended temperature of the
lens. A convex lens is also used in reading refrigerator is 36°F to 38°F (1.7°C to 3.3°C).
glasses & it also used to remove the defect Thus option (a) is correct.
of farsightedness. 389. (d); A periscope is an instrument for observation
378. (a); The refractive or bending power of the over, around or through an object, obstacle
cornea and humor is constant. However, or condition that prevents direct line-of-
that of the lens can be changed by changing sight observation from an observer's current
its shape. That is making it more or less position
convex so that light can be properly focused 390. (a); The trapped steam increases the
on the retina. The greater the lens convexity atmospheric pressure inside the cooker by
or bulge the more bends the light. The flatter 15 pounds per square inch (psi), or 15
the lens, the less it bends that light. pounds above normal sea-level pressure. At
379. (a); Concave mirror is used in the headlights of that pressure, the boiling point of water is
cars and in searchlights. A light placed at the increased from 212°F to 250°F. This higher
focus of a concave lens can form a parallel temperature cooks food faster.
beam and is used in car headlights and 391. (a); Sonography or ultrasonography is an
searchlights. important mean of clinical diagnosis. It is a
380. (b); A hygrometer is an instrument used to diagnostic imaging technique based on the
measure the moisture content in the application of ultrasound. It is widely used
atmosphere which is also called as humidity in the field of medical science.
392. (d); Bats are a fascinating group animals. They
in the air.
are one of the few mammals that can use
381. (d); The viscous force is the force between a
body and a fluid (liquid or gas) moving past ultrasonic sound to navigate. As they fly,
it, in a direction so as to oppose the flow of make an ultrasonic (shouting) sound. The
the fluid past the object. returning echoes give the bats information
382. (c); Fathometer is an instrument used to about anything that is ahead of them,
determine the depth of water or a including the speed and size of an insect and
submerged object by means of ultrasound
which way it is going. This system of
383. (b); The kinetic energy in the energy in moving finding prey is called echolocation-locating
objects or mass. The kinetic energy of the things by their echoes.
wind (wind energy) can be converted into 393. (c); A jet engine is a machine for turning fuel
electrical or mechanical energy. into thrust. The thrust is produced by action
384. (d); A hydrophone is a microphone designed to and reaction also known as Newton’s third
be used underwater for recording or law of motion. Those jet planes which are
listening to underwater sound able to fly faster than the speed of sound are
385. (b); Sunlight is the mixture of different colours. called supersonic jet planes. Jet engines are
When it passes through the atmosphere it is responsible for depletion of ozone. Flying at
scattered by the air molecules, particles of stratosphere height, they emits nitrogen
dust and other subtle materials which are oxide which has the potential to destroy
present in the pathway. significant quantities of ozone in the
386. (d); If a plane mirror is rotated through a certain stratosphere.
angle, then the reflected ray rotates through 394. (d); The electromagnetic spectrum consists of all
twice of that angle. So if a mirror is rotated the different wavelength of electromagnetic

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radiations such as: Radiowaves > 403. (a); Electric motors operating at low voltage
Microwave > Infrared > Visible > tend to burn out because they draw more
Ultraviolet > X-rays > Gamma rays. Thus it current which is inversely proportional to
is clear that the radio-waves are having the the voltage.
maximum wavelength while the Gamma 404. (c); The lens used in CD player emit ultraviolet
rays are having minimum wavelength. laser beams which produce sound after
395. (a); The atmosphere exerts enormous pressure reflecting through the bright surface of C.D.
on us but we do not feel it, because our 405. (d); Television signals cannot be received
blood exerts pressure slightly more than beyond a certain distance because the
that of the atmosphere. We feel this pressure surface of the earth is curved, due to this the
in water because the pressure underwater is signals moves further without hitting the
greater than our normal blood pressure. earth’s surface.
396. (d); The temperature dependence of liquid 406. (d); Human beings have stereoscopic vision
(Glycerin etc) viscosity is the phenomenon (stereopsis) means having eyes at the front
by which liquid viscosity tends to decrease of their head. The two eyes are a few
as its temperature increases. The increase in centimeters apart from each other. Due to
temperature causes the kinetic or thermal this, two eyes see the same object from two
energy to increase and the molecules slightly different angles and send two
become more movable. slightly different images to the brain. The
397. (b); Food can be cooked faster in a pressure brain combines these two images to build a
cooker since the boiling point of water three-dimensional picture of the object and
increases with pressure. As the water boils, we can judge the depth and distance of the
the steam produced cannot evaporate so the object more accurately.
pressure inside the cooker increases. At 407. (c); The only time that the sun can be viewed
higher elevations, atmospheric pressure is with the naked eye is during a total eclipse
lower and therefore water boils at lower when the moon completely covers the disk
temperature. of the sun. But it is never safe to look at a
398. (c); We know that the mass of liquid displaced partial or annular eclipse or the partial
by the floating ice equals to the mass of the phases of a total solar eclipse without
object. That’s why the ice caps float on
proper equipment and techniques. Failure
water. Similarly, when an ice cube melts in
to use proper observing method may result
a glass of water, the water level does not
change as the melted water will occupy in permanent eye damage or severe visual
exactly the same amount of space as the ice loss caused by the ultraviolet (UV)
under the water level previously occupied. radiations of a higher wavelength.
399. (b); Centripetal force is a real force that 408. (a); The Sun and the moon appear elliptical near
counteracts the centrifugal force and the horizon because of refraction.
prevents the object from “flying out,” 409. (c); The bacteria which are found at 400-8000 ft
keeping it moving instead with a uniform into the deep sea, for example green
speed along a circular path. Sulphur bacteria, uses infrared radiations
400. (d); The escape velocity of earth is 11.2 km/sec.
for photosynthesis to produce energy.
401. (a); According to the law of gases
From formula = V_1/V_2 =T_1/T_2 410. (a); The red light signal is used as a danger
V_1=V/2 and V_2=V[given] signal because it has the highest wavelength
T_1=273+27=300K and scattered least.
T_2= ? 411. (b); The correct order of colors of the rainbow is
(V/2)/V=300/T_2 ⇒T_2=600K Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo
∴ T_2=600-273=327°C and Violet. Thus it is clear that ‘Green’ Color
402. (c); Electric motor is a device which converts is seen in the middle of Rainbow
electrical energy into mechanical energy. (VIBGYOR).
Electric motors involve rotating coils of wire 412. (d); A rainbow is located opposite to the sun;
which are driven by the magnetic force
this explains why rainbow is not seen at 12
exerted by a magnetic field or an electric
noon with the sun overhead.
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413. (b); The cathode ray tube (CRT), which is used 424. (a); The shape of a drop of rain is constrained by
in colour television uses three different the surface tension, which tries to give it the
phosphors which emit red, green and blue shape for which the surface area is
light respectively. They are packed together minimum for the given volume. The
in stripes or clusters called “triads”. spherical shape has the minimum surface
414. (a); There are lots of reasons for using alcohol area. That’s why rain drops acquire
than mercury as thermometric liquids. spherical shape.
Some alcohol has a very low freezing point 425. (c); The speed of light in vacuum is maximum (c
of about-112°C and therefore is suitable to = 3 × 108 ms–1). The speed of light decreases
record very low temperature. gradually in optically denser mediums like
415. (b); Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit, 0 water or glass. It is least in diamond.
degrees Celsius, 273.15 Kelvin. 426. (c); The smaller units of measuring mass are
416. (d); CT scan or computed tomography are Milligram, Microgram, Pikogram and
special x-rays tests that produce cross- Femtogram.
sectional images of the body using x-rays 1 Pikogram = 10−12 gram
and a computer. 427. (c); Luxmeter is used to measure the intensity of
417. (a); As per the WHO the safe noise level for a light, while colorimeter is a device used to
city is 45 decibel (db). measure the intensity of colour.
418. (d); Infrared waves are used to transmit radio 428. (d); Law of Conservation of Energy means
and TV signals but some of them are using Energy can neither be created nor be
radio waves. Infrared is an electromagnetic destroyed, rather it can only be transformed
from one form to another.
429. (a); It is clear that when the elevator is going
419. (a); The working principle of a washing
upwards a person actually feels a little
machine is based on centrifugation force.
heavier than his usual weight and on the
The term centrifugal force is used to refer to
other hand when elevator accelerates
an inertial force or fictitious force, particular
downward then a person feels a little
to a particle moving on a circular path that
reduction than his usual weight.
has the same magnitude and dimensions as
430. (c); The seperation of cream from milk by
the force that keeps the particle on its
churning is due to centrifugal force.
circular path but the point in the opposite
431. (c); The speed of light in a vacuum is 3 × 108
m/s, while the speed of sound in vacuum is
420. (c); Momentum is a vector quantity that is the
zero and in air is 343 m/sec.
product of Mass and the Velocity of an
object or particle. 432. (a); Blue light which has the least wavelength of
all the visible radiations is scattered most.
Momentum = Mass × Velocity
The blue appearance of the sky is due to
So, Mass = (Momentum)/Velocity
scattered light which enters the eyes.
421. (b); The kinetic energy is the energy in moving
433. (a); People use a concave mirror for shaving
objects or mass. The kinetic energy of the
because when a man standing between the
wind (wind energy) can be converted into
electrical or mechanical energy. principal focus and pole of a concave
mirror, he sees as enlarged, the erect and
422. (a); The conversion of light energy into electrical
energy is based on the phenomenon called virtual image of his face.
photovoltaic effect. Silicon is most widely 434. (b); A concave lens is used to remove the defect
used semiconductor material for of myopia.
construction photovoltaic cell. 435. (d); Red, green and blue are referred to as the
423. (a); As we know v = u + at or at = v – u primary colours of light. If we add the pair
∴ a=(v-u)/t of primary colours we obtain white colour.
Where, v = ultimate velocity of the particle 436. (b); The distance between two successive crests
u = initial velocity of the particle or two successive troughs is the wavelength
a = Acceleration, t = time for a transverse wave.

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437. (a); Energy Consumption of 100 watt electric 447. (b); Human body has different resistances,
bulb which is used for 10 hours = 100 × 10 when dry, resistance is 100,000 ohms. When
= 1000 watt hour wet because of sweat or water, resistance is
= 1 kilo watt hour only 1,000 ohms.
= 1 unit. 448. (a); Energy ∝
wave length
According to question the cost of 1 unit of
The energy of any of the colour is inversely
electricity = Rs. 5
proportional to its wavelength. According
438. (d); Tungsten metal is used as filament in
the VIBGYOR violet, Indigo and blue have
lighting bulbs.
the minimum wavelength, thus they have
439. (b); The principle of atomic bomb is based on
maximum energy level. So according to the
nuclear fission while fusion weapons are
referred as thermonuclear bombs or options given in the question, blue has the
hydrogen bomb. maximum energy while red had the
440. (c); In the field of Physics watt is measurement minimum energy.
of power, describing the rate at which 449. (a); Colours could be separated by using a
electricity is being used at a specific prism.
moment. 450. (d); The wet clothes will dry earliest at
The S.I. unit of power is watt, which is equal minimum humidity & maximum
to joule per second. temperature. Thus according to options
441. (b); An anemometer is a device for measuring given in question, option (d) will dry the
wind speed. wet clothes earliest.
442. (b); Fathometer is an instrument used to 451. (a); Dew is not formed on the night of strong
determine the depth of water or a wind as due to strong wind the rate of
submerged object by means of ultrasound evaporation is fast. Thus, the particles of the
waves. The barometer is used to measure dew tend to evaporate.
atmospheric pressure, Hygrometer is used 452. (b); The water remains cold in an earthen
to measure atmospheric moisture and pitcher because of a physical process is
Altimeter is used to measure
known as evaporation, when liquid changes
altitude/height of an object above a fixed
to a gaseous (or vapour) state without
boiling, it is known as evaporation.
443. (b); Force = Mass × Acceleration = m.a
453. (c); Velocity of sound in air is 330m/sec.
444. (a); Radium is a chemical element discovered by
Marie Curie and her husband Pierre Curie. 454. (c); The electric power line reaches our house
Penicillin was discovered by Alexander through three wires namely a live wire,
Fleming. X-ray were discovered by William neutral wire, and earth wire. To avoid
Roentgen. Edward Jenner is well known confusion we follow a colour code for
around the world for his innovative insulating these wires. The red wire is a live
contribution to immunization and the wire, and the black wire is neutral. The earth
ultimate eradication of smallpox. wire is given green plastic insulation.
445. (a); The fountain pen leak at high altitudes. It is 455. (a); Parameters of electricity supply are
because of low air pressure. different in different countries. In India they
446. (a); When pure water changes into the ice at 4°C, are:
the density of ice so formed is 1/9th of the Potential Difference of 220 V, Frequency of
density of water. Therefore, in pure water, 50 hertz and Current Rating of 5A/15A.
90% part of the ice must be below the surface 456. (b); Eye is most sensitive to yellow-green light
of the water and remaining 10% part must that is light of wavelength 555nm.
be above the surface. Sea water has high
457. (d); Visible light is that part of electromagnetic
density (salty) water but the ice formed by it
radiation which can be seen by human eyes.
is pure and not salty. Therefore option (a) is
A normal human eye can see the
electromagnetic radiation between 390–780
nm of wavelength.

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458. (a); Any of the object or material which has the on a plug is longer than the line and neutral
highest refractive index has the minimum pins. This means the earth pin is the first to
speed of light. The glass has the highest connect and last to disconnect for safety of
refractive index among other like, vacuum, electrical device. It provides an alternative
water and air. and easy path for leakage or fault current
459. (c); As we know that the reflection in the plane flow.
mirror forms at the same distance at which 467. (d); According to Ohm’s law, if there is a
the object is placed in front of the mirror. potential difference (V) across a resistor then
That is, there is a current (I) flowing through it.
d_o = distance of the object from the mirror Current flows in a circuit as a result of
d_i = distance of reflection from the mirror difference in potential between two points
and focus distance for a curved mirror or the in the circuit.
relationship between r, d_o and d_i is 1/d_o 468. (a); potential of large drop = n^(2/3) V
+1/d_i =2/r (here r=radius of curvature) 469. (a); Direct Current is used to charging the
But for the plane mirror batteries with the help of rectifier which
d_o=-d_i converts AC to DC. Thus alternate current is
Thus 2/r=0 not preferable for it.
Or, r=2/0(Undefined) 470. (d); The materials [Germanium, Silicon] whose
Or r = ∞ electrical conductivity varies between
Thus, the radius of curvature of plane is conductors and dielectric are called
semiconductors. At absolute zero
considered as infinity.
temperature, a semiconductor behaves like
460. (d); Electrical conductivity is a measure of the
a perfect dielectric.
amount of electrical current under a
471. (c); In solid state electronics, either pure silicon
material can carry. The most electrically
conductive element is silver. or germanium may be used as the intrinsic
semiconductor which forms the starting
461. (d); The most common nuclear fuels are
point for fabrication. Each has four valence
uranium – 235 (235U) and plutonium -
electrons but germanium at a given
239(239Pu). Thorium is more abundant in
temperature has more free electrons and
nature than uranium. Thorium can be used
higher conductivity. Silicon is by far the
as a nuclear fuel through breeding to
more widely used semiconductor for
uranium-233 (U-233). Lead is not used as a
electronics because it can be used at much
nuclear fuel.
higher temperatures than germanium.
462. (d); The neon gas is used in discharge lamps,
472. (b); Cyclotron is a machine used to accelerate
tubes and in fluorescent bulbs.
charged particle such as alpha particles,
463. (c); According to formula = > n = c/I
deuteron, proton etc. up to a very high
[wheren = frequency, c = speed of light;
473. (c); Scintillation counter is an instrument for
= (3×〖10〗^8)/30=10×〖10〗^6=10 MHz detecting ionizing radiation by using the
464. (b); Xeric condition refers to low humidity. Xeric excitation effect of incident radiation.
environment is place where water is meager Radiation on a scintillator material and
465. (c); Tungsten metal is used as filament in detecting the resultant light pulses.
electric bulb. When electric current flows 474. (d); In 1935 Meson particles were discovered by
through it, its temperature goes up to Japanese physicist Hideki Yukawa.
2500°C from 1500°C. Generally, electric Positron, the antiparticle of the antimatter
bulbs convert only 5% to 10% of electric counterpart of the electron was discovered
energy to light. by C.D. Anderson and U.F. Hess in 1932. In
466. (a); In the three-pin plug, there are three ends 1939, Hans Bethe described the nuclear
namely live, neutral and earth. The earth pin reactions that power the sun and other

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starts. In synthesis of transuranic elements, 1 Horse power = 746 watt.
Glenn T. Scaborg played an important role 487. (c); A Pyrometer is a type of remote-sensing
instead of Enrico Fermi. The fact is that he thermometer which is used to measure high
attempted to prepare a transuranium temperature. It is based on Stefan-
element in 1934 in Rome but failed to do so. Boltzmann law, which describes that the
475. (b); The density of water increases with total radiation emitted by a black body is
temperature but volume decreases. At 4°C, proportional to the fourth power of its
the volume of water is low and density is absolute temperature (E ∝ T 4 ). It is also
maximum. Conversion of Celsius in Kelvin used to measure the temperature of distant
K = C + 273 objects such as sun.
= 4 + 273 = 277 488. (a); The working principle of a washing
So, the density of water is maximum at 277 machine is based on centrifugation force.
K. The term centrifugal force is used to refer to
476. (d); Holography is a technique of producing a an inertial force or fictitious force, particular
three-dimensional image of an object. to a particle moving on a circular path that
477. (b); A convex mirror gives a much wider field of has the same magnitude and dimensions as
view of the traffic at your back than a plain the force the keeps the particle on its circular
mirror of the same size. It always forms an path but the point in the opposite direction.
erect and diminished image and they also 489. (b); The time period of a pendulum depends on
have a wider field of view as they are curved l
its length. As we know that T = 2π√g , thus
the result is that the one variable that affects
478. (b); The minimum height of plane mirror to
the period of the pendulum is the length of
enable a person to see full image is ½ of his
the string. Increases in the length lead to
increases in the period.
479. (a); The conversion of light energy into electrical
490. (c); The rain drop spherical due to surface
energy is based on the phenomenon called
photovoltaic effect. Silicon is most widely
used semiconductor material for 491. (a); The optical fibre is a very thin strand of glass
constructing photovoltaic cell. or plastic cable for transmitting light from
480. (a); Edward Teller, one of the most famous one point to another. They work on the
scientists of 20th century was known as principle of total internal reflection. There is
“father of hydrogen bomb”. no loss of signal through an optical fibre.
481. (b); Indian Institute of Remote Sensing is 492. (d); The temperature when both the Centigrade
situated in Dehradun. and Fahrenheit scales are same is -40
482. (b); The group of 8 bits is called one byte and at degrees.
least two bits are combined together to form 493. (b); According to Archimede’s principle when a
a binary word. MB is used as an body is immersed fully or partially in a
abbreviation for Mega byte. liquid, it experiences an upward force that is
483. (a); X-ray was invented by W.C. Rontgen. equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by
484. (a); The trapped steam increased the it therefore the mass of water displaced
atmospheric pressure inside the cooker. At is equal to the mass of the ship.
that pressure boiling point of water is
494. (c); Most remote controls of a television receiver
send signals using Infra-red radiation.
485. (a); Light year is a unit of astronomical distance
495. (b); Option (b) is not correct. It is because the
equivalent to the distance that light travels
in one year, which is 9.46 × 1015 meters. breaking apart of nucleus of an atom is
486. (c); Horse power is a unit of measurement of called fission not fusion. Fission is a
power (the rate at which work is done). radioactive decay process in which the
1 Watt = 1 Joule/second nucleus of an atom splits into smaller parts.

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496. (b); The correct order of the following different energy for the sun and stars. Besides that the
categories of radiations are -x-rays > gravitational contraction in stars is also the
ultraviolet > visible light > infrared. The source of their energy.
electromagnetic spectrum of radio waves 498. (a); Solar (or photovoltaic) cells convert the
has the lowest energy while Gama rays sun’s energy into electrical energy through
consist of highest energy. photoelectric effect. Photoelectric effect is
497. (b); The Sun produces energy by the nuclear the ability of matter to emit electrons when
fusion of hydrogen into helium in its core. a light shines upon it.
Since there is a huge amount of hydrogen in 499. (a); A vast collection of stars held together by
the core, these atoms stick together and fuse mutual gravitation is called a Galaxy.
into a helium atom. This energy is then 500. (d); The stars which appear in the form of closed
radiated out from the core and moves across groups and form recognizable shapes and
the solar system. This is the main source of patterns are known as Constellations

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