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CHAPTER 5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS {In the application front, present study munerically determines the various optimal policies of the six sliforent sesinnte of the propomnd IESPN in thie Section. ‘Tio etmdy considare tho sesombly line of manufacturer that sells two types of mobile phones, like a. the keypad based budget-phones and b. the ssnartplones, This organization initially procures the estimated carbon credits under the cap-and-trade rmochunisin, While geting the benefit from the PLI scheme of the Government of India, this mamafaeturer lms to earn the additional revenue on bass ofthe incremental export of mobile-handses, 5. Structural information ‘The assembly line of current mamufacturer broadly consists of five intermediate nodes Nii other two nodes N,,i = 6, of final operation. ‘There lies one buifer Buf, [.-0090 to stock the semfinished components therein, Among those inermedtiste nodes, the and Baker each intormedinte node Ni 8 node N is used to customize the chipsets built-in with the brain ofthe system-on-a-chip (SoC) along with preloaded software (minly, Android). The more advanced the SoC, the superior the end-users’ experience af hasotn. Nett aa per the spestRetion Sr haat, the side Ny lol tk nthe the ents of various peripherals, like display sereen, rear and front cameras, speakers, and Bluetooth sensors. ‘The employees at node Ny place together the rear and font cameras, Machlight, display, and speakers within te easings of smartphones. Then, the node 1, assembles the SoC, keypauls, and plastic eas of keypad based budget-phoues. Also, this ode counects the diferent parts of mobilechargers and earphones of basie handsets. The employees at nade Ny are tesponsible to put the covers on the components hefore pollshing off the smartphones, Among two nodes of final operation, whereas the node No stores the smartphones aloug with accessories In the boxes, the node Nf Is suppose to carry out the same operations for the keypad based basic handsets, Moreover, this mannfacturer ensures the delivery of solely the perfect quality handsets by placing one automated and perfect inspection station after ench node of final operation j,i = 6.7 4 Scopes of analysis This study aims to decide whether (and how much) this is paragon for couples (ie., DM) to keep the wives (ie, smartphones) svelte than to knep the husbands (ie., budget-phoues) fit “Tim, the DM aocl to find out the optimal produetion and Inventory polisicy, the amomnts of CTT under the eap-and-trade system, and the idea! skill-based HR. policies of various outlines of proposed 2ESPN, all of which together aiming to minimize the TC at the optimal JIT delivery rate of finished products. Also, with the leanness of network coming ont as another major conccen of modern managers, this study plans to determine the idea! locations of ILI stations for the integrated disruption-tolerant model My of proposed netvorle 7 Piguro 4 Exiting ase lon of ero industrial pence with 7 dos 5.2 Numerical data “The employees at vations nodes of proposed network follow a five-day work week from Monday to Friday. ‘The DM use Saturday and Sunday to schedule the regular maintenance operstious of saachinery nd/or 4,-0.7, thus providing the eyele length I as one week. Here, each node LocssT operates in a single shift and produces at most 40) units of items on cack business day. sofrwnte at varions nodes A Nai Algo, while the maximum eapacity ofthe inventory af any bulfer Buf i <8 i880 unit, the proposed network ean store at most 250 components by taking all five buffers together at any thne, Besides, this study considors that at most twelve employees with varied skill-based emoluments can concurrently work at any node Ny .--+sT, with the maximum daily production capacity of any specialist, skilled, and regular worker being 6,4 and 2 units, respectively, Thus, with Af = [1,1 this study derives the matrix D of size 2x7 a follows Lo] po ooo ood "This network assembles exactly one component from each preceding tnfleraloug the path (see, for details, (49) Fig, 4) to manufacture a new unit at any node N; matte BH) of ei 5x 7 fallow 47, Thus, this study obtains the product-process 1100000 oD 1 oa oO Do 1 0 40 0 (60) ooo 1 oO 0 pp ooo 1 Oo ‘Table 3 enlists the munorial valuos of parameters (sc, fr disruptions related parameters, Puchkowa etal (2020) and for CB relared data, Mishen etal, (2020)). Next, this stndy descetbes the dismmption-telated ‘and quality assurance-related numerial data in succession as follows: 2% sesso resto Bp 21573 a Parumctea [Values z Bi be 40) Bie (70,80, 100)/veex |__ [10,12 15)/item ro Sie, [F=L.08] Wie. a (25,30, 05)/item | gi | (176, s)/item ae 6/item bn a 7 Sa Z TiO ear e BHT year Tr Til year fe H19.8/ year GG)__| RoR item/s GD | So.os00sivem/vear | oe) | $18.2/item/year GEC) | S19 Nb/ item sear é a2 5.2.1 Random machinory breakdowns of propoced 2ESPN ‘The scenario of machinery breakdowns wsually cecurs at the node N; at the beginning of any eyele and fam typically last for the day. Prom the past experiences, the DM describe the corresponding probability ddonsity function as p.(1) = 0.75 and p.fa4— 0.58 (sce, for details, relation 30). Thus, this study derives the 2 Aingonal strategy matrix Dé). ooouD 1ppoo Wie: vm - PPP oe 8 1) ov0100 ooo 010 po v001 5.2.2 Quality amurances of Gaished products of proposed 2ESPN Proposed network needs to consider a mumber of potential troubles, ike failure of on-ehip machinery and cor in amplifiers, to ocenr at the node Nj at beginning af any cycle. The DM estimate the resulting quality Toss rate as Py (1) = 0:82, (2) = 0.19, and P(t) = 0,¥E = 3,4,5,0, Again, the occurrences of these troubles enforce the DM to install the perfect quality automated inspection stations Ig and fy after the nodes of final operation ¥, 88 at both Za and 6,7. Also, these inerustations canse DM to hear an adltional per mnit inspection cost of 5.2.3 Volatility n demand rate of finished produets of proposed 2ESPN recent study finds the demand rate of mobile handsets to be highly time-varying. ‘The launch of new handsets, the handsets with similar configuration from other manufacturers, and the pricing of mobile handsets are among the ly agents to cause this huctuoting demand rate of finished products for current rmvnnfartunor, describe! in for ofthe multivariate normal demand yohability distrib in poesent study 2 R94 Alloention af IH stations in propane’ nettle "To uphold the brand image of manufacture by delivering the perfect quality product, this study considers {he placement of three automatized inspection stations 1, and fy after the intermediate nodes Ny, Ns, and 1g of propened meter: These TH stations re in aldition te the sintsanntined ier emlity fispetion stations J, and Jg after Ne and N respectively. Even though this intricate inspection policy of identifying faults at earliest adds robustness and resiliaice to proposed network, each inspection operation incuts some ratrd ae P(sae, 1) = [] Here, the uncomplicated nature of tasks to be performed at Nand N, provides the opportunity to inspect ‘hose components later on. Again this study considers the uniform rate of deterioration at 20%. Also, this shady devel the Hinianying iooetsitmembly acto Ai, t) abe B97 oe Ellen o 01a 1 0 boro ao (2) tot Blineti=]0 0 1 0 af .waaas, 5. Vasions optimal policies of proposed 2ESPN models under varied inspection policies With the information in subsection , the prt Mild Meternes te @pkilial relts BE VAHIOIS contig rations of topes 2ESPN in two dillerent scenario on basis of the positioning of ILI stations under the sheiey rolateel obligation ta weet rradnen 4 nsinimam of 1 ancl it of hdgstphenes and smart phones respectively as follows 53.1 Under policy & one-time inspection policy While this study consceutively determines the optimal results of thre different variants, like My, My, and Mus, of propose 2FSPN under the soldat poly for finished prdnets, the optimal policies of the other Lace variants lke My Mj, and Ma, are successively determined under the classical one-time inspection policy of final deliverable. Here, this study extracts some acumen from the optimal solutions of these different outlines of proposed 2ESPN as follows (see, for esults, Table 4): «Under the easbon cap-and-trade system of the Paris accord, this study finds at mast 1.5% higher amount of GTI for the generalized model Mg than other variants of the proposed 2ESPN, This way; there occur barely any changes in the ewential amount of CTT for the diferent configurations of proposed 2ESPN, Ths, ‘he managers can remain steady and foensed toward its major ait of the phase-wise enrtailment of CB of proposed 2ESPN. ‘While the potential resource-breakdowa on Monday haly disrupts the uniformity of the delivery schedule 30 31 of bndget-phones, this disruption causes to hold the delivery of smartphones on that day. While current results proposes the same weekly JIT delivery schedule for the model Mj, the propose network: should deliver the maximum number of mobile handsets from Welnesday to Friday for the generalized model My Interestingly this study seeks an unilorma weeldy delivery schedule of bot, budget-phoues aud smartphones, tuner the volatile demand rate, Nevertheless, in all these models, this study proposes to manufacture only ‘dhe minimum mimbor of Innulecke oe por the eubeidy related mgulation of Covornmente, Thur thie etudy pleads the legislators to offer a mote lenient subsidy policy to motivate the manufacturers to produce a higher number of mobile handsets. a ———— os o om /f mc, 7 xe feos Peresemre ___ mt _yr =e Fe Plgwe 5 Il ategzated dxapton-okrant 2ESPN model of maouiet wer 5.2 Under operant inspection policy Whereas researchers refer the operant conditioning as the association hetwren a volustary behavior and ‘consequence, this study seeks to strike 4 balance Detween the muunber of ILL stations and the ‘TC of the proposed 2ESPN, Therefore, To deliberate within the limited space in this paper, this study determines the ‘rious optimal policies in the eight possible combinations of ILL stations solely forthe integrated disruption tolerant model My, Table 5 displays the results that yield some observations as follows: « Likewise to the final one-time inspection scenario of the generalized model Mf, this study finds the ideal amount of GTI to remain the same under the operant inspection poliey. ‘This way, the propased 2ESPN model turns ont to be highly versatile for the time-bound reduction of CE under the earbon exp-and-trade median of the Pasis accord. «Regarding the JIT delivery poliey in any eombination of TL stations, whereas this stuly proposes to bring forth 4 units of budgot-phones on Wednesday and Thursday each along with 2 unite of budget-phones on Feiday; the proposed network shonld prodnce 12 units of smartphones from Wednesday to Friday together with 1 and 3 units of smartphoues respectively on Monday and Tuesday. ‘Thus, this study finds the optimal JLT delivery policy of proposed 2ESPN to be independent ofthe positioning of ILI stations. This outstanding regularity in the optimal JIT delivery polley ean be frultful for the sustainability of the propose network 2

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